How to remove the registration of a kkt in the tax. How to register a cash register

There are two ways to register a cash register under a new procedure:

  1. Contact the inspectors of the Federal Tax Service personally
  2. Use the electronic services of the Federal Tax Service and register the cash register independently in your personal account.

For electronic registration of cash registers, you must:

  • Electronic signature (suitable for EDS from electronic reporting).
  • Conclude an agreement with the OFD operator.
  • Tune workplace to work with the personal account of the Federal Tax Service.

In the instructions, we analyze the registration of CCP from the manufacturer ATOL in your account individual entrepreneur. Registering a cash register from another manufacturer may differ. We also do not exclude differences for registering a cash register for a legal entity.

Step-by-step instructions on how to register an online cash register in the personal account of the Federal Tax Service

Step 1. Login to the personal account of the Federal Tax Service

To get into Personal Area FTS, follow the link:

In the personal account of the legal entity, it is necessary to check the fulfillment of the access conditions. Only then will the login button appear.

Rice. 1. Checking the fulfillment of access conditions

For individual entrepreneurs, you do not need to check the conditions of access. To log in, click on the "Login" button in the "Login with an electronic signature key" section.

Rice. 2. Login to the personal account of the Federal Tax Service

Step 2. Filling out an application for registration of CCP

After entering the personal account of the Federal Tax Service, click on the link "Register CCP" in the section "My cash registers".

Rice. 3. Personal account of the Federal Tax Service

An electronic application for registration of the CCP will open.

Rice. 4. Application for registration of CCP

Specify the address of the CCP installation. It is important to indicate the address where the online cash register will be installed. The address is selected from the address classifier, except for the house/room/office number and index.

Rice. 5. Entering the address of the outlet

After filling in the address, indicate in the line “Name of the CCP installation site” the corporate name of the CCP installation site.

Example: Shop on Shchorsa, KKT No. 1.

The next point of the statement is the choice of the CCP and FN model.

Click "Select CCP Model" and in the line "CCP Model" enter the name of the CCP. The system will automatically show the appropriate names. Select a model from the list and enter the CCP serial number.

Rice. 6. Enter serial number

The KKT serial number can be found in the KKT passport.

Rice. 7. Passport of the cash register

Then select the FN model for the CCP model. Then enter the serial number of the fiscal drive. It can also be viewed in the passport of the CCP or in the certificate from the fiscal

Rice. 8. Selecting the model of the fiscal drive

After filling in the address and selecting the cash register / FN, provide information about the use of the cash register. This item is optional, a cash register can be registered without specifying this information.

Rice. 9. Information about the use of CCP

Rice. 10. Selecting a fiscal data operator

Step 3. Formation and sending of an application for registration of CCP

Proceed to signing the application for registration of CCP. Before doing this, check the previously entered data again. After the final verification, click Sign and Submit.

Rice. 11. Formation and sending of the application

If, when signing the application, you received a notification that it was impossible to check the KKT or FN model, we recommend that you check the cash register yourself using the link:

Rice. 12. Validation error

Specify the name of the cash register and serial number to check registration in the register of cash registers. If the check did not pass correctly, then the FTS server is working or it is loaded. Try to sign the application later.

Rice. 13. Checking serial number

When the application is signed and sent, wait until the Federal Tax Service assigns a registration number to the online checkout. To check the status of the application, go to the checkout section. The registration number consists of 16 digits.

Rice. 14. Checkout section

At this point, the work on registering the cash register with the Federal Tax Service is terminated until the registration of the cash register and the activation of the cash register is completed.

When the registration of the CCP is completed and the FN is activated, take from the registration report:

  • Date and time of receipt of the fiscal sign,
  • Fiscal document number
  • fiscal sign.

Rice. 15. Registration report

Return to the Personal Account of the Federal Tax Service to the section "Registration of CCP" and find the application with the status "Cash register number assigned". Click on the assigned registration number, and a window will open with the registration status of the cash register.

Rice. 16. Completion of registration

Click on the "Complete registration" button to enter data from the registration report. Enter the data from the registration report, then click on the "Sign and send" button.

Rice. 17. Report on registration of CCP

This completes the registration of the KKT. If you have several cash registers, repeat the procedure from the very beginning for other cash registers.

Proceed to registration and activation of cash registers in the OFD personal account.

