The production structure of the enterprise and its improvement. The concept of production structure and its constituent elements

The production structure of an enterprise is spatial form organization of the production process, which includes the composition and size of the production units of the enterprise, the forms of their interconnection, the ratio of units in terms of capacity (equipment throughput), the number of employees, as well as the placement of units on the territory of the enterprise.

The production structure of an enterprise reflects the nature of the division of labor between individual divisions, as well as their cooperative links in a single production process to create products. It has a significant impact on the efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise.

Under the production structure of the enterprise understand the composition of the shops, services of the enterprise and the nature of the links between them.

The production structure of the enterprise is determined by:

  • the nature of the products produced;
  • complexity;
  • type of production, primarily the range of products and volume of output;
  • Forms of relationships with other enterprises.

Depending on the coverage of the stages life cycle products distinguish between complex and specialized enterprise structure.

  • The complex structure focuses on the relatively most cycle "idea - production - consumption". This structure is typical for research and production associations (NGOs). It includes research units, workshops or production units of the main, auxiliary and service production. Organizations of this type often bear full responsibility for the development, production and maintenance of equipment.
  • · A specialized structure focuses on a particular stage of the product life cycle, as a rule, on the release of products, and includes all the departments necessary for this.

Enterprises can be specialized in the production of finished products (subject specialization), parts or assemblies (nodal or detailed specialization), performing certain operations (technological specialization).

Depending on the forms of administrative and economic separation of the divisions of the enterprise, the production structure can be of various types. The most common shop structure. In addition to the workshop, other types of production structure are being formed in the industry: shopless, hull (block), combine.

A non-shop production structure is formed at small and some medium-sized enterprises, where workshops or production sites are created instead of workshops, usually subject-closed. The workshopless structure makes it possible to simplify the enterprise (production unit) management apparatus, bring management closer to the workplace, and increase the role of the foreman.

With a hull (block) structure, groups of workshops, both main and auxiliary, are combined into blocks. Each block of workshops is located in a separate building. With a corps structure, the need for territory is reduced and the costs of its improvement are reduced, transport routes and the length of all communications are reduced. It is especially effective to combine workshops that are related in terms of the technological process or have close and stable production ties.

The combine structure is used in those industries where multiple, or complex, processing of mineral or organic raw materials is carried out on a large scale, i.e., where the predominant type manufacturing enterprise is a combine. At the same time, production units are organized on the basis of rigid technological links, which are continuous technological flows.

The main elements of the workshop production structure of the enterprise are jobs, sites and workshops.

The primary link in the spatial organization of production is workplace.

A workplace is an organizationally indivisible (under given specific conditions) link in the production process, serviced by one or more workers, designed to perform a specific production or service operation (or a group of them), equipped with appropriate equipment and organizational and technical means.

The workplace can be simple or complex. A simple workplace is typical for a discrete type of production, where one worker is busy using a specific equipment. A simple workplace can be single- and multi-station. In the case of using complex equipment and in industries using hardware processes, the workplace becomes complex, as it is serviced by a group of people (team) with a certain delineation of functions during the process.

The workplace can be stationary and mobile. The stationary workplace is located on a fixed production area, equipped with appropriate equipment, and the objects of labor are fed to the workplace. The mobile workplace moves with the appropriate equipment as the objects of labor are processed.

Depending on the characteristics of the work performed, jobs are divided into specialized and universal.

The final results of the enterprise's work significantly depend on the level of organization of jobs, the reasonable determination of their number and specialization, the coordination of their work in time, the rationality of the location on the production area.

Plot - a production unit that combines a number of jobs grouped according to certain characteristics, carrying out part of the overall production process for the manufacture of products or maintenance of the production process. On the production site, in addition to the main and auxiliary workers, there is a leader - the foreman of the site . Production areas are specialized in detail and technologically. In the first case, jobs are interconnected by a partial production process for the manufacture of a certain part of the finished product; in the second - to perform the same operations.

The sections connected with each other by constant technological connections are united into workshops.

Shop - the most complex system that is part of the production structure, which includes production sites and a number of functional organs as subsystems. Complex relationships arise in the workshop: it is characterized by a rather complex structure and organization with developed internal and external relationships.

