Occupational health standards order. What list of works prescribes the professional standard. Nursing staff training

In January 2016, by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, a new professional standard "Nurse", or "Junior Medical Personnel", was approved, which defines and officially registers what is the responsibility of junior medical personnel. In our article, we will figure out how important it is not to lose sight of it and what threatens the leadership of the clinic if the document is neglected.

The objectives of the development of the professional standard "Junior medical personnel"

The professional standard "Nurse", or "Junior Medical Staff", like any other professional standard, was developed so that the management had the opportunity to clearly define and delineate what is included in the duties of the employee and what is not. In other words, it sets out the characteristics of those types of professional activities that are mandatory for the employee to perform.

As you can see, in the document that appears, two types of general labor functions are distinguished. Firstly, it is caring for the patients of the clinic, secondly, cleaning the premises in a medical institution (doctor's offices, wards for patients, etc.), moving various material objects, and thirdly, processing the bodies of the dead, working with medical waste.

Prior to the creation of a professional standard for junior medical staff, personnel department employees always had the question of how to correctly designate an auxiliary health worker when drawing up the staffing table, how to distinguish a junior nurse from a nurse, what job title would be correct. But now the new document clearly separated the junior nurse and the nurse. Now, the qualification levels of a separate labor activity are distinguished, which, in turn, directly depend on the set of skills and abilities that the employee possesses, as well as on the duties assigned to him by the management.

The difference in the definition of these two positions can be seen by comparing them. To begin with, let's take an employee indicating the position of "nurse". According to the professional standard "Junior Medical Personnel", her duties include sanitary services. Here you can name such activities as transportation of clinic facilities, timely disposal of medical waste, processing of medical equipment, cleaning of medical facilities, processing of the bodies of deceased patients.

The duties of the junior nurse, on the basis of the same standard, include the implementation of manipulations in the care of the patients of the clinic.

As a result, both positions are indicated in the staffing table, with the amendment that each of them has its own clear set of labor duties and functions that must be taken into account.

In addition to drawing up the staffing table, the new professional standard can be applied in the organization of the work of health workers and to control their activities, in the preparation of job descriptions or the development of new training programs.

When to apply the professional standard "Junior medical personnel"

To answer this question, let's turn to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which indicates in which cases the director of the clinic must be guided by the professional standard "Junior Medical Staff".

Firstly, these are the cases when specific requirements for the qualification of an employee are legally approved. Here, the application of the professional standard will be partially mandatory. So, for example, the new standard indicates what kind of education a nurse or junior nurse is required to have: if an employee has only a general secondary education, then he must be sent to study under a special program. This is due to the fact that junior medical personnel are not just a “cleaner”, they need to have the appropriate knowledge in order to be able to perform their duties competently. However, the need for qualified nursing staff in the clinic is not an obligation, according to the Federal Law "On Health Protection". It does not contain provisions for the mandatory special education of nurses and junior nurses, so the management can apply the professional standard "Junior medical personnel" in part, starting from their own requirements.

As for the dismissal of an employee if he does not meet the requirements of the professional standard "Junior Medical Personnel", the Labor Code does not clearly indicate this; if the nurse approaches the performance of her labor duties responsibly and there are no complaints about her, she cannot be fired. However, if, during the certification, a discrepancy with the position she occupies is revealed, in this case, the dismissal will be justified.

Due to the fact that to date, training programs for nurses and junior nurses have not been developed, many medical institutions are transferring their junior medical workers to the positions of cleaners, but this is legal only with the written consent of the employee.

The second case in which an appeal to the standard is required is the moment an employee fills a particular position, which implies the right to receive benefits and compensation or entails the application of some restrictions.

As in any situation related to violation of the requirements of the law, in case of non-compliance with these rules by the head physician or other administrative staff, the clinic may face a fine in accordance with Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Positions of junior staff according to the new professional standard

The Federal Law "On Health Protection" states that medical personnel include persons who not only work in a medical institution, but have a medical education and carry out medical activities. Thus, nurses and junior nurses who do not have the appropriate education cannot be classified as medical personnel. Therefore, the new professional standard "Junior medical personnel" contains requirements directly for personnel performing auxiliary functions in the process of providing medical care.