Since the beginning of 2018, more than 1 million online cash desks have been connected in Russia. About 1.2 million more entrepreneurs received a deferment until 2019. However, it is better to think about buying and registering a cash desk with the IFTS in advance in order to avoid haste and unnecessary expenses.

We will tell you how to register an online cash desk with the tax office, as well as how to avoid unnecessary expenses (and even increase profits!) When automating your business.

54-FZ: use of online cash registers, deductions for purchases

According to 54-FZ “On the use of cash registers”, legal entities and entrepreneurs must send settlement data to Federal Tax Service - with the help of fiscal data operators (OFD). For this, online cash desks are used - with Internet access and a fiscal drive (FN). As a result, transparency of settlements is ensured, it is easier for the state to control business and collect taxes.

Important! Entrepreneurs on a patent and UTII can receive compensation for installing online cash registers (349-FZ). The benefit is provided in the form tax deduction in the amount of up to 18,000 rubles for each cash desk.

Step-by-step instructions for registering an online cash desk in the tax

To register cash registers (CREs), you do not have to go to the tax office. The law provides for two ways to register an online cash register with the tax :

You can “old-fashioned” apply to paper form to any territorial tax authority. However, this will take a lot of time.

You can register a cash desk in your account on the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS). In this case, you will need a qualified electronic signature (the cost of obtaining an digital signature for registering online cash desks is about 1,500 rubles).

To save time, it is better to use online registration. Let's take a closer look steps to register on the FTS website:

1. Contact an accredited certification center and obtain a qualified electronic signature. It is issued only in the name of an individual entrepreneur or the general director of a legal entity (there is a list of such centers).

2. Make sure that your online cash register and fiscal drive are registered in the register of the Federal Tax Service and are suitable for work. You can check on the website of the tax service, for this you will need to specify the model and serial number of the cash register and fiscal drive.

3. Connect the cash register to the Internet - wired or mobile.

4.Conclude an agreement with the selected fiscal data operator. The list of operators is presented on the website tax office. The cost of their services - an average of 2500 rubles a year for one cash desk.

5. Fill out the form in your personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Within 5 working days, receive a registration card for cash registers, signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature FTS.

6. Print a fiscalization report at the checkout, transfer the data from the report to the Federal Tax Service through a personal account or through a fiscal data operator.

7.Check if your cash desk transmits OFD data. This can be tracked in your personal account on the OFD website.

Be careful not to make mistakes when registering, because some data cannot be changed if it is entered incorrectly. If incorrect information was provided, then, regardless of the reason, the entire registration will have to be re-registered. At the same time, in some cases, the fiscal drive will also have to be bought again - the old one will no longer be valid. fiscal accumulator with a validity period of 15 months costs from 7,000 rubles, for 36 months - from 10,000 rubles. Do not delay this process so as not to violate the registration deadlines.

That's why Most entrepreneurs do not register cash registers themselves and do not activate them, but order this service at service centers.

Leading developers offer turnkey cash registers at a bargain price. For example, when buying LiteBox (Lightbox) smart terminals, you can use the checkout activation service, which includes connecting to a fiscal data operator, registering with the tax office, fiscalization and instructing employees). Choose a cash desk for your business:

What not to do

Don't Ignore Changes in the Law. The transition to online cash registers, according to 54-FZ, is mandatory for everyone, with the exception of just a few categories of business (trade at fairs and exhibitions, the sale of draft soft drinks and vegetables at random, shoe repair, school meals, etc.). Entrepreneurs and organizations covered by the exemption can use online checkouts if they wish. Full list exceptions are presented in 54-FZ, but for most enterprises the law says unambiguously - an online cash desk is necessary.

Please note that some entrepreneurs have been granted a deferment: they do not need to connect cash desks in 2018, but by July 1, 2019, the automation requirement applies to them. Who received the deferment:

    entrepreneurs on UTII or a patent without employees in the field of catering, trade and vending;

    organizations and businesses that provide services to the public.

For the lack of an online cash register, a rather large fine threatens (from 10,000 rubles for individual entrepreneurs, from 30,000 rubles for organizations). There are also penalties for not issuing a paper check or refusing to send an electronic check to the buyer (2,000 rubles for individual entrepreneurs, 10,000 rubles for organizations).

To protect your business from fines, you should carry out automation within the time frame established by 54-FZ.

