The Penicillin reconnaissance complex: a harsh cure for artillery. Military-technical cooperation "Bastion" Automated artillery reconnaissance complex penicillin

In Russia, tests of a new artillery reconnaissance complex have been completed, which in the near future may take up combat duty. According to American military experts, the complex poses a serious threat to NATO heavy artillery.

Shooting for the horizon

Enemy artillery has always been considered one of the most dangerous means of warfare, and significant forces have always been involved in the fight against it - from reconnaissance aircraft to satellites. Significant progress in this regard was achieved by the mid-70s, when the military managed to adapt small radars to detect the same small targets - mines and artillery shells. The unique system solved not only the task of alerting when the enemy began shelling positions, but was also able to detect a probable point from where the enemy could fire.

By the beginning of the 80s, this problem was solved at a new technological level - the US military created a relatively mobile counter-battery radar AN / TPQ-36, which made it possible to quickly determine the coordinates of a target with high accuracy.

True, the Americans almost immediately found themselves in the position of catching up - in the USSR, back in the late 70s, the Lynx artillery reconnaissance complex, which significantly surpassed American reconnaissance equipment in all respects, entered mass production. The main feature of the complex was the chassis - the idea of ​​​​a towed radar was abandoned almost immediately, and a massive radar “lantern”, capable of determining the coordinates of a missile or projectile launch, was placed on the chassis of the MT-LB armored personnel carrier. The Lynx complex even managed to fight in Afghanistan, where the concept of "early detection of shelling" proved to be fully viable.

A speck of dust in the sky

The problem of detecting small targets, especially small-caliber artillery mines, was not solved for a long time due to the lack of a hardware-computer complex that could link together a sensitive radar and artillery crews. The very essence of the operation of such a complex lies in the processing of information obtained by reflecting a conventional radio signal from shells or missiles. However, the Strela Research and Production Enterprise and the specialized design bureaus involved in the work, which created radio devices, managed to create a system with a unique database that can not only track the place where the shelling began.

By the time mass production began, the automation of the Lynx complex could not only determine the location of a missile launch or the position of an enemy artillery battery, but also verified the shells fired by the enemy with the database, after which it gave out accurate data about the enemy.

Automation of the processes of determining and transmitting data has already been brought to an absolute level in Russia. In the late 90s - early 2000s, a counter-battery combat complex built according to a new architecture appeared in the Russian army. In addition to an expanded database, the radar was able to track and determine even short-range tactical missiles, and the positions of launchers, thanks to new electronics, began to be determined with an accuracy of up to five meters. The complex was adopted by the Russian army in 2007 and even then attracted the attention of American specialists.

A feature of the version of the Zoo-1M complex, presented in 2013, has become an even more productive computer, which allows operators to determine the coordinates of the enemy even during massive shelling. At the same time, the Zoo, as part of artillery batteries, acts as a fire control system that allows you to track the enemy and automatically aim your own artillery at his position. At the same time, the main advantages of the complex were a short deployment time - only five minutes and a long range - up to 45 kilometers.

military antibiotic

The newest Russian complex of sound-thermal artillery reconnaissance 1B75 "Penicillin" is the latest tool for combating any "shooting" enemy equipment at long distances. In the case of the newest complex, there is also a revised approach to the creation of such systems - in addition to radar, target detection is carried out by optical, sound and even seismic monitoring stations. The automation of the complex is configured in such a way that it takes only 5 seconds to determine the coordinates of the source of shelling, after which the data is entered into an electronic map and after another 20 seconds a rocket or artillery shell is sent to the enemy.

Attention to Russian complexes by the US military in this regard is quite understandable - only in Russia there is a fully automated, highly secure target recognition system that can work “on the front end” without additional help.

Photo: © Frame from Youtube/RussianArms video

The American approach to the creation of such complexes has not changed for more than 30 years, and such carelessness began to bear the first "fruits". True, it was not the American, but the Ukrainian military who suffered from this, who received the AN / TPQ-36 Firefinder counter-battery stations as part of military assistance from the United States. The Armed Forces of Ukraine did not learn how to work effectively with these complexes, and portable stations for notching artillery and mortars AN-TPQ-48 were completely captured by the DPR militia in Debaltseve.

