Where to throw away the thermometer with mercury? Disposal rules. Where to throw away a broken thermometer and safety measures for this procedure

Mercury is a heavy liquid metal, in which the main danger to humans is its fumes. Vapors are extremely toxic. Even the smallest amount of mercury contained in a thermometer can cause serious poisoning. The substance can enter the body in two ways - by inhalation or directly by ingestion.

Mercury is a heavy liquid metal, in which the main danger to humans is its fumes.

It goes without saying that an adult will not eat mercury spilled from a thermometer. But for children, especially early age, it is very interesting what kind of silver balls they are, and what taste they have. It should be noted that such poisoning is incredibly dangerous - measures to eliminate its consequences must be taken immediately, because otherwise even death is possible.

The insidiousness of poisoning by inhaling toxic fumes lies in the fact that at its early stage it is completely impossible to determine whether the substance has entered the body, since it long time may occur without any symptoms. But later man begins to feel much worse, there is a loss of appetite, a sharp weight loss, increased fatigue and irritability. These symptoms are characteristic of many other diseases and even ordinary stress. Therefore, only a specialized specialist can determine the fact of mercury poisoning.

The shipment of this liquid metal in vapors is quite common. The fact is that many completely unfairly ignore the rules competent disposal thermometers.

The shipment of this liquid metal in vapors is quite common.

At the same time, it is necessary to remove a broken or even cracked thermometer from the house as soon as possible, while strictly observing the rules of personal safety.

What to do if the thermometer is broken

The actions that are performed in the event of a broken mercury thermometer are mainly aimed at localizing the accident site, as well as protecting a person from the toxic effects of a substance. Naturally, you need to understand that the measures applied are much more complex than, for example,. If such a nuisance happened, it is strongly recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • in no case should you get too close to the place where the mercury spilled. Splashes from it can be invisible, but at the same time they stick well to the sole of the shoe, subsequently “infecting” other areas of the house;
  • the room should be thoroughly ventilated - for this you need to open the window or the entire window at once. Important - ventilation should not be combined with the creation of a draft, and therefore the doors to the room in without fail should be closed. Otherwise, toxic fumes will spread throughout the house;
  • spilled dangerous substance needs to be collected. This should be done only after creating reliable personal protection. It implies the use of dense and exceptionally intact rubber gloves, as well as a respirator. Since it is far from always possible to find professional respiratory protection products in the house, you can do it yourself, for example, by moistening a gauze bandage aqueous solution with the addition of soda. It is also recommended to wear shoe covers on shoes - you can use ordinary shoes as them. plastic bags(they must be intact too).

After carrying out the above measures, proceed directly to the collection of the spilled hazardous substance. Many are interested in - where to put mercury from a broken thermometer so that it does not continue to evaporate? Optimal solution this issue is a standard jar cold water. It is water that will not allow mercury to continue its dangerous work, namely, to saturate the air with toxic vapors.

You can collect liquid metal using various tools. The largest balls are removed from the surface using a conventional syringe. The smallest ones are effectively removed using various sticky materials - for example, plasticine or adhesive tape.

The largest balls are removed from the surface using a conventional syringe.

Attention - all materials and tools used in the assembly process will automatically be considered contaminated, which means that they will need to be disposed of in the same way as collected mercury.

Poisoning with vapors of a toxic substance, as a rule, occurs due to negligence. It is imperative to approach this important event as carefully as possible, without panicking and without making fussy and abrupt movements. Accuracy and accuracy of actions and absolute calmness are a guarantee that unnecessary troubles can be avoided.

If too much mercury has spilled and the process of its assembly is significantly delayed, it is recommended to leave the room every 10-15 minutes and go out into the fresh air. Even despite the use of a high-quality respirator, certain fumes will still enter the body, and therefore breaks are needed in order to avoid their critical accumulation, followed by poisoning.

The jar in which the metal was placed must be screwed as tightly and hermetically as possible. It is forbidden to keep it near heating objects, such as radiators. It is not only ethically unacceptable to dispose of a dangerous container in the nearest landfill, but also against the law.

After disinfecting the premises, you need to take care of your health. This should be done even in cases where there is complete confidence that even minimal poisoning has been avoided. However, it is highly recommended to take a weak solution of potassium permanganate and rinse your mouth thoroughly with it, and then brush your teeth.

Drink a few tablets of activated charcoal (if there are initial signs of poisoning, such as dizziness, weakness or nausea, you need to eat a whole pack), and drink them down large quantity clean cold water. In the next few days, it will be necessary to drink just such water very often - this is due to the fact that mercury accumulations are most effectively excreted through the urinary system. In addition, regular water intake will avoid the concentration of hazardous substances in the kidneys.

