Tank TG (Tank Grotte) Engine, Weight, Dimensions, Armament. How much does a tank weigh How much does a light tank weigh

Few of the issues related to weapons Russian army, does not cause such fierce disputes as the future of domestic armored forces. Experts, journalists, military professionals and just people who are interested in military affairs participate in a furious discussion. AT Russian media Articles on this topic appear regularly. Representatives of the top leadership of the Russian army do not get tired of adding fuel to the fire.

Disputes are ongoing about the potential of Russian combat vehicles, as well as their comparison with foreign counterparts. In 2011, the then Commander-in-Chief ground forces For Russia, Colonel General Postnikov spoke extremely unflatteringly about the characteristics of the T-90 tank, comparing them with those of the main German tank"Leopard-2". According to him, the T-90 is not technical breakthrough, but just another modernization of the T-72, in which there is nothing fundamentally new. He also mentioned that, in his opinion, the price of a Russian tank is too high - for 120 million rubles (this is the price of one T-90) you can buy several Leopard 2A7 tanks. On the other hand, many experts call the T-90 the bestto datethe main tank in the world. Where is the truth?

The T-90 tank is a continuation of the T-72 and T-80 family of vehicles. Its development and testing began in the late 80s of the last century, and it was put into service in 1992. The machine does not contain any revolutionary innovations, conceptually it continues the earlier machines. Of course, many changes were made to the design of the T-90: the fire control system was improved, protection was improved, the vehicle received more advanced multi-layer armor and built-in dynamic protection - but we can say that the T-90 is just the most modern upgrade of the T-72.

The history of the creation of the T-90:

In 1985 began mass production new T-72B tank - but already at that time the tank was obsolete in comparison with advanced foreign counterparts. This was especially true of the fire control system, in this regard, he lost not only to Leopard and Abrams, but even to new Soviet tanks. Therefore, immediately after the start of mass production of the T-72B, work began on its modernization.

A fire control complex (KUO) 1A45 "Irtysh" was installed on the vehicle; it was well developed on T-80 tanks), it was combined with an automatic tank loader. Also installed newest complex optoelectronic suppression (KOEP) "Shtora", which protected the car from anti-tank weapons, especially those using laser guidance. It cannot be said that new tank in their own way technical specifications turned out to be a breakthrough - but protection and firepower machines have been enlarged.

In 1989, state tests of the tank began at several test sites in different parts THE USSR. Particularly difficult were tests in Central Asia, in conditions of high temperature, sand and dust. In 1992, the tests were successfully completed, and new car was adopted. In the same year, mass production of the machine began, which received the designation T-90. After tragic death Vladimir Ivanovich Potkin, the chief designer of this model, the T-90 was named "Vladimir" in his honor.

T-90 of various modifications has become the most popular and sold Russian tank on the world market. Until 1998, 120 tanks of this type were manufactured for the Russian Ministry of Defense. In 2004, work began on the modernization of the T-90, as a result of which the T-90A and T-90AK vehicles appeared (they featured a more powerful engine, a new welded turret, an improved thermal imaging sight and a new gun stabilizer). The latest modification of the T-90 is the T-90AM tank, which has a new Kalina fire control system, an upgraded gun, a new automatic loader and a more powerful engine.

During the production of the T-90, several export modifications of the tank were created, which took into account the requirements of customers. Russian Ministry Defense has stopped purchasing vehicles since the end of 2011.

The device of the T-90 tank

The main battle tank T-90 has a classic layout: the control compartment is located in the bow, the fighting compartment is in the middle of the vehicle, and the engine and transmission are in the stern of the tank. The crew consists of three people: the driver is in the control compartment, and the commander and gunner are inside the tower, to the left and right of the gun.

The body of the tank is made of welded armor, the frontal part of the vehicle consists of multilayer armor using composite materials and with built-in dynamic protection.

The main armament of the T-90 is smoothbore gun caliber 125 mm. The gun is equipped with a stabilizer, a chrome-plated barrel, has systems for accounting for barrel deformation and pumping out powder gases. The length of the gun is 48 calibers. The rate of fire of the gun reaches 8 shots in 56 seconds. The T-90 is also armed with a coaxial machine gun and an anti-aircraft gun (NSVT "Utes").

The tank's ammunition load is 43 shots and includes various types of ammunition: armor-piercing sub-caliber shells 3BM42, armor-piercing HEAT projectiles 3BK29M, high-explosive fragmentation projectiles with electronic remote fuse(increases the effectiveness of the fight against enemy manpower located in shelters), as well as ATGM 9M119. The firing range of anti-tank missiles is from 100 to 5000 meters. Not a single tank in the world has ammunition with such a range.

