The concept of "complete" and "incomplete" style of speech. Basic orthoepic norms. Pronunciation styles

DURING THE CLASSES Organizational stage
Actualization of basic knowledge 1. Conversation
What is the relationship between phonetics and orthoepy? Name the basic units of sounding speech, give examples. What are the main orthoepic norms in the field of vowels and consonants. How does the pronunciation of a sound change depending on its position in a word?

The speaker does not set himself any additional tasks in this case: to express his feelings, to emphasize something. In relation to the neutral, two more styles stand out: lowered and high. The reduced style (it is also called incomplete) refers to careless speech, with the pace of speaking accelerated due to excitement or for other reasons.

2. familiarization with theoretical material textbook on the topic of the lesson
V. generalization, systematization and control of knowledge and skills of students
1. observation of language material (writing on the board)
Š What deviations from the normative pronunciation would you note in the following words? Tranway; to please; addiction; sisters; bows. Š What typical mistakes are possible in the pronunciation of the following words (“asterisks” indicate “error-prone” places). slipped; mock; incident; compromise; leatherette; precedent; fluorography; brothers; scarves.

The high (full) style is used on ceremonial occasions; it is characterized by a slow pace, careful pronunciation. The speaker in this case usually sets himself some special, additional tasks, for example, he seeks to emphasize the importance of what is being reported, to attract the attention of listeners, etc.

For example, in the word hello, with a reduced pronunciation style, not only the consonant [v] is reduced (in any case, it falls out as unpronounceable), but also the group of sounds [tvui], which makes it sound [hello]. Word Now Can be pronounced as [syas]. Abbreviated names of patronymics of the type Ivanych, Glebych Instead of Ivanovich, Glebovich We are surrounded with spoken language every day. You have become familiar with some features of the reduced (incomplete) pronunciation style. Compare with these features the most distinctive features high style of pronunciation.

2. Practical work in pairs with language material (rm one per desk)
Card number 1
distribution work Determine how the consonant combinations in the following words are pronounced. Show this with transcription [ch] or [shn]. Bakery, recruiting, bottle, Christmas tree, yellow card, maid, brick, training, racing, dairy, creamy, petty, toy, apple, triplet, hearty, decent, on purpose, egg. Card number 2
Fill in the missing letters in the following words and pronounce them correctly. Irresistibly.. but, lovely.. ny, teaching..

y Instead of two adjacent vowels before the stressed syllable, one vowel [a] or even more abbreviated [ъ] can be pronounced. For example, the word In general, in[a] More Pronounced like AT[a] More, Together- With[a] bshcha- as With[a] bshcha. Y Consonant sounds can also be completely reduced if they are between consonants. Yes, they pronounce Families- Families[st], Dating- familiar[st], Amenities- Udo[pst]; beautiful- paint[y] Mu. y A group of sounds can be reduced at once - vowels and consonants.

Each deviation from the normative pronunciation distracts the listener from the content of the statement, causes bewilderment, and often irritation, that is, an undesirable psychological effect for the speaker. What pronunciation is considered exemplary? This pronunciation corresponds to the orthoepic norms of modern Russian literary language. Answers to specific questions about correct pronunciation individual words and grammatical forms will give you today's lesson and special dictionaries of the Russian language. IV
Work on the topic of the lesson
1. teacher's explanation (lecture)
(Students write abstracts.) Correct pronunciation- a set of orthoepic norms inherent in a particular variety of language. The word can be pronounced differently by different people or in different social, territorial, professional, age, etc. environments.

Let's take a closer look at each of these styles. For a reduced (incomplete) style of pronunciation, presented in careless, accelerated speech, such features are characteristic. y If an unstressed vowel is next to sonorants [l, p], it is pronounced so briefly that it is almost inaudible. Yes, the word Pillowcase Pronounced like On the[vl] Chka, Wire- as Pro[vl] Ka, scratch out- how are you [tsr] Pat, Embankment- as On the[b'r'] Zhnaya, Spasm- as Court[bp] Ha. y The same contraction of vowels, although less common, can also occur when they are adjacent to other, non-sonorous consonants. For example, the word Button Pronounced like Pu[G] Vitsa, Roll- as Swier[t] Vatsya, Grasp- as skhva[t] wat. The omission of such vowels in speech - typical mistake speaking from the podium or from the stage, and not only amateur, but also professional, theatrical.

nickname, grandiose ..ny, sting ..-living, horror ..

Give examples of variable pronunciation of vowels and consonants, explain the existence of options. 2. listening to 3–4 linguistic messages (see homework from previous lesson)
Setting goals and objectives for the lesson. Motivation for learning activities
Teacher. For several centuries, linguistics has studied the “silent” (writing) person, and only recently has it begun to study the “speaking” person. But oral speech is the main form of the existence of language. According to the observations of psychologists, in everyday human speech, sounding speech significantly predominates over written speech: on average, every day we spend three-quarters of the time speaking and perceiving sounding speech. Especially noticeable is the predominance of spoken speech over written speech in recent decades, when the telephone has seriously supplanted personal correspondence, radio and television have become dangerous competitors to print media, and the share of unprepared speeches in business communication and public life has increased significantly. Listening to oral speech, we do not think about its sound, but directly perceive the meaning of what is being said.

To acquaint students with the pronunciation styles of the Russian language, stylistic means of phonetics; improve teaching and language skills; educate the need for practical use of the language in various fields of activity. Equipment:
Textbook; educational texts; pronouncing dictionary; RM cards for practical work; writing on the board. Lesson type:
Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge. Projected
Students operate with the basic concepts of the "Phonetics" section, use the appropriate terms; know the basic orthoepic norms of the Russian literary language; observe the basic norms of pronunciation and the norms of stress in their speech.

High (full) style is most often presented in a solemn, somewhat slow or oratorical speech, with careful pronunciation of all words and at the same time with some additional target settings. Therefore, the high style is characterized by: y ekanye - pronunciation [ee] in place of [e] and [a] after soft consonants in the 1st pre-stressed syllable: [p'ei] Initially, G[lay] Zhu? Y saving [o] in an unstressed position in loanwords: With[about] Lfeji[about], H[about] Kturn, With[about] Not. In a neutral style, unstressed [o] is pronounced in borrowed words more and more often, as in native Russians: To[a] Stym, B[a] Kal, [a] Tellier, P[a] This, D[a] sie. It is believed that okanya in a neutral, and even more so in a reduced style, is an unnecessary mannerism here. Listen to speeches at solemn meetings, and you will hear "illegal" in a neutral style of speech, but quite justified in this situation, when using prepositions: Transition[from] State regulation to market relations, [before] Presidential elections. Features of reduced (incomplete) and high (full) styles refer not only to sounds, but also to the tempo of pronunciation. In colloquial, accelerated speech, the pause is not noticeable at all. In this case, such combinations of sounds may arise, the meaning of which is perceived differently than in high and even neutral styles. Thus, you got acquainted with the main styles of Russian pronunciation. What is appropriate in reduced (incomplete) or high (full) styles is out of the norm in neutral style.

groups. Pronunciation style(phonetic style) - a kind of pronunciation with one or another differential expressive-evaluative function. Language varieties form different literary styles, which differ not only in terms of vocabulary and phraseology, but also in terms of pronunciation. Neutral pronunciation style- this is speech in a normal setting, at an average pace, with a calm state of the speaker who wants to transmit or receive any information.

in different life situations people pronounce words differently. In everyday life, they speak faster, do not follow the accuracy of pronunciation, and during a speech in front of an audience, they try to speak more slowly and more clearly. Thus, within the limits of literary speech, there are variants of pronunciation. Each of them has its own purpose and scope, i.e. belongs to a certain style. In Russian linguistics, L.V. Shcherba. He singled out two main styles of Russian pronunciation - complete and incomplete , emphasizing that there is infinite set transition options. So, the pronunciation of the words "hello", "man", "says" will characterize the full style, and "hello", "check", "grit" - an incomplete style. However, between the complete and incomplete styles, transitional forms can also be named: “hello”, “hello”, etc., and after the “hello” form, an even more reduced form “hello” can be noted.