The workshop is the main structural unit of a large enterprise. It is endowed with a certain production and economic independence, is a separate organizational, technical and administrative production unit and performs the tasks assigned to it. production functions. Each workshop receives from the plant management a single plan task that regulates the amount of work performed, quality indicators and marginal costs for the planned amount of work.

To serve the main and auxiliary workshops, production facilities are created:

  • - storage facilities;
  • - energy economy (power grids, transistor);
  • - transport economy (depot, garages, ways);
  • - sanitary facilities;
  • - central factory laboratory.

Allocate subject, technological and mixed (subject-technological) production structure.

Under the technological principle of specialization, sections include workplaces and equipment designed to perform individual technological operations.

The advantage of such a structure is: ease of management of the production unit, the ability to quickly switch from one product range to another, the possibility of high equipment utilization, the use of rational progressive technological methods production of products.

With the subject principle of specialization, equipment is selected according to the principle of direct flow according to the technological process. The advantages of an objective feature of building a production structure include the use of in-line production methods, high-performance equipment, the possibility of complex mechanization and automation of production processes, and adherence to the principle of direct flow.

A mixed option is also possible - subject-technological specialization (for example, procurement shops are organized according to the technological principle, and assembly shops - according to the subject principle).


A modern industrial enterprise is a complex economic system, in which lies the interaction of material, labor and financial resources. The production and technical unity of the enterprise is determined by the common purpose of the manufactured products and is the most important feature of the enterprise. The enterprise is an integral economic system, consisting of separate structural units that ensure the development of this system. The composition of the structural divisions of the enterprise, their number, size and the ratio between them in terms of the size of production areas, number of personnel, throughput characterizes the overall production structure of the enterprise.

The production structure of the enterprise during the creation, construction or reconstruction of the enterprise, as a rule, does not meet the new requirements. This is because during this period the range of manufactured products, the serial production of it is changing, some production facilities are expanding, the technology is changing and, consequently, the arrangement of equipment. Therefore, in order to improve the production structure and determine ways to improve it, it is necessary to periodically analyze it, compare it with advanced similar enterprises, and it is also necessary to meet the requirements of the scientific and technical process. The issues of the foundations of the formation and improvement of the production structure of the enterprise are subject to disclosure in this work.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that, regardless of the industry to which the enterprise belongs, the issue of the production structure is one of the key in the management system. The results of the economic activity of the enterprise, as well as the efficiency of all ongoing processes, depend on a correctly and clearly developed structure.

The subject of this term paper is the process of creating a production structure, and the object is a set of elements of the production structure.

Essence, types and types of production structures

The concept of the production structure of an enterprise

The concept of the production structure of an enterprise is very general and almost all sources provide similar definitions. Below I will give examples of a few of them.

Most complete concept The free encyclopedia "Wikipedia" leads us. She says that: “The production structure is part of the overall structure of the enterprise, it represents the composition and interrelationships of the main and auxiliary production units. The primary structural unit of the enterprise is the workplace. Groups of workplaces are combined into a production site. The production structure of an enterprise is its division into divisions (production, workshops, sections, farms, services, etc.), carried out according to certain principles of their construction, interconnection and placement. The most important principle in the formation of the production structure of an enterprise is the division of labor between its individual elements, which manifests itself in intra-factory specialization and cooperative production. In accordance with this, and depending on the scale of the enterprise and the complexity of the process of manufacturing products, each industrial enterprise is divided both into large divisions (first level): workshops, production, farms, and into smaller divisions (second level): sections, departments, jobs” Internet resource:,

In this definition, absolutely all the nuances of the concept of the production structure of an enterprise are affected. Here it is said that the structure is very complex and begins with the smallest parts that are in the enterprise, such as jobs, and with each step these structural units are grouped and increased.

Also an important part of the definition is the division of labor into elements that specialize strictly in the manufacture of their part of the product.

“The production structure of an enterprise is a set of production units of an enterprise (workshops, services) included in its composition and forms of relations between them. The production structure depends on the type of products and their range, the type of production and forms of its specialization, on the characteristics of technological processes. Moreover, the latter are the most important factor determining the production structure of the enterprise” V.Ya. Gorfinkel, V.A. Schwander "Enterprise Economics", Moscow, 2004. This wording of the definition again states that the production structure is the relationship of all parts of the enterprise, but it is clarified that this structure depends on the type and forms of production, as well as on the characteristics of the technology for manufacturing products.

