History reference. Historical background on the creation and development of the all-Russian organization "combat brotherhood" What does the combat brotherhood do

The All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BOE BROTHERHOOD" is the successor of the deeds and traditions of the All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", created on unity congress December 26, 1997 by people who were connected by a common military fate, a military past and a difficult present.

The origins of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" (hereinafter referred to as the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" or the Organization) were all-Russian, interregional and regional veterans' public associations that brought together veterans and disabled veterans of the army, navy, border guard service, intelligence, special forces and law enforcement agencies under their banners.

As early as three years after the congress of the BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE, time required a clearer definition of tasks, adjustment of program documents, and outline of measures to increase activity in protecting the interests of veterans.

Second congress took place in December 2000. The delegates of the congress approved the new edition of the Charter of the Movement, the transformation of the Union of Public Associations into the All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "Battle Brotherhood". Among the priority goals of the Movement, assistance to veterans, the disabled, the families of the victims, as well as strengthening the unity of the veteran movement was identified. The period of activity of the Movement after the second congress is characterized by the quantitative growth of participants, the increase in the authority and potential of the association, the acquisition of experience in social and political work.

Taking into account the requirements of the time III Congress of the Movement, which took place in December 2005, established the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BOE BROTHERHOOD", adopted a new Charter and Program of the Organization, elected updated governing and control and audit bodies, clearly defined its organizational structure, expanded the social base, introduced a fixed membership in the organization, approved the form of the membership card, concretized the organization's goals and objectives.

For the period after the 3rd Congress, the BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE has become one of the largest and most influential organizations in the veterans' movement in Russia.

Thanks to the joint creative work of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" with other veteran associations, there has been a tendency to increase the level of social protection of veterans, combatants, families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland (hereinafter referred to as veterans).

Measures have been taken to increase the socio-political activity of veterans of the Organization's regional branches, the effectiveness of their participation in military-patriotic work, in preparing young people for the defense of the Fatherland.

An active process of nomination to representative and executive bodies of power at all levels of members of the Organization has begun. Increasing the level of representation of the “BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE” in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, legislative assemblies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation contributed to the creation of socially oriented legislation and regional programs of social support for veterans and invalids of military operations, family members of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

The important process of consolidating all veteran associations, including those that are not part of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", on the principles of equality and partnership, mutual delegation of their representatives to the governing bodies of organizations has been further developed.

The rapidly changing socio-economic situation in Russia, the strengthening of its geopolitical position in the modern world, which is taking place against the background of the growth of new threats to national security, has brought to the fore the need to make adjustments in all spheres of the Organization's life.

IV Congress of the All-Russian Organization "Battle Brotherhood", held in January 2011, took a course towards achieving a qualitative transformation, increasing the effectiveness, and credibility of the activities of the Organization and its structural divisions.

The organization has identified ways to go beyond the narrowly veteran social issues and move to areas of work that are significant for broad sections of Russian society, such as patriotism, rallying them around the national idea of ​​promoting the development of Russia as a strong social state that ensures the free development of a person and at the same time establishes guarantees his social security.

After the congress in April 2012, the Central Council concluded that the construction of the Organization as a public association was completed. It was justified by the creation in all subjects of the Russian Federation of full-blooded, capable, authoritative and recognizable regional branches in society, the achievement of a high level of their socio-political activity, maturity and independence.

In the period after the IV Congress, the Organization began an active process of forming a new type of attitude towards membership in the association, when the social activity of a veteran, his activity is assessed from the position of responsibility for the future of Russia and the public benefit brought to the state.

The organization has reached a new level of goals and objectives associated with the decision to independently take on socially significant tasks and projects. "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE" becomes an active participant in the social and political life of the country and the protection of its national interests. The organization has defined new tasks, the implementation of which has made it possible to significantly influence the socio-political situation in the country. They are connected with the organization of interaction between the state and public associations on issues of social protection and support for veterans, the formation of patriotic values ​​among the youth, views and readiness to defend the Fatherland and its interests, counteracting threats to national security.

The process of creating conditions for the transition to the formation on the basis of the Organization of an effective renewed institution of society, associated in a common system of participation in ensuring the national security of Russia, has begun.

The organization, by its participation in activities to achieve the unity of civil society, to support the foreign and domestic policy of the country's leadership, to counter the plans of the destructive opposition, declared itself as an active social and patriotic force.

A special milestone in the work and development of the Organization was V Congress of the All-Russian organization "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE", which took place on June 13-14, 2016 in Moscow, on Poklonnaya Hill, in the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The venue of the forum gave the congress solemnity and high responsibility for the decisions made.

The first day of the congress began with the participation of the congress delegates in the work of discussion platforms on the topics: “Patriotic education”, “Problems of social protection and support for veterans of military operations and members of the families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland”; "People's Ministry of Emergency Situations (humanitarian projects)"; "Counteraction to Color Revolution Technologies". At the discussion platforms, 62 delegates spoke with proposals, their views on solving the problems of veterans, enhancing participation in the socio-political life of the country, and in the patriotic education of youth. This made it possible to expand the audience of speakers at the congress, adjust the program, decisions of the congress and directions for further work.

On the second day of the forum, Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov, Chairman of the All-Russian Organization “BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE”, in his report summed up the results of the five-year activities of the Organization, the most important of which were:

Completion of the construction of a qualitatively new public organization "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD";

Further promotion of initiatives for the adoption of socially oriented decisions and programs, legislative regional acts through actually acting deputies of all levels, representatives of the executive branch who are members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", which have had and are having a positive impact on the quality of life of veterans;

Activation of participation in the patriotic education of youth: the creation of youth patriotic clubs "Combat Brotherhood"; holding youth-patriotic camps “Crimea. Donuzlav", "FRIGATE" (Vladimir region); International social and patriotic projects "Our Great Victory", "Star of our Great Victory";

Active and noticeable participation in the social and political life of the country, protection of its national interests.

Based on the results of the five-year work, the congress drew conclusions that became the main ones in determining the tasks for the next stage of the life of the Organization.

First conclusion. The main purpose of the organization's work remains unchanged - concern for raising the standard of living of veterans. It is connected with the strengthening of interaction with the authorities, with an increase in the level of representation of the members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" in the legislative and executive authorities, today members of the Organization are elected and work in every second legislative assembly.

Second conclusion. The veterans of the Organization had a noticeable impact on the formation of a patriotic majority in the country, which influences the social life of the regions. Today, every third member of the "BROTHER IN BATTLE" takes an active part in the continuous process of the socio-political life of the country.

Third conclusion. The patriotic potential of the members of the Organization has become especially in demand. Veterans are true to their motto: “For Great Russia!”.

Fourth conclusion. Over the past years, the BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE has become an active participant in activities to support the foreign and domestic policy of the President of the country, to counter the destructive opposition. The organization has declared itself as a real social and patriotic force. In 2015 alone, veterans of the Organization took part in the 50,000th anti-Maidan rally in Moscow and other Russian cities in February 2015 under the slogan “We will not forget, we will not forgive!”. The organization was in the forefront of 100,000 rallies-concerts dedicated to the first and second anniversaries of the annexation of Crimea to Russia, 80,000 march of patriots on November 4, a protest rally near the Turkish Embassy on November 24 and other socially significant events. The practical steps to implement this new direction of our work were also embodied in the active actions of the veterans of the BROTHER IN BATTLE to prevent the out-of-system opposition from acting during the election campaign in September 2015 in the Kostroma region.

Fifth conclusion. The organization has begun to implement new approaches to participation in the system of patriotic education of youth.

Up to 3,000 patriotic, military-memorial, military-sports events were held annually with the support and participation of members of the BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE. In 2015, more than 2,500 of them passed, including:

10 All-Russian and regional patriotic actions and processions;

30 camps where they had a rest, took part in sports competitions, defense-sports games and seminars for about 3500 young men and women;

16 youth patriotic clubs were created on the basis of state support allocated as a grant in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation on the basis of local branches of the Moscow region; youth patriotic camps “Crimea. Donuzlav. 2015” and “Frigate” (Vladimir region), in which 730 young men took part; 66 plaques were opened in 12 regions. An inter-regional association of youth patriotic clubs (21 clubs) has been created. Participants of the camp "Crimea. Donuzlav 2015" were 500 people from 20 regions of the country. Children from Syria, the Republic of South Ossetia, the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics were invited to the camp. 67 children represented Russian cadet schools.

In July 2015, a camp of military-patriotic education and training of young people for service in the army and navy "Fregat" was held. The camp worked on the basis of the Kovrov District Training Center of the Western Military District.

Since 2012, the Organization has been annually implementing the Our Great Victory project with the support of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots, the Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Defense and Security. On March 16, 2015 the project started in the Hero City of Sevastopol. From here, the rally began to count kilometers, reaching in the north to the village of Polyary in the Murmansk region and to the ancient city of Derbent in Dagestan in the south. More than 250 thousand people took part in it.

The project was completed on May 6 in the Hero City of Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill by deploying a copy of the Victory Banner. On May 9, participants in the rally with a deployed copy of the Banner of Victory marched along Red Square as part of the Immortal Regiment.