In the full style, the word shows its ideal phonetic composition. But in different occasions are possible different variants full style - from a clear pronunciation of syllables to careful pronunciation in slow motion. In the incomplete style, there are even more options.

Pronunciation styles are distinguished not only on the basis of differences in speech tempo. R.I. Avanesov noted that there are three pronunciation styles within the literary language. He calls high, neutral and conversational pronunciation styles. In different styles, there are features in the pronunciation of vowels not under stress, i.e. in a position of reduction, reduction. For example, the sound [o] in borrowed words in the first pre-stressed syllable is pronounced differently depending on the style of pronunciation: in high style - costume, burgundy, nocturne, poet, and in colloquial style - to [D] styum, b [D] rdo, n[D]kturn, p[D]et, in the first pre-stressed syllable after soft consonants, a vowel close to [e] is pronounced: s[e] blah, v[e] ka, while in neutral and colloquial pronunciation styles a sound is pronounced, the middle between [i] and [e] - [ie].

In a neutral style, we can say [when], [tol'k], [skol'k], [then], [u-t'ieb'a], [t'ieb'a]. The same words in colloquial style are distinguished by the reduction to zero of vowels and consonants, i.e. their loss: [kDyes], [current], [skok], [tDyes], [u-t'a], [u-t'e].

There is a close relationship between different styles of pronunciation and pronunciation due to the rate of speech: a faster rate of speech is more often in a conversational style, and a slower one is more often in a high one. The neutral style is equally characteristic of both fluent speech and distinct speech. However, the full correspondence between different styles of pronunciation and the pace of speech, according to R.I. Avanesova, no.

IN AND. Maksimov, who studies modern pronunciation norms, tries to combine the points of view of L.V. Shcherba and R.I. Avanesov. He highlights high (or complete), neutral and reduced (or incomplete ) pronunciation styles. The neutral style of pronunciation is speech in a normal, ordinary environment, at an average pace, with the speaker in a calm state. At the same time, the speaker does not set himself additional tasks: to express his feelings, to emphasize something.

High style is used on solemn occasions, for example, in oratory, when reciting works of art. It is characterized by a slow pace of speech, careful pronunciation.

Reduced style is represented in casual, rapid speech. In this style of pronunciation, not only a qualitative reduction of vowels occurs, but also the loss of vowels and consonants, as well as whole combinations of sounds: on [vl] chka, pro [vl] ka, su [dr] ha, zdra [s't'b]. ].

Pronunciation styles do not exist in isolation, they are historically closely related. Some phenomena, appearing in one style, then appear in another. For example, the pronunciation of horse [ch] o, boring [ch] o arose in a high style, but over time it began to be evaluated as a colloquial phenomenon. Previously, the pronunciation of a long sound [zh:] as a solid one in the words dro[zh:s], vo[zh:s], [zh:o]ny was considered as a vernacular phenomenon, and now it is perceived as stylistically neutral. The pronunciation of the words [v'er'h], [tser'k'f'], [ch'ietv'er'k] is outdated. In all the cases considered, we are not talking about pronunciation options that depend on the pace of speech, but on the content, purpose, and conditions of pronunciation.

Since its inception, the Russian language has been represented by many dialects, or dialects. Moscow became the basis of Russian literary pronunciation. It was the Moscow pronunciation that became a role model. With the development and strengthening of the national language, Moscow pronunciation acquired the character and significance of national pronunciation norms.

In this work, we will consider 3 pronunciation styles: high: neutral and colloquial. The distinction between these pronunciation styles is based on three criteria: the conditions of communication, the clarity and completeness of the pronunciation of all sounds in words, the pace of speech.

1. Orthoepy

1) The concept of orthoepy

Orthoepy (Greek orthos - direct, correct and epos - speech) is a set of rules oral speech establishing a uniform literary pronunciation.

Orthoepic norms cover the phonetic system of the language, i.e. the composition of phonemes distinguished in the modern Russian literary language, their quality and changes in certain phonetic positions. In addition, the content of orthoepy includes the pronunciation of individual words and groups of words, as well as individual grammatical forms in cases where their pronunciation is not determined by the phonetic system, for example, the pronunciation of [shn] at the place of the combination of h (sku [sh] but) or [v ] in place of g at the end - th - his (that - that [in] o, his - e [in] o).

In the usual colloquial pronunciation, there are a number of deviations from orthoepic norms. The sources of such deviations are often native dialect (pronunciation in one or another dialect of the speaker) and writing (incorrect, literal pronunciation corresponding to spelling). So, for example, for natives of the north, a stable dialect feature is okane, and for southerners, the pronunciation of [g] fricative. Pronunciation in place of the letter g at the end of the genus. pad. adjectives sound [r], and in place of h (in words, of course, what) the sound [h] is explained by the "letter" pronunciation, which in this case does not coincide with the sound composition of the word. The task of orthoepy is to eliminate deviations from literary pronunciation.

2) Russian literary pronunciation in its historical development

The orthoepy of the modern Russian literary language is a historically established system, which, along with new features, to a large extent preserves the old, traditional features that reflect the historical path traveled by the literary language. The historical basis of Russian literary pronunciation are the most important features spoken language the city of Moscow, which took shape in the first half of the 17th century. By the indicated time, Moscow pronunciation had lost its narrow dialectal features, combining the pronunciation features of both the northern and southern dialects of the Russian language. Acquiring a generalized character, the Moscow pronunciation was an expression of a national one.

Since its inception, the Russian language has been represented by many dialects, or dialects. These dialects are based on a whole complex common features united into two main dialects: North Great Russian and South Great Russian. The group of northern dialects was characterized by such features of oral speech as “okanye”, i.e. pronunciation of the sound [o] in an unstressed position,] and [g] explosive: [milk], [talking "yauґ], [gr" and ґp]. The southern dialect was characterized “Akanem” and fricative sound [X]: [mlLkoґ], [KhvLr "yauґ], [Xr" ip].

By the 11th century, a Middle Great Russian dialect was taking shape, which absorbed the features of the northern and southern dialects: unstressed [o] is combined with [g] explosive: [mlLkoґ], [gvLr "yaug", [gr" ip].

By the 11th century, Moscow became the center of Russia. It is in Moscow that the foundations of Russian literary pronunciation are laid. It is the Moscow pronunciation that becomes a role model; it becomes prestigious to speak like in Moscow, since it is in Moscow that many prominent statesmen, representatives of science and art of that time, it is Moscow that becomes the cultural, scientific and political center. In addition, as noted by M.V. Lomonosov, “The Moscow dialect is not only for the importance of the capital city, but also for its excellent beauty it is rightly preferred by others, and especially by the pronunciation of the letter O without an accent like A, it is much more pleasant ...”.

Moscow pronunciation norms finally took shape by the end of the 19th century. But already from the middle of the 19th century, the Moscow pronunciation had a competitor - the St. Petersburg pronunciation, which gradually began to strengthen its claims to the role of a general literary model. The main difference between the St. Petersburg orthoepic norms is the strengthening of the literal pronunciation: of course - [kLn "eґchn], what - [what]. And although in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the St. Petersburg pronunciation did not become a generally accepted norm, it subsequently had a significant impact on the formation of new orthoepic norms.

In the 1920s and 1930s, Moscow pronunciation norms were significantly shaken as a result of a sharp expansion of the social palette of literary language speakers. The sources of the violation of the old Moscow pronunciation were dialect speech and written speech.

With the development and strengthening of the national language, Moscow pronunciation acquired the character and significance of national pronunciation norms. The orthoepic system developed in this way has been preserved to this day in all its main features as stable pronunciation norms of the literary language.

Literary pronunciation is often called stage pronunciation. This name indicates the importance of realistic theater in the development of pronunciation. When describing pronunciation norms, it is quite legitimate to refer to the pronunciation of the scene.