"The production structure of an enterprise is a spatial form of organization of the production process, which includes the composition and size of the production units of the enterprise, the forms of their interconnection, the ratio of units in terms of capacity (equipment throughput), the number of employees, as well as the placement of units on the territory of the enterprise" L .N. Chechevitsyn "Enterprise Economics", Rostov-on-Don, ed. "Phoenix", 2008;. This definition states that the production structure is a very large organizational form that unites all departments and entities of the enterprise.

1.1.1 a brief description of each of the structural divisions of the enterprise

Briefly characterize structural units enterprises and highlight their functions and goals.

First, the main workshops that perform the most leading role at the enterprise and form the main production. They are intended to carry out the technological processes of production in which this enterprise specializes. Technological processes are, basically, the change and processing of raw materials for their further transformation into finished products.

Secondly, auxiliary workshops that help the main production to work effectively. The auxiliary workshops supply the main workshops with electricity, gas, steam and other types of energy, are also responsible for the serviceability of the equipment and buildings of the main workshops, manufacture spare parts and non-standard equipment.

Thirdly, this is an important service economy that provides transport services: automobile, rail, etc. It also stores both raw materials and finished products and semi-finished products, provides various additional laboratory testing services.

The service industry also includes:

1. Ancillary production responsible for the production of containers that are required for packaging. Extraction and processing of various auxiliary materials (refractory products, scrap metal)

2. Ancillary workshops that manufacture products from the resulting production waste. Subdivisions may also work, for reuse auxiliary materials in the main production.

3. Pilot production is supported where the production of science-intensive products is mainly carried out, which are constantly being improved and updated.


In the production structure, three levels of its elements can be distinguished:

1. Jobs

2. Workshops, farms

3. Branches, sections

The workplace is a part of the area, which is equipped with equipment, tools, various devices and other material and technical means, with the help of which operations are carried out for the manufacture of products or their maintenance.

1.1.2 Types of production structure

Specialization is the performance of homogeneous labor operations by a production worker within the framework of his technological organization. Three forms of specialization can serve as the basis for the organization of workshops: technological, subject, mixed, from which other types of the production structure of the enterprise are further distinguished.

Enterprises with a predominantly technological structure create sections according to the principle of their uniformity in processing and manufacturing a wide variety of parts for the enterprise's products. Most of these are procurement workshops, which differ from each other, depending on the specialization of the enterprise. This includes: spinning, weaving and finishing shops in textile enterprises, and, for example, in machine-building - thermal, mechanical and forging.

Rice. 2. Production structure of an enterprise with technological specialization (fragment)

But this structure has disadvantages associated with the complexity of the location of technological equipment in the course of production. Those. it is very unprofitable to change machines every time a company needs to produce a new product. That is why most often such a production structure is used at enterprises of a single or small series production.

The subject structure is characterized by distribution into similar sections, which are built on the basis of the manufacture of a specific product, part of a product or group of parts by each. Often this structure is used in machine assembly shops, for example, in car factory these are workshops for the manufacture of chassis, engines, and at the machine-tool building - these are workshops for the manufacture of body parts, beds and shafts. This structure has a lot of advantages for the enterprise, such as: reduces the activity of the production cycle, allows you to arrange equipment along the way technological process. This structure also organizes subject-closed sections of mass production, for example, processing and assembly stages of production, combined together. Production lines also appear in mass production.

A mixed, otherwise subject-technological production structure combines workshops at an enterprise according to both principles of organization.

For example, procurement and mechanical assembly shops, which are located in a machine-building company with a mass production of finished products, are organized differently. So foundries, forges and presses, that is, blanking shops, are organized according to the technological principle, and mechanical assembly shops - according to the subject.

1. 1.3 Factors that determine the production structure of the enterprise

Without taking into account the factors and conditions for their formation, it is impossible to analyze, evaluate and justify the directions for improving the structures of the enterprise. Factors affecting the formation of the production structure of the enterprise are divided into several groups.

The completeness and complexity of the structure is determined by general structural or otherwise national economic factors, for example: the composition of the sectors of the economy, the relationship between them, their degree of differentiation, the expected growth rates of labor productivity.

There are also industry factors, which include:

1. how wide is the specialization of the industry,

2. the level of development of branch science,

3. features of the organization of various deliveries and sales of products,

4. providing services to other industries.

