How much does the tank weigh. How much does a machine gun weigh on a tank t 90

V-92S2 - V-shaped four-stroke 12-cylinder diesel engine used on T-90 tanks, as well as on the latest T-72B3.

History of creation

The B-92С2 is the successor of the V-2 family of engines, the history of which goes back to the distant 30s of the last century. Of course, a modern engine is a completely different unit, but its dimensions and displacement have remained the same for more than 80 years. Initially, it was developed for use on bombers, but the model turned out to be so successful that, after a series of improvements, they began to install it on tanks.

Various improved modifications of this engine were installed on many Soviet tanks. The B-84 engine was originally installed directly on the T-90, but already during its creation it was clear that it did not fully reveal all the capabilities of the tank. The development of the 92nd model was delayed, as it fell on the 90s of the last century, when the country was clearly not up to tank diesels. The first tests began in the late 90s, and in 2000 it was accepted for operation and went into mass production. Since that time, all new T-90 tanks have used the B-92C2 engine.

V2-34 engine

general description

B-92С2 is currently the most modern serial tank engine in Russia, a deep modernization of the V-2 engine. Produced at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant.

A tank engine differs significantly from civilian engines. If the main task of civilian models is a large motor resource, then for a military vehicle, reliability in any conditions, power density and multi-fuel capacity come to the fore. The B-92C2 uses a variety of diesel fuels, each best suited to specific terrain and ambient temperatures. In case of emergency, even the use of some types of aviation fuel is allowed, but the engine life is greatly affected. The engine uses liquid cooling, and thanks to a good location that prevents strong heating of the hull, visibility for IR guidance systems is reduced.

Specific power is approximately 22 hp / t, which is almost ideal, because with higher specific power more fuel is consumed, while the tank does not win in driving performance and maneuverability. But it is precisely for this indicator that this engine is not suitable for the latest Armata tank, since it is noticeably heavier than the T-90.

The engine design uses aluminum alloys, which significantly reduces the overall weight of the engine. Also, to increase the service life, the valves are made of chromium-molybdenum steel.


The B-92S2 engine is installed on the T-90A and later modifications of the tank, released after 2004, as well as on the latest modifications of the T-72B3

Despite the excellent reliability indicators, the B-92C2 still has some limitations for use:

  • Air temperature -40/50 degrees (when using arctic diesel fuel up to -50 degrees)
  • Height above sea level no more than 3000 m
  • Relative humidity no more than 98% at a temperature of 20 degrees
  • The maximum longitudinal angle of inclination is not more than 25 degrees
  • The maximum transverse angle of inclination is not more than 30 degrees

Tank T-90A



  • Length - 1560
  • Height - 950
  • Weight: 1020 kg
  • Volume: 38.8 liters

Operating characteristics

  • Engine power - 736 kW (1000 hp)
  • Rotational speed - 2000 rpm
  • Maximum torque - 3920 N.m.
  • Torque headroom: 25%
  • Specific fuel consumption: 156 g/hp*h
  • Specific engine power: - 0.98 hp/kg
  • Number of cylinders - 12
  • Cylinder diameter: 150.0mm
  • Piston stroke in the cylinder:
    • with main connecting rod: 180.0 mm
    • with trailed connecting rod: 186.7 mm
  • Motor resource - 1200 hours.

Forced modification

After a serious modernization of the T-72 and T-90 tanks, the question arose about the insufficient power of the engines installed for them. It may take a lot of time to create a completely new model, so it was decided to once again improve the unit that has been proven over the years. The new engine was designated B-92S2F (forced).

Maximum power increased to 1130 hp. The crankcase, crankshaft, connecting rod and piston group had to be seriously strengthened so that they could work stably and reliably at elevated modes. The turbocharger, cooling system and exhaust system have undergone a serious improvement. However, forcing has a drawback, because for increased power you have to pay a reduction in engine life, which is now equal to 1000 hours.

For the first time, the boosted engine was demonstrated at the tank biathlon in 2017. At the moment, it is planned to be installed on the T-72B3 and T-90MS "Tagil" tanks.

They are typical representatives of the Soviet and Western schools of tank building, which incorporate various design and technological ideas ...


T-90 a deep modernization of the reliable and well-established T-72 tank, was created after the collapse of the USSR and incorporated all the best that was incorporated in Soviet tanks. An upgraded version of the 125 mm 2A46M4 smoothbore gun was installed as the main gun on the tank. The armor of the tank has increased by almost 3 times compared to the first modifications of the T-72 and includes both powerful passive armor, with special armor of the "semi-active" type, and built-in "active" dynamic protection, which made it possible to provide a high level of armor without going beyond the weight restrictions , determined by indicators of strategic mobility.

