Self-propelled artillery installation "Gvozdika": history of creation, description and characteristics. Russian flowers of large calibers: "Peony", "Hyacinth", "Tulip Sau carnation" specifications

Self-propelled artillery mount (SAU) - a combat vehicle representing an artillery piece mounted on a self-propelled chassis. Cannons, howitzers and other artillery pieces can be self-propelled. Self-propelled guns are fully or partially booked. Self-propelled guns can be either tracked or wheeled. Self-propelled artillery performs the same tasks as towed artillery. Its main advantage is increased mobility.

In the Soviet Union, the first attempts to create self-propelled guns were made back in the 30s. However, at that time they were not widely used. Much more actively began to develop this type of weapon during the Great Patriotic War. The Red Army had several types of self-propelled guns for various purposes, and different combat weights, from the light SU-76 to the heavy ISU-152. The tanks that existed at that time served as the base for self-propelled guns. The field guns that were in service served as weapons.


In the first post-war decades, there were no significant changes in the design of self-propelled guns. Is that a new type of self-propelled guns, created specifically for the airborne troops. The end of the 50s and almost all of the 60s were marked by the rapid development of rocket technology. It was believed that in the conditions of a possible nuclear war, traditional cannon artillery would not be used. However, the global nuclear threat became more and more illusory. And besides, the boundless faith in rockets was ending. In the late 60s, work began on the creation of various types of artillery weapons in the Soviet Union. As a result, new self-propelled units appeared, including self-propelled howitzers "Gvozdika" and "Acacia".

Carnation chassis was developed by specialists of the Kharkov Tractor Plant. The undercarriage was created on the basis of the MTLB caterpillar tractor. True, the increased load required the installation of an additional roller. Smooth running is ensured by a torsion bar suspension. Power reserve 500 km. "Carnation" has a sealed hull and is able to overcome water obstacles by swimming. Preparation takes 5-10 minutes. Movement afloat is provided by rewinding the tracks. Speed ​​afloat 5 km/h. The maximum thickness of the armor plates is 20 mm. This provides protection from bullets and shrapnel. At the front is the transmission, engine and control compartment. The fighting compartment is located in the middle and aft, as well as in the tower. The crew consists of a commander, gunner, loader and driver. A modernized version of the D-30 howitzer was chosen as a weapon. The shutter of the gun is a semi-automatic wedge type. To reduce the recoil energy, a muzzle brake is installed on the gun barrel. Also, the barrel was equipped with an ejector device for removing powder gases. This reduces the gas contamination of the fighting compartment when firing. The howitzer is placed in a tower of circular rotation. The turret rotation mechanism has manual and electric drives. The lifting mechanism of the gun allows you to give the gun elevation angles up to 70 degrees. In the stowed position, the howitzer barrel is locked on a special elevation. Inside the self-propelled gun is placed ammunition of 40 shots. The shot is made using an electric trigger or a mechanical understudy. The rate of fire of the Gvozdika is 5 rounds per minute. The maximum firing range is 15200 meters.

The battery includes 6 self-propelled units. Three batteries make up a division. Command vehicles were created to control fire. Self-propelled guns "Gvozdika" received well-deserved recognition as a mobile vehicle. It is in service with about 40 countries around the world.


Almost simultaneously with the Gvozdika, the Acacia self-propelled guns entered service. It has a larger caliber - 152 mm. The chassis was developed on the basis of the chassis of the Krug anti-aircraft missile system. Power reserve 500 km. Self-propelled diesel engine. Fuel consumption is 200 liters per 100 km. Unlike the Gvozdika, the Acacia does not provide for movement afloat. But it can overcome water obstacles up to 1 m deep. The self-propelled gun is equipped with earth-moving equipment. With it, she can dig a shelter for herself. The maximum thickness of armor plates is 30 mm. Bulletproof armor type. According to the general layout, "Acacia" is in many ways similar to "Carnation". The commander's turret is mounted on the tower. A machine gun with circular firing is mounted on it. Its caliber is 7.62 mm. "Acacia" is armed with a D-22 howitzer. Caliber 152 mm. Starting with this caliber, you can fire with nuclear warheads. In the 70s, a shot with a nuclear charge with a capacity of 2 kilotons appeared in the howitzer ammunition.

The fighting compartment has a special hatch for loading ammunition. Initially, the ammunition load was 40 rounds. In the process of modernization, this number was increased to 46. The rate of fire is 3-4 rounds per minute. The maximum firing range is 18.5 kilometers. "Acacia" has proven itself quite well during the fighting in Afghanistan. It is still in service with many countries around the world.

Self-propelled guns, which were created in the Soviet Union in the early 70s, were assigned flower names: Carnation, Acacia, Tulip, Hyacinth, Peony. Carnation began to enter service with self-propelled artillery battalions of tank and motorized rifle regiments in 1970.

Work on the second-generation self-propelled artillery mount 2S1 "Gvozdika" began at OKB-9 of the Uralmash plant in accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers No. 609-201 of July 4, 1967. And already in 1969, its prototype entered the field tests. In 1971, the 2S1 self-propelled guns were put into service. The speed of development and manufacture of the installation is easily explained. As a chassis, the designers used the well-known MT-LB tractor, on which they installed the even more famous D-30 howitzer. D-30 in the caterpillar version was subjected to minor design modifications and was given the name D-32 (index 2A31)

2S1 entered service with artillery battalions of motorized rifle regiments (tank) regiments equipped with infantry fighting vehicles. The purpose of the "Carnation" is the destruction and suppression of manpower and infantry firepower, the destruction of field-type fortifications, making passages in minefields and wire fences, fighting artillery, mortars and armored vehicles of the enemy.

The usual portable ammunition load is 35 high-explosive fragmentation and five cumulative shells. Ammunition for separate loading - a projectile and a cartridge case with a charge. A wide range of projectiles has been developed - lighting, propaganda, electronic countermeasures, chemical, smoke, with special arrow-shaped striking elements, cumulative, high-explosive fragmentation.
In 1967, an attempt was made to create on the basis of the D-32 for the Gvozdika howitzers with cartridge loading - D - 16 and D - 16m. But the series did not go.
Shooting with a cumulative rotating projectile BP-1 is carried out with a special charge Zh-8 weighing 3.1 kg; initial speed 740 m/s; range tabular 2000 m. Normal armor penetration is 180 mm; at an angle of 60° - 150 mm, at an angle of 30° - 80 mm; armor penetration does not depend on distance. When firing a high-explosive projectile, the maximum range is 15,300 m. When using an active-rocket projectile, this figure increases to 21,900 m.

