Who are the pranoeds, how many of them in the world. Who is a pranoed and what do pranoeds eat? The main question is how to switch to pranoedine? Are there any transition methods? Where to start

There are many terms that denote concepts that are not familiar to us before. Among all these incomprehensible terms, it is difficult for yourself to determine what you should pay attention to.

One of these terms is pranoedie. What does this word mean? This term refers to the refusal of food. Pranoedenie is a kind of philosophy. Proponents of the prano-eating movement speak of maintaining human life only through air.
So that a person does not die of hunger, he must eat prana - a special vital energy that came from Judaism.

Some sources state that prana is in the light of the sun. People who eat prana are called sun-eaters.
There are other names for sun-eaters - breatharians. The word comes from the English "breath" - breath. As you can see, the names are peculiar.

Is sun-eating a myth or a reality? Science completely denies pranoedema, that is, the possibility of existence without food. According to scientists, pranaedeniya contradicts a healthy full-fledged human life. But sometimes science can be wrong.
Science has always denied that there are supernatural forces, spirits, ghosts. Why then there are so many eyewitnesses of supernatural events, people with unusual abilities.

Prana is mystical matter. Suneaters say that prana exists everywhere, but most of all it is in the air. It sets everything in motion, being its essence.

Members of the pranoedema movement emotionally describe their feelings. But does prana really help to live, or does prana diet lead to dire consequences?
Reviews about sun eating are different. Everyone deals with it in their own way.

There are many interviews with sun eaters. They describe in detail how they came to pranaedenia, how they live and eat.
Some sun-eaters do not even drink water and control their body, and live in perfect harmony. They claim that when they switch to sun-eating, they no longer require food.

Pranoeds believe that the absence of a need for nutrition gives a person freedom. The inner "I" of a person opens, he knows himself.

The currents of philosophy have led to self-knowledge by man since Socratic times.
Suneaters consider their way of life to be evolutionary. They strive for the best, constantly improving, changing the usual human form.
Many Internet resources have interviews and reviews of pranoeders. There are negative reviews. There have been deaths from exposure to the sun. Many write about anorexia, a disease in which people are no longer able to eat.

Some write that pranoeedia is a deception for gullible people. But this deception leads to death.
In fact, there is no evidence from prano-eating gurus that they really exist without food. People take the guru of pranaedeniya at their word because of their natural gullibility. It will be difficult for you to find one hundred percent evidence of sun eating. Not a single person has done a real test that proves life without food.
According to one of the commentators, teachers who teach solar eating will not agree to prove it for any amount of money, so as not to expose fraud and thereby close access to easy money in seminars.

Advocates of pranaeedia argue that those who died of anorexia on the way to sun-eating lacked a motivating factor.
Unfortunately, there is another side effect of prano-eating - sociopathy, lack of humanism. People have always aspired to everything unusual.

The question of sun eating remains unproven. There are arguments both for and against pranaedenia.
If you decide to join the sun-eaters, do not forget about the safety rules. It is necessary to switch to sun eating for a long time, gradually and slowly. The body has to get used to it.

Don't forget to visit your doctor regularly. We must not forget about health.
Intermediate stages of sun eating are fruit eating and raw food eating. These are already more attractive and reliable stages. Whether you are interested in this is up to you.

Sun Eater Genesis Sunfire
This person can not be called like everyone else. He looks unusual, his views on life and lifestyle are also different. If you watch a video with Genesis, you will feel how strong his energy is.
Solntseed Dmitry Lapshinov has not eaten for 2 years
Lapshinov Dmitry looks a little more adequate, he is quite implemented in society. He became a sun eater through energy practices such as Qigong. Dmitry needed them to improve sports achievements in martial arts. After that, he lost interest in sports and switched to pranaedeniya. Dmitry drinks water, which the previous sun-eater does not. Is it worth trusting a person who claims that he does not eat anything. Maybe yes, maybe no. The number of people refusing food is increasing every day. You can attend a congress or a seminar of pranoeds and communicate with them personally.

Probably, the question “is it possible to be a pranoedist” should have been put differently - “what prevents you from believing in sun eating”.

If a person does not understand an unusual unfamiliar phenomenon, this does not mean that you need to close your eyes to him and deny this phenomenon.

Solntseed Dmitry Lapshinov explains the phenomenon of pranoedia with a certain theory. The physical body is being improved and this has a direct relationship with the food consumed.

