The role and features of regional innovation policy. Abstract: Innovation policy

Abaev A.L., candidate of economic sciences.

An objective continuation of the state scientific innovation policy is its regional component. Innovation processes are increasingly difficult to manage only at the national level. National borders in innovation processes are being erased, transnational corporations break value chains and place its individual elements where they find local advantages. In the context of globalization, the region becomes a natural economic area. In this regard, the regional authorities must create the necessary conditions and supporting institutions that will make the region attractive for foreign investment, and keep global corporations on their territory. Competitive advantages of regions can be created purposefully. The main specificity of the processes of formation of a new post-industrial structure in the economy is such that it pushes for some redistribution of roles between the center and regions, shifting the center of gravity of economic growth in favor of the latter. With the change in the role of the state, the importance of the regional level of innovation policy increases. Regional innovation policy is aimed at solving a number of problems, including:

  • assistance to regions in the formation and implementation of an effective innovation policy and support for innovation business;
  • identification and dissemination of "best practices" in the field of creation, management and support of innovation infrastructure as elements of a regional innovation system;
  • formation and testing of models of interaction between organizations of innovative infrastructure and innovative business;
  • development of international relations of innovative business and regional innovative structures.

The expected results of such interaction can be: the creation of effective regional systems for supporting innovative entrepreneurship (including venture funds, transfer centers, etc.) and the use of innovative potential; development of an effective regional policy that contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for the development of innovative entrepreneurship and the creation of an innovative infrastructure; expanding the range and improving the quality of innovation infrastructure; development of an effective organizational and economic mechanism for the interaction of participants in the innovation process and the economy of the region as a whole.

As a result of the implementation of socio-economic transformations in Russia, the region as a territorial entity received the status of a subject of the Russian Federation, endowed with its own competence, rights, duties and responsibilities, enshrined in the Constitution of the country, the relevant basic laws of the autonomous republics, charters of districts, territories, regions, federal treaty. Legislative definition of regions as subjects of the Russian Federation means recognizing them as independent economic units with equal opportunities and the same organizational and legal status (a region as an economic enterprise).

Since the use of innovations provides a monopoly high entrepreneurial income, local authorities are interested in raising the level of regional scientific and innovative potential and intensifying innovative activities.

Regional innovation policy is an integral part of the economic policy of regional authorities to create favorable conditions for trade-industrial, agro-industrial, construction-industrial and scientific-industrial integration of all institutional forms of management. Regional economic, and therefore, innovation policy is largely determined by the economic structure of the region, key value in which they have structure-forming enterprises, i.e. such enterprises that form the revenue side of the regional budget, bring the main share of foreign exchange earnings to the region, and directly determine social stability in the region as a result of the involvement of a significant number of labor resources in production activities.

For the stable economic development of the regions, the real situation and prospects of enterprises are important, characterized by indicators of the dynamics of output (provision of services), the dynamics of the wage fund and the number of employees, the dynamics of prices for similar products, the solvency and efficiency of production and marketing of products, its competitiveness, the possibility of attracting external , including foreign investors, etc.

Creation of conditions for scientific and industrial integration provides a close technological relationship between research, design organizations in the region and manufacturing enterprises. The direction of R&D should be related primarily to the production capabilities of the region, using the scientific and innovative potential and infrastructure. It is advisable for regional authorities to coordinate the activities of the academic, university and industrial sectors of science, reprofiling them to solve practical problems of restructuring the regional economy, including for the purpose of expanding exports, import substitution, and forming a regional economic complex with its own specialization in a single national market.

Territorial (regional) innovation programs and projects that correspond to the priorities of the development of territories and are the basis of the organizational and economic mechanism of scientific and innovation policy are of paramount importance for the implementation of methods of regional regulation of innovation processes.

The regional innovation support program is a document containing a set of major projects and activities, the implementation of which is aimed at developing competitive industries and technologies, using local natural resources, production and labor potential, improving the environmental situation, creating product and technological innovations, etc.

In full, the concept of "innovative activity in the region" contains all types of scientific activity, design, design, technological, experimental developments, and other works focused on the implementation of innovation in social practice. In addition to them, the scope of the concept of "innovative activity in the region" includes activities for the development of innovations in production and for their consumers - the implementation of innovations. In a generalized view, innovation is an expedient change, transformation of various aspects public life, including the transformation of social production, updating its technological structure in order to make a profit or achieve a social result. In the latter case, the concept of "innovative activity" is considered in close connection with marketing and investment activities.

As a result, innovation activity turns into a process aimed at implementing innovation policy through the functioning of innovation systems. Based on the territorial understanding of the effectiveness of innovation systems, we note that they function both at the transnational and national levels, and at regional level. AT modern world two trends are emerging: innovation processes that are increasingly becoming transnational, on the one hand, and the emergence of regional or local innovation systems, on the other.

The influence of the state on the development of innovation systems is still very high. In all countries, government decisions that affect innovation are still planned and implemented at the national level. In almost all areas, one way or another related to innovation, the nation-state is still the main regulatory and initiating force.

At the same time, the regional dimension is becoming increasingly important in innovation processes. The regionalization of innovation activities is closely linked to the process of globalization. Thus, Ohmae argues that in a world where borders are increasingly disappearing, where companies are increasingly free to move their production activities around the world, the region is a "natural" economic area. Another factor contributing to the development of regional innovation systems is the need to create competitive advantages for large corporations. With intense global competition, companies are breaking down their value chains into discrete functions and placing them wherever they can find specific local benefits. New transport and information technologies serve global manufacturing organizations and innovation processes. The authorities must adapt the globalization strategies of companies by creating a supportive environment and establishing special organizations and institutions that make the region attractive for foreign investment, but also keep companies on their territory.

Along with the transformation from a resource-based economy to a knowledge-based economy, natural resources are losing their importance as a competitive advantage; on the contrary, developed infrastructure, a highly skilled workforce, and effective supporting institutions are becoming more important. This means that competitive advantages can be deliberately created in the region.

Scholars emphasize the importance of interaction and communication in innovation processes, citing geographic proximity as a key advantage of regional economies. While there is no doubt that a national system contains a greater diversity of knowledge by supporting common (cumulative) learning processes, this will not lead to innovation if proximity is not sufficient to support communication. Context-sensitive, tacit knowledge, a key component of innovation processes, is better communicated through frequent and repetitive face-to-face interactions; they cannot be transmitted through time and space independently of the "knowing subject".

Thus, we can note the following advantages of the regional level of innovation processes in comparison with the national one:

  • the co-presence of many manufacturers of various kinds, offering specialized services in a timely and flexible manner in response to requests;
  • learning effects that are caused by the involvement of regional producers in transnational networks;
  • the emergence of local labor pools with a concentration of specific skills and forms of education;
  • the cultural and institutional infrastructure that constantly emerges in and around industrial clusters and is often very important to effective work a single local social economic system;
  • development of networks of trust between regional economic actors.

Under the influence of global processes, Russian innovation policy is beginning to change. However, the intellectual potential of the regions and the opportunities to turn it into various forms of capital are still far from being fully used today. Judging by the structure of Russian exports, for example, there are almost no production clusters that are competitive on the world market in Russia now. One of the goals of transforming the organizational forms of innovation activity, economic relations in the scientific and innovation sphere and its management is to create conditions in the regions for its maximum activation.

From the point of view of the interests of the region, the innovation process is carried out in close unity with the environment: its direction, pace, goals depend on the socio-economic environment in which it functions and develops. In this case, it is strategically important to understand that the innovation process is carried out not as a one-time action, but as a continuous course of development, qualitative improvement in any area of ​​practical activity that affects the entire regional economy and society. In order to ensure the development of innovative activity, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation must:

  • to carry out the preparation and implementation of regional programs for the development of innovative activities at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • take part in the implementation of federal programs, projects and activities for the development of innovative activities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • create the necessary conditions for the development of infrastructure to support innovation activities in the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • to coordinate at the regional level the activities of infrastructure organizations to support innovation in the implementation of activities provided for by regional programs for the development of innovation;
  • take measures to protect the rights and legitimate interests of subjects of innovative activity on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • assist local governments in the development and implementation of programs for the development of innovative activities;
  • solve other issues in the field of development of innovative activity related to their competence.

It is to fulfill these and other tasks of innovative development that a regional innovation policy (RIP) is being formed.

Regional innovation policy is a relatively independent area of ​​economic policy associated with the need to solve strategic tasks to transform Russia into a truly federal state and transfer its economy to an innovative development path.

In a narrowly targeted sense, RIP is usually understood as the activity of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation to determine and achieve the goals of an innovation strategy for their territories. At the same time, RIP is interpreted as a process aimed at translating the results of completed scientific research, development and other scientific and technical achievements into a new or improved product sold on the market, in a new or improved technological process used in business activities. In accordance with this, the political, economic, informational and institutional prerequisites and conditions necessary for the formation and implementation of the RIP are identified. As the main tool, a predominantly program method of managing innovation activity in the region is usually used. At the same time, approaches are used that ensure the coordination of the interests of business entities in a given territory with the goals of its economic and social development as a whole.

In a broader context, RIP is an integral part of the state scientific and technological policy, which is a set of socio-economic relations of the state and its structures at different levels with business entities regarding the creation, transformation and use of innovations to update all spheres of people's life on the basis of a balance of interests all participants in scientific, technological and innovation processes. RIP, as well as the state scientific and technical policy as a whole, is most closely connected with structural, industrial, investment, etc. the policy of the state and its bodies, called upon, in accordance with their basic economic functions, to take care of creating the structure of economic systems and the institutional conditions for their functioning and development.

The regional scientific and innovative policy prescribes the institutional framework for the creation and functioning of the scientific and innovative complex of the region. The problems of forming the institutional structure of the scientific and innovative complex of the region are primarily related to the legislative consolidation of the relationship between the powers of the center and the periphery in the field of scientific and technical policy, which regulates the legal regime that determines the development of new economic relations in the field of innovation, and is implemented through scientific, technical and innovative politics. General attitudes in this matter were affected by some legal acts, however, a real legal framework may appear with the adoption of the said Federal Law "On State Innovation Policy", which will allow the distribution of powers between three (at least) levels of government: federal, joint (of the Federation and subjects of the Federation ) and the level of subjects of the Federation.

The process of forming a regional scientific and innovation policy is gaining momentum. The need to manage scientific and technological development led to the creation of appropriate organizational units in the structure of regional management; in general, regional systems for supporting scientific and technical activities have been formed, which have their own organizational structure and financial mechanism. Today, in the regions of Russia, the process of forming an innovation direction in the very mechanism of public administration, the formation of a system of institutions of scientific and innovation policy is gaining momentum. Their main task is to harmonize the national and regional innovation interests and the interests of the subjects of the scientific and innovation sphere.

Let us designate some of the powers of regional management structures that determine the functioning of the innovation sphere:

  • giving additional functions to structures that previously regulated certain aspects of scientific and innovative activity. For example, the bodies supervising regional science are entrusted with the task of assessing the innovative potential of scientific research and allocating funds for relevant commercialization projects;
  • the inclusion of structures that previously had no direct relationship to science and innovation in the regulation of the scientific and innovation sphere. For example, bodies for labor protection, antimonopoly regulation, small business development;
  • unification of structures, reflecting the integration processes in the scientific and innovative sphere. For example, regulation of scientific, technological and industrial development within the framework of one structure.

However, the emerging organizational management structures and mechanisms for regulating innovation activities have not yet had a tangible impact on regional development. In this regard, the task of increasing the efficiency of existing mechanisms and regional methods of managing scientific, technical and innovative activities is topical.

The main mechanism for implementing the regional innovation policy in the analyzed period was the regional target programs (RTP), and the main source of funding - the regional innovation funds. The experience of the formation and implementation of the RIC has shown that the institutional environment of the regions is not yet conducive to the implementation software methods work with innovation. And local authorities do not have modern methods and tools for analyzing and forecasting scientific and technical progress, which reduces the efficiency of selection, preparation and implementation of innovative projects and programs.