Self-propelled gun - floating, moving through the water is carried out by rewinding the tracks.
The layout of the 2S1 Gvozdika is basically the same as the 152mm SPG 2S3 Akatsiya. In front of the hull is the driver's cab and engine compartment, and behind - the fighting compartment. The tower accommodates three more crew members: gunner, loader and commander. The tower rotates by means of an electric or manual drive 360 ​​degrees. The caterpillars of the self-propelled guns are rubber-metal, the track rollers are with an individual torsion bar suspension. The first and seventh wheels, in addition to torsion bars, also have hydraulic shock absorbers. The body is sealed. With the help of rewinding the tracks, the ACS swims at a speed of 4.5 km/h and is able to overcome water obstacles 300 m wide with a wave height of up to 150 mm and a current speed of no more than 0.6 m/s. At the same time, there should be no more than 30 shots on board the installation. "Carnation" is air transportable, that is, it can be transported on An-12, Il-76, An-124 aircraft. To reduce the height of the ACS, the track rollers from the second to the seventh during transportation can be lifted and fixed with the help of special devices. The self-propelled gun has bulletproof armor, which "holds" a 7.62-mm B-32 rifle bullet from a distance of 300 m. Three fuel tanks connected in series with a total capacity of 550 liters are placed in the walls of both sides of the hull. The 2S1 used a V-shaped eight-cylinder four-stroke diesel YaMZ-238V of the Yaroslavl Motor Plant as an engine. The gearbox has 11 forward speeds and two reverse.

Onboard ammunition is located as follows: 16 shells in a vertical position along the side walls of the hull and 24 - along the side and rear walls of the tower. To facilitate the loading of the howitzer, an electromechanical ramming mechanism was used. When firing projectiles stored on the ground, they are fed into the fighting compartment using a transport device through a large rear door. The gun is aimed using the PG-2 sight and the direct-fire optical sight OP5-37. The howitzer barrel has elevation angles from -3 to +70 degrees. The maximum firing range is 15.200 m, the minimum is 4070 m. The rate of fire of the howitzer is not very high. When firing shells from the "ground" - 4-5 rounds per minute, with onboard ammunition 1 - 2.
2S1 "Carnation" at one time entered service with all the armies of the Warsaw Pact countries (except Romania). After the unification of Germany, 374 2S1 received the Bundeswehr. "Carnation" is in service with the armies of the CIS today, including in the Belarusian army.

TTX 2S1 "Carnation"

Combat weight, t 15700
Crew, pers. 4
Length, mm 7260
Width, mm 2850
Height, mm 2725
Clearance, mm 400
(base chassis MT-LB)
Armor, mm: bulletproof
forehead 15 mm
case 15 mm
Maximum speed, km/h: 61.5
Maximum speed afloat, km/h: 4.5
Power reserve, km: 500
Wall height, m ​​0.7
Ditch width, m 3.0
The depth of the ford, m floats.

Power point
YaMZ-238 engine
Power, hp 300 HP
diesel, 8-cylinder, V-shaped, liquid-cooled

122 mm howitzer D-32
ammunition load
shots - 40
rate of fire 4-5 rds / min
Max. firing range 15200 m
cf. communications r / st. R-123M

Tactical and technical characteristics

Calculation, person


Weight, kg

Dimensions: length X lat. X height, m

7.3 x 2.85 x 2.4

Power point

8-cyl. YAME-23N

Engine power, l/s

Maximum travel speed, km/h

Power reserve, km

Slope climbing angle, degrees

Height to overcome obstacles, m

Width of the overcome ditch, m

In the period after the end of World War II, the Soviet Union paid special attention to the development of towed artillery, while NATO countries developed mainly self-propelled artillery. Although its creation and operation is quite expensive, it has a number of advantages over towed artillery, mobility on rough terrain, full armor protection for crew and ammunition, the ability to install a PX6 protection system, and the ability to quickly deploy in position. The Soviet Union continued to design specialized anti-tank guns, until in 1974 a 122-mm self-propelled howitzer was demonstrated for the first time at a parade in Poland, which had been in service with the USSR and Poland since 1972. In the NATO classification, it received the designation M1974, and in the Soviet Union - "Carnation" index 2C1. This artillery system was used in Algeria, Angola, Bulgaria, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, East Germany and other countries. The howitzer was produced under license in Bulgaria and Poland. It is in service in the former Soviet republics. In the Soviet Army "Carnation" were in service in the amount of 36 howitzers in each motorized rifle and 72 howitzers in each tank division.

The Gvozdika self-propelled gun is structurally similar to the M109 self-propelled howitzer, which was in service with the United States. The engine, transmission and driver's seat are at the front of the hull, while the fully enclosed turret is at the rear. The machine has an adjustable suspension, consisting of seven road wheels, located in front of the drive wheel and located behind the idler wheel, support wheels are not installed on the machine. When driving in snowy or swampy terrain, the standard 400 mm wide tracks can be replaced with 670 mm wide tracks to reduce machine pressure on the ground. The standard equipment of the vehicle includes the PX6 protection system, as well as a full set of night vision devices for the commander and driver. Self-propelled howitzer "Gvozdika" is an amphibious vehicle, the speed of movement in water is 4.5 km/h.

An upgraded version of the standard 122-mm D-30 towed howitzer is installed in the Gvozdika self-propelled gun turret. The vertical guidance angle of the gun is +70°, the declination is -3°, the turret travels 360° horizontally. The turret and gun have electric drives with manual control. The gun is equipped with a two-chamber muzzle brake, a bore purging system and a semi-automatic vertical slide breech, the gun mounting bar in the stowed position is located on the body.

The howitzer can fire using a high-explosive projectile weighing 21.72 kg at a distance of 15300 m, it is also possible to use chemical, lighting, smoke and cumulative projectiles. The latter hit tanks, burning through tank armor to a depth of 460 mm at 0° deflection at a distance of 1,000 m. At ranges of up to 21,900 m, high-explosive APC shells can be used. 2S1 "Carnation" can also use laser-guided artillery ammunition "Kitolov-2" at a distance of 12,000 m. The usual ammunition load consists of 40 shells: 32 high-explosive, six smoke and two cumulative. It is believed that the gun piercer provides an increased rate of fire (5 rounds per minute), and also allows you to load the gun at any angle of vertical guidance. The 2S1 Gvozdika howitzer chassis is similar to the MT-L6 chassis and is used for a large number of command and control and reconnaissance vehicles, chemical reconnaissance and minelayers.

