Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk who were born. Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov: “God gives a child when people are ready for it. Julia's late pregnancy, what is the reason for this


I have been suffering for more than a week .... Yesterday we booked tickets to Adler from June 20 to July 2. Arrival early in the morning, departure late in the evening. But more about that later ... The apartment disappears immediately, they are very far from the sea, there are of course. But there the price is one and a half times higher. Guest house ... but those that are in my price range are 14-17 thousand for 7 days, quite modest budget, but they have a shared kitchen ... which means you can cook and save a little on a cafe. (but here of course there are inconveniences, they are all on the 1st floors, it is necessary to go downstairs to prepare the food in the morning and raise the prepared food up again (if you suddenly get a room on the 3rd-4th floor) There are even a couple of hotels with breakfasts up to 20 thousand, but they don’t even a kettle in the room.. there is also an apart-hotel... of course it's super.. and the kitchen in the room and the rooms themselves are better... but the price tag is immediately higher by 6-7 thousand... so it turns out I pay for the presence of the kitchen 7 thousand, but I buy products myself .. or I give these 7 thousand to the hotel, but for this money I only get breakfast (yes average cost breakfast at the hotel 250-300 rubles) ..... and where there are 2 more times a day, with the condition that we have a child of 4 years old ... and how much money to lay down for food .. per day .... I have a little entertainment I looked at the prices .. I realized that 10 thousand is not enough, you need to lay 15 (one trip to the oceanarium 700 + 700 I don’t know how many for children, probably 500 = 1900, another dolphinarium, I still think it makes sense to go to the water park ...., tell me more I want to leave 2 days in Krasnaya Polyana, so I can’t go back and forth all the same 50 km.Here I found a hotel with breakfast and dinner for 2000 rubles per day.There you can even take lunch for 450 rubles.I also add the amount for early and late check-out , and this most likely will have to be paid back in 2 more days ... Tell us how you plan your vacation in terms of money .... So, as a family, we were only in Minsk. but it's 4 days, and I think that we spent a lot (about 30 thousand but this is with tickets and accommodation) I have never been to our south (well, only in childhood) When I was not married, it was only abroad But this time we will not consider it Atrivem Yes, but ... I will not delve into it. Those who consider themselves can count and pass by...We have half the country like this....Sunshine to all....who is not difficult to wait for advice.


Minister's daughter without portfolio

Hi all. A small preface: in January, succumbing to a spiritual impulse, I adopted a puppy from a shelter. Before that, we already had a dog, I knew what a responsibility it was, there were no problems with it. In my rainbow dreams, I walked with my wonderful obedient dog, watched TV stroking his ear, etc. etc.
And now about the problem. Now he is 7 months old little puppy, turned into big crocodile who ate all the walls. On the street, he absolutely does not obey me, despite the help of the cynologist, he does not stop going to the toilet at home, although the diapers have long been removed and he goes outside. I am well aware that this is my problem - I can’t find an approach to it, but I don’t have enough patience anymore. And so I think: do not spoil his psyche and myself and find new owners or continue trying to become a leader.


sawmill mom

I adopted a cat from a shelter. He is only 1.5 months old. Despite his tiny age, he suffered. It was thrown on May 9 to the woman who was leaving it. His eyes were festering, bleeding, dirty, flea-ridden.
I am at home now. Goes to the tray. Incredibly affectionate and active. Purrs when playing and eating. Slept with me and sang songs all night!)
We have an adult cat, Russian blue. Strict aristocrat, spoiled. The kitten despises, growls, hisses, but does not touch.
Question for the experienced. I feed the kitten with boiled breast, kefir. Doesn't drink milk. The kitten accidentally ate dry food of an adult cat, vomited. What else can you feed?
I begged my daughter for oatmeal, I was afraid to give it. She fed on chicken meat.
And more., advise a name for a kitten.
Only not Ryzhik and not Peach.
Thank you.


Until the christening, Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov will not name their daughter, will not show her face. But in the studio of the Secret for a Million program, the singer told who the baby looked like.

On October 13, a daughter was born in a family of artists. The spouses, who have been together for about 10 years, were even suspected of some kind of health problems - they met for 6 years, married for 4 years, but no children.

“We prepared for this event, tried and put ourselves in order. It's physiological pure history, we had a good rest, passed all the tests. Still, God gives children when people are really ready for this, - admitted Alexey. How did Yulia announce her pregnancy? She said she didn't feel right. As an alarmist, I immediately decided that it was time for the doctors. And it turned out - we are waiting for an interesting creature!

They decided to keep an interesting situation a secret for everyone, only the doctor knew. They even hid from relatives to the last - they were afraid to upset them if something suddenly went wrong. Throughout her pregnancy, Yulia swam, rested, and did yoga. There was no toxicosis, whims. And when it came time to go to an elite perinatal center in the Moscow region, Chumakov was on the set and disrupted the workflow for the first time. He dropped everything and went to his beloved.