The tank is powered by an economical and reliable V92S2 diesel engine. With the transition to the production of a new type of welded turret, the possibilities for strengthening armor increased even more. The layout of the T-90 is characterized by a high density, characteristic of the Russian school of tank building. This has both advantages and disadvantages. The dense layout makes it possible to create a highly protected machine with a low silhouette and a small area of ​​longitudinal and transverse sections with a relatively low weight. Accordingly, a smaller internal volume (for the T-90 tank 11.8 m3 and 13 for the T-90S) requires a smaller armor mass. The disadvantage of a dense layout is the tightness of the crew members, it is difficult to replace each other's crew members if necessary.

Tank M1 "Abrams" was created primarily not as a breakthrough tank, but as an anti-tank weapon, whose task was to stop, or at least delay the waves of Soviet tanks rushing to the English Channel. The creation of the tank was carried out in close cooperation with German tank builders, but with American specifics. As the main gun on the tank, starting from the M1A1 modification, a 120 mm M-256 cannon was installed, which is a slightly modified version of the German Rh-120 cannon. The armor of the first modifications of the tank includes multi-layer composite armor "Chobham" created in the UK. On later modifications, armor was used using uranium ceramics of the first and second generations.

The layout of the M1 Abrams tank is typical of the Western approach to tank building, as a result of which the reserved volume of the tank was 19.7 M3, which is almost 2 times higher than for the T-90.

As a power plant, the tank is equipped with an AGT-1500 gas turbine engine made in one block with an automatic hydromechanical transmission.

Combat weight

M1A1 - 57.2 tons

M1A2 - 62.5 tons

T-90 - 46.5/48 t

Target detection

GPS (gunner's sight) - recognition at 2.5 - 3 km (thermal imaging sight of the 1st generation)

TO-PO2T Agava-2TI - recognition at 2.5 km

TPN-4-49-23 Buran-PA - recognition 1.2-1.5 km (Image Intensifier Generation 2+)

The disadvantage of the M1 is the limited ability of the commander to independently search for a target, a small increase and the lack of stabilization of the field of view of the M919 sight do not allow confident detection and identification of targets when the tank is moving.

This drawback was eliminated only on the M1A2 modification. The commander's panoramic thermal imaging device is installed on the M1A2, the T-90 tanks, like their predecessors, also have such a panoramic device for searching for targets and aiming guns, however, without a thermal imaging channel.



The main armament of the M1A1/M1A2 is the 120 mm M256 smoothbore gun.

The initial speed when using the M829A2 shot is 1675 m / s.

Rate of fire - up to 8 rounds per minute.

To date, the main anti-tank weapons of the M1A1 "Abrams" are armor-piercing sub-caliber shells M829A1 and M829A2. The production and supply of the new M829A3 projectile to the troops, which poses a serious danger to the T-90 tank, has also begun. Developments are underway to create a TERM guided projectile, however, they are still far from complete.

The main armament of the T-90 is a modernized 125-mm smoothbore gun-launcher 2A46M-2(4).

The initial speed when using the 3BM-44M shot is 1750 m / s.

Rate of fire - 6-8 rounds per minute.

The main anti-tank weapons of the T-90 are also armor-piercing sub-caliber shells (3BM-42 and 3BM-42M) and the Reflex-M guided weapon system with 9M119M and 9M119M1 missiles, which ensure the destruction of M1A1NA tanks in all areas of the frontal projection at a distance of up to 5000 m. M1A2 is provided only to weakened zones, which make up to 40% of the frontal projection. Simulation of the oncoming battle of tank companies (10 T-90 tanks against 10 M1A1 tanks) showed that, starting firing TURs from a range of 5000 m, T-90s manage to hit up to 50 - 60% of enemy tanks by a range of 2000 - 2500 m. Naturally, this is only possible if the terrain allows it.

In addition, the development of perceptive complexes is underway that implements the “fire and forget” principle and the defeat of the tank is not in the powerful frontal armor, but in thin sections of the turret and hull roof.

In terms of the development and introduction of new armor-piercing sub-caliber shells into the troops, there has been a backlog in the last decade. No answer was given to the emergence of new threats, therefore, the defeat of the M1A2 tank at all distances from the first hit is not guaranteed. The industry is delaying the delivery of already developed ammunition to the troops, and funding for work on new models is being disrupted.



Equivalent resistance against kinetic ammunition: 530-550 mm.

Equivalent resistance against cumulative ammunition: 750-800 mm.

Equivalent resistance against kinetic ammunition: 770 mm.

Equivalent resistance against cumulative ammunition: 1000-1200 mm.

The turret of the M1A1 tank consists of outer and inner steel armor plates connected by transverse stiffeners, between which special armor packages made of metallic and non-metallic materials are laid.

Owing to their high density (density of uranium is 19.03 g/cm3), these plates, with an extremely small thickness, provide an “explosive” nature of destruction of the elements of a cumulative jet.

