The baby draws his legs to his tummy. Colic in newborns. Phytopreparations are based on traditional medicine

Intestinal colic is the cause of crying and incomprehensible whims of many newborn babies. When a baby has colic, he becomes very restless, abruptly and loudly begins to cry for no apparent reason. The baby pulls the legs to the tummy or nervously either bends or unbends them.

intestinal colic - this is an attack of sharp sudden cramping pain in the abdomen. Most often, in newborns, colic is associated with the accumulation of gases in the intestines. As a result, the pressure on the walls of the stomach increases, and the baby experiences discomfort. There are many reasons for the occurrence of colic: some doctors talk about the immaturity of the baby's digestive system, others about a tendency to increased gas formation, and others see the reason for non-compliance with the diet of a nursing mother.

How can colic be distinguished from all kinds of diseases? With colic, the child does not have fever, vomiting, diarrhea. In diseases of the ears, for example, the child also suddenly and loudly begins to cry, while often holding his ears or simply raising his hands to his head. Also, pay attention to what time the baby starts crying. Colic most often torments babies in the late afternoon and at night.

Here are some things you can do to help ease your baby's pain:

1. Massage and gymnastics for the tummy. It is best to do this before meals and without a diaper. Do not forget that for the comfortable sensations of the baby, you must have warm hands.

Massage first: place the base of the palm on the pubis, and with the palm and fingers, circle the navel in a clockwise direction with slight pressure.

Then gymnastics:

  • lift the baby's legs, bend them at the knees and press them against the tummy with a little pressure. Pressing the knees to the tummy, hold them in this position for a few seconds. Then release the legs, stroke towards the feet and repeat again.
  • press the legs bent at the knees in turn to the tummy and also hold for a few seconds.
  • lift the baby's straight legs, holding them by the ankles, without lifting the pelvis from the surface, hold for a few seconds.
  • bend one leg at the knee and “throw” it over the unbent leg, then do the same with the other leg.

Perform each exercise 5-10 times.

2. Lay the baby on the tummy before each feeding for at least 5 minutes. If the baby is comfortable, then you can put him to sleep on his tummy. In this position, due to breathing, a light massage and training of the abdominal muscles are performed and peristalsis is enhanced, which helps painless gas discharge.

3. Feed your baby in a semi-upright position. This will help the baby not swallow air while eating.

4. After eating, carry the baby in your arms for at least 5 minutes, in the “column” or “frog” position(the head is turned on your chest, the baby's tummy is pressed against your stomach, and the legs are spread apart, like a frog). In this position, there is less chance of spitting up, and the baby's tummy does not experience discomfort. In the “frog” position, you can carry a child during bouts of colic.

5. Apply a warm diaper to the baby's tummy. This will relieve spasm and improve intestinal motility.

6. Daily bathing. Bathing is a great relaxing procedure for a baby. For greater effect, use infusions of soothing herbs (chamomile, string, mint, etc.) During bathing, the whole body relaxes, and intestinal spasms also decrease due to this.

7. Medicines prescribed for colic, the following: "Sab Simplex" or "Espumizan" (contain the same active substance smectin, which absorbs gas bubbles), "BabyCalm" (consists of anise, mint and dill oils), fennel tea or Plantex tea. Before using them, consult your doctor!

8. Your love, tenderness and affection are needed more than ever for a baby if his tummy is naughty. Be patient!

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Bloating and gas congestion in a newborn is a familiar picture to almost every parent. Young children often have increased gas production. What are the causes of such accumulations and how to deal with them? Let's figure it out.

Flatulence: find and eliminate the cause

The symptomatology is quite recognizable: a baby that has just eaten and is happy for no reason becomes restless, cries inconsolably, bringing its legs to its tummy, becomes red from pushing and straining. And of course, because the accumulated gases do not allow food to be digested normally. And the consistency in the form of foamy bubbles mixed with mucus presses on the walls of the weak intestine.