At the same time, the ground forces of the RF Armed Forces continue to move towards the automation of all detection and response processes - in addition to the Zoo-1M and Penicillin complexes, the Russian military has the Podlyot-K1 complexes capable of detecting even subtle cruise missiles. The military themselves note that such an arsenal allows them to respond to threats of any type at any time of the day.

The press service of the Ruselectronics holding reported that state tests of a new automated artillery reconnaissance complex developed in the framework of the Penicillin R&D by the St. Petersburg Research Institute Vector are being completed in Russia.

More precisely, there are two complexes - sound reconnaissance (1B75) and sound-thermal reconnaissance (1B76). The complexes are designed for reconnaissance of firing positions of cannon and rocket artillery, as well as anti-aircraft and tactical missiles. “The system receives and processes acoustic signals from shots (explosions) and provides information about the location of the explosion of the ammunition, the accuracy of the hit, and also reports the location of the guns. The time for obtaining the coordinates of a single target does not exceed five seconds, ”the Ruselectronics press release says.

The depth of action of the complexes is 25 kilometers from the front line. The complexes include several sound receivers installed on the surface of the earth, and an optoelectronic module operating both in the infrared and in the visible spectrum. The equipment is located on the chassis of the KamAZ-6350. The optical-electronic module, equipped with six television and six thermal imaging cameras, is located on a retractable telescopic rod. The equipment of the complexes is able to work at any time of the day.

Research Institute "Vector" began the development of complexes in 2006. The start of testing was scheduled for 2013. However, due to circumstances, both objective and subjective, the deadlines were shifted by almost a year and a half. In this connection, the Ministry of Defense sued the research institute, seeking to pay a penalty in the region of 10 million rubles. However, in March last year, the Court of Appeal put an end to this case, considering that the half of the requested amount paid by the defendant would be enough for the plaintiff.

Preliminary tests, which took place at the beginning of this year at the Donguz test site in the Orenburg region, demonstrated the reliability and high efficiency of the complexes. In a TV report, which was shown in March on the Zvezda channel, the developers claimed that the equipment reacts even to the slam of the door. The complexes have a high direction finding accuracy - the error does not exceed one and a half minutes of arc. The reaction time of "Penicillin" - from firing an enemy gun to obtaining its coordinates - does not exceed 5 seconds. So if a self-propelled artillery mount fired, then it is quite possible to hit it with a return shot, since it takes longer for self-propelled guns to change positions for firing.

Complexes "Penicillin" belong to the equipment of counter-battery combat. This type of military equipment uses various methods of detecting artillery pieces and rocket launchers - both acoustic and visual, and radar. But at the same time, the developers of the Research Institute "Vector" have taken a significant step forward. Head of the Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy, Lieutenant General Sergey Bakaneev, believes that the 1B75 and 1B76 complexes are two to two and a half times more effective than the existing samples. Even with intense shelling, "Penicillin" is able to take direction finding more than 90% of enemy firing points.

The method by which firing points are detected and plotted on an electronic map requires the highest computational performance of a computer. It uses the most complex algorithms. Something similar is used in seismic exploration of oil and gas fields.

Another significant advantage of the Penicillin complexes is the passive principle of detecting firing points. That is, unlike radar-based counter-battery systems, it does not emit radio waves, through which the enemy can locate it and suppress it with artillery or rocket fire, as well as with the help of attack aircraft. "Penicillin" is not afraid of anti-radar missiles.

Counter-battery radars have a longer history. Their development began in the mid-70s, when computers began to appear that had sufficient performance with a small volume and low power consumption, capable of being placed on a caterpillar or wheeled chassis.

Their principle of action is different from that used in Penicillin. The radar station monitors the flights of enemy mines, shells and missiles. According to the fixed segment of the trajectory, with the help of mathematical data processing, the entire trajectory is determined. Moreover, its starting point and end point are calculated, that is, the location of the gun or launcher and the place where the ammunition fell.

At the same time, different ammunition has different trajectories. In the simplest case, this is a parabola along which artillery mines fly. Projectiles have a more complex trajectory. Rockets have their own characteristics of flight. All this is taken into account in the calculations.