Equivalent resistance against kinetic ammunition: 800-830 mm with Kontakt-5 protection

Equivalent resistance against HEAT ammunition: 1,150-1,350 mm with Contact-5 protection

Equivalent resistance against cumulative ammunition is indicated for first generation monobloc warheads.

The armor of the T-90 tank turret is of the “semi-active” type. In front of the turret there are two cavities located at an angle of 55 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the gun, in which packages of special armor of the “semi-active” type are placed. The armor structure with reflective sheets is a barrier consisting of 3 layers: plate, gasket and thin plate. The effect of the use of "reflective" sheets can reach 40% in comparison with monolithic armor of the same mass. In addition, the tank also used the complex of built-in dynamic protection "Kontakt-5". The complex provides a powerful lateral impulse that allows you to destabilize or destroy the BPS core before it begins to interact with the main armor.

For the first time on the T-90, the TSHU-1-7 "Shtora-1" optoelectronic countermeasures complex was serially installed. "Shtora-1" is designed to protect the tank from being hit by guided weapons with command semi-automatic guidance systems such as "Tow", "Hot", "Milan", "Dragon", laser homing heads such as "Maverick", "Hellfire", "Copper- head", as well as artillery systems with laser rangefinders.


M1 "Abrams"

An unacceptably large gap between the hull and turret armor. The gap is so large that you can get under the Abrams turret at a great distance, for this you can aim at the upper frontal sheet located at a very large angle - if a ricochet occurs, then be sure to under the turret. In this case, neither the high armor of the frontal part of the hull, nor the thick armor of the turret will help. Weak booking of the sides in the area of ​​​​the engine-transmission and fighting compartment makes the tank vulnerable to small-caliber artillery fire, for example, the distance of confident defeat when using the Kerner projectile at an angle of 38 to 90 degrees will be up to 2000 meters (500 m for a BT projectile).

Vulnerable zones in the armor of the T-90 are areas on both sides of the gun that are not covered by built-in dynamic protection and do not have special armor (in the place where the machine gun coaxial with the gun is installed). There is also a weakened zone on the upper front part of the hull in the area of ​​the driver's viewing device. This is a design feature of all domestic tanks, starting with the T-64.


Shot 3VBM-19 with a projectile 3BM-44M "Lead"

Shot with BOPS "Lead", equipped with a new scheme of reference, went through a difficult path of working out and eliminating some shortcomings, but this is typical of any high-tech ammunition. The minimum guaranteed armor penetration is 300 mm / 60o at a distance of 2 km. Average armor penetration over 330 mm / 60 o. The development of new shots with BOPS did not stop even in the face of insufficient funding in the 90s and continues to this day. However, it is impossible to say that everything is in order in this area, the main reason for this is insufficient funding for new developments and mass production of ready-made ammunition.

In the photo, the T-90 tank hits a target located at a distance of 4,000 m with a guided missile of the Reflex complex

Placement of VDZ modules (option) on the turret and VLD of the tank hull and scheme
substitution of elements in the DZ block

Placement of VDZ modules (option) on the turret and VLD of the tank hull and the equivalent circuit for elements in the DZ block. As can be seen from the diagram, a modern VDZ is not just explosive plates placed in a steel case.

EDKV - electronic remote-contact fuse. (Photo by ROSOBORONEXPORT)

For the T-80UK, T-90S tanks, the Ainet system was adopted, containing a range finder, a ballistic computer and an automatic fuse installer (with inductive input of a temporary installation into the fuse in the loading path immediately before the projectile is fed into the barrel). Research Institute "Poisk" developed electronic fuses 3VM17 (for shrapnel and high-explosive fragmentation projectiles) and 3VM18 (for high-explosive fragmentation projectiles) with a spectacle thread of 52 mm.

In the spring of 2011, A. Postnikov, who at that time was the head of the ground forces, spoke very sharply about the domestic defense industry. Statements were made that Russian equipment, especially tanks, are not only significantly inferior to NATO models, but also lag behind China's armored vehicles in terms of their characteristics. Especially from the head of the SV got the famous T-90 tank, which, according to Postnikov, is just another modification of the T-72 and began to be produced in 1973. Even the new T-90MS is nothing more than another revision of the old model.

History of the T-90MS tank

Most of all in Postnikov's speech, the T-90MS tank went to the tank, which was not only called a "restyling" of the T-72, but also incredibly expensive to manufacture. According to Postnikov, for the money that can buy 1 T-90MS tank, you could buy 3 German Leopard-2 tanks. However, the check showed that instead of 1 T-90MS tank, you can buy only 1 Leopard-2, and even that one in the “basic” configuration.