In 2016, the international project "The Star of Our Great Victory" was successfully implemented, initiated by the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" with the participation of the administration of the Vladimir Region, the Union of Cities of Military Glory, and the "Immortal Regiment" movement. The rally was held from April 5 to May 9. The five routes of the Project “The Star of Our Great Victory”, along which the participants of the auto-march drove, became the personification of the five rays of the Star on the Banner of Victory, which, at the end of the project, united on Poklonnaya Hill in the Hero City of Moscow. The participants of the auto-march carried the main symbol of the Victory - a large-scale copy of the Banner of Victory, the size of which is 200 square meters. m., as well as the book of honorary participants of the Project and the flags of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Belarus and the People's Republic of China, along routes symbolizing the outlines of the five-pointed star of the Victorious Soldier.

During the rally, the Project participants handed over large-scale copies of the Victory Banner for eternal storage to veteran and youth organizations in a hundred cities of Russia for further use in mass events of a patriotic orientation.

In 2014 - 2016 the staff of the Organization developed and published:

Collective monograph "Volunteer movement in Russia: history and modernity". Particular attention in the monograph is given to the current stage of development of the Russian volunteer movement associated with the humanitarian catastrophe in the Donbas, due to the escalation of violence against the civilian population of this region by the leadership of Ukraine;

Presentation book "BOOE BROTHERHOOD", which reflects the way of building the All-Russian organization "BOBOOE BROTHERHOOD" as a public association, the stages of its formation, which resulted in the formation of a new type of relationship to the rights and obligations of members of the organization, when the social activities of a veteran, his activity are evaluated from the position responsibility for the future of Russia and the public benefit brought to the state;

- illustrated collections:

– based on the results of the implementation of the international social and patriotic project "OUR GREAT VICTORY" (2014-2015), dedicated to the Victory of the peoples of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945,

– according to the results of work of youth-patriotic camps – forums “CRIMEA. DONUZLAV" (2014-2015);

– booklet on the project “The Star of Our Great Victory”,

- commemorative medals were made and presented to:

– “25th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan”, which, along with the participants, was presented for the first time, as a symbol of memory, to the families of the victims,

– “Participant of the procession “Immortal Regiment”.

Sixth conclusion. The real strength and scale of the "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE" began to be determined not by the number of registered members of the Organization, but by the number of active assets - real participants in the socio-political life of the country. It is the veteran asset of the regional branches that is the main wealth and strength of the Organization. The assets of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" are growing from year to year.

In recent years, 17 regional branches of the Organizations for particularly outstanding services to the veterans' movement related to social protection and assistance to veterans, the disabled and families of the dead, the development of the veterans' movement, the strengthening of veterans' friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance, the patriotic education of youth and the spiritual revival of Russia, awarded with the "Badge of Honor":

Bryansk regional branch; Moscow regional branch; Ryazan regional branch; St. Petersburg city branch; Volgograd regional branch;

Bashkir Republican branch; Orenburg regional branch; Samara regional branch; Saratov regional branch; Kemerovo regional branch;

Omsk regional branch; Amur regional branch; Primorsky regional branch; Vladimir regional branch; Kirov regional branch; Stavropol regional branch; Tula regional branch.

Including at the IV Congress the Badge was awarded to: the Kemerovo regional branch, the Orenburg regional branch, the St. Petersburg city branch, the Primorsky regional branch, and at the V congress - the Vladimir regional branch, the Kirov regional branch, the Stavropol regional branch, the Tula regional branch.

In 2012, following the results of the review competition dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the formation of the All-Russian organization "BATTLE" BROTHERHOOD", the Krasnodar regional branch was named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Valentin Ivanovich Varennikov, the St. Petersburg city branch was named after Lev Borisovich SEREBROV. At the initiative of the Councils of regional branches in 2013, the Belgorod regional branch was named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Yevgeny Vasilyevich VYSOTSKY, the Tver regional branch was named after the Hero of the Russian Federation Ilya Aleksandrovich KASYANOV. The departments were awarded certificates and banners of the regional branches of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" with an inscription about the honorary name.

The badge “Honorary Member of the All-Russian Organization “BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE” for the entire period of the Organization's activity was awarded to: Gromov Boris Vsevolodovich; Varenikov Valentin Ivanovich; Serebrov Lev Borisovich; Sablin Dmitry Vadimovich; Vysotsky Igor Vladimirovich; Kanevsky Vladislav Leonidovich; Sergienko Oleg Fedorovich.

Over the past 15 years, 45,043 veterans have received awards from the All-Russian organization "BROTHER IN BATTLE".

Seventh conclusion. For 5 years, the effectiveness of information support of the Organization's activities has radically increased, its format has changed qualitatively. The BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE immediately responded to the challenges of the time associated with the intensification of the information war against Russia by intensifying its participation in information and propaganda work. The Organization's long-standing website has acquired a new face, its daily attendance has reached 2,000. 22 leading experts in the field of geopolitical problems and military journalism are involved in expert work, speeches and comments on the pages of the Organization's website.

Eighth conclusion. Thanks to the increased recognition and socio-political activity of the Organization and its regional branches, the level of trust of the society, the country's leadership in the All-Russian Organization “BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE” has noticeably increased.

Ninth conclusion. The organization moved on to areas of work that are significant for the broad strata of Russian society. One of them is connected with the People's Ministry of Emergency Situations, the organization of humanitarian assistance to victims of war and citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

In 2014-2015 The main direction of the humanitarian project "Peace to Donbass" was to provide assistance to the residents of Novorossiya, to whom during this period the Organization was able to organize and deliver more than 400 tons of cargo: food, medicine, building materials. In 2015, on behalf of the Chairman of the Organization B.V. Gromov, material assistance in the amount of 3 million rubles was delivered to Donetsk and transferred to the most socially unprotected residents of the DPR.

The Syrian Frontier humanitarian project has also become significant. In February 2014 and May, September 2015, April 2016 in Syria from the "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE" to civilians suffering from the war, warm clothes and school supplies for children, powdered milk formulas for newborns, wheelchairs for the wounded, medical equipment, flour and other products.

In the summer of 2015, Syrian children took part in the work of the youth patriotic camp “Battle Brotherhood” in Crimea.

The humanitarian project "Chief landing" is successfully working. Over 15 years, representatives of veterans and the authorities of the Moscow region carried out 36 patronage landings in the 46th Special Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, where 731 tons of humanitarian cargo were delivered for a total of 423 million rubles.

The winners of the competition for humanitarian projects in 2015 were the Yeisk district, Chelyabinsk, Astrakhan and Vladimir regional branches.

In June 2015, the all-Russian project “365 good deeds of the BROTHER IN BATTLE” was launched.

Tenth conclusion. Being one of the initiators of the creation of the International Union "Combat Brotherhood", the Organization has ensured that it becomes a true instrument of friendship and development of relations between veteran organizations of the countries of the former Soviet Union.

The Congress defined new tasks and adopted amendments and additions to the Charter and Program of the Organization. Remaining true to the priority of the main goal of the "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE" - ensuring the wide participation and influence of the veteran organization, veterans on the implementation of state policy towards them, on the promotion of social projects that ensure a decent life for them, the Organization has set itself the second main goal: - creating a system of participation members of the Organization in protecting the national interests of the state in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

One of its forms of implementation is active participation in the social and political life of the country. Participation in the events and actions held by the Organization is included in a number of fundamental duties of everyone who wears a membership card of the "BROTHER IN BATTLE". And for the systematic disregard of this task without good reason, measures of increased responsibility are provided for everyone for inactivity and passivity, up to and including exclusion from the ranks.

The decisive factor in the formation of the governing bodies was the adopted provision that only members of the All-Russian Organization “BROTHER IN BATTLE” can be elected as members of the governing bodies, vice-chairmen of the Organization.

Amendments and additions to the Charter were adopted:

The Congress elects the Chairman of the Central Council and members of the Central Council of the Organization from among the heads of regional, local branches of the Organization;

The Central Council elects the Vice-Chairmen of the Organization and the Presidium of the Central Council, as a permanent governing collegial body, which is elected taking into account the representation from each federal district from among the members of the Central Council. The Central Council also elects the Vice-Chairmen of the Presidium of the Central Council and the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Organization;

From among the members of the Presidium of the Central Council, by order of the Chairman of the Organization, representatives of the Chairman of the Organization are appointed in each federal district;

The functions of the executive body are entrusted to the Executive Committee, which is created to provide organizational and technical support for the work of the Chairman of the Organization and its governing bodies. Members of the Executive Committee work on a paid and non-paid basis;

By analogy with the center, instead of the Board, the Executive Committee of the regional branch is elected from the Council of regional branches, as a permanent executive body that carries out current management of the activities of the branch between meetings of the Council.

The functions of the Board as a permanent collegiate governing body of the local (primary) branch have been retained. Taking into account the specifics of the business relationships developed over the years with veteran associations - members of the Organization, and in order to form a mechanism for the collective search for joint solutions to urgent problems of the veteran movement, the congress creates a Coordinating Council under the Chairman of the Organization from among the leaders of public associations - members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", active representatives of the veteran Russian movements; working on a permanent basis.