The T-90 was equipped with a four-stroke 12-cylinder diesel engine; on later modifications of the machine, it was replaced with a more advanced engine with a turbocharger, which made it possible to increase its power from 840 hp. up to 1000 hp The engine provides greater mobility and maneuverability of the tank; it is not for nothing that the T-90 is called the “Russian flying tank”. Planetary type transmission, there are 7 gears forward and one reverse.

The fire control system makes shooting as easy as possible. All data (firing range, wind direction and speed, air temperature, tank position) for firing are taken into account automatically and the gunner just needs to point the sight at the target and press the fire button. The tank is equipped with the Buran-PA night sight, as well as the Agat-S tank commander's sighting system.

The T-90 is protected by multi-layer armor with built-in reactive armor "Contact-5". The Shtora-1 optoelectronic countermeasures complex protects the vehicle from anti-tank weapons with a semi-automatic guidance system or laser homing. Sensors laser radiation provide its reception within a radius of 360 °, the data is quickly processed, and an aerosol grenade is fired in the right direction, blocking the laser beam. The tank has modern system firefighting.

The fuel system of the T-90 tank is considered to be a vulnerable point of protection. The fuel tanks are partially moved to the combat compartment and are not separated from the crew in any way. Another problem with this machine is the placement of ammunition inside the fighting compartment, while it is also not isolated from the crew. Its detonation is guaranteed to lead to the destruction of the tank.

Used on T-90 chassis tank T-72. Combined with a new engine, reliable transmission and low machine weight, it provides high mobility and maneuverability. Due to its ability to effectively overcome obstacles, some Western experts call the T-90 a "flying tank".

The main performance characteristics of the T-90 tank

Main characteristics
Crew Composition 3 persons
Tank weight, t 46,5
Length, m 6,86
Tank hull width, m 3,78
Tower hatch height, m 2,23
Engine power, h.p. 800/1000 l. with. (diesel)
Number of cylinders 12
cooling liquid
Type: mechanical Two final drives, input gearbox and coaxial final drives
Number of gears (forward/reverse) 7/1
Resource tank with diesel fuel on the highway; capacity 550 km; 1200 l
With hanging tanks; capacity 700 km; 400 l
Fuel consumption, l/100 km 240-450
Suspension Torsion
Speed ​​on the highway, km/h 60
Speed ​​on arable land, km/h 50
Barrier elevation angle 30 degrees
barrier barrier, m 0,8
Ditch barrier, m 2,8
Ford barrier, m 1,2 (1,8)
Tank armament
gun type; caliber smoothbore; 125 mm
guided missiles
firing range 5 km
Loading Automatic, manual
Quantity of ammunition, pcs. 42 (22 rounds in autoloader)
rate of fire 8 shots per minute
Ammunition types BPS, BCS, OFS, UR
Coaxial machine gun PTKM 7.62 mm; 2000 rounds
Heavy machine gun CORD 12.7 mm; 300 rounds
Multilayer armor combined, with dynamic protection "Contact-5". KOEP "SHTORA-1"

Advantages and disadvantages of the T-90

The T-90 tank is indeed a modern tank with characteristics that are not inferior to foreign analogues. His strengths are good mobility and maneuverability, reliability of the engine and chassis, as well as a good level of security. The relatively small weight of the tank and its size make the vehicle less vulnerable to enemy fire.

To negative sides The T-90 can be attributed to the location of the ammunition and fuel tanks next to the crew. ERA is ineffective against tandem munitions (although the tank's protection system is effective against most anti-tank weapons). The fire control system on early modifications is outdated, although the Kalina fire control system installed on latest models, is not inferior to foreign analogues. The disadvantage of the tank is also a low reverse speed.

The undoubted advantage of the T-90 is the ability to fire guided missiles at a distance of up to 5000 meters.

Modifications of the T-90 tank:

  • T-90S - a car made for export
  • T-90SK - commander's version of the T-90S
  • T-90K - command tank T-90, additional communications and navigation equipment are installed on the vehicle
  • T-90A - a vehicle with a more powerful power plant, a welded turret, a new automatic loader and a new thermal imaging sight
  • T-90AK - commander's T-90A
  • T-90CA - export version of T-90A
  • T-90SKA - commander's version of T-90SA
  • T-90AM - the latest modification of the T-90A. Installed SLA "Kalina", a new automatic loader and a new DZ "Relikt" and power point V-92S2F (1130 hp)

Exist whole line machines developed on the basis of the T-90 - for sapper work, bridge layers, evacuation vehicles. The T-90 is in service with several countries around the world.