In the formation of literary pronunciation, an exceptional role belongs to radio broadcasting, television and sound films, which serve as a powerful means of spreading literary pronunciation and maintaining its unity.

The pronunciation system of the modern literary language in its basic and defining features does not differ from the pronunciation system of the pre-October era. The differences between the first and second are of a private nature. The changes and fluctuations that have arisen in modern literary pronunciation concern mainly the pronunciation of individual words and their groups, as well as individual grammatical forms. So, for example, the pronunciation of a soft sound [s] in the affix - s - sya (my [s "], washed [s "b]) with the old norm (my [s"] - washed [s "b]) does not contribute any - or changes in the system of consonant phonemes of the modern Russian language. The strengthening of the new pronunciation variant of the affix - s - sya (combat [s "]) as a modern orthoepic norm brings the pronunciation closer to the spelling, which was not the case with the old pronunciation variant (combat [s]), and therefore it is quite expedient.

An example of a new pronunciation variant, which introduces a change in the phonetic system of the language, is the pronunciation of a long hard in place of a long soft ["]: along with [in" and], [dro" and] they pronounce in s, dro s. Strengthening the new pronunciation variant introduces a change in the phonetic system of the language, frees it from a separate element ["], organically unrelated to the system of consonants as a whole. Such a replacement makes the phonetic system of the modern Russian language more consistent and complete and serves as an example of its improvement.

The given examples show that the new pronunciation options are unequal. If they improve the pronunciation system, give it more consistency, then they turn out to be viable and have a basis for fixing as an orthoepic norm. Otherwise, the pronunciation variant will gradually die out.

D.N. Ushakov’s “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” in four volumes played a great normalizing role in streamlining Russian pronunciation (and writing, and the formation of grammatical forms, and interpretation of the semantics of the word).

In our time, a lot of dictionaries and reference books have appeared to help clarify the phonetic appearance of a word or word form.

Two main trends should be noted modern stage development of orthoepic norms:

the desire to simplify difficult orthoepic rules;

convergence of pronunciation with spelling (of course, this does not apply to the basic pronunciation norms, but only applies to some cases).

2. Styles of pronunciation

Pronunciation styles are associated with stylistic relationships in vocabulary; in a certain respect they are derived from lexical styles. The entire vocabulary of the modern literary Russian language (SLRL) is distributed among separate stylistically matched categories. Style in vocabulary is an evaluative category: some additional evaluations are superimposed on the lexical meanings of a word. Words that are stylistically correlated are characterized by the fact that their lexical meaning is completely identical; in this sense they are genuinely synonymous. In functional words, the stylistic opposition is clearly not associated with a different assessment of what is called. Obviously, the meaning of stylistic oppositions is not in different assessments of what is called. The assessment given by stylistic oppositions in the vocabulary refers not to what is contained in the word, but to the word itself, to speech itself.

There are three groups of words:

a) words of rare speech situations: they form a solemn style;

b) words of frequent speech situations: they create a "reduced" style, the style of everyday speech (this is not a negative assessment at all: in certain speech situations only this style is appropriate and only it is the most desirable);

c) words that are not connected in a certain way with qualified situations: these are words of any situations; they are stylistically neutral and form a neutral language style.

So, all words are divided into:

A) words that are not assigned to situations of a certain frequency;

B) words assigned to situations of a certain frequency; the latter are divided into: B 1 - words of frequent situations and B 2 - words of rare situations.

In the language system, these can be depicted as follows:

0 - high style - neutral - conversational style

Depending on the content of speech and the conditions of its pronunciation, it is customary to distinguish 3 pronunciation styles: high: neutral and colloquial. Outside the literary language, there remains a colloquial pronunciation style, which educated person usually not used.

The distinction between these pronunciation styles is based on three criteria: the conditions of communication, the clarity and completeness of the pronunciation of all sounds in words, the pace of speech.

High pronunciation style used in public speaking, official communication important information when reading poetry. High style is otherwise called complete due to the fact that all the necessary sounds in words with this manner of speech are pronounced very clearly: Hello Alexander Alexandrovich! - [hello "b | Ll" and e ksangdr al "and e ksangdrv" ich "||]. This style is usually characterized by a slightly slower pace of speech. A peculiar exception is the speech of radio and television announcers, in which the fullness of the pronunciation of sounds is combined with a very fast pace of speech. For a high pronunciation style, unstressed [o] in words of foreign origin may be characteristic: [poet], [noct "ugrn], [sonegt].

Neutral orthoepic style - this is our style everyday speech, not distinguished by emotions. He is equally well acceptable both in an official setting and in a circle of acquaintances. The pace of speech is average, fairly even. A slight loss of sounds is characteristic: Hello Alexander Alexandrovich! - [hello "t" b | Ll "and e xander Ll" and e ksangdrach "||].

Scope of use colloquial, or incomplete, pronunciation style - lively, emotional, informal, relaxed speech. A change in tempo is characteristic, a “reduction” of words as a result of the loss of sounds: Hello Alexander Alexandrovich! - [hello "| saґn saґnych" ||]. This feature of oral speech cannot be considered its disadvantage. However, at the same time, one must remember two things: the appropriateness of using one or another manner of speech in this particular situation and the intelligibility of speech. When skipping sounds in a word, one should not allow the loss of meaning, likening the hero of a feuilleton, who answered a passenger who turned to the information desk: Obra sa se kno. Few of us understand what this means. Check out the next window.

Language proficiency consists in skillfully using all three orthoepic styles, each time choosing the most communicatively appropriate pronunciation.

The lofty style and the colloquial style are not directly related to each other in the SRL, but only through a connection with the neutral.

Colored style words should have a neutral style synonym; a neutral style word can have a synonym in colored style. The system of mutual restrictions of semantic "segments" in the neutral style and in the colored styles correlative with it can be different: individual units of the neutral style can correspond to token zeros in the colored style or, more rarely, two mutually limiting ones.

In grammar, this is impossible, due to the special nature of the grammatical system. It is impossible, for example, that the system of the singular-plural number (two-term) in a high style should be replaced by a one-term or three-term one.

style pronunciation Russian

There cannot be a natural text consisting only of high words or words conversational style, but there may be a text entirely from the words of a neutral style. As a rule, the text is a combination of words of different styles. Texts colored by an admixture, for example, words of high style, are themselves perceived as colored, for example, as high. In the language of each era, there are more or less stable types of combinations of words of different styles within the same text: these types can be called speech genres. In modern Russian, for example, there are such speech genres: the genre of a feuilleton, a friendly conversation, a military report, a sports report, a speech at a meeting, a diplomatic note, a speech at a rally, a scientific article, a lyrical song, a fable, an advertisement in a newspaper, an examination answer and etc. Most of these genres are not described in the linguistic literature.

Three language styles are contrasted; but within the high and within the colloquial styles there are gradations. Words can be stylistically colored with varying degrees of brightness; the contrast with the neutral style can be less or more. Words in sharp contrast to the neutral style always have a synonym in the neutral style. But slightly colored lexical units may not have such a counterpart. Words that are marked "celestials" in dictionaries. and "high" are always associated with a neutral synonym; words with the mark "knizhn." (a little intense shade of a strict, high style) sometimes they don’t have such a neutral double.

Relations between language units have two plans: paradigmatic and syntagmatic. The same two planes exist in the field of stylistics. Eyes / eyes / peepers; because/because These are paradigmatic series. The field of stylistic oppositions has its own paradigm, consisting of several members defining each other: some unit of neutral style and units of high and colloquial style perceived against its background. Unlike grammar, the oppositions here are expressed not affixally, but suppletively (cf. eyes / eyes / peepers).

In addition to the paradigmatic series, the syntagmatic series is also important in stylistics, the connections of words of a certain stylistic type in linear combinations are important. High-style words are characterized not only by repulsion from certain synonyms , but also by constant proximity in speech segments with words of the same stylistic coloring.