The congress unanimously elected Boris Vsevolodovich GROMOV, Hero of the Soviet Union, as Chairman of the All-Russian Organization "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE", and Dmitriy Vadimovich SABLIN as Chairman of the Central Council; Vice-Chairmen of the Organization: AGEENKO Ivan Nikolaevich; Vostrotin Valery Alexandrovich; Kartsev Yury Anatolyevich; KONOVALOV Sergey Sergeevich; MALYSHEV Valery Dmitrievich; PERNIKOV Sergey Nikolaevich; SHOROKHOV Gennady Mikhailovich; FUR COAT Nikolai Mikhailovich; Chairman of the Control and Auditing Commission - VITRINSKY Valentin Mikhailovich.

The congress elected MIRZALIEV Vagif Sedreddinovich as the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the All-Russian Organization "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE".

Representatives of the Chairman of the Organization in the federal districts from among the members of the Presidium of the Central Council appointed:

in the Central Federal District - MALYSHEV Valery Dmitrievich, Chairman of the Council of the Vladimir Regional Branch, combat veteran;

in the Northwestern Federal District - VYSOTSKY Igor Vladimirovich, Chairman of the Councils of the St. Petersburg city and Leningrad regional branches, veteran of military operations;

in the Southern Federal District - YARKO Valery Sergeevich, Chairman of the Council of the Krasnodar Regional Branch, combat veteran;

in the Crimean Federal District - TARASOV Sergey Ivanovich, Chairman of the Council of the Crimean regional branch, combat veteran;

in the North Caucasian Federal District - BORISENKO Nikolai Ivanovich, Chairman of the Council of the Stavropol Regional Branch, combat veteran;

in the Volga Federal District - IBRAGIMOV Nadyr Raimovich, Chairman of the Council of the Orenburg regional branch, combat veteran;

in the Ural Federal District - USMANOV Vladimir Viktorovich, Chairman of the Council of the Kurgan regional branch, veteran of hostilities;

in the Siberian Federal District - VILISOV Alexander Mikhailovich, Chairman of the Council of the Altai Republican Branch, veteran of military operations.

In the adopted decision, the 5th Congress of the Organization determined the tasks and directions of activities for their implementation for the next five years:

Continue work to support initiatives and projects in the social sphere aimed at improving the level of social protection of veterans; on organizing interaction with authorities on issues of preserving civil peace, protecting the constitutional order of political and social stability in society; to hold events and actions in support of the domestic and foreign policy pursued by the President of the Russian Federation; - improve the system of participation in the patriotic education of young people, expand work on the creation of the All-Russian Association of Patriotic Clubs "Battle Brotherhood";

Improve information and explanatory work, defend the heroic history of the Fatherland, counteract the technologies of "color revolutions", form a pool of patriotic correspondents among the youth and veterans;

Take part in the development and implementation of projects on the preservation of historical memory, countering the falsification of the country's history;

To take part in the implementation of projects for the provision of humanitarian and charitable assistance to war victims and citizens in difficult life situations;

Strengthening the authority and influence of Russia in the world community, in veterans' organizations should be the basis of international work; expanding ties and strengthening friendship with veteran organizations in other countries, achieving unity in the common struggle against world threats, aggressive interference in the internal politics of other states, terrorism and radical Islam.

Report of the Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization at the IV Congress of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD"

Report at the IV Congress of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD"

Chairman of the All-Russian public organization of veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" Gromov B.V.

"Results of the activities of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD"

for the reporting period and the main areas of work to implement its statutory and program goals”

Distinguished delegates, fighting friends, comrades!

More than five years ago, on December 6, 2005, the III Congress of the Movement established the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans “BOE BROTHERHOOD”, adopted the Charter and the Program, elected updated governing and control and audit bodies, clearly defined its organizational structure, expanded the social base, introduced a fixed membership , approved the form of the membership card, awards and symbols, concretized the goals and objectives of the Organization.

As the practice of our work has shown, the congress made absolutely correct decisions that allowed the Organization and all its structural divisions to successfully develop and improve.

Looking back at the path we have traveled, analyzing our five-year activity, I report to the delegates that the main goals and tasks set by the Third Congress have been largely achieved.

During the inter-congress period, the governing and control-auditing bodies of the Organization organized their work, held meetings and reported in the prescribed manner, within the terms strictly defined by law and the Charter.

Topical and important issues for the successful development of the Organization were brought up at the meetings of the Central Council and the Executive Committee, specific decisions were made, which were promptly communicated to the departments, and measures were taken to implement them.

The practice of holding outreach expanded meetings of the Executive Committees with discussion of specific areas of activity of the Councils of regional branches, their work experience has justified itself.

Such meetings were held in the Moscow region, Kaliningrad, Volgograd, Tyumen, Tver, and the experience of the chairmen of the Councils Sergey Avezniyazov, Igor Vysotsky, Dmitry Lisichkin, Vladimir Mironov, Sergey Knyazev, Vitaly Turbin, Valentin Yakovlev was brought to all organizations and published in the press .

During this period, the Control and Auditing Commission, headed by Viktor Karpovich Shilin, worked quite intensely and efficiently during this period. Her conscientious and objective checks, reports and recommendations helped to eliminate shortcomings and contributed to the establishment of work both in the regional offices and in the Central Office of the Organization.

Article 6 of the current Charter defines the tasks of the Presidium of the Central Council in developing proposals for the strategy and tactics of the Organization. During the five years of its existence, this collegiate body has never met to discuss any issues. It is obvious that it was far-fetched and will be correct if we exclude this article from the Charter.

The vice-presidents of the Organization and the Central Council conscientiously carried out their duties and my instructions, and built their work with great benefit for the veterans.

As a shortcoming inherent in the members of all the governing bodies of the Organization, my deputies, the Office of the Central Council must recognize their weak connection, insufficient assistance to the activists and members of the "BROTHER IN BATTLE" directly on the ground. Rare trips of the Organization's leadership to the regions are connected mainly with financial difficulties. Although there are other reasons.

As the Chairman of the Organization, I felt the daily help and support of the leaders of the organizations, all members of the BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE. At meetings of governing bodies, in letters and appeals addressed to me, you made businesslike and thoughtful proposals, gave useful advice and recommendations.

I want to express my warmest words of gratitude to all of you, dear comrades, for many years of disinterested, friendly joint work, for taking on your shoulders a heavy burden - caring for your comrades, their families, many of whom cannot defend themselves against the well-known reasons, and do this work with a clear conscience and high responsibility. Kudos to you for this.

What conclusions can be drawn from the results of our joint five-year work? What results have we achieved?

The main result of our activity is that the All-Russian Organization "BOE BROTHERHOOD" has taken a worthy place in the International Veteran Movement, has become well-known and authoritative among Russian public organizations, capable of significantly influencing the consolidation of society, the social policy of the state.

The organization is a member of the International Federation of Veterans. Together with other members of the Federation - the Russian Union of Veterans of Afghanistan (leader - Frants Adamovich Klintsevich), the Association of War and Military Service Veterans (Marshal Alexander Nikolayevich Efimov), we maintain permanent and business contacts with veteran organizations in the USA, Serbia, Slovakia, Germany, Italy, other European countries, as well as with UN structures dealing with veterans' issues.

We constantly cooperate with the Committee for the Affairs of Internationalist Warriors under the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS Member States (Ruslan Sultanovich Aushev) and the Coordinating Council of the International Union (Aleksey Ivanovich Sorokin).

We are actively developing bilateral relations with veteran organizations of the CIS and Baltic countries in the interests of achieving the goals and objectives of the International Union of Public Associations of Veterans "Combat Brotherhood".

As a result of the introduction of new approaches to the construction and development of all structural units, we have formed a qualitatively new public organization.

It is important to note that an understanding has been reached by all governing bodies of the need to create well-managed, socially active, responsible to society and veterans regional organizations with a widely branched network of local and primary branches.

In five years they have been re-established in 14 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in 8 their activities have been restored anew, the number of the Organization has grown by more than 70 thousand people, and the grassroots branches have more than tripled.

To date, regional branches of the Organization have been created and are successfully operating in all subjects of the Russian Federation and in Baikonur, as well as its representative offices in Transnistria and Sevastopol. They include 873 local, 528 primary branches, more than 102 thousand individual members. Each of them has a single membership card. All 84 regional branches have been registered and have the right of a legal entity. We no longer have dead and empty organizations.

Behind these figures lies a large organizational and executive work of the governing bodies in the center and especially in the localities, in the regions.

Today, the most numerous and capable are the organizations of Bashkiria and Tatarstan, Khabarovsk, Krasnodar and Primorsky territories, Amur, Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Orenburg, Saratov, Rostov, Moscow, Kemerovo, Omsk regions, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The growth in the number of members of the Organization, local and primary branches, the constant renewal of the forms and methods of their work are among the priority, extremely important areas of our activity and are a necessary condition for the development and improvement of the Organization as a whole.

This is the essence of its qualitative transformation. Help in this area of ​​​​work is available to you.