Video about T-90

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The T-90 Vladimir is a Russian main battle tank. Produced at the turn of the 80-90s and is a major modernization of the T-72B. Originally called "T-72B improved", it was renamed in 1992. When it chief designer died, the tank was given his name, "Vladimir".

During 2001-2010, the T-90 was the best-selling new main battle tank on Earth.

The purchase price of the T-90 under contracts for the supply of the RF Armed Forces in 2010 was 70 million rubles. AT next year it has become more expensive by 48 million. Since the end of 2011, the RF Armed Forces have stopped buying tanks.

1. Photos


3. History of creation and production

Work on the development of the Object 188 ("T-72B advanced") was carried out simultaneously with its superior performance characteristics experimental tank Object 187. All these objects were created under the program to bring the T-72B to the level of T-80U / UD. In terms of armor, the T-72B was brought to this level in 1989, but it did not have an automated fire control system. The 1A40-1 sighting system, whose advantages consisted in reliability and simplicity, despite this, was already obsolete by that time. As a result, the 1A45 Irtysh fire control complex was installed, which has already shown itself on the T-80UD and T-80U. It has been modified to function simultaneously with the T-72 automatic loader. After that, he was assigned the designation 1A455T.

At the beginning of 1989, the "Object 188" passed state tests, as a result of which it proved to be highly reliable. In the spring of 1991, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Defense Industry recommended that it be adopted by the USSR Armed Forces. After that, it was decided to curtail the "Object 187". But the subsequent difficulties in the life of the state and the conclusions drawn after the use of the T-72 in Desert Storm made it impossible to make a final decision.

The leadership of UVZ Design Bureau decided to make the "Object 188" more secure. To do this, the tank was supplemented with the TShU-1 Shtora-1 optoelectronic suppression complex, and also subjected it to new tests. In the fall of 1992, the first "Object 188" of the installation series passed the run tests, and a week later, in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, it was accepted into the Armed Forces. It was also allowed to export it. The president Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin gave the tank the name T-90.

Serial production of the T-90 began in the same year. Over the next six years, 120 units were produced. After that, due to a decrease in funding for the Armed Forces, the production of tanks was discontinued and resumed when a supply contract was signed with India in early 2001.

By 2012, according to official data, total issued T-90 tanks and its modifications for the RF Armed Forces was 500.

In accordance with them, as of 2012, the total number of T-90s and its modifications was at least 1335 tanks. This number does not include tanks produced in India under license.

4. Tactical and technical characteristics

4.1 Dimensions

  • Case length, mm: 6860
  • Length with gun forward, mm: 9530
  • Hull width, mm: 3780
  • Height, mm: 2230 (on the roof of the tower)
  • Base, mm: 4270
  • Track, mm: 2790
  • Clearance, mm: T-90A (SA): 404..467; T-90(S): 426..492.

4.2 Booking

  • Type of armor: anti-projectile combined (with a filler in the form of inserts made of steel of increased hardness and other materials, as well as plane-parallel plates)
  • Active protection: KOEP Shtora-1/1M
  • Dynamic protection: T-90SM: "Relic"; T-90 (A, C): "Contact-5".

4.3 Armament

  • Gun caliber and brand: 125 mm; T-90A(M): 2A46M-5; T-90(S):2A46M
  • Gun type: smoothbore
  • Barrel length, calibers: 51
  • Gun ammunition: T-90SM: 40 (22 in AZ); T-90(S): 43 (22 in AZ); T-90A(SA): 42 (22 in AZ)
  • Angles HV, degrees: -5..+16
  • Angles GN, degrees: 360
  • Firing range, km: ATGM: 5.0
  • Sights: Gunner (night): Buran-PA, M or "ESSA"; Gunner (day): 1G46; Commander (day/night): T01-KO4
  • Machine guns: 1 × 7.62 mm PKT; 1 × 12.7 mm NSVT or Kord
  • Other weapons: "Reflex-M".