In those years, it was very popular to criticize Russian military equipment. Some military officials considered opening a line for assembling Italian armored vehicles in Russia, and in the summer of 2011 a contract was signed with France for the purchase of 2 Mistral helicopter landing ships. However, in 2015, this contract was terminated.

As for the T-90 tank, its history began on June 19, 1986, when the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU issued a Decree on the development of the T-90 tank. After 5 years, an experimental model of the tank was tested and recommended for adoption. The collapse of the USSR prevented this vehicle from entering the series, although a year later the tank was shown to Russian President B. Yeltsin. After 3 months, the tank was put into service under the name "T-90". Since the economic situation in Russia was very difficult in the early 90s, Uralvagonzavod, which produces the T-90 tank, received permission to produce an export model of the tank, under the name T-90S.

Despite difficult economic conditions, by the end of 1995, 250 T-90 tanks were produced, many of which were tested in real battles in Chechnya. The militants could not do anything against the powerful armor of the T-90 tank. After 1995, the budget for the purchase of tanks was sharply reduced, after which Uralvagonzavod switched to export production, otherwise it simply could not survive.

The history of the world recognition of the T-90 tank

The military exhibition that took place in the United Arab Emirates in 1997 was decisive for the T-90 tank. It was there that the representatives of the Indian armed forces liked the Russian tank. In order for a military vehicle to be bought, it was necessary to fulfill a number of conditions that the Indian military set:

  • Put a new engine on the tank;
  • Install a thermal sight;
  • To conduct tests not only in Russia, but in India itself, so that partners can be convinced of the quality of Russian tanks.

Since the economic situation at the Russian plant was not very simple, one can only guess how the plant workers managed to allocate funds for the production of 3 prototypes that met the requirements of Indian customers. At the beginning of 1999, they were sent to India for trials, which passed with great triumph. Indian General Singh was so impressed by what he saw that he stated the following: "The T-90 tank is the second deterrent factor for enemy military forces after nuclear weapons." Already in 2001, a contract for the supply of 310 units of the T-90S tank was signed. These vehicles proved to be very efficient and reliable, so in 2005 Russia and India signed another contract for the supply of another 347 tanks.

After deliveries of tanks to India, other countries of the world became interested in the new combat vehicle. According to statistics, the T-90 tank became the best-selling newly manufactured tank in the world from 2001 to 2015. The big money that Uralvagonzavod began to receive for the sold T-90 tanks allowed not only to actively increase production, but also to constantly modernize the combat vehicle, preparing it in accordance with changing world requirements and standards. Modifications of the T-90 tank were as follows:

  • T-90A, which differed from the standard T-90 by the presence of a new welded turret and an engine capable of developing 1,000 l / s;
  • Since 2006, the T-90 tank has received a thermal imaging sight;

It would seem that the latest model of the T-90 tank is its next revision, although in fact, the T90MS received so many innovations that it is essentially a new model.

The main features of the new T-90MS tank

The main difference between the T-90MS was the tower, which was completely different from the towers of previous T-90 models. The new turret received multi-layer armor and turned out to be equipped with whole complexes of the latest combat control systems, many of which were innovative. The tank commander was now engaged in the search for the target, betraying the found target to the gunner in a fully automatic mode.

Even today, thanks to constant improvements to the model, the T-90MS tank is not only not inferior in search and targeting parameters to the best tanks in the world, but also surpasses some of them in a number of parameters. The command control parameters of the T-90MS tank are perfectly balanced, and the ability to hit a target with the first shot put this model on the leaderboards from year to year.

Another huge plus for the T-90M tank is the presence of a 125 mm cannon, for the creation of which metal was used, which has a huge margin of safety. This made it possible to significantly increase the service life of the gun, regardless of the rate of fire. If we compare the Russian tank with its closest competitor, the Leopard-2 tank, then the T-90MS can fire more intensely without fear of gun failure. In general, the Russian tank is able to "work" more effectively in combat.

The dynamic protection of the T-90MS tank hull covers the most important tank modules. It is able to withstand almost all types of modern sub-caliber projectiles. If you believe the words of the creators of the tank, then dynamic protection is able to withstand even the hit of modern anti-tank shells. The only miscalculation of the designers is the lack of dynamic armor on the lower frontal plate of the tank. Even the T-72B had one row of armor on the lower front plate.

As for the armor of the tank turret, everything is not so simple. The sides of the aft niche of the tower do not have dynamic protection. Since there is an ammo rack in the turret, a projectile hitting this area can cause serious damage to the tank. Perhaps in the future, this miscalculation will be eliminated by the developers.

The T-90MS tank is equipped with a modern fire control system. Such systems are an indispensable element of equipping new tanks. All these systems work on the same principle, their main task is to detect the enemy and hit him with the first shot. In order to more effectively hit targets, the T-90MS tank has a target tracking system. Since modern tanks most often work as part of a group, they are equipped with a system for interacting with each other. At the same time, each tank can receive an indication of targets from the main tank of the group. It is planned to install the next generation Armata tanks as a command tank of the T-90MS group.