Different ammunition can be detected at different ranges, which is predetermined by their different sizes. That is, the effective scattering area of ​​the radar signal. At the maximum distance for each specific complex, heavy missiles can be detected, since the radar "sees" them better. At the minimum - artillery shells of small calibers.

This type of systems is designed not only to determine enemy firing points in order to suppress them with return fire, but also to adjust the firing of their own artillery. They are attached to artillery batteries and battalions of multiple launch rocket systems.

The first counter-battery radar in the Soviet Union was the ARK-1 "Lynx" complex, developed at the Tula Research Institute "Strela" (now - NPO "Strela", part of the Almaz-Antey concern). Its serial production began in 1977 at the Tula Arsenal plant. The radar with a radiation power of 20 kW was located on a tracked chassis with a body that provided bulletproof protection. "Lynx" managed to fight in Afghanistan, becoming a serious help to the Soviet artillery.

ARK-1 detected cannon artillery firing positions at a distance of up to 9 km, mortar positions - 12 km, MLRS - 16 km. At the same time, the correction of own fire was carried out at a distance of up to 11 km for cannon artillery, 14 km for mortars and 20 km for MLRS. The accuracy of determining the point of impact of the ammunition was several tens of meters.

In 1981, the Strela Research Institute began to create a more advanced complex, which was called the Zoo. On the basis of this development, a family of counter-battery complexes was created - Zoo, Zoo-1, Zoo-2 and Zoo-1M. Using the experience in creating the Lynx complex, having improved its parameters, the developers completed the task in 3 years. However, when the prototypes were being prepared for testing, the Department of Defense changed the technical requirements, introducing additional functions into them. In particular, the tracking of unmanned aerial vehicles. As a result, the completion date of the project has been pushed back. The converted complex went to the test only in 1988.

The latest modification of the complex, the most advanced - 1L261 "Zoo-1M" ​​- was tested in 2013 and began to enter the troops quite recently. In fact, this is a new development that uses a three-coordinate phased array radar and a new elemental base that provides a more accurate location of the coordinates of enemy firing points and works with a large number of trajectories per minute.

Characteristics of 1L261 were not disclosed. But it is known that the 1L219M Zoo-1 complex, which was put into service in 2008, is inferior in terms of capabilities to the latest Strela development. Although this modification is significantly different from the counter-battery systems of the last century. It also surpasses the capabilities of the American AN / TPQ-36 complex. In March last year, two Zoo-1 complexes were delivered to Syria at the Khmeimim base. There was no information about their participation in hostilities.

Original 13.05.2017, 10:00

Tests of a complex of counter-battery combat of a new principle of operation are being completed

The press service of the Ruselectronics holding reported that state tests of a new automated artillery reconnaissance complex developed in the framework of the Penicillin R&D by the St. Petersburg Research Institute Vector are being completed in Russia.

More precisely, there are two complexes - sound reconnaissance (1B75) and sound-thermal reconnaissance (1B76). The complexes are designed for reconnaissance of firing positions of cannon and rocket artillery, as well as anti-aircraft and tactical missiles. “The system receives and processes acoustic signals from shots (explosions) and provides information about the location of the explosion of the ammunition, the accuracy of the hit, and also reports the location of the guns. The time for obtaining the coordinates of a single target does not exceed five seconds, ”the Ruselectronics press release says.

The depth of action of the complexes is 25 kilometers from the front line. The complexes include several sound receivers installed on the surface of the earth, and an optoelectronic module operating both in the infrared and in the visible spectrum. The equipment is located on the chassis of the KamAZ-6350. The optical-electronic module, equipped with six television and six thermal imaging cameras, is located on a retractable telescopic rod. The equipment of the complexes is able to work at any time of the day.

Research Institute "Vector" began the development of complexes in 2006. The start of testing was scheduled for 2013. However, due to circumstances, both objective and subjective, the deadlines were shifted by almost a year and a half. In this connection, the Ministry of Defense sued the research institute, seeking to pay a penalty in the region of 10 million rubles. However, in March last year, the Court of Appeal put an end to this case, considering that the half of the requested amount paid by the defendant would be enough for the plaintiff.