The body does change, but it's not just the gut microflora that changes. He explains this phenomenon by a two-way relationship between nutrition and spiritual development.
The evolutionary development of a person is changing, and what a person eats is also changing. It was enough for the Buddha to eat one grain of rice a day for normal life.

Ramaling transformed the body and no longer needed food. When we change our diet, we develop spiritually, says Dmitry Lapshinov, author of The Sound of Silence.
This theory, in principle, has a place to be.

Pranayama or sun-eating is the ability of a person to do without food and water for a long time, eating at the expense of the all-penetrating energy of prana (life force). It is believed that sunlight is the main source of prana. Synonyms for pranaeedia are breatharianism - from the English "breath" (breathing) and bigu - in Chinese "without food".
Except for various semi-mythical references to hermits, saints, enlightened ones, yogis, etc., who reached a state where their life could be maintained without the consumption of physical food, the phenomenon of pranaeedia until recently was practically not encountered.

But over the past decades, sun-eating has become an obvious fact, despite the fact that it is completely denied by official science. Some of the sun-eaters (and there are about 8 thousand such people on Earth, according to various estimates), associate the development of pranoedia with the transition of the Earth to a new energy state - along with the planet, the spiritual and physical capabilities of people change dramatically.

There are several ways how one can gain the possibility of life without physical nutrition. One of them is associated with obtaining solar energy by gazing at the setting or dawn sun. When applying this practice, it is recommended to combine it with walking barefoot on the ground.

Such nourishment by the sun has become quite widespread in India, where it is associated with yogic practices. It is believed that sun eating gives a person physical and spiritual health, relieves diseases. Gradually, within six months of classes, there is a noticeable decrease in appetite: in the future, the body can completely switch to prana nutrition instead of physical nutrition. The most famous representative of this path is the Hindu Hira Ratan Manek, who gives detailed instructions on how to gradually switch to sun-eating. Another well-known Indian pranoed is Solar Yogi Umasankar.

Among other ways of giving up physical food, there is the so-called alchemical method. It is described as the use of special chemicals that increase a person's energy and gradually allow him to do without food. This method is the most dangerous of all and is available only to masters. At the same time, there is no reliable information about the effectiveness of the alchemical method.

The closest and most understandable for a modern person are two, largely intersecting, ways of transitioning to prano-eating: through conscious nutrition and fruitarianism.

Mindful eating is an extremely powerful tool that allows you to individually regulate the physical nutrition of the body, in accordance with its actual needs, and not social habits, stereotypes and fears. The practitioner should concentrate as much as possible on his feelings, fix them, notice all the nuances. This begins with the realization of what a feeling of hunger represents for a person, what kind of food he really wants, how the taste and feeling of satiety change in the process of smelling food, chewing it for a long time. This is a kind of journey inside yourself, as a result of which you can find harmony in nutrition, give up the superfluous and harmful.

It is important that along this path each person will go as far as he is destined: someone will just give up meat and fast food, and someone will achieve prano-eating. You should not force the process, it is important to understand that everyone has their own purpose and their own path.

In this regard, the experience of Jericho Sunfire is very interesting. This is an ordinary person living in the UK, who at one point realized that poor-quality dead food kills and torments him. Overcoming the habits of his body, repeatedly returning to the usual way of eating, he still managed to switch to fruitarianism (eating fruit alone). Without stopping in his development, after a while he was able to practice pranoedics. The entire path of transformation took more than 10 years. Sunfire makes the following key points:

The first step was the most difficult for him, he conquered the next steps without experiencing torment and serious discomfort.
It is important to trust your intuition, your feelings.
Pranoedenie is not for everyone. Jericho himself considers himself a messenger of other worlds who lives on Earth.

It should be noted that pranoedema is still at the very beginning of its development: few people believe in such capabilities of the human body, and even fewer people try to practice it. But gradually the energy state of our planet is changing, opening up hitherto unseen prospects for the development of human potential. At the same time, more and more experience of pranoedia appears, methods of transition to life without food are being improved and worked out. Probably, in the future, humanity will step into a new stage of development, having learned to eat sunlight. Now it is impossible to imagine what this new world of sun-eaters will be like, but, of course, it is worth welcoming all the initiatives that contribute to its speedy onset.