Self-propelled howitzer Gvozdika intended to suppress and destroy manpower, artillery and mortar batteries, as well as to destroy bunkers, provide passages in minefields and field obstacles.

SAU 2S1 "Carnation"

Soviet 122-mm regimental self-propelled howitzer. Created at the Kharkov plant named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze.

The chief designer of the chassis was A.F. Belousov, the designer of the 122-mm 2A31 gun was F.F. Petrov.

History of creation

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Union was armed mainly with anti-tank and assault self-propelled guns, and in Western countries and the United States there were already self-propelled guns designed for firing from closed positions. There was a trend to replace towed artillery with self-propelled ones. The indispensability of self-propelled guns in local conflicts became obvious, therefore, in the period from 1947 to 1953, research was carried out to create new self-propelled howitzers, but in 1955, at the direction of N. S. Khrushchev, most work on self-propelled artillery was stopped. Some time later, the USSR Ministry of Defense came to the conclusion that a strategic nuclear war was unlikely, as it would lead to the destruction of both belligerents. At the same time, local conflicts with the use of tactical nuclear weapons could become more real. In such conflicts, self-propelled artillery had an undeniable advantage over towed ones.

With the resignation of N. S. Khrushchev, the development of self-propelled artillery in the USSR was resumed. In 1965, on the basis of the Lviv training ground, Soviet troops conducted large-scale exercises using artillery installations from the Great Patriotic War. The results of the exercises showed that the self-propelled artillery mounts in service did not meet the requirements of modern combat. In order to eliminate the backlog of Soviet self-propelled artillery from the artillery of NATO countries in 1967, a resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 609-201 of July 4 was issued. In accordance with this resolution, the development of a new 122-mm self-propelled howitzer for the ground forces of the Soviet Army was officially launched.

Previously, VNII-100 carried out research work to determine the appearance and basic characteristics of the new ACS. In the course of the research, three variants of ACS were developed. The first is based on the Object 124 chassis (in turn, created on the basis of the SU-100P), the second is based on the MT-LB multi-purpose transporter-tractor, the third version is based on the BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle. In all variants, the main armament was a 122-mm howitzer with D-30 ballistics. According to the results of the work, it was found that the chassis of the "Object 124" has an excessive carrying capacity and weight, in addition, the self-propelled guns will lose the ability to force water obstacles by swimming. The MT-LB chassis had insufficient stability when firing and did not have the required level of permissible loads on the undercarriage of the vehicle. The chassis of the infantry fighting vehicle BMP-1 was the most optimal, however, P.P. Isakov achieved a ban on the use of the BMP-1 as the base chassis. Therefore, it was decided to use an elongated and modified base of the MT-LB multi-purpose transporter-tractor as the base. The resulting studies formed the basis of the R&D under the name "Carnation" (GRAU index - 2C1). "Gvozdika" was supposed to go into service with artillery battalions of motorized rifle regiments to replace the 122-mm howitzers M-30 and D-30.

Table of performance characteristics of 2C1 advance projects performed at VNII-100

Base Object 124 MT-LB Object 765
Crew, pers. 4 4 4
Combat weight, t. 22,2 15,842 15,164
Gun brand D-30 D-30 D-30
Carried ammunition, rds. 100 60 60
Machine gun 1 x 7.62mm PKT 1 x 7.62mm PKT 1 x 7.62mm PKT
Machine gun ammunition, patr. 2000 2000 2000
Engine brand B-59 YaMZ-238 UTD-20
engine's type diesel diesel diesel
Engine power, l. with. 520 240 300
63-70 60 65
Cruising range on the highway, km. 500 500 500

The Kharkov Tractor Plant named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze was appointed the main developer of 2S1, the 2A31 howitzer (internal designation D-32) was created in OKB-9. In August 1969, the first four experimental self-propelled guns Gvozdika 2S1 entered the field tests. Tests revealed a high gas contamination of the fighting compartment. At the same time, a similar situation developed with the 152-mm divisional self-propelled howitzer 2S3. At the same time, for both self-propelled artillery mounts, capped howitzer variants were developed. Based on the 2A31, a 122-mm D-16 howitzer with cartridge loading was created. Instead of a wedge gate, a chain rammer and charges in a sleeve, the D-16 used a piston gate, a pneumatic rammer and cartridge charges. But tests showed that the shortcomings of the new D-16 howitzer are similar, since the flame of the shots remained the same, while maintaining the same accuracy and firing range. In addition, inconvenience was revealed when working with canisters of charges, as well as design flaws in the pneumatic rammer, as a result, the rate of fire remained at the level of the base gun. The subsequent improvement of the D-16 design led to the creation of a modernized model under the D-16M index, which showed an increase in the firing range of a high-explosive fragmentation projectile to 18 km, thanks to an enlarged chamber and the use of more powerful cartridge charges.

In 1971, the 3rd Central Research Institute, within the framework of the research work "Razvitie", reviewed and analyzed the results of work on capped versions of 122-mm and 152-mm howitzers. Despite the results obtained, the 3rd Central Research Institute issued a conclusion on the inexpediency of conducting further research on the capped variant of the 2A31 howitzer. The main reason was the lack at that time of a technical solution that made it possible to create and put into operation reliable and safe charges in a rigid cap or a burning sleeve. It was recommended to use the scientific and technical reserve based on the conducted research when creating new 122-mm high-explosive fragmentation projectiles with an improved aerodynamic shape. The problem of gas pollution in the fighting compartment of the ACS 2S1 was solved in a different way, namely, by using a more powerful ejector and cartridge cases with improved obturation. In 1970, by resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 770-249 of September 14, after improvements, the 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount was adopted by the Soviet army. In 1972, the state tests passed and the 4P134 parachute platform was put into service, which had a flight weight with a load of up to 20.5 tons. On this platform, using the PS-9404-63R five-dome parachute system, it was planned to carry out the landing of self-propelled howitzers 2S1. The system, consisting of the 4P134 platform, the PS-9404-63R parachute system and the 2S1 self-propelled guns, passed the full cycle of tests, but did not enter service with the Airborne Forces in connection with the development of the 122-mm self-propelled howitzer 2S2 "Violet".