Preliminary tests, which took place at the beginning of this year at the Donguz test site in the Orenburg region, demonstrated the reliability and high efficiency of the complexes. In a TV report, which was shown in March on the Zvezda channel, the developers claimed that the equipment reacts even to the slam of the door. The complexes have a high direction finding accuracy - the error does not exceed one and a half minutes of arc. The reaction time of "Penicillin" - from firing an enemy gun to obtaining its coordinates - does not exceed 5 seconds. So if a self-propelled artillery mount fired, then it is quite possible to hit it with a return shot, since it takes longer for self-propelled guns to change positions for firing.

Complexes "Penicillin" belong to the equipment of counter-battery combat. This type of military equipment uses various methods for detecting artillery pieces and rocket launchers - both acoustic, visual, and radar. But at the same time, the developers of the Research Institute "Vector" have taken a significant step forward. Head of the Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy, Lieutenant General Sergey Bakaneev, believes that the 1B75 and 1B76 complexes are two to two and a half times more effective than the existing samples. Even with intense shelling, "Penicillin" is able to take direction finding more than 90% of enemy firing points.

The method by which firing points are detected and plotted on an electronic map requires the highest computational performance of a computer. It uses the most complex algorithms. Something similar is used in seismic exploration of oil and gas fields.

Another significant advantage of the Penicillin complexes is the passive principle of detecting firing points. That is, unlike radar-based counter-battery systems, it does not emit radio waves, through which the enemy can locate it and suppress it with artillery or rocket fire, as well as with the help of attack aircraft. "Penicillin" is not afraid of anti-radar missiles.

Counter-battery radars have a longer history. Their development began in the mid-70s, when computers began to appear that had sufficient performance with a small volume and low power consumption, capable of being placed on a caterpillar or wheeled chassis.

Their principle of action is different from that used in Penicillin. The radar station monitors the flights of enemy mines, shells and missiles. According to the fixed segment of the trajectory, with the help of mathematical data processing, the entire trajectory is determined. Moreover, its starting point and end point are calculated, that is, the location of the gun or launcher and the place where the ammunition fell.

At the same time, different ammunition has different trajectories. In the simplest case, this is a parabola along which artillery mines fly. Projectiles have a more complex trajectory. Rockets have their own characteristics of flight. All this is taken into account in the calculations.

Different ammunition can be detected at different ranges, which is predetermined by their different sizes. That is, the effective scattering area of ​​the radar signal. At the maximum distance for each specific complex, heavy missiles can be detected, since the radar "sees" them better. At the minimum - artillery shells of small calibers.

This type of systems is designed not only to determine enemy firing points in order to suppress them with return fire, but also to adjust the firing of their own artillery. They are attached to artillery batteries and battalions of multiple launch rocket systems.

The first counter-battery radar in the Soviet Union was the ARK-1 "Lynx" complex, developed at the Tula Research Institute "Strela" (now - NPO "Strela", part of the Almaz-Antey concern). Its serial production began in 1977 at the Tula Arsenal plant. The radar with a radiation power of 20 kW was located on a tracked chassis with a housing that provided bulletproof protection. "Lynx" managed to fight in Afghanistan, becoming a serious help to the Soviet artillery.

ARK-1 detected cannon artillery firing positions at a distance of up to 9 km, mortar positions - 12 km, MLRS - 16 km. At the same time, the correction of own fire was carried out at a distance of up to 11 km for cannon artillery, 14 km for mortars and 20 km for MLRS. The accuracy of determining the point of impact of the ammunition was several tens of meters.

In 1981, the Strela Research Institute began to create a more advanced complex, which was called the Zoo. On the basis of this development, a family of counter-battery systems was created - Zoo, Zoo-1, Zoo-2 and Zoo-1M. Using the experience in creating the Lynx complex, having improved its parameters, the developers completed the task in 3 years. However, when the prototypes were being prepared for testing, the Department of Defense changed the technical requirements, introducing additional functions into them. In particular - tracking unmanned aerial vehicles. As a result, the completion date of the project has been pushed back. The converted complex went to the test only in 1988.