The most important condition for the successful implementation of the regional scientific and innovation policy is the appropriate financial support. At present, the main financial sources are regional innovation funds, which are formed at the expense of mandatory contributions from enterprises that are in regional (municipal) ownership. Funds are used for technical re-equipment and modernization of existing enterprises, reconstruction of buildings, engineering and transport communications; financing of work on the development of new types of science-intensive products. One of the problems of creating and implementing innovations at regional enterprises is that there is no mechanism for financing organizations in the scientific sphere for conducting search research and development work at the expense of local innovation funds, since there are practically no such funds. Therefore, in order to conduct an effective innovation policy in the regions, it is necessary to improve the financial mechanism, and first of all, the procedure for the formation and use of innovation funds.

At present, the organizational structure of the management of scientific and technical progress in the regions is being formed: scientific and technical councils, departments are being created or staff units are being introduced responsible for coordinating, monitoring and auditing the innovative development of enterprises and organizations. At the same time, scientific and technical councils have not yet been created in all regions, and the existing ones do not always show themselves as an active coordinating element of innovation activity.

Regional innovation policy involves the creation of favorable conditions for the formation of an innovation climate. These include the systematization and efficient use of information resources, their integration into the global information space and market entry. information services based on the development and implementation of technologies for high-performance processing, storage and transmission of data over telecommunication networks, as well as the creation of databases and knowledge banks.

Thus, the main directions of innovation policy common to all regions should be:

  • effective use of local innovation funds for solving regional problems and updating the fixed production assets of enterprises on a new technological basis;
  • strengthening the use of administrative resources to solve the problems of innovative development;
  • promoting the development of innovative infrastructure, including through funds to support entrepreneurship;
  • development of program-targeted financing of innovative projects of enterprises and organizations of the region, reflecting its problems, by improving the system of concentration of investment resources and the mechanism for selecting investment objects;
  • financing at the expense of the regional budget the most significant research projects and programs of leading research institutes and universities of the regions;
  • organizing and conducting monitoring of the scientific and innovative potential of the regions in order to increase the effectiveness of the scientific and technical regional policy.

The principal basis for the formation of the economic foundations of regional innovation programs and projects are:

  • introduction of joint (equity) state-commercial financing;
  • a combination of direct government funding with indirect government economic support in the form of benefits;
  • development of the procedure for insurance and the establishment of guarantees by state bodies, including regional ones;
  • development of a procedure for the activities of authorized banks or companies for financing and controlling the spending of funds;
  • development of rules for the preparation, evaluation, implementation, control by state-authorized structures over the implementation of priority programs and projects, including on the basis of independent expertise.

The financial support of innovation activity in the region is the establishment of sources of financing carried out by various objects and operating in different economic forms, as well as the subjects of financing operating on the basis of an organizational and technological scheme that determines their interaction with objects and sources of financing. Sources of financing of innovation activity can be budgetary financing from non-budgetary funds, indirect financing (due to benefits), commercial venture financing.

The subjects of financing scientific activity may be federal legislative and executive bodies, representative and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation, Russian Academy sciences, non-budgetary funds for financing scientific activities, commercial structures (banks, investment, innovation and other financial funds and institutions), public organizations (academies, associations), venture financing funds and firms for scientific activities, scientific infrastructure institutions, financial and industrial groups, international and foreign structures and projects, commercial economic units.

At the same time, large financial entities that are involved in the reconstruction and development of the region in the long term, as well as integrated research and production complexes, which are the main subject of innovation financing, stand out.

Innovation policy is the development of strategic goals for the development of innovations and tasks for mobilizing, maintaining and developing innovative potential, taking into account socio-economic prospects and the current situation and means, ways to achieve them.

The innovation policy of the state at the federal and regional levels - designing, creating and stimulating the use of organizational and economic relations, structures and infrastructure for innovation - among others includes the following priorities:

  • giving an innovative direction to the process of development of applied science, focusing on the transition to a new technological and social order, as well as the creation of an innovative mood in society, the lifestyle of the population of the regions;
  • transformation of the sphere of innovation based on increasing its competitiveness of the regions, i.e. consistent reflection of intellectual property in the formation of organizational and economic relations in the field of innovation;
  • orientation of the sphere of innovations to increase the efficiency of industrial policy, maintain leading positions in the economy, ensure the economic security of the regions and the country as a whole.

The general task of transforming the sphere of innovation, taking into account regional policy, is the development of functions inherent in science - cultural, educational, applied. Further, it becomes possible to stretch the chain from science to the tasks of regional development through the formation of technological, innovative and entrepreneurial infrastructure.

The implementation of scientific and innovation policy in the region includes the process of forming tasks and relevant programs to ensure the solution of complex problems of the socio-economic development of the region on the basis of its innovative potential, which is necessary for the development of the infrastructure for innovation, decision-making on state and regional support for the implementation of innovative programs, including on consolidation financial resources from all sources and in all forms, creating for these purposes appropriate financial structures, primarily funds.

Innovation policy is implemented in the form of certain measures of state and regional support, and in general, by creating a favorable innovation climate, increasing innovation susceptibility and shaping the innovation readiness of the regions.

For the implementation of innovation policy and the implementation of state and regional support measures, the implementation of the functions of innovation management - forecasting, financing, stimulation, control and operational regulation - to the extent necessary for issuing relevant regulations, providing program management, implementing information activities, coordinating with others tasks of regional policy, regional bodies of management of scientific activity are necessary.

The process of formation of the institutional environment of the scientific and innovative sphere, especially at the regional level, takes place in close interaction with the socio-cultural environment, represented by government and authorities, subjects of scientific, technical and innovative activities, public organizations, consumers of their services and the population. These interactions are complex and multilateral. Various social groups, defining their interests focused on a specific problem, form a certain level of public consciousness, which reflects the degree of influence of the social environment on institutional development. At the same time, RNIP makes it possible to solve the problems of social support for science.

Regional science and innovation policy creates real opportunities to ensure the effectiveness of social and economic transformations in the region.

basis modern mechanism increasing the competitiveness of the country and specific regions is an innovative model of economic development. This model represents a multifunctional and complex system of interaction different levels managing the activation of innovation and investment activities, constant adaptation to the external environment and increasing the efficiency of the use of material, intellectual and financial resources.

The implementation of an innovative model for increasing the competitiveness of the country and regions involves the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring such competitiveness. This mechanism includes organizational and economic management at the regional level, a market factor in the functioning of the regional economy, forms and methods of regulating the processes of increasing competitiveness at the macro-, meso- and mega-levels, which together determine the final results of the economy of the country (region) and the level of consumer satisfaction in goods and services.

In the scientific literature as a whole, both the elements of such a mechanism and their relationship within the innovation process are defined.

The first element of the mechanism is managing the increase in the level of competitiveness of the country's economy (and, accordingly, the goods and services produced) at the micro level.

The second element of the mechanism is market self-regulation of the competitiveness of enterprises and regions, which is aimed at constantly maintaining the competitiveness of manufactured products based on the laws of the market.

The third element of the mechanism - macroeconomic state regulation of competitiveness - is the activity of the state aimed at constantly maintaining and increasing the competitiveness of domestically produced goods.

The fourth element of the mechanism is the regulation of the competitiveness of enterprises and goods at the meso level, which differs from regulation at the macro level in the scope of regulation. At the mesolevel, it is carried out within a single region or industry, based on its (or its) characteristics. Mesofactors of competitiveness are factors that characterize the development of a region or industry.

The fifth element of the mechanism is the regulation of competitiveness at the mega level, which is based on international competition and cooperation between countries aimed at maintaining and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and their products. The megafactors of the competitiveness of enterprises are the factors and trends of global development. The main one is the globalization of the world economy, leading to increased competition both in the world and domestic markets, requiring states to increase the openness of their economies.

The need for interconnection of all the above elements in the formation of competitiveness at all levels is obvious. At the same time, despite the importance of competitiveness for the development of innovations, it is not enough to activate the processes of implementing innovations in practice. It is necessary to create a really functioning organizational and economic mechanism of innovation activity.

The problematics of the development and functioning of such a mechanism is currently insufficiently developed in the domestic scientific literature.

At the same time, one cannot fail to note the increase in the number of studies that consider the problems of innovative development and individual components of such a mechanism, aimed at enhancing the process of introducing innovations to the market.

However, the concept of the organizational and economic mechanism of innovation policy, which would link different levels of innovation activity into a single process, namely: entrepreneurial, regional, regional-district and federal, is still not available in Russia.

At the same time, there is an obvious need for a deep scientific study of the processes of formation and functioning of this system. The scientific and practical tasks of forming a scientific and innovation policy aimed at activating the innovation process not only at the level of business structures and (or) the business community as a whole, but also at other levels, are related to the effectiveness of the functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism. That is, such a mechanism should expand the understanding of innovation activity not only as an innovative business, but also as a factor in the development of the country's economy as a whole and its regions. Such a system of innovation mechanisms is an organizational and economic mechanism. And its application is a factor and a condition for the formation of scientific and innovation policy, including at the regional level.

At the same time, it is clear that such a mechanism should ensure the possibility of interaction between innovatively active enterprises and regions within the framework of a unified state scientific and innovative policy.

Based on the foregoing, we define the organizational and economic mechanism of scientific and innovation policy as a form of implementation of innovative activities at various levels with the formation of an appropriate infrastructure, the use of scientific, educational, industrial and organizational potentials, the provision of the necessary resources and the development of incentive and regulation levers.

At the same time, within the framework of the general organizational and economic mechanism, there is a complex of mechanisms that perform various specific functions. Moreover, this complex is not closed, and the emergence of new mechanisms is a natural event, caused both by a change in the stages of development and by the possibility of their use in various conditions. Such mechanisms should form the functional support of both the economy as a whole and its individual components in accordance with market economic categories: demand, need, competition, resources, etc. Functional support in this case should be understood as legal, investment and organizational support. Legal support should form the possibility of scientific research and implementation of its results. The corresponding mechanism is designed to ensure the protection of a scientific idea and an innovative product. The next element of functional support is the creation of conditions for efficiency and safety (naturally, within the framework of the market risk of investments) for investing in innovation activities with the aim of commercializing and introducing the results of scientific research into production.

Naturally, it is impossible to solve the problems of producing innovations and investing in the innovation process without appropriate organizational decisions. At the same time, functional support mechanisms will be different depending on the level and stage of development of the innovation process. It is important to link in one chain the elements of functional support with the stages of development of scientific and innovation policy.

Note that this approach makes it possible to form a system of mechanisms, i.e. take into account all the possible set of mechanisms, but precisely as an open system. The latter means that it is quite probable that new mechanisms will appear within and outside of these groups and depending on the specific stage of the innovation process.

As already noted, the organizational and economic mechanism operates at several levels, including: at the macro level, at the regional level, at the entrepreneurial level. At the macro level, the following (among others) tasks are solved: the state scientific and innovation strategy is formulated, a favorable innovation climate is created for the economy as a whole, and state innovation programs and projects are being implemented. At the regional level, the relevant tasks are tied to the characteristics of certain regions. Both macro- and regional levels create conditions for the intensive flow of innovative processes at the level of business structures. These innovative mechanisms are designed to ensure the implementation of federal and regional innovative strategies at the micro level, to direct entrepreneurial initiative in line with innovation priorities.

Naturally, all of the above levels presuppose a certain sequence and consistency in the formation of scientific and innovation policy. At the same time, the entire system of innovative mechanisms and its practical implementation are designed to help strengthen the innovative component of the economy and actually transition to an innovative type of economic growth. This system of innovation mechanisms emphasizes the inseparability of all components of the innovation process in the formation of scientific and innovation policy.