Where to put a broken mercury thermometer

After the completion of all activities related to the cleaning of spilled mercury, the question arises of its further disposal. This is very important, since it is categorically not recommended to store such a dangerous substance in the house even for a short time. The need to hand over a thermometer somewhere arises not only in case of mechanical damage, but also, for example, if you want to remove a temperature meter from the house, which, according to the owner, shows incorrect data or simply has served its time.

First of all, you need to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This is true if the thermometer has been broken. A mercury spill is an emergency. It is necessary to inform the Ministry of Emergency Situations about what happened and wait for the arrival of the brigade. After her arrival, the service employees are given a container with liquid metal, as well as all the materials and tools used for cleaning - gloves, shoe covers, a syringe, adhesive tape, and so on. Rescuers, in turn, must carry out professional disinfection of the premises, and also determine whether the spread of toxic fumes outside the spill area, for example, to other rooms.

It is necessary to inform the Ministry of Emergency Situations about what happened and wait for the arrival of the brigade.

If you are completely sure that the collection of the substance was carried out in accordance with all the rules, which means that it is safe to be in the room, you can not call the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Enterprise for the disposal of mercury-containing materials

A can of metal, the materials used, the clothes that you were wearing at the time of the disinfection measures - all this is collected together and sent for disposal to a special enterprise. Today in our country there is a sufficient number of such enterprises. They use special equipment that allows without any difficulty and on high level recycles mercury-containing materials.

However, this mostly concerns only developed cities, mainly cities with a population of over a million. Residents of small settlements, not to mention villages, will need to look for other solutions to this problem.

These are companies that are a kind of intermediaries between manufacturers of medicines and outlets where they are sold. As a rule, such organizations have at their disposal special containers for safe storage dangerous to human life chemical substances including mercury.

Such organizations have at their disposal special containers for the safe storage of chemicals hazardous to human life, which include mercury.

To find out if there is such a company in your locality, you can use the Internet or help desk.

Pharmacy or sanitary and epidemiological station

Where to put a broken thermometer if all of the above organizations are unavailable for some reason? In this case, it is strongly recommended to seek help from a sanitary and epidemiological station or even the nearest pharmacy. Despite the fact that such institutions are not involved in the collection, storage, and even more so the disposal of hazardous substances, they do not have the right to refuse citizens to accept the things they brought. True, you will first need to write a corresponding application.

What is forbidden to do

It is strongly not recommended to take rash actions, especially if the spilled mercury has not yet been collected and disposed of along with a broken thermometer. This can lead to a significant complication of the situation, up to serious poisoning. These actions mean:

  • creating a draft in the room where the liquid metal was spilled. The free movement of air also freely carries its toxic fumes throughout the house;
  • use a broom for cleaning - vigorous movements of these tools provoke the spread of small mercury balls throughout the room, which will complicate their high-quality collection;
  • use a vacuum cleaner - strong air pressure contributes to the spread of toxic fumes throughout the house;
  • wash by hand or in a typewriter things that were used in the assembly process. All of them are not subject to cleaning, but only disposal, together with mercury.

To make the need to throw away a mercury thermometer as rare as possible, it is enough just to carefully handle this fragile and very useful item.

Only one is his fragility. The main working component of a traditional thermometer is mercury enclosed in a transparent glass tube. It is very easy to damage it, resulting in leakage. The mercury leaked from the thermometer does not pose a threat, but the vapors it emits are extremely dangerous. Inhalation of mercury vapor leads to severe poisoning with serious consequences.

That is why, even if your old mercury is not damaged, but simply needs to be disposed of, throw it away with household waste- irresponsible and very dangerous.

If the thermometer is not damaged, but can no longer be used, it must be disposed of. Main question faced by responsible citizens who do not want to throw a mercury thermometer into the nearest trash can - where to take the thermometer for disposal. According to current legislation, they are required to accept for disposal in pharmacies and hospitals, where specialized rigid containers for transportation must be available.

Most often, private companies that have passed state accreditation are directly engaged in recycling. However, legislation is often not as effective as one would like. If, contrary to the instructions, they refuse to accept a thermometer at the nearest medical facility, you can clarify the address of the collection point at the district administration.

