Form of certificate of disposal of the vehicle sample. How to get a car recycling certificate. Documents for the disposal of the vehicle are listed in

In the spring of 2010, the country's government activated a program for the recycling of old cars. According to the government decision, any owner of a car older than 1999 could voluntarily hand over his car for recycling and receive a discount of 50 thousand rubles for this when buying a new one. The condition of the deal was that you need to buy a new car and produced in our country.

The application for the procedure is written on a special form of the certificate of disposal of the car.

The following vehicles are included in the program:

  • Permitted weight is not more than 3.5 tons;
  • Age 1999 and older;
  • The last owner must have owned the car for at least a year.

Filling out the certificate

It must be in five copies. Filled in either manually in block letters or in typewritten text. Moreover, each sheet is filled out separately, not a carbon copy, and the sheets must also be signed and stamped. There should be no erasures or corrections on the sheets.

Items 1 and 3 must be completed by the owner of the car.

Item 2 is filled in by an official of the recycling point.

In paragraph 4, the signature of the official and the seal of the disposal organization, and the signature of the owner (authorized person)

Item 5 is filled in by the traffic police officer responsible for disposal.

Forms can be obtained in hard copy from the offices of recycling points or you can download a sample certificate of disposal of a vehicle on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

If any section is left blank, the certificate is considered invalid.

When a vehicle ceases to faithfully serve its owner, it must be disposed of.

This must be done according to all the rules that are provided for by law.

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What is it

Disposal of any vehicle, regardless of the purpose of its use, is the termination of the useful life of the machine and its processing into secondary raw materials.

In its original form, the product ceases to exist, but may appear in a new role.
For example, after scrapping a tractor, there may be spare parts left that can be used in other machines.

A recycling certificate is a document confirming that the vehicle has passed the procedure and that it no longer physically exists.

Without a certificate, the participation of the owner of the vehicle in the recycling program is impossible.

This program implies that by handing over a domestic vehicle for scrap, he will be able to buy a new one, similar to the vehicle, but with a certain discount.


The most fundamental laws:

  • - the main document that launched the program for the recycling of vehicles, including cars and tractors.

    This order provides the procedure for obtaining a discount on the purchase of a new vehicle if the old one was legally disposed of.

  • - it says that if a disposal fee was paid when purchasing a vehicle, then disposal services should be provided free of charge.

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How to receive

In order to obtain the appropriate certificate, the following steps must be taken:

  • it is necessary to contact a scrap metal collection point or a point that deals with the processing of various waste;
  • it is necessary to check with this point the permission to carry out such activities;

    If there is no appropriate permission, then this item will not be able to issue a certificate in the prescribed form.

  • after a certificate is received, you can bring the car for recycling;
  • after all the procedures carried out, the vehicle will be destroyed, the owner of the car will receive the necessary documents.

Required Documentation

To dispose of a car or other vehicle, you must first remove it from the register.

This requires the following documents:

  • statement;
  • technical passport for the vehicle;
  • identity card of the person who writes the application;
  • certificate of registration of ownership of the vehicle in the traffic police;
  • documents confirming the payment of the fee;
  • state registration plate on the vehicle.

Important! All vehicle taxes must be paid on time. There should be no debt to the state.

After all the documents are ready, the tractor must be delivered to the place of parsing. As soon as the process is completed, the former owner will receive a disposal act in his hands.

It will need to be presented to the authorities.

traffic police

To deregister a car, you must visit the traffic police department at the place of your permanent registration (that is, the applicant).
It does not matter that the car could be registered in another department.

To speed up the process of deregistration of the vehicle, you can make an appointment with the traffic police through State Services portal .
But for this you need to have your activated and verified account on that portal.

You can also use official website of the traffic police .
With the help of the online reception, you can sign up for the delivery of documents.
The vehicle will need to be delivered to the traffic police department for inspection.

Since the purpose of deregistration is recycling, this implies that the car has passed its useful life and can no longer be driven.

Therefore, it should be delivered to the traffic police only with the help of a tow truck.
The car itself should not come!

Recycling point

In order for the vehicle to pass the recycling procedure in accordance with the law, it is necessary to contact a recycling point that has permission to carry out activities from the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

But, since it is no longer possible to drive a car, it is impossible to come to the recycling point on it, it must be delivered.
This can be done with the help of a tow truck, for which you will have to pay a certain amount.

State disposal points do not have their own fleet of tow trucks, so you will have to contact a third-party organization and order equipment separately.

Private points may offer the applicant to use their tow truck.