Don't put everything off until the last minute.If you have to connect an online cash register from July 1, 2019, then you need to select and buy a suitable cash register in advance. So you can avoid haste, understand the characteristics of online cash registers and train your employees how to work with new technology. In addition, you have the opportunity to take advantage of advantageous complex offers and save several thousand rubles.

How to use changes in the law to increase profits

Most modern online cash registers can be connected to an inventory accounting program to automate all routine processes in trade. For example, LiteBox checkout developers offer an inventory accounting service that allows you to keep inventory records, purchases, analytics, marketing, work with reports and documents, and remotely control the store from anywhere in the world. We bring to your attention some useful functions of goods accounting:

    Easy to add products to the nomenclature. After scanning the barcode, the program will automatically find the product in the global directory (more than 700,000 items) and automatically create a product card.

    Quick inventory.Accounting for the balance of goods is carried out in real time, they can be grouped and unloaded by category. As a result, you can reconcile in parts without closing the store.

    Automation of ordering goods and pricing. Program generates invoices for the order, taking into account the speed of sales and receipt of goods. In addition, you can set a % markup or a fixed price for a product, a group of products, different outlets. When accepting goods, you do not have to enter the price manually - you will save time and avoid mistakes.

    Remote control.Through your personal account, you can track the start and end times of the shift, the average check, how much money is in the cash register, the number of returns, and the activity of each seller from anywhere in the world.

    Loyalty programs.The program makes it easy to manage promotions and bonus programs to attract customers.

    Everything for working with EGAIS and FGIS "Mercury".Stores that sell alcohol and agricultural products (meat, dairy products, etc.) can keep records in EGAIS and FSIS "Mercury" directly in the interface of the inventory system. Accounting is automated, as a result, you spend a minimum of time and comply with the requirements of the law. At the same time, modules for working with EGAIS and FGIS "Mercury" are included in the cost of the program, you do not need to pay anything extra.

Installing smart terminal Lightbox » with an inventory system, you get the opportunity to automate trading at the level of a large retail network and increase profits by an average of 5-15%.

Learn more about the cash register and inventory service « Lightbox " on the site !

All organizations and individual entrepreneurs selling retail for cash are required to use cash registers. According to Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003, any cash register (KKM) is subject to mandatory registration in territorial body IFTS. Responsibility for violation of this rule is borne by: legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the form of a fine of 30-40 thousand rubles, as well as directly by the head of the organization within 3-4 thousand.

You need to understand that a cash register is not just a machine that knocks out checks. KKM also conducts fiscal accounting, and all cash discipline trade enterprises is entirely regulated, starting from the moment of purchase of equipment. It is with this that the process of registering KKM begins for the entrepreneur.

Step 1. Purchase of KKM

Before buying a cash register, it is worth visiting your tax office. The fact is that you can register only KKM from the list listed in State Register KKT. The purchased device must be equipped with ECLZ (protected electronic control tape). To make sure that your choice is correct, it is better to check the list of brands and models of cash registers allowed for use at the tax office at the location of the company.

Where can I get KKM? The simplest solution is to contact the CTO (certified center Maintenance cash registers). Employees of such centers are usually aware of all the nuances and requirements of local tax authorities. They will prepare the cash desk for registration:

  • install fiscal memory;
  • they will issue a seal in the form of a holographic sticker;
  • sign a contract for the maintenance of the apparatus and its commissioning;
  • will fill necessary papers(technical documentation for KKM).

You can purchase equipment directly from the manufacturer and draw up a maintenance agreement with him, but then you will have to be serviced there. It is not forbidden to buy KKM from third-party companies and even from hands, but in this case it is necessary to go to the TsTO with a registration certificate to register the device and sign a contract for services. When taking a used cash register from the previous owner, it is important not to forget to get a copy of the registration card from him with a record of deregistration of the cash register.

Step 2. Document preparation

When the cash register is prepared for registration, it is necessary to draw up a package of documents for registering cash registers.

1. A correctly completed application in the prescribed form (a sample must be requested from the tax office).

2. Documents for individual entrepreneur or legal entity:

  • original TIN certificate and photocopy;
  • OGRN (certificate and its copy);
  • documents confirming the rights to the premises where the device will be located.

3. Contracts with TsTO:

  • for service;
  • for commissioning;
  • Stitched and numbered maintenance mechanic's call log in KM-8 form.