Comparative table of performance characteristics of various modifications of the ACS 2S1

2C1 2S1M 2S1M1 2S34 RAK-120
Country of origin the USSR Poland Russia Russia Poland
1970 1971 2003 2008 experienced
Combat weight, t. 15,7 15,7 15,7 16 16
Gun index 2A31 2A31 2A31 2A80-1
Gun caliber, mm 121,92 121,92 121,92 120 120
Barrel length, klb. 35 35 35
Angles VN, deg -3...+70 -3...+70 -3...+70 -2...+80 +45...+85
Carried ammunition, rds. 40 40 40 40 60
Minimum range of OFS / OFM (mortar mine), km 4,2/- 4,2/- 4,2/- 1,8/0,5 -/0,5
Maximum firing range OFS/OFM, km 15,2/- 15,2/- 15,2/- 13/7,5 -/12
Maximum firing range AR (active-reactive projectile) OFS, km 21,9 21,9 21,9 17,5 -
Maximum firing range of UAS (precision weapon), km 13,5 13,5 13,5 12 10
- - - 7,62 -
Engine model YaMZ-238 SW-680T YaMZ-238 YaMZ-238 SW-680T

Mass production

Serial production began in 1971 and ended at the end of 1991, except for the USSR, the 2S1 self-propelled guns were produced under license in Poland since 1971 and Bulgaria since 1979. During the release process, the Polish version of "Carnation" was modernized. The 2S1M Gozdzik variant was equipped with a SW680T diesel engine, new road wheels and modified hydrodynamic shields for moving through water. Self-propelled guns 2S1 of Bulgarian production entered service with the Soviet army and, apart from the worst workmanship, did not differ in any way from the Soviet model 2S1. In total, more than 10,000 2S1 units were manufactured over the years of production. After the cessation of production, upgraded versions were developed in Poland and Russia. In Russia, a modernized version of 2S1M1 was developed with the installation of ASUNO 1B168-1, in Poland, a version of 2C1T Gozdzik was developed with the installation of ASUNO TOPAZ. In 2003, the self-propelled artillery gun 2S34 "Khosta" was developed, and since 2008 it entered service with the Russian army, representing the modernization of the 2S1 self-propelled guns, the 2A31 howitzer was replaced by the 2A80-1 gun. In addition, a 7.62 mm PKT machine gun was mounted on the commander's turret. In 2008-2009, the Polish military-industrial complex created an experimental modernization of the 2S1 self-propelled guns under the designation Rak-120. The 2A31 gun was replaced with a 120 mm smoothbore mortar equipped with an automatic loader. Carried ammunition has been increased from 40 rounds to 60 rounds, however, there is no data on the start of mass production of this modification.

In addition to the basic modifications made in the USSR and Poland, there are other versions of the Gvozdika self-propelled guns. In Romania, in the 1980s, a variant of the 2S1 self-propelled guns was created, which received the designation Model 89. It differs from the 2S1 in the base chassis. Instead of the modified MT-LB base, the chassis of the BMP MLI-84 was used. In 1996, the Iranian military-industrial complex manufactured, and since 2002 launched into mass production the 122-mm self-propelled howitzer Raad-1 (Arabic Thunder-1). The Iranian self-propelled guns differ from the 2S1 in the base chassis; instead of the MT-LB, the Iranian BMP Boragh is used.


Armored corps and turret

Self-propelled howitzer 2S1 "Carnation" is made according to the tower scheme that has become classic for self-propelled artillery. The hull of the vehicle is welded from rolled steel armored sheets, completely sealed and allows you to overcome water obstacles by swimming. The body is divided into three compartments: power (motor-transmission), control compartment and combat. In front of the hull on the starboard side is the engine compartment. To his left is the driver's seat with chassis controls. The fighting compartment is located in the middle and aft parts of the hull. On the roof of the hull, a welded turret with a rotating basket of the fighting compartment is installed on a ball shoulder strap. The turret has a gun, as well as crew seats. On the starboard side there is a loader's seat, as well as stowage for shells with charges, on the left side in front of the turret there is a gunner's seat and sights. Behind the gunner is the place of the commander of the self-propelled guns, equipped with a rotary turret mounted on the roof of the tower. In the niche of the tower there are two stacks with charges and shells for cumulative ammunition. In the aft part of the hull, there are stacks for shells and charges of the main gun. Feeding into laying can be carried out from the ground through a special aft hatch. Reservation ACS 2S1 provides bulletproof and anti-fragmentation protection for the crew. The thickness of the hull and turret sheets reaches 20 mm in places.


The main armament of the 2S1 self-propelled guns is the 122-mm howitzer 2A31. The gun is completely unified in terms of ballistic characteristics and ammunition used with the 122-mm D-30 towed howitzer. The 2A31 barrel consists of a tube, breech, ejector and muzzle brake. The length of the pipe is 4270 mm. On the inside of the barrel, at a length of 3400 mm, 36 grooves were made with progressive steepness ranging from 3 degrees 57 to 7 degrees 10. The length of the charging chamber is 594 mm. The total mass of the receiver group is 955 kg. The shutter of the gun is vertically wedge-shaped, equipped with a semi-automatic re-cocking mechanism. A tray with a retainer is installed on the wedge, which prevents the projectile from falling out of the barrel at high elevation angles, and also facilitates manual loading. When the shutter is opened, the retainer is automatically recessed into the wedge and does not prevent the extraction of the sleeve. The total mass of the bolt group is 35.65 kg. The recoil devices consist of a spindle-type hydraulic recoil brake filled with Steol-M or POG-70 liquid and a pneumatic knurler filled with nitrogen or air. To relieve pressure when operating in various temperature ranges, a spring-type compensator is installed on the recoil brake. The recoil brake cylinders are fixed in the breech of the gun. The maximum rollback length is 600 mm. The gun tube is fastened to a cradle consisting of two clips. In the front cage there is a casing with fixed cylinders of recoil devices. In the middle part there are mounts for an armored mask with trunnions. A fence is mounted to the rear of the cradle. On the right cheek for the commander there is a mechanism for blocking the manual descent of the gun, on the left - a system of levers with a manual descent. A folding part of the fence with an electromechanical ramming mechanism is installed between the cheeks.