Help Sample

Since this is an official document, it must be drawn up in accordance with the established form.

It contains the following information:

  • about the owner of the vehicle - full name;
  • information about the utilized vehicle:

    1) brand;
    2) registration mark;
    3) VIN;
    4) engine number;
    5) chassis number;
    6) body number;
    7) details of the TCP;
    8) details of the STS;
    9) vehicle category;
    10) year of issue;

  • the position of the person who issued this certificate, his signature and transcript;
  • date of issue of the paper;
  • live print.

If through a car dealer

You can go to a car dealership to recycle your car.
But for that, that salon must work under the trade-in program.

This means that the owner of the vehicle rents his old car to this salon and buys a new car himself, but with some discount.

If you do this, then the car dealership assumes all the responsibilities for processing documents for a recycled car.
The owner of the vehicle only receives all the final papers in his hands.

Without documents

It may also happen that there are no documents for the utilized vehicle.
How to proceed in this case?

As practice shows, not all owners carefully store the documents for the car.

There can be several reasons for this behavior:

  • documents were lost due to the fault of the owner;
  • documents were stolen;
  • documents have been damaged due to a natural disaster or emergency.

Power of attorney

The owner of the vehicle, if he does not have the opportunity to independently engage in the recycling process, he can issue a power of attorney for any citizen who will represent his interests in the traffic police,

But the power of attorney must be notarized.
When filling out the application, it is necessary to indicate not only information about the owner himself, but also his representative.
It is also necessary to specify the details of the power of attorney.

When presenting documents and a vehicle for disposal, the representative must present his passport and a power of attorney from the owner.


This is a document that is written in the name of the head of the traffic police department to which documents for recycling are submitted.

There is no unified explanatory form, so the facts must be stated in a free form.

But, since this is an official paper, it must:

  • comply with the rules of the Russian language;
  • comply with the rules of business correspondence;
  • do not contain errors, blots, strikethroughs;
  • contain only reliable information.

In the explanatory note, the owner of the vehicle must state the facts in which he did not have documents.

The facts must be stated in chronological order, indicating all known information on the emergence of ownership.

If this information in the archive has already been digitized, then it will not be difficult to find information on the owner and ownership.

If the information is stored in archives on paper, then it will take a little more time.

Terms and cost

When all documents are ready and the owner receives an amendment that the vehicle can be disposed of, within 10 days from that moment on, the information is transferred to the tax service.

This is necessary in order for them to stop making accruals on transport tax.

If a recycling fee was paid when buying a car, then the recycling process is free. But, few people think about what exactly he will hand over the vehicle for scrap. Therefore, such a fee is paid quite rarely.

In this case, the disposal will be fully paid.

Included in the price:

  • state duty in the amount 1050 rubles.

    The payment document must be submitted along with other documents.

    If payment is made via State Service website, then the payer will be given a discount in the amount of 30% ;

  • services of a private company for the evacuation and delivery of vehicles to a recycling point.

    The cost of such a service depends on several factors, including distance.

    Therefore, we can assume that you have to spend about 3 - 10 thousand rubles.

Question Answer
The presence of a special certificate confirming the fact of the destruction of the vehicle.
You can get a certificate of disposal of the vehicle by contacting a metal collection point or a waste recycling center.
Dismantle state license plates.
Good discount when buying a new car.
Passport of the owner of the car, STS, PTS
The certificate of disposal of the vehicle is an agreement under which one party transfers the other vehicle for processing.
Through a personal appeal to the traffic police by writing an application using the State Service portal.
You need to have an account on the site.

Recycling is one of the ways to get rid of an old car, which also allows you to purchase a new car at an attractive discount through a special program.

Every year, amendments are made to the legislation governing this procedure.

In accordance with Order No. 605 of August 7, 2017, it is imperative to obtain a recycling certificate, which confirms the delivery of the vehicle for processing and is an agreement between the relevant organization and the owner of the vehicle.

General information about the document

In order to hand over the car under the recycling program, you must obtain a special certificate that confirms the fact of the destruction of the vehicle. The form of the document was approved by order of the Ministry of Trade and Trade of the Russian Federation dated 14.01.2010. Without providing a certificate, the owner-participant of the program cannot deregister the vehicle.

Previously, before changes were made to the legislative framework through the entry into force of Order No. 605 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the registration of motor vehicles and trailers to them”, it was enough to indicate the reason for deregistration in the application. After the innovations, it is necessary to attach a certificate of disposal to the application.

Such adjustments in the regulatory framework prevent illegal acts and exclude the possibility of using a vehicle after deregistration due to disposal.