The latest modification of the complex, the most advanced - 1L261 "Zoo-1M" ​​- was tested in 2013 and began to enter the troops quite recently. In fact, this is a new development that uses a three-coordinate phased array radar and a new elemental base that provides a more accurate location of the coordinates of enemy firing points and works with a large number of trajectories per minute.

Characteristics of 1L261 were not disclosed. But it is known that the 1L219M Zoo-1 complex, which was put into service in 2008, is inferior in terms of capabilities to the latest Strela development. Although this modification is significantly different from the counter-battery systems of the last century. It also surpasses the capabilities of the American AN / TPQ-36 complex. In March last year, two Zoo-1 complexes were delivered to Syria at the Khmeimim base. There was no information about their participation in hostilities.

There is no escape from artillery fire! Or is there anyway? Recently, state tests of the latest 1B75 Penicillin artillery reconnaissance complex have been completed in the Russian Federation. What is it and what is it for?

How to find a gun

Fighting enemy artillery is a long-standing and honorable occupation. Even before the First World War, they invented a miracle unit called the Le Boulanger sound rangefinder. We take a glass tube with a mixture of water and alcohol, in addition to the liquid inside - a light float-pointer. Seeing the flash of a shot, put it vertically. The float descends at a known speed, and when the sound of a shot arrives, it is displaced by a certain number of divisions. After that, you can calculate the distance. The accuracy of this gadget - you can imagine.

The staff captain of the Russian army Nikolai Benois in 1909 came up with a more cunning sound receiver. A thick paper membrane is hung on a tripod, "facing" to the enemy. A sound wave approaches, after which the contacts of the membrane break and stop the time counter. We set up three or four sound posts over several hundred meters - we get the approximate distance and direction to the source of the sound, that is, the enemy battery. And we shoot back.

In World War I, sound intelligence was used with might and main. If the instruments are properly adjusted and corrections are taken into account, neither the night, nor the fog, nor the relief will save the enemy. And you can also adjust your shots!

Experiments with radar to fight against enemy artillery began in World War II. First in the navy, and then on land. And off we go… Vietnam, Afghanistan, then everywhere.

An enemy projectile flies - we immediately calculate the trajectory back: to a cannon, mortar or rocket launcher. And we also send warm greetings in return.

(On the photo: Zoo artillery reconnaissance complex)

In our army, for this, there are installations of artillery reconnaissance "Zoo" and "Aistyonok" (both of which were used in Syria). In the USA - AN / TPQ-53 of the famous Lockheed Martin company. Sweden and Norway have ARTHUR (Artillery Hunting Radar). In addition to shells, some samples are also able to detect drones.

Why then do we need "Penicillin"? Do not rush to conclusions!

"Do you see the gopher? And I don't see. And he is"

First, radars are not omnipotent. Their effectiveness against different targets varies greatly. In the real conditions of the war in Afghanistan, the Soviet ARK-1 stations turned out to be too complicated, and they often refused.

Secondly, radars can be interfered with. Or just detect their radiation and cover the positions of reconnaissance stations. Finally, you can simply not shoot when the enemy radar is working.

(In the photo: "Penicillin" on the KAMAZ-6350 chassis)

But "Penicillin" is a completely different matter! We put several sensitive sound sensors on the ground. The developers claim that they will be able to detect even the bang of the door. A shot of a gun or a burst of a projectile - even more so. At a distance of up to 25 kilometers.

Modern computers allow you to give out the coordinates of enemy guns in five seconds, as soon as they open fire.

The direction finding error does not exceed one and a half minutes of arc.

Mortars, for example, are detected at a distance of up to 10 kilometers, self-propelled guns - up to 18, rocket launchers - up to 40. The reconnaissance strip is 20-25 kilometers, and Penicillin can simultaneously conduct three dozen targets.

In theory, "Penicillin" is easily integrated into artillery fire control systems. The radio communication range is up to 40 kilometers.

The work of Penicillin itself cannot be detected by radar. And no one knows if this "gopher" is nearby - or not.

And Penicillin also has an optoelectronic module. These are six thermal imaging and six television cameras in a single housing and on a retractable telescopic rod. The viewing angle of the camera is at least 70 degrees.