For words with a sharp stylistic coloring, paradigmatic oppositions are of paramount importance. It is they who create this high stylistic potential difference. For words that have weak stylistic shades, syntagmatic comparisons are most often important.

The stylistic characteristic of the text can be seen as an additional message that complicates what is contained in lexical meanings words and their grammatical conjunctions. Addiction stylistic expressiveness statements from the individual choice of the speaker has prompted many researchers to study the style in its speech aspects. However, the diverse possibilities of stylistic choice are fixed in the language system, and therefore it is necessary to study styles primarily from the point of view of language system.

The words that form the high style in the vocabulary are those words in the synonymic series, a) which have the least frequency and b) in which the appearance in the same context of other words that meet condition a) is most likely.

The pronunciation side of the language has its own style. Pronunciation indications of the stylistic coloring of the text can be of two kinds: either the positional variation of phonemes turns out to be different in different styles, or certain styles require phonemic alternations. The latter case always characterizes high style.

Stylistic oppositions in the field of pronunciation are strictly systemic in one dimension - paradigmatic. However, in another row, the syntagmatic one, this system is not in all cases closed and does not represent homogeneous systemic relations.

The change of phonemes forms stylistic forms of the same word (does not lead to lexical disintegration of these forms) only in those cases when it is produced "mechanically", i.e. possible in any token that becomes a high-style component. As a result of such a change of phonemes in a high style, two phonemic units can coincide: t "ot t" et (neutral) t "et (high). This is a phonetic analogy to those cases when there are fewer units for a given semantic type in high vocabulary than in neutral. But there is also a significant difference. In the vocabulary, there remains the correlation of a high-style unit with one neutral unit. In other words, there is no neutralization of two units, there is no replacement for one. Phonetics is another matter: here the change of phonemes in a high style of pronunciation leads to neutralizations (in a certain position) of two neutral-style phonemes.It is convenient to call these stylistic substitutes, which occur in high style instead of neutral ones, stylistic variants.It is rare that one phoneme in a neutral style corresponds to two in a high one.

Stylistics studies linguistic phenomena "from the point of view of functional differentiation, correlation and interaction of close, correlative, parallel or synonymous means of expression ..." (VV Vinogradov. Results of the discussion of stylistics, p. 66). Phonetic stylistics is a discipline that studies phonetic synonyms of a certain type. Those phonetic synonyms that simultaneously act as homonyms (i.e. coincide with a different phonemic paradigm) can be called stylistic variants in phonetics.

In addition to the change of phonemes, stylistic indicators can be features in phonetically determined positional alternations of variations and variants of phonemes.

The stylistic characteristic of one or another pronunciation feature can be based not only on paradigmatic connections; stylistic qualification is also supported by syntagmatic connections.

To characterize the high style, the timbre of the voice can also be used.

The pronunciation conversational style has some features that are very similar to those of the lexical conversational style.

The high pronunciation style is not only quite clearly divided into "sub-styles", but is also sharply separated from the neutral style. This is determined primarily by the fact that the high style, as a rule, is built either on the alternation of phonemes, or on the replacement of one phoneme variant with another. On the contrary, the boundary between neutral and conversational style is very fuzzy. Features of the high style are perceived by the speakers, but the features of the colloquial style are not. In the language system, obviously, not one or another specific feature of the conversational style is fixed, but only its general trend and its limits. The same word in a colloquial style can take on a different look. The general tendency is: in this style, the opposition of phonemes is significantly reduced. In the language, the limit is systematically fixed, to which the smoothing of phonemic oppositions can reach; beyond this line, non-literary vernacular begins.

A high pronunciation coloring of a text can be created by introducing into it words with a special "solemn" phonetic appearance. High-style pronunciation norms are addressed to words; these norms may not cover the entire flow of speech. Features of the colloquial pronunciation style are addressed not so much to individual words as to the entire text in general; what matters is the general tendency that manifests itself in all the pronunciation features of the given text.

Neutral lexical style words can have 3 pronunciations (neutral, high and colloquial). To do this, such words: a) must have in their composition such phonemes and combinations of phonemes (moreover, in certain positions), which have their deputies (in the same positions) in a high style; b) must have such sound combinations, on the material of which trends of conversational style can be implemented. The coincidence of both of these conditions is very rare, which is why it is so difficult to give indisputable examples of the variation of words in three styles.

Words of high style can have only two phonetic appearances: in high and neutral style. Colloquial words are presented in a neutral pronunciation and in an undivided series of colloquial pronunciations (and here are two stylistic pronunciation types).

In some cases, a word in SLL has only a stylistically colored pronunciation, due to its attachment to a high or low style.

Most researchers, speaking about the style of pronunciation, distinguishes two correlative styles. In the language, the rule is to fluctuate the pronunciation of each word within two styles: neutral/high or neutral/colloquial.

In the language of the XVIII century. lexical and phonetic signals language style should have accompanied each other; lexical evidence was confirmed by phonetic ones: a word that occurs only in one of the colored styles could only have that phonetic form that corresponded to the norms of this style.

In SLL there is no such forced connection between lexical and phonetic indicators. The text, saturated with solemn vocabulary, can be pronounced in neutral phonetic norms.

During the XIX-XX centuries. the differentiation of styles in the paradigmatic and syntagmatic terms is increasing. This process characterizes the history of styles not only in vocabulary, but also in the field of pronunciation.

The issue of artistic and expressive varieties and their relation to pronunciation styles deserves special consideration. The subtlest sound shades can be used for artistic and expressive purposes. But in order for these shades to be perceived, a strict, even background is necessary, therefore the basis with which any artistic text is correlated is a strictly normalized neutral style of pronunciation. Language fiction and theater is more conservative than the language of information.


You can pronounce the text for a long time. You can mint words by syllables. Finally, there is the usual pronunciation. These varieties could be called modes of pronunciation.

The style of Russian pronunciation has been studied completely insufficiently; few facts have been collected. But their further collection is hindered precisely by the lack of development of the theory.

List of used literature

1. Avanesov R.I. Russian literary pronunciation. M., 1984. S.12 - 31, 31 - 36.

2. Gorbachevich K.S. Norms of the modern Russian literary language. M., 1981. S.11-131.

3. Panov M.V. Russian phonetics. M., 1967. S.294 - 350.

4. Popov R.N., Valkova D.P. etc. Modern Russian language. M., 1978.

5. #"#">http://syrrik. htm


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Pronunciation styles are associated with stylistic relationships in vocabulary; in a certain respect they are derived from lexical styles. The entire vocabulary of the modern literary Russian language (SLRL) is distributed among separate stylistically matched categories. Style in vocabulary is an evaluative category: some additional evaluations are superimposed on the lexical meanings of a word. Words that are stylistically correlated are characterized by the fact that their lexical meaning is completely identical; in this sense they are genuinely synonymous. In functional words, the stylistic opposition is clearly not associated with a different assessment of what is called. Obviously, the meaning of stylistic oppositions is not in different assessments of what is called. The assessment given by stylistic oppositions in the vocabulary refers not to what is contained in the word, but to the word itself, to speech itself.

There are three groups of words:

a) words of rare speech situations: they form a solemn style;

b) words of frequent speech situations: they create a "reduced" style, the style of everyday speech (this is not a negative assessment at all: in certain speech situations, only such a style is appropriate and only it is the most desirable);

c) words that are not connected in a certain way with qualified situations: these are words of any situations; they are stylistically neutral and form a neutral language style.

So, all words are divided into:

A) words that are not assigned to situations of a certain frequency;

B) words assigned to situations of a certain frequency; the latter are divided into: B 1 - words of frequent situations and B 2 - words of rare situations.

In the language system, these can be depicted as follows:

0 - high style - neutral - conversational style

Depending on the content of speech and the conditions of its pronunciation, it is customary to distinguish 3 pronunciation styles: high: neutral and colloquial. Outside the literary language, there remains a colloquial pronunciation style that an educated person usually does not use.

The distinction between these pronunciation styles is based on three criteria: the conditions of communication, the clarity and completeness of the pronunciation of all sounds in words, the pace of speech.