Regional factors, in turn, determine how well the enterprise is provided with various communications, these are: gas and water supply, means of communication, highways along which transport runs, etc.

To production factors, i.e. Everything without which it is impossible to organize production includes factors of resource provision. These are facilities, equipment, raw materials and materials, fuel and vehicles.

Factors that organize labor and production, as well as improve skills and introduce innovations, are called enabling factors. They seek to establish the desired level of economic and technological development.

All these factors together form the external environment for the functioning of the enterprise and their consideration is very important in the formation of the structure.

If the enterprise decided to move to market conditions, then the importance of the factors that ensured the commercial efficiency of the enterprise, the rhythm of its production and cost reduction increases.

But there are also factors that hinder the improvement of the structure of the enterprise:

1. Low level of personnel qualification

2. Low potential of service and support units

3. Insufficient production flexibility

4. Low level of management, organization, etc.

After all of the above, the question arises of the rational formation of the production structure, which largely determines the effectiveness of the activity. It is necessary to choose the right ratio between the main production and various secondary and auxiliary shops, and this is explained by the fact that the final process of manufacturing the enterprise's products takes place in the main shops, which should include more workers. In addition, the main workshops should occupy a large area and prevail in terms of the cost of fixed production assets.

There are many factors in the enterprise that in some moments restrain it, and in others improve it. Above, we have listed many of those and other factors and revealed their essence.

1.1.4 Indicators characterizing the structure of the enterprise

Wide the circle of indicators is used for quantitative analysis production structure of the enterprise. The ratio between industries: main, auxiliary and service, which are characterized by the number of workers, equipment in the enterprise, as well as the size of production areas.

The amount of output, the number and cost of production assets, the power capacity of installations. All this characterizes the size of production units.

The degree of centralization of individual industries is the ratio of specialized work to the total volume of work.

The proportionality of the links that make up the enterprise, which is determined by the ratio of interconnected sections responsible for the production process, production capacity and labor intensity.

Spatial placement and its effectiveness. So one of the coefficients is the ratio of the area occupied by buildings and structures to the area of ​​the entire site of the enterprise.

Relationships between production units, which are determined by recalculating the number of redistributions of the object of labor before it becomes a finished product, as well as the length of transport routes for the transportation of semi-finished products and freight turnover between redistributions.

Specialization of individual links, which is determined by the number of detail operations performed at one workplace, which, in turn, characterizes the proportion of units.

In the first paragraph of the first chapter of the theoretical section, we gave definitions of the production structure of the enterprise itself and all the elements that make it up. We also briefly described some of the structural divisions of the enterprise in the second paragraph and identified the types of production structures of various enterprises in the third paragraph. In the following paragraphs, we talked about the factors that determine it and the indicators that characterize it. All this gives us the opportunity to examine the enterprise from the inside and explain its complex mechanism.

The production process in modern conditions can be considered in two ways:

  • as a process of material production with the end result - marketable products;
  • as a process of design production with the end result - scientific and technical production.

Depending on the methods of processing products, the enterprises organize appropriate subdivisions, and in the administrative apparatus, the corresponding functions and links. Each enterprise consists of industries, workshops, sites, farms, management bodies and organizations for servicing employees of the enterprise. A clear classification and the establishment of relationships between them make it possible to reasonably organize the course of production and rationally form the structure of the enterprise.

Each enterprise consists of industries, workshops, sites, farms, management bodies and organizations for servicing employees of the enterprise. Establishing relationships between them allows you to organize the course of production and rationally form the structure of the enterprise. Distinguish between the general and production structure of the enterprise.

General structure of the enterprise represents the composition of production links (production structure), as well as organizations for enterprise management (organizational structure) and for servicing employees, their number, size and the ratio between them in terms of the size of occupied areas, the number of employees and throughput.

As part of the management bodies, one can distinguish technical, economic, operational and production, personnel service, accounting, marketing service, logistics service.

Employee service organizations include a power supply unit, a health center, housing and communal services, a library, children's institutions, a dispensary, and a rest home.

Under the production structure is understood the totality of the production units of the enterprise that are part of it, as well as the forms of relationships between them.

Production structure - this is part of the overall structure, in particular the composition of the production units of the enterprise (industries, workshops, farms), their relationship, the procedure and forms of cooperation, the ratio of the number of employed workers, the cost of equipment, the occupied area and territorial distribution.

