Disposal of old tires. Where to put old tires? Reception of old tires. Tire recycling plant. How to get rid of worn tires

Most of our compatriots still do not know the answer to this question.

And this is not surprising - an ecological way of thinking is not instilled in our country, and the authorities do not pay much attention to the problem of waste disposal (although there are exceptions). Meanwhile, you must understand - you can’t just throw tires into a wasteland or into a forest. CATEGORICALLY. And not only because it is uncivilized. Remember - a car tire will decompose (and release harmful substances into the soil and atmosphere) for 100-120 years! That is, your great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren can suffer from a discarded tire ...


  • Mosquitoes love to settle in old tires (yes, the ones that will bite you later). And rats love dumps of old tires.
  • In the event of a fire in a landfill with car tires, the earth and air in the area instantly become poisoned.
  • It takes an average of 35 liters of oil to make one tire for a passenger car.
  • When recycling 1 ton of old tires, 600 kg of material is obtained, which can then be used to make new wheels.

And one more thing to think about. Every year, about 7 million tons of car tires become unusable in the world. So - only 23% of them are recycled. Where do the rest go? They stay on the ground and pollute it (to say the least).

And here is an extract from the Russian "Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses" (Article 8.2). Failure to comply with environmental and sanitary and epidemiological requirements when handling production and consumption waste, substances that destroy the ozone layer, or other hazardous substances entails a fine on citizens in the amount of 1-2 thousand rubles; for officials - 10-30 thousand rubles; for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - 30-50 thousand rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days; for legal entities - 100-250 thousand rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

Paying for Consciousness

Where to put the old "rubber"? Even 10-15 years ago, getting an answer to this question was not easy. But an investigation by Auto Mail.Ru showed that now in large Russian cities it is possible to get rid of car tires “culturally” without any problems. In most cases, however, it is not the state that should be thanked for this, but private business that builds recycling plants. There are several ways to get rid of tires, but in most cases, the so-called crumb rubber is obtained from them. Which can then be used in the production of the same wheels. And rubber-bitumen mastics, special slabs for railway crossings, paving slabs are also made from crumbs. Do you like modern playgrounds with “soft” surfaces that protect kids from injury? They are also from the "wheels".

As a rule, city authorities do not pay attention to the problem of waste disposal. A pleasant exception is St. Petersburg. In the northern capital there is a whole network of so-called "Ecomobiles" that accept old tires, accumulators, batteries, and so on. And completely free. Five reception points are stationary, plus mobile "garbage dumps" run around the city. In addition, in St. Petersburg you can take old tires to large retail chains selling car wheels. And, we repeat once again, in most cases they will be accepted absolutely free of charge.

There are no problems with getting rid of "rubber" in Moscow either - tires are accepted by more or less large sellers and "network" tire shops. True, already for money - for each wheel the owner will be asked for 50-100 rubles. Well, what do you want - this is Moscow, the capital ... True, store employees assure that they do not earn money on this (it's hard to believe), and they take money only for the "delivery" of old tires to the disposal site. And if you have studded tires, you will have to pay 150-200 rubles already! It turns out that Russian tire recycling plants really do not like to accept studded wheels. Indeed, in this case, before disposal, it is necessary ... to remove all the "carnations". Manually.

In fact, the need to pay for recycling outrages many motorists. Why, because I can throw them away for free? Alas, the Moscow authorities (unlike the St. Petersburg authorities) do not give an answer to this question. Although the capital has its own “Ecomobiles”, which belong to the non-profit “Rational Nature Management Fund”. But they leave for free only if you have accumulated at least a thousand (!) old tires, and besides, the reception is paid - 30 rubles per wheel (“loading tires by the customer”). You can, of course, come to the processing plant yourself (there are several of them in the Moscow region), but for most residents of the capital, this is, to put it mildly, inconvenient. So it remains only to appeal to the consciousness of Moscow drivers, because throwing tires into a trash can does not solve the problem of recycling.