To answer this question, the first thing to do is to determine the purpose for which we live on the planet? What is our mission? What is my purpose exactly?
And Pranoedenie acts not as a goal, but as a consequence. It can be compared to physical education. You like the process of morning jogging or going to the gym. After a while, you see that your body has begun to change, you have become stronger and more beautiful, but besides, your body will reward you with better health. And it turns out that you did it for pleasure, in order to feel more cheerful after a workout, and in addition you got a lot of energy, endurance, strength, beauty, and even good health. For most people, "here and now" is just words, they don't realize it. Not many people on the planet are able to meditate on all their actions. Everything around us is constantly moving, nothing stops even for a second, and it is important for a person to learn to “see” this.

The same effect is with sun-eating. You do and give yourself to your favorite thing, the thing that brings you joy, the cause from which the soul sings, which is why sun-eating is a result, but not a goal.
Each person is endowed with his own destiny, following it, he quickly acquires and fully reveals his own potential. And one of your favorite activities, and maybe all of them, may be your destiny. If, for example, you love chemistry, then the road to the Nobel Prize will be many times shorter than if drawing was your favorite pastime, and it is very important here that the Nobel Prize will be a bonus for you from doing what you love. The same principle works and vice versa, it is easier for you to become a famous world artist than a chemistry lover.
Playing the guitar brings a person pleasure, and after a couple of years he becomes a popular star, although he did not initially strive for this.

What are the benefits of energizing?

It must be understood that a person is a social being, and the benefits of breathing prana will extend to other people. Pranoeeding can bring great benefits to the biosphere, save bioresources, raise the level of consciousness of all mankind and increase health. A person is able to live for hundreds and thousands of years, preserving the ecosystem, and not destroying it. Pranoedenie - what is it, a panacea for many problems? Followers of the doctrine believe that it is so. Nowadays, a huge number of people are interested in this topic, there is a bunch of thematic literature, forums, websites and blogs. Of course, the path to prana nutrition is complex and thorny. Many difficulties are contained in the teaching called pranaedenia, a simple transition is simply impossible.

How to switch to pranoedine?

Just take it and stop eating - it's impossible. Without preparation, this is fraught with exhaustion of the body and all the ensuing consequences.

To do this, you need to go a long way, including inside yourself, in your head, to realize what you need it for. First you need to give up eating animal products, that is, switch to vegetarianism, after which you will have a raw food diet - eating plant foods in their raw form. The portal about weight loss hudeem-bez-problem.ru has already talked about the raw food diet.

Moreover, the method of transition to prano-eating implies the following chain: raw-mono-eating-juice-drinking-water-drinking-prano-eating.
Do not think that pranaedeniya has the ultimate goal - weight loss. Of course, refusing food, a person will lose weight.

This lifestyle presupposes subsequent discoveries in life, such as spiritual enlightenment, good health, eternal youth. Therefore, those who are going to switch to prana nutrition need to:

  • Clearly understand what your vector of personality development is;
  • Understand the role of nutrition in this process;
  • Understand exactly how each individual product affects the dynamics of this process;
  • Through trial and error, through experience, gain knowledge of how food affects spiritual and physical development.

Process Difficulties

The transition to pranoedema is a long and difficult path, which only in words seems simple and rosy. In fact, there are many obstacles and difficulties that will stand in the way of the practitioner. Firstly, it is very difficult to overcome the taste habits and addictions that have developed over the years and decades. That is why “breakdowns” often occur when a person can break into a sudden snack. Secondly, you need the support of loved ones. The transition to prano-eating is a test of the will and perseverance of a person, and it can be very difficult to continue the path on your own. It must be remembered that in the Western world the nourishment of prana has only recently become known and is still very little spread. Therefore, the followers of this teaching move towards the dream through mistakes and trials, experiencing new methods and new difficulties.

Sun and pranoedine: pros and cons

There are several aspects according to which prana nutrition is beneficial for human health:

It is possible to ensure the optimal flow of vital energy and get rid of food addiction - it is enough just to follow certain rules;
Thanks to sun eating, it turns out to cleanse your body of toxins and toxins, get rid of excess weight, normalize metabolism, but there is no official confirmation of this.
Breatharianism has many more negative sides:

In some cases, everything ends with complete exhaustion and anorexia, when a person is no longer physically able to eat;
Doctors believe that vitamins, minerals and trace elements can only be obtained with the help of food - the sun is not able to provide the supply of these substances, as a result of which nails can begin to break, hair weakens and skin condition worsens, and sometimes death occurs.