Where to go

To obtain a certificate of disposal of the car, you must contact the metal collection point or waste recycling center. It should be taken into account that not every organization engaged in such activities can issue a disposal certificate.

In addition, all authorized enterprises operate under the control of the traffic police and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. You can clarify their location directly at the department of the State traffic inspectorate, during the deregistration of the vehicle.

Special specialized companies after the delivery of the machines carry out its disassembly, since only the metal case is sent for processing, interior trim and electronics are withdrawn.

If the owner of the car participates in the Trade-in program (buying a new car after disposing of the old one), you should clarify the place of receipt of the certificate directly in the salon.

Important! When handing over the vehicle for recycling, state license plates should be dismantled, which will be useful for passing the deregistration procedure.

Registration procedure

As a rule, drivers prefer to rent a car for recycling, participating in the Trade-in program, according to which you can get a good discount when buying a new car. At the same time, each salon makes its own requirements for the vehicle participating in the program.

Often, cars fall under recycling due to wear and tear as a result of prolonged use or a serious traffic accident, after which it is not possible to restore the vehicle.

For the driver, the recycling program has many benefits. This is an opportunity to get rid of the "cargo" that is not used, takes up a lot of space and for which you have to pay taxes every year.

When issuing a certificate confirming the delivery of the car for scrap, it is also worth considering that the certificate is personalized, that is, it belongs to a specific person, namely the owner of the vehicle that participates in the program.

To obtain a certificate, you must provide the passport of the owner of the vehicle, STS, PTS.

In a company authorized to dispose of the car, the owner will receive a certificate form, which must be filled out by hand.


If the car was produced before 09/01/2012, the owner is exempt from paying processing costs if the manufacturer is the payer of the recycling fee. Issuance of documentation and deregistration is carried out free of charge. This provision is regulated by Federal Law No. 89 “On production and consumption waste”.

Before handing over the car for recycling, it is necessary to pay the transport tax for the entire period during which the car was idle.


A car recycling certificate is a contract according to which one party transfers another car for recycling. Includes information about the owner of the vehicle:

  • passport data;
  • place of registration and residence;
  • information about the authorized person, if the procedure is carried out without the participation of the owner.

The second block in the certificate indicates information about the point of disposal:

  • Name;
  • location;
  • car recycling license data;
  • Contact Information.

The last block includes information about the car:

  • year of issue;
  • brand and model;
  • numbers of registration plates, VIN, body, chassis and engine;
  • STS and PTS data.

At the end of the certificate, the parties certify the authenticity of the document with signatures and a seal.

How to deregister a car

After receiving a certificate that confirms the disposal of the car, it is necessary to remove the vehicle from the register. The owner has two options: contact the traffic police in person or send an application through the State Services portal. The procedure is regulated by the Rules "On the procedure for registering vehicles" of November 24, 2008.

In the traffic police

The owner of a car that is to be disposed of must contact the State Traffic Inspectorate at the place of registration.

In some structures, you can pre-register on the official portal of the traffic police. You must have the following package of documents with you:

  • Application for deregistration of the vehicle due to processing. It is a standard form. You can fill it out at the department or at home, having previously downloaded it on the traffic police website.
  • Recycling information.
  • Passport for personal identification.
  • State license plates.
  • A document that confirms the ownership of the car (contract of sale).
  • A power of attorney certified by a notary, if the application is submitted by a third party.

All papers and vehicle numbers are also subject to recycling. Registration plates can be handed over to the traffic police for storage for a certain period.

public services

You can deregister a car through the portal of state and municipal services. This method is suitable for citizens who have an account on the site. Allows you to reduce the time spent in queues. The step-by-step procedure is as follows:

  1. Authorization on the service using a personal login and password.
  2. In your personal account in the Catalog of services, select the category "Transport and driving".
  3. Next, click on the section "Registration of the vehicle", where you go to the clickable link "Deregistration".
  4. In the new window, select the first reason for contacting - in connection with the disposal of the car.
  5. Select the electronic version of the application and click on the "Get service" button.
  6. Fill out an application for car recycling.
  7. Choose a convenient time to visit the traffic police department, where you need to come with the original papers.

If the TCP and/or STS are lost

Disposal of a vehicle without documents is possible. If the owner of the car has lost or stolen the Title, STS or registration plates, you must contact the police department with the appropriate application, which must be attached to the application and certificate of processing the vehicle. All of these papers will be put on the wanted list.

If the owner of the car wants to avoid additional writing, there is a second option - disposal due to the loss of the vehicle. In this case, there are fewer requirements for the documents to be presented.