4.4 Mobility

  • Engine type: V-84MS or V-92S2
  • Engine power, l. s.: T-90A(SA): 1000; T-90(S):840
  • Highway speed, km/h: 60
  • Cross-country speed, km/h: 35-45
  • Power reserve on the highway, km: 550 (700 with external tanks)
  • Power reserve over rough terrain, km: 345..520
  • Specific power, l. s./t: T-90SM: 24; T-90(C): 18.6; T-90A(SA): 21.5
  • Suspension type: individual torsion bar
  • Specific ground pressure, kg/cm²: T-90A(SA): 0.97; T-90(C): 0.938
  • Climbability, degrees: 30
  • Overcoming wall, m: 0.85
  • Crossable ditch, m: 2.6..2.8
  • Crossable ford, m: 1.2 (1.8 with preliminary preparation; 5.0 with OPVT)

4.5 Other parameters

  • Combat weight, t: 46.5
  • Layout scheme: classic
  • Crew, people: 3

5. Construction

The T-90 is a tank with a classic layout. The control compartment in it is located in the frontal part, the fighting compartment is located in the middle, and the engine-transmission compartment is located in the aft part. The crew consists of a gunner, driver and commander.

6. Modifications

  • T-90MS - in the protective kit "Cape"
  • T-90 - the first serial modification
  • T-90S is a variant of the T-90 for export. This modification is deprived of OTSHU Curtain spotlights, their place was taken by additional blocks of built-in dynamic protection
  • T-90K - Command version of the T-90. Installed navigation (THA-4-3) and communications equipment (radio station R-163-50K)
  • T-90SK - Command version of the T-90S. Additional navigation and communication equipment has been installed.
  • T-90A - modified T-90. The thermal imaging equipment was improved, the V-92S2 engine was installed, the cast turret was replaced by a welded one, a new PPO system
  • T-90AK - commander's version of the T-90A. Additional navigation and communications equipment was installed, a tactical battle control system was installed, and the protection of fuel tanks was upgraded.
  • T-90CA is a variant of the T-90A for export. The system for detecting laser radiation has been improved, a cooling system for night vision equipment has been equipped. New system PPO. This modification does not have OTSHU Shtor spotlights, their place was taken by additional blocks of built-in dynamic protection
  • T-90SKA - commander's version of the T-90CA. Additional navigation and communication equipment was installed, the T-BMS tactical battle management system was equipped
  • T-90A - modernized T-90A. The automatic loader has been improved, the Essa second-generation thermal imaging sight has been equipped, the tank volume has been increased by 100 liters
  • T-90AM - modified T-90A. Equipped with remote control anti-aircraft gun"UDP T05BV-1", upgraded gun 2A46M-5 and a new automatic loader. The outdated turret was replaced by a combat module with a fire control system "Kalina" with a built-in combat information and control system of the tactical level. Installed dynamic protection "Relic". A V-92S2F monoblock power plant and an automatic gear shifting system with the possibility of switching to manual were installed. Management is carried out using the steering wheel
  • T-90SM is a variant of the T-90AM for export.

7. Cars based on the T-90

  • BMR-3M - armored demining vehicle
  • BREM-1M - armored recovery vehicle
  • TOS-1A "Solntsepyok" - MLRS
  • IMR-3M - engineering clearing vehicle
  • MTU-90 - bridgelayer
  • "Frame" - fighting machine tank support
  • E300 - universal tracked chassis

8. In service

  • Azerbaijan: an agreement was signed for the purchase of three battalions of 94 T-90S. Plus, there is an option for another 94 tanks of the same modification. At the request of Azerbaijan, the vehicles were supplemented with Shtora-1 optical-electronic suppression systems
  • Algeria: 185 T-90SA. On top of that, 120 units of the same modification have been ordered.
  • India: 780 T-90S/SA. This number includes tanks made in the Russian Federation and tank kits assembled in India.
  • Russia: over 500 T-90 and T-90A. About 200 units are in storage.
  • Turkmenistan: 10 T-90SA. 30 more units ordered.
  • Uganda: 44 T-90SA.

9. Combat use

AT official sources there is no information about the participation of the T-90 in hostilities. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation did not give any statements about this. Only Uralvagonzavod keeps a certificate indicating that one of the units in the Chechen conflict disposed of one tank of the 1992 model. But it does not say that he participated in the hostilities.

Tank T-90, which is an improved tank T-72B, entered service in 1993. The appearance of the tank was caused by the need to modernize existing models, taking into account the experience of the war in Persian Gulf, as well as reorientation of production to Russian components. In the middle part of the T-90, a low flat tower with a commander's cupola shifted to the right was installed. The frontal part of the turret is reinforced with second-generation active slab armor. Mounted armor blocks can also be installed on the roof of the tower, creating additional protection from air attack.

The driver's seat is located in front of the tank hull. Above it is a sunroof and a wide-angle optical system. The bow of the tank is equipped with an acute-angled blade equipped with a mount for the KMT-6 mine trawl. As the main armament, the T-90 is equipped with a 125-mm 2A46M smoothbore gun equipped with a removable heat-insulating casing.