In addition to external changes, the T-90MS tank has also changed significantly inside. Now the driver-mechanic controls a multi-ton combat vehicle not with the help of levers, but with the help of a multifunctional steering wheel. The T-90MS has an automatic transmission, which greatly facilitates the work of the driver-mechanic. All previous modifications of the T-90 had a manual transmission.

Another important innovation of the T-90MS tank is the presence of an electricity generator. Now the tank is practically invisible to the enemy in the infrared range while parked. This becomes possible due to the use of an autonomous generator.

T-90MS or tanks of the Armata project

Although now most military experts consider tanks created on the Armata platform to be the only prospect for the development of tank forces, this opinion can be challenged:

  • The T-90MS tank is by far the best tank in terms of price / quality ratio;
  • The tests of the "Armata" have not yet been completed, and the T-90 platform has long been mastered;
  • The price of T-90MS tanks is much lower;
  • T-90MS have comprehensive hull and turret protection, which is a huge plus in urban battles;
  • The new T-90MS engine is capable of developing 1130 l/s. According to these indicators, the T-90MS engine is not inferior to the best foreign tank engines;
  • In addition, the T-90MS tank has significantly improved ergonomics;
  • Part of the ammunition of the T-90MS tank is placed in a box, which is located behind the turret.

The performance characteristics of the T-90MS

TTX T-90MS look like this:

  • The mass of the tank is 48 tons;
  • The total length with the gun is 9,530 mm;
  • The body length is 6,860 mm;
  • Width - 3 460 mm;
  • The crew of the tank is 3 people;
  • The main armament on the T-90MS tank is a 125 mm 2A46M-5 gun. Ammunition - 40 shots;
  • As additional weapons, tank missile weapons and 2 machine guns are used, one of which is anti-aircraft, and the second is twin.

The tank is capable of moving along the highway at a speed of 60 km / h, and has a cruising range of 500 km.

Tanks must fight in groups, therefore, in modern realities, it would be optimal for each combat group of T-90MS tanks to give the latest Armata tank as the main vehicle. Of course, in the future, the T-90MS will be gradually replaced by the "Armata" (although it is possible that some new model of the tank will appear), but this future is still very far away.

Few of the issues related to the armament of the Russian army do not cause such fierce disputes as the future of domestic armored forces. Experts, journalists, military professionals and just people who are interested in military affairs participate in a furious discussion. Articles on this topic regularly appear in the Russian media. Representatives of the top leadership of the Russian army do not get tired of adding fuel to the fire.

Disputes are ongoing about the potential of Russian combat vehicles, as well as their comparison with foreign counterparts. In 2011, the then Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Ground Forces, Colonel General Postnikov, spoke extremely unflatteringly about the characteristics of the T-90 tank, comparing them with those of the main German Leopard-2 tank. According to him, the T-90 is not a technical breakthrough, but just another upgrade of the T-72, in which there is nothing fundamentally new. He also mentioned that, in his opinion, the price of a Russian tank is too high - for 120 million rubles (this is the price of one T-90) you can buy several Leopard 2A7 tanks. On the other hand, many experts call the T-90 the bestto datethe main tank in the world. Where is the truth?

The T-90 tank is a continuation of the T-72 and T-80 family of vehicles. Its development and testing began in the late 80s of the last century, and it was put into service in 1992. The machine does not contain any revolutionary innovations, conceptually it continues the earlier machines. Of course, many changes were made to the design of the T-90: the fire control system was improved, protection was improved, the vehicle received more advanced multi-layer armor and built-in dynamic protection - but we can say that the T-90 is just the most modern upgrade of the T-72.

The history of the creation of the T-90:

In 1985, mass production of the new T-72B tank began - but already at that time the tank was obsolete in comparison with advanced foreign counterparts. This was especially true of the fire control system, in this regard, he lost not only to the Leopard and Abrams, but even to the new Soviet tanks. Therefore, immediately after the start of mass production of the T-72B, work began on its modernization.

A fire control complex (KUO) 1A45 "Irtysh" was installed on the vehicle; it was well developed on T-80 tanks), it was combined with an automatic tank loader. The latest Shtora optoelectronic suppression system (KOEP) was also installed, which protected the vehicle from anti-tank weapons, especially those using laser guidance. It cannot be said that the new tank turned out to be a breakthrough in terms of its technical characteristics - but the protection and firepower of the vehicle were increased.

In 1989, state tests of the tank began at several test sites in different parts of the USSR. Particularly difficult were tests in Central Asia, in conditions of high temperature, sand and dust. In 1992, the tests were successfully completed, and the new machine was put into service. In the same year, mass production of the machine began, which received the designation T-90. After the tragic death of Vladimir Ivanovich Potkin, the chief designer of this model, the T-90 was named "Vladimir" in his honor.