Gases in a newborn are the fate of almost every one-month-old child, pursuing him on the heels of up to 3-4 months of life. Conventionally, the origin of flatulence can be divided into two groups: when air enters the gastrointestinal tract from the outside, and when gas formation products are formed directly in the intestine under the influence of fermentation processes.

If we understand the nature of the occurrence of gas in a newborn, then we can help him as effectively as possible.

Gaziki, caught from outside

Swallowed air, bypassing the stomach, quickly enters the intestines. This often happens when there is no proper grip on the chest. A young mother with no breastfeeding experience should not be ashamed to ask a nurse for help while still in the maternity hospital to learn how to properly latch her baby to her breast. The nipple should be completely enclosed by the lips, along with the halo.

Proper attachment is one of the key factors in solving gas problems.

During meals, there should not be any extraneous sounds, such as smacking. The problem can also arise with bottle feeding. Then it is recommended to purchase a special bottle with an anti-colic valve that traps air.

Physiological dysbacteriosis

When a baby is born, many functions are put into operation in a testing mode, including the proper functioning of the intestines. It is actively populated with beneficial bacteria, as a result of which gases are formed in the newborn. Or the malnutrition of a nursing mother affects gas formation. You should know and strictly limit the products that cause flatulence, or temporarily abandon them:

  • legumes;
  • fresh white cabbage;
  • flour products;
  • carbonated drinks.

Excessive consumption of sugar is not desirable.

Prevention of gas formation

There are several simple tricks to help reduce gas formation in newborns:

  • before feeding, lay the baby on the tummy;
  • after feeding, take the baby in your arms and wear it in a column until the excess air leaves;
  • lightly stroke the baby's tummy in a clockwise direction; do gymnastics, bringing the legs to the body and returning them to their original position (of course, not after eating).

Pretty effective tool.

If there was a seizure

If, nevertheless, gaziki in newborns made themselves felt, you need to help the baby release them. This is done as follows:

  1. Massage. Light circular movements help not only as a preventive measure, but also during an attack. Massage improves intestinal motility, and gasses move in and out more easily. But if such manipulations do not bring calm to a newborn, and he gets even more in pain, then the method is not yours. Do not forcefully massage.
  2. Warmly. From ancient times, our grandmothers knew that if a child suffers from colic, you need to attach a warm heating pad or an ironed warm diaper to the tummy. Even mother's hands, which give warmth, can relieve pain and speed up the passage of gases to the exit.
  3. Dill based products. The active ingredients of dill or fennel relax spasms of smooth muscles and improve the digestive process. Prominent representatives of such products are dill water and plantex - a granular powder with fennel extracts.
  4. Gas tube. It can help to effectively release gases, and it is very cheap. The child is laid on the side, legs tucked up to the tummy. A diaper is preliminarily laid out, since babies in newborns can come out accompanied by bowel movements. The tip of the tube is lubricated with baby cream and inserted into the anus. But the method has a big minus: it is effective only when gases accumulate at the base of the anus. If they are far in the intestines, there will be no effect.
  5. Simethicone-based preparations. Gas treatment often involves taking simethicone-based medications. This is an inert substance, the task of which is only to collect gas bubbles on itself and remove them, therefore its use is considered safe for infants. The remedy is allowed from 2 weeks after birth. The drug is produced in the form of a suspension under different names: espumizan, bobotik, infacol, etc.
  6. Enema. In extreme cases, you can use an enema, provided that along with gas, the child suffers from constipation. But often such procedures cannot be done, since beneficial bacteria are washed out of the intestines, and addiction is possible.

So, we learned what causes gas in babies, and also what to do to remove these painful manifestations. And remember: gaziki, like intestinal colic, will definitely pass in a few months.

Most recently, the meaning of your life was born - a baby to whom you are ready to give all of yourself without a trace. For two weeks he regularly, every two and a half, three hours sucks his breast with appetite, then sleeps. You devote all your time only to him - there is not a minute left for yourself. You admire every moment spent together, rejoice at any little thing. Here he looked at you, now he smiled in a dream, now he raised his legs and arms ... Joy is overshadowed only when the child begins to cry.