In the formation of innovation policy in our country, the creation of an organizational and economic mechanism at the regional level with the decisive role of competition is now of particular importance. Such a mechanism is designed to support the state, firstly, giving broad rights to the regions for the development of regional economies, and secondly, taking special measures to support competition and designate priority support for innovative enterprises. The basis of the competitiveness of the region can be its innovation system as an internal element of the organizational and economic mechanism of the scientific and innovation policy of the region, integrating the scientific, technical, technological, investment and human potentials of the region. In the modern economy, these components, closely interacting with each other and penetrating the entire structure of the regional economy, become a kind of way for its functioning and development. Regional innovation activity is largely determined by the investment climate and the receptivity of the regional scientific and production system, i.e. the ability to effectively consume innovations by the subjects of the regional economy.

The level of innovative susceptibility is determined by a complex of various economic, organizational, social and technological aspects. The most significant are the factors determined by the development of social and economic relations; the presence of a competitive market mechanism; the development of the relevant infrastructure, as well as the management system and organizational structure of economic entities, the technological level of production, the level of qualification and the prevailing motivation of personnel, etc.

The competitiveness of the region, based on an innovative development path, is determined by a classical set of factors, but has its own specifics.

  1. The basic factors of production - labor, land, natural resources, infrastructure and others - do not provide benefits by themselves. Thus, the presence in the region of a large number of people with higher education and even academic degrees does not provide competitive advantages in high-tech industries. To maintain competitive advantages, this factor should be highly specialized in relation to specific industries and enterprises of the region, which determine the competitiveness of the region, including those that create an innovative perspective.
  2. The state of domestic demand helps to create competitive advantages in the event that the corresponding segment of the economy is more visible than in the markets external to the region. The region gains a competitive edge in industries where domestic demand provides companies with a clearer and earlier view of emerging customer needs.

"Local" buyers help the competitiveness of "their" producers if their needs "anticipate" or even shape the needs of buyers from other regions. At the same time, it is clear that the formation of such a need for an innovative (i.e., new, unfamiliar to consumers) product is much easier within the framework of a regional innovator enterprise. And the risks of failure can be minimized. And considering that only 20% of innovative products are successful in the market, risk minimization is a very significant competitive advantage.

  1. The third important component of regional competitiveness is the presence in the region of related and (or) supporting industries. This is most important from the point of view that regional sister and / or supporting enterprises provide modernization and innovation - competitive advantage is based on close partnerships. Companies located close to each other have the opportunity to ensure a constant and, most importantly, rapid exchange of ideas and innovations. In this case, internal competition provides similar benefits: the flow of information and the exchange of ideas (technical, technological, organizational) increase the speed of innovation.

In this case, it becomes possible to form strong regional clusters, which, in our opinion, today are the basis of the innovative and industrial potential of the regions.

  1. In addition to all of the above, the competitiveness of the region depends on the business development conditions existing in the given territory: the existence of a regional development strategy, the legal framework, support for certain industries and enterprises at the state (regional) level, etc.

In this sense, the need for innovative development of regions is defined not as a declaration of understanding the importance of such an approach, but as actual support for innovative enterprises, innovators and the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for the functioning of regional innovation systems.

Based on the need to form an organizational and economic mechanism, the goals and priorities for the development of innovative and industrial activities in the region are determined. They can be determined, firstly, on the basis of federal interests, established priorities for scientific and innovative activities, and, secondly, the goals of the socio-economic development of the region.

Since the scientific solution of these problems requires considerable funds, and the regional budget is limited by the narrowed economic (production) activity, the activation of which often requires a technological restructuring of production, again associated with scientific and innovative activities, it turns out that, firstly, the deployment the latter is of particular importance in industrialized regions, and secondly, it becomes necessary to solve the problem of initial external (not from the budget) infusion of funds into the scientific and innovative sphere of the region as a factor in the restructuring of production to the level of world market requirements and thereby ensuring sustainable growth in regional incomes. budget.

Investment activity, and especially in the innovation-industrial sphere, depends on many factors. One of the main ones is the creation of a favorable economic environment. This, perhaps, is the main task of the regional authorities in present stage development of market relations. The foundation for the formation of such an environment forms the existing socio-economic potential of the region (city): economic and geographical (transport position, the possibility of recreation, tourism, etc.); natural resource (resource reserves, their quality, climatic conditions, etc.); demographic (population size, sex and age composition, dynamics of change, etc.); labor (educational, professional, qualification composition of workers, their employment, etc.); production (structure and volume of production, ownership structure, condition of fixed assets, etc.); scientific (number and qualification of personnel, value of fixed assets, etc.); social infrastructure, etc.

However, the existing potential of the region can play the role of a factor of a favorable investment environment under one decisive condition, namely, if the regional governments can create a mechanism that facilitates its use in line with the interests of potential domestic and foreign investors, for example, in the spirit of existing subsidies to entrepreneurs for creating new jobs . There may be other conditions that facilitate the realization of the potential of the region. Thus, along with competition in production, trade, and finance, competition of territories that can create attractive conditions for investors and fight for attracting capital for the implementation of innovative projects, the socio-economic development of the region, and improving the quality of life of its population is not excluded. This policy cannot but take into account the development of trends, when leading firms in innovative production activities become more sensitive to the socio-economic, natural environment and begin to invest in higher education institutions, the ecology and culture of their territory. These trends can also be appropriately reinforced by regional governments. In general terms, there is a problem of forming a mutually beneficial partnership of territorial bodies, business entities and investors in realizing the regional potential, including its scientific and innovative component in achieving socio-economic goals.

The problem of forming a competitive territorial environment is closely related to two major problems of means to achieve goals: 1) with the organization of regional horizontal links in the implementation of comprehensive research in the region, the joint use of the potentials of organizations and institutions from different sectors of the "science and scientific service" industry in the development of complex and voluminous scientific - innovative projects and 2) with the development of a mechanism for the application of economic management methods, leading to the maximization of the effect in supporting the priority areas of science and production.

The listed general setting of goals and possible priorities acquire specific content for a given region for periods of up to one or two years - short-term targets, up to five years - medium-term.

The underdevelopment of state regulation of the market economy in the country, the imperfection in the field of structural, industrial and scientific and technical policy have affected domestic commodity production and its competitiveness. The process of ensuring regional competitiveness involves the development of an appropriate strategy that comprehensively and interconnectedly covers: industrial, investment, scientific and technical and foreign economic policy. The innovation policy strategy, its priorities and sources of resource provision can be formed at two levels: federal and regional.

At the federal level, Russia's strategic tasks are solved, funding is provided for those areas that smooth out the initial differences between regions in the initial period of transition to a predominantly innovative economy and contribute to the preservation of a single economic space.

At the regional level, it is very important to predetermine the movement of financial, labor and material resources towards promising industries and enterprises, the competitive potential of which is the greatest. The implementation of such a policy will contribute to the creation of market specialization of the regions and the implementation of such an important principle as the complementarity of regions.

All of the above suggests that at present the center of gravity of the direct regulation of life support, the solution of social problems, the development of market economic relations is transferred to the regions, lies with local executive authorities.

The solution of these problems is possible only if the competitiveness of the regional economy is ensured, and therefore deep structural transformations are inevitable, such as:

  • maintaining production at viable enterprises in order to maintain an acceptable level of supply of consumer goods, employment, curbing the growth of social tension and preventing conflicts in the regional market;
  • regulating the curtailment of economically unpromising industries and providing the necessary selective assistance to priority (from the point of view of the region) areas of development and enterprises;
  • organization of work on the rehabilitation of enterprises based on the conceptual positions of the structural and investment policy of the region;
  • ensuring rational economic relations of enterprises in the region through the possible integration of the efforts of enterprises and various territorial entities (both within Russia and abroad);
  • creation of conditions for the functioning of the main life support systems, prevention of technological and environmental disasters and etc.;
  • support for entrepreneurship, especially small and medium-sized businesses that create new jobs, increase the supply of goods and services in the local market;
  • search for potential investors, organizing the acceptance and effective use of foreign loans (especially in the field of recreational business, tourism), creating a favorable climate for foreign direct investment, and primarily in the sphere of material production;
  • formation of a regional system of institutional investors, extra-budgetary sources capable of accumulating savings and effectively turning them into investments;
  • active promotion of goods of local exporters to foreign markets, participation in centralized export programs of the Federation;
  • development of tax levers to support innovation.

The resolution of many problems of the competitiveness of the regional economy is associated with the intensive involvement of both domestic and foreign capital and the choice of industries and industries for priority financing. These sectors and industries should provide a quick return on investment and should not depend on attracting additional labor resources to the region. To the greatest extent, the listed requirements are met by the knowledge-intensive industries of the region, which form the potential for innovative development. The analysis shows that, in general, in Russia it is possible to achieve higher and more sustainable economic growth rates based on increasing competitiveness, diversifying the structure of the economy, and implementing institutional reforms both in the country and in the regions.

The most important priority is to further create a favorable institutional market environment in order to support competition, as well as stimulate the innovation sector and small businesses.

The state creates institutional opportunities for the economic independence of the regions. At the same time, the regional scientific and innovation policy should be aimed at developing elements of the economic mechanism that contribute, on the one hand, to state support for innovative areas and specific industries, and, on the other hand, to stimulate and support private initiative in the development of innovations.

The need for a uniform development of individual regions implies giving them the freedom to adopt management decisions aimed, among other things, at increasing the competitiveness of regional economies. The competitiveness of the regional economy reflects the ability of the region to produce a product that surpasses its competitors in terms of a set of indicators and provides high incomes with minimal risk, and serves as the basis for attracting investments into it, the basis of socio-economic development. In the medium term, the regional authorities face the most serious task of expanding and intensifying innovative activity, since only the implementation of the above measures can ensure a significant increase in production in the real sector of the economy.

Regional innovation policy should be aimed at developing elements of the organizational and economic mechanism that contribute, on the one hand, to state support for innovative areas and specific enterprises, and, on the other hand, to stimulate and support private initiative in the development of innovations. It is necessary to increase the role of scientific research and development, to turn the accumulated scientific potential into one of the main resources for sustainable economic growth. It is necessary to create favorable conditions for the introduction of advanced technologies into production, including the balanced development of innovative infrastructure.

Innovation policy is implemented in the form of measures of state and regional support, formation of a favorable innovation climate, increase of innovation receptivity and innovation readiness of the regions. For the implementation of scientific and innovation policy and the implementation of measures of state and regional support, the implementation of the functions of managing innovation, it is necessary to form a scientifically based system of management and regulation of innovation.

AT modern conditions the task of paramount importance is the preservation and subsequent strengthening of the innovative and industrial potential of the region, increasing the degree of its impact on the economic efficiency of production. Without this, it is unattainable to ensure the sustainability of regional development.

All of the above determines the importance and scope of the task of forming the organizational and economic mechanism of scientific and innovation policy at all levels, including, of course, its regional level.

Introduction. 2

1. Formation of the state innovation policy. 3

2. Main directions of innovation policy. 5

3. Regional innovation policy: goals and development priorities. ten

Conclusion. 19

In the conditions of the general economic crisis, the intensification of innovative activity in the region can be ensured only with the support of the regional and municipal levels based on the development of an effective program of regional innovation policy.


One of the most urgent problems of the Russian economy is to increase the competitiveness of industry through its technological re-equipment and the rise of science-intensive industries that create high added value. Therefore, there is an urgent need for enterprises to gain access to advanced technologies.

Theoretically, there are two approaches. You can go the way of acquiring licenses and know-how for well-known technologies, products and trademarks of large foreign companies. Another way is to rely on our own scientific and technical potential, which is largely unclaimed by the domestic industry today. It is more promising from many points of view, however, it requires overcoming a number of financial, organizational and managerial barriers.

In Russia, until recently, innovation activity was carried out exclusively in large public institutions managed through volitional decisions of budget financing and planning, but without taking into account the peculiarities and patterns of the innovation process itself.

Innovative business is the most vulnerable part of Russian small business. Small enterprises in the field of innovation were actively created in 1990-1993. Many of them broke up after not even two years. This was facilitated by the unfavorable conditions for the development of innovative business that developed during this period:

High taxes;

Difficulties with renting premises;

High cost of raw materials and energy.