If the thermometer is damaged, urgent action must be taken. The optimal solution there will be a call from the Ministry of Emergencies, specialists for such calls arrive promptly, carry out high-quality processing, which solves the problem. And you should not at all assume that a couple of balls of mercury in a large apartment are safe. Mercury is a poison, so the Ministry of Emergency Situations comes to such calls without any questions.

First of all, it is necessary to provide high-quality premises - open windows and vents. Then collect the fragments of the thermometer, do not forget to wear gloves. Pick up visible drops of mercury with a rubber bulb or a cloth soaked in oil. The collected drops and fragments should be placed in a jar, tightly closed with a lid, and handed over as soon as possible. The place where mercury has fallen must be treated with a strong solution of bleach or manganese.


Thermometer a very useful item that requires careful handling, because it contains mercury, a metal hazardous to health. In the event that the thermometer has broken or simply become unusable, it becomes necessary to get rid of it, but many do not know where to throw the thermometer away.


Put on rubber gloves and a cotton-gauze bandage. Mercury rolls into small balls, so it is most convenient to collect it with a rubber bulb or syringe. If neither one nor the other was at hand, then take a piece of adhesive tape or a wet sheet of thick paper and run it over the balls, they should stick.

In a glass jar, prepare a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate and place the collected mercury and fragments of a thermometer there, close tightly with a rubber lid.

Call the emergency services and report the incident. When the rescue team arrives, give them, along with the can, rubber gloves, a cotton-gauze bandage and an object that was used to collect mercury. In addition, the duties of the Ministry of Emergency Situations include the disinfection of the room where the thermometer crashed.

When the disinfection is over, take care of your health. Rinse your mouth with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and brush your teeth and take a few tablets of activated charcoal. Drink plenty of fluids, as mercury formations are excreted through the kidneys.

We could only use mercury thermometers, now there are electronic and even infrared devices, which allow you to find out the result in just a couple of seconds. Modern thermometers are very convenient, especially if the patient is a child who cannot sit still for ten minutes (which is how long doctors recommend keeping a mercury thermometer in the armpit), but in most cases they show the result with an error.

Most Accurate measuring instruments- thermometers containing mercury. In addition, mercury can be easily disinfected. To do this, you just need to immerse it in a special solution. Therefore, in hospitals and clinics, such devices will be abandoned very soon.

However, mercury is a dangerous substance, so you need to know how to dispose of mercury thermometers. Such a device is unlikely to simply stop measuring temperature. This can only happen if the mercury thermometer breaks, which means it spills.

It is not so much mercury itself that is dangerous, but the vapors it emits. They can cause severe poisoning, so you need to collect metal balls as soon as possible. If you do not know how to dispose of mercury thermometers, it is best to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they should give detailed instructions. Ideally, rescuers should come and carry out proper processing of the dwelling, but in reality this happens in rare cases (mainly in large cities).

How to dispose of mercury thermometers?

From the room in which the thermometer has broken, children, adults and animals must be taken out so that they do not trample and spread the balls of mercury around the apartment. The door should be closed, and the windows and vents should be opened if there is no draft and the room is warmer than outside. Cold air slow down the evaporation process.

Now you need to proceed directly to the collection of poisonous substances. You should protect yourself from contact with mercury by wearing rubber and shoe covers. To avoid inhaling fumes, use a dampened cold water gauze bandage.

Large balls of mercury are easily collected using two sheets of paper, a scoop and a brush or shaving brush, a medical pear or a syringe without a needle. Don't use a broom, its stiff twigs will break up the mercury into tiny particles. And it is difficult to collect small balls, you have to tinker. To do this, you need adhesive tape, plasticine, plaster, wet cotton wool. Do not use a vacuum cleaner! Mercury will remain inside the device, so it will have to be thrown away. From clothes and carpet, if they got mercury, you will also need to get rid of.

All collected mercury must be placed in a glass container with cold water and tightly closed with a lid. All items that have come into contact with it must be collected and wrapped in foil or placed in a bag and closed. Places on which poisonous metal has fallen should be washed several times with soapy water or a solution of potassium permanganate, and the room should be thoroughly ventilated.

Now you know how to dispose of mercury thermometers, it remains to figure out where to put the jar of poisonous substance? To do this, you will have to call different authorities. It is possible that you will never get a clear answer. In any case, it is extremely dangerous to throw mercury and all the items that you used during cleaning into the garbage chute, burn them or drain the liquid metal into the sewer.

Mercury is a fairly common metal and, despite its toxic properties, is used in many industries, manufacturing and medicine. Often at home, people use mercury thermometers. About what to do in case of damage to their integrity, how to act to protect yourself and your family from the harmful effects of the toxin, which is released when the sealed cylinder of the device is damaged, and where to put the broken mercury thermometer, we will talk in this article.