Pranoedenie: myth or reality

In fact, there are a lot of pranoeds now who claim that their lifestyle is strikingly different from other people, and this is actually so:

They pay more attention to spiritual and physical improvement;
For them, psychological comfort is very important;
As a rule, they do not have excess weight and health problems, because. they do yoga.
There is a downside here: there are many cases when pranoeds simply died of hunger, however, those who still manage to eat only the sun and air for a long time say that such people simply did not have enough motivation.

When you refuse to eat, the production of vital hormones stops over time, the internal organs shrink and their work is completely disrupted;
In most cases, pranaeedia ends with anorexia and more serious illnesses.
Whether or not to adhere to pranoedia is up to each person to decide, but first you should study all the positive and negative aspects of such a lifestyle.

Galina El Sharas. Pranoed - third year

Oberon Silva - one of the family of pranoeds

Jericho Sunfire

Dirk Schroder - pranoed since 2004

Elite Ben Israel - pranoed 10 years

Elite Ben Israel is a prano-eater living in Columbus, Ohio, USA, who has not eaten for 10 years. The Elite will talk in detail about the process he went through to become food independent. Before becoming a prano-eater, Elite was a vegan, i.e. ate food without animal products. Also, he had experience of fasting (fasting). This experience was useful to him during the transition process.

Nan Shi Hongkin from China. Breatharian (pranoeater) for over 20 years

Dharma Sangha (Buddha fight)

Rumors about an unusual young hermit, known in the world under the name of Buddha-boy, who spent 6 years in meditation without food and water, have reached us. This summer, monks and friends of the Buddhist order Nippodzan Mehoji, led by their teacher Zensei Terasawa, went on a pilgrimage. Her main goal was to participate in the procession dedicated to the exit from the 6-year meditation cycle of this unusual young man living in the jungles of Nepal, at the foot of the Himalayas.

Giri Bala

Ivard claims that the human body can independently synthesize all the substances necessary for life, that is, it can do without food. This is what Ivard strives for, and now it is enough for him to drink a glass of juice or water with a spoonful of honey a day. He looks great (despite the fact that he is already well over 50 years old!).

Nikolay Dolgoruky - sun-eater

For two years now, as a 48-year-old resident of Zaporozhye, Nikolai Dolgoruky has refused the food familiar to a person, but he does not miss a wonderful breakfast of sunlight and the energy of space. He says that such a “dish” invigorates more abruptly than the once beloved coffee: you want to fly, sing and laugh.

The tastiest sun is at dawn, according to Nikolay Dolgoruky, who lives in a pyramid on Sunny Street in Zaporozhye.

Jack Davis

Jack Davis lives in the Hawaiian Islands. After attending a Wylie Brooks seminar, gradually "reduced and changed my diet"


Alenara is a wonderful girl who went through a 21 day cleansing process (described in detail in Jasmuheen's Pranic Nutrition) and switched to light energy in 2002. He plans to publish a book about it. Conducted seminars. Lives in Sweden.

Born in 1898 in northern Bavaria. At the age of twenty, she became blind and paralyzed in an accident. In 1923, miraculously healed. Since then, Teresa has taken nothing but her daily little communion wafer into her mouth. Stigmata, or sacred wounds, began to appear weekly on her arms, legs, and chest. Yogananda claimed that in a past life, Teresa Neumann was Mary Magdalene. And that she is now here again to show the whole world that it is possible to live on Divine energy. During the 36 years that Teresa wore the stigmata, thousands of pilgrims visited her house and witnessed this miracle. Teresa died in 1962. Her life is described in the book Teresa Neumann by Paola Giovetti.

Oles - pranoed from Uzbekistan

After reading the book Life Without Food, I gradually stopped eating. The transition took about two years. I have not eaten for 8 months, my health is wonderful. At first there were difficulties, I got tired, I am a taekwondo coach, so it was especially difficult, now it’s good. I live in Uzbekistan.

Do you drink anything? And as with weight, did you manage to gain muscle mass? tell us a little more about it.

Sometimes I drink, especially after workouts. Somewhere on average once every three days, sometimes less often, about 100-200 grams approximately, although there is no feeling of thirst as such. Taste sensations have changed dramatically: I can’t drink tap water, only bottled purified water without gas, and for some reason very cold. Associations arise - you drink liquid ice. The first month was tormented by weakness, I am a coach and an active athlete, so for me it was a huge problem. In the first two weeks, I lost 8 kg of weight from 76 kg to 68 kg, then I froze at this mark and did not move, I lost a lot of muscle mass, especially in the region of the deltoid muscles and chest muscles. But this did not affect the ability to take a hit. Stretching has become just a class, the sensations of the legs are rubber and do not hurt at all after about 8–12 days. Besides my wife, no one knows about my lifestyle, it's for the better that others simply won't understand. The works of Mantak Chia helped a lot.