High pronunciation style used in public speaking, in the official communication of important information, when reading poetic works. High style is otherwise called complete due to the fact that all the necessary sounds in words with this manner of speech are pronounced very clearly: Hello Alexander Alexandrovich! - [hello "b | Ll" and uh ksandr al "and uh ksangrv "ich" ||]. This style is usually characterized by a slightly slower pace of speech. A peculiar exception is the speech of radio and television announcers, in which the fullness of the pronunciation of sounds is combined with a very fast pace of speech. For a high pronunciation style, unstressed [o] in words of foreign origin may be characteristic: [poet], [noct "ugrn], [sonegt].

Neutral orthoepic style - this is the style of our everyday speech, not distinguished by emotions. He is equally well acceptable both in an official setting and in a circle of acquaintances. The pace of speech is average, fairly even. A slight loss of sounds is characteristic: Hello Alexander Alexandrovich! - [hello "t" b | Ll "and uh xander Ll "and uh ksangdrach"||].

Scope of use colloquial, or incomplete, pronunciation style - lively, emotional, informal, relaxed speech. A change in tempo is characteristic, a “reduction” of words as a result of the loss of sounds: Hello Alexander Alexandrovich! - [hello "| saґn saґnych" ||]. This feature of oral speech cannot be considered its disadvantage. However, at the same time, one must remember two things: the appropriateness of using one or another manner of speech in this particular situation and the intelligibility of speech. When skipping sounds in a word, one should not allow the loss of meaning, likening the hero of a feuilleton, who answered a passenger who turned to the information desk: Obra sa se kno. Few of us understand what this means. Check out the next window.

Language proficiency consists in skillfully using all three orthoepic styles, each time choosing the most communicatively appropriate pronunciation.

The lofty style and the colloquial style are not directly related to each other in the SRL, but only through a connection with the neutral.

Colored style words should have a neutral style synonym; a neutral style word can have a synonym in colored style. The system of mutual restrictions of semantic "segments" in the neutral style and in the colored styles correlative with it can be different: individual units of the neutral style can correspond to token zeros in the colored style or, more rarely, two mutually limiting ones.

In grammar, this is impossible, due to the special nature of the grammatical system. It is impossible, for example, that the system of the singular-plural number (two-term) in a high style should be replaced by a one-term or three-term one.

style pronunciation Russian

There can be no natural text consisting only of words of high or words of colloquial style, but there can be a text entirely of words of neutral style. As a rule, the text is a combination of words of different styles. Texts colored by an admixture, for example, words of high style, are themselves perceived as colored, for example, as high. In the language of each era, there are more or less stable types of combinations of words of different styles within the same text: these types can be called speech genres. In modern Russian, for example, there are such speech genres: the genre of a feuilleton, a friendly conversation, a military report, a sports report, a speech at a meeting, a diplomatic note, a speech at a rally, a scientific article, a lyrical song, a fable, an advertisement in a newspaper, an examination answer and etc. Most of these genres are not described in the linguistic literature.

Three language styles are contrasted; but within the high and within the colloquial styles there are gradations. Words can be stylistically colored with varying degrees of brightness; the contrast with the neutral style can be less or more. Words in sharp contrast to the neutral style always have a synonym in the neutral style. But slightly colored lexical units may not have such a counterpart. Words that are marked "celestials" in dictionaries. and "high" are always associated with a neutral synonym; words with the mark "knizhn." (a little intense shade of a strict, high style) sometimes they don’t have such a neutral double.

Relations between language units have two plans: paradigmatic and syntagmatic. The same two planes exist in the field of stylistics. Eyes / eyes / peepers; because/because These are paradigmatic series. The field of stylistic oppositions has its own paradigm, consisting of several members defining each other: some unit of neutral style and units of high and colloquial style perceived against its background. Unlike grammar, the oppositions here are expressed not affixally, but suppletively (cf. eyes / eyes / peepers).

In addition to the paradigmatic series, the syntagmatic series is also important in stylistics, the connections of words of a certain stylistic type in linear combinations are important. High-style words are characterized not only by repulsion from certain synonyms , but also by constant proximity in speech segments with words of the same stylistic coloring.

For words with a sharp stylistic coloring, paradigmatic oppositions are of paramount importance. It is they who create this high stylistic potential difference. For words that have weak stylistic shades, syntagmatic comparisons are most often important.

The stylistic characteristic of the text can be considered as an additional message that complicates what is contained in the lexical meanings of words and in their grammatical linkages. The dependence of the stylistic expressiveness of an utterance on the individual choice of the speaker has prompted many researchers to study style precisely in its speech aspects. However, the diverse possibilities of stylistic choice are fixed in the language system, and therefore it is necessary to study styles primarily from the point of view of the language system.

The words that form the high style in the vocabulary are those words in the synonymic series, a) which have the least frequency and b) in which the appearance in the same context of other words that meet condition a) is most likely.

The pronunciation side of the language has its own style. Pronunciation indications of the stylistic coloring of the text can be of two kinds: either the positional variation of phonemes turns out to be different in different styles, or certain styles require phonemic alternations. The latter case always characterizes high style.

Stylistic oppositions in the field of pronunciation are strictly systemic in one dimension - paradigmatic. However, in another row, the syntagmatic one, this system is not in all cases closed and does not represent homogeneous systemic relations.

The change of phonemes forms stylistic forms of the same word (does not lead to lexical disintegration of these forms) only in those cases when it is produced "mechanically", i.e. possible in any token that becomes a high-style component. As a result of such a change of phonemes in a high style, two phonemic units can coincide: t "ot t" et (neutral) t "et (high). This is a phonetic analogy to those cases when there are fewer units for a given semantic type in high vocabulary than in neutral. But there is also a significant difference. In the vocabulary, there remains the correlation of a high-style unit with one neutral unit. In other words, there is no neutralization of two units, there is no replacement for one. Phonetics is another matter: here the change of phonemes in a high style of pronunciation leads to neutralizations (in a certain position) of two neutral-style phonemes.It is convenient to call these stylistic substitutes, which occur in high style instead of neutral ones, stylistic variants.It is rare that one phoneme in a neutral style corresponds to two in a high one.

Stylistics studies linguistic phenomena "from the point of view of functional differentiation, correlation and interaction of close, correlative, parallel or synonymous means of expression ..." (VV Vinogradov. Results of the discussion of stylistics, p. 66). Phonetic stylistics is a discipline that studies phonetic synonyms of a certain type. Those phonetic synonyms that simultaneously act as homonyms (i.e. coincide with a different phonemic paradigm) can be called stylistic variants in phonetics.

In addition to the change of phonemes, stylistic indicators can be features in phonetically determined positional alternations of variations and variants of phonemes.

The stylistic characteristic of one or another pronunciation feature can be based not only on paradigmatic connections; stylistic qualification is also supported by syntagmatic connections.

To characterize the high style, the timbre of the voice can also be used.

The pronunciation conversational style has some features that are very similar to those of the lexical conversational style.

The high pronunciation style is not only quite clearly divided into "sub-styles", but is also sharply separated from the neutral style. This is determined primarily by the fact that the high style, as a rule, is built either on the alternation of phonemes, or on the replacement of one phoneme variant with another. On the contrary, the boundary between neutral and conversational style is very fuzzy. Features of the high style are perceived by the speakers, but the features of the colloquial style are not. In the language system, obviously, not one or another specific feature of the conversational style is fixed, but only its general trend and its limits. The same word in a colloquial style can take on a different look. The general tendency is: in this style, the opposition of phonemes is significantly reduced. In the language, the limit is systematically fixed, to which the smoothing of phonemic oppositions can reach; beyond this line, non-literary vernacular begins.

A high pronunciation coloring of a text can be created by introducing into it words with a special "solemn" phonetic appearance. High-style pronunciation norms are addressed to words; these norms may not cover the entire flow of speech. Features of the colloquial pronunciation style are addressed not so much to individual words as to the entire text in general; what matters is the general tendency that manifests itself in all the pronunciation features of the given text.