Why is mercury so dangerous?

Mercury belongs to toxic substances that have an extremely negative effect on the human body. The evaporation of this metal begins at room temperature (about 18 C), so if the thermometer is damaged, the toxin begins to evaporate almost immediately, poisoning the air in the room. In such a situation, the disposal of a broken thermometer is extremely necessary, since this device contains about 5 g of a toxic substance, which, when it enters a medium-sized room (for example, 40-50 sq. M.), increases the maximum permissible concentration of mercury in the room by 50-100 times.

Mercury is poured out in the form of round balls of different sizes and diameters. They are small enough that they can get into the gaps between the floor, skirting boards, carpet fibers, clothing and the like. At the same time, untimely disposal of mercury can lead to poisoning and pose a health hazard to those who are constantly in the affected area.

Mercury, as a substance of the first hazard class, has an extremely negative effect on human health, causing a number of pathologies. Therefore, if items that contain it in their composition are damaged, they should be immediately neutralized in order to reduce negative impact on the body.

How to properly dispose of a broken mercury thermometer

Since mercury, as already noted, is a toxic metal and has a very negative effect on the body as a whole, the questions “Where to put the thermometer after its expiration date?”, “Where to put the damaged thermometer with mercury?” and “Where to throw mercury from a broken thermometer?”. We will try to describe all this in stages.

To begin with, it is worth noting that even with very careful handling, such a device has a shelf life of about 10 years, therefore, speaking about where you can put an old thermometer with mercury, it should be noted that after its expiration date, you must take it to the nearest pharmacy , where medical staff take care of its safe disposal. It is noteworthy that the answer to the question "Where to put a damaged thermometer with mercury?" will be similar to the previous situation, however, here it is necessary to observe the safety rules as much as possible so as not to harm both your health and the health of the pharmacy worker.

In order to neutralize a damaged medical instrument and answer the question of how to dispose of a broken mercury degree, here are some tips for this, namely:
  • If the thermometer is damaged, it is worth opening the windows to reduce the concentration toxic substance per unit area
  • Remove people from the premises and limit their access to the premises in order to reduce harmful effect toxin on their health
  • Mercury disposal begins with limiting its spread to other rooms. To do this, it is worth laying a rug or rag soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate at the entrance
  • Provide your protection we are talking about a person who does this important matter how to dispose of mercury from a thermometer)
Put on a mask, gloves, goggles if possible, and then begin the process of demercurization, that is, the neutralization of hazardous metal. To do this, you need to collect all the fragments from the thermometer and directly the mercury balls into a safe sealed container (for example, a glass jar with a lid).

After the answer to the question "How to dispose of mercury from a broken thermometer?" given, and a dangerous substance is in a place where it cannot harm, you should take care of your own safety. To do this, you need to wash your hands with a solution of potassium permanganate, take a shower, brush your teeth, throw away protective equipment that was used to neutralize hazardous metal.

Answering the question of where to throw away a broken mercury thermometer, it is worth noting that in no case should this be done by taking it to a landfill or burying it. This may cause Negative consequences for environment. Therefore, if the question “Where to hand over broken thermometer? it is worth consulting and contacting an enterprise in your region that has the right to process and neutralize this toxin.

The impact of a damaged thermometer on human health

Answering the questions "Where to take a broken thermometer?" and “Where to hand over mercury from a broken thermometer?” it is also worth understanding what effect this metal has on the human body and what consequences direct contact can lead to if the integrity of the above-mentioned medical device is damaged.
First of all, we note that it can lead to the following consequences:
  • Violation of higher processes nervous activity, which manifests itself in frequent headaches, sleep disorders, apathy, depression, etc .;
  • Metallic taste in the mouth, salivation disorders are possible;
  • Swelling of the gums, in certain cases - bleeding;
  • Pathology of the stomach and intestines initial stage manifested by vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.
This list is not exhaustive and only characterizes common features mercury vapor poisoning in case of damage to a medical thermometer and untimely collection of toxic substances in such a situation. Some consequences of such exposure are individual and depend on the functional state of the organism, other factors of endogenous and exogenous origin.

However, the answer to the question "Where to put mercury from a broken thermometer?" is very important and requires a solution in each individual situation (by analogy with the previous paragraph). In case of untimely or incomplete disposal of this harmful substance, it may be converted into a gaseous mixture. Such vapors are extremely toxic and directly or indirectly affect human health.

