“Mi-To” \ “O-I” Super heavy tank. Unique view from the East: O-I and O-I Experimental Tank o 1 Japan

Heavy tank level 5. It has a powerful weapon, huge dimensions and paper armor.

A bit of history

Colonel Hideo Iwakuro (here he is in the photo) really did not like the tank weapons of the Japanese army. Therefore, he gave the idea to develop something terrifying for the enemies. The idea of ​​a heavy tank was adopted in 1939 and developed by Mitsubishi. A tank with a weight of 100 tons was supposed to be equipped with a 150-mm howitzer in the main turret, two 57-mm cannons in turrets in front of the hull and two 7.7-mm machine guns in the turret at the stern. The car was supposed to have the most serious armor by Japanese standards: up to 80 millimeters in the forehead. Soon the project was sent for revision.

First impressions of the tank

The first feeling when playing on this tank is how big I am, and the rest are small. The tank itself is amazing. There is no armor, he is huge, but there is good tool and not bad mobility. In the first battle, they threw with small tanks, dealt with them lightly, mainly with one-shots. Problems delivered only art and kv-1.

Upgrading modules

1) Upgrading the top weapon

2) Pumping the chassis

3) We pump the engine to increase dynamics

4) 5) Pumping radio stations

Gun selection

On the this tank We are presented with a choice of three weapons:

  • 7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 3- Not bad penetration, but little damage for our tank. Also, not a bad rate of fire.
  • 7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 5- Not bad penetration and damage is slightly higher than that of 7.5 cm Tank Gun Type 3. But still, the gun is not very
  • 10 cm Cannon Type 14-Top howitzer not bad penetration and high damage provide good firepower, but long mixing and rate of fire spoil the impression

I think the most correct thing is to pump a 10cm top gun. The previous hole punchers will not fit our tank precisely because of the low power. Indeed, for such a weakly armored colossus, it is important to have a powerful weapon.


  • Everything is quite simple.
  • If you are in the top, then choose the "main force" tactic. The main force tactic implies complete control of the situation in battle. We choose a flank and go along it, destroying enemy units. At the same time, you should not ignore shelters, because you have practically no armor, as well as extra HP. Tanking from the side is not always successful, so it’s worth waiting for the moment when the enemy gets up to reload, rolls out to shoot and stand back in cover to reload. It is very important to have allies at hand, it is thanks to the allies that we have the opportunity to survive until the end of the battle. After all, one in the field is not a warrior, but our Japanese comrade and even more so.
  • If you are in the middle of the list or at the end, then the "support" tactic is just for you. Choose a top ally and cover him. In case of danger, the dynamics of the tank will help us retreat to some kind of cover. It is not worth deploying the tank to retreat, it will take a long time, so just roll back.

Do not use sniper tactics. Get up in the bushes or shine. The tank is practically from the mouse and the tank has no disguise. Therefore, most of the time we suffer open maps, and especially from art. So those who have played on this tank for at least 30 battles would not mind joining the club of anonymous artophobes.

2-07-2016, 01:58

Hello to all fans of World of Tanks, especially those who love heavy tanks. Today we will talk about a real giant, a giant that surpasses all classmates with its dimensions and weight - this is an O-I guide.

You all know very well that this vehicle is a Tier 6 Japanese heavy tank and have heard it many times. positive reviews it's hard about it. Now we will look at the O-I TTX and everyone can decide for themselves whether these rumors are true.


To begin with, it is worth saying that we have at our disposal a good margin of safety for our level and a good basic overview 370 meters, which can be overclocked, as shown in the screenshot above.

If we consider O-I characteristics booking, then there are practically no complaints and the armor of the car is very interesting. Our front and rear hulls are equally well armored, due to which we can easily tank most of our classmates and even some tanks of the seventh level. But the sides are loose and they can only be substituted at a very steep angle. When O-I WoT tank falls down the list, the armor stops deciding and huge dimensions only harm us.

Everything is fine with the tower, it is equally well armored in a circle, so there is nothing to talk about.