“Yes, I was present at the birth. Any man should have seen this. Otherwise, I would have deprived myself of a huge reservoir of memories. I arrived on my own, without a driver. He put them in the car and took them away. All. No waste-ta-ta for show, I really don’t like it, ”the singer admits.

Now the couple is preparing for the christening of their daughter. And until that time, they hide the name of the newborn and do not show her photo.

“Sometimes she turns her head so that she looks like Yulia, but my oriental blood still prevailed. The daughter is dark-haired, her eyes are brown. Of course, the wife is now completely absorbed in maternal chores, but we are looking for a nanny. It's hard to find someone that you can trust with your child so quickly. Therefore, now her mother is helping Yulia, ”says the newly-made dad.

Alexey recalled the history of relations with Yulia - it turns out that on the eve of the engagement they had a very serious quarrel. “Yes, they didn’t get married right away, I, like any man, am a coward. It was not easy to give up your comfort. But as soon as I realized that I had matured emotionally and financially, I immediately asked Yulia to become my wife.

The day before, we had a wild fight. The offer was not an attempt to apologize. It's just that the time has come, and I wanted to make peace. On my part, it was nothing but waste - rings, cakes, rose petals. Not worried, but worried. Everything went well except… me. I set up the camera to record Yulia's emotions, turned off the light. But at the right moment I forgot to turn on the lamp! And now we can only listen to how I made the proposal.

The wedding was celebrated 2 times - in Moscow with 7 guests and in Spain with 12 guests. “It was raining wildly, we quickly signed and left for a restaurant to celebrate with our closest ones. And then they flew to Spain, where they rented a villa, and celebrated there.”

AT family life artists - complete mutual understanding, because they have learned to compromise. “For example, I don’t like to have breakfast with someone. She knows and accepts it. Or Julia - very thermophilic, even when it's +45 outside, she wraps herself in blankets in the bedroom. And the tip of my nose should be icy. And nothing, solved, we have one bedroom. In general, we quarrel, but Julia, how smart man, the first goes to reconciliation.

One question, the question of Lera Kudryavtseva, brought Alexei to tears - about his mother. She died 7 years ago. “Mom is a TB doctor, and we never saw her even with a glass of wine. And she died of cirrhosis of the liver… The doctor, we don’t even know which one, brought the hepatitis virus into the blood. When we found out about problems with the liver, it was too late ... Then my parents lived in Tyumen, I urgently organized a move to Moscow. She could no longer walk, in practically no condition, when she did not even recognize me, they brought me to the hospital. The council decided that mother had no more than six months left. But, fortunately, on the way we came across a doctor whose mother died precisely from this disease. He was inspired, took care of her, and she lived for another six years! Yes, she had weak legs, but in general it was a full life.

For these 6 years I did not drink cognac even in the evening. Every night we waited - suddenly they would call, suddenly bleeding would begin, and they had to be taken to the hospital. And when one of the parents called, I jumped in anticipation bad news. They called from the intensive care unit and said: three days maximum. Yulia and I went to dad - I controlled myself, thought about my father, it was harder for him. These three days he lived normally, following the truth: old age and death must be accepted humbly. In the last conversation, she wished me happiness ... "

And Chumakov is really happy - he has a wonderful wife and daughter. He calls up his father 5 times a day, has a close relationship with his brother Sergei. "One of my brother's sons is called Lesha Chumakov, and I am his godfather." Career is also going uphill, fees allow you to complete repairs in an elite mansion, total area which is 500 m² plus the same area occupies.

“I always ran home, and now I’m even more in a hurry, because my daughter is waiting for me there! And I am absolutely happy, ”summed up the singer.

They became parents for the first time in mid-September this year. For the first time, Chumakov decided to publicly reveal why he and his wife took so long to give birth. The singer told the details of his personal life to the host of the show "Secret for a Million" Lera Kudryavtseva. So, for example, Alexey dispelled rumors that he and his wife allegedly could not have children due to health problems.

Chumakov said that they did not have children for so long for only one reason: he and Yulia decided to seriously prepare for the issue of having a child. According to the artist, due to the heavy workload, they didn’t even have time to think about having offspring before. However, years ago, after having a serious talk on this topic, they decided to first take care of their health, see doctors and, of course, have a good rest.

Alexey Chumakov said that his daughter looks more like him than Yulia Kovalchuk

Upon learning of the pregnancy, Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov made a decision: they would not tell anyone about this, even the closest people. The star couple was afraid possible complications during pregnancy. As a result, Julia calmly spent nine months before the birth of her daughter. However, as Aleksey explained in the Secret for a Million show, even now they are not going to show their daughter to the public, at least until the christening. Moreover, the couple also decided not to name the girl's name yet. But the singer nevertheless told some details. So, for example, he admitted that he was present at the birth. And I'm sure it couldn't be otherwise.