Accordingly, junior medical staff cannot directly participate in medical activities, but their duties include the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemiological measures. According to the order of the Ministry of Health No. 541n, for this, the employee is not required to have a special education, however, the professional standard corrects this order by introducing the need for junior medical staff to take specialized courses.

Thus, according to this document, junior medical personnel include:

  1. Nurse
  2. Nursing Assistant Nurse.

The “housekeeper” and “ambulance driver” present in the official list of medical positions cannot be classified as junior medical staff, because the essence of their duties is not directly related to medical activities.

The Ministry of Health recommended not to reduce the wages of nurses transferred to the position of cleaner. Letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated February 7, 2018 N 16-3/10/2-705 "On the transfer of junior medical personnel to office cleaners."

Certification of junior medical personnel

According to the Order of July 23, 2010 N 541n "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare", as well as the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of January 12, 2016 N 2n "On approval of the professional standard "Junior medical personnel" in all In healthcare institutions, the qualifications (certification) of junior medical personnel are assessed for compliance with the requirements of the professional standard for their work functions.

Compulsory professional standard "Junior medical personnel"

The need for qualification certification of junior medical staff is dictated by Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This article states that professional standards are mandatory for execution only in the part where the qualification requirements necessary for the performance of labor functions are defined. The rest of the professional standard is advisory in nature. AT professional standard (download document in pdf format) qualification requirements are defined, and junior medical staff must comply with them: a junior nurse (brother) for patient care, orderly

What to be guided by if the employee has not passed the certification?

Termination of the employment contract: If during the assessment of the qualifications of a junior honey. personnel, it turns out that the labor functions performed by them do not meet the requirements for the qualification of the professional standard, then the employment contract with this employee may be terminated on the basis ofparagraph 3, part one, article 81 of the Labor Code . It is important to keep in mind that the termination of the contract occurs on the basis of:

Inconsistency of the employee with the position held,

Inconsistency of the employee with the work performed due to insufficient qualifications.

Transfer to office cleaner : If the employee only cleans the premises, then he can be transferred to the position of a cleaner. To do this, the employer makes changes to the staffing table. The same is done if the organization is reducing the number and staff of employees: junior staff,according to the third part of Article 81 of the Labor Code , the position of the cleaner is offered.

What requirements should junior medical personnel meet?

According to the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development dated January 12, 2016 No. 2n “On approval of the professional standard “Junior medical personnel”, these specialists can have one of 2 qualification categories: 2nd and 4th.

Nurse(qualification category 2) must ensure the sanitary maintenance of wards, specialized rooms, the movement of material objects and medical waste, and care for the body of a deceased person. He must have a secondary general education and undergo vocational training for the position of "Nurseman". He must be able to provide first aid, disinfect care items, equipment, inventory and medical products. Conduct pre-sterilization cleaning of medical devices.

Must know the requirements of infectious safety, observe the sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime when transporting material objects.

Junior nurse for patient care (4 qualification category ). These specialists must have a secondary general education and vocational training for the position of "Junior Nurse for Patient Care"orsecondary vocational education in the specialties "Nursing", "Medicine", "Obstetrics" - educational programs for the training of qualified workers (employees) for the position of "Junior Nurse for Patient Care".

Labor duties of house cleaners and their salary

If the orderly was transferred to the position of a cleaner, then it is forbidden to assign the labor functions of a nurse to him. The cleaner should only clean office premises, according to the job description,in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of November 10, 1992 N 31 .

Nursing staff training

A special professional standard defines the duties and labor functions of junior medical personnel of healthcare institutions. This document was developed by the Ministry of Social Development in 2016, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 2n dated January 12, 2016, and its provisions are the basis for the formation of a high-quality staff of the country's medical institutions.

What is a professional standard according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The need to establish a professional standard is due to the modern personnel policy of the state. Get a position "junior medical staff" You can only show a certificate of professional suitability.

The standard allows heads of medical institutions to monitor the performance of professional duties by employees of the entrusted medical institution.

Previously, the rights and functions of junior staff were reduced to a single document by the efforts of the clinic administration. This led to an overestimation of the workload, confusion in the definition of job functionality. Therefore, the rate of nurses was given to cleaners.