Regarding mobility, everything is much worse. As you may have noticed, this Japanese weighs over 150 tons and this figure is only good for ramming. Otherwise, this is a big minus, because mobility suffers greatly due to the huge mass. So that O-I World of Tanks picks up its maximum speed very poorly, has disgusting dynamics and frankly poor maneuverability, a real big turtle.


In terms of armament, this unit is very interesting and it is this aspect that is considered its main feature. The thing is that we are given a choice of two guns, each of which has a hollow right to life.

First, let's look at the top O-I gun- This is a high explosive, very similar to the one on the legendary KV-2. This barrel is famous for its huge one-time damage, and you can shoot both BBs and land mines, however, in the second case, you will deal 100% damage to whichever enemy you shoot at.

This weapon has poor armor penetration, but its main disadvantages are disgusting accuracy, huge dispersion, long time information and a very long reload. But, having loaded a landmine or even BB, heavy O-I tank can take down even a classmate with one shot.

The second option is a stock gun, but do not rush to write it off, because many people prefer it. The fact is that she has a higher armor penetration, which is enough to penetrate all her classmates, and for fights at the bottom of the list, there is a good gold.

The one-shot damage of this barrel is also decent, and a more pleasant reload time allows you to develop more damage per minute than a high-explosive, due to more stable shooting.

At the same time, O-I tank world of Tanks converges faster with this gun, and it has better accuracy and spread.

Another very important and tricky nuance is that we have good vertical aiming angles (-10 degrees down). But do not rush to rejoice, the gun falls worse from the side, and even when “looking” back or forward, large machine-gun turrets prevent it from completely lowering, so not in all planes O-I WoT able to lower his gun by 10 degrees.

Advantages and disadvantages

So it's time to sum up the first results, because the analysis of the main parameters and characteristics of the guns is left behind. Now we will separately highlight the strong and weak sides this unit, because everything is very ambiguous here. I want to point out right away that grades O-I World of Tanks will be placed based on the fact that we will get into battle at the top or in the middle of the list, since fighting against tanks two levels higher is always not a pleasant pleasure.
Good booking;
Powerful and variable weapons;
Not a bad review;
Decent margin of safety.
Disgusting mobility;
Huge dimensions;
Poor accuracy and timing;
Problematic elevation angles.

Equipment for O-I

Of course, when installing additional modules on any tank, you should take care to enhance the existing advantages of the vehicle or neutralize its weaknesses. In a situation with O-I equipment chosen for the same reason:
1. - always set, if there is such an opportunity, because it allows us to increase our DPM.
2. - everything is very clear here, you need to do something with poor accuracy and this is the only good way speed up convergence.
3. - a comprehensive increase in important parameters, it is never superfluous.

As usual, there are several alternatives to the last point, the first of which will be, because with it the tank becomes more sighted. The second variation is , it is placed because the Japanese O-I heavy tank is slow and very large, so the artillery will hit us often.

Crew training

The choice of skills for the crew is at least important point and in our case, everything is again ambiguous, since for some reason a second radio operator was put in the tank. However, you still need to get the most out of everything, and O-I perks learn the following:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Equipment for O-I

In terms of the selection of consumables, everything is standard. In order to save money, the best option would be to carry, and. If you want reliability and increased survivability, because we will have to tank often, it’s better to take premium equipment on O-I, where the fire extinguisher can be replaced with .

O-I tactics

Last but not least, there is how to play this giant. Regardless of which weapon you choose, O-I tactics combat comes down to who you have to fight.

If you get into a fight at the top of the list, you can feel like a king. Our harrow is strong, and our place is the first line, where all the fun happens. Of course, the ideal option would be a city map, where you can hide behind the houses and there will be no art before us. At the same time, the heavy tank O-I WoT can tank both frontally, turning the hull quite a bit, and sideways, leaving behind cover in a reverse rhombus, but at a serious angle. In such realities, everyone is afraid of our gun, and the emotions from one-shots (if a high explosive is selected) are indescribable.