He still does not know how to speak yet and conveys information about himself only through crying. Mothers, as a rule, feel the intonational changes in the cry of the child and do everything so that the baby stops crying. But what to do if the crying does not stop?

The cause of crying may be colic in an infant.

At what age does colic start?

Two to three weeks after birth, for two to three months, babies suffer from spasms and the formation of gas, which they are unable to cope with on their own. Newborns try to pull their legs up to the tummy, which becomes hard and tense after feeding. Babies often lose gas, they often spit up, the daily routine is disturbed, sleep and appetite deteriorate. These are the main symptoms of colic in newborns.

If suddenly the child's temperature rises, colic has nothing to do with it - urgently show him to the doctor, the matter is much more serious.

Why do infantile colic occur?

There are quite a few reasons. The gastrointestinal tract of the baby has just begun to adapt to human food and reacts instantly not only to any changes in the composition of mother's milk.

Drops "Bobotik" they also have simethicone in the base, but they are taken from the age of 28 days.

Probiotics are based on lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. They help the intestines of a newborn, whose own bacteria are not yet enough to process food.

Products with probiotics: Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, Acepol. They are completely harmless to the baby, but still, let the doctor prescribe them to you, he will find a more suitable probiotic for the baby.

Enzyme products

Their action is based on the fact that they help to assimilate breast milk or milk formula, that is, to break them down. These funds include: "Creon", "Mezim", "Lactazar". The components of the latter break down milk sugar and are indicated for babies with lactase deficiency.

Phytopreparations are based on traditional medicine

Good against infant colic helps infusion of ordinary dill or chamomile seeds, as well as cumin, anise. Such an infusion can be prepared independently.

Pharmacies also have ready-made herbal remedies. for example "Bebinos". It contains completely safe chamomile, coriander and fennel, which relieve the symptoms of colic.

In drops "Baby Calm" contains mint, anise and fennel. They very well relieve spasms in the baby, soothe the tummy, remove gases.

When does colic in newborns end?

The baby usually suffers from colic for up to three months. At the fourth month of life, colic ceases, and he can control his intestines independently. But for some children, this period can last longer - up to five or six months, for someone even a year.

What to do if colic lasts too long?

Watch the baby after the onset of three months of age. If he continues to scream after feeding, press his legs to his tummy and nothing helps him, be sure to call the pediatrician. Let him order a detailed examination. When the cause of colic is found, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment. Maybe it will be a special gymnastics or massage, or maybe medication. Also, most likely, you will have to reconsider the nutrition of a nursing mother or the quality of the mixture if the baby is bottle-fed.

Together with the pediatrician, you need to step by step consider the lifestyle of both you and your baby. And find a joint solution to this problem.

Be sure to call the doctor if the baby is crying for several hours in a row, and you cannot calm him down, and no remedy helps.

Loss of appetite, abdominal pain are more serious symptoms. It could be some kind of infection. In this case, also urgently call a doctor.

Problems with the tummy can occur at any age - first due to colic, then when teeth are cut, then when switching to complementary foods. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor in every case - it will be better for your baby, which means you have a calmer soul.

No children are the same. Do not look at your child through the lens of "other" children. But anxiety has already crept into my soul. So the first tip.

Write down all the incomprehensible moments on a piece of paper and ask your pediatrician. In general, write down all questions and read from a piece of paper, whether it is an appointment or patronage for a newborn. So it will be easier for you.

In the meantime, let's figure out why the child groans and pushes.

Why does a newborn grunt and push?

Let's take a look at the chest.

1. Perhaps he groans at certain moments, for example, when he goes out of need. This usually happens quite often, as many times a day as the child eats, especially if the baby is breastfed. Just check the diaper after you hear the grunt. Perhaps it's time to change it.

By the way, emptying not only the intestines, but also the bladder requires tension from a child who is not yet strong and can also provoke straining and groaning.

2. Another harmless reason why a newborn pushes and grunts may be the desire to tell mom about something. For example, about what is sad and wants to be held or uncomfortable. In this case, you need to turn around, straighten the sheet, just chat.