At the same time, innovative enterprises did not have to rely on significant state support. What was done in this area did not even solve some of the problems that entrepreneurs involved in innovative business had to face. The decline in business activity in scientific and technical and production area, observed now, confirms the conclusion that without thoughtful state support, it will be difficult for Russian innovative business to get on its feet.

First of all, it is necessary to maintain the functioning of the already existing scientific infrastructure (equipment, stands, installations, etc.). The strategy here is divided into three stages. At the first stage - the preservation of the existing (surviving) scientific potential, while the return on investment in R&D is practically zero.

Further, it is necessary to develop information systems, subsidize the costs of using information networks and databases, and import scientific literature. At this stage, the primary task is to prevent the technological lag that was laid down by the “close” attention to science after 1991. The priorities are the import of technologies, the computerization of science (scientific centers, universities), and the reform of higher education in accordance with new needs. At this stage, it is necessary to solve the problem of “brain drain”. Identify specialties in which leakage is high. It is in the relevant areas of production and science that the greatest funds should be invested (in order to preserve the possibility of realizing specialists in their homeland). Considering that with free education there is a problem of a kind of subsidizing “importers of brains” (Russia invests in training, and “importers” get the effect), it is possible to introduce paid education in the specialties characterized by the greatest leakage with an extremely wide system of scholarships that fully cover the cost of education and obligatory fellows certain period work in government institutions (i.e. universities, research institutes, etc.). In addition, by the end of the period, it is necessary to start creating new research and production complexes (technopolises). At the end of the second stage, the private sector should begin to play some role in R&D financing.

The next stage is characterized by the introduction of innovations into production, an extremely high share of R&D expenditures in GDP (4-5%), a constant increase in the number of students in scientific specialties, an increasing role in the financing of R&D by the private sector, the creation of a network of state-supported networks of research and production laboratories - branches of Russian companies, state insurance of large-scale private scientific projects.

Support for the creation of R&D can be carried out by purposefully directing financial resources to this area, for example, by legislatively fixing the direction of the share of budget expenditures in the field of R&D at a level of 2% of GDP with an output of 4-5% of GDP by 2010. Expenditure on R&D should be exempted from taxes.

With regard to the development of new technologies, the following measures can be listed:

Identification and support of technologies, the development of which will provide Russian enterprises with competitive advantages;

Development of federal programs for the development and dissemination of key technologies;

Creation, with the help of the state, of an infrastructure that ensures the commercialization of R&D results;

Formation of a mechanism for stimulating the transfer of technologies from military to civilian production - an analogue of DARPA in the United States;

Development and implementation of technopolis development programs;

Subsidizing the import of new foreign technologies;

State purchases of modern equipment (including imported ones) and its leasing to enterprises for the modernization of fixed assets.

Finally, support is needed in the development of R&D (technology implementation). It is necessary to move from funding scientific organizations to funding specific R&D, to focusing on enterprises. Subsequently, it will be necessary to move from R&D financing to their support (subsidies, tax deferrals, concessional loans), selecting the most promising projects.


1. Federal Law “On innovation activity and state innovation policy”

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the concept of innovation policy of the Russian Federation for 1998-2000"

3. The concept of innovation policy of the Russian Federation

4. Action Plan for 1999-2001 for the implementation of the Concept of Innovation Policy of the Russian Federation

5. Betekhtina E., Poisik M. World practice of formation of scientific and technical policy. - Chisinau.: 1990

6. Perevalov Yu.V. et al. Innovative Program Territories: Creation Methodology and Development Prospects. - Yekaterinburg, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1998

7. Santo B. Innovation as a means of economic development. Per. from Hung. - M.: Progress. – 1990

8. Twiss B. Management of scientific and technical innovations. Abbr. per. from English. - M.: Economics. - 1989

9. Financial and economic mechanism of state support for innovation activity and its regional forms, M.: Publishing House of the RAGS, 1997

10. Economics of the enterprise. / Ed. V.Ya. Gorfinkel, E.M. Kupryakova. -M.: Business and Banks, UNITI.- 1996

11. Volsky A. Innovative factor in ensuring sustainable economic development.// Questions of Economics, 1999, No. 1

12. Dagaev A. Technology transfer from the public sector to industry as an instrument of state innovation policy. // PTiPU, 1999., No. 2

Perevalov Yu.V. et al. Innovative Program Territories: Creation Methodology and Development Prospects. Yekaterinburg, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1998, p.19.

Financial and economic mechanism of state support for innovation activity and its regional forms, M.: Publishing House of the RAGS, 1997, p.16.

A. Volsky. An innovative factor in ensuring sustainable economic development.// Questions of Economics, 1999, No. 1, p.5.

A. Volsky. An innovative factor in ensuring sustainable economic development.// Questions of Economics, 1999, No. 1, p.6

Dissertation abstract on the topic "Regional innovation policy: methods of formation and implementation"

As a manuscript

Koveshnikova Elena Vyacheslavovna


Specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (regional economy)


The work was carried out at the Department of Regional Economics and Territorial Administration of the Faculty of Economics of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Voronezh State University"

scientific adviser

Doctor of Economic Sciences Mishon Elena Vitalievna

Official Opponents

Doctor of Economic Sciences Kuznetsova Olga Vladimirovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences Kitova Galina Akhmedovna

Lead organization

State University of Management

The defense will take place on April 05, 2010 at 14:00 in aud. 1206 at a meeting of the dissertation council D 002.086.01 of the Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the address: 117312, Moscow, 60th anniversary of October avenue, 9.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council, Candidate of Economic Sciences

V.N. Rysina


The degree of development of the problem. Theoretical and methodological aspects state regulation of innovation activity and the development of state innovation policy are reflected in the works of V.A. Vasina, A.E. Varshavsky, D.M. Gvishiani, S.Yu. Glazeva, O.G. Golichenko, V.I. Gromeki, JI.M. Gokhberg, A.A. Dagaeva, I.G. Dezhina, A.A. Dynkina, P.N. Zavlina, V.V. Ivanova, N.I. Ivanova, A.K. Kazantsev, V.V. Kiseleva, G.A. Kitova, T.E. Kuznetsova, Ya.M. Lotosha, D.S. Lvov, V.L. Makarova, L.E. Mindeli, V.M. Polterovich, N.V. Shelyubskaya, F. Malerba, S. Radosevic, L. Soete and others.

Various issues of formation and implementation of regional innovation policy, research of the innovative potential of regions are considered in the works of Russian and foreign scientists: Yu.P. Anisimova, I.V. Boyko, E.M. Buchwald, S.D. Valengeya, P.N. Zavlina, A.G. Maksimova, O.S. Moskvina, Yu.K. Persky, K.I. Pletneva, N.M. Surnina, A.I. Tatarkina, G.A. Untura, I.N. Shchepina, V.N. Eitingon, M. Fritsch, A. Stephan, K. Koschatzky, S. Werker and others.

The purpose of the dissertation research is to develop theoretical provisions and improve the scientific and methodological, ensure the formation and implementation of regional innovation policy in Russia. h

The subject of the research is managerial relations in the sphere of formation and implementation of regional innovation policy. The object of the study is the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The methodological basis of the study was general scientific methods of cognition, methods of theoretical and empirical research, systemic and comparative analysis, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, methods of classification and grouping, correlation and multivariate statistical analysis.

The information base of the study was:

4. A set of indicators for evaluating the results of a regional innovation policy has been proposed and substantiated, which, in its formation, in contrast to known approaches, includes indicators of innovation activity that have found a relationship with the main indicators of the socio-economic development of the region. Practical significance of dissertation research

lies in the possibility of using the conclusions and recommendations contained in the work by federal and regional government authorities in the course of developing a set of economic and organizational measures designed to ensure the innovative development of regions.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main theoretical and methodological provisions of the dissertation research were discussed at international scientific schools-seminars named after acad. S.S. Shatalin "System modeling of socio-economic processes" (Voronezh, 2006; Ruza, 2007; Voronezh, 2008; Vologda, 2009), international scientific and practical conferences "Actual problems of development of territories and systems of regional and municipal government" (Voronezh, 2006, 2008 ), 5th international conference "GLOBELIX-RUSSIA-2007: Development of national and regional innovation systems to improve competitiveness and quality of life - partnership between the state, science, education and business (theory, problems, experience and prospects)" (Saratov, 2007) , International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovation Management - 2008" (Moscow, 2008), X All-Russian Symposium "Strategic Planning and Development of Enterprises" (Moscow, 2009), All-Russian Macro Symposium

"Innovative Economy: Design Solutions and Risk Management" (St. Petersburg, 2009) and other international and all-Russian scientific and scientific-practical conferences.

The main results of the study were applied during the implementation of the project "Theory and practice of the formation of national innovation systems" (grant of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation No. 06-02-04011a).

Publications. On the topic of dissertation research published 20 scientific works with a total volume of 8.18 pp, and personally by the author 5.47 pp, including 4 in journals from the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia.


1. The concept of regional innovation policy. The need to clarify the concept of "regional innovation policy" is due to the lack of its development in Russian economic science, the lack of a normative definition in federal legislation and the variety of interpretations in the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The dissertation researches the regional innovation policy, the subjects of which are the federal state authorities and the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In order to clarify the concept of "regional innovation policy", the author analyzed well-known studies, federal and

regional normative legal acts containing approaches to understanding the categories of "policy", "state innovation policy" and "regional policy". As a result, two fundamentally different approaches were singled out, qualifying these categories either as the activities of public authorities, or as a set of measures, forms and methods of management.

The author adheres to the first approach and in his dissertation considers regional innovation policy as a purposeful activity of federal and regional government bodies to create favorable conditions and incentives for innovation in the region, implemented:

a) within the framework of a long-term strategy for the development of the region with the help of a set of tools, the use of which will ensure a balance of interests of the subjects of the regional innovation system and economic efficiency, taking into account the competitive advantages and characteristics of the region, including those determined by the parameters of its innovative potential;

b) in order to increase the level of socio-economic development of the region ( regional component) and reducing differentiation in the levels of socio-economic development of the regions (federal component) due to the intensification of innovation activity.

Taking into account the accepted definition of the regional innovation policy, the paper formulates its purpose and objectives, defines the principles of formation and implementation, identifies common and special features, highlights the effects that are classified by the subjects of the regional innovation system.

2. The content of the innovative potential of the region. In the dissertation work, the author proceeds from the fact that the innovative potential of the region is the totality of the resources of innovative activity available in the region and the framework conditions (limitations and opportunities) for their development. At the same time, the innovative potential of the region is considered as one of the determinants of the regional innovation policy.

The innovative potential of the region contains resource and framework components. The resource component reflects the presence various kinds resources for innovation activities in the region. The framework component is a set of resources that are not directly innovative, but determine the quantitative restrictions or opportunities for the development of the innovative potential of the region (the resource framework for its development in the period under review). The intensity and effectiveness of innovation activity depends on the state of the region's innovation potential and innovation policy (federal and regional), which are determined own principles, methods and framework conditions (limitations and opportunities). One of the tasks of the regional innovation policy is to carry out a reliable assessment of the region's innovative potential, to ensure a balance and conditions for its effective implementation.

Figure 1. Structural model of regional innovation policy

3. Structural model of regional innovation policy.

The proposed model can be used by federal and regional authorities as a scientific and methodological support for activities in terms of innovative development of regions and the development of strategic and policy documents.

4. Approach to the classification of instruments of regional innovation policy.

As a result of the analysis of research by Russian and foreign scientists, as well as federal legislation, the legislation of 48 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and taking into account modern trends in the management of regional development, including those due to the formation of the concept of territorial marketing, the author highlights the fiscal, marketing, institutional and organizational blocks of tools for regional innovation policy (classification by functional feature).