Class. And what method did you use??
Went on for about two years. At first I practiced therapeutic fasting every Sunday, I didn’t change my eating habits, meat, sweets and all that. Gradually, the duration of abstinence from food increased. Then I read about the state of bigu and realized that I was already in it. I stopped enjoying food. Although there were a lot of failures. The most difficult thing in the transition was a strange feeling in the chest and shoulder girdle, weakness, and what I still can’t explain, the exercises with weights helped, it seemed that I was pumping energy there.

Kazimir Karvot

Pole. Before moving to life in the Light, in 1999 and 2000, he lived for a long time in nature, where he worked on his own spiritual growth. As is the case with many non-eaters, his current state is the result of 12 years of spiritual work on himself. He lived in extremely modest conditions, on the outskirts of the village. In February 2001, he went through a 21-day process. Now he declares: "I live because of the Light."

Martha Robin

Frenchwoman. Born in 1902 (Châteauneuf de Galore), she never left her native village. From March 1928, she could not take any food. Any attempt to eat anything provoked vomiting. She couldn't even swallow water. Also, she couldn't sleep. The doctors were powerless to help her. Martha moved to a monastery, where she spent a life of seclusion, full of prayer and contemplation.

Steve Torrance

American, husband of Evelyn Levy. In early 1999, he read the book Life and Teachings of the Masters of the East, which made a strong impression on him. According to him, he came to the conclusion that “our bodies do not need physical food, but they had to adapt to it, under duress. Food is not only unnecessary, but also harmful to health and spirit.

Evelyn Levy

Brazilian, lives with her husband Steve in the USA. Going on a solo trip to Peru, where she did not eat for five days, she became interested in immortality and life in the Light. From that moment, she began a natural process of raising her own vibrations, which resulted in the disappearance of the feeling of hunger. Later, in 1999, when her husband made the decision to refuse food, she did the same. Her website: http://vivendodaluz.com.

Solar Yogi Umashankar

Umashankarji discovered a method of absorbing energy directly from the Sun, which he called "Sun Eating". This method allowed him to completely get rid of the need for food, water and sleep. He says: “From August 17, 1996, to December 7, 1996, I did not eat or drink anything. But, due to the constant requests of relatives, I had to restore the usual food intake.

Won Tanxi

Quote from her website www.vonatansey.com: “Vona has been living in the Universal Spiritual Light since September 2001. She does not need food to keep her body in a healthy shape, with optimal weight and high vitality. Her body is tuned to high vibrations, in resonance with Divine Consciousness and unconditional Love.”

Wylie Brooks

American, one of the longest known breatharians. According to his statements, he has not eaten for the last thirty years. He claims that eating is an acquired habit. His website is www.breatharian.com.

Will van der Meer

Dutchman living in the US state of Montana. When he taught his seminar in Poland in November 2003, he claimed to have not eaten since March 2001.

Chu Fang

Chinese. In December 1996, the Japanese publication "Borderland" published an article about her, which states that this woman has not eaten anything for six years (at the time of publication), and at the same time, she is completely healthy. More information on the website: www.longevitywatch.com

Thousands of other people

How many more people live on Earth who do not touch food and water? People from different walks of life, different beliefs - they all have one thing in common: freedom from food. And each has its own unique story. Most of them do not advertise their capabilities, so as not to attract excessive public attention, and possible negative.

What is prana? Why give up the usual food and switch to pranic nutrition? What gives pranoedema? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

What is prana?

Prana is the energy of life. It is something without which life cannot exist. Everything around moves, because it is permeated with prana. The body moves as long as there is prana in it, and this movement stops when prana leaves the body.

Prana is everywhere: in the air, in water, in space, in the earth, in all living beings.

A person is able to accumulate the energy of prana in himself. The more life energy you have, the healthier, stronger, happier you are. Do not waste prana on trifles. Prana is especially well spent when a person indulges in sexual excesses. If you can control your sexual energy, then you are able to control your consciousness and prana.

What is all this for? Why switch to pruning?