Means of observation and communication

For aiming the gun, carrying out reconnaissance of the area during the day and at night, a combined TKN-3B sight with an OU-3GA2 searchlight, as well as two TNPO-170A prismatic periscope observation devices, are installed in the commander's cupola. The gunner's position is equipped with a 1OP40 panoramic artillery sight for firing from closed firing positions and an OP5-37 direct-fire sight for firing at observed targets. On the right side of the tower, in front of the loader's hatch, a rotating observation device MK-4 is installed. The driver's seat is equipped with two TNPO-170A prismatic surveillance devices with electric heating, as well as a TVN-2B night vision device for driving at night. In front of the driver's seat there is a sight glass with electrical heating and a protective armored cover.

External radio communication is supported by the R-123M radio station. The radio station operates in the VHF band and provides stable communication with stations of the same type at a distance of up to 28 km, depending on the height of the antenna of both radio stations. Negotiations between crew members are carried out through the R-124 intercom equipment.

Engine and transmission

The 2S1 is equipped with a V-shaped 8-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine YaMZ-238N liquid-cooled with a gas turbine supercharged power of 300 hp.

The transmission is mechanical, double-flow, with two planetary-friction turning mechanisms. Has six forward and one reverse gear. The maximum theoretical driving speed in sixth forward gear is 61.5 km/h. In reverse gear, speeds up to 6.3 km / h are provided.


The 2S1 running gear is a modified chassis of the MT-LB multi-purpose transporter-tractor. In order for the undercarriage to provide the specified parameters, the design of the MT-LB undercarriage has undergone significant processing. Compared to the base machine, an additional pair of road wheels has been introduced into the undercarriage. Thus, the undercarriage consists of seven pairs of rubber-coated road wheels. In the rear of the machine are the guide wheels, in the front - the drive. The caterpillar belt consists of small links with hinges connected by fingers. The width of each track is 350 mm with a step of 111 mm. Suspension Gvozdika - individual torsion bar. Two-way hydraulic shock absorbers are installed on the first and seventh road wheels.

Self-propelled artillery installations and combat vehicles

2S8 "Astra" - an experienced 120-mm self-propelled mortar. It was designed to equip the battalions of the ground forces of the Soviet army. Work on this machine was discontinued in connection with the creation of a new rifled semi-automatic gun 2A51. In July 1977, at an intersectoral meeting, a decision was signed to close work on the Astra self-propelled mortar and prepare a decision to open a new work on the creation of a 120-mm self-propelled artillery gun 2S17 Nona-SV.
-2S15 "Norov" - an experienced 100-mm self-propelled anti-tank gun. Designed to fight enemy tanks. As a result of the delay and postponement, the first prototypes were ready only by 1983. By the time the tests were completed, more advanced tanks were found in the arsenal of NATO countries, against which the 100-mm 2S15 anti-tank gun was ineffective. Therefore, the work was closed, and the self-propelled guns were not accepted into service.
-2S17 "Nona-SV" - an experienced 120-mm self-propelled artillery gun. It was designed as a replacement for the 2S8 self-propelled mortar. However, in connection with the start of work on the creation of a more advanced automated SAO 2S31, work on 2S17 was closed.
-9P139 "Grad-1" - tracked version of the combat vehicle of the regimental MLRS "Grad-1". The development was carried out at the State Design Bureau of Compressor Engineering of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry under the leadership of Chief Designer A. I. Yaskin. The machine was designed in 1974. In 1976, it was put into service, and then a small serial batch of vehicles was created. Full-scale production of 9P139 combat vehicles was planned to be organized in Bulgaria, but mass production was not mastered.

Engineering and specialized machines

UR-77 "Meteorite" - installation of mine clearance, making moves in anti-tank minefields during the battle. Serially produced since 1978 to replace the UR-67.
- "Object 29" - a multi-purpose tracked light chassis, differs from the base chassis 2S1 in electrical equipment elements and in the placement of spare parts.
-2S1-N - multi-purpose transporter-tractor, manufactured on the basis of tracked chassis SAU 2S1, in the process of overhaul. Designed to transport people and goods in a closed cabin.


BMP-23 - Bulgarian infantry fighting vehicle with the installation of a 23-mm gun 2A14 and ATGM 9K11 "Malyutka" in a double turret. The machine is based on the MT-LB chassis using components of the SAU 2S1 chassis.
-LPG - (Lekkie Podwozie Gasienicowe - Light tracked vehicle) artillery fire control vehicle. This tracked vehicle is used to control the Krab and Rak SAO, as well as a medical and support vehicle.
-KhTZ-26N - Ukrainian-made snow and swamp vehicle based on the demilitarized 2S1 chassis. Designed for installation of special equipment and work in off-road conditions.
-ТГМ-126-1 - Ukrainian-made tracked transport vehicle on 2С1 chassis.

Combat use of self-propelled guns Gvozdika

The 2S1 self-propelled howitzer received its baptism of fire during the war in Afghanistan. The tactics of use was reduced to the advancement of 2S1 batteries after the assault groups and the destruction of enemy firing points to be detected by direct fire. Such tactics significantly reduced the losses of the Soviet troops. During escort in difficult terrain, fire support was provided by special 2S1 reserve batteries. The command of the 2S1 batteries was carried out by commanders and artillery platoons, which provided reinforcement for motorized rifle battalions and companies. One of the most famous episodes of use for 2S1 was the operation to capture the Shingar and Khaki-Safed regions. In 1986, 2S1s were used during an attack on the enemy in Kandahar province. Platoons of self-propelled howitzers provided fire support for the battalions. In total, during the offensive, the platoon of self-propelled guns 2S1 destroyed 7 enemy targets. In general, according to the results of the first combat use of the 2S1 self-propelled guns, they have proven themselves well.

During the First Chechen campaign, the 2S1 self-propelled guns were used by the federal troops of the Russian Federation, in addition, the fact of the capture of several Gvozdika self-propelled guns with ammunition in the period from 1992 to 1993 by Chechen separatists is known. During the Second Chechen campaign, they were used by federal troops. For example, in the fall of 1999, self-propelled howitzers 2S1 of the Marine Corps carried out artillery support for the 100th Special Purpose Division of the Russian Internal Troops.

"Carnations" were used by the Transnistrian Guard in June 1992 during the Transnistrian conflict. In the 1990s, 2S1 was used in the Yugoslav wars by various parties to the conflict. In 2014, during the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, the 2S1 self-propelled guns were used both by the troops of Ukraine and by the militias of the republics of the DPR and LPR.

