Should you go to Phuket? Phuket East Coast in June

Holidays in Phuket are the dream of almost any tourist. The largest island in Thailand leaves a very positive impression, due to its charm, mystery and originality. If you do not like the atmosphere of hustle and bustle and you like peace and comfort, such a trip will give you a lot of joy.

Excellent, and most importantly budget option will be a holiday in Phuket in June. The island is always attractive, but it is in summer that an opportunity for an inexpensive vacation is provided. At this time, the temperature of air and water is optimal. There is no heat characteristic of the spring months. However, the rainy season begins in June, which is why many tourists hesitate about the advisability of a trip to Phuket. But these fears are unfounded.

Despite the frequent rains, you will be able to spend there good time. Of course, you will not sunbathe on the beach all day long - tropical showers will not give you such freedom - but every tourist can truly enjoy a holiday on the largest island of Thailand, even in the rain. You have a unique opportunity to see local attractions, surf, take various beauty and spa treatments. Rains will not become a hindrance for a person who decides to spend time with benefit.

Weather in Phuket in June.

Monsoons are the real climatic mystery of the island. These tropical winds have a significant impact on the local climate. Their season is summer months, as a result of which at this time there is a low temperature with high humidity or dry heat. The weather in Phuket in June contributes to a significant reduction in the cost of tours, so tourists prefer to come here at the beginning of summer.

Rains are frequent, but short-term, which does not affect the quality of rest. You will have the opportunity to visit the beach, as well as visit interesting places islands. In addition, strong waves form on the beaches of Phuket during this period, which attracts numerous surfers from all over the world.. For true connoisseurs of riding the waves, a trip to Phuket will bring real pleasure. If surfing is something new and exotic for you, you can get a couple of lessons from experienced surfers. There are even a couple of establishments called Surf House where you can try surfing without going into the sea.

Frequent rains provoke excellent, with their arrival the water is stormy and there are many rapids, there are many other activities on the island that can make your vacation unforgettable.

Those who like to spend all their time sunbathing on the seashore will not have a rest in June. Such tourists should look for another option. However, most people perceive vacation much more broadly. First of all, these are positive impressions associated with visiting new places, vivid emotions, pleasure, enjoyment. The weather on the island in June is specific, but you can easily adapt to it. It promotes excellent active rest.

Despite the rains and monsoons, you will still be able to visit the beach. The temperature of water and air in June in Phuket is almost the same, making it especially pleasant and comfortable to swim in the sea. During the rainy season, you can enjoy the swimming pool located in the hotel.

Phuket beaches in June visits a large number of tourists. The most popular place is Patong Beach. Entertainment here for any age and time for, there are numerous hotels, clubs, bars, massage parlors, especially the local Bangla Road will surprise you.

For lovers of a quiet and cozy holiday, Karon Beach is suitable. The embankment was slightly reconstructed, after which volleyball nets were placed there and the beach began to be illuminated at night. Karon Beach is considered the cleanest beach in Phuket. This is a great place for family vacation. Nai Harn Beach will allow you to enjoy peace and quiet even more, because there you can only be distracted by the sea and birds.

Less interesting is Panwa Beach, named after a nearby Muslim village. Rest there can be combined with a visit to the Aquarium, in which they swim big fish, including sharks, and an observation deck. Otherwise, Panwa experiences very high low tides with a continuation of half a day, so get ready to contemplate a beach without water with protruding stones and corals.

Rawai Beach is notable for its fish market where vacationers can taste fresh seafood and buy souvenirs made of shells and pearls. You can buy these memorable souvenirs in a special store.

There are many other beaches where tourists can have a good time. Each of them is unique in its own way. Choosing a place to stay depends on your personal preferences.

Admirers of Buddhism can willingly visit the main temples of Phuket, which are located in the Chalong area. Along the way, you can ride elephants or quad bikes.

The rainy season that characterizes Phuket in June is a great excuse to visit the waterfalls. This unique spectacle will not leave anyone indifferent. You can swim in the waterfalls beautiful photos and just sit around and listen to the murmur of falling water.

There are several museums on the island - Thalanga, Tai Hua, Mining Museum, Sea Shell Museum. Each of them deserves the attention of tourists. You can also visit Khao Sok or Khaolak National Park, take a boat trip to Phang Nga Bay to the James Bond Islands. Great alternative sea ​​swimming - if the weather does not allow - is the only water park on the island Splash Jungle.

Phuket has many opportunities for active rest. The quality of the time spent here depends entirely on the mood. If you - positive person, seeking to benefit from the opportunities provided, a trip to Thailand will diversify your life and allow you to get a lot of new emotions.

Prices in Phuket in June much lower than in the season, this is a unique chance to get a last-minute tourand relax with savings. Despite the rains, the rest on the island does not become less quality. He rather acquires other bright colors: lack of crowds of tourists, cheaper fruits than in "high season ". Visiting Phuket in June, you can see for yourself the benefits of a holiday on the largest island in Thailand.