The T-90 of various modifications has become the most popular and best-selling Russian tank on the world market. Until 1998, 120 tanks of this type were manufactured for the Russian Ministry of Defense. In 2004, work began on the modernization of the T-90, as a result of which the T-90A and T-90AK vehicles appeared (they featured a more powerful engine, a new welded turret, an improved thermal imaging sight and a new gun stabilizer). The latest modification of the T-90 is the T-90AM tank, which has a new Kalina fire control system, an upgraded gun, a new automatic loader and a more powerful engine.

During the production of the T-90, several export modifications of the tank were created, which took into account the requirements of customers. The Russian Ministry of Defense has stopped purchasing the vehicle since the end of 2011.

The device of the T-90 tank

The main battle tank T-90 has a classic layout: the control compartment is located in the bow, the fighting compartment is in the middle of the vehicle, and the engine and transmission are in the stern of the tank. The crew consists of three people: the driver is in the control compartment, and the commander and gunner are inside the tower, to the left and right of the gun.

The hull of the tank is made of welded armor, the frontal part of the vehicle consists of multilayer armor using composite materials and with built-in dynamic protection.

The main armament of the T-90 is a 125 mm smoothbore gun. The gun is equipped with a stabilizer, a chrome-plated barrel, has systems for accounting for barrel deformation and pumping out powder gases. The length of the gun is 48 calibers. The rate of fire of the gun reaches 8 shots in 56 seconds. The T-90 is also armed with a coaxial machine gun and an anti-aircraft gun (NSVT "Utes").

The tank's ammunition load is 43 shots and includes various types of ammunition: 3BM42 armor-piercing sub-caliber shells, 3BK29M armor-piercing HEAT shells, high-explosive fragmentation shells with an electronic remote fuse (increases the effectiveness of the fight against enemy manpower located in shelters), as well as 9M119 ATGM. The firing range of anti-tank missiles is from 100 to 5000 meters. Not a single tank in the world has ammunition with such a range.

The T-90 was equipped with a four-stroke 12-cylinder diesel engine; on later modifications of the machine, it was replaced with a more advanced engine with a turbocharger, which made it possible to increase its power from 840 hp. up to 1000 hp The engine provides greater mobility and maneuverability of the tank; it is not for nothing that the T-90 is called the “Russian flying tank”. Planetary type transmission, there are 7 gears forward and one reverse.

The fire control system makes shooting as easy as possible. All data (firing range, wind direction and speed, air temperature, tank position) for shooting are taken into account automatically and the gunner just needs to point the sight at the target and press the fire button. The tank is equipped with the Buran-PA night sight, as well as the Agat-S tank commander's sighting system.

The T-90 is protected by multi-layer armor with built-in reactive armor "Contact-5". The Shtora-1 optoelectronic countermeasures complex protects the vehicle from anti-tank weapons with a semi-automatic guidance system or laser homing. Laser radiation sensors ensure its reception within a radius of 360 °, the data is quickly processed, and an aerosol grenade is fired in the right direction, blocking the laser beam. The tank has a modern fire extinguishing system.

The fuel system of the T-90 tank is considered to be a vulnerable point of protection. The fuel tanks are partially moved to the combat compartment and are not separated from the crew in any way. Another problem with this machine is the placement of ammunition inside the fighting compartment, while it is also not isolated from the crew. Its detonation is guaranteed to lead to the destruction of the tank.

The T-90 used the chassis of the T-72 tank. Combined with a new engine, reliable transmission and low machine weight, it provides high mobility and maneuverability. Due to its ability to effectively overcome obstacles, some Western experts call the T-90 a "flying tank".

The main performance characteristics of the T-90 tank

Main characteristics
Crew Composition 3 persons
Tank weight, t 46,5
Length, m 6,86
Tank hull width, m 3,78
Tower hatch height, m 2,23
Engine power, h.p. 800/1000 l. With. (diesel)
Number of cylinders 12
cooling liquid
Type: mechanical Two final drives, input gearbox and coaxial final drives
Number of gears (forward/reverse) 7/1
Resource tank with diesel fuel on the highway; capacity 550 km; 1200 l
With hanging tanks; capacity 700 km; 400 l
Fuel consumption, l/100 km 240-450
Suspension Torsion
Speed ​​on the highway, km/h 60
Speed ​​on arable land, km/h 50
Barrier elevation angle 30 degrees
barrier barrier, m 0,8
Ditch barrier, m 2,8
Ford barrier, m 1,2 (1,8)
Tank armament
gun type; caliber smoothbore; 125 mm
guided missiles
firing range 5 km
Loading Automatic, manual
Quantity of ammunition, pcs. 42 (22 rounds in autoloader)
rate of fire 8 shots per minute
Ammunition types BPS, BCS, OFS, UR
Coaxial machine gun PTKM 7.62 mm; 2000 rounds
Heavy machine gun CORD 12.7 mm; 300 rounds
Multilayer armor combined, with dynamic protection "Contact-5". KOEP "SHTORA-1"

Advantages and disadvantages of the T-90

The T-90 tank is indeed a modern tank with characteristics that are not inferior to foreign analogues. Its strengths are good mobility and maneuverability, reliability of the engine and running gear, as well as a good level of security. The relatively small weight of the tank and its size make the vehicle less vulnerable to enemy fire.