First we need to decide why we are here at all? What is our mission? What is my purpose?

Pranoedenie is not the goal itself, it is a consequence. It's like amateur sports or physical education. You run in the morning or go to the gym, you get a lot of pleasure from the process. After some time, you notice that you have become stronger, more beautiful and more resilient, and your work on yourself has rewarded you with health, that is, you worked out for pleasure, for the process itself, for the sake of the feeling that arises after training, but you got: a good shape , strength, endurance, health, energy ... Many are not aware of the "here and now", for many these are simple words. Few people can meditate on their every action. Everything and always around us is in motion, a person must learn to "see" this. If you love what you do, then you are on the right track.

It is the same with pranoedema. You are doing what you love, exactly what you like to do, what you love to do, your soul begins to sing with joy, happiness, from the fact that you are doing exactly what you want, and prano-eating is the result, but not the goal .

Each person has his own purpose, thanks to which you will reveal your own potential as quickly as possible. Favorite activities - perhaps this is your destiny. If you love mathematics, then the path to the Nobel Prize will be much shorter than if you loved drawing more than anything in the world, and what is not unimportant - the Nobel Prize will be as a bonus from your favorite activities. Conversely, if you love to draw, then it will be easier for you to become an outstanding artist than someone who loves mathematics.

A person plays the guitar because it brings him pleasure, and now a few years pass and he becomes a star, although he did not aspire to this. Playing for the sake of playing, plucking strings for fun.

Awareness– who am I, why am I here, what talents and abilities do I have?

Decide on a direction- what I want to do in order to fully use my talents and abilities, and get maximum pleasure from using them.

Discovering your talents.

Enjoying a happy and harmonious life.

The main question is how to switch to pranoedine? Are there any transition methods? Where to start?

First you need to decide what to go for. There is no clear instruction on how to switch to pranoedema, no clear mechanisms. There are many books about pranaedenia, with different methods of transition, but it all has one thing in common - understanding one's own Self.

Yes, there are methods, but it is rather necessary in order to restructure your thoughts. That is, it is like vegetarianism: if you think that life is not possible without meat, then when you switch to a meat-free diet, you will get sick, grow old, and in the end you will simply return to your previous diet. Noo, if your consciousness sees in vegetarianism - health, a beautiful body, a way out of some situation, then becoming a vegetarian, you will get all this.

How can this be attributed to the method of transition to pranaedesis? Yes, everything is simple, as with vitamins that are given to a cancer patient. He begins to believe in the miracle of the new drug and recovers. It is the same here, a person, having completed a certain technique for switching to pranoed, believes that he becomes a pranoed. In this case, the transition mechanism acts as a catalyst. You can do without all this.

Where to start? From a raw food diet.

What changes are taking place in the body? Is weight being lost? Physical exercise.

Again, everything depends on your thoughts, what thoughts, such is the body.

Weight - again thoughts. The power of thought is a powerful "thing".

The pinnacle of spirituality. Isn't it such that the pranoed has nothing to do here on this planet? That is, enlightenment has come, but death has not yet come.

Are “not eating” and “nothing to do” somehow related? Everyone has their own purpose and it does not depend on whether you adhere to prano-eating, vegetarianism or another "religion". You can unlock your potential as anyone.

Can anyone become a pranoedist?

What after pranoedeniya???

Even as a vegetarian or raw foodist, people are still part of what is driving our ecosystem into the abyss.

Perhaps the topic should have been called not “Why become a pranoed?”, but “What after pranoedics?”, And only a small part will understand this question as it should be understood. This is not about the superpowers of a person, what he will be like after pranoedia, but about what will happen to our world after people move to a new level. The earth will begin its revival, the thinking of man as a whole will change.

What after pranaedenia?:

Healthy people

Healthy Earth

New level of consciousness

Kindness in everything and everyone

Lifespan will vary in hundreds of years

Pure Consciousness

The most important thing is that everyone will do their own thing, exactly what they are here for.

Here's what after pranaedeniya.

Greetings! This article will be very useful for those who are planning to switch to pranoedine. Many people cannot imagine an hour without water and a day without food, and someone is ready to limit himself to them for the rest of his life. Due to what then a person can exist, how his body functions, and its main functions are supported. You can understand such a theory by learning who a pranoed is.

Pranoed - who is it?