Holidays in Phuket are good in any month. But still, in the high season, some sophisticated tourists try not to come here. Crowds of tourists, crowded beaches and high prices are not to everyone's taste. There are several reasons to choose a vacation in Phuket during the off-season.

First, of course, low prices. After the peak season, some hotels close, while others significantly reduce room prices so as not to operate at a loss. Tours in Phuket in June are a great choice for those who like to save money.

Hotels in Phuket - high class, there are representatives of well-known networks. Hotels often have animators with a program for children and those who are older.

Second, peace and quiet. There are no restless groups of tourists, queues to monuments and museums, the streets are almost empty - you can relax and rest your body and soul in solitude.

Thirdly, entertainment. Rare resorts in the off-season completely "die out", they become centers of cultural life. Phuket in June is no exception. Held various festivals, concerts, exhibitions. Museums and attractions also work on schedule. A trip to Phuket in June will especially appeal to families with children.

I live in the suburbs. To say that I love to travel is an understatement. I love it and when I visit new cities and countries, I am charged with enormous energy. After traveling, there are many impressions and experiences that I share with everyone with pleasure.

Weather and holidays in Phuket in June

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In this article, we share information about holidays in Phuket in June, one of the months of the "low" season. We will tell you what interests you about the weather, the sea, holidays, festivals and the cost of hotels. You will learn what the rainy season is and whether you should be afraid to go to the island at this time.

  1. Weather and rains

Temperature during the day

The average temperature in June is +30 degrees Celsius.

If you think that the clouds in the sky will protect you from the sun and let you forget about sunscreen, you are wrong. Burns can be obtained even on a cloudy day. Therefore, use sunscreen, wear panamas and do not relax on the beach from noon to three in the afternoon.

Temperature at night

The average temperature at night is +25.

Humidity and precipitation

The southwest monsoon, which lasts from May to October, brings tropical showers. But the number of tourists during this period on the island is decreasing.

Humidity is 74%.

There is usually less rainfall in June than in May. If in the latter they fall 340 mm, then in June - 210 mm. It rains mostly at night. During the day they are possible, but not long. Although the possibility of a prolonged downpour for several days is not excluded.

  1. Sea and waves

The water temperature in Phuket does not change throughout the year. Fluctuations are 1-2 degrees. +28 awaits you in June.

During the "low" season on the west coast of the island rise big waves. They are loved by surfers who rush to the island at this time. Here they are waiting for professionals and beginners who will be taught everything.

Remember that the waves are dangerous, as are the undercurrents, which are called rips. Swimming is prohibited on the entire beach and on its individual sections. Therefore, look closely at the signs in the sand and the instructions of the lifeguards.

We'll give you three tips:

  • Swim with goggles and salty water will not corrode the eyes;
  • Choose a hotel with a swimming pool and you will enjoy swimming when swimming in the sea is prohibited;
  • If you don't like waves, book a hotel at Cape Panwa or visit Tri Trang and Nai Yang beaches.
  1. Holidays in June

The Pineapple Festival is held in Lampang province. It starts with a fair where you can taste all varieties of this exotic fruit, buy your favorite and taste interesting dishes out of him. One of the interesting events of the festival is the selection of Miss Pineapple.

Even if you don't make it to the celebration, taste the juicy sweet and sour fruit in Phuket. Eat it in its pure form, try "fried" pineapple ice cream, spring rolls with its ripe pulp or rice in pineapple. But remember that the fruit is contraindicated in stomach ulcers and gastritis. Otherwise, it has one benefit: vitamins, trace elements, and fiber.

On this day in 1786 in a simple family from Bangkok, the future great poet. Sunton Pu finished school at the monastery and served as a royal scribe. Since the young man was highly educated, the kings of Thailand consulted with him on issues of style and literacy.

Some lines of the poet later became sayings:

"You can have a lot, but nothing compares to knowledge."

"If you are in love, soup with ... bitter vegetables seems sweet, but if love is gone - ... sugar seems bitter"

  1. What else do you need to know
  1. Hotel prices

Since there are strong waves on the west coast of the island, we looked at prices at resorts where the sea is calmer:

  • Picturesque Cape Panwa;
  • Noisy and youthful Patong, from which to Tri Trang beach 1 - 3 km;
  • Calm Nai Yang.

For surfers, we have listed prices for Kata Beach, which is considered the best place for fans of this sport.

Table 1. The cost of accommodation in June 2017 in a double hotel room for two adults

So, June is the second month of the rainy season in Phuket. But remember that the weather in the tropics is changeable. During this period, the sun warms and it's raining. Precipitation almost every day, mostly at night. Surfers will love the waves on the west coast, typical of this period. For adherents calm sea we recommend considering options in the east of the island. The undoubted advantages of June are the low cost of hotels and fewer tourists.