The fiscal block is associated with the use of financial incentives to increase innovation activity and includes instruments of fiscal regulation (subsidies, tax breaks and deferrals, investment tax credit, state order, budget loans, state loan guarantees, accelerated depreciation, preferential lease of state property, partial payment for patenting, participation in the authorized capital of innovation-active organizations, etc.).

The use of marketing block tools is aimed at promoting innovation and shaping the ideology of innovation development in the region (conferences, forums, fairs, exhibitions, competitions, portals on the innovative development of the region, R11-plan for supporting regional innovation policy, tools for creating the image of the territory of innovation development and etc.).

The tools of the institutional block are used to create framework and specific conditions for innovation activity (regulatory legal acts, technological forecasts and road maps, a list of priority areas of innovation, etc.), and the tools of the organizational block are used to increase the connectivity of the elements of the regional innovation system (innovation infrastructure, territories innovative development, innovative clusters and networks, etc.). The tools are interconnected and their complex use is necessary. The growth of the marketing block can affect the efficiency of using the tools of the organizational block (for example, lobbying at the federal level for the creation of territories for innovative development in specific regions, elements of innovative infrastructure at the expense of the federal budget, etc.).

A number of tools can be used by regional authorities in the outsourcing format. For example, results monitoring functions

innovation activities in the region, the development of technological forecasts, the maintenance of registers of subjects of innovative activity and innovative projects, the development and implementation of a PR plan to support regional innovation policy can be transferred on a competitive basis to specialized organizations.

The author also compared the blocks of instruments of regional innovation policy and the characteristics of the region's innovative potential in order to select tools that can be used to “pull up” and increase (if necessary) individual characteristics of the potential.

5. Experience in the formation and implementation of regional innovation policy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In the long-term strategies for the socio-economic development of Russian regions, the innovative development scenario is recognized as having no alternative. In a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, strategic documents have been developed that provide for innovative development (innovation policy concepts (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Moscow, Oryol, Voronezh regions, etc.), concepts for the development of innovative activity (Republic of Khakassia, Vologda, Kurgan, Penza regions, etc.). ), strategies for the development of innovative activities (Republic of Tatarstan, Murmansk region, etc.)). Laws on innovation activities have been adopted in 43 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The implementation of the regional innovation policy in the regions of Russia occurs mainly through the use of the program-target method. The popularity of using targeted programs for innovative development of regions is due to the powers of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the innovation sphere and the program principle of forming the expenditure side of regional budgets. In 16 out of 43 laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on innovation activities, regional targeted programs are recognized as one of the most important mechanisms for implementing regional innovation policy. At present, regional targeted programs for the development of innovation activities have been developed and are being implemented in 26 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The author analyzed the reports on the implementation of targeted programs in 2008 in 4 constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Voronezh, Kaluga, Tomsk and Rostov regions)1. Regional targeted programs provide for the integrated use of various instruments of regional innovation policy, as well as co-financing of activities from various sources(Figure 2).

Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the main activities of targeted programs for the innovative development of regions in the considered subjects of the Russian Federation practically coincide. This is a rule-making activity to create framework conditions for innovative development; fiscal regulation in order to create conditions and incentives for innovative

1 The choice of regions is determined by the availability of information

activities; measures for personnel and information support of innovation activities; a set of measures aimed at establishing and developing elements of the innovation infrastructure.

EZ Federal budget □ Regional budget Local budgets AND Extra-budgetary sources

Figure 2. Shares of various sources of financing in the total volume of financing of the regional target program in 2008, %

As a result of the analysis of the regulatory legal framework of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it was found that only in some regions were approved by-laws regulating the procedure for providing state support to subjects of innovative activity (Kemerovo, Rostov, Kaluga regions, etc.). These acts provide for the conditions and terms for the provision of state support. The terms are set for the period of implementation of innovative activities, payback of the innovative project. The conditions, as a rule, are the assignment of a special status to innovative projects, their compliance with the priority areas of innovative activity in the region, the presence of innovative activity entities in a special list or rating of organizations, etc. Support can also be provided based on the results of a competitive selection.

Among the used fiscal instruments of regional innovation policy are the state order for R&D; subsidies for the purchase of fixed assets and for the payment of the cost of patents (Rostov region), for the repayment of interest rates on loans,

attracted for the implementation of science-intensive projects, for the creation and development of innovative infrastructure elements (Kaluga region), etc.

Special attention is paid to holding competitions for innovative projects and innovative organizations; competitions to support projects for the marketing of innovative products (Tomsk region), etc.

In order to develop human resources, scientific and practical conferences, training seminars, round tables are held for innovative activities, state and municipal employees, incentive payments are made to young scientists, grants are provided for training, etc. for the development of children's technical creativity, programs for the formation of innovative and entrepreneurial thinking of students are being implemented.

In terms of using the tools of the marketing block, the experience of the Kaluga region in promoting local innovative business through the implementation of business missions of innovative companies in the region to other regions of Russia and abroad is interesting. Practically in all subjects of the Russian Federation, data banks of subjects of innovative activity, scientific and technical developments and innovative projects are formed, catalogs of innovative projects are published.

The experience of the Republic of Tatarstan in adopting a number of framework documents is interesting: the accreditation regulations for innovative organizations (the goal is to identify truly innovative business entities and infrastructure elements), the concept of increasing the efficiency of interaction between participants in innovation activities (the goal is to increase the role and importance of the innovation sphere in the development of all sectors of the economy) .

The experience of a number of regions (Republic of Tatarstan, Tomsk, Rostov regions, etc.) seems to be productive in terms of initiating and conducting regional statistical observations in order to monitor innovation activity.

The federal component of the regional innovation policy can be found in the activities of state financial institutions for development, the implementation of various federal initiatives in the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (the creation of TV SEZs, technology parks in the field of high technologies, regional venture funds).

The analysis made it possible to identify the following promising areas of regional innovation policy:

Reduction of administrative barriers for subjects of innovative activity;

Stimulation of cooperative processes in the regional innovation system, transition to support of innovation networks and clusters (including interregional ones), rather than individual firms;

Promotion of local innovative products in the Russian and world markets;

Attracting highly skilled labor to the regions.

Regional authorities need to determine what strategy they will be guided by in regional innovation policy (innovation, imitation, supplier of ideas and technologies, supplier of educational services, etc.).

In terms of interregional cooperation, according to the author, an important role can be played by the federal districts, whose development strategies should provide for the interaction and coordination of the interests of the regions in the innovation sphere in terms of cooperation processes, technology transfer, and the location of high-tech industries.

One of the promising areas of regional innovation policy is the activities of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to promote the interests and proposals of the regions on federal level, since the federal component of regional innovation policy is often associated more with the realization of the interests of the center without taking into account the interests of the regions.

6. Methodology for assessing the results of innovation activity, taking into account the innovative potential of the region and framework conditions. To assess the results of innovation activity, taking into account the innovative potential of the region and the framework conditions for innovation activity, a methodology was developed that is distinguished by its complexity and a multi-stage procedure for selecting indicators. The method proposed by the author includes the following steps:

Stage 1. Selection, analysis and formation of a set of indicators necessary for the assessment.

Stage 2. Clustering of regions according to the level of development of innovative potential, taking into account the framework conditions for innovative activity and characterization of typological groups.

Stage 3. Clustering of regions based on the results of innovation activity and characterization of typological groups.

Stage 4. Comparison of the results of clustering carried out at stages 2 and 3 to determine the prospects for using and the feasibility of building up the components of the region's innovative potential, as well as identifying the "bottlenecks" of the regional innovation policy.

Approbation of the proposed methodology was carried out for 75 subjects of the Russian Federation according to the data for 2005-2007.

At stage 1, the selection of indicators was carried out based on the availability of data, generalization of the experience of researching innovative activities at the regional level, and also taking into account expert opinions. In addition, a correlation analysis was carried out, as a result of which some indicators were excluded due to high interdependence.

As a result, a set of indicators was formed to assess the innovative potential of the region (Table 1).

To assess the framework conditions for innovation activity, it is proposed to use the ratings of Russian regions, reflecting the legislative, political, economic, financial, social,

criminal and environmental risks, as well as information openness executive bodies state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Table 1

A set of indicators for assessing the innovative potential of the region

Type of resources Name of indicators

Human and scientific and technical - the number of university students per 10 thousand people. economically active population, people - share of R&D personnel in the average annual number of people employed in the economy, % - share of researchers with degree, in the average annual number of employed in the economy, % - the share of employees with higher education in the number of employees at the enterprises of the sample, % - the share of employees of innovation-active enterprises in the number of employees at the enterprises of the sample, % - the share of employees of R&D units in the number of employees of innovation-active enterprises active enterprises, % - the number of patent applications filed per 10 thousand people. economically active population, units - the number of issued patents per 10 thousand people. economically active population, units - research intensity of GRP (share of internal R&D costs in GRP), %

Financial and logistical - internal costs for R&D per 1 researcher, rub./person. - the share of equipment purchase costs in the total volume of internal current costs for R&D, % - the share of investments in fixed capital in the output of enterprises in the sample, % - the share of R&D costs in the costs of technological innovations, % - the share of costs for the acquisition of new technologies in expenses for technological innovations, % - the share of expenses for the purchase of machinery and equipment in the expenses for technological innovations, % - the degree of depreciation of fixed assets, % - the number of personal computers with Internet access per 100 employees of organizations, units.

Organizational - the share of organizations that performed R&D, in total number enterprises and organizations, % - the level of innovative activity of organizations, % - the share of innovative-active organizations that had R&D units in the total number of innovative-active organizations, % - the number of joint R&D projects of innovative-active organizations per 1 participating in projects an innovative-active organization, units. - share of joint R&D projects of innovation-active organizations in the region in the total number of joint R&D projects of innovation-active organizations of the Russian Federation, %

To assess the results of innovation activity in the region, the following indicators were selected:

The share of the volume of innovative products of the region in the volume of innovative products of the Russian Federation,%;

The share of the volume of innovative products in the total volume of products of innovative-active organizations,%;

The share of exports of innovative products in the total exports of innovative-active organizations, %;

The volume of innovative products per 1 rub. expenses for technological innovations, rub./rub.;

Labor productivity in innovation-active organizations, thousand rubles per person

The values ​​characterizing the innovative potential of the region, the framework conditions and the results of innovative activity were calculated as the arithmetic mean of the normalized indicators of the corresponding group. The obtained values ​​were used for cluster analysis (tree-like clustering, k-means method) using the 81AUSS 6.0 package.

At stage 2, the clustering of regions was carried out according to the level of development of innovative potential, taking into account the framework conditions for innovative activity, the identification and characterization of typological groups. As a result, 5 clusters were obtained (Figure 3).

Cluster 1 (21 regions, including Voronezh, Kaluga, Volgograd, Samara, Saratov, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk regions, the Republic of Tatarstan, Perm Territory, etc.) includes regions with a fairly high level of development of innovative potential, with the exception of financial and material and technical resources.

Cluster 2 and cluster 4 comprise regions that have, on the whole, a more modest innovation potential, but differ from the regions of cluster 1 in a large amount of financial and material and technical resources. At the same time, the regions of cluster 2 (a total of 28 subjects of the Russian Federation, including Bryansk, Tver, Murmansk, Ulyanovsk, Tyumen, Irkutsk regions, the Republic of Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Mari El, Altai Territory, etc.) strongly lose to the regions of cluster 4 (a total of 13 subjects of the Russian Federation, including Belgorod, Lipetsk, Vologda, Kaliningrad, Rostov, Orenburg regions, Krasnodar, Stavropol Territories, etc.) in terms of the development of framework conditions for innovative activity.