“There is indeed a problem with the disposal of tires in Moscow. Clear language regarding such disposal is not spelled out in the law. And now with us, almost anyone can leave tires in the middle of the road. And at best, get off with a fine. Only a small part reaches the factories,” independent environmentalist Nina Dolgikh told Auto Mail.Ru correspondent.

But hopefully things will change soon. “We have already adopted a law that introduces a number of obligatory payments sent for recycling. As soon as the appropriate government decree is adopted, the cost of disposal will also be included in the cost of tires. And specialized organizations that will recycle tires will receive money from the federal budget. In this case, there will be self-regulation. Everyone will start chasing tires. And we will calmly leave them at the point where they were changed from me, and the companies will pick them up. This is the optimal solution. I don't see the point in increasing the fines for throwing away tires. This is a dubious proposition. We should not impose additional fines, we should create conditions when it is profitable to take this tire, ”says Maxim Shingarkin, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources.

Some of the collection points for old tires in Moscow:

Shop-service in Zhulebino st. Privolnaya, 70, building 1
Shop-service in Vykhino st. Veshnyakovskaya, 20B (free disposal when buying wheels and tire fitting)

Store-warehouse on Mozhayskoe shosse, st. Vitebskaya, 9
Shop-service on Rublevsky highway st. Krylatskaya, 35

Shop-service in Mitino st. Generala Beloborodov, vl.40, k.2
Tire center in Tushino Pokhodny proezd, 1 (tires can be purchased)

Service shop on Yaroslavskoe shosse Yaroslavskoe shosse, 59
Tire Center on Alekseevskaya Prospekt Mira, 95, building 4 (tires can be purchased)
Tire center on Alekseevskaya st. Olminsky, house 6 (tires can be bought)

Shop-service on the Leningrad highway st. Belomorskaya, 40
Shop-service on the street. Dubninskaya st. Dubninskaya, 83a, building 1
Shop-service on Altufevskoe shosse Altufevskoe shosse, 19

Shop-service on the street. Preobrazhensky Val st. Preobrazhensky Val, 25A

If the tires have served their time and it has become unsafe to ride on them, then the owner changes them to a new set. Removed tires are no longer needed, besides they take up a lot of space in the garage, not to mention the apartment. They need to go somewhere. Disposal costs money, sending them to nature or burning them costs even more money in the form of a fine. And the owner wants to find better options.

Reception of old tires

A good option is to attach an unnecessary set of tires to the collection point for old car rubber. And if you manage to sell them, then it will be a double success: getting rid of garbage and earning money for beer.

Where to donate for free?

In the cities there are points for the reception of old tires. Official addresses of points providing such services, even in Moscow, are no more than a dozen and a half. In cities with a population of 200-500 thousand inhabitants, there will be no more than two or three of them. There are options for free acceptance of tires in tire shops.

Tire recycling is often organized by recycling companies, if there are any in the city. For motorists this service is free. Transport and other organizations with the formation of a legal entity will have to pay.

Where to donate for money?

So far, it’s unlikely to turn in your tires and get a couple of hundred rubles for it. There are no such places in the country. The option with rubber processing enterprises that pay is not a “pass-through” for a car enthusiast. There are two reasons for this.

  • The company accepts tires only in large quantities from any supplier.
  • Any batches of rubber are accepted, but by agreement with interested persons and enterprises (tire shops, car services and unofficial tire collection points).

You can hand over tires and pay money for it at the same tire repair shops and unofficial collection points. Tires are also handed over to recycling points, where there are tariffs for services.

IMPORTANT! You should not get rid of tires by taking them out of sight: to the nearest forest belt, to a dumpster, to a landfill behind garages. This garbage decomposes for a hundred years, and the decomposition products are toxic. We need to think about our health and the health of future generations.