Considering workshops and farms, in the production structure we can distinguish main, auxiliary, service and side shops.

  • To main workshops of a machine-building enterprise include procurement(cutting, foundry), processing(mechanical, thermal, processing), assembly(final assembly, mechanical assembly).
  • To auxiliary workshops include repair and mechanical, instrumental, energy, non-standard equipment.
  • To serving workshops include container, transport, storage workshops.
  • To side shops include shops of consumer goods, for the processing of raw materials.

Organizational structure, being a derivative of the production one, in turn, has a significant impact on it. Improvement of the organizational structure contributes to the improvement of the production, creation of conditions for its rapid restructuring for new types of products, reduces the cost of maintaining production units. At the same time, if the organizational structure of an enterprise is excessively complicated as a result of the layering of various operational decisions, this complicates the production structure, i.e., leads to the creation of unnecessary parallel workshops, sections, warehouses, disruption of intra-factory communications and, ultimately, to irregularity. enterprise work.

The structure of the enterprise and the construction of its divisions are influenced by production, technical and organizational factors. The most important of them are the nature of the production process and products, the scale of production, the nature and degree of specialization, the degree of coverage of the life cycle of products.

The production structure of the enterprise is dynamic and cannot be unchanged. At many existing enterprises, it needs significant changes.

At a number of enterprises, an unreasonable number of small workshops, sites with low level technology for the production of various types of semi-finished products and services, so as not to depend on suppliers. At a number of enterprises, separate production facilities were created in different time as the need arises. Thus, the harmony of the development of production was violated. In all these cases, the production structure must be revised in terms of modern requirements.

Technical progress, the development of specialization and cooperation of enterprises may require a revision of the production structure, the creation of new workshops, redevelopment of areas, changes in production capacity, etc.

Structure of the main production

The primary link in the organization of the production process is workplace. It is part of the production area equipped with necessary equipment and tools with the help of which a worker or a group of workers (team) performs individual operations for the manufacture of products or maintenance of the production process.

The set of jobs that perform technologically homogeneous work or various operations for the manufacture of homogeneous products forms production area. At large and medium-sized enterprises, production sites are combined into workshops.

Shop - this is a production and administratively separate division of the enterprise, in which a certain set of works is performed in accordance with the internal specialization of the plant.

Based on the purpose and nature of the manufactured products or the work performed at the enterprise, they distinguish the main, auxiliary, servicing and secondary production and, accordingly, the main, auxiliary, servicing and side sections, workshops and farms.

To main production shops includes the shops that manufacture the products of the enterprise. At machine-building plants, these include foundries, forging and pressing, mechanical, assembly; on metallurgical — blast-furnace, steel-smelting, rolling shops; at shoe and clothing enterprises - cutting and tailoring. The list of workshops depends on the type of manufactured products and the level of specialization of the enterprise. Sometimes homogeneous workshops at large enterprises are combined into buildings. In small enterprises with relatively simple production, it is not advisable to create workshops.

There are shop, shopless and hull production structures.

shop structure includes workshops,

Organizational forms of small, medium, large enterprises, the production structure of each of which has its own characteristics.

Production structure of a small enterprise has a minimum or no structural production units, the management apparatus is insignificant, the combination of managerial functions is widely used.

Structure of medium enterprises involves the allocation of workshops in their composition, and in the case of a non-shop structure, sections. The minimum necessary for the functioning of the enterprise are created its own auxiliary and service units, departments and services of the management apparatus.

Large enterprises in the manufacturing industry include the entire set of production, service and management departments.

Indicators characterizing the structure of the enterprise

For Quantitative Structure Analysis a wide range of indicators characterizing:

  • Dimensions of production links(value of output, number, cost of fixed production assets, capacity of power plants);
  • The degree of centralization of individual industries(an indicator of the centralization of the production process, determined by the ratio of the amount of work performed in specialized units to the total amount of work of this type. For example, the ratio of the amount of work of the tool shop to general manufacturing tool at the factory)
  • The ratio between the main, auxiliary and service industries. This ratio is characterized by the specific weight of the main, auxiliary and service industries in terms of the number of workers, equipment, the size of production areas, the cost of fixed assets;
  • Proportionality of the links included in the enterprise. Proportionality is determined by the ratio of plots connected between a production process, in terms of production capacity and labor intensity. Proportionality analysis allows you to identify "narrow" and "wide" places, i.e. plots with small and plots with excess capacity;
  • The level of specialization of individual production links. It can be characterized by the proportion of subject, detail and technologically specialized subdivisions, the level of specialization of workplaces, determined by the number of detail operations performed at one workplace;
  • E spatial efficiency of the enterprise.