Neutral lexical style words can have 3 pronunciations (neutral, high and colloquial). To do this, such words: a) must have in their composition such phonemes and combinations of phonemes (moreover, in certain positions), which have their deputies (in the same positions) in a high style; b) must have such sound combinations, on the material of which trends of conversational style can be implemented. The coincidence of both of these conditions is very rare, which is why it is so difficult to give indisputable examples of the variation of words in three styles.

Words of high style can have only two phonetic appearances: in high and neutral style. Colloquial words are presented in a neutral pronunciation and in an undivided series of colloquial pronunciations (and here are two stylistic pronunciation types).

In some cases, a word in SLL has only a stylistically colored pronunciation, due to its attachment to a high or low style.

Most researchers, speaking about the style of pronunciation, distinguishes two correlative styles. In the language, the rule is to fluctuate the pronunciation of each word within two styles: neutral/high or neutral/colloquial.

In the language of the XVIII century. lexical and phonetic signals of language style had to accompany each other; lexical evidence was confirmed by phonetic ones: a word that occurs only in one of the colored styles could only have that phonetic form that corresponded to the norms of this style.

In SLL there is no such forced connection between lexical and phonetic indicators. The text, saturated with solemn vocabulary, can be pronounced in neutral phonetic norms.

During the XIX-XX centuries. the differentiation of styles in the paradigmatic and syntagmatic terms is increasing. This process characterizes the history of styles not only in vocabulary, but also in the field of pronunciation.

The issue of artistic and expressive varieties and their relation to pronunciation styles deserves special consideration. The subtlest sound shades can be used for artistic and expressive purposes. But in order for these shades to be perceived, a strict, even background is necessary, therefore the basis with which any artistic text is correlated is a strictly normalized neutral style of pronunciation. The language of fiction and theater is more conservative than the language of information.


    Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ..........3

    Territorial variability .................................................................. ................5

    British types of pronunciation and their phonetic features .............................................. ................................................. ........ten

    Phonetic features of American pronunciation (GA) in comparison with British (RP) ............................................................... .........................12

    The influence of the social environment on the variability of the English language .............................................. ................................................. ...................fifteen

    Modern trends in English pronunciation..............................20

    Classification of dialects and variants of pronunciation of the English language .............................................. ................................................. ...................22

    Conclusion................................................. ................................................. ..23

    Bibliography................................................. ...................................................24


English is the national language of Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand and most of the population of Canada. Today, people inhabiting the above countries have their own pronunciation, which is considered their national language. Almost every language has different, official pronunciations, so the existence of American, Australian and Canadian English is not surprising to anyone. However, one should not confuse a language variant with a dialect (a kind of language used by a more or less limited group of people connected by a territorial, professional or social community).

It is rather difficult to draw a line between the concept of a language variant and the concept of dialect speech, since, according to the definition, both of them can be characterized as a variant of the pronunciation of a given language, specific to a certain group of people. But we should not forget that the main difference is that some varieties of the language, in this case, English, have already begun to establish themselves as independent languages ​​(others will inevitably follow their example), which will never happen with dialect speech.

The study of dialects provides invaluable and truly inexhaustible material, not only for penetrating into the deepest sources of the language, its historical past, it allows you to understand the features of formation and development literary norm, various social and professional dialects, as well as language options. Only taking dialect data into account opens up the possibility of understanding not only the so-called "deviations" from the rules of pronunciation and grammar, but also these rules themselves, and can serve as a solid basis for studying the formation and development of the meanings of words.

The literary norm itself consists, as a rule, of several dialects over a certain period of time. It should also be noted that in some isolated territory (village, community, etc.), there may be some specific words and expressions that are characteristic of this particular territory and / or social group of native speakers.

The classification of modern territorial dialects presents serious difficulties, as the language standard intrudes more and more into the area of ​​distribution of dialect speech.

Territorial variability

A number of historical, geographical and socio-cultural factors have contributed to English becoming a global language with approximately 1,500 million speakers. Among them are the colonization of the British Empire, the influence of the United States in political and business life, primarily in the field of computer technology and the entertainment industry. In addition, there is an objective need for a language of international communication for the needs of international trade, business, diplomacy, security, mass communication, cultural exchange and other areas of international cooperation. The downside of the spread of a single language around the world is that it has lost its unity in terms of spoken speech: there are now so many "Englishes" in their spoken form that only the written form maintains the unity of the language as a whole.

The English language is thus represented by many variants, each of which differs primarily phonetically and, to a lesser extent, lexically and grammatically. In connection with geographical variability, two basic concepts should be defined: dialect and pronunciation type.

Dialect (dialect, variety) It has characteristic vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. In this sense, dialects can be called as national variants. in English, British and American, as well as any local, for example, the English county of Lancashire or Brooklyn, a well-known area of ​​New York.

pronunciation type, or accent (accent), refers exclusively to the phonetic characteristics of an entire speech community or one

Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (p. 200)

person; the word "accent" can also be used to refer to only one specific feature of pronunciation. Thus, one can speak of an American type of pronunciation and an American accent or a French accent in English based on the features of the pronunciation of vowels, consonants, stress, rhythm, voice quality and intonation, together or separately.

So, the phonetics of the English language studies the types of English pronunciation characteristic of different territories, social groups(including whole classes of people), separate individuals. Living in different territories, such as in the USA or Australia, as well as in special areas of the city due to segregation (for example, the African American population in American cities, in which there are no close contacts with other ethnic groups) creates the conditions for the existence of several types of pronunciation of one language hindering mutual understanding.

A review of American pronunciation patterns for the Phonological Atlas of North America, carried out at the University of Pennsylvania Phonetics Laboratory through a telephone survey, found that over 50 years, the speech of residents of large American cities has become much more phonetically different than before. This is especially true for the phonetic processes of changing vowels in the north and south. At the same time, the boundaries of the first settlements in these territories are preserved. Thus, for example, the internal phonetic unity and difference on the border of the territories of two neighboring regions, the North and the North Midlands, were clearly manifested.

On a global scale, all types of pronunciation of the English language are divided into the following:

Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (p. 201)

National pronunciations in countries where English is spoken relatives for the majority of the population; they are called the inner circle (inner circle), which includes the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the white population of the Republic of South Africa;

Types of English pronunciation in the former British colonies (India, Singapore, etc.), where English is one of the official languages, the so-called second language (second language); they were called the "outer circle" (outer circle);

English in the countries where it is most widely spoken foreign the language studied in schools and higher educational institutions, for example, in Russia and China; it is an "expanding circle".

A feature of the modern language situation is that representatives of the second and third circles, due to their numerical superiority, communicate more often with each other than with native speakers of the first circle. At the same time, there is traditionally a division into two main types of pronunciation, characteristic of native speakers in the UK or the USA.

Let's name the countries where English is the native language for the majority of the population. Australia, New Zealand, South Africa are oriented towards the British pronunciation. The North American version is adopted in Canada. British influence persisted in West Africa. Europe, including Russia, has always chosen the British pronunciation in teaching English as a foreign language. But in general, in the world there is a numerical superiority of the speakers of the American version of the English pronunciation, in particular in Southeast Asia, in the countries of the Pacific basin.


Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (p. 201-202)

National pronunciation standards:

Great Britain - RP (Received Pronunciation or BBC English);

USA - GA (General American or American Network English);

Canada - GenCan (General Canadian);

Australia - GenAus (General Australian).

National standards are associated with the speech of radio and TV announcers who read the news on serious channels (3rd and 4th channels of the BBC; CBS and NBC on American television). In addition, some professional groups, political and public figures are symbols of certain types of pronunciation.

The form of pronunciation is reflected, i.e. codified, in pronunciation dictionaries and teaching aids for school, including adults who want to change their accent.

Regional pronunciation standards:

Great Britain - southern, northern, Scottish, northern Irish;

USA - North, North Midlands, South Midlands,

southern, western.