At the beginning of the Iran-Iraq war, 2S1 and 2S3 self-propelled guns were delivered to Iraq from the USSR, which formed the basis of Iraqi artillery groups. In 1991, during Operation Desert Storm, the 2S1 self-propelled guns were used by Iraqi forces. In general, the experience of using Iraqi artillery (including self-propelled howitzers 2S1 and 2S3, as well as the BM-21 MLRS) was assessed as negative, which, in turn, contributed to the emergence of the myth that Soviet artillery was ineffective. However, when assessing the actions of the Iraqi artillery, it was not taken into account that the command and control system and the equipment of the artillery groupings of the Iraqi forces did not meet the Soviet standards of that time. In 2011, during the civil war in Libya, the 2S1 self-propelled guns were used by government forces.

Machine evaluation

Comparison table TTX 2S1 with artillery systems of the next generation
2C1 2S18 2S31
Year of adoption 1970 experienced 2010
Combat weight, t. 15,7 18,7 19,08
Crew, pers. 4 4 4
Gun caliber, mm 121,92 152,4 120
Gun brand 2A31 2A63 2A80
Gun type howitzer howitzer cannon-howitzer-mortar
Angles VN, deg. -3...+70 -4...+70 -4...+80
GN angles, deg. 360 360 360
Carried ammunition, rds. 40 70
Minimum firing range OFS (high-explosive fragmentation projectile), km. 4,2 4,0 0,5
Maximum firing range of OFS, km. 15,2 15,2 13,0
Weight OFS, kg. 21,76 43,56 20,5
4-5 6-8 8-10
Anti-aircraft machine gun caliber, mm - 7,62 7,62
Maximum speed on the highway, km/h 60 70 70
4,5 10 10
Range on the highway, km 500 600 600

In the 1970s, the Soviet Union made an attempt to re-equip the Soviet army with new models of artillery weapons. The first example was the self-propelled howitzer 2S3, presented to the public in 1973, followed by: 2S1 in 1974, 2S4 in 1975, and in 1979 the 2S5 and 2S7 were introduced. Thanks to new technology, the Soviet Union significantly increased the survivability and maneuverability of its artillery troops; in addition, according to Western experts, it was the 2S1 and 2S3 self-propelled howitzers that made it possible to implement the USSR military doctrine to destroy nuclear delivery vehicles even before the NATO command had time to decide on its use.

Comparative table TTX 2S1 with foreign analogues
France AMX-105V US M-108 UK FV433 China Type 85 Japan Type 74
Start of mass production 1970 1960 1962 1964 1975
Combat weight, t 15,7 17 20,97 16,56 16,5 16,3
Crew, pers. 4 5 5 4 6 4
Gun caliber, mm 121,92 105 105 105 121,92 105
Barrel length, klb 35 30 30 35
Angles VN, deg. -3...+70 -4...+70 -6...+75 -5...+70 -5...+70
GN angles, deg. 360 360 360 360 45
Carried ammunition, rds. 40 37 86 40 40 30
Maximum firing range OFS, km 15,2 15 11,5 17 15,3 11,27
Maximum firing range of AR OFS, km 21,9 15 21,0 14,5
UAS maximum firing range, km 13,5 - - - - -
Weight OFS, kg 21,76 16 15 16,1 21,76 15
Combat rate of fire, rds / min. 4-5 up to 8 to 10 up to 12 4-6
Anti-aircraft machine gun caliber, mm - 7,5/7,62 12,7 7,62 - 12,7
Maximum speed on the highway, km/h 60 60 56 48 60 50
Maximum speed afloat, km/h 4,5 - 6,43 5 6 6
Highway range 500 350 350 390 500 300

By the time the mass production of the 2S1 self-propelled guns began, NATO countries already had 105-mm self-propelled artillery mounts of a similar class in service. The French AMX-105Bs based on the AMX-13 light tank were closed self-propelled guns with circular fire. The vehicles were equipped with a loading mechanism, which ensured a maximum rate of fire of up to 8 rounds per minute (against 4-5 for 2S1). For firing, 16-kilogram high-explosive projectiles were used with an initial speed of 670 m / s and a maximum firing range of 15 km, however, these self-propelled guns were made only in a small serial batch and were not widely used. The English FV433 self-propelled guns were made on the basis of the FV430 universal tracked chassis. Similar to the 2S1, the FV433 was a lightly armored self-propelled howitzer with circular fire. For firing, 105-mm high-explosive fragmentation projectiles L31 with a mass of 16.1 kg and a maximum firing range of 17 km (against 15.2 km for 2S1) are used. In addition to high-explosive fragmentation, shrapnel shells L42 weighing 10.49 kg, lighting L43, as well as smoke shells L37, L38 and L41 can also be used. The self-propelled guns are loaded separately semi-automatically - the projectile is sent into the bore by the loading mechanism, the charge is put in by the loader. The rate of fire of the FV433 self-propelled guns can reach 12 rounds per minute (against 4-5 for 2S1). In terms of mobility and power reserve on the march, the English self-propelled guns are inferior to the Gvozdika, providing a maximum speed on the highway of 48 km / h and a cruising range of 390 km. By the time the 2C1 was adopted, the serial production of the FV433 had already been completed.

In China, attempts were made to create an analogue of 2C1, under the designation Type 85 (sometimes appears under the designation Type 54-II). The self-propelled howitzer was a Type 85 armored personnel carrier chassis, on which the upper D-30 howitzer machine was installed, while the guidance angles were limited from -22.5 to +22.5 degrees horizontally. In the 1990s, the Type 85 was replaced by the closed self-propelled guns Type 89, made according to the 2S1 type. In 1975, the production of 105-mm self-propelled guns Type 74 was launched in Japan, but the production was short-lived and amounted to only 20 units, after which, by analogy with the United States, it was decided to concentrate on the manufacture of 155-mm artillery.

In the Middle East, Egyptian and Syrian troops used the chassis of obsolete T-34 tanks, on which the D-30 howitzer was installed, to fill the gap in self-propelled artillery. Ersatz-SAU received the name T-34/122. Compared to the 2S1, the T-34/122 was twice as heavy and could not swim through water obstacles, the horizontal guidance angle was limited to 12 degrees, but the ammunition load was 100 rounds. With the start of deliveries of 2S1 to Syria from the USSR, the T-34/122 self-propelled guns were first forced out of the elite units, and then they were sent to storage altogether.