Organization of an industrial enterprise in space and principles of its construction

On the basis of the production structure, a general plan of the enterprise is developed. The spatial arrangement of industries, workshops and farms on the territory of the enterprise is carried out according to the general plan of the enterprise, developed during its creation. The master plan is spatial arrangement all shops and services, as well as transport routes on the territory of the enterprise.

General plan of the enterprise represents graphic image its territory with all buildings, structures, communications, communication routes and other communications tied to a specific territory (area).

When developing a master plan, direct flow is ensured material flows. The shops must be located in the sequence of the production process. Services and workshops interconnected should be located in close proximity.

At enterprises, the master plan is usually presented in two forms: projected and actual.

The requirements observed in the development of the master plan are:

  • Ensuring the direct flow of objects of labor when moving from one unit to another without counter flows. This requirement is implemented when the shops are placed in the order of the sequence of the technological process (preparation - processing - assembly). Warehouses for raw materials and materials are located on the side of the import of goods in the immediate vicinity of the procurement shops, and warehouses for finished products - on the side of export near the assembly shops;
  • The predominant movement of goods by technological transport. This ensures reliability and lower costs for moving objects of labor compared to public transport;
  • Reducing the length of energy communications(electricity, steam, water and gas pipelines);
  • Non-intersection of the routes of workers to and from work with communication routes and communications and workshops. This is achieved by constructing appropriate crossings;
  • Separation into special groups of workshops with a homogeneous nature of production(shop blocking). The creation of separate zones for energy, hot, cold shops and general plant services allows you to create normal sanitary and hygienic working conditions;
  • Accounting for the direction of the prevailing winds(wind roses). Workshops with harmful emissions (steam, dust, gas) into the atmosphere must be located on the leeward side. This will reduce the overall gas contamination of the enterprise territory and will have a positive effect on the safety of equipment in the workshops;
  • Accounting for the nature of technological processes located nearby, for example, the location of the forging and pressing and tool or machine shops nearby is incompatible due to vibration and shaking of the soil;
  • Accounting for the terrain, location railway tracks, residential settlements in the development of the master plan.

Master plan development performance indicators are the size (area) of the territory of the enterprise, the length of communications, the degree of development of the territory. The lower these indicators per unit of production, the more successful the layout.

Besides, important indicators rational enterprise planning are the provision of normal sanitary and hygienic and production conditions, the availability of a reserve area for the expansion of the enterprise, the aesthetically expressive architectural appearance of the buildings and office premises.

Ways to improve the production structure

The efficiency of production largely depends on the rationality of the applied general and production structures. The issues of choosing and improving the production structure arise when building new enterprises, reconstructing or expanding existing enterprises, changing the profile of their production, and switching to the production of new products. In these cases improvement of the production structure is carried out in the following main areas.

  • Determining the optimal size of the enterprise. The optimal size is the size of the enterprise, which, with a given level of technology development and specific conditions of location and external environment ensures the production and marketing of products at minimal cost.

The size of the enterprise is affected by both internal production and external factors. Intra-production factors determine the technical and organizational conditions of the enterprise and contribute to the strengthening of the enterprise and the growth of its efficiency. These include the nature of the equipment used (its productivity, power), the progressiveness of the technological process, the contingency of production, and the methods of organizing the production process.

Intra-production factors determine the minimum and maximum size of the enterprise. The minimum size is the size of the enterprise that allows the most full application modern technology. If the size does not allow this, then it is below the minimum allowable and the construction of the enterprise is not advisable.

2. Deepening the specialization of the main production. The degree of perfection of the production structure largely depends on the choice of the form of specialization of production units. These forms must correspond to the type and scale of production and be uniform for the same production conditions. The lack of uniform principles in the specialization of production units gives rise to inconsistency in the composition of workshops and sections, in the types and volumes of work performed. Often small factories copy not only the structure of the management apparatus of large enterprises, but also the number of production units. Improving the structure of enterprises, it is necessary to be guided by the same principles in choosing the forms of specialization of sections and workshops, and to economically justify the creation of each new structural unit.