4. Documentation for CCP:

  • registration certificate (filled out by a CTO specialist);
  • instruction;
  • passport version of KKM and doplist to it;
  • passport for ECLZ;
  • holographic service mark (a means of visual control, pasted in the central heating center);
  • sealing stamps (4 pcs., issued at the service center);
  • waybills, receipts, etc., which confirms the fact of the acquisition of KKM (this is not necessary, but may be requested).

All listed documents prepare in original and copies.

5. Set for the cashier:

  • appointment order;
  • cash book (according to the KM-4 form, numbered, stitched, with an attestation of the chief accountant and a seal).

6. You will also need with you:

  • applicant's passport;
  • seal (for a legal entity);
  • a power of attorney, if not the head of the company, but his representative is sent to the IFTS.

Since the rules in territorial inspections may vary, it is possible that the inspector will request a copy of the last balance sheet or a certificate of no debts to the state. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is better to clarify the list of all these documents in advance.

Step 3. Visit to the tax office

Before you go to the tax authorities, you need to find out about the procedures prevailing in a particular inspection. Registration of cash registers with the tax authorities can be carried out both in the order of priority (live or electronic), and in certain weekdays and even strictly by appointment. The visit also needs to be coordinated with the CTO, since the presence of its representative will be necessary at the fiscalization procedure.

With a complete set of documents, the head of the organization or his substitute applies to the CCP registration department. The inspector, having studied the papers, sets the date for the fiscalization of the cash register (no later than 5 days from the date of receipt of the application).

Step 4. Fiscalization

On the appointed day, the cash register filled with tape, with a power supply and cords is delivered to the tax office by the agreed time. Fiscalization is carried out in a tripartite composition: an inspector, a CTO employee, a company representative.

The technical engineer checks the integrity of the cash register and programs it: enters the company data (TIN, name), serial number of the device. The inspector sets a security code against hacking, then the TsTO specialist seals the case, fills in the KM-8 log and the technical passport.

To check the settings, specialists punch a test check for 1 ruble 11 kopecks and print a Z-report. Based on the results of fiscalization, the following documents are issued:

  • notes are made in the register of KKM about assigning an identification number to the machine;
  • the act of resetting the counters of the machine in the form of KM-1;
  • trial check;
  • Z-report and fiscal report for 1.11 rubles;
  • ECLZ report for the same amount.

If not KKM is registered, but stationary payment terminal, field fiscalization is carried out at the location of the equipment.

Step 5. Getting a KKM card

After fiscalization, the inspector takes time (up to 3 days) to issue a registration card. Both the applicant and his authorized representative can receive the card and all previously submitted original documents.

How many days it will eventually take to register KKM with the tax office depends on the rules of a particular inspection. The registration itself is a matter of 15-20 minutes, the rest of the time is taken up by queues and paperwork by a tax specialist. The official deadlines for issuing a KKM registration card are 5 days from the date of receipt of the application and fiscalization. In practice, this period can be either 1-2 days or 10-14 (if the registration department works only 2 times a week or accepts by appointment). On average, at least one working week should be allocated to resolve the issue with the cash desk.

In case of urgent need, registration can be accelerated through the CTO: usually technical centers provide a service urgent clearance cash register equipment. As for the cost of registering KKM, the main costs are the purchase of the device itself (from 10,000 rubles). The contract with the TsTO will cost 1.5-2 thousand rubles, which includes the preparation of technical documentation and magazines, a set of holographic stickers and a specialist's visit to the tax office. If you entrust the registration of KKM to the engineers of the technical center (without the presence of a representative of the company), base cost services can be safely multiplied by 2.

When in entrepreneurial activity goods and services are charged in cash, a cash register is usually required. In some cases, you can do without it. New requirements require registration cash registers. To do this correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances.

Who does not need a procedure?

Entrepreneurs who carry out cash settlements and bank cards, cash registers are used. But they are not needed in the following cases:

  • work takes place on UTII or PSN;
  • sold lottery tickets;
  • sale of non-alcoholic products;
  • catering for people studying and working at the school;
  • sale of kerosene, milk, fish, vegetables;
  • sale of goods at an exhibition, fair, market;
  • acceptance of glass containers;
  • at small retail sale;
  • sale of postage stamps;
  • sale of goods of a religious nature.

Where does registration take place?

The procedure is carried out in the tax authority at the place of residence. Legal entities should apply at the location of the organization. If they have divisions in which KKM is applied, then the procedure is considered mandatory in the tax authorities at the location. For example, if an LLC has several stores in different cities, then registration of cash registers in each city is required.