In addition to the list of consequences given above, such an influence can lead to disruption of the overall homeostasis of the whole organism at virtually all levels of its development, starting from the molecular one. This results in the violation of many internal organs and their systems, the development of severe diseases and irreversible pathological changes body.

Therefore, when talking about where to put a broken thermometer, it is considered a very important process, on which the health of people located in a conditionally dangerous territory directly depends.

A little about safety in the neutralization of mercury

After talking about where to hand over a broken mercury thermometer and describing specific examples of what can happen if such consequences are not eliminated in a timely manner in relation to the human body, it is worth noting a few extremely necessary measures safety, which will help to partially offset the effect of the toxin. First of all, it is worth noting aids. Only sealed containers are suitable for disposal, which subsequently, together with the remains of the thermometer, will be transferred to specialized agency. In no case should rags or brooms be used for collection, since particles of a toxic substance will not only remain on such household items, but are also likely to be divided into smaller pieces (provided that they are disposed of in a solid state of aggregation), which will further complicate their collection.

After the end of the collection of mercury and thermometer residues, all the means that were used for this, as well as personal protective equipment, must be destroyed, or at least removed from household use to increase the level of safety. It is known that potassium permanganate (a solution of potassium permanganate, in other words) partially eliminates the effect of a harmful toxin, therefore, after finishing work, all surfaces must be carefully treated with this water mixture.

Having dealt with questions about where to throw away a thermometer with mercury, as well as how to throw away a thermometer with mercury, it is worth recalling once again the potential danger that damage to such a small medical instrument carries. Since , is large enough, and this is a potential threat of certain harmful consequences for human body, you should be extremely careful both during operation and when disposing of medical thermometers that contain this heavy metal.

From childhood, we were taught that mercury is very dangerous. It is a toxic substance, its vapors can adversely affect the human body for many years.

An ordinary thermometer can be found in almost every home, which means that there is always a risk when using it.

The mercury thermometer does not have an expiration date. It is very fragile, and the slightest impact can break the glass, allowing the mercury balls to roll out. In no case should such a thermometer be thrown into the trash.

The thermometer contains two grams of mercury, its vapors can cause severe poisoning. If you inhale mercury vapor for a couple of weeks, it will lead to death.

Mercury does not decompose in air. Sometimes mercury thermometers are buried, but it’s not so easy to get rid of the problem.

What to do if a mercury thermometer breaks?

If suddenly by negligence:

  • Do not panic, assess the situation sensibly. The health and even the life of your loved ones depends on how correct your actions are.
  • Take the kids and pets to another room, or better yet, send them out for a walk in the fresh air. Since mercury molecules are volatile, they can be weathered.
  • Call the emergency services and report the incident. Employees will come and carry out professional cleaning of the premises.
  • Check all objects and surfaces for mercury globules. They can be tiny, so look carefully.
  • Places where you found mercury mark with chalk, pencil. These places cannot be stepped on.
  • Combine small balls into one larger one.
  • First collect the big balls. This will save you from the formation of small drops by them.
  • You can use a flashlight. Bright lighting will easily bring out the shiny balls.
  • Bend a thick paper sheet to make a scoop. You can roll balls there with a large needle.
  • It is best not to visit the room for the next 24 hours. After this time, wash the floor with water.
  • A needle will help to remove the balls from the slots, wrapped with cotton wool soaked in a manganese solution.
  • If mercury balls rolled under the parquet, it will have to be removed.
  • Because the mercury assembly process can take many hours, go out into the fresh air every quarter of an hour.

How to throw away the thermometer?

Despite the fact that the service life of the thermometer is not limited, after a ten-year period it must be disposed of:

  • In large settlements there are specially designated areas where mercury can be safely disposed of (demercurization centres). Here mercury is used for its further processing.
  • If you live in a small town, then if the thermometer is damaged, you should contact the Ministry of Emergencies. Specialists will process the room from mercury vapor.
  • You can also take the thermometer to the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  • Don't throw a broken thermometer in the trash. By protecting yourself, you put animals, utility workers at risk.
  • Bury the thermometer deep in the woods. This is how you save yourself and those around you. However, this is not the most The best way because wild animals can find it.

If mercury leaked out

  • Opening all windows and doors, make a draft, leave the room to ventilate.
  • Put on rubber gloves and a gauze bandage.
  • Collect the pieces in a glass container filled with water. Do not touch the glass with your hands, use gloves.

Harmful substances enter the body. Use a paper towel for this, saturate it with vegetable oil. Then leave the napkin in the container as well.