June. With friends

Thailand, Phuket island

Went with my husband and friends to Phuket in June last year. At first they chose Patong, but three days later they moved to Kathu. This Patong is a very noisy and crowded place. There is nowhere to spit on the beach. It is full of discos, bars, parties here around the clock. We wanted a quieter and a relaxing holiday. Kathu beach is much cleaner, white sand, few people on the beach. There are restaurants and bars too, and a whole street of massage parlors to boot. Massage price 250-300 baht.

We traveled almost the whole of Phuket on a motorbike, which we rented. We went to a snake farm, which is located near Kata. Were at the zoo, where they showed a show with crocodiles, elephants and monkeys. The ticket to the zoo cost 500 baht and included all three shows. Then we visited several Buddhist temples, especially Wat Chalong, on its territory there is a market where you can buy souvenirs. Also on Katya there is a large Buddha statue, which is located on the mountain.

Phuket sea travel agencies offering a variety of excursions. I recommend to everyone an excursion to the marine reserve, where James Bond Island is located. On the last day of our vacation, we went to Phi Phi Island with an excursion, but it’s better to go there ourselves and not for one day. Ferries and boats depart regularly from the pier.

Phuket has united and beautiful nature and entertainment for all tastes.

June. By oneself

Thailand, Phuket island

Before that, I always rested in Pattaya, and then I decided to go to Phuket for comparison. And as it turned out, the rest on the peninsula is much more pleasant and better. The sea here is very clean and there are many good hotels.

Phuket has the infrastructure for any kind of vacation, whether it's party or, on the contrary, calm. We are young and therefore rested in Patong. This place is noisy, it is full of all sorts of entertainment and various nightclubs. But the beach here is dirty.

Bang Tao is a place for tourists who are not limited in their means of rest, there are many expensive hotels. The beaches are sparse.

But Kata beach, in my opinion, combined both a low price and good conditions for relax. The entrance to the sea is gradual, but there was a storm for two days and a red flag was hung out. It was impossible to swim. We found a great restaurant here called "Orchid", where the prices are very low and they serve excellent sushi. On average, we spent 15 bucks per person.

We also traveled to national park Sirinat is probably the most visited tourist destination in Phuket. The largest water park is located there, which is called Jungle Splash. The water complex is equipped with extreme slides, swimming pools, children's playgrounds with attractions and a terrace with sun loungers. In general, there is where to have fun.

Having got acquainted with the neighbors at the hotel, also from Russia, we went on an excursion to the Wat Chalong temple together. We liked. Near the temple there was a souvenir shop where we bought all sorts of trinkets. Everything cost a penny.

It often rains in June in Phuket, but you can still have a good time. Don't let them scare you scary stories about the downpours of the wall and the rest spoiled at the end. In fact, it all depends on your own mood and expectations for a vacation. Find out on the Tour Calendar what to expect from this island in the first month of the long-awaited summer.

Weather in Phuket in June

June in most of Thailand is the peak of the wet season. If on Koh Samui and in Pattaya it can flow almost imperceptibly, then in Phuket, on the contrary, it is pronounced quite clearly. So everyone who plans their trip for this period should stock up on a durable raincoat and mentally tune in to the fact that excursions can sometimes be canceled. In this regard, we recommend that you inquire in advance about how money is returned in case of force majeure situations. According to meteorologists, this month we should expect 18-19 days with heavy rainfall. As a rule, during daylight hours they are short-lived (from 15 to 60 minutes), after an hour a bright sun peeps out, but they are always intense and collapse without any warning. There are a lot of cafes and shops around the island, so there will be no problems with where to hide from the sudden onset of rain. However, it is still better to always have a plastic cape with you, besides, it takes up little space in your bag. It is also worth taking care of the safety of the camera and mobile phone. We would advise you to purchase waterproof cases for them in advance. Most of the precipitation falls in the evenings or at night. It happens that this a natural phenomenon stretches until morning. But given the huge number of entertainment venues, tourists who do not want to stay in a hotel have nothing to worry about. It is worth noting that often the weather presents pleasant surprises.

So, it is not at all excluded that half of June may turn out to be dry and clear. However, this does not happen every year. Usually the sky is covered with a dense cloud cover, and the sun honors with its presence only for a couple of hours a day. Although this has its own definite plus: there is no such suffocating heat as before, so various kinds of trips are much easier. But the exhausting stuffiness still persists, which makes such weather very difficult for families with children and people with malfunctions of the cardiovascular or respiratory system. In June, visitors can expect to rest at a maximum of +30..+32°C. Usually these values ​​are never higher. As dusk deepens Environment loses the heat accumulated during the day, eventually cooling down to +25°C. This is the minimum below which the mercury column does not fall until autumn. One of the characteristic climatic features this month- increased wind gusts under the influence of monsoons. On the one hand, thanks to them, the heat is much easier to endure, but on the other hand, they lead to a fair amount of disturbance to the sea, which disrupts scheduled cruises and other events taking place on the water. When it comes to tanning, the level of insolation in the tropics is very high. And if in the middle latitudes in cloudy days there is no need to think about photoprotective agents, then here they should not be forgotten in any case. Otherwise, you doom your skin to a burn.