For residents who own regional standards, it is essential that they belong to the region that has historically been the main source of national norms. In such a region (Southeast England; North, North Midlands and West USA), the speech of the vast majority of residents has the smallest deviations from national standard. And vice versa, the northern and Scottish accents in the British Isles, the southern and eastern (New York, Boston) accents in the USA have the largest set of deviations from the national standard and therefore are easily identified by residents of other regions.


Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (p. 202-203)

The second important point is the social status of people living in the regions: the higher it is, the less deviations from RP and GA. And vice versa, the greatest differences from the standard are manifested among workers both in rural areas and in industry, which is an indicator of their sociocultural level. In addition, speech a large number ethnic groups bears traces of the interference of the native language. In the United States, in addition to African American spoken English (AAVE - Afro-American Vernacular English), which is considered a separate dialect due to the peculiarities of grammar and vocabulary, significant phonetic features are noted among Hispanic Americans, as well as among immigrants from South-East Asia, the Caribbean and Mexico.

As can be seen from the presented comparisons, when choosing the national norm of pronunciation to the south in Great Britain or to the north and west in the USA, it turns out to be opposite both in direction and in relation to the most striking pronunciation feature - ernost / non-ernost (pronunciation G after a vowel). What is a provincial accent in the British Isles, in the US is the norm of pronunciation and all deviations from it are perceived as non-standard. This suggests that each norm has its own socio-historical conditions, and the assessment of pronunciation on the scale “beautiful / ugly”, “correct / incorrect” makes sense only in specific conditions. So, for example, in the contemptuous attitude of Americans towards the pronunciation of southerners, the well-known confrontation between the North and the South is manifested, while the West and the Midwest (West, Midwest) are considered truly American territory, where neither the southern nor the northern accent is heard, and therefore in the mass the concept of the common American pronunciation (GA) is associated with these regions.


Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (p. 203)

British types of pronunciation and their phonetic features

So, the geographical division of the British Isles is phonetically reflected as follows: the north, or rather the north-west of England, as well as the Celtic regional regions of Scotland and Northern Ireland, which have their own regional standards, stand out. Two more Celtic regions, Wales and Cornwall, are characterized by a number of features at the level of dialects and the revived Welsh language, but in relation to educated people who own the English literary standard, the Welsh accent is not distinguished and is not recognized by the inhabitants of England.

Main regional phonetic features:

northern pronunciation:

    [u] instead of short [^] in cut, much, love;

    eros in here, beer;

Scottish pronunciation:

    long [u] in took, book, that is, the absence of a distinction between long and short [instead of short [v];

    special positional longitude rules [a] in bad, bath, i.e. no distinction between cr atkim [æ] and long ;

    stunned in which, where, why;

    [x] in loch (Loch Ness, Loch Lomond) - velar, fricative, while in RP there is only one velar explosive: lock, loch;

    [ç] is another consonant not found in RP, reminiscent of the German ich-laut, for example in light;

    [r] is a rolling, trembling sonant, as in Russian or Italian, it can be heard in an opera, as well as in a Shakespearean drama: Murder!;


Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (p. 205)

Irish pronunciation:

  • ernost, such as pronouncing r in all positions of the word river;

    palatalized [l] at the end of a word and after a consonant: people, milk/

In the Celtic melodics of the inhabitants of large cities, such as Edinburgh in Scotland or Cardiff in Wales, a peculiar overlap of English and Celtic features was found: the sentence begins with a high ascending-descending burst, followed by a narrowing of the range and a monotone. Similar phenomena of native language interference can be heard in Russian students reading an English text: they start the first syllable at a high level, as required by English intonation, but then drop unstressed syllables, which corresponds to Russian melodic, automatic skills of native speech.


Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (p. 205-206)

Phonetic features of American pronunciation (GA) compared to British (RP).

The greatest number of distinguishing features is observed in the vowel system, some of which are determined by the preservation of this pronunciation. There are 15 phonemes in the American vowel system, and 20 in the British pronunciation. In RP, as you know, [r] is absent in the postvocal position, it was vocalized, due to which diphthongs arose, which are not in GA.

At the same time, all vowels have a greater or lesser degree of retroflection: her, fir, hurt.

In GA, there is no short rounded vowel [Ŋ], instead it sounds like an unrounded back vowel, as in RP in the word father:

(The transcription is given according to the Cambridge Dictionary of D. Jones, aimed at foreign students familiar with RP).

The short vowel [Ŋ] in a number of words is reflected in the American version as long:

forest ["forist]

forest ["fo:rist]


Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (p. 207-208)

The consonant system in English is more resistant to changes in time, and this contributes to the understanding of speech by speakers of different dialects, since the consonants are more informative, they provide recognition of morphemes and words.

Nevertheless, some typically American consonant characteristics are known. These primarily include the pronunciation of r in the intervocalic position: the sound resembles [d] and [r] at the same time, but is pronounced so quickly, with one touch of the tip of the tongue to the alveoli, which belongs to the category of “flaps” (flap or tap):

writer ["raitə]

better ["betə]

letter ["letə]

writer ["raiţə]

In a position beyond n [t] it practically disappears. To this must be added the nasalization of the vowel before n. This pronunciation is non-normative, but quite common:



twenty ["twŏni]

international [,inə"næ∫ənəl]

The [j] sound in GA is often attenuated or disappears (as in British regional types, e.g. in London vernacular:

Tuesday ["tju:zdi]

assume [ə "sju: m]

Tuesday ["tu:zdi]

assume [ə "su: m]


Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (p. 208-209)

The sound [l] has a “dark” color, i.e. in GA it is pharyngealized in almost all positions, while in RP it softens and has a “light” shade before front vowels (palatalized), but at the end of the word it is pronounced just as firmly:

And finally, returning to ernost as the main characteristic of American pronunciation, it is necessary to emphasize once again that retroflection has several degrees of expression in the vowel system preceding [r]. The sound [r] is realized in its full form of the postalveolar (or palatal-alveolar) approximant in position before a vowel. A characteristic feature of [r] in American English is its articulation: the tip of the tongue is drawn back and bent, which gives it a retroflex quality. At the same time, the entire body of the tongue is pulled back, creating the characteristic slurred sound of American speech.


Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (p. 209).

The influence of the social environment on the variability of the English language

In all countries where English is the language of the majority of the population, there is a close relationship between the language and the social status of the speaker: the social differentiation of pronunciation reflects the social differentiation in society. But only in England, the phonetic features of speech play such an important role in people's communication.

Peter Trudgill, a well-known British sociolinguist, claims that by the quality of the vowel, he can determine whether a young person attended a private school: the most prestigious or the less prestigious. Indeed, the significant advancement of sound in the speech of young people brought it closer to the German [ü], and this became a social marker.

Back in 1972, a survey of the population on a national scale (National Opinion Polls) showed how the British assess each other's social belonging on various grounds. The majority put "The Way They Speak" in first place. Next came: "Where do they live", "What kind of friends do they have", "Their work", "What school did they go to", "How do they spend their money" and only in sixth place - "How much money do they have". "The way they speak" implies first of all the pronunciation. Next come housing, social connections, occupation, education, and finally income.

So, the type of pronunciation is often associated with the way of life of those people who own it, and therefore the accent has value as a symbol of class. Pronunciation typical of the working-class neighborhoods of Liverpool, Birmingham and Glasgow can evoke negative emotions by association with low level life, bad environment industrial centers.

In the USA, the Brooklyn accent is associated with New York - not only the financial and intellectual center, but also the center of crime.


Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (p. 213).

The linguist understands that perception stereotypes are far from always fair, and, nevertheless, they have to be reckoned with. This is especially true for the types of pronunciation that are associated with a person's personality. An RP speaker is endowed, for example, with such character traits as intelligence, authority, competence, ambition, while a regional speaker is associated with a low level of these qualities, but with positive traits of friendliness, sincerity and kindness.