At the moment, a special document is the basis for changing the staffing table. The head has the right to introduce new job descriptions based on the professional standard. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2, Art. 72 and Art. 74 to dismiss an employee on the grounds that he does not meet the requirements of the professional standard, the employer does not have the right if the employee has successfully passed the certification.

Junior health worker: qualification, education, sample document

In the joint list, the document is numbered 647. In the Unified Qualification Handbook (CEN), this position is called "nurse". Defined by the professional standard main job function– following sanitation, hygiene in health care premises and assisting in the care of the sick. When applying for a position, you must have a diploma of secondary specialized education and a document on professional training. The head of the hospital organizes training under the professional standard program; moreover, it is allowed to retrain a junior medical professional on the job.

In secondary specialized educational institutions, training is carried out in the specialty "Sisterhood"- such training is focused on the requirements of the professional standard. In addition, when applying for a job, the applicant undergoes a mandatory medical examination, presenting its results to the management of the medical institution (in the future, in fulfilling his duties, the employee must undergo scheduled medical examinations at the place of employment).

The qualification of an employee is determined by article 195.1 part 1 of the Labor Code, art. 195.3 clarification was made to the requirements necessary for activities within the framework of the professional standard, which are mandatory for use by the employer and are the basis for the development of internal personnel documents (for example, job descriptions).

The new document separated the functions of a junior nurse and a nurse. The duties of a professional standard nurse include the following services:

  • processing of medical equipment
  • cleaning of premises;
  • internal transportation of medical items and devices;
  • disposal of medical waste;
  • treatment of deceased patients.

The junior nurse conducts the patient care procedures of the clinic.

Two positions are introduced in the schedule of the states, each with its own functional responsibilities, which are clearly differentiated in organizing the work of the junior medical team, compiling new training programs and monitoring the activities of personnel.

The nurse has the second qualification level, the junior nursing nurse has the fourth.

Compliance Features

Under what circumstances should this document be followed:

  1. Upon presentation of orders for the qualification of an employee of this category professional standard is only partially obligatory. In particular, the junior nurse is required to have a specialized secondary education. In the event that an employee who actually performs the functions of a junior nurse has only a general secondary education in the asset, he must be sent to study under a special program. It is worth remembering that this requirement is not mandatory, this issue is resolved by the management independently, taking into account expediency. A nurse who conscientiously fulfills her duties and has passed certification is not dismissed and is not transferred from the position of a junior nurse to the position of a cleaning lady without personal consent.
  2. If it is necessary to replace a particular position, when such a change is associated with material compensation and benefits, restrictions on them.

Violation of legal requirements and non-compliance with the professional standard threatens with fines for the medical center.

The positions - "housekeeper" and "ambulance driver" - are not associated with the medical staff, so in their functions there is no sign of medical activity.

Specialties provided for junior medical staff:

  • nursing;
  • assistant in caring for the sick;
  • junior nursing staff.

These functional features are studied as part of the educational process in the specialties: "Nursing", "Obstetrics", "General Medicine", under advanced training programs for the position of "Junior Nurse for Patient Care".

The medical institution must approve the "Instruction for the collection, storage, disinfection and movement of medical waste" - a mandatory requirement for junior medical personnel is its strict implementation.

When cleaning the premises, it is necessary to use disinfecting cleaning products, for the treatment of hands - hygienic. The functions of the nurse include daily disinfection of work equipment, medical equipment, cleaning refrigerators with food for medical staff and patients. Along with this, the duty of the nurse is to control the labeling of food with the setting of the expiration date.

Nurse functions- pre-sterilization of part of the instruments, as well as disinfection of equipment for the care of bedridden patients (ducks, vessels, urinals).

Post-mortem care: transportation of the body to the department of pathology, participation in the organization of the toilet of the body, compliance with the conditions for storing the body, ensuring the anti-epidemic regime.

Junior medical staff provides care for seriously ill patients and conducts toilet activities - washing, hygiene of hands and feet, treatment of the skin, oral cavity, assistance in the implementation of basic self-care activities by patients (going to the bathroom, eating, changing underwear).

Application instructions

Since the professional standard wears advisory nature, although it is a normative legal act, the scope of its application in each particular medical institution is an alternative to guidance. Today's trends convincingly demonstrate that an increasing number of clinics of various forms of ownership are introducing into practice the obligatory adherence to the professional standard in the formation of staff.