The negative aspects of the T-90 include the location of ammunition and fuel tanks next to the crew. ERA is ineffective against tandem munitions (although the tank's protection system is effective against most anti-tank weapons). The fire control system on early modifications is outdated, although the Kalina fire control system installed on the latest models is not inferior to foreign counterparts. The disadvantage of the tank is also a low reverse speed.

The undoubted advantage of the T-90 is the ability to fire guided missiles at a distance of up to 5000 meters.

Modifications of the T-90 tank:

  • T-90S - a car made for export
  • T-90SK - commander's version of the T-90S
  • T-90K - T-90 commander tank, additional communications and navigation equipment installed on the vehicle
  • T-90A - a vehicle with a more powerful power plant, a welded turret, a new automatic loader and a new thermal imaging sight
  • T-90AK - commander's T-90A
  • T-90CA - export version of T-90A
  • T-90SKA - commander's version of T-90SA
  • T-90AM - the latest modification of the T-90A. Installed SLA "Kalina", a new automatic loader and a new DZ "Relikt" and the power plant V-92S2F (1130 hp)

There are a number of vehicles developed on the basis of the T-90 - for sapper work, bridge layers, evacuation vehicles. The T-90 is in service with several countries around the world.

Video about T-90

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At the time of the collapse of the USSR, the Russian military was not a priority and fell under the reduction of income. Many promising projects have been either postponed indefinitely or canceled altogether. During the Cold War, the Soviet Army enjoyed the prospect of two MBTs at once, starting with the introduction of the T-64 in 1963, which was later supplemented by the T-72 in 1971. Both projects had an automatic loader and a large-caliber smoothbore main gun. The T-64 was designed to be a vehicle with a lot of new technology, and therefore was a very expensive and difficult to manufacture, main tank of the Soviet Army, while the T-72 was created as a cheaper one, intended mainly for export to friendly countries. This eventually led to the T-72 gaining worldwide fame and many modifications due to it, while the T-64 was restricted to the Soviet Army due to its "state secret" status.

Therefore, the creation of a machine began that combines the strengths of the T-64 and T-72, which was the new MBT under the designation T-80, which entered service in 1976 and became the main tank of the Soviet Army until the collapse of the USSR. It was notable for its gas turbine engine, which produced very high power, exceeding that of traditional diesel engines. However, reliability was far from perfect, fuel consumption was excessively high, and it was too complicated to manufacture.

Realizing the instability and low budget of their new country, the Russian authorities began to decide on the merits and demerits of existing MBTs in order to start production of the most successful solution, since it was irrational to produce and maintain all available models. There was an idea to modernize the T-72, taking the most successful key qualities from the T-80 in order to get a modern and truly formidable tank.


The fire control system from the T-80, the hull from the T-72, the retained automatic loader, which proved its effectiveness in numerous armed conflicts, as well as the time-tested and battle-tested smoothbore 125 mm gun. This symbiosis of the most powerful and proven solutions of domestic tank building became a prototype called the T-88. After testing and deciding to install a reliable, unpretentious and economical diesel engine with a capacity of 830 hp, the T-90 was born, which absorbed all the best from its predecessors and is their evolution.

Small-scale production began in 1993, it gradually increased until 1995, when full-scale production was launched at Uralvagonzavod in Nizhny Tagil. Since then, about 1670 units have been produced for Russia and some countries of the world.

Device in general

Like its predecessors, the T-90 has a very low profile, thanks to a two-man turret that houses the commander on the right and the gunner on the left. The carousel automatic loader has been improved over the decades, is located in a tower on the floor of the hull and allows you to have a rate of fire of up to 8 rounds per minute. Like previous Soviet MBTs, the T-90 can fire missiles from the barrel of its main gun, which makes it possible to deal with air and any ground targets. The driver is located in front, in the center of the hull, immediately behind him is the tower. The engine is placed in the rear compartment and separated from the crew. The undercarriage is traditional, with a torsion bar suspension, six road wheels with external rubber coating and three support rollers with internal shock absorption, driving wheel at the rear.

armored corps

The upper frontal part is located low and strongly sloped for additional protection from enemy fire. Likewise, the turret has a very squat shape with strong angles of inclination, providing powerful protection against shells that hit the tank. The commander has his own turret with all-round visibility, while the gunner controls the turret and has his own entry / exit hatch. The armor consists of a mixture of steel and composite materials, it has a built-in dynamic protection "Contact-5", which protects against damage by cumulative and sub-caliber projectiles. Its blocks are attached to the front and sides of the hull, as well as to the tower. Side screens are standard for all modifications.