3. If the newborn groans and worries after feeding, the cause may be the air that the baby captured during sucking.

If you are breastfeeding, try changing your feeding position. Remember, the baby must grasp the nipple and areola. If your baby is bottle fed, check to see if air is getting in with the formula. Carry the baby in a column for 15 - 20 minutes, pat on the back. Wait for the baby to burp.

4. Another important reason why a baby groans can be breast sucking. This is an important, complex and time-consuming process for the child, forcing him to strain. Milk does not pour into the mouth by itself, it must be obtained. That is why correct application is so important.

5. A separate reason why a newborn baby grunts and grunts may be the appearance of crusts in the nasal passages. For a baby, nasal breathing is not just important. A newborn baby cannot breathe through its mouth. The nasal passages are still narrow and, as a result, the appearance of crusts in the nasal passages causes considerable discomfort.

To solve this problem, you can use saline or spray for. It is necessary to drip them into the nose, and then clean them with a cotton turunda (flagellum).

Do not forget to ventilate and humidify the air in the room where the child is.

The optimum temperature in the room is 18 - 20 degrees, humidity - 50 - 70%.

6. Compliance with the temperature regime will help solve another problem that causes a newborn baby to grunt - overheating.

7. It is also possible that the reason why the newborn is pushing may be neurological. Tell your neurologist about your suspicions at the appointment.

8. If a newborn baby pushes and groans, as well as cries, arches, draws his legs to his tummy, gases in the intestines may be the cause. Most often, these problems appear at night and lead to sleep disturbance in the child. Sleep becomes restless, the baby groans, spins, often wakes up.

When a baby is born, its digestive system is not yet perfect. The baby is born with a sterile intestine, so children may have temporary (transient) intestinal dysbiosis. He does not need treatment, but the formation of gases can increase.

Due to the still weak abdominal muscles, intestinal peristalsis is slowed down, which means that the movement of gases is a long process. It is the overdistension of the intestines with gases that causes severe pain and anxiety.

  • when breastfeeding, mom needs to reconsider her diet;
  • with artificial feeding, you should not change the mixture too often. Consult your pediatrician about choosing the right formula;
  • lay the baby on the stomach (at least for 5 minutes) before each feeding and in between;
  • stroke the baby's tummy clockwise and on the sides (in the direction from the sides to the navel);
  • do exercises with the baby. Raise your legs to your tummy, do a bike, do exercises on a fitball;
  • apply a warm cloth or a small heating pad to the tummy;

Remember that baby's skin is very delicate. A baby gets burned more easily than an adult. The heating pad should be such that you can attach it to the inner surface of your hand and it does not burn, but only slightly warms.

  • take the child in your arms, press your stomach to you. Swear, talk, or sing a song.;
  • make a bath with warm water (37 -38 degrees), let the child sit in it, play, but do not insist in case of refusal;
  • if nothing brought relief and the child continues to push and cry, you can use the vent tube;
  • you can also use simethicone preparations or fennel decoction.

All drugs should be used under medical supervision.

9. Another reason why a baby grunts is. Alas, this is not uncommon for children. Feces, just like gases, can linger and make life difficult for parents and children.

You may notice that the child is very tense, does not go to the toilet, groans and pushes, blushes, cries, does not sleep well. After several sleepless nights, life seems like hell, there is no strength for anything.

What to do and how to help yourself and your child?

  • tummy massage. Gently stroke clockwise, reducing pressure above the pubis and in the right hypochondrium, stroke the tummy from the sides to the center. Massage will help increase peristalsis, improve blood circulation and help strengthen the abdominal muscles;
  • gymnastics. Daily gymnastics will allow you to be closer to the child. It is better to do 1 - 2 exercises, but more often than 10 at once. Turn classes into a game. Exercise, like massage, strengthens the muscles and promotes a better discharge of gases and feces;
  • warm bath relieve discomfort;
  • put baby on tummy(before meals for 5 - 15 minutes) during the day;
  • as a last resort you can use glycerin suppositories, sea buckthorn suppositories, microclysters. But remember, these funds should not be abused;
  • If the child is bottle-fed or already receiving complementary foods, give the baby a little more water, than usual;
  • consult your doctor. You may be prescribed a course of laxatives or referred for further testing.