Cluster 3 regions are characterized by the lowest innovation potential (8 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Trans-Baikal, Kamchatka, Primorsky Territories, Amur, Magadan, Sakhalin Regions, Jewish Autonomous Region). With the exception of financial and material and technical resources, the regions of this cluster lag behind in all characteristics of innovation potential and have the worst framework conditions for innovation activity.

e- Cluster 1 -o- Cluster 2 ■o - Cluster 3 --:■ Cluster 4 - - Cluster 5

Figure 3. Clustering of regions by the level of development of innovative potential, taking into account the framework conditions for innovative activity (k-means method)


P1 - human and scientific and technical resources P2 - financial and material and technical resources RH - organizational resources I - framework conditions for innovation

The regions of cluster 5 have the same level of development of financial and material and technical resources as the regions of cluster 3, and in general are characterized by the greatest innovation potential and the best framework conditions for innovation activity (5 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the Moscow region, Moscow, Moscow). St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Tomsk regions).

At stage 3, the regions were clustered according to the results of innovation activity, and typological groups were identified and characterized. As a result, 5 clusters were identified (Figure 4).

The regions of cluster 1 (5 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including Moscow, Samara, Sverdlovsk regions, the Republic of Tatarstan, Perm Territory) are leading in terms of the results of innovative activity, however, it should be noted that labor productivity is not high enough at innovative-active enterprises of the regions of this cluster.

0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0

O- Cluster 1 -p- Cluster 2 -o- Cluster 3 - Cluster 4 - - Cluster 5

Figure 4. Clustering of regions based on the results of innovation activity (k-means method)


Y1 - the share of the volume of innovative products of the region in the volume of innovative products of the Russian Federation,%

Y2 - share of the volume of innovative products in the total volume of products of innovative-active organizations, %

UZ - the share of exports of innovative products in the total exports of innovative-active organizations, %

Y 4 - the volume of innovative products per 1 rub. expenses for technological innovations, rub./rub.

Y5 - labor productivity in innovation-active organizations, thousand rubles per person.

Cluster 2 (7 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the Voronezh, Novgorod, Penza regions, Altai, Primorsky, Stavropol Territories, the Republic of Mari El) are leaders in terms of exports of innovative products, although in general for Russia the volumes of innovative products produced by them are insignificant, and labor productivity is the highest. low.

Cluster 3 (31 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including Belgorod, Vladimir, Kaluga, Kursk, Orel, Yaroslavl, Pskov, Rostov, Saratov, Novosibirsk, Omsk regions, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Kabardino-Balkar, North Ossetia - Alania, Krasnodar, Zabaikalsky, Kamchatsky, Khabarovsk Territory etc.) and cluster 5 (9 subjects

The Russian Federation, including the Bryansk, Tver, Kaliningrad regions, the Republics of Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkess, etc.) are regions that show similar results of innovative activity, but differ in their level. Moreover, the regions of cluster 5 are characterized by large volumes of innovative products in the total production of innovative-active organizations, along with small volumes of exports of these products, which indicates their low competitiveness in world markets and is probably due to the borrowing of technologies.

Cluster 4 regions (23 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including Smolensk, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Leningrad, Murmansk, Astrakhan, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Irkutsk, Magadan, Sakhalin regions, Republics of Karelia, Sakha (Yakutia), Krasnoyarsk Territory, etc.) show the lowest results of innovation activity, but at the same time they are distinguished by the highest labor productivity rates at innovation-active enterprises.

At stage 4, by comparing the results of clustering carried out at stages 2 and 3, it was concluded that individual regions are successfully implementing the existing innovation potential (the Republic of Tatarstan (potential and framework conditions - cluster 1, results of innovative activity - cluster 1)). However, not all subjects of the Russian Federation with a sufficiently developed innovation potential use it effectively (Nizhny Novgorod region (potential and framework conditions - cluster 1, results of innovative activity - cluster 3), Chelyabinsk region (cluster 1 and cluster 3, respectively), etc.). At the same time, regions with a more modest innovation potential show higher results of innovation activity (Bryansk region (cluster 2, cluster 5), Primorsky Krai (cluster 3, cluster 2), etc.). The results obtained may be due, in particular, to the ongoing regional innovation policy, a possible imbalance in the innovation potential of the regions and the framework conditions for the implementation of innovation activities.

7. List of indicators for evaluating the results of regional innovation policy.

An analysis of the experience of Russian regions (DRONDs, regional target programs, regional development strategies, etc.) in terms of setting indicators for assessing the activities of regional authorities to create favorable conditions and incentives for innovation activity led to the conclusion that the approaches used are fragmented and incomparable.

In this regard, taking into account the results of OECD research, the author proposes a list of indicators for assessing the results of regional innovation policy (Table 2), which is structured according to the priority areas of regional innovation policy identified in the course of the analysis carried out in Chapter 2 of the dissertation work.

table 2

List of indicators for assessing the results of regional innovation policy, differentiated by priority policy areas

The name of indicators

Direction 1. Activation of innovative activity at the regional level and restructuring of the regional economy

1. The share of innovative products in the total output of innovative-active organizations, %

2. The share of exports of innovative products in the total exports of innovative organizations, %

3. The share of high-tech industries in the sectoral structure of the regional economy, %

Direction 2. Formation of a favorable investment climate and reduction of administrative barriers in the innovation sphere of the region

1. Level of innovative activity, % (for large, medium and small organizations)

2. The share of investments in fixed assets in the production volume of innovation-active organizations, %

3. The volume of attracted extra-budgetary funds per ruble of budget expenditures of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for targeted innovation programs, rub.

4. Results of surveys of subjects of the regional innovation system on the existence of administrative barriers for innovative business

Direction 3. Development of human capital and creation of jobs for highly qualified personnel, involvement of young people in innovative entrepreneurship

1. Coefficient of inventive activity (patents issued per 10,000 economically active population, units)

2. Share of R&D personnel in the average annual number of people employed in the economy, %

3. Average age of researchers, years

4. The share of employees of innovation-active organizations in the average annual number of people employed in the economy, %

5. Labor productivity in innovation-active organizations, rub./person.

6. The influx of highly skilled labor force into the region, pers.

Direction 4. Stimulation of cooperative processes in the regional innovation system

1. Number of innovation-active organizations participating in the development of joint R&D projects, units

2. Number of joint R&D projects of innovation-active organizations, units

According to the author, the evaluation of the results of regional innovation policy should be carried out not only according to official statistics reflecting the intensity and effectiveness of innovation activity, but also with the help of quality indicators of framework and specific

conditions for innovation activity, in particular, the openness of regional authorities, the absence of administrative barriers, etc.


5. As a result of the analysis of the experience of Russian regions in terms of the formation and implementation of regional innovation policy, its promising directions have been identified, mainly related to the need to stimulate cooperative processes, development competitive environment in the innovation sphere, attracting a highly qualified force to the region and reducing administrative barriers for the subjects of innovation activity.


1. Study of the innovative potential of the region // Bulletin of VSU. Series: economics and management. - 2006. - No. 1. - P. 44-56 (1.38 pp, co-authored, personally by the author - 0.68 pp).

2. Approaches to the study of innovation activity at the regional level // Bulletin of VSU. Series: economics and management. - 2006. - No. 2. -S. 189-194 (0.63 pp, co-authored, personally by the author - 0.3 pp).

3. Regional development strategies: between a strategic breakthrough and a strategic impasse // Economic strategies. - 2007. - No. 7(57). -FROM. 26-30 (0.44 pp, co-authored, personally by the author - 0.22 pp).

4. On the issue of evaluating the effectiveness of regional innovation policy // Review of applied and industrial mathematics. - 2009. - T. 16. - Issue. 5. - S. 865 (0.13 p.l.).

Articles in scientific journals and publications and other publications

5. On the issue of forming a strategy for the innovative development of the region // Energy - XXI century. - 2005. - No. 1-2 (55-56). - P. 125-135 (0.81 pp, co-authored, personally by the author - 0.45 pp).

6. Diagnostics of innovative activity of managers in the context of the implementation of regional innovation policy // Actual problems of regional economics and territorial administration: collection of articles / ed. I.E. Risina. - Issue. 5 - Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 2005. - P. 94-98 (0.5 pp).

7. Management of the innovation process in the region // Energy - XXI century. -2006. - No. 2 (60). - S. 133-141. (0.63 pp, co-authored, personally by the author -0.32 pp)

8. Innovative component of the regional socio-economic policy // Financial, economic and socio-legal aspects of the development of the region: problems, trends, solution mechanisms: materials

1 All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference: at 2 o'clock - Lipetsk, 2006. - Part I. - P. 128-132 (0.25 square).

9. Analysis of approaches to understanding the essence of innovation policy // Actual problems of regional economics and territorial administration: collection of articles / ed. E.V. Michon. - Issue. 6. - Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 2006. - P. 149-153 (0.25 p.l.).

10. Research of the innovative environment of the region // Chernozem almanac of scientific research. Series: "Economics". - 2006. - No. 2(3). - P. 55-62 (0.44 pp, co-authored, personally by the author - 0.25 pp).

11. Methods of analysis of innovative activity at the regional level // System modeling of socio-economic processes: Proceedings of the 29th international scientific school-seminar named after S.S. Shatalina: in

2 hours / ed. V.G. Grebennikova, I.N. Shchepina. - Voronezh: Publishing and Printing Center of Voronezh State University, 2007. - Part 1. - P. 173-180 (0.44 pp, co-authored, personally by the author - 0.22 pp).

12. Issues of formation and implementation of regional innovation policy // Actual problems of development of territories and systems of regional and municipal management: materials of the international scientific and practical conference / ed. I.E. Risina, Yu.I. Treshchevsky. - Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 2006. - S. 75-79 (0.31 pp).

13. Innovative activity at the regional level: measurement problems and approaches to analysis //_DUBELIKS-RUSSIA-2007: Development of national and regional innovation systems to improve competitiveness and quality of life - partnership between the state, science, education and business (theory, problems, experience and perspectives): materials of the 5th international conference. - Saratov: Saratov State Technical University, 2007. - Volume 2. - P. 188-191 (0.31 pp, co-authored, personally by the author - 0.15 pp).

14.Innovative development Voronezh region: results and prospects // System modeling of socio-economic processes: proceedings of the 30th international scientific school-seminar named after acad. S.S. Shatalin: in 2 hours / [ed. V.G. Grebennikova, I.N. Shchepina, V.N. Eitingon]; Center, economic-mat. Institute of RAS [and others]. - Voronezh: Publishing and Printing Center of Voronezh State University, 2007. - Part 1. - P. 240-246 (0.44 pp, co-authored, personally by the author - 0.22 pp).

15. Toolkit of innovation policy: Russian and foreign experience // System modeling of socio-economic processes: Proceedings of the 30th international scientific school-seminar named after academician S.S.

Shatalin: in 2 hours / [ed. V.G. Grebennikova, I.N. Shchepina, V.N. Eitingon]; Center, economic-mat. Institute of RAS [and others]. - Voronezh: Publishing and Printing Center of Voronezh State University,

2007. - Part 1. - S. 237-239 (0.19 sq.).

16. Public-private partnership as a tool for implementing regional innovation policy // System modeling of socio-economic processes: Proceedings of the 31st International scientific school-seminar: in 3 hours / [ed. V.G. Grebennikova, I.N. Shchepina, V.N. Eitingon]. - Part 1. - Voronezh: Publishing and Printing Center of Voronezh State University,

2008.-S. 281-285 (0.19 square).

17. Regional innovation policy: current trends and prospects // Actual problems of development of territories and systems of regional and municipal management: materials of the 3rd international scientific and practical conference / [ed. I.E. Risina, Yu.I. Treshchevsky]. - Voronezh: Publishing House "Istoki", 2008. -S. 141-143 (0.19 square).

18. Is innovation the driving force behind the socio-economic development of Russian regions? // Management of innovations - 2008: materials of the international scientific-practical conference / [ed. R.M. Nizhegorodtsev]. - M .: Kind word, 2008. - S. 214-217 (0.25 sq., in co-authorship, personally by the author - 0.08 sq.).

19. Problems of formation of a system of strategic indicators of regional development // Strategic planning and development of enterprises. Section 3: Proceedings of the Tenth All-Russian Symposium. Moscow, April 14-15, 2009 Ed. corresponding member RAS G.B. Kleiner. - M.: CEMI RAN, 2009. -S. 103-104 (0.13 squares).