On the production structure of the enterprise positive influence provides a broad development of aggregate, detail and technological specialization, which creates the prerequisites for the transition from the technological structure to the subject structure of factories and workshops, which allows the introduction latest achievements techniques and technologies. A typical example is the subject and detail-specialized factories for the production of individual machine parts (spring, bearing). At the same time, as practice shows, in detail-specialized plants, along with the use of special automatic equipment in mass production, modular machines and unified units for automatic lines can be widely used. Their use allows to increase labor productivity and reduce the cost of production. Equipment costs and terms of its development are reduced.

3. Expansion of cooperation in production maintenance. The normal operation of the main production requires its accurate and uninterrupted maintenance by the repair of fixed assets, the provision of tools, electricity and other types of services. At the same time, the task of the enterprise is to manufacture the main products, so the main production should be the predominant part of the enterprise, not only in terms of the share of benefits created, but also in terms of the number of employees, occupied production space, equipment, etc.

A significant share in the structure of most industrial enterprises is occupied by auxiliary shops and service facilities. At many enterprises in the metallurgical industry, the number of auxiliary workers is approximately 55 - 60% of the total number of workers, at enterprises of mechanical engineering and metalworking - 50 and 55% and food - 40 - 45%, respectively.

Increasing the share of service with technical improvement and high level mechanization and automation of the main production is associated with an increase in the volume of work on the manufacture and repair of technological equipment, mechanization and other types of services. At the same time, the absolute number of auxiliary and service workers should decrease under the influence of an increase in the level of organization of production and an increase in the qualifications of personnel.

One of the reasons for the unjustifiably large share of auxiliary services in the structure of enterprises (along with the low level of mechanization of auxiliary work) is their insufficient centralization both at enterprises and on an inter-factory scale. Centralization of auxiliary production, based on the concentration of homogeneous work, allows, on the one hand, to increase the level of mechanization of these works and thereby significantly increase labor productivity, on the other hand, to simplify the production structure by reducing redundant and parallel production units.

In the context of the transition to market relations, a tendency has emerged to create small enterprises on the basis of auxiliary farms at large machine-building and other enterprises. Separation from enterprises of non-core industries, without affecting the main technological process, is one of the directions for disaggregating enterprises and improving the production structure. Certain prerequisites must be created for this process, and, above all, the deepening of self-financing.

Company- according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an independently operating facility created in accordance with applicable law for the production of works, the provision of services, and the production of products. The company receives the status of a legal entity. person when registered.

Company structure is the composition and ratio of it internal links(shops, sections, departments, laboratories and other divisions) that make up a single economic object.

Under the general structure of the enterprise is understood as a complex of production and service units, as well as the enterprise management apparatus. The general structure of the enterprise is characterized by interrelations and correlations between these divisions in terms of the size of the occupied areas, the number of employees and throughput(power). At the same time to production departments include workshops and sections in which the main products, materials, semi-finished products, spare parts are manufactured, different kinds energy, various types of repairs are carried out. To non-production divisions include units serving the employees of the enterprise: canteens, buffets, first-aid posts, dispensaries, clubs, housing and communal departments, etc.

Production structure of the enterprise - this is a set of main, auxiliary and service departments of the enterprise, ensuring the processing of the input of the system into its output - a finished product with the parameters specified in the business plan.

Main elements production structure are:


· workplaces.

The organizational construction of the production structure is carried out according to three principles:

· technological - workshops and sections are formed on the basis of the homogeneity of the technological process of manufacturing various products;

· subject - unites workplaces, sections, workshops for the production of a certain type of product;

· mixed - procurement shops and sections are created according to the technological principle, and producing shops and sections - according to the subject.

There are the following types of production structure:

without workshop (production site, i.e. a set of geographically separate workplaces where technologically homogeneous work is performed or the same type of product is manufactured, I use it in small enterprises with relatively simple production processes);

workshop (workshop, i.e. administratively separate part an enterprise in which a certain set of works is performed in accordance with in-plant specialization);

hull (building, that is, the union of several workshops of the same type);

Combined (multi-stage production processes are carried out, hallmark which is the sequence of processes for processing raw materials, for example, metallurgical, chemical, textile industries)

The structure of the enterprise should be rational and economical, provide the shortest ways of transporting raw materials, materials and finished products.