  • the baby is restless, the child is constantly groaning, crying. Often this manifests itself after eating, as the intestines begin to work more actively;
  • the baby does not sleep well, groans in a dream;
  • the child arches, blushes;
  • the chair happens seldom, 1 time in two days.

    Keep in mind, if the child is calm and the stool is not hard, this is not constipation, but a feature of your child;

  • stool hard, dry, formed into small balls ("sheep" feces). With such a chair, it is painful for the child to empty the intestines, the pain makes the baby arch his back, the baby strains and cries.

When is a doctor's consultation necessary?

You should see a doctor if, in addition to grunting and constant straining, your baby has the following symptoms:

  • the child spit up a large amount of food eaten, more than 1 tablespoon. Spitting up later than an hour after eating;
  • the child has frequent loose stools;
  • blood in the stool;
  • in case of refusal of the child from the breast or, if the nutrition is artificial, from food;
  • in case of poor weight gain;
  • The child has constant constipation.

Dear parents, if you notice that your newborn is pushing and groaning, be careful and patient. This period will pass, but for now, you need a lot of goodwill on the one hand and perseverance on the other.

Already in the maternity hospital, the baby may begin to be disturbed by gaziki. Within three to four months, the newborn will experience some discomfort in the tummy. The duration and strength of pain depends on the individual characteristics of the little man. Why does this unpleasant phenomenon occur, how to deal with it, and how can you help the child?

What is the difference between gaziki and colic

The problem of gas and colic is considered quite common. Gaziki in newborns accumulate in the small intestine, accompanied by bloating and discomfort. The baby groans, frowns, worries, trying to get a pimple. Gas formation does not cause pain and severe suffering in the baby, so sharp crying and screaming can not be heard.

Intestinal colic, on the contrary, entails painful sensations, so with them the child can cry for quite some time. Often, colic is caused by gases that inflate the sensitive intestines of the baby. That is why you first need to deal with increased gas formation and manifestations of flatulence.

Causes of gas in an infant

Like an adult, gas formation in an infant is a natural process that accompanies the act of digesting food. If a lot of gases are formed, they do not have time to be excreted, they accumulate in the intestines, disrupting the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Important: gaziki can appear constantly due to improper feeding of the child, in which he will swallow air - the technique of applying the newborn to the breast.

Why are gases formed in a newborn during breastfeeding or artificial feeding?

  1. The immature digestive system is still developing. The intestines of the child are populated by microflora, an active carbohydrate metabolism begins, as a result, gases appear.
  2. An allergic reaction to foods that a nursing mother consumes or to a mixture with artificial feeding. It is known that the inclusion of whole cow's milk, cabbage, legumes, carbonated drinks, chocolate in a woman's diet causes colic in infants - which foods are prohibited for a nursing mother.
  3. Overfeeding is a problem for artificial babies. It does not threaten children who are breastfed. The baby will suck exactly as much milk as he needs.
  4. Lactase deficiency, in which lactase is not produced, an enzyme that helps digest milk.
  5. Innovative products can cause gas in an infant. A lot of food containing sugar (for example, juices) can cause colic and loose stools.
  6. Violation of the microflora occurs in artificial children more often than in breastfed babies. The child sucks less greedily, swallows less air, receives probiotics from mother's milk. Probiotics are necessary for a person to quickly digest food and absorb nutrients.
  7. Incorrectly organized feeding is a common mistake of young parents. Due to frequent feeding, food does not have time to be digested, and gases are formed. The schedule and observance of a two-hour interval between meals will help to avoid this problem.

Other reasons that cause gas in infants include tight swaddling, pressure band on the diaper, overheating.

Less common factors include:

  • prematurity;
  • emotional instability in the family;
  • wrong mixture;
  • weak abdominal muscles.