Introduced into the ammunition load of the T-90 gun high-explosive projectile with electronic remote fuse. To prepare the fuse for operation in the remote detonation mode, a time interval setter is used. To the right of the gun is a coaxial 7.62 mm PKT machine gun. The turret houses a 12.7 mm NSVT anti-aircraft machine gun equipped with a 1Ts29 remote control system with vertical stabilization. The 125-mm cannon of the tank is adapted to fire laser-guided AT-11 ATGMs. The ATGM firing range is 4000 m. The 1A45 fire control system allows the gunner and commander to conduct aimed shooting artillery shots from a cannon day and night from a place and on the move, guided missiles - from a place.

The complex includes the 1A42 fire control system, the 9K119 "Reflex" guided weapon system, the PNK-4S commander's instrumentation and observation system, and the T01-P02T thermal imaging tank system. Thus, the T-90 tank is capable of hitting most enemy tanks and helicopters while remaining out of range. The 1V528-1 digital ballistic computer with a DVE-BS capacitive wind sensor and a laser rangefinder, which are part of the fire control system, make it possible to hit targets with high accuracy even at night.

The TShU-2 "Shtora" optoelectronic suppression complex provides additional protection for the T-90 tank by creating optical interference to the control lines of ATGMs (shells, bombs, aviation missiles) with optical feedback or with laser guidance (illumination). This system consists of two IR illuminators located next to the cannon barrel. The searchlights are constantly on and emit a coded IR signal that prevents the enemy's ATGMs from being accurately aimed. On the turret of the tank are 12 grenade launchers for setting aerosol curtains.

The armor protection of the frontal part of the hull and turret of the T-90 is a multi-layered combined armor barriers that provide invulnerability from most types of armor-piercing sub-caliber and cumulative shells of tank (anti-tank) guns. High resistance to cumulative ammunition was achieved by installing hinged dynamic protection. The tank has 227 containers installed: 61 on the hull, 70 on the turret and 96 on the side screens. The hull of the tank is welded, its upper frontal part is inclined at an angle of 63 ° from the vertical. The tower is cast, its frontal part has variable angles of inclination from 10° to 25°. The sides of the hull are protected by anti-cumulative screens. The T-90 tank is different high level anti-radiation protection through the use of undercutting and overcutting, a system of collective protection and local protection of crew members.

The survivability of the tank on the battlefield is increased due to the low silhouette, the use of TDA and the 902B "Tucha" system for setting smoke screens, the napalm protection system and the ZETs13 "Hoarfrost" high-speed fire-fighting equipment. The T-90 tank has a camouflage color and is equipped with equipment for self-digging and for hanging a KMT-6 mine trawl. The machine is equipped with a multi-fuel four-stroke high-speed diesel engine V-84-1, liquid-cooled, supercharged from a driven centrifugal supercharger. In addition, inertial (wave) boost is used.

Engine power is 840 hp. with. It is adapted to work on diesel fuel, jet fuel (T-1, TC-1, T-2) and motor gasoline (A-66, A-72). Starting is carried out using an electric starter, a system air launch, as well as from an external source of current or from a tug. For an emergency start of a cold engine in winter, there is an intake air heating system. The mechanical planetary transmission consists of an input gearbox, two final gearboxes and two final gearboxes. It has hydro-servo control and its own oil system.

Tank India T-90 "Bhishma"

In 2006, the Government of India signed a $2.5 billion contract for the licensed production of 1,000 T-90 Bhishma tanks (named after legendary hero ancient Indian epic Mahabharata)

In the suspension system, an individual torsion bar suspension with hydraulic shock absorbers of a lever-vane type is used on the 1st, 2nd and 6th suspension units of each side. The track roller discs are made of aluminum alloy. The track rollers have external rubber coating, and the supporting rollers have internal shock absorption. To protect the caterpillar from dropping when the tank turns, restrictive disks are welded on the drive wheels.

The T-90 tank has several modifications and is supplied in different countries peace

The T-90 tank is equipped with underwater driving equipment, which allows it to overcome water obstacles up to five meters deep and about 1000 meters wide. The tank uses the Paragraph communications complex, which includes an R-173 VHF radio station, an R-173P radio receiver, an antenna filter unit and a laryngophone amplifier. The radio station operates in the frequency range of 30-76 MHz and has a memory device that allows you to prepare 10 communication frequencies in advance. It provides a communication range of at least 20 km both on the spot and on the move over medium rough terrain.