In addition, the production structure of the enterprise is influenced by a number of factors:

industry affiliation of the enterprise;

the nature of the product and methods of its manufacture;

The volume of production and its labor intensity;

level of specialization and cooperation of production;

Features of buildings, structures, equipment used, raw materials and materials.

38. Functions of enterprise management. Composition, content, place in the management structure. The main types of organizational structures of enterprise management.

Control functions is a specific type management activities which is carried out by special techniques and methods, as well as the appropriate organization of work.

The following functions are distinguished:

goal setting – development of the main, current and long-term goals.

Planning - development of directions, ways, means, measures for the implementation of the goals of the activities of firms, the adoption of specific, targeted, planned decisions relating to their departments and performers.

Organization - this is the process of establishing the order and sequence of purposeful interaction of parts of the system coordinated in space and time to achieve in specific conditions, in certain deadlines set goals by methods and means developed for this at the lowest cost.

Coordination - clarification of the nature of the actions of the performers.

Regulation – implementation of measures to eliminate deviations from the mode of operation of the system specified by the organization. It is carried out by scheduling.

Stimulation – development and use of incentives for effective interaction subjects of activity and their highly productive work.

The control - monitoring the course of ongoing processes in a controlled object, comparing its parameters with the specified ones, identifying deviations.

Activity accounting – measurement, registration, grouping of object data.

Activity analysis is a comprehensive study of activity using analytical, economic and mathematical methods.

Organizational structure of the management apparatus - a form of division of labor in production management. Each division and position is created to perform a specific set of management functions or work. To perform the functions of the unit, their officials are endowed with certain rights on the disposal of resources and are responsible for the performance of the functions assigned to the unit.

Distinguish connections:

linear (administrative subordination),

functional (by field of activity without direct administrative subordination),

Interfunctional, or cooperative (between units of the same level).

Depending on the nature of the connections, several main types of organizational management structures are distinguished: linear; functional; linear-functional; matrix; divisional; multiple.

AT linear structure management, each manager provides leadership to subordinate units in all activities. Dignity - simplicity, economy, ultimate unity of command. The main disadvantage is the high requirements for the qualifications of managers. Now practically not used.

The diversification of production and the specialization of management led to the emergence of combined structures, among which the most common is linear functional, combining the main advantages of linear and functional systems and at the same time ensuring the development of specialization in management activities. At the same time, the authority of line managers responsible for production results is preserved.

D- director; FN - functional chiefs; AND - performers

Rice. Functional management structure

Linear-functional structure- step hierarchical. Under it, line managers are single bosses, and they are assisted by functional bodies. The line managers of the lower levels are not administratively subordinate to the functional heads of the higher levels of management. It has been the most widely used.

D- director; FN - functional chiefs ; FP - functional divisions; OP - main production units.

Rice. Linear-functional management structure

Divisional. The divisional organizational structure is characterized by decentralization of management functions - production units are given autonomous structures that implement the main management functions (accounting, planning, financial management, marketing, etc.). This allows production departments to independently solve problems related to the development, production and marketing of their own

products. At the same time, the top management of the enterprise can focus on setting and solving strategic tasks.

Matrix structure is characterized by the fact that the performer can have two or more leaders (one is a line manager, the other is a program or direction manager). Such a scheme has long been used in R&D management, and is now widely used in firms that work in many areas. It is increasingly replacing the linear-functional one from the application.

Rice. Product Oriented Matrix Management Structure

Multiple structure brings together different structures different steps management. For example, a branch management structure can be applied to the entire company, and in branches it can be linear-functional or matrix.

Rice. Project management matrix structure (multiple)

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Production structure

Production structure- part of the overall structure of the enterprise, represents the composition and relationships of the main and auxiliary production units. The primary structural unit of an enterprise is a workplace. Groups of workplaces are combined into a production site. The production structure of an enterprise is its division into divisions (production, workshops, sections, farms, services, etc.), carried out according to certain principles of their construction, interconnection and placement. The most important principle in the formation of the production structure of an enterprise is the division of labor between its individual elements, which manifests itself in intra-factory specialization and cooperative production. In accordance with this, and depending on the scale of the enterprise and the complexity of the process of manufacturing products, each industrial enterprise is divided both into large divisions (first level): workshops, production facilities, farms, and into smaller divisions (second level): sections, departments, workplaces.

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