Signs of gas in babies

It is difficult for inexperienced parents to understand what worries their child. To get rid of the problem, you need to know its main signs. How does a newborn behave with gaziki? The child has:

  • Belching is a natural way to remove gases accumulated in the stomach. After feeding, you need to make every effort so that the child can burp. If hiccups () and burping occur rapidly, this may indicate that a lot of air is swallowed during feeding.
  • The regurgitation is accompanied by regurgitation. But sometimes it happens due to an inappropriate mixture, forbidden foods that a nursing mother ate, or due to a feeding process that is too fast - other causes of regurgitation.
  • The accumulated gaziki in the intestinal area interfere with the progress of gastric juice, forcing it to stop. Bloating is the first symptom of gas entering the intestines and accumulating on the intestinal walls. Pressure is created, the child feels sharp painful spasms and discomfort. When probing, a hard, stone tummy is observed.
  • It is normal for newborns to fart 15-20 times a day. But increased flatulence indicates incomplete digestion of food.
  • Crying is a child's main way of communicating their problems. It can occur when the baby is hungry, something hurts, he is tired, he is tormented by colic - the eternal companions of gas formation. With intestinal gas, the child only strains, clenching his fists and grunting. How to understand why a newborn is crying
  • Any discomfort disturbs the peace and sleep of the baby. It is noticed that children begin to worry suddenly, usually after eating, or in a dream.

In almost all babies, gas symptoms can be reduced to three principles:

  1. The appearance of discomfort after the first three weeks of life.
  2. By duration per day, attacks of pain can be added up to three hours.
  3. By the fourth month, the problem disappears without a trace. If this does not happen, you need the advice of an experienced specialist.

How to help a child with gas in the stomach

Gas formation in babies is an inevitable process. Therefore, you should know how to help a newborn. There are several proven methods to alleviate the condition of the child.

Laying out on the tummy and wearing a column

Lying on his stomach, the child trains muscle tissue, learns to hold and raise his head, explores the world around him from a different angle. It is necessary to accustom the baby to such a useful position gradually, starting from one to two minutes. It is better to do this before feeding, otherwise, immediately after eating, the baby may burp profusely. The room should be at a normal temperature so that the baby does not freeze and does not overcool.

Wearing a column and pressing against the stomach of an adult is considered an excellent prevention of gas. It is recommended to carry the child upright until the excess air has passed - correct wearing with a column. At the same time, they talk to the baby, sing songs, stroke the back. If the air does not leave for a long time, you need to move back and forth or to the sides. Such a massage will speed up the release process.


If you collect warm water in a heating pad and attach it to the newborn's tummy, the spasm will pass, the pain will subside, and the gas can easily move away. If the house does not have a heating pad, it can be replaced with a warm diaper. The diaper is ironed on both sides before being laid on the tummy. A warm bath helps to relieve spasm. The main thing is that the child likes water procedures.


This is one of the simple non-invasive relaxation techniques for dealing with gas. Massage is carried out half an hour after feeding or at the first sign of discomfort:

  1. The child is laid on the back and rotational movements of the legs begin, as if he were riding a bicycle. You can bend the legs, bent at the knees, to the tummy until the gaziki move away.
  2. With massage light movements, rub the child's tummy with the palm in a clockwise direction. Such touches are soothing and help to move gas along the intestines.
  3. The child is laid face down on the lap of an adult. Gently move the legs to massage the tummy a little. Such movements will help the bubbles move forward. In this case, it is desirable to stroke the baby on the back.

Breast massage should not cause pain. Correct competent movements will save the newborn from suffering in a short time.

  • How to massage a baby with intestinal colic


If massage does not help, the baby often suffers from gas, doctors advise using medicines. There are 4 types of drugs that relieve the child of gas.