Close the lid tightly. Water will not allow harmful substances to evaporate.

  • It is convenient to collect mercury balls with a rubber bulb or adhesive tape.
  • Wash the floor thoroughly with a disinfectant.
  • Treat the place where mercury has spilled with a dark brown manganese solution. Use a spray gun or a brush for this. After an hour, prepare this solution: laundry soap(40 g) + baking soda(50 g) + liter of water. They should thoroughly wash the floor.
  • After the mercury is collected, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with a manganese solution. To reduce the effects of toxic substances, activated charcoal (three tablets) will help.
  • Airing should be done at least three times a day.

If mercury does not leak

For the safety of your family and friends, put the thermometer in a solution with potassium permanganate and take it to a special institution (pharmacy, hospital).

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Where should mercury be donated?

  • Give the thermometer to the hospital. But not in all medical institutions willingly take them for recycling.
  • Take your old thermometer to a public pharmacy, there are specially designed containers for this. Their contents are then processed and used for production. mercury lamps. By the way, in pharmacies mercury for a long time stored in potassium permanganate solution.

Features of the subsequent disposal of the thermometer

After the mercury is collected, all your movements in relation to it should be smooth and accurate.

To collect the harmful substance, use a jar that can be tightly closed. While you wait for your arrival special service, you can temporarily leave the jar on the balcony or in the garage.

Call the health department. Employees of the service at your request will come and clean the premises. There are special devices for this, they capture even the smallest vapors of mercury.

Currently, some solar power plants have polarographs; mercury from a broken thermometer is used to create it

Why is mercury dangerous?

Mercury poses the greatest danger to children. It is impossible to feel it right now. But after an hour, the child may begin to complain of dryness in oral cavity. You may also experience a high temperature.

It is also dangerous that the mercury balls are shiny. And, as you know, this very attracts the attention of children, arouses their curiosity.

In no case do not let the baby swallow them, as the harmful substance will poison the entire body. First of all, the lungs will suffer, and then into the blood, which will spread mercury throughout all organs.

Intoxication of the body can be chronic or acute. The latter is extremely rare. If you inhale mercury vapor for a long time, it can be fatal.

In acute mercury intoxication, the main symptoms can be observed within eight hours, this is weakness, shortness of breath, and a taste of metal.

Don't think that if you just get rid of the harmful substance and breathe fresh air the symptoms will go away on their own. In case of late delivery medical care the organism dies.

If you come in contact with a broken thermometer for a long time, you can get chronic poisoning that affects the nervous system.

This situation is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • distracted attention;
  • trembling in the body;
  • headache similar to migraine.

The person becomes both irritable and aggressive, and apathetic.

Mercury resembles a mobile liquid, it is easily divided into small droplets even with a weak blow. If you combine them, then you can again get a solid ball.

Such balls easily cling to carpet pile, roll into sexual cracks, cracks under the plinth. If you do not get rid of them, then they will continue to saturate the air throughout the room with toxic fumes.

Constant contact with mercury will only accumulate it in the body. The situation requires serious attitude and immediate treatment. Remember that not only your health is at stake, but also your life.

What can't be done?

  • If the weather outside is warm (above +18 degrees), do not open the windows. This will lead to the formation of toxic fumes, which completely soak your apartment. You can safely resort to airing in winter or other cold seasons.
  • Never sweep mercury with a broom. A vacuum cleaner will not help here either, because this will only spread dangerous molecules throughout the house. In addition, after such manipulations, the vacuum cleaner will need to be disposed of. After all, the molecules will remain inside the technology, and getting rid of them will not work.
  • Throw away clothes that you have been cleaning in. If you decide to wash it, it will only contaminate washing machine harmful substance, and in the future, and other things.

Follow these simple safety precautions when using a mercury thermometer:

  • Always check the thermometer before use.
  • Shake it off if the mark is above 35 degrees before measuring body temperature.

Few people know that there are some rules when shaking:

  • Squeeze the head of the thermometer in your fist.
  • The space with mercury should be directed downwards.
  • Hold the center with your index finger and thumb.
  • With strong sharp movements, lower your hand several times.
  • After use, disinfect the thermometer.
  • It cannot be washed with hot water , as this may interfere with accurate measurement and lead to cracks.

Disposal of a mercury thermometer is a rather complicated and long process. Follow basic security measures to avoid such a situation. The thermometer should be in a place inaccessible to the child. When measuring body temperature in a baby, do not go anywhere and control the process.

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