The purpose and appearance of the 2S1 resemble its counterpart, the M108 self-propelled howitzer. At the time of adoption in 1970, the 2S1 was superior to the M108 in terms of the main parameters: the firing range of the OFS (15.2 km versus 11.5), the range (500 km versus 350), the speed (60 km/h versus 56), was lighter by 5270 kg, but at the same time, the maximum rate of fire of the 2A31 howitzer was 4-5 rounds per minute versus 10 for the M103. However, the production of the M108 had already been completed by the time the 2S1 self-propelled guns were adopted, since the US Department of Defense considered the possibilities for further modernization of 105-mm howitzers limited, and the vehicle itself was unreasonably expensive, and preferred to focus on the manufacture of the 155-mm self-propelled howitzer M109. The high-explosive fragmentation action at the target of 122 mm shells was approximately equal to 105 mm shells. The reduced area of ​​destruction of openly located manpower in the prone position of the 122-mm projectile 53-OF-462 was 310 sq.m. against 285 sq.m. with a high-explosive 105-mm projectile M1. In the early 1970s, 122-mm howitzers 2S1, D-30 and M-30 received new 3OF24 ammunition. Instead of TNT, the composition A-IX-2 was used as an explosive, due to which the effectiveness of 3OF24 shells was increased by 1.2-1.7 times compared to 53-OF-462. Since 1982, the increased power 3OF56 and 3OF56-1 projectiles have been put into service with 122-mm howitzer systems.

Of the positive qualities, Western experts note high maneuverability and a relatively small mass of self-propelled guns, which allows the use of 2S1 in conjunction with floating infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers. In addition, unlike US self-propelled howitzers, the 2S1 has a direct fire sight, and the ammunition load includes cumulative ammunition to combat enemy armored vehicles. Among the shortcomings, weak armor of the hull was noted, which allows protecting the crew only from light small arms and shell fragments, the absence of an anti-aircraft machine gun on the commander's cupola, the driver's mechanic's limited right field of view, as well as separate-sleeve loading, which limits the automation of loading processes.

After the transition of the field artillery of NATO countries to a single caliber of 155 mm, Soviet motorized rifle regiments began to significantly lose in terms of firepower to the corresponding Western formations, therefore, to replace the regimental 122-mm howitzers D-30 and 2S1, the development of new 152-mm howitzers 2A61 and 2S18 was started. However, the mass production of new models of regimental artillery was never started. Instead, work was launched on the creation of a 120-mm universal self-propelled artillery gun 2S31. Despite the fact that the 2S1 self-propelled guns were outdated by the 1990s, a number of states continued to use it. In Russia and Poland, a program has been developed to modernize obsolete self-propelled guns 2S1 with their transfer to 120 mm caliber.



Azerbaijan - 46 2S1 units, as of 2014
- Algeria - 140 2S1, as of 2014, a total of 145 units delivered
-Angola - some, as of 2014
-Armenia - 10 2S1 units, as of 2014
-Belarus - 198 units of 2S1, as of 2014, a total of 239 units were delivered
-Bulgaria - 48 2S1 units, as of 2014, a total of 686 units delivered
-Vietnam - number and status unknown
-Democratic Republic of the Congo - 6 2C1 units, as of 2014
- Yemen - 25 2S1 units, as of 2014
-Kazakhstan - 120 2S1 units, as of 2014
- Kyrgyzstan - 18 2S1 units, as of 2014
-Republic of the Congo - 3 2C1 units, as of 2014
-Cuba - 40 units 2S1 and 2S3, as of 2014
-Poland - 290 units of 2S1, as of 2014, a total of 533 units of 2S1 were delivered
- Russian Ground Forces - 2200 2S1 units, of which 1800 are in storage, as of 2014
- Marine Corps of Russia - 95 2S1 units, as of 2014
- Border Troops of Russia - 90 units 2S1, 2S9 and 2S12, as of 2014
-Romania - 6 units of 2S1 and 18 units of Model 89, as of 2014, a total of 48 units of 2S1 delivered
-Serbia - 67 units of 2S1, as of 2014, a total of 75 units of 2S1 were delivered
-Syria - 400 2S1 units, as of 2014
- Sudan - 51 2C1 units, as of 2014
-USA - 19 2S1 units were delivered between 1992 and 2010, the exact purpose of the deliveries is unknown, they were officially delivered for training; possibly in order to study design solutions
-Turkmenistan - 40 2S1 units, as of 2014
-Uzbekistan - 18 2S1 units, as of 2014
- Ground Forces of Ukraine - 300 2S1 units, as of 2014
- Marine Corps of Ukraine - 12 2S1 units, as of 2014
-Uruguay - 6 2S1 units, as of 2014
-Finland - 36 2S1 units (used under the designation PsH 74), as of 2014
-Croatia - 8 units of 2S1, as of 2014, a total of 30 units of 2S1 were delivered
-Chad - 10 2S1 units, as of 2014
-Eritrea - 32 2S1 units, as of 2014
- Ethiopia - a certain amount, as of 2014, a total of 82 2C1 units were delivered
- South Ossetia - 42 units 2S1 and 2S3, as of 2008
-South Sudan - 12 2S1 units, as of 2014.


Afghanistan - a total of 15 units of 2S1 delivered
-Bosnia and Herzegovina - 24 2S1 units, as of 2013
- Hungary - more than 153 2C1 units in storage, as of 2010
-GDR - 374 2S1 units were delivered from the USSR in the period from 1979 to 1989
-Georgia - 20 2S1 units, as of 2008
-Egypt - a total of 76 units of 2S1 delivered
-Zimbabwe - a total of 12 2C1 units were delivered
-Iraq - 50 2S1 units were delivered from the USSR in the period from 1979 to 1980, another 100 2S1 units were delivered in the period from 1987 to 1989. Withdrawn from service in 2006
- Libya - a certain amount of 2C1, as of 2013, a total of 162 2C1 units were delivered
-Slovakia - 1 SAU 2S1 in service and 45 units in storage, as of 2010, a total of 51 units of 2S1 were delivered
-Slovenia - a total of 8 2S1 units were delivered
-Togo - a total of 6 units of 2C1 were delivered
-Germany - 372 2S1 units received after the merger with the GDR. Of these: 228 units were sold to Sweden for spare parts for MT-LBu, 72 units of 2S1 were sold to Finland, 50 units were used as targets on ranges, 11 units were sold to the USA, the rest, possibly in storage or demilitarized
-Czech Republic - a total of 49 2C1 units were delivered
-Czechoslovakia - 150 2S1 units were delivered from the USSR or Poland in the period from 1980 to 1987
- Yugoslavia - 100 2S1 units were delivered from the USSR in the period from 1982 to 1983, they passed to the states formed after the collapse
-NDR Yemen - 50 2S1 units delivered from the USSR in 1989