They all work in their own way:

  1. Simethicone- a carminative and defoaming active ingredient aimed at binding and eliminating bubbles in the intestines. The released gas is quickly absorbed or excreted naturally from the body, without creating discomfort. Often, drops based on simethicone include synthetic substances, dyes and flavors.
  2. homeopathic medicines- based on natural substances that ensure safety for newborns and effectively eliminate gas. One such remedy is dill water, based on fennel or dill seeds. The remedy is sold in a pharmacy, but you can prepare it yourself. 10-15 fennel seeds pour a glass of boiling water over the floor and let it brew. After the medicine is poured into the baby's bottle and given to him to drink. If the child is breastfeeding, then the mother herself drinks the infusion, and then feeds the child.
  3. Probiotics- significantly facilitate the condition of the baby, if they are used for several weeks in a row. When a child is introduced to complementary foods, it is recommended to give him probiotics to fill the intestines with beneficial bacteria.
  4. Enzymes- make up for the lack of active components involved in the digestion of food. If lactase deficiency is noted, drugs with the lactase enzyme are prescribed. The danger of using such drugs lies in the duration of the course of therapy. The pancreas of an infant must itself produce such substances, and not receive them from outside.

Quick help for a baby with gas formation

Inexperienced parents ask doctors what to do with prolonged, exacerbated attacks? In such cases, pain is removed by emergency means: an enema or a gas outlet.

How to remove gas with an enema?

  • first you need to purchase a small rubber bulb with a soft tip;
  • the product must be boiled for 15-20 minutes;
  • for manipulation you will need boiled water at room temperature. Cold water can cause spasms, and warm water can provoke the absorption of poisons accumulated in the intestines;
  • air is squeezed out of the pear and water is drawn into it;
  • the tip is lubricated with petroleum jelly;
  • the child is laid out on the left side, his legs are pressed against the tummy in order to provide access to the anus, which is smeared with petroleum jelly;
  • the contents of the enema must be injected slowly, the tip should not go deeper than 2-3 cm;
  • the buttocks should be held closed so that the liquid does not spill out;
  • you need to prepare a place in advance (cover it with oilcloth and a diaper) where defecation will take place.

It is necessary to put an enema when the child is calm and relaxed. It is often impossible to use this method to release gaziki, as inhibition of the natural reflex of defecation can occur.

How to use the gas outlet

  • the tube must be boiled. Lubricate with Vaseline;
  • insert to a depth of not more than 5 cm;
  • it is necessary to introduce the gas outlet with screwing movements. Gas outlets have a special limiter, which makes them safe for use by babies;
  • hold until the gaziki move away;
  • wash the tube after the procedure.

After the manipulation, you need to look at the behavior of the baby - whether the procedure helped him or not. You can not use this method too often, because in addition to inhibiting the natural reflex of removing gases, there is a risk of injury to the delicate mucous membrane of the rectum.

When to See a Doctor

If the child has:

  • fever;
  • belly inflated like a drum;
  • stools interspersed with flakes, mucus, or blood;
  • change in the color of the stool - it has become green or light green;
  • vomiting, frequent regurgitation with a fountain;
  • diarrhea;
  • cyanosis, pallor of the skin;
  • sunken eyes;
  • drowsiness;
  • capriciousness when touching the stomach;
  • monotonous altered crying.

The listed symptoms may indicate: volvulus, intestinal infection, meningitis, nervous disorders, etc. Therefore, at the first alarming signs, you need to call a doctor

How to prevent gas

It is impossible to completely protect yourself from gaziki, but simple recommendations will help reduce their duration and intensity:

  • prolonged hysterical crying should not be allowed. Most newborns swallow air in this way;
  • it is necessary to properly position the baby when feeding, supporting his head above the tummy. This will help him swallow the milk or formula without air;
  • After each feeding, the baby should burp. If the child is prone to gas formation, feeding is interrupted so that he burps freely, and then proceeds to eat with renewed vigor;
  • if the newborn is not on breastfeeding, you need to analyze the method of feeding. It is recommended to keep the bottle so that the nipple is always filled with milk, if this does not happen, the child receives a lot of air with food.

Carrying, massaging and laying on the tummy are considered the most effective ways in the fight against gassies.

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