We are well aware that the regional offices are the main wealth of the Organization, and therefore we build our regional policy with great responsibility and caution. The main thing in this work is a respectful and careful attitude to personnel, especially to the heads of Organizations.

The Central Council, when deciding to hold pre-Congress conferences in the regional branches, set the task not only to preliminarily discuss the issues submitted to the congress and elect delegates, but also to give the leaders, the Councils of the regional branches an opportunity to deal with the state of affairs in their organizations, as well as provide an opportunity for conference participants to express their opinions, evaluate the work of the governing bodies in the localities and at the center, significantly increase their numbers, renew their personnel and make them efficient. Employees of the Office of the Central Council took part in the work of 12 conferences.

It was a review of the maturity, business activity and competence of the governing bodies of all structural divisions of the Organization.

Most of the leaders successfully accounted for their work and retained their posts. At the same time, during the inter-congress period, 59 leaders were replaced in 45 departments for various reasons. Two of them - S. Golov (Astrakhan) and V. Alekseev (Leningrad region) - were expelled from the members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" for serious failures in their work and released from their duties as leaders.

At the conferences, the Councils of regional branches are formed from 11 to 45 people. In total, they include 1,655 active and efficient members of the Organization, of which 395 people were elected for the first time.

The frequent turnover of personnel obliges us to constantly and carefully engage in their selection, education and training.

To this end, it is necessary to consolidate the practice of holding classes, seminars, round tables with them, studying and disseminating best practices, and visits of members of the Central Council and its Administration to the regions to provide practical assistance.

It's time to sort out the reasons for the ineffective activity of some organizations, the unwillingness of individual leaders to engage in public work, their misunderstanding of the importance of creating grassroots branches as a necessary condition for uniting and rallying veterans around the "Battle Brotherhood".

I ask the leaders of organizations to evaluate the results of their work more strictly and self-critically, not to give us false information, and even more so not to allow additions and deceit. Quite often, behind the figures and successful reports, individual leaders do not see the true face of their organization, the narrowness of the forms and methods of their work.

Strengthening our regional offices with well-trained, authoritative leaders who fully share the ideology of the "BROTHER IN BATTLE", able to lead people and defend their interests in all branches and levels of government is a task of paramount importance.

The second, no less important component of our Organization is veterans' associations - legal entities that voluntarily became its members in different years.

I am pleased to note that all 27 associations in the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" have earned the reputation of our reliable partners and comrades-in-arms in the veterans' movement.

However, today we need new approaches, concrete practical actions to reorganize their work from collective members and common presence to effective work in the Organization according to a single agreed plan, without losing their individuality.

We have examples of such work. In 2007, we became the founders of new organizations: medical workers - participants in hostilities and families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland. The holding of meetings to create them stirred up the Russian public, brought to the surface a huge layer of problems that no one had seriously delved into and solved before.

The newly created associations became part of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", which increased our authority in the regions and, of course, added problems. But we have done a noble deed - united the most needy categories of people and took responsibility for their material well-being.

These organizations unite today about 70 thousand people and successfully work according to a single plan with us under the leadership of the chairmen of the Soviets Yuri Viktorovich Nemytin and Tatyana Viktorovna Ruban, the Councils of the branches of the "Battle Brotherhood" in the regions.

The families of the fallen soldiers have a lot of problems. I ask all delegates to the congress: do not leave them alone and continue to provide them with all possible assistance. This is our sacred duty.

In addition to the organizations that are part of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", there are a number of other associations of veterans representing the interests of pensioners, military personnel, and the general population.

In recent years, significant adjustments have been made to the practice of our relations, including the conclusion of bilateral agreements, the mutual delegation of representatives to the governing bodies.

During this period, we entered into agreements with the Russian organization of veterans of internal affairs bodies and internal troops (Shilov Ivan Fedorovich), veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Moiseev Mikhail Alekseevich), war and military service (Efimov Alexander Nikolaevich), the National Association "MEGAPIR" (Kanshin Alexander Nikolaevich), Synodal Department of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The strengthening of business ties at the regional level between organizations of various veteran associations has become noticeable. The problems of relations between them in the regions have been removed.

We all need to develop the habit of constantly communicating with both leaders and members of the collegiate governing bodies of veterans' associations. After all, each of them has a unique experience. Its practical use will help to avoid mistakes, diversify the forms and methods of our work.

As an example, I will cite the work of the Organizing Committee, which was created on the initiative of veteran associations in connection with the preparations for the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan and the 65th anniversary of the Victory.

During his work, quite a lot of new forms of cooperation were born and put into practice.

It became an important milestone and the main stabilizing body in the development of the entire veteran movement in Russia. Joint meetings of the Organizing Committee with members of the Central Council, the Executive Committee, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Coordinating Council of veterans' organizations of the CIS countries created a favorable, trusting environment for interaction between veterans' associations and communication between their leaders.

The All-Russian Organizing Committee served as a good example for the creation of committees and coordinating councils under the heads of regional administrations, which today work in 63 subjects and have a good development prospect.

About three years ago, the Organizing Committee of the Saratov region was headed by the first deputy chairman of the government of the region Alexander Georgievich Babichev, with the active assistance and participation of the chairman of the Council of the regional organization "Battle Brotherhood" Sergey Klimentievich Avezniyazov.

On the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Victory, the Committee summed up its work. As a result, 36 state and municipal institutions, public organizations and military units were awarded the Badge of Honor of the Organizing Committee "Military Glory of Generations", and the head of the Saratov branch, Sergei Avezniyazov, was appointed Minister of the Region - Chairman of the Committee for Public Relations and National Policy. Already in his ministry, Sergey Avezniyazov created a department of three combat veterans to work with war veterans and families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

This is a natural result of the good, friendly work of our public organization and the regional administration.

Today, we can confidently draw, in my opinion, an important conclusion that the new system of relations between the state, public organizations and leading political parties created in recent years has allowed us to reach a new level of interaction, created conditions for better solving the social problems of veterans, low-income strata population.

This system, which includes our representatives in all branches and levels of government, organizing committees, public councils and chambers, in the media, youth and other public organizations, must continue to be strengthened and improved.

Our important statutory duty is to organize the acceptance of membership fees and the proper use of albeit small, but nevertheless voluntarily contributed to the development of our Organization, the money.

This norm of the Charter presupposes, first of all, an educational function. The payment of membership dues disciplines the members of the Organization, increases the responsibility for belonging to the "Battle Brotherhood", allows leaders to communicate regularly with members of their organization. Therefore, it is impossible to reduce the payment of membership fees only to the collection of money. By the way, the collection of membership dues has increased 17 times in five years. This is a good indicator. Apparently, the economic crisis forced us to count money.

Dear delegates!

The five years that have elapsed since the Third Congress have been years of hard work for us in a difficult international and difficult domestic situation. Major terrorist attacks, man-made disasters with loss of life, the global economic crisis, drought and adverse climatic conditions that have taken place in Russia in recent years have certainly increased social tension in society, among veterans, families of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

However, our Organization, together with other veteran associations and authorities, managed to maintain their former standard of living by the measures taken.

In recent years, we have begun to understand the importance and necessity of expanding the representative capacity of the Organization to defend the interests of veterans.

Today, more than 700 members of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” work in all government bodies, including 10 deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. On their initiative, over the past five years, amendments and additions to the current legislation aimed at improving social support measures have been adopted 47 times. Including on pensions, the payment of monthly benefits to the children of servicemen who died and went missing in the line of military service, obtaining a second pension for military pensioners, increasing pensions for older pensioners for seniority in the Soviet period, granting the status of a combat veteran to participants in an armed conflict in South Ossetia.

As you can see, the mechanism we are creating for the social protection of veterans by introducing amendments, developing projects and passing laws with the help of our representatives in legislative bodies is starting to work.

For example, the members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" are widely represented in the power structures of the Tver region. Among them are the mayors of the cities of Torzhok and Kashin, the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Tver Region Andrey Nikolaevich Epishin. Chairman of the Council Dmitry Yurievich Lisichkin is a member of the Tver City Duma. With such support, many local social projects become real. With their participation, it was decided to pay 1,800 rubles to the invalids of combat operations from the budget of the region, and 500 rubles from the budget of the city of Tver.

The council of the branch of the “Battle Brotherhood” of the Republic of Tyva obtained from the government the construction and commissioning in the city of Kyzyl of a center for restorative medicine and rehabilitation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and military operations. The Amur regional branch, interacting with the city health department, resolved the issue of allocating two chambers for veterans in the inpatient department of the city hospital in Blagoveshchensk.

The Mari Republican branch has achieved an improvement in living conditions for the mother of a soldier who died in Afghanistan, Furzikova N.V. Saratov residents provided financial assistance for the repair of housing to three families of dead servicemen. With the direct participation of the Krasnodar regional branch, the living conditions of 58 veterans were improved, assistance was provided in the repair of 29 apartments for a total amount of more than 2 million rubles. In general, over the past five years, with our help, 1,660 combatants have improved their living conditions. In Novokuznetsk, veterans are provided with free travel on a bus with the symbolic number 345; in St. Petersburg, food is provided in a social canteen for 420 people. The Perm regional department annually purchases one car at its own expense and donates it to combat invalids. By decision of the Council of the Omsk Regional Branch, a scholarship of 2,200 rubles is paid out of its own funds to pupils of the Omsk Cadet Corps, whose fathers died in the line of duty, based on the results of each quarter.