Individual entrepreneurs register a cash register with the tax office at the place of residence. Is there any liability if the application is not registered? A fine is imposed on individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.

Required documents

First you need to write an application for registering a cash register. Its form is approved by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. It is also necessary to attach documents for registering a cash register:

  • device passport issued upon purchase of cash register;
  • maintenance contract.

The agreement is concluded with the KKM supplier or with the technical service center. Documents must be submitted to the tax office in originals. If they are not there, then registration cannot be performed.

You also need to provide an IP document proving the identity of the IP. A legal entity must provide confirmation of the ability to act on behalf of the organization. If the documents are submitted by a representative, then he must have a power of attorney. The tax authorities are not entitled to demand documents for the premises in which the device will be used.

In practice, there are situations when they ask about such documents as a certificate of registration, registration. In order not to delay the procedure, it is advisable to find out in advance what documents are required.

Registration features

Registration must be completed within 5 days of submission of tax documentation. Employees must notify the applicant of its receipt.

If defects in the documents are revealed, for example, something is missing, then it can be done within 1 day after notification. If you miss this period, then registration will be denied.

Equipment inspection

There is a generally accepted procedure for registering a cash register. This is established by law, and in case of non-compliance with the rules, liability is provided.

Before registration, the device is inspected. A specific time is assigned for this procedure. If it is not carried out, then registration will be denied. Inspection of KKM is carried out by a specialist supply or central heating.

Registration rules

If the equipment and documents have no comments, then the cash registers are registered. Information about the device is entered in the CCP accounting book, which is controlled by the tax authority.

The entrepreneur must provide a device passport, where a special mark is placed. After that, an equipment registration card is issued, an accounting coupon and documents. Employees carry out the certification of the journal of the cashier - teller. There is no service fee.

Requirements for KKM

You need to register only the equipment that is in the state register. The device must show details on the receipt, which may differ in each type of activity. Therefore, it should be considered in which industry the CCM will be used.

To use the equipment, you will need to conclude an agreement with a special company that will perform technical support equipment. Without this document, the device cannot be registered. A cash register without registration cannot be used.

Equipment selection

The device must be selected correctly. If the model is not in the state register, then it is forbidden to use such a technique. The device must have a hologram "State Register" with the designation of the year, number and name of the device.

The cash register receipt must contain the following information:

  • name of the document with number;
  • the date;
  • full name of the entrepreneur;
  • name and quantity of goods;
  • sum;
  • position and name of the employee.

There is one that does not have an EKLZ memory block. Such a device is not considered a CCP, so it will not be possible to register it. NIM is used by UTII and PSN payers.

Refusal to register KKM

The registration procedure may be refused if there are not enough documents, the entrepreneur does not appear to inspect the equipment. Other reasons include:

  • appeal to the wrong tax office;
  • false information in the application;
  • finding KKM wanted;
  • equipment malfunctions or lack of signs, seals;
  • no access to the device.

Refusal to register may follow in the case of presentation of a device that is not included in the state register. This applies to the expiration of the KKM depreciation period. The main requirement, due to which registration takes place, is the inclusion of the device in the registry.

The exceptions are situations when the device has dropped out of this document. If such a device is registered, then it can be used until the end of the depreciation period (up to 7 years). But if KKM was purchased from someone, then it will not be possible to register it.

A used device can be registered at:

  • changing the name of the organization;
  • reorganization of a legal entity;
  • change of location of the company;
  • IP recovery;
  • introduction of CCP into the authorized capital;
  • registration of a legal entity by the founder of an IP.

For the use of the device with violations, liability is provided. on IP and legal entities heavy fines are imposed.

The operation of the equipment is 7 years, after which deregistration is required. For sale, cash registers are in a non-fiscal state, so the meter is turned off. The process of fiscalization is considered mandatory. When registering a supported device, you need to reset the fiscal memory.

When registering with a tax inspector, the serial number, TIN and the name of the organization are entered into the memory. Then a password is approved, which serves as protection against illegal entry into the device. Then the seal is installed, and the procedure is completed by the introduction of the amount. This is necessary to check the correctness of the details. The FTS inspector and the applicant sign the registration document. The cash register will have its own number, after which it is considered registered.

STEP 1. You need to choose and buy a cash register.