In the program of Lera Kudryavtseva, footage of the happy young dad Alexei Chumakov walking near the pond with a stroller was shown. Gently looking into the stroller, the singer said that, nevertheless, the daughter, in his opinion, is more like him: “Some features sometimes slip: once - Julia. Sometimes will turn - exactly me. Part of Yulin's nose, part - my. What a beautiful symbiosis. But my black blood, of course, won: it is black. And her eyes will probably be brown».

"Secret for a Million": Alexey Chumakov

Recall that Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk officially formalized their relationship on October 1, 2013, although they have been living for ten years. According to the singer and TV presenter, she considers herself very happy woman, because there is a strong shoulder nearby: “Sometimes my independence takes over, but I catch myself in time: “No, I can’t do it myself!” We had a stage in life when we, both leaders, did not want to give in to each other. But it is important for a man to understand that he is in charge. And I began to adjust. As soon as I began to yield, he began to yield too.

Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk became parents on October 13. The artists hid the imminent replenishment in the family for a long time, but later they posted a photo showing the legs of a newborn daughter. Now the young father is trying to spend as much free time at home as possible in order to support his wife and monitor the development of the baby.

Alexey and Yulia do not want to show the girl’s face before the christening, but on the air of the “Secret for a Million” program, the artist nevertheless told who the heiress looks like.

“Sometimes she turns her head so that she looks like Yulia, but my oriental blood still prevailed. The daughter is dark-haired, her eyes are brown. Of course, the wife is now completely absorbed in maternal chores, but we are looking for a nanny. It's hard to find someone that you can trust with your child so quickly. Therefore, now her mother is helping Yulia, ”said the artist.

Every day, Chumakov tries to quickly resolve work issues in order to return home to his wife and child. The man said that Yulia tries to keep him informed of the first successes of the baby, so she often sends photos and videos with the girl to her new father.

According to Alexei, the wife endured the pregnancy well. Kovalchuk did not suffer from toxicosis, she did not have serious mood swings.

“I see that Yulia wants to take care of a child, she is happy to learn the basics of motherhood. But the fact is that she is an active popular artist, so you won’t be able to do without an assistant, ”said the man.

For star couple it was important that fans and friends were not aware of the pregnancy. In an interview for the Secret for a Million program, Yulia admitted that even relatives found out about the imminent replenishment in the family only a few months later. According to her, only she and Alexei and the doctor were aware of the happy event.

Now Chumakov feels absolutely happy, because he has long dreamed of a child. However, the artist regrets that his mother could not see her granddaughter. Communicating with Leroy Kudryavtseva, the man spoke for the first time about the causes of the death of the parent.

“We still don't know how it happened. Apparently the dentist introduced the hepatitis virus into her bloodstream. My mother never drank, I have never seen her with a glass of wine in all my life, and here it is. Cirrhosis began to develop against the background of hepatitis. We fought for her life for about six years, but in the end the disease turned out to be stronger, ”the artist said about the most difficult period of his life.

The musician admitted that after his mother was diagnosed, he did not sleep peacefully for a single night. At any moment he could be called to the hospital and reported on the bleeding or other complications. Remembering that difficult period, Chumakov could not hold back his tears.

The artist's father also appeared in the studio, who cared for his sick wife every day for six years. Now Georgy Georgievich lives in Moscow and every day he writes off several times with his son. If he does not get in touch for a long time, Alexei begins to worry and call his dad.

A relative of the musician remembered that at the first meeting he immediately accepted Yulia Kovalchuk as a family member. He called the singer a daughter, and now he always communicates with her with pleasure.

According to the singer, Julia was always with him, supported and tried to distract from sad thoughts. Chumakov admitted that he cheated on his former passions, but Kovalchuk turned his ideas about relationships upside down. Now he is faithful to his wife and is happy that they finally became parents.

On October 15, it became known that Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov became parents for the first time - they had a daughter.
On October 15, it became known that Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov became parents for the first time - they had a daughter. Today, the head of the family published one of the first joint pictures with his baby, which touched his fans, told

Boundless happiness

Today Alexey published one of his first pictures with the baby. On the black and white photo it is captured how the singer holds his daughter wrapped in a diaper. It is likely that the picture was taken while still in the hospital, as the artist is dressed in a hospital gown. “Did I see God? Of course yes. Birth. Did someone besides Him provide you with more substantial evidence? ”He signed the frame.

Chumakov was present at the birth of his daughter. Fans could not contain their delight, under the picture there are many joyful comments.

Long way to birth

The actress kept her secret for a long time. interesting position and now he is happy to share his joy with his fans. At this time, her husband also periodically shares either a picture of the baby’s tiny legs or tells who the girl looks more like. On the program "Secret in a Million" he admitted that the baby has common features with Julia, but still more like her father. “The daughter is dark, her eyes are brown,” the happy artist explained.

Alexey and Yulia got married four years ago, but they decided to have a baby only now. The singer touchingly thanked his wife for her daughter and dedicated the video for the song "Heaven in Your Eyes" to her. Kovalchuk took part in this video while already pregnant. It is worth noting that even in the ninth month of waiting for the baby, she looked very slim and after giving birth she regained her former shape after a few weeks.

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