There are similar examples in every department. On the basis of agreements between regional departments and heads of universities, 115 combatants, including disabled people, 326 children of fallen defenders of the Fatherland, entered and study at higher educational institutions at the expense of budget financing and on an out-of-competition basis.

With the participation of the "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE" branches in 66 subjects, regional and local socio-economic programs have been adopted and are working, close cooperation has been established with rehabilitation medical institutions in 68 subjects of the Russian Federation.

The above examples show that in solving the social problems of veterans, consolidated actions of public organizations and authorities at all levels are needed.

Considering the peculiarities of the period into which we are entering immediately after the congress, it is necessary without wasting time to determine in each organization the degree of our participation in the most important political events of the country. At this time, elections of the President, deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, legislative assemblies of the regions will be held. Our Organization mainly brings together active and caring people, and we are able to nominate our representatives to all authorities, or, together with other associations of veterans, select common candidates and fight for their victory in the elections. In accordance with the law, it is necessary to fully use the possibilities of the UNITED RUSSIA party, with which we have an agreement, in the elections.

The potential of our Organization in the struggle to improve the lives of veterans has not been exhausted, our possibilities have not been fully realized.

There are still organizations where the living word is replaced by mass events, slogans and rallies. This deprives the asset of the opportunity to work with people in a targeted way, to provide them with concrete and timely assistance.

When working with veterans, especially the disabled, one must keep in mind that it is important not only to provide them with material assistance. It is more important, perhaps, to find them socially useful work. Recognition of their merits, significance and useful activity of a veteran at the place of residence is more expensive and more important for them than some social benefits, payments and benefits.

They must feel that society needs them, that they are trusted, perhaps the most important thing is the military-patriotic education of young people.

Despite the recent curtailment of a number of patriotic projects due to the crisis, we have not only retained the traditional practice of participating veterans in military-patriotic work, but have also intensified it in all areas with various groups of the population, and especially with young people. In the pre-Congress period, work was intensified to perpetuate the memory of those who died for the Motherland, create memorials, erect monuments, obelisks, memorial plaques, publish books of memory, and take care of military graves. We have created a computer bank of the electronic Book of Memory, which contains information about 14,453 who died in Afghanistan and subsequently died from wounds and injuries.

With your participation, 95 sports facilities and grounds have been built in five years, more than 300 sports clubs have been actively launched.

An important component of the military-patriotic work was a joint project with the UNITED RUSSIA party to intensify search operations at the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War, and conduct annual gatherings of search teams. D.V. proved to be an active organizer and sponsor of the movement of search parties. Sablin. He is also the curator of the patriotic education of youth in the UNITED RUSSIA party. With his direct participation, search expeditions and gatherings of search teams were organized and carried out in the Crimea, in the Pskov and Leningrad regions. Thanks to his efforts, we have good experience in working with youth associations of the Saratov, Kemerovo, Chelyabinsk regional branches. The activities of these and many other organizations and activists are based on the ideas of patriotism and social justice, and therefore they deserve high praise from both the leaders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the first persons of the state.

President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev for well-organized work in these areas, by his Decree of November 23, 2009 alone, awarded state awards to seventeen heads and members of the Councils of regional branches. For many years of conscientious work and active social work, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Igor Vladimirovich Vysotsky was awarded a Presidential Diploma with an announcement of gratitude in December last year, and the All-Russian Organization "Battle Brotherhood" for active work with veterans, participation in the patriotic education of citizens and a great contribution in the preparation and holding of the anniversary of the Victory - the medal of honor "65 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." and literacy.

Raising young people in the spirit of patriotism and love for their Fatherland, a sense of high civic duty, internationalism, friendship and brotherhood among peoples is a priority in our work.

The theme of the military glory of generations was recognized as the whole range of events held in the inter-congress period.

Special milestones at that time were the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and the 65th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

The Central Council, together with members of the Organizing Committee, created in connection with the preparations for these anniversaries, initiated an appeal to the first persons of the state, heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of ministries and departments, presidents of the CIS countries with a request to provide assistance to veterans of war and armed conflicts, soldiers - "Afghans ”, to family members of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

On the days of the anniversary celebrations, almost 600,000 Afghan soldiers and about 11,000 members of the families of the victims received material assistance, were awarded commemorative medals, badges of honor, certificates, and gifts. A lot of kind words and wishes were said to them.

An important result of our work is that we jointly convinced the public that in Afghanistan and other "hot spots" the soldiers were doing their duty by decision of the Government and deserve all respect and honor.

On the eve of the 22nd anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, I ask all participants of the congress not to lose what we have achieved by joint efforts, to constantly introduce into life forms and methods of work that have justified themselves, especially an individual approach and specific assistance to the veteran. This is our constant task.

The preparation and celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Victory revealed a whole range of problems related to material, medical and other support for veterans of the Great Patriotic War. However, if these problems can be solved with the help of public and government structures, then it becomes more and more difficult to defend the truth about the war, to fight targeted campaigns to falsify the course and results of World War II, with attempts to slander the heroes and whitewash criminals from year to year.

That is why the opposition to the falsification of history, to belittling the significance of the Great Victory and the decisive contribution of the Soviet people to the defeat of fascism, to objectively inform society about the Afghan war, other local wars and conflicts, about the courage, steadfastness and heroism of our people at the front and in the rear, we must consider one one of the main areas of our work.

Shortcomings in the work of some organizations are caused, among other things, by economic difficulties. The lack of well-equipped offices, workplaces, office equipment, transport, communications, the Internet, e-mail, management systems, of course, negatively affects their work. Moreover, in the conditions of the economic crisis, the Central Council has sharply reduced financial assistance to the regions. During the inter-congress period, we were able to provide assistance to organizations of veterans and members of the families of fallen servicemen only in the amount of about 30 million rubles.

Having found themselves in a difficult economic situation, 15 percent of branches are still struggling to operate today. At the same time, most leaders began to look for and find ways out of the financial crisis and earn money on their own. This is successfully done by Andrey Babkin, Evgeny Privalov, Denis Sychov, Konstantin Stoyan, Igor Vysotsky, Amir Zainashev, Oleg Korzhikov. The list of economically successful branches is considerable.

For more than two years, projects have been developed and sent to the relevant state and public structures to receive financial grants, the heads of departments Valery Vostrotin, Sergey Knyazev, Dmitry Lisichkin, Alexander Braslavets, Nikolai Lazarev, Alexander Ilyushin, Viktor Zabolotsky, Sergey Govorukhin. During this time they have won 15 grants worth about 29 million rubles. The head of the Arkhangelsk regional branch, Alexander Braslavets, received more than 14 million rubles for 4 grants.

Grants are not just money. First of all, this is well-thought-out work on the implementation of projects aimed at improving the patriotic education of young people, solving the social problems of veterans, the disabled, and the families of fallen soldiers.

The level of public confidence in our Organization is directly related to informing the public about its activities.

The magazine "Combat Brotherhood" has not yet coped with this task. The journal is published at the expense of individual subscribers - as a rule, members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" and we do not have other opportunities to distribute it among various groups of the population. This obliges us to work closely with the mass media of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, to involve them in solving the tasks of the Organization.

The consequences of the economic crisis were the reason for the narrowing of the ideological base of the Central Office, and hence the conduct of agitation and propaganda work in the interests of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD". On the other hand, this prompted the regional branches to explore and expand their own possibilities of ideological influence on people. Unfortunately, only 21 regional branches today have their own media, including five newspapers "Combat Brotherhood", 7 - newspapers close to this name, 9 - Internet sites. The Krasnodar regional branch has its own television studio (Konstantin Vladimirovich Stoyan), the Moscow regional branch has a radio station (Knyazev Sergey Nikolaevich). Most of the chairmen of the Councils, apparently, underestimate the role of the media in the life of the Organization, so they do not have them. And the departments headed by Vnukov V.K., Cherkov V.V., Afaunov I.M., Kaloev G.I., Glushko V.D., Drunk S.P. do not even subscribe to a single copy of the journal “Combat brotherhood”, which is published monthly by the editors of the Central Council Office.

It is not surprising that the population of these regions is poorly informed about the good deeds of the Organization, the social burden that it bears in the interests of veterans. Such miscalculations in the work make our organizations invisible, unattractive both for the leadership and for the public of the region.

Time requires new approaches to this important area of ​​our work.

In the course of preparation for the congress, the governing bodies of all associations did a great deal of important work to introduce amendments and additions to the Charter and Program of the Organization.

For the first time during the existence of the Organization, changes and additions to the governing documents were discussed at conferences, meetings of the Central Council and the Executive Committee, a specially created commission.

