App Store First Strike. Nuclear war simulator on a global scale. An American created a simulator of an atomic bomb explosion on Google Earth maps Simulation of a nuclear war

Alex Wellerstein of the American Institute of Physics in Mayland created the Nukemap 3D computer simulation of nuclear explosions. The program uses Internet service cards in its work Google Earth, so the user will have to download the appropriate app.

The simulator allows you to choose from a variety of deadly nuclear weapons created by mankind: from the uranium bomb "Kid", dropped in 1945 on Hiroshima, to the North Korean bomb, tested in 2006. Then you can virtually drop it anywhere in the world and observe the growth of the nuclear "fungus" in real time, find out its height and area of ​​damage to the surface, and also find out the number of victims.

Nukemap 3D was created using data from numerous nuclear weapons tests that have been conducted around the world since the 1940s, and the behavior of the dust cloud from the explosion was calculated using special equations. At the same time, Wellerstein assures that he did not use any secret data when writing his program, and also assures that there is no need to worry if terrorists use his simulator - because if they already have a nuclear bomb by then, then the point of no return is all will already be passed, and catastrophe cannot be avoided then.

This nuclear strike simulator was implemented in connection with the intensity of events in the global geopolitical arena, which threaten to escalate into a third world war with the use of . Thanks to this simulator, everyone can determine the radius of destruction in the event of the use of nuclear weapons in his locality, thus understanding whether he lives in a safe place. According to many experts, the Third World War is inevitable, and if we analyze historical events, then world wars always took place once in 50-70 years. And now we live in 2013, science has taken a big step in human evolution, many discoveries in medicine are saving people who were previously considered hopelessly ill, at the same time, man has come up with weapons of mass destruction, which include nuclear weapons capable of hitting large areas destroying everything on its way and buildings and people living in it. The fact that the Third World War will be fought with the help of nuclear weapons is no longer a secret to anyone, states spend so much money on their maintenance not just to store them in warehouses. Our simulator allows, in the event of a possible nuclear strike, to calculate the radius of the wave and the degree of damage from a nuclear bomb of one or another power. By default, the map shows the capitals of the world, which during the third world war may be subject to a nuclear attack. The geographical center of the settlement is marked on the map. Also, after a simulated nuclear strike, the simulator provides a link to the permanent parameters of this explosion, which you can distribute to your friends and warn them of the danger that they may face if a third world war begins with the use of nuclear weapons.

It is worth noting that nuclear weapons pose a great threat primarily to people living in megacities. In the event of an alarm warning of a nuclear threat, the inhabitants of the same Moscow will be plunged into panic, which will reduce the chances of survival to zero. If you are now reading this note, I give you valuable advice that can save your life. In the event that nuclear weapons are already on the way, and Moscow, St. Petersburg or Kyiv are in a panic, leave your car or any other vehicle and run to the subway. Remember, you need to be in time 5 minutes before the nuclear weapon hits the target, exactly 5 minutes before the arrival of the atomic charge, the airlocks at the subway entrances will close tightly and no matter how you knock, they will not open. If at least one airlock remains open, then the wave from a nuclear strike will penetrate the subway tunnels and destroy everyone.

Warn your friends and loved ones about the dangers of nuclear weapons and how to escape from them in case of an alarm. Be vigilant and take care of yourself!

Serious, thoughtful and complex strategies are not a frequent visitor on mobile devices. The trend is by no means joyful, but you perceive each such game as something special. First strike, which will be discussed below, in this case is a pearl that has not been in the App Store for a long time. The game invites us to become at the helm of one of the countries with nuclear weapons and lead it to success, if the total destruction of the planet can be called such a word. But after all, all this can be avoided if you plan your actions and anticipate the enemy's. In other words, it is in First Strike that there is scope for the thoughts of fans of real-time strategies.

When launching First Strike, the game honestly warns that there are still enough nuclear weapons on Earth at this point in time to take humanity back to the Stone Age. This simple thought makes you seriously think not even about the game, but about much more valuable things. However, in the harsh reality of First Strike, avoiding a global nuclear apocalypse is almost impossible. It will only be possible, perhaps, to make it local, but the goal of the game will not change from this - it is necessary to remain the last country on the map, which will not only have no competitors, but even neighbors. Of course, the price of such absolute power will not be small, but first things first.

Our journey to nuclear chaos begins with the choice of howling side. Initially, you can choose from the United States, Western Europe (probably the European Union) and North Korea. Difficulty also depends on the choice: if the United States is the easiest side for an inexperienced commander, then North Korea is a deadly mission at all. For the successful completion of the game, new nations will open, including Russia, and it will also be possible to increase the number of rivals. But first, for familiarization, it’s not shameful to play around with the US nuclear arsenal in order to properly understand all aspects of the game. There is also a detailed manual for the same purpose, however, learning does not take place in practice, but consists solely in reading the basic rules and features - not the best approach.

But the choice has been made. Before us is an interactive globe that reflects our planet with you - the arena of a future nuclear war. The globe can be rotated, as well as zoomed in or out with standard gestures. Looking ahead, I note that this will have to be done often. The planet is divided into provinces, not whole countries, to make it more interesting to play. Initially, the player has at his disposal several provinces that make up his territory. Then the most interesting begins.