Instead of sending scouts to the front line, now you can put the car in cover and raise the module. After full deployment, the complex does not even require the intervention of operators - it works automatically.

The novelty was immediately noticed abroad. The National Interest magazine broke out on Penicillin in a separate article. And if the Su-57 fighters are usually scolded there - they say, they are not so scary and will cost a lot (so the reader does not need to be afraid), - then this time the tone of the article was quite respectful.

For the first time about "Penicillin" was told in March 2017, when a prototype was tested at the Donguz test site in the Orenburg region - based on KAMAZ-6350. At the Army-2018 forum, they showed an already modified version, on the Typhoon-K chassis.

Recently completed state tests. What will be next? Let's see. But the fact that new artillery requires new methods of dealing with it is a fact.

The new Russian 1B75 “Penicillin” sound-thermal artillery reconnaissance complex can become a breakthrough “method for eliminating American heavy artillery” and thereby revolutionize weapons, just as its namesake turned all medicine upside down, writes the American analytical publication National Interest.

The authors of the article note that in order to detect noise and kinetic energy, this fixation system uses four sound-thermal locators, a huge stabilization platform and an optoelectronic module. In addition, Penicillin is equipped with six conventional and six thermal imaging cameras for lightning-fast sorting of information.

Experts point out that the complex can find targets in just five seconds within a radius of up to 25 kilometers, and also prematurely determine the places where enemy shells fall. As noted in the Russian, the detectors of the complex are so accurate that they can even detect a bang with a door. At the same time, Penicillin is fully automated.

According to reports, among the advantages there is a low probability of its detection by enemy artillery. This is due to the fact that "Penicillin" does not use the electromagnetic waves inherent in the radar. The complex was first presented last year, now it is completing test tests and expects serial production in 2019.

On the eve it became known that a new-generation over-the-horizon detection radar station of the Container type was deployed in Mordovia, which can track hypersonic missiles at a distance of three thousand kilometers.

“The radar is capable of controlling the flights of any air targets at a distance of about 3 thousand kilometers.

and can simultaneously accompany more than 5,000 air objects of various types, including small ones,” the ministry said.

The ministry also emphasized that the station will have to provide reconnaissance of hypersonic air objects over the territory of Western European states and in the southwestern region.

Two months earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense published a video with footage of tests of the latest Russian combat robot Nerekhta and combat robotic systems Uran-9. The publication was dedicated to the Day of the Ground Forces, which is celebrated in Russia on October 1st.

The Nerekhta robotic complex is equipped with a tracked chassis, armored hull and mounts for special equipment. Three modules have been developed for the robot: combat, transport and artillery reconnaissance.

"Uran-9" is used for reconnaissance, fire support of motorized rifle units and counter-terrorism tasks. It is noted that the armored vehicle is armed with a 30-mm automatic cannon and Ataka anti-tank guided missiles.

In June this year, U.S. Secretary of the Army Mark Esper said that his department is considering long-range precision weapons as the number one priority for modernizing the U.S. ground forces.

“Even the US military hospital in the German city of Landstuhl is within range of Russian missiles.

It is at this range that the missile troops of the RF Armed Forces can hit our targets. We currently have practically no such thing as a "deep rear".

All our facilities in Europe could suddenly find themselves under deadly enemy fire, ”one of the high-ranking officers of the US Ground Forces assessed the current situation.

U.S. Army weapon designers have said design bureaus and industry intend to design and deploy an integrated series of weapons to the U.S. Army to fully meet the priorities outlined by Mark Esper.

Such a series will include a long-range precision-guided missile, hypersonic weapons for the ground forces, and long-range artillery. For the latter, the task is to double the firing range of 155-mm projectiles and reach the kill line of 60 km.

To solve this problem, it is planned to use a longer barrel, active rockets with ramjet engines and new materials. This, according to the developers, will allow shooting at a distance of 60 km and beyond.

In May, Western experts analyzed how Russia plans to shoot down American F-22s and F-35s. NSN. We are talking about the Struna-1 bistatic radar system, which is capable of tracking stealth fighters equipped with stealth technology, including fifth-generation F-22 and F-35 aircraft of the US Air Force.

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