The 122-mm self-propelled howitzer 2S1 "Gvozdika" is designed to destroy open and covered manpower, weapons and military equipment of the enemy. The development of the 2S1 "Carnation" self-propelled guns was started by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 609-201 of July 4, 1967. The self-propelled artillery unit was created in OKB-9 (-Uralmash-) on the basis of the 122-mm D-30 towed howitzer and retained that the same internal structure of the barrel, ballistics and ammunition. New half-chip howitzer factory index D-32 and index GRAU 2A31. Chassis of self-propelled guns 2S1 was developed by specialists of the Kharkiv Tractor Plant software on the basis of the MT-PB multi-purpose armored tractor. The first four prototypes of the 2S1 Gvozdika were handed over for field tests in August 1969. The 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled gun was put into service in 1971, and in 1972 its mass production began.

The body of the machine is welded from steel plates, the maximum thickness of which reaches 20 mm. Such armor provides protection against fire from small arms and small-caliber shell fragments and mines. The control compartment and the engine compartment are located in the front of the hull, and the fighting compartment is in the middle and aft parts of the hull, as well as in the turret. Three crew members are accommodated in the turret: in front of the left is the gunner, behind him is the installation commander, and to the right of the gun is the loader. Ammunition is stored in the rear of the body of the self-propelled gun. The armor of the self-propelled guns is bulletproof and provides protection against being hit by armor-piercing bullets of 7.62 mm caliber at a distance of 300 m.

The main armament of the self-propelled guns 2S1 "Gvozdika" is a 122-mm D-32 howitzer, located in a circular rotation tower, which is installed in the rear of the vehicle. The howitzer barrel consists of a monoblock tube, a breech, a coupling, an ejection device and a two-chamber muzzle brake. The shutter is vertical wedge with semi-automatic mechanical (copy) type. The lifting mechanism is sectorial with a manual drive. Guidance of the gun in the vertical plane is carried out in the range of angles from -3° to +70°. Rollback brake hydraulic spindle type, knurler pneumatic. The recoil brake and knurler cylinders are fixed in the breech and roll back along with the barrel. The barrel is balanced by a push-type pneumatic balancing mechanism. The ramming mechanism is of an electromechanical type, designed for separate ramming of the projectile and the loaded cartridge case into the barrel chamber after placing them on the rammer tray.

The self-propelled howitzer 2S1 "Gvozdika" is equipped with a PG-2 periscope sight (index 10P40), designed both for firing from closed positions and for direct fire. 37, parallelogram drive and electric unit.

The portable ammunition load of the self-propelled guns 2S1 "Gvozdika" usually consists of 35 high-explosive fragmentation and 5 cumulative shells. The self-propelled howitzer can fire all types of ammunition from the D-30 towed howitzer. Shooting with a cumulative rotating projectile BP-1 is carried out with a special charge Zh-8 weighing 3.1 kg; initial speed 740 m/s; range tabular 2000 m. Normal armor penetration is 180 mm, at an angle of 60 ° - 150 mm, at an angle of 30 ° - 80 mm; armor penetration does not depend on distance. When firing a high-explosive projectile, the maximum range is 15,300 m. When using an active-rocket projectile, this figure increases to 21,900 m. Also, a laser-guided projectile "Kitolov-2" was developed for it. This projectile can hit stationary and moving targets with a high degree of probability.

The self-propelled gun is equipped with a 210-kilowatt YaMZ-238 diesel engine, which allows the vehicle to reach a maximum speed of 60 km / h on the highway. A mechanical transmission is interlocked with the engine. The undercarriage of the 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer consists, in relation to one side, of seven road wheels, a front drive wheel and a rear guide wheel, there are no supporting rollers. The track rollers are made of aluminum alloy. Two disks are welded between the hub and the outer ring with a rubber bandage of each roller, forming an internal air chamber, which increases the buoyancy of the machine. The drive wheels, located in the front of the housing, have removable gear rims, which facilitates their replacement in case of excessive wear. The track tension mechanism is located inside the body. The track tension is also adjusted from inside the machine. Tracks with rubber-metal joints are 400 mm wide, but can be replaced with wider ones (670 mm) for increased flotation in snow and wetlands.

Suspension 2C1 "Carnation" consists of fourteen torsion shafts located across the machine. For this reason, the road wheels on the starboard side are slightly forward in relation to the left side rollers. Hydraulic shock absorbers of automobile type interact with the balancers of the first and last road wheels. The vertical travel of these road wheels is additionally regulated by spring buffers.

SAU 2S1 "Gvozdika" has a hermetic hull and overcomes water obstacles by swimming. Movement afloat is carried out by rewinding the tracks, while the machine develops a speed of 4.5 km / h. However, there are a number of limitations here. So the speed of the water flow should not exceed 0.6 m / s, and the height of the waves should not be higher than 150 mm. In addition, when overcoming water obstacles, there should not be more than 30 shots on board the installation.

The combat weight of the 2S1 Gvozdika does not exceed 16 tons, which makes it possible to transport it by military transport aircraft. A machine of this type is in service with the ground forces of Algeria, Angola, Bulgaria, and Hungary. Iraq. Yemen, Libya. Poland. Russia, Syria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ethiopia and the former Yugoslavia.

The performance characteristics of the 122-mm self-propelled guns 2S1 "Gvozdika"
Combat weight, t 15.7
Crew, pers. 4
Overall dimensions, mm"
length with cannon forward 7265
body length 7265
width 2850
height 2285
clearance, mm 400
Reservation, mm: 20, all-round protection against armor-piercing bullet B-32 from a distance of 300 m
Armament 122-mm howitzer D-32
Ammunition 40 shots
Rate of fire, rds / min 4-5
YaMZ-23a engine, V-shaped, 4-stroke liquid-cooled engine, power 210 kW
Specific engine power, kW/t 13.4
Specific ground pressure. MPa 0.047
Maximum speed, km/h:
on Highway 60
afloat 4.5
Range on the highway, km 500
Fuel reserve, l 550
Overcome obstacles:
wall height, m ​​0.70
ditch width. m 2.75
fording depth, m floats

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