Tapping on any province allows you to open a menu of actions with it. Basic features include building and destroying, researching, attaching, and attacking and defending. Let's go through all the possibilities in order. Each province has its own arsenal of missiles to attack and interceptors to destroy enemy missiles. However, the number of slots for storing them is common and often not very large. Therefore, the player must constantly keep in mind the possibility of an enemy attack, but at the same time take into account the need to attack himself. You can build missiles and interceptors, and if necessary, any unit can be disbanded to occupy the opposite object.

Research can significantly change the balance of power. Science will improve missiles, defense, construction speed, as well as other important characteristics of the state controlled by the player. Research is very important and should not be neglected. The next operation is joining. It allows you to attach to your territory one of the closest provinces that border on the one from which the action is performed. An important point is that the province must be neutral, otherwise the conflict cannot be resolved without nuclear weapons. It should also be noted that any province can perform one action at a time, while others will simply be unavailable at that moment. Even if you are attacked by an enemy, the research to launch an interceptor cannot be canceled.

Finally, we come to the most exciting and delicate part of the game - the use of nuclear weapons. We already know that each province has its own arsenal for attack and defense. If it comes to the use of nuclear weapons, and at first no one will do this, then there is an opportunity either to send one missile to a specific province. If it reaches the goal, then the territory will become neutral, regardless of what the enemy has built there. There is another possibility, named after the game First Strike. Its use and guidance allows you to send your entire nuclear reserve at the target and watch a rather beautiful sight.

Why might this be necessary? It's a matter of defense. When an enemy sends a nuclear missile at you, it can be destroyed by an interceptor from that province or one of the neighboring ones. But only one rocket goes down like that. If there are several of them, it will be much more difficult. What can we say about the situation when the enemy uses First Strike and sends all his missiles in your direction. In such a situation, losses cannot be avoided, they can only be minimized. This is how the gameplay of First Strike proceeds. You can't make mistakes here. Computer opponents act deftly and thoughtfully. Therefore, a rocket fired out of stupidity can turn into a complete failure, when the enemy launches a dozen in response, and the loss of provinces is fraught - it will be extremely difficult to return to the previous level.

The graphics in First Strike are also good, as is the gameplay. It does not shine with manufacturability, but it performs an informative role by 5 plus, and the interface is a separate conversation. The interaction of the player with the game is implemented in the best possible way. Since the action takes place in real time and sometimes seconds count, the convenience of the location of the controls plays a very important role. And this element definitely did not let us down. Add to the game atmosphere and periodically appearing messages about the destruction of a city, which is accompanied by the number of victims among the civilian population. Music is definitely one of the best not only in strategies, but in mobile games in general. It fits perfectly with the action that unfolds on the screen, sometimes imitating the passage of time on the clock. It turns out very symbolic.

The developers of First Strike, the Feinheit team, donate a quarter of all proceeds from the game to organizations that advocate for the reduction of nuclear weapons on our planet. After playing First Strike, it becomes clear what purpose these organizations pursue. Lyrics aside, this is one of the best strategy games on the iPad. A great idea, a great implementation and a topical topic - it is unlikely that First Strike will have a competitor in the strategy genre in the near future. Highly recommended to all fans of global real-time strategy games. From First Strike it is almost impossible to break away after the first launch, you just need to understand the game mechanics a little, without ruining tens of millions of lives.

A simulation of a nuclear bombing has appeared on the network. To use it, just enter the name of the city and select the bomb you like from the drop-down list. The interactive map was developed by the public organization Outrider Foundation.

about the project

"What will happen to your yard if a nuclear bomb hits it?" - this name was given to a very entertaining, but frightening interactive. Developers offer visitors to the service to choose not only the city on which the bomb will fall, but also the type of weapon. By the way, there are four options, this is Little boy (“Baby”), which was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (15 kilotons); the North Korean ballistic missile Hwasong-14 (150 kilotons), the American W-87 Minuteman-III (300 kilotons) and the Soviet Tsar Bomba (50,000 kilotons). You can also decide where the bomb will explode: on the ground or in the atmosphere.

After the user has decided on the settlement and selected the bomb, an interactive map will show the scheme of the explosion, information about radiation and the potential number of victims.

For example, if you send the "Tsar Bomba" to Moscow, then more than 6.5 million people will die, more than 3.4 million will be seriously injured. Note that the area of ​​​​the explosion of this weapon is almost 50 square meters. km, and the blast wave - 555 sq. km.

Objective of the project

Outrider Foundation representative Dr. Tara Drozdenko explains the goal of the project as follows:

“We live in a dangerous world. Nuclear weapons do not enhance security, quite the contrary. And if we understand its danger, then we will take the first step towards a safer future.”

Note that two years ago, Esri developed a similar service that tells the history of nuclear explosions since 1945. In total, you can see the locations of 2624 detonations on the interactive map.

Recall that in March of this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his message to the Federal Assembly, among other things, mentioned that our armed forces would receive a Sarmat cruise missile with a nuclear reactor at their disposal.

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