20. Target programs for innovative development of the region: experience and prospects // System modeling of socio-economic processes: proceedings of the 32nd international scientific school-seminar, Vologda, October 5-10, 2009: in 3 hours / ed. Dr. Econ. Sciences V.G. Grebennikova, Ph.D. economy Sciences I.N. Shchepina, Ph.D. economy Sciences V.N. Eitingon. - Voronezh: Publishing and Printing Center of Voronezh State University, 2009. - Part II. - S. 155-161 (0.44 sq.).

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Thesis: content author of the dissertation research: candidate of economic sciences, Koveshnikova, Elena Vyacheslavovna


Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation and implementation of regional innovation policy.

1.1. Regional innovation policy and innovation potential of the region: concept and content.

1.2. Structural model of regional innovation policy.

1.3. Toolkit of regional innovation policy.

Chapter 2 Modern practice formation and implementation of regional innovation policy in Russia.

2.1. Federal component of regional innovation policy.

2.2. Regional innovation policy implemented by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 3. Improving the methodological support of regional innovation policy.

3.1. Methodology for evaluating the results of innovation activity at the regional level.

3.2. Approach to evaluating the results of regional innovation policy.

Thesis: introduction in economics, on the topic "Regional innovation policy: methods of formation and implementation"

The relevance of research. In the context of globalization and high competition, innovation and flexibility of the regional socio-economic system are becoming important factors in its competitiveness. The integration of the region into national and global networks for the creation, dissemination and commercialization of knowledge, the innovative activity of local businesses and the quality of the institutional environment are of fundamental importance for the socio-economic development of the region.

The modernization of the Russian economy implies strengthening the role and responsibility of the authorities in the formation of a system of motivation for innovation, while maintaining a balance of interests of its subjects. The quality and effectiveness of regional innovation policy are of particular importance. However, it does not have proper scientific and methodological support; the powers and interaction of public authorities at various levels in the field of innovation policy are practically not regulated, and assessments of its results are fragmentary and, as a rule, do not reflect the real state of affairs. All this determines the relevance of the research topic.

The degree of development of the problem. Theoretical and methodological aspects of state regulation of innovation activity and the development of state innovation policy are reflected in the works of V.A. Vasina, A.E. Varshavsky, D.M. Gvishiani, S.Yu. Glazeva, O.G. Golichenko, V.I. Gromeki, JI.M. Gokhberg, A.A. Dagaeva, I.G. Dezhina, A.A. Dynkina, V.V. Ivanova, N.I. Ivanova, A.K. Kazantsev, V.V. Kiseleva, G.A. Kitova, T.E. Kuznetsova, Ya.M. Lotosha, D.S. Lvov, V.L. Makarova, L.E. Mindeli, V.M. Polterovich, N.V. Shelyubskaya, F. Malerba, S. Radosevic, L. Soete and DR

The study of the problems of development and implementation of regional policy in modern Russia, socio-economic development of regions are devoted to the work of A.G. Granberg, N.V. Zubarevich, O.V. Kuznetsova, V.N. Leksina, O.S. Pchelintseva, I.E. Risina, A.N. Shvetsova, B.M. Shtulberg and others.

Various issues of formation and implementation of regional innovation policy, research of the innovative potential of regions are considered in the works of Russian and foreign scientists: Yu.P. Anisimova, I.V. Boyko, E.M. Buchwald, S.D. Valenteya, P.N. Zavlina, A.G. Maksimova, O.S. Moskvina, Yu.K. Persky, K.I. Pletneva, N.M. Surnina, A.I. Tatarkina, G.A. Untura, I.N. Shchepina, V.N. Eitingon, M. Fritsch, A. Stephan, K. Koschatzky, S. Werker and others.

The purpose of the dissertation research is to develop theoretical provisions and improve the scientific and methodological support for the formation and implementation of regional innovation policy in Russia.

This goal predetermined the need to set and solve the following tasks:

Consider and compare different definitions of regional innovation policy;

To reveal the content of the concept of "innovative potential of the region";

Suggest an approach to the study of regional innovation policy as a process;

Determine the instruments of regional innovation policy;

To analyze the modern experience of conducting a regional innovation policy by the subjects of the Russian Federation;

Assess the results of innovation activities in the regions of Russia;

Develop an approach to assessing the results of regional innovation policy.

The subject of the research is managerial relations in the sphere of formation and implementation of regional innovation policy. This dissertation researches the regional innovation policy, the subjects of which are the federal state authorities and the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The object of the study is the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study.

The theoretical basis of the study was the fundamental and applied work of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of regional economics and management, state regulation of innovation, development and implementation of innovation policy at the regional level, formation and development of national and regional innovation systems.

The methodological basis of the study was general scientific methods of cognition, methods of theoretical and empirical research, systemic and comparative analysis, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, methods of classification and grouping, correlation and multivariate statistical analysis. The information base of the study was:

Normative legal acts, strategic and program documents of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation;

Reports on the results and main activities of public authorities, forecast materials and reports on the implementation of federal and regional targeted and departmental programs;

Data Federal Service state statistics;

The scientific novelty of the dissertation lies in the development of theoretical provisions and the improvement of the methodological foundations for the formation and implementation of regional innovation policy pursued by federal and regional authorities.

The following results of the dissertation research have elements of scientific novelty:

1. A structural model of the regional innovation policy has been developed, which gradually reflects the activities of public authorities in the course of its formation and implementation.

2. A classification of the instruments of regional innovation policy on a functional basis has been carried out, within which, in contrast to well-known studies, budgetary-tax, marketing, organizational and institutional blocks are singled out.

3. A methodology for assessing the results of innovation activity has been developed and tested, which is characterized by taking into account the innovative potential of the region and the framework conditions for innovation activity and is distinguished by a multi-stage procedure for selecting indicators.

4. A set of indicators for evaluating the results of a regional innovation policy has been proposed and substantiated, which, in its formation, in contrast to known approaches, includes indicators of innovation activity that have found a relationship with the main indicators of the socio-economic development of the region.

The practical significance of the dissertation research lies in the possibility of using the conclusions and recommendations contained in the work by federal and regional government authorities in the course of developing a set of economic and organizational measures designed to ensure the innovative development of regions.

Separate provisions of the work, revealing the features of the formation and implementation of regional innovation policy, directions for improving its scientific and methodological support can be used in higher educational institutions when studying the disciplines "Regional Economics and Management", "System of State and Municipal Management", "State Regulation of the Economy" , as well as in the process of training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main theoretical and methodological provisions of the dissertation research were discussed at international scientific schools-seminars named after acad. S.S. Shatalin "System modeling of socio-economic processes" (Voronezh, 2006; Ruza, 2007; Voronezh, 2008; Vologda, 2009), international scientific and practical conferences "Actual problems of development of territories and systems of regional and municipal government" (Voronezh, 2006, 2008 ), 5th international conference "GLOBELIX-RUSSIA-2007: Development of national and regional innovation systems to improve competitiveness and quality of life - partnership between the state, science, education and business (theory, problems, experience and prospects)" (Saratov, 2007) , International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovation Management - 2008" (Moscow, 2008), X All-Russian Symposium "Strategic Planning and Development of Enterprises" (Moscow, 2009), All-Russian Macro-Symposium "Innovative Economy: Design Solutions and Risk Management" (St. Petersburg , 2009) and other international and all-Russian scientific and scientific-practical conferences.

The main results of the study were applied during the implementation of the project "Theory and practice of the formation of national innovation systems" (grant of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation No. 06-02-04011a).

Separate results and conclusions of the dissertation research were used by the Department of Industry, Transport, Communications and Innovations of the Voronezh Region in the development of the concept of the regional innovation policy and the regional target program for the development of innovation activities in the Voronezh Region (documented).

The main provisions of the dissertation research are introduced into the educational process of the Faculty of Economics of the Voronezh State University and included in the scientific and methodological support educational programs training of bachelors and masters of the direction "Management" within the disciplines "Regional Economics and Management" and "Policy of the socio-economic development of the region" (documented).

Field of study. The dissertation research was carried out within the framework of one of the main scientific directions of the Voronezh State University "Scientific foundations of socio-economic policy and management practice." The scope of the study corresponds to paragraph 5.15. "Regional socio-economic policy" specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy.

Publications. On the topic of the dissertation research, 20 scientific papers were published with a total volume of 8D8 pp, and the author personally 5.47 pp, including 4 in journals from the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia.

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references from 239 titles. The total amount of work without applications - 183 pages.

Thesis: conclusion on the topic "Economics and management of the national economy: the theory of economic systems management; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economics; logistics; labor economics", Koveshnikova, Elena Vyacheslavovna

The main results and conclusions of the dissertation research are as follows:

1. The concept of regional innovation policy has been clarified, which is considered not only from the standpoint of specific management activities, but also in relation to the state socio-economic policy at the federal and regional levels.

2. The content of the innovative potential of the region is disclosed, while, unlike the well-known approaches to describing the structure of the innovative potential of the region, the framework conditions for its implementation are taken into account.

3. A structural model of the regional innovation policy has been developed, consisting of blocks "analysis", "formation", "implementation" and "control".

4. A classification of the instruments of regional innovation policy according to their functional characteristics was carried out; as a result, the budgetary-tax, marketing, institutional and organizational blocks of instruments were singled out. A comparison of the instruments of regional innovation policy and components of the region's innovation potential has been made.

5. As a result of the analysis of the experience of Russian regions in terms of the formation and implementation of regional innovation policy, its promising areas have been identified, mainly related to the need to stimulate cooperation processes, the development of a competitive environment in the innovation sphere, attracting highly qualified labor to the region and reducing administrative barriers for subjects of innovation .

6. A methodology has been developed and tested for assessing the results of innovation activity, taking into account the innovation potential of the region and framework conditions, which can be used by regional authorities at the stage of forming a regional innovation policy to present an objective picture of the alignment of forces and timely prevent possible lagging behind the main competitors. The methodology makes it possible to identify similar regions for the purpose of their subsequent exchange of experience and cooperation in the development of regional innovation policy, strategic and policy documents for the development of the region. The use of the methodology can increase the level of validity of decisions and actions of public authorities related to the development and implementation of regional innovation policy, conducted both at the federal and regional levels.

7. A list of indicators for assessing the results of regional innovation policy, differentiated by priority policy areas, is proposed and substantiated. The list can be used as a basis for making decisions on adjusting directions and revising the mechanisms for implementing regional innovation policy, as well as for compiling a rating of regional authorities with the subsequent distribution of federal subsidies to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to support initiatives to develop regional innovation systems. Separate indicators, according to the author, can be included in the list of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of the executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


Dissertation: bibliography in Economics, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Koveshnikova, Elena Vyacheslavovna, Voronezh

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World experience shows that the regionalization of innovation policy, which began in the early 1980s, is the most important trend in its development at the present stage. In modern conditions, for any country, the most important condition for sustainable development is its internal organization, including the ability of both individual regions and the country as a whole to quickly respond to changes in internal and external conditions, to quickly adapt through a huge arsenal of innovation policy tools. The importance of the regionalization of innovation policy is due to the nature of the innovative development of the world economy, where science-intensive production dominates. The ability to constantly update products through the introduction of new technologies begins to play a decisive role in strengthening the competitive position of the nation in the world market. As a result, a large role is assigned to small and medium-sized businesses. In such an economy, local alliances between scientists, entrepreneurs, and local governments are a significant factor in achieving market success.

In addition, the deepening of industrial and commercial specialization is becoming a condition for high competitiveness and stability of many countries in the world market. Therefore, in order to increase the competitiveness of the country's economy as a whole, it is necessary to concentrate certain types of production in regions that have comparative advantages. This will not only allow achieving "one-off" success in the market, but also provides opportunities for reorientation of sales markets and the development of new technologies.