The performance characteristics of the main battle tank T-90:

Combat weight, t 46,5
Crew, pers. 3
Overall dimensions, mm:
length with cannon forward 9530
width 3460
height 2230
clearance 470
combined, with built-in dynamic protection
125-mm smoothbore gun launcher 2A46M; 7.62 mm PKT machine gun; 12.7 mm machine gun; 12 smoke grenade launchers
43 shots, 1250 rounds of 7.62 mm caliber, 300 rounds of 12.7 mm caliber
Engine V-84MS, multi-fuel, four-stroke, diesel, 12-cylinder, turbocharged, liquid-cooled power 840 hp with.
Specific ground pressure, kg/cm 0,85
Highway speed, km/h 60
Range on the highway, km 500
Overcome obstacles:
wall height, m 0,80
moat width, m 2,80
fording depth, m 1.20 (with preparation 5 m)

Modifications of the main battle tank T-90

  • T-90 - the first serial modification of the tank.
  • T-90K - commander's version of the T-90, with additional communication (R-163-50K radio station) and navigation equipment (TNA-4-3).
  • T-90A - modification of the T-90, with a new welded turret, 1000 hp engine. with., improved thermal imaging equipment, new elements of dynamic protection and a number of other improvements.
  • T-90S - export version of the T-90, without the "Shtora-1" system and with additional dynamic protection.
  • T-90SK - Command version of the T-90S, with additional communication and navigation equipment.
  • T-90CA - export version of the T-90A, with a cooling system for night vision equipment and a modified laser radiation detection system.
  • T-90SKA - commander's version of the T-90CA, with additional communication and navigation equipment.
  • T-90A - modernization (2006) T-90A: a second-generation thermal imaging sight "Essa" was installed, the automatic loader was improved, the tank was increased by 100 liters.
  • T-90AM - latest modification T-90A. The old turret was replaced with a new combat module with a fire control system "Kalina" with an integrated combat information and control system of the tactical level, a new automatic loader and an upgraded gun 2A46M-5, as well as a remotely controlled anti-aircraft gun "UDP T05BV-1". Dynamic protection "Relic". A steering wheel-based control and an automatic gear shifting system with the possibility of switching to manual are used. A monoblock power plant V-92S2F with a capacity of 1130 liters is installed on the tank. s., developed on the basis of the V-92S2.
  • T-90SM - export version of the T-90AM tank.


  • Christopher F. Foss. "Reference Jane. Tanks and fighting vehicles";
  • G. L. Kholyavsky. "The Complete Encyclopedia of World Tanks 1915 - 2000";
  • Murakhovsky V. I., Pavlov M. V., Safonov B. S., Solyankin A. G. "Modern tanks";
  • Philip Truitt. "Tanks and self-propelled guns";
  • Equipment and weapons 2010 - 06.

Reading the title of the article, the question involuntarily arises - why is such a steel giant needed? Does weight determine the need to create the heaviest tank in the world so that it leads the ratings by a margin, praising the designers of the miracle weapon, the country that is able to organize its production, investing in it colossal funds, thoughts, labor of thousands of people. Of course it isn't. In fact, the weight is only a side, even excess, of an ideal weapon for a land theater of operations.

Already the first armored vehicles, which appeared on the fronts of the First World War, amazed, even horrified with their huge dimensions and weight. As a result, they were clumsy, had low cross-country ability, speed, maneuverability, which sharply reduced their undoubted advantages:

  • protection from small arms, fragments of shells.
  • The ability to break through the enemy defenses, passing through wire fences, overcoming trenches, trenches.
  • Strong psychological pressure on the soldiers of the enemy, losing self-control, falling into a panic at the sight of man-made iron monsters.

Most of them, based on the colossal weight of cast iron and steel used for their manufacture, may well claim the title of the heaviest tank. But due to the often grotesque appearance, real military technical characteristics, non-participation in hostilities, non-serial, often experimental production, it is hardly worth considering them in this capacity.

Years passed, and by the beginning of the next war for the redivision of the world and even more so during the hostilities, the designers of the leading countries, taking into account the mistakes, the accumulated experience in using tanks, changed the priorities for their creation. Now they are:

The increase in armor thickness, new powerful engines, side armament with a considerable amount of ammunition inevitably increased the weight of the heavy tanks being created. But to have such mobile armored forts in the troops, capable of literally breaking open the enemy’s defenses, opening the way for infantry, was worth a lot in the literal and figurative sense. Therefore, Germany, the USSR and the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition that joined it did a lot in this field.