As for the fights against the eighth levels, everything is much worse here. The armor no longer seems so good, the safety margin is quickly depleted and huge O-I dimensions World of Tanks are playing against us. In this case, it is better to stay away, try to completely reduce and inflict damage, peeking out from behind covers and the backs of comrades.

In any case, remember, our worst enemy is artillery, so you always need to take a position wisely. In addition, due to limited mobility, heavy O-I the tank can rightly be considered a machine of one direction, choosing which one will have to go to the end. Try to analyze the situation, deceive the enemy, take him to the shot and better not be alone. With an overwhelming number of enemies, we are like a mammoth that has been cornered.

Otherwise, the O-I tank is worth downloading, it is rightfully considered the pearl of its tech tree and brings a lot of fun in every battle in the top, especially if you play with a HE.

How to play and what kind of gun to install, as well as what equipment and perks should the crew download in order to bend in a random house? Also watch the video about crew guide and tank review.

So, dear fans of shooting with land mines, I present to you an excellent Japanese tank O-I Experimental which will appeal to all lovers of a leisurely game and a lot of damage. The gun of this Japanese heavy is very excellent and can send tanks of the fifth and fourth levels into the hangar with one shot.

I advise everyone to pump it out, especially after it there is also a rather interesting imbotank called O-I, which is actively used by players when playing in a platoon and on fortifications, you can also read about it on the site by clicking on the active link given earlier. So now it’s not about that, but about the O-I Experimental imbotank and its merits, but the merits are not the same:

Advantages of the tank

  • High speed for such a mega tank and the giant that it is, is it a joke that 105 tons of metal travels at a speed of 40 km. Who else can besides French branch from heavyweights to boast of such speed. But the French have almost no armor there and they are like cardboard. And they push this healthy cart a whole herd of horses in the amount of 1100 pieces.
  • Excellent hull armor in a circle and turrets, as well as small turrets makes the tank even more attractive for novice users and experienced players.
  • Ammunition of as many as one hundred shells that cannot be used up in a battle, no matter how fast you shoot.
  • The tank turns very quickly and on any soil, which gives it an advantage over other strands.

Tank Disadvantages

  1. Well, there are also enough shortcomings, and the most important of them is its dimensions, they are huge and it glows like a light bulb in the night and represents a very tasty prey for art, because it is impossible not to hit it.
  2. The dispersion of the guns is quite high and it is difficult to hit the enemy from afar, and sometimes it is impossible to hit small tanks.
  3. The reload is pretty fast but not enough and it could be tweaked a bit by the developers.
  4. Otherwise, the imba tank and its shortcomings are more than compensated by the merits, it's not a joke to send the enemy to the hangar with one shot.

Perks for Crew O-I Experimental I advise you to download like this.

For the entire crew, download the disguise with the first perk, and then the commander to change it to a light bulb for sulfur.
The second perk is repair because you need to quickly go into cover after a shot and delay in this matter can be fatal and the art is not dormant.
Third the Brotherhood of War and the fourth perk is to pump out the crew of its direct specialties, but I think if you get to 4 perks, then after so many fights you yourself will be a scientist and put what you need.
Tank Equipment O-I Experimental
Quite ordinary equipment is installed and, based on its spread and visibility, it is necessary to install drives and a mask network, the third equipment, in my opinion, can be pipes in order to expand the view to the maximum and at least notice other tanks at the same time, and not after when you are completely hit with all calibers.

Watch a short video review of the tank where you may find answers to questions that I did not give in the article.


In this part of the review, we will analyze two more stock, but very important guns of 120 mm and 75 mm caliber. These guns are important because that's how we level. japanese tank O-I Experimental and through them lies the path to the formidable top state of the tank.

Gun 7.5cm Tank Gun Type 3

This gun is very reminiscent of the American 75 mm M3 cannon, slightly inferior to it in terms of armor penetration of gold ammunition. In fact, we are dealing with an earlier version of the 75-mm tank gun, and this gun is inferior in almost all characteristics to the Type 5 gun, except that the rate of fire is slightly higher.