As Chairman of the Commission, I inform you that more than 150 amendments and changes have been considered in total. All your fundamental proposals have been taken into account, including those on the formation of the Central Council, the election of delegates to the congress, increasing the responsibility of members of the Councils, heads of regional branches and associations of veterans - members of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”, expanding the powers of the lower levels of the Organization.

The emblem, flag, banner, march of the organization approved by the III Congress are registered in accordance with the procedure established by law and are included in the text of the Charter.

The amendment made to the Charter grants the right to all structural divisions to use the name and symbols of the Organization for statutory purposes.

A separate chapter of the Charter is devoted to primary branches, which is not in the current Charter.

The draft Program not only determines the direction in various areas of activity, but also orients the Organization towards the achievement of concrete results.

Thus, the work carried out in the reporting period ensured the creation of new conditions and opportunities for further improvement of the Organization, enhancing its role in solving the social problems of veterans.

A new period of intensive development and modernization, qualitative transformation and growth of the Organization itself has begun in the life of the BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE. The main goals and objectives of this stage, the directions of the Organization's activities are set out in the Charter and the Program, which, I hope, will be approved by you today.

In addition, they are reflected in the decision that you have in the documents of the congress. I focused on the most important of them in the report.

As a result of the implementation of the decisions taken today, the implementation of a system of measures to achieve the goals and objectives set by the 4th Congress, the BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE, as one of the largest mass organizations, will become an integral part of the socio-political system of the state, with the opinion of which the public, the leadership and all branches of government.


Award activity

Medal "For military valor"
Type of

community organization award

Date of establishment
Number of awards

As the head of the Main Directorate of Personnel of the USSR Ministry of Defense, Major General Yu. Rozov, said, proposals for the establishment of the medal "For military valor", which was supposed to reward military personnel not only for success in service, but also for other differences, were submitted to the GUK of the USSR Ministry of Defense for consideration in 1991. At the beginning of the military reform, it was planned, among other things, to change the award system of the Armed Forces. Army magazine together with the Ministry of Defense, in the course of developing a new concept for the award system, due to the loss of relevance of some awards (for example, they no longer awarded the medal " For the strengthening of military commonwealth» in connection with the liquidation Warsaw Pact organizations), an open competition was held among readers to collect proposals for the establishment of new military awards. However, the collapse USSR prevented the implementation of these plans by postponing changes in the reward system indefinitely. Nevertheless, the idea of ​​establishing a medal was implemented by the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans “Combat Brotherhood”, which recognizes the services rendered to the fatherland by veterans of military operations and military conflicts with the medal “For Military Valor”. This medal was established in 2000 .

Reverse of the medal

In its design, the award resembles the Soviet medal "For Military Merit": On the obverse, under the inscription "For military valor", crossed swords are depicted (crossed swords are depicted on the obverse of the ZBZ Mosin rifle and cavalry saber). On the reverse - Kalashnikov assault rifle 100 series, framed with a wreath and the inscription "Honour and Courage to the Motherland". This medal is awarded to veterans of the war in Afghanistan and other local conflicts, military personnel participating in peacekeeping operations, and some other categories of citizens. The number of people awarded in Russia exceeds three thousand people.

In addition to the medal “For Military Valor”, the following were approved: the badge of Honor, the medal “For Merit to the veteran organization “Combat Brotherhood”, the badge of the Honorary Member of the Organization, the memorial badge “To the Family of the Deceased Defender of the Fatherland”.

Create an organization

On December 26, 1997, the First All-Russian Congress of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts was held in Moscow, at which a decision was made to create the Union of Public Associations “All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts Combat Brotherhood”. The decision was supported by 1096 delegates from more than 60 public veteran organizations and associations representing 67 regions of the Russian Federation. The delegations included 16 Heroes of the Soviet Union, 927 people awarded military orders and medals. Within the framework of the Congress, the Charter of the Union was also approved and the Coordinating Council was elected



Combat Brotherhood - Parties

"Anti-Maidan" warns of Maidans in the regions

An article appeared on the website of the Anti-Maidan movement proving that the pro-Western opposition is taking control of a significant part of Russian youth. The goal is to create centers of instability (maidans) in a number of key regions of the country for the presidential election. Patriots demand from the authorities to develop state ideology and offensive

What about the successor? Details

In itself, the desire of various groups to guess who will replace Vladimir Putin as head of state in a few years, and to achieve the location of this person in advance or increase their influence in the right direction, is understandable and predictable. However, such discussions usually take place behind the scenes. But now they, or their appearance - most likely deliberately - have been brought into the public field.

Sergei Kolosov, chairman of the Council of the Tambov regional branch of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans “Combat Brotherhood”, notes that his organization does not participate in this conflict: “The Combat Brotherhood organization takes a principled position of non-interference in the conflict between Chepurny and Klintsevich. We consider both organizations to be fraternal, because we constantly cooperate with one and the other, so we cannot take the side of either one or the other.”


What happened in Crimea three years ago is still not completely known: who went to the peninsula when the regime of Viktor Yanukovych fell? On whose instructions and what did he do there? But there are people who received official awards "for the annexation of Crimea."

A serviceman of the Russian Railway Troops has been identified in the ranks of the Somali illegal armed formations

Even if we assume that M. Zakriev is not currently serving in the Russian army, the person involved is given a photo with awards uploaded to his inactive profile on December 3, 2015 and later to his new profile. In particular, in the photo with a black “demobilization” uniform, two unofficial awards “flaunt”: 1. so-called. medal "For service in the North Caucasus", which is often worn by active contract servicemen and "veterans" of the Southern Military District; 2. so-called. the medal "For military valor" established by the All-Russian public organization of veterans "Combat Brotherhood", which we have repeatedly recorded (1, 2, 3, 4) with regular Russian military personnel who have gone through "Ukrainian business trips", including those with award certificates where they were present print "D/LNR". All this suggests that back in 2015, M. Zakriev, while serving an urgent military service in the Russian Railways, managed to go on business trips to the Donbass.

Two Russian military advisers were killed in Syria - the head of the assault battalion, Yevgeny Konstantinov, and the head of the reconnaissance battalion, Major Alexander Skladan, RBC reports with reference to the public organization of veterans "Combat Brotherhood" in the Jewish Autonomous Region and documents from the Russian Defense Ministry.

Moscow authorities are negotiating with investors on the construction of roads on the basis of public-private partnership

Large investors are showing interest in the construction of roads in the "new Moscow", Vladimir Zhidkin, head of the department for the development of new territories of the capital, told Interfax on Tuesday. "Morton" - in the construction of a junction on the Borovsky highway near the village of Pykhtino and in the reconstruction and construction of the M-3 "Ukraine" highway - the village of Serednevo - the village of Maryino - the village of Desna. The Absolut construction company is interested in building a highway from the Grad Moskovsky microdistrict with access to Kievskoye Highway,” said the head of the department.

Belgian court refuses to open sale of Absolut Bank

The fund’s clients saw signs of the illegality of the transaction for the purchase of Absolut Bank in the fact that it was made with pension reserves, the investment of which, according to the law “On investing funds to finance the funded part of labor pension”, should be carried out, in particular, on the basis of the principle of liquidity. Investing in shares of a non-public Absolut Bank, according to NPF clients, contradicts precisely this principle. However, during the transaction, the price of which amounted to €300 million, representatives of the fund announced that the shares of Absolut Bank would begin to be traded on the stock exchange, and until this happened, the public company OKS acted as the buyer. Its additional issue was bought out with the pension reserves of Blagosostoyanie through management companies. In the future, the bank's shares are planned to be listed on the stock exchange; for this purpose, Absolut Bank was already reorganized on July 11 from a CJSC into an OJSC.

However, the fund's clients who disagree with these arguments still have minimal chances to reverse the situation. No final decision has been made on a complaint filed with the General Prosecutor's Office by one of the Fund's clients in the spring: it has been sent to the Moscow Prosecutor's Office for consideration. Nothing is known about her further fate - the Moscow prosecutor's office has not yet responded to Kommersant's request. Plaintiffs in Belgium also intend to seek recognition of the transaction as invalid. “Since we filed our lawsuit even before the transaction was completed in order to block it, and now the transaction has already been completed, we will change our requirements,” Gregoire Rencourt, a French lawyer for the plaintiffs, told Kommersant. “We will file a new lawsuit to recognize the already closed transaction as invalid at the location of the defendant, that is, in Belgium”. “In this case, it is highly likely that the court will point to the absence of violation of the rights of the fund's clients in the course of the transaction,” concludes Yuri Nikolaev.

Customer of the case of the Moscow Region Minister

It is clear that Boris Gromov "paid off" with Minister Kuznetsov and his Inkombank assets, with Arkady Rotenberg and Mikhail Cherkasov for his "Political Immortality"

Medvedev wants to punish the owners of unused agricultural land

But it is difficult to fulfill his demand - the Kremlin does not like the prepared project

Pre-investigation check is underway on the fact of Beketov's death

Upon the death of the editor-in-chief of Khimkinskaya Pravda, Mikhail Beketov, investigators near Moscow began a pre-investigation check. This was announced by the official representative of the regional department of the Investigative Committee Gennady Galuza.