What to do in Phuket in June?

Many tourists are afraid of round-the-clock heavy rains and extreme stuffiness, so there are many fewer guests near the island. low season comes into its own, the atmosphere prevailing everywhere becomes measured and peaceful, the beaches are free, and there is no annoying crowd on popular excursion routes. In general, Phuket in June fully justifies the expectations of connoisseurs of silence and lovers of a thorough immersion in the color of exotic culture. The event calendar is not able to boast a series of exciting events, but there are many ways for travelers who are thirsty for "bread and circuses" to replenish their collection of impressions - from visiting various shows to extreme entertainment.

beach holiday

We deliberately did not mention the beach holiday in the previous section, since it is in great doubt in June. The fact is that the arrival of monsoons, in addition to precipitation, entails storms that periodically play out at sea. West Coast, where all the most developed resort areas are concentrated, are under the influence of constant winds.

Therefore, kiters, wakeboarders and windsurfers mostly “live” there, for whom it is not possible to practice their favorite sports without them. All the rest prefer not hyped, but leeward spots on the eastern and southeastern ends of the island. Red flags indicating danger are also found there, but much less frequently. Among them: Cape Panwa, reliably protected from dangerous rip currents (“rips”),

Fenced from the elements by a long wall of coral reefs, Nai Yang Bay, notable for the famous Buddhist temples of Chalong and the secluded Layan Beach, which is preceded by a couple of compact islands that do not let the waves roam. It is on them that tour operators point out to their customers in the first place. However, even here you will not have to count on free swimming. The maximum that will be possible is to frolic in the surf. And swimming pools are intended for swimming, which, to be honest, tourists willingly use. Regarding the study of the underwater kingdom, this is not the right time. Of course, if you turn to professionals for services, they will certainly select the best sites for diving, but as such, the massive season has already come to an end. Firstly, because of the waves of the sea, and secondly, because of the blooming of plankton, which attracts whale sharks and impair visibility underwater. Similians in the list of 10 the best places on the planet for diving, not available for visit since last numbers April. This month, boats carry divers towards Krabi. Travel time is about two hours, and the duration of the tour itself is from one to several days.

Entertainment and excursions

The heat is weakening, allowing inquisitive individuals to travel around the island with inspiration, discovering the stunning beauty and richness of the local nature. The proposed programs allow you to inhale the heady aromas of the orchid garden (every day there is a folklore performance and an elephant show), admire the splendor of James Bond Island and the power of full-flowing waterfalls (they are even more impressive during the wet season).

Adventurous spirits make up for their lack of adrenaline by taking part in rafting, cross-country quad biking, bungee jumping, or testing their mettle by venturing into Flight of the Gibbon, a rope ride stretched through impenetrable jungle at dizzying heights. Adherents of an idle lifestyle have to like a rich night life. Its main center is located in Patong, on Bangla Road, nicknamed mini-Pattaya.

Holidays and festivals

It will be interesting for those who follow the events in the world of sports to visit the annual marathon "Laguna Phuket" with a total distance of 42 km. Runners aged 16 and older cover 21 km, children aged 12 and over 10 km, and the most unprepared master 5 km race walking. The route of the race is inevitably accompanied by the contemplation of the picturesque surroundings, as it is laid along the lovely villages, azure shores, rubber and rice plantations.

A real reason to have fun is the Chao Le Boat Festival, which falls on the 6th month lunar calendar. In its idea, it is in many ways similar to the well-known Loy Krathong holiday. With the onset of darkness, sea gypsies launch small boats, thereby “killing two birds with one stone” - driving away evil spirit and attract good luck.

What are the prices for holidays in Phuket in June?

It's no exaggeration to say that this month's prices are a bonus to the June trip. As you know, the cost of tours to Phuket, one of the most expensive resorts in Thailand, is rather high, but in June it drops almost by half. Absolutely everything is getting cheaper: flights, accommodation, excursions, souvenirs, meals. It's a pity to miss such a chance!

Floods, hurricanes and other cataclysms are completely atypical for Phuket. real threat does not exist on it. If you are not afraid of tropical showers and do not strive for a passive beach holiday, that is, there is a high probability that those spent on the island summer vacation will give you a lot of pleasure. Tour-Calendar hopes that our article was useful for you!

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