In the US, W. Labov suggested that respondents evaluate people by their votes and determine their rating in the categories of "work", "friendship", "fight". The standard speech, as you might expect, scored high in the "work" category. The “friendship” category included those with the same pronunciation as the respondent, since they are friends, as a rule, with their own kind. The ability to fight in a disadvantaged area of ​​New York was rated as high in people with large deviations from the standard pronunciation. The issue of self-esteem, in particular one's pronunciation, was reflected differently in the groups of men and women. When informants were asked to identify which of the suggested accents their own sounded like, the women chose the standard, i.e. overestimated their assessment, while men, on the contrary, underestimated it and were ready to identify their accent with the substandard. Such a psycholinguistic effect consisted in the hidden prestige of rudeness and courage inherent in the speech of uneducated city dwellers, while for women the prestige of the generally accepted pronunciation turned out to be more important, associating them with culture, belonging to a higher class, refinement.

So, not everyone is close to RP as a high-class symbol, there are those who consider it too “chic” (posh) or affected (affected).


Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (p. 214).

The type of pronunciation characteristic of the working environment is, for people living in the working area of ​​the city, a symbol of friendship and solidarity. Each person cherishes the speech of his "small motherland", even if he himself was able to move away from the original substandard. But the most important thing is that many perceive their pronunciation, like the language as a whole, as part of their "I", an individual characteristic.

Sociolinguists compare the picture of the spread of pronunciation types in the UK with a pyramid, at the peak of which is RP (upper and upper middle class - UM - upper middle); then there are regional standards that socially correspond to the middle middle (MM - middle middle) and lower middle (LM - lower middle) classes. And, finally, the pyramid is based on the working class of the city and the countryside (about 40% of the population), which are also divided into the highest worker (UW - upper working), the middle worker (MW - middle working) and the lower worker (LW - lower working ) layers.

Studies in the urban environment have shown that, with the exception of the upper middle (UM) class, all segments of the population use regional forms that differ from RP, but this manifests itself to varying degrees, which can have a mathematical expression reflecting the frequency of use of one form or another.

There are trends that can be considered, on the one hand, as social markers, and on the other hand, as signs of language development. They are treated differently: the loss of [h] in words like hat, ham, glottalization of [t] between vowels in better and even before smooth in little are condemned, but cases of preglottalization before [t] and affricate, as in mattress, go unnoticed. teachers, pronunciation endings -ing as in words like looking ["lukin], walking ["wo:kin].

Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (pp. 214-215).

In American English, such markers are ernost, or rather, its absence, as well as the use of a stop plosive instead of a fricative interdental in words like these, those, think. However, even in New York, where the lack of eros is typical of the majority of the population, the use of [g] is increasingly common in the middle class.

The circle of people who own the standard can be divided into groups according to age or professional principle. So, in the 1960s and 70s. the classification of A. S. Gimson was known:

conservative (conservative) RP (lawyers and clergymen);

generally accepted (general) RP (Air Force announcers);

avant-garde (advanced) RP (young elite, university graduates).

The new edition of Gimson's book proposes a classification of RP types, significantly expanding the range of its carriers:

generally accepted (general) RP; refined (refined) RP; regional (regional) RP.

As we can see, regional standards also fall into the category of the standard, to some extent changing the form of RP. Let us present the social characteristics of the carriers of the refined and regional types of pronunciation.

Refined RP - pronunciation upper class society (previously called U-RP, from Upper Class, now Refined RP), including members of the professions traditionally associated with these classes, such as the highest command staff of the army and navy. The number of carriers of this type of RP is constantly decreasing, for most Englishmen it has acquired a comic connotation, and the very manner of speech is regarded as affected.


Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (pp. 215-217).

The concept of regional RP implies not one, but several types of changed pronunciation in different regions, and these features may not be noticeable to other RP speakers.

Throughout a person's life, as the socialization and cognitive development of his personality, his linguistic abilities develop. However, by the age of 9-12, pronunciation acquires such a stable form that its further change presents a significant difficulty, growing with each subsequent year. This circumstance complicates the life of those who are oriented toward social mobility to improve their social status. However, some turning points in a person's life - a change in marital status, going to university, or getting a new job - can affect pronunciation. It has been established that the highest indicators of the range, richness of the melodic repertoire and depth, voice quality are observed in women at the age of about 40 years, and in men - about 50 years. Even the English Queen Elizabeth II, judging by the results of the analysis of her Christmas speeches by Australian phonetists, it was at this age that she approached the Air Force standard, replacing the conservative forms of vowels (U-RP) with more modern forms pronunciation.


Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (p. 217).

Modern trends in English pronunciation

The constant development of the language affects primarily its vocabulary and phonetics. Changes occur in pronunciation, which manifest themselves through the emergence of competing variants of the pronunciation of words. Further, variability leads to the displacement of the old version to the second position, and thereby the norm changes. However, this is preceded by a period when the new version is recognized as incorrect, non-standard.

The forms of the changing norm of British literary pronunciation (RP) are subdivided depending on the degree of completion of the process of change to us, completely established, new trends and, finally, those innovations that can be included in the RP in the near future. They are preceded by already fully completed processes, which are reflected in modern textbooks on the phonetics of the English language and in spelling dictionaries: diphthong pronunciation [əυ] in pronunciation in boat, comb; in the word culture; sound identical, in paw, pour; loss of [j] after /l/, /s/, /z/, for example in luminous, suit, exhume; the pronunciation of the monophthong /з:/ instead of the diphthong in the words fare, tear.

Well-established phonetic forms:

    replacing the unstressed sound [i] in many (but not all!) words with a neutral vowel [ə], for example, in quality, but not in palace;

    replacement of diphthong [υə] by monophthong [υ], as a rule, in monosyllabic words sure, poor, cure, moor, tour, less likely in pure and never in lure, doer, fewer, newer, viewer;

    replacing the final [i] with a long, tense one in words like city, pretty, dirty;

    the sound [æ] is closer in quality to the sound [a], that is, more open, for example, in mad, rat, cap;


Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (pp. 222-223).

    glottalization of [t] before consonants, for example in not very, but not before [l], as in little, which would be a deviation from the norm;

    loss of [j] after [n], for example in news;

    the sound moved forward, into the middle row, and became similar to the German sound in the word bücher, for example in soon;

    replacement with , for example tune;


Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p. (p. 223).

6. Classification of dialects and variants of pronunciation of the English language

English language

On the British islands

In Canada

In Australia

In New Zealand

In South Africa

Southern English pronunciation (RP)

Northern English pronunciation

Scottish pronunciation

Eastern American pronunciation

South American pronunciation

Western American (main)

pronunciation (GA)

Canadian pronunciation

Australian pronunciation

New Zealand pronunciation

South African pronunciation


V.A. Vassiliev English Phonetics (A theoretical course) - M.: Higher School Publishing House 1970 - 324 p. (page 56).


In this paper, the problem of using dialects and variants of the English language according to the territorial (areal) principle was briefly considered. Since the dialect and / or variant has its own zone of use, it should be understood that the presence of certain obstacles: the terrain, the territorial remoteness of one settlement from another, as well as the presence of characteristics of a particular social group, which is determined by the way of life, the level of education, leave their mark on vocabulary and phonetics, thereby forming an atypical word usage for the literary norm.

Nevertheless, some dialectisms eventually entered the modern literary language as neologisms or professionalisms. Indeed, in its essence and structure, language is a changing structure, which is located on the time axis, therefore, changes in the language are characteristic for each specific time interval.

However, it should be recalled that a language can be an independent structure, and a dialect is deprived of this and is only one of the forms of a particular language (in this case, English).

Summing up the above: in the work of such a volume it is simply impossible to reflect all the nuances and subtleties of the problem described.


    Vasiliev V.A. English phonetics. Theoretical course (in English). - M., 1970

    Sokolova M.A. Theoretical phonetics of the English language. - M., 1996

    Leontyeva S.F. A Theoretical Course of English Phonetics. – M., 2002

    Phonetics of modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for students. lingu. universities and faculty. /E.A. Buraya, I.E. Galochkina, T.I. Shevchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006.

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