Such a policy of medical centers is dictated by strict observance of the norms of medical law and personnel matters, since changing the duties of an employee, expanding the range of duties without his consent is illegal.

The performance of official duties does not stop following the results of the certification commission, if the grounds for such termination are the lack of experience and special training. If a person conscientiously and legally fulfills his duties, the imposition of fines for non-compliance with the professional standard is allowed only in part of the previous requirements of the Ministry of Labor.

The specifics of the professional standard of junior medical personnel are presented in detail in the video.

Note that doctors and pharmacists are included in the list of professions, the requirements for which are established by Art. 69 of Law No. 323-FZ of November 21, 2011. Therefore, the application of a professional standard for them is mandatory.

Why do we need a single professional standard for junior medical workers?

The professional standard for junior medical personnel, developed by the Ministry of Health, is intended to replace the unified reference books. Previously, the heads of medical institutions themselves exercised control over the staffing table. They could independently develop and approve the rules of law. As a result, the burden on doctors was often overestimated, which is contrary to the law.

Such a system provoked confusion in positions - for example, in polyclinics, cleaners worked at the rate of nurses. The Ministry of Health is confident that the professional standard will help to avoid such situations, since all changes to the staff list can now be made only on the basis of this document.

Areas of application of professional standards

From July 1, 2016, the employer is obliged to follow the professional standard in the following cases:

  • formation of personnel policy and personnel management;
  • organization of training and certification of employees;
  • conclusion of employment contracts;
  • development of job descriptions;
  • billing of works;
  • assignment of tariff categories;
  • establishment of wage systems.

Based on the professional standard, the employer has the right to approve new job descriptions. Such changes sometimes lead to an expansion of the responsibilities of employees, but the law requires that the employee be notified of this. According to part 2 of Art. 72 and part 2 of Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee must be warned about these circumstances at least 2 months in advance. It also requires his voluntary consent.

Even if the employee does not meet the requirements of the professional standard, dismissal on this basis is unacceptable. The employer will be able to break off labor relations with him only in case of unsatisfactory certification results or the absence of a vacant position in the organization that corresponds to the knowledge and skills of the employee. It is also possible to provide the employee with additional education, which will allow him to meet the professional standard.

Qualifications for the head nurse

  1. Secondary specialized or higher education in the field of nursing.
  2. The minimum work experience for secondary specialized education is 10 years, for higher education - 5 years.

After comparing the positions available in the organization with the requirements of the professional standard, you can find out whether the employees meet the basic requirements. If not, the employee should be offered 2 options to choose from: sending for training or retraining, or transferring to another position that corresponds to his knowledge, experience and education. Training is possible both at the expense of the employer and at the expense of the employee himself. The training procedure should be prescribed in the employment contract or in an additional agreement to it.

If a need for training or retraining is identified, it is necessary to draw up a training plan for the current year, and then submit it to the manager for approval. Mandatory information to be included in the document:

  • Full name of employees;
  • positions;
  • a description of the required training or retraining;
  • reasons for sending employees to training;
  • period of training activities;
  • reasons for choosing a particular educational service provider.

The training plan will be useful to the organization during the review. It is a documentary confirmation that the employer conscientiously fulfills the requirements of the professional standard.

The order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of January 12, 2016 No. 2n approved the professional standard "Junior medical personnel". Also, the requirements for education and work experience, which are necessary for specialists to perform labor functions, were established.

Junior medical staff include junior nurses, housewives and nurses.

The junior nurse (nursing nurse) helps the ward nurse in caring for the sick, carries out a change of linen, ensures that the patients themselves and the hospital premises are clean and tidy, participates in the transportation of patients, and monitors patients' compliance with the hospital regime.

The housewife takes care of household issues, receives and distributes linen, detergents and cleaning equipment, and directly supervises the work of nurses.

Nurses: the scope of their duties is determined by their category (nurse of the department, nurse-barmaid, nurse-cleaner, etc.).

The general responsibilities of nursing staff are as follows.

1. Regular wet cleaning of premises: wards, corridors, common areas, etc.

2. Assistance to the nurse in caring for the sick: changing linen, feeding the seriously ill, hygienic provision of physiological supplies for the seriously ill - giving, cleaning and washing vessels and urinals, etc.