When buying, you must make sure that the selected model is included in:

In addition, the body of the device must have a holographic sticker "State Register" indicating current year, along with the serial number and model name.

You can buy cash registers at technical service centers (hereinafter referred to as the TSC). There are a lot of such companies now. In the search engine, find and compare their services / prices.

STEP 2. Conclude a contract for service maintenance of KKM in the central heating station.

This can be done both at the place of purchase of the cash register, and in any other central service center. And it is in the city in which you will operate. Get your hands on a contract. And on the cash register they will stick a volumetric hologram "Service".

STEP 3. Actually, the registration of KKM itself.

For individual entrepreneurs: registration of KKM takes place at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur

For organizations: registration of KKM at the place of its actual installation.

We go to the tax office and hand over a package with the following documents.

Documents for registering a cash register

Depending on the subject of the Russian Federation, the set of documents may differ slightly. Therefore, we advise you to clarify this issue with the tax in advance. So:

  • (KND form 1110021)
  • (Form No. KM-4). It must be numbered, certified with the signature of the IP and the seal (if any). For organizations, certify with both signatures and a seal.
  • (Form No. KM-8). Sew, number, certify with the signature of the individual entrepreneur and seal (if any). For organizations, certify with both signatures and a seal.
  • Agreement with the technical service center (TSC).
  • Technical passport of KKM (included with the cash register).
  • Technical passport EKLZ (complete with KKM).
  • Passport of the version of the KKM model (original and photocopy). To be completed by a CTO specialist

    And it is issued to you at the conclusion of a maintenance contract (see STEP 2).

  • Additional sheet to the passport of the version of the KKM model (original and photocopy).
  • Means of visual control: hologram stickers "State Register" and "Service".
  • Set of stickers "stamps-seals". They are glued by a CTO specialist during registration of KKM.
  • An identity document of the applicant.
  • Certificate of state registration- OGRN (original and copy).
  • TIN certificate (original and copy).
  • Power of attorney (if not the head of the company registers).
  • Lease agreement or certificate of ownership of the premises where the cash register will be installed (original and copy).
  • Documents on the purchase of KKM (check, receipt, invoice).
  • Reporting (balance sheet, declaration) for the last reporting period with a tax mark (copy).

STEP 4. After checking the documents the tax inspector will set a date and time for you to carry out the fiscalization of the cash register (the procedure for activating the fiscal memory of the device).

STEP 5.fiscalization. Held at set times:

At the tax inspectorate in the presence of an invited employee of the TsTO

Or at the place of installation of the cash register, for example, if it is too bulky. In this case, the tax inspector himself comes to the place together with the CTO employee

STEP 6. Within 5 working days in the tax office they must register KKM, about which information is entered on cash register equipment in the KKM ledger.

STEP 7. Get KKM registration card, original documents submitted during registration, and you can start working with the cash register.

Now CTOs offer the service of registering cash registers without your participation - write a power of attorney and they do almost everything for you.

ECLZ - "robbery"?

I would like to warn about some unpleasant expenses of the owners of cash registers. An integral part of the cash desk, without which its registration is impossible, is:

ECLZ- Electronic Control Tape Protected, built-in inside. This is a device that records all operations at the checkout performed by the cashier.

The fact is that the period of its operation is 13 months, after which the cash register is blocked. Accordingly, once a year you need to replace the ECLZ. And it will cost you from 7,000 rubles. up to 9,000 rubles depending on CTO prices.

The question arises: for what such a price? That's the thing, it's not for nothing. In fact, an unjustified price increase. Manufacturers are monopolists in this market, and so they successfully use this, managing to solve the problem of claims and penalties from the antimonopoly service.

ECLZ is also replaced when KKM is re-registered to another tax office or to another legal entity.

In the event of a malfunction, the ECLZ is replaced under warranty if:

Valid warranty period (12 months from the date of commissioning)

Breakdown not the fault of the staff

There was no attempt to open or repair ECLZ

Re-registration of KKM

It is carried out in the following cases:

  • Change in the name of the applicant (individual entrepreneur, organization)
  • ECLZ replacement
  • Replacement of fiscal memory
  • Change of address of the place of installation of KKM
  • When concluding an agreement with another technical service center (TSC)

Some other documents may be required, depending on the tax authority (an agreement with the central service center, a cashier-operator journal, etc.). Therefore, it is better to call the first thing in your TsTO to clarify this.

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