Armor, fire control system and anti-missile protection remained from the T-80. Equipment with night vision systems and nuclear, biological and chemical protection has become standard. Anti-missile set of countermeasures "Shtora-1" is an additional option that is almost always installed and can counteract laser-guided systems. The fully digital fire control system is capable of being guided both by a thermal imager and a laser rangefinder. All this allows you to shoot on the go, even in conditions of limited visibility. A bucket knife is hidden under the nose of the hull, which can be used to overcome various obstacles, and a mine trawl can also be attached to the tank.


The gun, which came to the T-90 from its predecessors, uses various types of projectiles. The ammunition load consists of separate loading shots of the following types: armor-piercing sub-caliber, armor-piercing cumulative, armor-piercing high-explosive and guided missile. A total of 42 shells. Auxiliary armament includes a 7.62 coaxial machine gun with 2,000 rounds of ammunition and an anti-aircraft gun with circular fire and 300 rounds of ammunition. Two blocks of geared rocket launchers allow you to place your own smoke screen for hiding. In addition, diesel fuel can be injected into the exhaust for an alternative or thicker smoke screen, a hallmark of many Soviet tanks.


Initially, the power plant for the T-90 was represented by the V-12 V-84 with an HP 840 power. Later, the tank was upgraded and received a V-92 diesel engine with an HP 950 power. The latest versions use the 1250 hp B-96 engine. A seven-speed gearbox and torsion bar suspension are designed to provide good mobility and maneuverability in all conditions.

The maximum speed is up to 60-65 km / h on the highway. Power reserve 550 km, 700 km. with external tanks. Off-road - 350 and 520 respectively. Combat weight 46-50 tons. Thrust-to-weight ratio 21.5 l / s t.


In the original, the tank had the designation T-90. Its export versions were marked as T-90E, and the export versions of the command version were known as T-90K. The first modification, which received a V-92 diesel engine, a welded turret and a TPV "Essa" night complex, became the T-90A and was offered for export under the designation T-90S and, in the commander's version, T-90SK.

The T-90 was modernized in 1996 and received the Relikt modular dynamic protection system with a modified composite armor scheme, becoming the T-90M. A new V-96 engine with a power of 1250 hp was installed, a gun, a turret mount and a TPV. GPS navigation has become the standard. After its adoption, it was named T-90MS.

Several different vehicles were created based on the T-90, namely BMR-3M, BREM-1M, TOS-1A Solntsepek, IMR-3M, MTU-90, Frame and E300.

Combat use

There is controversial information that the T-90 was probably fire tested during the Second Chechen War in August 1999. During the conflict, the T-80 showed the limited capabilities of urban combat, in which Chechen partisans, using short strike tactics with ATGMs, disabled about 200 tanks in just one month. The T-80 was designed for aggressive combat on level ground, so careful combat in tight streets was not its forte. In addition, Russian tankers were poorly trained and did not have effective support.

On August 7, 1999, the Islamic International Peacekeeping Brigade, which included al-Qaeda fighters, invaded the Russian Republic of Dagestan to start the Second Chechen War. The Russian army, taking into account its mistakes of the first war in time, sent tanks as part of the troops providing mutual cover and support. There is practically no data on participation in these hostilities, except for a couple of documents containing recommendations on how to eliminate the shortcomings of the T-90 following the results of hostilities.

Several videos appeared on the network, for example, a TOW hit on a T-90, during which the armor of a Russian vehicle withstood the impact and saved the life of the crew.

Another video has also become known, which depicts a burning T-90. Most likely, the fire was caused by the ignition of the dynamic protection unit, which spread to the overhead, due to which the machine gun cartridges became hot and began to detonate. This version is the most likely, since there is no usual filming of the launch of an ATGM, there is no video of the tank being hit, the fire itself escapes from only one hatch.


Now the tank continues to serve faithfully and receives modifications, for example, the T-90SM, which is in a sense a transitional step to the latest T-14 Armata, and is equal to the best examples of Western armored vehicles.

The T-90 is exported to India, where it is in great demand, as well as to Algeria, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

Of course, it also has disadvantages, but most of them are caused by the classic layout and are inherent in most MBTs of this time.

Only a fundamentally new tank, like the already mentioned T-14 Armata, can finally eliminate them, but so far the T-90 is successfully fulfilling all the tasks assigned to it.

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