Disposal methods

Dispose of tires in the following ways:

  • burial;
  • burning;
  • crushing and crushing.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to burn tires in furnaces, and arrange “burial grounds” in places permitted by law.

The process of crumb formation after rubber crushing occurs under the influence of high temperature. If powder is needed, then cryotechnology is used. The crumb is used in the production of roofing materials, shoes, tires, in road construction. A sorbent is produced from coarse-grained crumbs, which absorbs oil products from the water surface and soil.

Farm use cases

For those who live in the countryside or have a farm outside the city, old tires can serve as:

  • drinkers for poultry;
  • pools for ducks and geese;
  • flower beds;
  • barrels for water;
  • benches in the garden;
  • swing for children;
  • garden furniture.

If you turn on the fantasy, then much is possible.

Is it possible to create a recycling plant: new life for old rubber

For those who are looking for a niche business, starting a tire recycling plant is a win-win idea. If there is enough capital for large-scale production with a cycle from processing raw materials to obtaining new rubber products, then such a business will never fail.

People should not think about how to solve issues like selling their own tires. The main task is to preserve nature. No need to carry tires far into the forest so that they poison the soil and air in it. It would be better if they were recycled and given a new life.

In the capital, it is impossible to return used car tires for free. For the whole of Moscow, there is only one collection point for used tires, which does not serve its customers for free. You can also leave old wheels for money at a tire shop, but not every establishment provides such a service.

An attempt to civilly hand over worn-out car tires led Muscovite Vladimir Kuznetsov to journalists. He told MN that it was impossible to do this in the metropolis for free. “I honestly wanted to recycle old tires, but it turned out to be a big problem,” admitted Vladimir Kuznetsov, owner of Nissan. First, the motorist turned to a tire shop located in his area, but they refused to accept tires there. In the second tire fitting - too. In the third, it turned out that 280 rubles had to be paid for each.

Theoretically, tires can be taken to factories that recycle them. In Moscow, this is done by the Tushino Machine-Building Plant (TMZ). However, there "MN" was told that they only accept tires in large quantities, several tens of tons each.

There is only one tire collection point in Moscow, it is located in Ostapovsky passage, house 10, in Tekstilshchiki. For one tire of a passenger car, they take about 130 rubles there. Mikhail Vinogradov, deputy director for the operation of the special base of MGUP Promotkhody, which owns this point, said that the institution takes a fee from customers involuntarily to cover transportation costs, because processing plants, where tires are then sent, accept tires at best for free. “As long as the rubber market is not developed, no one wants to buy it. Tires can now be called waste rather than recyclable materials, ”complained Vinogradov.

Interestingly, at the same time, a whole was published on the TMZ website, which is made from crumb rubber obtained by processing tires - these are paving, stair and floor tiles, lining of sewer hatches, tram and railway crossings. Also, crumb rubber is added to asphalt, it is used to make coatings for yard sports grounds, speed bumps, etc.

Vinogradov noted that the main customers of the collection point now are transport companies that bring tires in large quantities, but rare guests. “Motorists prefer to throw tires in trash cans,” the deputy director believes. He explained that Promotkhody also cleans containers for bulky waste. Very often, among other rubbish, there are old tires. “Tires cannot be taken to ordinary landfills, so we have to collect and dispose of them at our own expense,” summed up Mikhail Vinogradov.

The words of the deputy director of the special base were also confirmed by Vladimir Kuznetsov. “I drove them in the cabin for a week - smelly, rubber, dead tires. I thought about welding them on the roof, perhaps as a sign of protest, and then threw them into the garbage heap,” he said.

Meanwhile, the disposal of tires in ordinary garbage containers is an administrative offense that is punishable by a fine for individuals in the amount of 5 thousand rubles, for legal entities - in the amount of 20 thousand rubles.