Picture. Characteristics gun 7,5cm Tank Gun Type 3

Penetrates with armor-piercing 90 mm and 112 mm sub-caliber sub-calibers with a one-time damage of 115 HP. In general, rather average indicators will fit only in battles when your tank is at the top of the table. However, even taking into account the existing disadvantages, this gun will be convenient in the fight against mobile tanks than guns more large calibers(105-mm and 120-mm), as it has an advantage in the rate of fire and a fairly high initial speed of the projectiles.

In any case, the 75mm Type 5 gun is better in almost every way, so be patient and pump out, however, if you have already walked along the ST branch and pumped out the Chinooks, you will get the opportunity to install it almost immediately.

12 cm Short Barrel Gun

In fact, this is a short-barreled high-explosive, of which there are plenty in our game, although the barrel length here is even worse than that of the 105 mm german cannon and the 122-mm Soviet U-11, in general, it is more like British mortar guns, and the ballistics of the gun, as well as the speed of the projectile, are very similar. These guns were originally sharpened to fight the fortifications of opponents and manpower, that is, the extermination of people. This weapon is not very suitable for combating armored vehicles, especially when it comes to heavily armored vehicles. And the point here is not that the caliber is insufficient, but that the short barrel does not give the necessary initial projectile flight speed, which would provide an adequate margin kinetic energy for the projectile, which in turn gave the potential for armor penetration. If HE shells can somehow fight light armored vehicles (if they are stationary), then heavy tanks in principle, this kind of threat is all the same, and even light tanks are not particularly afraid of this gun, because evading the fire of such a gun is not a big problem for them. On the other hand, the steep trajectory of the projectiles and a powerful high-explosive help to effectively suppress enemy anti-tank infantry guns, which have always been the main threat to tanks, and the 120-mm caliber helps a lot to destroy pillboxes and you can even throw shells at infantry hiding in a trench, but since since our game is refined exclusively for "Tanks vs Tanks", then these advantages are of little use.

Picture. Characteristics of the 12 cm Short Barrel Gun

We get this gun almost from the start, but handouts, as you know, have a downside - in this case, it's terrible accuracy, which does not allow us to reveal the potential of the gun. As for moving targets, there are even greater difficulties in heap fire, since in addition to low accuracy, we are still dealing with low initial speed projectile, so that while the projectile flies to the target, light tank the enemy easily changes his position.

Picture. The powerful KV-1 gun mantlet can withstand amazing hits

Of course, 120 mm high-explosive projectile it is unlikely to simply scratch the enemy’s armor, but it will not be able to inflict significant damage on an enemy heavy tank, especially if it is equipped with anti-fragmentation lining. In any case, we have gold ammunition that is capable of penetrating 140 mm armor on average, but given the accuracy of 0.52, it guarantees hits in weak points the enemy is simply impossible. Therefore, even in a direct firefight with the KV-1, there is a chance that the projectile will go into the gun mantlet or ricochet on a powerful VLD Soviet heavy There are many variations on this theme.

Figure 4. O-I Experimental, top side view

Do not forget about the long aiming time and uncomfortable stabilization, which is especially inconvenient when aiming on the move and turning the turret. As for the fireflies, as already mentioned, with this gun they are almost invulnerable to us, since the shells simply do not keep up with them. True, as strange as it sounds, this weapon is great for long positional firefights on the streets of Ensk and even on Prokhorovka Alley. In any case, the gun performs its function, which will allow you to grow up to more powerful and convenient 75mm and 105mm guns.


We examined two not the most popular guns, which are only a springboard to more successful and powerful guns. Nevertheless, that with a 120 mm short-barreled gun you will from time to time shoot well at slow-moving targets, that with a stock 75 mm gun you can confidently fight off medium and light tanks with relatively weak armor - this should be quite enough to as much as possible quickly reach the top equipment in terms of weapon class.

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