A fraud case has been initiated against the head of Krasnoarmeysk.

RBC 01/16/2013, Moscow 10:58:10 A criminal case has been initiated against the head of the Krasnoarmeysk urban district of the Moscow region, Alexander Ovchinnikov, on fraud with an apartment worth 2.6 million rubles. This was reported by the press service of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Moscow region.

The Ministry of Defense did not properly register the rights to real estate in the Moscow region.

12/28/2012, Moscow 13:53:04 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has not yet completed the process of proper registration of property rights to real estate objects located on the territory of the Moscow Region.

In Neryungri honored the mothers of the fallen soldiers-internationalists

In the Neryungri South Yakutsk Technical College, on the eve of Mother's Day, on the initiative of the Neryungri branch of the All-Russian public organization "Combat Brotherhood", mothers, fallen soldiers-internationalists who performed their international duty in Afghanistan and the North Caucasus, were honored.

"Combat Brotherhood" congratulates seaside marines on the holiday

Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the All-Russian Organization of Veterans "Combat Brotherhood" Viktor Tarabarin congratulates the seaside marines on the holiday, RIA PrimaMedia reports.

"Dear Marines of the Pacific Fleet! I sincerely and cordially congratulate you on the Day of the Marine Corps!

The head of the Vladivostok branch of the "Combat Brotherhood" celebrates his birthday today

Today, November 12, the head of the Vladivostok branch, deputy chairman of the board of the Military Brotherhood of Military Organization Victor Donets celebrates his birthday. Victor Tarabarin, President of the Primorsky Territory Kickboxing Federation, congratulates comrade Viktor Donets on his birthday.

“Please accept our most sincere wishes for good, happiness, good health, inexhaustible energy, success in work and optimism.

Polyakov's deputy will sit in the Public Chamber

Igor Fadeev, Deputy General Director of the Popov Radio Plant, has become a new member of the Public Chamber of the Omsk Region. He was nominated by the "Combat Brotherhood".

So it is, maybe so. But it's too early to talk about the victory over crime in power structures. To be convinced of this, it is enough to go not just anywhere, but to the Old Square. Do not be alarmed - not to the presidential administration, but next door, to house No. 6. The government of the Moscow Region is located here. Nominally, it is headed by a military general, the hero of Afghanistan, Boris Gromov. But it's no secret that the real king and god of the "sixth house" is 50-year-old Alexei Panteleev. The first deputy regional governor and the actual founder of the movement with a specific reputation "Combat Brotherhood" (BB).

Reporting and election conference of the public movement "Combat Brotherhood" was held in Tiraspol.

The organization was established in 2004 and united veteran organizations of the Union of Defenders of Transnistria, Afghans and members of other local wars. From the very first day, the movement declared that its main task was to protect the interests of veterans, to strengthen ties with similar organizations in Russia and the CIS countries. Today, the Pridnestrovian branch is part of the all-Russian public organization "Combat Brotherhood", headed by the Hero of the Soviet Union Boris Gromov, and unites participants in 35 wars and conflicts on the territories of 19 countries, has more than 750 thousand people in its ranks and represents the interests of more than 2.5 million citizens.

Veteran of "Afghan" accused the leadership of the "Combat Brotherhood" movement of inattention

A resident of the city of Kulyab, an internationalist warrior Nuriddin Nazarov, who participated in the hostilities in Afghanistan in 1979, expressed his dissatisfaction with the actions of the deputy. head of the Russian public movement "Combat Brotherhood" Nabi Akramov.

"Business Brotherhood" by Boris Gromov

The carefully worked out plan for the transition of Governor Gromov to embassy service in Kyiv ended in failure, the ground for which, as knowledgeable people say, was actively prepared by State Duma deputy Dmitry Sablin, vice president of the All-Russian public movement of veterans of local wars and military conflicts "Combat Brotherhood" (BB). Remembering the early Dorenko, one would like to ask a rhetorical question: what does Sablin have to do with it?! The answer, however, is terrible in its simplicity and goes into the recent history of the Moscow region. At one time, Governor Boris Gromov made a bet on the association of warriors-"Afghans" "Combat Brotherhood". Today, BB, firmly rooted in business and politics, has become one of the main targets of the fight against corruption. When it crackled around, Gromov's entourage thought about the withdrawal of assets - and now the deputy Sablin and the structures under his control became seriously interested in factories in Ukraine.

Tver "combat brotherhood" is one of the best in Russia

The military history of Russia is huge and invaluable. For better or worse, the last decades of the last century are no exception. In addition to the war in Afghanistan and the North Caucasus, Russians participated in more than twenty local military conflicts. Naturally, the veterans who have gone through the crucible of hostilities do not leave each other in peacetime and unite in various organizations. The correspondent of "VT" met with the chairman of the Tver regional branch of the Military Brotherhood, a former paratrooper, now also a deputy of the Tver City Duma, Dmitry LISICCHKIN.

Dmitry Sablin: “Love for the Motherland must be mutual!”

In 2007, the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BOE BROTHERHOOD" celebrates its tenth anniversary. Dmitry Sablin, First Deputy Chairman of the Organization, State Duma deputy, tells how this association, representing the interests of two and a half million Russian servicemen and their families, was formed.

"Combat Brotherhood" will be created in Kirovo-Chepetsk

In February of this year, the Kirov regional public organization "Participants in hostilities", tired of fighting for their rights, self-liquidated. It was decided to go "under the banner" of another All-Russian public organization "Combat Brotherhood", which is headed by Colonel General, Afghan, Governor of the Moscow Region, Hero of the Soviet Union Boris Gromov.

Combat Brotherhood awards presented

Another warm meeting of Afghan soldiers was held in Kyzyl with the participation of State Duma deputy Larisa Shoigu, representatives of the All-Russian public organization of veterans "Combat Brotherhood" from Khakassia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Land plots controlled by the Battle Brotherhood

The key structure in the laundering of regional land, Absolut Bank, was acquired by Alexander Svetakov at the request of the leadership of the Brotherhood represented by Sablin D.V. and Parkhomenko I.O. specifically for organizing operations with regional land, including the mass withdrawal of land from agricultural use to Izhs.

The financial support of the Combat Brotherhood is carried out through Absolut-Bank, which serves all transactions with land and budgetary accounts in key groups of roads, gas, etc. controlled by the governor and the Combat Brotherhood. In 2007, the bank was sold for $ 1 billion to Belgian investors, with the management and management of the bank retained for the next 2 years. Land assets remained at the disposal of the Combat Brotherhood in the amount of more than 100 thousand hectares in an estimate exceeding $ 2 billion. In total, in the process of reselling collective farm shares into private hands, about 400 collective farms in the Moscow region with a land volume of 1.5 to a thousand hectares each passed from the hands of collective farmers. The bank's land assets are transferred to companies affiliated with the Battle Brotherhood.

Corruption scandals in the Moscow Region will end as soon as the command is given to stop rocking the chair under Governor Gromov.

Meanwhile, Novye Izvestiya writes, political analysts call such “activism of law enforcement agencies to search for corrupt officials in the Moscow region” “not accidental” and believe that in this way they are “digging” under the governor Boris Gromov. “I would even call it not digging - it looks like the gradual departure of Mr. Gromov from his post,” Alexei Titkov, an expert at the Carnegie Center, explained to NI. The political scientist recalled that under the head of the region, "the chair is staggering" for a long time.

Scandals organized against the inner circle of the governor are supported not only by contenders for his place and raider groups trying to break into profitable pieces the economy that has been effectively created over 8 years of work, but also by the security forces who have received the task of harassing the security forces, creating a criminal case out of any civil case, juggling non-existent facts and receiving huge kickbacks for saving uninvolved people from landings planned from above.

In 2007, the Combat Brotherhood, relying on significant land ownership (about 100 thousand hectares), received thanks to the governor, who is the permanent leader of the organization and its ideologist, makes an attempt to turn into a party from a social movement and meets the tough opposition of the Kremlin. This transformation is certainly aimed at the election of the President. one of the governor's associates, Sablin D.V. drunkenly blabbed about the governor's ambitions to go to the polls. Articles appear in the press about the unification of Moscow and the Moscow Region, about sold forests and collective farm lands. The governor is summoned to the Kremlin to V.Yu. Surkov, who unequivocally announces the impossibility of transforming the Combat Brotherhood into a party and the impossibility of the governor to run for the presidential election as a candidate.

Then, in 2007, after an unsuccessful attempt to modify the Brotherhood of Arms and participate with their party in the presidential elections, competitive groups appeared claiming the post of governor of the Moscow Region. Among the possible candidates are Sobyanin S.S. and Kozhin V.I. and Poltavchenko G.K. As a support for the candidacy of G.K. Poltavchenko, A.R. Rotenberg organizes a PR campaign to unite Moscow and the region. Naturally, Poltavchenko G.K., who has repeatedly settled conflicts between Yu.M. Luzhkov and Gromov, becomes the best candidate in such a process and knows both regions quite well. It is especially important that G.K. Poltavchenko was once recommended for the post of presidential envoy in the Central Federal District by the same A.R. Rotenberg. The role of the initiator and organizer of the association was given to another protege of Rotenberg A.R., Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov I.I.