Aleksey Kiselev, head of the toxic program at Greenpeace Russia, said that rubber recycling is a costly process that, as a rule, does not pay off. “It is not very fair that the burden falls on a private person,” Kiselev believes. He noted that in the European Union, motorists rent tires absolutely free of charge. Manufacturers pay for the disposal of tires there. Perhaps such a rule will soon be introduced in Russia. In October 2011, the State Duma held the first reading of amendments to the federal law “On Production and Consumption Waste”, which provide for financing of the processing industry at the expense of manufacturers of goods.

Even if you haven't used them. Therefore, sooner or later they need to be changed. But a reasonable question arises - where to put them? Just throw it away or you can get some benefit from them, let's see ...

In this article I will analyze several ways, in some of them you can turn in and get money for them! But it works, not in all cities.

It should be noted that old tires, about 10 years ago, were simply the “scourge” of modernity, they accumulated so much that there was nowhere to put them and they simply lay in the mountains in landfills. According to statistics, about 1 million tires are thrown away every year in Russia.

However, progress does not stand still and they are now very efficiently processed and used. Well, let's go into more detail.


Now, of course, few people use this method, mainly truck owners, but it is worth noting. The thing is that a worn tire can be restored - weld the top layer on it.

And they can do it themselves. Of course, the driving properties deteriorate a little, but it is quite possible to ride it. Once again, for owners of passenger cars, this method is almost unacceptable, but even today it is suitable for truck owners, why? We read here.

just throw it away

It is also worth noting that old tires do not pose an environmental threat, and therefore, if they end up in a landfill, they will be recycled along with the rest of the garbage. So if you don’t “steam” about this, just take it to the trash, to the department for large household waste. By the way, many gardeners pick up old tires in the garbage heaps and then take them to the country, but more on that below.

Of course, you don’t want to just throw out the old tires, you want to do something more civilized. Therefore, the thought of recycling immediately comes to mind. For example, in Moscow there are several environmental companies that will accept rubber from you.

However, there is one thing! Not only do you have to carry it yourself, you also have to pay out of your own pocket. That is, we pay for the recycling process itself. The price approximately fluctuates from 1 to 2 rubles per kilogram, that is, if the wheel weighs about 8 - 9 kg, then you will have to pay 16 - 18 rubles for 1 tire, or 64 - 72 rubles for all 4 pieces. No profit, so also some losses - but the conscience is clear, he left the city clean. But this is not our option, let's move on ...

Sell ​​for money

You ask: is this even real? Really guys, how! This comes to us from European countries, where such a business has been operating for quite a long time (slowly but surely). Of course, such processing centers are beginning to appear in big cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg), they do not yet exist in the outback. However, it is quite possible to get money for rubber. They take rubber, of course, again for a penny, about 2 rubles - 1 kg of tires (72 rubles for all 4 pieces), but you find yourself in the black, even if in a “purely” formal way.

How to find? YES, everyone is just guys, we score in "GOOGLE" or "Yandex" - to hand over old tires. And there will be several websites of companies to which you can take them. Sometimes they throw ads on AVITO, but rarely!

The only disadvantage of such enterprises is that they do not buy up tons of them (and not on an ongoing basis), but most likely they work only with private traders. They need it for their main production. More on this below as well. To begin with, I want to talk about folk methods.

Sadovo - economic option

Probably no one will be surprised by fences made of old rubber, which are painted in various colors. Also, quite good flower beds are obtained - the most important thing is that it is reliable - and probably beautiful! Everyone has their own idea of ​​beauty.

Tires are also used in the arrangement of wells for sewage. Not a bad option - rubber perfectly resists water, retains its shape for a long time. Therefore, such a well will stand for many years.

Yes, what they don’t do from it is furniture, sculptures, and even shoes. We look at the photo.

Probably, these are all the options where you can put old tires, in conclusion I will tell you what they do with them after buying them up.

Application in production

Now there are many technologies that allow one way or another to process wheels. In my opinion, now they have even learned how to make gasoline from them, and much cheaper than that produced by the classical method. Check out this interesting video.

However, application is now taking place in such industries.

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