Armored giants

The Soviet Union, the only one of the countries participating in the war, by 1940 was armed with a heavy assault tank KV - "Kliment Voroshilov" with a combat weight of 52 tons. This is not surprising if you look at its characteristics:

A total of 204 such heavy tanks were produced, almost all of them were lost in the battles of 1941 during the containment of the Nazi blitzkrieg.

Created in 1943, the IS-2 with a mass of 46 tons, which did not claim to be the heaviest, was later deservedly called the "Victory tank". Its long-barreled 122 mm gun, reliable armor - 90 - 120 mm, high maneuverability surpassed the best examples of German weapons, among which were:

Made in France over heavy tank TOG II, weighing 82.3 tons, was not mass-produced before the start of the war. Great Britain also made a small contribution to the design of such armored vehicles. Only in 1944, an order was placed for the production of 25 copies of the A-39 tank with a mass of up to 89 tons, but as a result, only 5 vehicles were manufactured, and those after the end of the war.

It must be said that the French and American super heavy tanks in fact, according to the international classification, they were assault self-propelled artillery installations - breakthrough self-propelled guns, since they did not have a rotating turret.

The heaviest tank in the world, created during the Second World War, is the Pz.Kpfw VIII Maus with a mass of 188 tons. This armored monster did not participate in battles, by 1945 two vehicles were made. An exhibition copy assembled from them can be seen in Kubinka in the Military History Museum of Armored Vehicles. Today, this principle of creating tanks, as well as the concept itself, have gone down in history. A modern tank takes not by weight, but by a unique combination of the latest technological developments - materials and systems.

Tank T-90 - Design description

The main tank T-90 was put into service in 1993. Rocket and gun tanks T-90 - which includes the original design developments and the best layout and Constructive decisions tanks T-72 and T-80. The T-90S tank was created on the basis of a thorough study and understanding of the tactics and strategy of using tanks in real conditions modern combat taking into account many years of experience in the military operation of tanks of the T-72 type in various countries world, as well as the results of many years of intensive testing under the most severe conditions.

The T-90S tank retains the peculiarity of domestic tank building - the classic layout scheme, in which the main armament is located in a rotating turret, the power plant and transmission are in the aft part of the hull, and the crew is separate: the tank commander and gunner in the fighting compartment, the driver - in management department. Almost every unit or system of the T-90S tank has a new quality.

Automated complex fire control is designed to conduct effective aimed fire at long range artillery shells and a guided projectile from a tank gun on the move and from a place on moving and stationary targets by the gunner and commander, day and night, as well as from a coaxial machine gun. Provides an increase in the range of effective fire and an increase in the range of vision at night, including due to the installation of a television sight in the tank. A guided weapon system with a laser-beam control channel allows firing guided missile through the gun barrel from a standstill and on the move against stationary and moving targets at a distance of 100 to 5000 m.

The optoelectronic suppression system provides protection for the tank from being hit by anti-tank guided missiles with semi-automatic guidance systems with feedback by tracer. The system of automatic all-round visibility, detection and protection of the tank from anti-tank projectiles with semi-automatic laser homing heads provides interference to anti-tank weapon control systems with laser rangefinders and target designators. A closed anti-aircraft installation allows the commander to conduct aimed fire using remote control drives at air targets, and in a stabilized mode at ground targets, remaining under reliable protection armor. Built-in dynamic protection is effective against armor-piercing sub-caliber and cumulative projectiles. The combination of built-in reactive armor and multi-layered armor gives the tank additional options for survival in extreme combat conditions.

The main armament of the T-90S is a 125 mm smoothbore gun with increased accuracy and high ballistics. The use of an automatic loader made it possible to achieve a high rate of fire (up to 7-8 rounds per minute), which distinguishes the T-90S tank from most foreign tanks. The capabilities of the tank gun to combat ground armored and low-flying air targets have been expanded through the use of a guided weapon system, which allows you to destroy any of the most modern tanks before it approaches effective firing distance from its gun.

The tank is traditionally equipped with a diesel engine, the main advantage of which compared to gas turbine engine, especially in hot climates and sandy soils, are:

Slight power drop at high temperatures environment;

High reliability in dusty conditions;

Less fuel consumption by 1.8-2 times.

Tank T-90S can overcome the bottom water obstacles depth up to 5 m with non-stop combat missions after overcoming water barrier. The machine has built-in equipment for self-digging, a device for mounting mine trawls and can be transported by all modes of transport.