3. Sanitary and hygienic treatment of patients.

4. Accompanying patients for diagnostic and treatment procedures.

5. Transportation of patients.

In more detail, the duties of middle and junior medical personnel are regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia) dated July 23, 2010 N 541н Moscow

Nurse ward (guard)

Job Responsibilities. Carries out care and observation of patients based on the principles of medical deontology. Accepts and places patients in the ward, checks the quality of sanitation of newly admitted patients. Checks transfers to patients in order to prevent the intake of contraindicated food and drinks. Participates in the rounds of doctors in the wards assigned to her, reports on the condition of patients, records in the journal the prescribed treatment and care for patients, monitors the fulfillment by patients of the appointments of the attending physician. Provides sanitary and hygienic services to the physically weakened and seriously ill. Fulfills the prescriptions of the attending physician. Organizes the examination of patients in diagnostic rooms, with consultant doctors and in the laboratory. Immediately notifies the attending physician, and in his absence - the head of the department or the doctor on duty about a sudden deterioration in the patient's condition. Isolates patients in an agonal state, calls a doctor to carry out the necessary resuscitation measures. Prepares the corpses of the dead for sending them to the pathoanatomical department. Taking duty, she inspects the premises assigned to her, checks the condition of electric lighting, the presence of hard and soft equipment, medical equipment and tools, medicines. Signs for the reception of duty in the department. Supervises the implementation by patients and their relatives of the regimen of visits to the department. She monitors the sanitary maintenance of the chambers assigned to her, as well as the personal hygiene of patients, the timely intake of hygienic baths, the change of underwear and bed linen. Ensures that patients receive food according to the prescribed diet. Maintains medical records. Hands over duty in the wards at the bedside of patients. Provides strict accounting and storage of medicines of groups A and B in special cabinets. Collects and disposes of medical waste. Carries out measures to comply with the sanitary and hygienic regime in the room, the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, the conditions for sterilizing instruments and materials, the prevention of post-injection complications, hepatitis, HIV infection.

must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare; theoretical foundations of nursing; the basics of the treatment and diagnostic process, disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle; rules for the operation of medical instruments and equipment; rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions; fundamentals of the functioning of budget-insurance medicine and voluntary medical insurance; fundamentals of valeology and sanology; basics of disaster medicine; rules for maintaining accounting and reporting documentation of a structural unit, the main types of medical documentation; medical ethics and deontology; psychology of professional communication; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification Requirements. Secondary vocational education in the specialty "General Medicine", "Obstetrics", "Nursing" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Nursing", "Nursing in Pediatrics", "General Practice" without presenting requirements for work experience.

procedural nurse

Job Responsibilities. Performs procedures prescribed by the attending physician that are allowed to be performed by paramedical personnel. Helps with manipulations that only a doctor has the right to perform. Performs blood sampling from a vein for examination and sends it to the laboratory. Provides accounting and storage of medicines of groups A and B in special cabinets. Ensures compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis in the treatment room during procedures. Sterilizes instruments and materials. Draws up requirements for obtaining tools, equipment, medicines and dressings and receives them in the prescribed manner. Maintains accounting records. Supervises the sanitary and hygienic maintenance of the treatment room. Collects and disposes of medical waste. Carries out measures to comply with the sanitary and hygienic regime in the room, the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, the conditions for sterilizing instruments and materials, the prevention of post-injection complications, hepatitis, HIV infection.

must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare; theoretical foundations of nursing; basics of the treatment and diagnostic process; rules for the operation of medical instruments and equipment; rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions; fundamentals of the functioning of budget-insurance medicine and voluntary medical insurance; fundamentals of valeology and sanology; basics of disaster medicine; rules for maintaining accounting and reporting documentation of a structural unit, the main types of medical documentation; medical ethics; psychology of professional communication; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification Requirements

dressing nurse

Job Responsibilities. Performs manipulations prescribed by the attending physician, permitted to be performed by paramedical personnel. Accompanies seriously ill patients after manipulations to the ward. Prepares instruments, syringes, droppers for sterilization. Carries out systematic sanitary and hygienic control of the dressing room. Provides systematic replenishment, accounting, storage and consumption of medicines, dressings, tools and linen. Instructs the junior medical staff of the dressing room and supervises their work. Maintains medical records. Collects and disposes of medical waste. Carries out measures to comply with the sanitary and hygienic regime in the room, the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, the conditions for sterilizing instruments and materials, the prevention of post-injection complications, hepatitis, HIV infection.