Reading time: 4 minutes

The program aimed at recycling old cars, developed by the Russian government, according to experts, is one of the most successful projects in recent years. On the one hand, it contributes to the growth of sales in the domestic auto industry, and on the other hand, it reduces the number of used cars on Russian roads. How to get a car recycling certificate in 2019, and who can use it, will be the topic of our study.

What is a certificate

The year of the launch of the program for the exchange of old cars for the opportunity to purchase a new one with a certain discount is 2010. At that time, alas, there were not a large number of people who wanted to take part in the project, and therefore it was closed already in 2011. The development of the Russian government received a new life in 2014, and its implementation, according to experts, will continue quite successfully in the coming 2018.

The essence of the program is as follows: any Russian who owns a car older than 6 years old can, while receiving a bonus in the form of a discount when buying a brand new domestic vehicle.

To become a member of the program, you must meet the following conditions:

  • the age of the vehicle must exceed 6 years;
  • there must certainly be documents for an old car;
  • the owner must confirm his right to own the car;
  • the vehicle must be owned for at least one year;
  • the car must be registered with the traffic police;
  • the vehicle sent for scrap must be fully equipped: dashboard, battery, gearbox, frame, seats, doors, etc.

Within the framework of the developed program, it is stipulated that monetary compensation cannot be provided in cash. In addition, the object of purchase after the delivery of the old car can only be a car from domestic manufacturers or a foreign car produced in the territory of the Russian Federation, and the car owner himself must certainly have Russian citizenship.

On one's own

The possibility of self-delivery of a car for scrap with participation in the state program is not excluded. To do this, you need to collect a package of documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a copy of this document.
  2. Confirmation of deregistration of the machine.
  3. Certificate of delivery of the car for scrap.

The subtlety of the issue lies in the fact that in any case, only the car dealer who participates in the program has the right to deal with the disposal and registration of a new vehicle according to the certificate. That is, a car owner who has collected all the documents and passed all the formalities cannot apply to any car dealership. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to first make sure that the car dealership you have chosen has received a license to carry out all the necessary procedures.

Through a dealer

If the car is handed over for processing with the help of a dealer, then it is he who takes care of all organizational issues. This company will have to prepare all the documents and conclude an agreement with the car owner for a discount when buying a new car. For this reason, the first thing a car owner needs to do is to decide what kind of car he wants to buy instead of a scrapped vehicle, and which car center he will cooperate with.

After that, the owner of the vehicle needs to do the following:

  1. Issue a power of attorney to the dealer to transfer the old car to the scrap.
  2. Conclude an agreement with this company that the car is transferred to it for storage and deregistration.
  3. Conclude a contract for the purchase of a new car.

After that, the car, along with the documents, is transferred to the dealer, and the client receives a certificate of acceptance and delivery of the vehicle and a disposal certificate, which will serve as the basis for providing a discount when buying a new car. All further nuances, such as the delivery of a car to a recycling center and its removal from registration with the traffic police, are decided by the dealer.

How long is the certificate valid

Of great importance is the validity period of the certificate for the recycling of cars in 2019. And here, to begin with, it should be noted that, despite the fact that the program was extended for 2019, it has a rather limited budget. This means that if it is exhausted before the set period, it will no longer be possible to purchase a car at a discount.

Please note that the recycling procedure looks like this:

  1. You conclude all necessary contracts with the dealer.
  2. Give him the old vehicle.
  3. Choose the car you want to buy.
  4. Waiting for your new car, if it is not in the salon at the time of signing the contract.

Please note that your old machine will be sent for recycling no earlier than 2 weeks before its replacement arrives. If the model is available, the process will be launched as soon as all paperwork is completed.

Thus, answering the question of how long a car recycling certificate is valid, we can say with confidence: as long as the program itself is valid within the budget allocated for it.

Is it possible to "write off" a car without a certificate

The question sounds quite logical, what about those who did not have time or could not become a participant in the program? Is it possible to dispose of transport without a certificate (certificate)? This possibility existed until 07/10/2017. Any car owner who, for one reason or another, decided to get rid of his old car, could turn to private companies that provide services for receiving cars for scrap. At the same time, the car owner had to first deregister the vehicle with the traffic police and receive a certificate confirming that the car can be sent for processing. Often such vehicles were removed from the register, but were not actually disposed of. Therefore, the procedure has been changed. Currently, a car can be deregistered in connection with disposal only after a document (certificate) is submitted to the traffic police about its actual disposal for scrap.

Car recycling: Video

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