Tank T-90 - performance characteristics(TTX)

general information
Year of adoption 1993
Combat weight, t 46,5
Crew, pers. 3
Length with gun forward, mm 9530
Case length, mm 6860
Overall width, mm 3780
Track width, mm 3370
Tower roof height, mm 2230
Reserved volume of the tank, m3 11,04
Booked hull volume, m3 9,19
Booked volume of the tower, m3 1,85
Landing hatch in the bottom of the hull there is
Gun brand 2A46M
Gun caliber, mm 125
gun type
smoothbore, launcher
Barrel tube length, mm (calibers) 51
shutter type horizontal wedge
Rollback length, mm 300
Location of chocks
Barrel purge, type ejection
The maximum allowable for the trunk
powder gas pressure, kgf/cm2
5 200
Heat shield there is
Combat rate of fire, rds / min 8
Loading type machine
Ammunition, shots (including in the machine
43 (22)
Ammunition types BPS, BCS, OFS, SGPE, UR
Shot type separate-sleeve
Initial speed of BPS, m/s 1715
Shot weight with BPS, kg 20,2
BPS weight, kg 5,9
Initial speed of BCS, m/s 905
Shot weight with BKS, kg 29
Weight of BCS, kg 19
Stabilizer type electromachine according to

electro-hydraulic vertical

Twin weapons, type (brand) machine gun (PKT)
Caliber, mm 7,62
Ammunition, pcs. 2000
Anti-aircraft weapons, type (brand) machine gun (NSVT-12.7)
Caliber, mm 12,7
Ammunition, pcs. 300
Remote control there is
guided weapons 9K119
Guided missile 9M119
missile guidance system by laser beam
Maximum firing range, m 5000
fire control system
The maximum rotation speed of the tower,
The maximum elevation angle of the gun,
Maximum gun descent angle, deg. 7
Duplicated fire control there is
Rangefinder, type laser
Ranging range, m 500-5000
Ballistic computer, type electronic digital
Gunner's main sight, type periscopic, combined with
LD and thermal imager
Magnification, multiplicity 2,7-12
Field of view angle, deg. 20-4,5
Stabilization of the field of view of the sight independent on HV and GN
Auxiliary gunner's sight No
Gunner's night sight thermal imaging
Vision range at night, m 2600
Commander's main instrument periscopic
Magnification, multiplicity 7.5 (days); 5.1 (n)
Field of view angle, hail 7
Anti-aircraft sight there is
Commander's Night Sight thermal imaging video inspection
Vision range at night 2600
Tank information and control
Armor protection, type combined
Angle of inclination of the upper frontal part
buildings, deg.
Anti-cumulative side screens there is
TDA system there is
Smoke grenade launchers, pcs. 12
Complex of optoelectronic
there is
Dynamic protection, type built-in
System of collective protection against weapons of mass destruction, type general exchange
Fast acting PPO system there is
Mobility and permeability
Maximum speed, km/h 60
Specific power, hp/t 18,1
Range on the highway, km 500
Fuel tank capacity, l 1200+400
Average specific pressure of caterpillars on
soil, kgf/cm2
Clearance, mm 492
Overcome obstacles:

Vertical wall, m

Maximum elevation angle, deg.

The depth of the overcome water
barriers with OPVT, m
Power point
Engine brand V-84MS
engine's type Diesel multi-fuel
Maximum power, kW (hp) 618 (840)
Maximum torque, kgf m 340
Number of cylinders 12
Cylinder arrangement V-arr. 60°
Timing 4
Cooling type liquid
Overall power, hp/m3 700
Engine weight, kg 1020
Compression ratio 14
Piston stroke, mm 180/186,7
Cylinder diameter, mm 150
Working volume, l 38,88
Specific fuel consumption, g/hp h 180
Auxiliary engine No
Transmission type mechanical planetary
Gearbox, type two onboard planetary
Number of forward/reverse gears 7/1
Gear ratios for gears I - 8.713 II - 4.40 III - 3.485 IV - 2.787

V - 2.027 VI - 1.467 VII - 1.0 z.x. - 14.3

Swing mechanism, type non-differential
Minimum design turning radius,
Main brake type disk, running in oil
Transmission weight, kg 1870
Final drive, type planetary
Motion control system, type hydraulic
Suspension type torsion
Dynamic course of the rink, mm 320
Shock absorbers, type, number hydraulic bladed, 6
Caterpillar, track connection type consistent
Track joint type RMSH or OMSH
Track width, mm 2790
The length of the bearing surface of the caterpillar, mm 4270
Track width, mm 580
Number of tracks 97
Mass of one caterpillar, kg 1723
Number of road wheels on board 6
Track roller diameter, mm 750
Type of cushioning of track rollers outdoor
Number of carrier rollers on board 3
Tension mechanism, type worm
Chassis weight, kg 8570
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