must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare; theoretical foundations of nursing; the basics of the treatment and diagnostic process, disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle; rules for the operation of medical instruments and equipment; rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions; fundamentals of the functioning of budget-insurance medicine and voluntary medical insurance; fundamentals of valeology and sanology; basics of disaster medicine; rules for maintaining accounting and reporting documentation of a structural unit, the main types of medical documentation; medical ethics; psychology of professional communication; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification Requirements. Secondary vocational education in the specialty "General Medicine", "Obstetrics", "Nursing" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Nursing", "General Practice", "Nursing in Pediatrics" without presenting requirements for work experience.

Operating room nurse

Job Responsibilities. Prepares the operating room, members of the surgical team, surgical instruments, underwear, suture and dressing materials, equipment for the operation. Controls the timeliness of patient transportation, as well as the paths of movement of the surgical team in accordance with the sterility zones in the operating unit. Ensures the infectious safety of the patient and medical personnel, and also ensures compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis by all personnel in the operating room. Prepares the patient for surgery: creates the necessary surgical position on the operating table, processes the operating field, provides isolation of the operating field. Participates in surgical operations, provides members of the surgical team with the necessary tools, materials, equipment. Provides early postoperative care for the patient, prevention of postoperative complications. Carries out control over the timely referral for histological and bacteriological examination of biological material taken during the operation from the patient. Carries out a quantitative account of the instruments used, suture and dressing materials, underwear, medicines and equipment. Performs primary disinfection of used tools, materials and equipment. Carries out control of sterilization of linen, dressing and suture materials, tools and equipment. Prepares and supervises the operation of equipment in the operating room. Replenishes consumables. Maintains medical records. Provides first aid in emergencies. Collects and disposes of medical waste. Carries out measures to comply with the sanitary and hygienic regime in the room, the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, the conditions for sterilizing instruments and materials, the prevention of post-injection complications, hepatitis, HIV infection.

must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare; theoretical foundations of nursing; organization of surgical care, emergency and emergency medical care to the population; the procedure for obtaining, recording, storing, using medicines, incl. narcotic drugs and drugs of strict accountability, dressings and suture materials, clothing, underwear, surgical gloves; system of infection control, infection safety of patients and medical personnel; rules of asepsis and antisepsis; types, forms and methods of rehabilitation; organizing and conducting activities for the rehabilitation of patients with surgical diseases and injuries; organization of surgical care on the principle of "surgery 1 day"; basics of perioperative nursing care; modern methods of disinfection and sterilization; basics of transfusiology; types of bleeding and ways to stop them; rules of general and local anesthesia; device and principles of operation of anesthesia and respiratory equipment; rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions; fundamentals of disaster medicine and military field surgery; rules for maintaining accounting and reporting documentation of a structural unit, the main types of medical documentation; medical ethics; psychology of professional communication; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification Requirements. Secondary vocational education in the specialty "General Medicine", "Obstetrics", "Nursing" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Operational Business" without presenting requirements for work experience.

Senior operating nurse - secondary vocational education (advanced level) in the specialty "General Medicine", "Obstetrics", "Nursing" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Operational Business" without presenting requirements for work experience.

nurse anesthetist

Job Responsibilities. Participates in surgical operations. Participates in general and pre-anesthesia preparation of patients for surgery, monitors patients in the early postoperative period, participates in the prevention of complications during and after surgery. Carries out preparation of anesthetic-respiratory and control-diagnostic equipment and a workplace for work, control of serviceability, correct operation of the equipment. Monitors the patient's condition during anesthesia, intensive care and resuscitation, as well as the safety, accounting for use, dosage of drugs during pre-anesthetic preparation, anesthesia, post-anesthetic period. Organizes and conducts nursing care for postoperative patients. Provides infectious safety of patients and medical personnel, infection control, aseptic and antiseptic requirements. Processes anesthetic-respiratory and control-diagnostic equipment after operation. Maintains medical records. Provides first aid in emergencies. Collects and disposes of medical waste. Carries out measures to comply with the sanitary and hygienic regime in the room, the conditions for sterilizing tools and materials, the prevention of post-injection complications, hepatitis, HIV infection.