An important reason for the strengthening of the role of regional innovation development is the fact that in the modern world the success of innovation policy largely depends on how new knowledge is formed depending on the nature of the tasks in the implementation of plans for the economic development of the region. The spatial proximity of the creators of "intellectual capital", "technological resources" and business is critical to the success of innovation.

In addition, the regionalization of innovation policy is updated by the uneven and even polar distribution of scientific, technical and innovation potential throughout the country. This is typical for all states of the world without exception, but especially for Russia. Here it is appropriate to note that the uneven development of innovative potential is objective. All regions should not have equality here. However, the current global trend is that regions, specific territories in the developed countries of the world are still increasing their scientific and innovative potential, creating favorable conditions for attracting intellectual resources to the territorial economic complex. At the same time, in our regions over the past decade, since the liberal reforms, there have been significant losses, which has significantly undermined the regional potential in scientific and innovation areas. In our country, unevenness has taken its extreme form, the form of polarization of innovation potential, and this is already a dangerous trend.

Table 1.1. Distribution of scientific and innovative parameters of Russia's development by federal districts, 2003

federal district

R&D organizations

R&D personnel,

Internal costs for R&D, million rubles

R&D fixed assets

Innovation-active organizations

The volume of shipped innovative products,


from it: Moscow


St. Petersburg




Far Eastern

In the domestic literature, there is no single point of view on such concepts as "regional science and technology policy", "regional innovation policy".

In some works, regional scientific and technical policy is considered as a general direction in the development of science and technology, providing for the solution of economic and social problems that ensure the highest possible rates of development and the efficiency of social production in the Federation and the region, the solution of national economic and regional scientific and scientific and technical problems in the direction of specialization of the scientific complex of the region.

Regional scientific and technical policy from an economic point of view can be considered as a set of socio-economic relations between regional authorities and subjects of scientific and technical activities located in a given territory, regarding the creation, transformation and use of innovations to update all industries based on a balance of interests of all participants in scientific, technical and innovative activities, as well as subjects of the federal level.

Regional innovation policy is understood as a system of measures of a legal, economic, organizational, political nature aimed at developing the economic potential and improving the quality of life of the population of a particular territory through appropriate innovations, especially in the scientific and technical field.

In some studies, regional scientific and innovation policy is understood as a set of established goals and priorities for the development of scientific and innovative activities in the region, ways and means of achieving them based on the interaction of regional and federal governments. This is a formulation of in what directions and how the issues of development of the scientific and innovative sphere in the region should be addressed.

Analysis of the above definitions of the essence of regional innovation policy allows us to conclude that when developing a definition of regional innovation policy, the following points should be taken into account.

Firstly, the innovative activity of the region is simultaneously part of two systems, namely the innovation sphere of the country and the socio-economic sphere of the region, and, therefore, is affected by both federal and regional governments of the respective systems. Therefore, its effective development is determined by the constructive interaction of the governing bodies of these two systems.

Secondly, the regional innovation policy should be an integral part of the state's economic policy.

Regional innovation policy, in comparison with the national one, has a number of distinctive features. One of them is related to its clearer focus on solving specific socio-economic problems of its region. A clearer economic and social orientation of the innovation policy of the regions, in contrast to the policy of the federal government, is confirmed by the following data. Thus, almost a third of the spending on science from the budgets of the territories goes to the implementation of industrial projects, and half of them are associated with the creation of software products. Research and development in the field of construction (9.7%); light (8.8%) and food (6.7%) industries; transport (6.3%); local industry (1.8%). In addition, a fourth of the budget funds allocated by the regions for science is occupied by social programs, primarily on health protection (14.2%) and the environment (5.8%); development of education, social protection of the population, culture and recreation, solution of other social problems (4.3%). (Figure 1.1).

Rice. 1.1. The structure of expenditures on science from the budgets of the territories

The most important feature is the formation of an innovation policy focused on reforming the structure of the regional industrial system in the direction of knowledge-intensive industries. For example, the Government of the Saratov region considers the goal of a targeted innovation policy in the region to be to stimulate the introduction of science-intensive technologies and the development of the production of competitive high-tech products. With this, it will be possible to achieve the full realization of the intellectual and industrial potential of the region to achieve technological leadership.

Another feature is the greater orientation of regional budgets towards program-targeted financing of research and development and the programmatic solution of key problems in the development of the economy of the territories. For example, three-quarters of the funds allocated in the subjects of the federation for science are directed to the implementation of their own scientific and technical programs; another 9-12% falls on programs funded jointly with federal ministries and departments, and only 8-10% goes to support subordinate organizations.

Another important feature of the implementation of innovation policy in a particular region is related to the fact that the authorities of the subjects of the federation began to actively reorient the existing scientific potential to solve key problems of the socio-economic development of a particular territory.

It is possible to single out the key directions in the formation and implementation of scientific, technical and innovation policy in the subjects of the federation. These include the following activities.

First, the development and adoption legislative framework on scientific, technical and innovative activities, scientific and innovative policy and the regulation of these issues by regulatory acts of the administration. To date, relevant laws have been adopted in most regions of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, the creation of an organizational and legal mechanism for the interaction of authorities with developers and consumers of scientific and technical products, aimed at intensifying research work and introducing their results into production through a system of economic levers and benefits.

Thirdly, the development of priorities for scientific and technical activities, both with a focus on the existing scientific and technical potential, and the formation of a list of promising technologies related to new directions in the development of science and technology.

Fourth, the formation of regional organizational structures management of scientific and technical activities. To date, such structures are functioning in many regions of the Russian Federation. However, the nature of their activities is traditionally associated with issues of vocational and general education, and only in a few subjects of the federation are they focused on a close connection with the problems of the real sector of the economy.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the role of regional innovation policy is difficult to exaggerate. It has its own characteristics applicable to each specific region. The need for its development is determined by the current socio-economic situation in the country.

The innovation policy is designed to ensure an increase in the country's gross domestic product through the development of the production of fundamentally new types of products and technologies, as well as the expansion on this basis of markets for domestic goods.

In this regard, the main directions of the state innovation policy include:

1. Development and improvement of the legal framework for innovation, mechanisms to stimulate it, a system of institutional reforms, protection of intellectual property in the innovation sphere and its introduction into economic circulation.

2. Creation of a system of comprehensive support for innovation, development of production, increasing competitiveness and export of science-intensive products. In the process of enhancing innovation activity, it is necessary to involve not only government bodies, commercial structures, financial and credit institutions, but also public organizations both at the federal and regional levels.

3. Development of the innovation process infrastructure, including the information support system, the expertise system, the financial and economic system, production and technological support, the system for certification and promotion of developments, the system for training and retraining personnel. The backlog that has accumulated over many years is based not on the low potential of domestic research and development, but on the weak infrastructure of innovation activity, the lack of motivation of commodity producers to implement innovations as a way of competition. This leads to the lack of demand for the potential of domestic applied science and technology.

4. Development of small innovative entrepreneurship by creating favorable conditions for the formation and successful operation of small high-tech organizations and providing them with state support at the initial stage of activity.

5. Improving the competitive system for selecting innovative projects and programs. The implementation of relatively small and fast-payback innovative projects in the sectors of the economy with the participation of private investors and with the support of the state will help support the most promising industries and organizations, and increase the flow of private investment into them.

6. Implementation of critical technologies and priority areas that can transform the relevant sectors of the economy of the country and its regions. The key task of the formation and implementation of innovation policy is the selection of a relatively small number of the most important basic technologies that have a decisive impact on improving the efficiency of production and the competitiveness of products in the sectors of the economy and ensuring the transition to a new technological order.

7. Use of dual-purpose technologies. Such technologies will be used both for the production of weapons and military equipment, and for civilian products.

1. An important role in the set of proposed measures is played by institutional transformations (privatization, the creation of financial and industrial groups, demonopolization in the innovation sphere, small business, and others) aimed at creating a market infrastructure and contributing to the intensification of innovation activities that ensure the growth of production of competitive products and the development of high technologies.

2. For these purposes, it is necessary, in accordance with the legislation, to provide for the creation of innovation centers in the regions that will ensure the coordination of interaction and support for participants in innovation activities.

3. The implementation of the main stages of innovation activity, starting from the transformation of scientific and technical developments into an innovative product that is attractive to investors, manufacturers and buyers, and ending with their development in production, requires expanding the network of technology parks, business incubators, innovation and technology centers in those regions of Russia, where the infrastructure is concentrated, which ensures the activation of the innovation process.

Under the regional science and technology policy is understood as a set of established goals and priorities for the development of scientific and innovative. Activities in the region, ways and means of achieving them based on the interaction of regional and federal governments. The formation of regional innovation policy is based on the following
called the theory of creating favorable environmental conditions for innovation. Its central point is the dynamic efficiency of regional production structure, and the main tool - the creation of local synergies, the transfer of innovation and technology (the so-called technology transfer). The development and implementation of a regional innovation policy is not an end in itself. It is aimed at increasing the contribution of the scientific and innovative sphere to the country's scientific and technical progress, to the region's economy, improving the socio-economic indicators of the region through the effective use of its innovative potential.

Regional innovation policy, presented in the form of a program, contains the following sections:

1. Analysis of the state of the scientific and innovative sphere in order to identify the level and degree of use of innovative potential; prospects and directions of innovative activity, its scale and impact on the competitiveness of the region's products; structural and institutional changes; conditions for increasing innovation activity.

2. Goals and priorities for the development of scientific and innovative activities in the region. The system and structure of goals should be developed on the basis of the following principles:

Regional goals should follow from the general concept of scientific and technological development of the country and not contradict the strategic federal goals;

Regional goals should be formulated taking into account the specifics and needs of the region;

The goals of the regional program should not come from the availability of resources and opportunities, on the contrary, the resource program should be formed from the established goals;

The specific development of the structure of goals and, in general, the target program should be carried out at the level of modern methods with the widespread use of independent experts and a system of expert assessments;

International scientific and technical cooperation;

State (federal) programs for accelerating scientific and technological progress;

Actually regional (municipal) policy of development of scientific and technical potential; - individual industrial enterprises and scientific institutions of state and municipal forms of ownership;

Individual privatization industrial and scientific and technical firms;

As applied to specific scientific teams (groups) and individual scientists who independently solve priority scientific and technical problems.

The ranks of goals at the listed levels of regional innovation policy are established in the system of long-term and short-term planning and forecasting of regional socio-economic development.

The most realistic approach to the choice of priorities for the development of the innovation sphere can be considered an approach focused on global criteria Scientific and technological progress, development of high technologies.

The second general guideline in choosing the priorities of scientific and innovative development is the achievement of the goals of its socio-economic development. The main task of the regional authorities in this case is to create a favorable economic environment and conditions for increasing investment activity in the scientific and innovative sphere.

The third point: innovation policy in the region should have a selective, strictly selective character, not seeking to cover all areas of scientific and technological development, but, having chosen the narrow fields of a strategic breakthrough, through which it is possible to achieve or exceed the world technological level, to concentrate on these fields the bulk of the limited centralized and regional resources.

The fourth point: the priorities of the regional science, technology and innovation policy should be focused on the deconcentration of scientific potential, turning it to the urgent needs of the integrated development and self-sufficiency of the regions, the formation of a network of technopolises and science cities.

Each region has its own specific, reproductive, sectoral and technological structure, its own system of priorities and must rely on own forces and resources in implementing this strategy. However, in a transitional economy, as a rule, there are few or no such forces and resources, therefore, federal innovation programs are needed aimed at providing initial assistance in the technological transformation of regions, at developing innovation infrastructure, training personnel, etc.

Fifth point: Russia cannot stand aside from world scientific and technological progress. It would be detrimental to her future. It is necessary to be actively involved in the global science community and the global technology market, find niches in it and develop them, change the priorities and specifics of foreign economic relations, gradually shifting the center of gravity from fuel and raw materials to high-tech markets.

Finally, and most importantly, it is necessary to form a civilized market mechanism for the implementation of a selective science and technology policy. First of all, we are talking about an innovative motivational mechanism, economic support for innovative activity.

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