It got to the point that Konstantin Sedov, deputy head of the Federal Tax Service, who previously headed the regional department of the Federal Tax Service, was appointed the new vice-governor for finance. A clear demonstration of the Kremlin's intention to return the region's finances under control and the stake on professionals who can figure out the budget puzzles of the Moscow region are understandable. Indeed, instead of the departed best personnel "on the economy" of the region and in the "Combat Brotherhood", in our opinion, Parkhomenko and Agapov make decisions in the government, and Aksenov and Sablin in the "BB".

In October 2009, Vice Governor Sedov K.V. appointed his assistant, Zuev A.V., who was responsible for the bankruptcy of OJSC MOITK.

During this time, hundreds of people from the entourage of Governor Gromov were subjected to fabricated corruption scandals, dozens were arrested without evidence. All the actions of law enforcement agencies involved in this raider seizure were generously paid, first from the accounts of Rosbildeng, SMP Bank of the ORSI group of construction companies, Gasprom, and later from the balance of regional companies captured by the raiders. Since September 2009, after Sedov K.V. came to the post of vice-governor of the Moscow Region and the position of Gromov was strengthened in the eyes of Putin V.V., the activity of the raiders began to subside. The region is entering a normal mode of operation and overestimating its attitude to what is happening in the last 1.5 years. Most of the fabricated corruption cases were never submitted to the courts due to lack of evidence, which indicates the frankly custom-made nature of the persecution of Governor Gromov's entourage.

Behind the peacekeeping activities of Boris Gromov, mercenary goals were hidden.

Veteran-Afghan A. Gordin: Corrupt and criminal "Combat Brotherhood" B. Gromov

In Moscow there is: a certain organization: the International Union of Veterans "Combat Brotherhood" - this office is carrying out a grandiose international SCAM: it is engaged in the illegal and criminally punishable export of guest workers from Uzbekistan, under the guise of supposedly "assistance to Veterans of Uzbekistan" - there, in Uzbekistan, the chairman of a fake republican organizations of veterans Association of Warriors-Veterans /internationalists/

Uzbekistan "VETERAN" - a former translator of the p / department and a former employee of the regional committee of the CPSU of the Samarkand region - T. Muradov illegally recruits, then accepts and registers Uzbek guest workers instead of veterans as members of the "VETERAN" OVV / and / Uz and then illegally sends them for work in Kazakhstan and Russia. Employers in Russia for T. Muradov are found by the management of the MS "BB".

Combat Brotherhood of General Gromov

Not so long ago, officers of the Organized Crime Control Department at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Arkhangelsk Region detained a 33-year-old resident of Severodvinsk, who was the general director of CJSC Stealth. According to the Rosbalt news agency, he "was also the chairman of the board of the Combat Brotherhood society for disabled combat local conflicts and was a member of an organized criminal group." Could the chairman of "BB" Gromov know about this? I assume not. But he cannot fail to know that in the bowels of the “brotherhood” he leads, only in the Moscow region there are several special technical groups.


Ferzev lit a cigarette and took a folder of newspaper clippings from the shelf, which he did the old fashioned way, although he could freely use the Internet. But he was used to working that way and did not want to change anything. Actually, he remembered everything even without clippings, but the newspaper lines served as reference signals for the brain. Turning over these sheets, he continued to think. By the end of the last century, it would seem that the dubious activity of all kinds of funds and associations of veterans of the Afghan war had come to naught. Others like Likhodey and Radchikov. no, but others, like Kotenev, eat away money in exile. The Afghan movement was saved from complete collapse by General Gromov, who created the Combat Brotherhood movement, which included almost all the surviving leaders of Afghan veterans. In theory, everyone should be grateful to the general for ending civil strife in such a difficult environment. This is true, but only in one case. If a life-and-death war between disparate Afghan groups was not deliberately provoked, with the aim of weakening them and resubordinating them to one, the most powerful and tough center. Is such a hypothesis possible?

Thunder in the dark sky

General Gromov's friendship with the Afghan drug cartels began a long time ago: back in the era of the 40th Army. These contacts will be very useful to him later, when he becomes the governor of the Moscow region and establishes powerful drug supply channels from Afghanistan to Russia.

This is a lot of money - maybe even more than what Gromov, together with his “black colonels”, earns in the region. They are enough for him to buy villas in Miami and Nice. To be treated for chronic alcoholism in the best clinics in the world. It is comfortable to feel at the last suppers of the Masonic lodge. Representatives of the world Jewish capital - the same Kobzon - perceive Gromov as an equal. Not only because of wealth. On the mother's side, he inherited the surname Gromshteinbacher, which, however, he strongly hides.

Only you can’t hide an awl in a bag ...

"Corporation "Podmoskovye": how the richest region of Russia was ruined"

The Tverskoy District Court of Moscow authorized the arrest of Baranovsky on suspicion of extortion. On October 26, 2009, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow granted the petition of the investigator of the Main Investigative Directorate at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the capital to extend the detention of Dmitry Baranovsky. The term of detention was extended until December 29, 2009. The court did not find convincing the arguments of the defense, as well as the guarantee of the deputy of the State Duma, executive director of the All-Russian public organization "Combat Brotherhood" Dmitry Sablin. In addition, the court rejected the bail offered by the defense in the amount of three million rubles.

Extortion with social burden

However, the investigation considers these allegations groundless. As stated in the indictment, the topic of the fight against corruption in Dmitry Baranovsky's speeches appeared when his business partners and friends began to lose arbitrations, and all the witnesses presented by him in the case (including the leaders of the "Combat Brotherhood") are either his friends or people who are financially dependent on the accused. So, in particular, the investigation notes, two witnesses were opponents of the victim Altunin in arbitration, and now they are defendants in the case of fraud with land near Moscow and therefore are interested in supporting the version of Dmitry Baranovsky.

Bureaucratic-combat brotherhood

However, the recent events in the Trans-Volga Engels raise the question point-blank - isn't it time to include the item in the program settings of the society: “One of the goals of the activities of the Combat Brotherhood organization is the political protection of unscrupulous officials of the regional scale”?

Everyone probably guessed what I mean. We are talking about the notorious letter of Engels social activists in support of the district administration, among whom were six of my comrades in the "Combat Brotherhood".

About corruption in the government of the Moscow region

The corruption scheme in the Moscow region must be destroyed

For example, Dmitry Sablin, Vice-President of the All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "Combat Brotherhood", after graduating from a military school, served in the 154th separate commandant's regiment of the Moscow Military District, and therefore heard about the battles near Herat only from the stories of older comrades. There is no contradiction in this. The law does not oblige the second person in the leadership of a veterans' organization to be a veteran himself. Moreover, in the “Combat Brotherhood” purely “civilian” skills and abilities are in demand.

Werewolves in the old square, or initials BB

The second goal of the “brotherhood” was to organize the collection of money from entrepreneurs in exchange for “power” services. It immediately became clear to clever Panteleev that such services could be provided much better and invoices for them could be billed for much larger sums if he broke into power. And the adjutant pushes the permanent boss to the election of the governor of the Moscow region. According to some reports, during the scandalous campaign of 1999 - early 2000. The “Combat Brotherhood” was engaged exclusively in negotiating support for the candidacy of Boris Gromov with all regional organized crime groups. Agreed. Gromov - not without the help of a bandit's whip and carrot - was chosen.

“There are no pockets in the next world, you can’t take anything with you”

Developers believe that Governor Boris Gromov patronized you in buying up land in the Moscow Region. Is it true that the association of veterans "Combat Brotherhood", which is headed by Gromov, helped you acquire land through its commercial division "Region-R"?

Alexander Svetakov: We have never had any relations or projects with the "Combat Brotherhood". Region-R was one of our ordinary partners in several projects together with Mirax, PIK, Capital Group. We, as large developers, have good but formal working relations with the leadership of the Moscow region.

Andrey Kosolapov: Building land was mainly purchased in the early 2000s, when everything was cheap, later there were purchases already at a market price, but also at a fairly low price. At the same time, Absolut has never bought land shares directly. We purchased only already consolidated packages. The group did not have the resources and time to buy land from the primary market.

Alexander Svetakov: And besides, we are actively involved in charity work in the Moscow region. We have a charitable foundation "Absolut-Help", which specializes in helping sick children, inmates of correctional and ordinary orphanages and boarding schools. I think our fund is one of the largest in Russia on this topic, the budget for 2007 is $3 million.

From a black sheep ... at least a tuft of wool!

According to Gromov, the recent personnel reshuffle should "ensure a new quality of work in the financial and economic sphere." In fact, the "quality of work" of the former associates of the governor can only impress the prosecutor. His closest colleague in the land, construction and investment business was a State Duma deputy and vice-president of the All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "Combat Brotherhood", Colonel Dmitry Sablin. However, Sablin has an indirect relationship with veterans. He saw the war only on TV, when he served in the commandant's regiment of the Moscow Military District. But in terms of business, the deputy commander of the "BB" had extensive "combat" experience.

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