must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare; theoretical foundations of nursing; modern methods of general, local and regional anesthesia; the basics of clinical and pharmacological substantiation of the means used in anesthesia and intensive care; methods of preoperative examination, preparation for surgery (anesthesia, premedication); age-related anatomical and physiological features; theoretical foundations of resuscitation; modern methods of intensive care and resuscitation for various diseases and critical conditions; types, forms and methods of rehabilitation; infection control system, infection safety of patients and medical personnel of a medical organization; rules of asepsis and antisepsis; rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions; a system of interaction between a medical organization and sanitary and epidemiological institutions; basics of disaster medicine; rules for maintaining accounting and reporting documentation of a structural unit, the main types of medical documentation; medical ethics; psychology of professional communication; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification Requirements. Secondary vocational education in the specialty "General Medicine", "Obstetrics", "Nursing" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Anesthesiology and Resuscitation" without presenting requirements for work experience.

Nursing Assistant Nurse

Job responsibilities. Assists in the care of patients under the guidance of a nurse. Carries out simple medical manipulations (setting cans, mustard plasters, compresses). Ensures cleanliness of patients and rooms. Ensures proper use and storage of patient care items. Makes a change of bed and underwear. Participates in the transportation of seriously ill patients. Monitors compliance by patients and visitors with the internal regulations of the medical organization. Collects and disposes of medical waste. Carries out measures to comply with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, sterilization conditions for instruments and materials, prevention of post-injection complications, hepatitis, HIV infection.

Must know: techniques for conducting simple medical manipulations; rules of sanitation and hygiene, patient care; rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Initial vocational education in the specialty "Nursing" without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education, additional training in the direction of professional activity without presenting requirements for work experience.

Mistress Sister

Job responsibilities. Supervises the work of nurses and cleaners to keep the premises of the medical organization (unit) clean and tidy, provides the serviced unit with household equipment, overalls, hygiene items, stationery, detergents, bed linen and underwear for patients. Makes a change of bathrobes, towels for employees of a medical organization. Draws up requests for the repair of premises, equipment, inventory and supervises its implementation. Provides power supply units (buffet, canteen) with equipment, utensils and monitors their correct labeling and use. Maintains accounting records.

must know: expiration dates of linen and equipment used in a medical organization (department); methods of sanitizing inventory; conditions of operation and storage of inventory; forms of accounting and reporting documentation and rules for filling them out; rules for compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime in a medical organization (subdivision); internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Secondary (complete) general education and additional training in the direction of professional activity without presenting requirements for work experience.


Job responsibilities. Cleans rooms in a medical facility. Helps the senior nurse in obtaining medicines, tools, equipment and delivering them to the department. Receives from the hostess and ensures the proper storage and use of linen, household equipment, dishes and detergents. Removes bedside tables from bedridden patients after each meal. At the direction of the ward nurse, she accompanies patients to the treatment and diagnostic rooms. Performs the functions of a courier, carries out washing of pharmacy dishes. Informs the hostess about malfunctions in the heating system, water supply, sewerage and electrical appliances. Prepares rooms and bathrooms. Systematically (after each patient) performs sanitary and hygienic treatment of the bath and washcloths. Provides assistance to patients when taking a hygienic bath, when undressing and dressing. In the absence of a junior nurse to care for the sick, she receives underwear and bed linen from the hostess and changes them. Receives prepared food at the catering department, checks it by weight and count. Signed in the distribution sheet. Produces food heating. Distributes hot food to patients according to the menu and prescribed diet. Washes dishes, cleans the pantry and dining room, observing sanitary requirements. Systematically cleans refrigerators intended for storage of products of patients. Provides sanitary and hygienic maintenance of the pantry and dining room. Informs the management of the department in a timely manner about the need to repair equipment and pantry inventory.

must know: rules of sanitation and occupational health; the purpose of detergents and the rules for handling them; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Secondary (complete) general education without presenting requirements for work experience.

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