The theory of pranaedenia is a worldview according to which a person can do without food and water. Nutrition with prana - the life force, is able to maintain the vital activity of the body without additional food. It nourishes the human body. In addition to the peculiarities of the diet, adherents of this worldview enrich their inner world and absorb spiritual food. Such people are rare.

They hold various seminars, meetings, blogs, but there is no guarantee that any organism can withstand such a test. If a person still thinks about the theory under consideration, it may be worth visiting a doctor and a psychologist so that the decision made does not become the last one in his life.

Pranoedie - what is it?

Among the many ideas - vegetarianism, raw foodism, prano-eating - this is a kind of theory, which is based on refusing food to improve your soul and body. There is an opinion that such theoretical activity contradicts the laws of nature, because the body receives all useful substances from the outside, and only a small part is able to produce itself. There are two possible explanations for the theory of pranaedesis:

The body is able to produce all the necessary substances without the participation of the bacteria living in it, but such a version suggests that such an organism is physiologically different from all other people on the planet.
The body ceases to require useful substances, vitamins and elements, i.e. adapts to existence without them, but this cannot be explained from a physiological point of view.

What do pranoeds eat?

Who is a pranoed and what dishes are included in his diet? Having become interested in such a theory, the question arises of what pranoeds eat. Refusal of food and water implies starvation, but for a pranoeder, the diet consists of the following components:

  • space energy;
  • air;
  • solar energy.

How such spiritual food allows the preservation of life - there is no unambiguous answer. There is an unproven theory that the bacteria present in the human body are able to produce useful substances necessary for life - vitamins, amino acids, thanks to which, not excluding deep faith in one's worldview, there may be pranoeds.

How to switch to pranoedine?

Before becoming a pranoed, it is important to learn as much information as possible about such an unconventional philosophical direction. By simply refusing food, you can restrict your body in nutrients, which can lead to irreparable consequences or death. Fasting, or even a gradual reduction in the number of calories, is not a transition to prano-eating. The following aspects are important here, which not everyone can always understand:

  • spiritual component;
  • meditation;
  • search for internal energy.

Pranoedie - myth or reality

More than once they have already tried to implement the exposure of pranoeds:

  • arranged an interview
  • created a reality show
  • placed representatives of this philosophy under the supervision of doctors and video cameras.

Oddly enough, the result in all cases was different. For some of the pranoeders, over a long period of starvation, the state of health deteriorated significantly, while someone remained just as cheerful. According to some reports, in the second case, the participants in the experiment were not always under observation. No matter how hard both sides try to prove their case, the deaths of the followers of pranoeds give reason to think about whether it is worth endangering your life for the sake of following other people's views.

Pranayama and superpowers

According to the theory of pranoedia, nourishment with light and prana can give a person additional internal energy, strength, and purify karma. The followers of this worldview believe that prana is able to nourish the human body, support its vital activity and basic functions. All this allows a person to have some superpowers and become more resilient - according to pranoeds.

Pay attention to the fact that scientific evidence for such a theory has not yet been found, but there are examples of the reverse state:

  • weaknesses;
  • drowsiness;
  • lethargy;
  • occurrence of all kinds of health problems.

Pranoedenie and sports

Many people will say that pruning and bodybuilding are completely incompatible. When playing sports, especially such increased physical exertion, the body requires a large amount of energy and a supply of nutrients, and in case of starvation, where can you get the necessary amount of strength? Opinions on this issue are divided and reaching a consensus is completely out of the question.

A practicing pranoedist will answer - with prana a person will receive the very supply of energy, stamina, superpowers, which, along with philosophy, will allow a person to achieve the desired results. It should be noted that such an idea can lead to irreparable consequences, because fasting and diligent physical activity can nullify the capabilities of the human body.

Books about pranaedenia

A source of information about such a difficult to understand worldview can serve as a book about pranaedeniye. In general, they contain:

  • fundamentals of the philosophy of pranoeds;
  • their views and beliefs;
  • many examples from personal experience.

Here are some books on pranaedenia:

  • Jasmukhin Pranic Nutrition. In the book you can find the positive and negative aspects of this type of alternative nutrition, the methods of transition to it, the principles of spiritual cleansing of the body.
  • V.A. Shemshuk "The sun and pranaedenie". The book of the author in question will allow you to find out some points of this type of nutrition, its harm and benefit, what are the conditions for switching to it.
  • Jericho Sunfire "The Story of the Breatharian Warrior"”- the author shares his experience of switching to non-traditional types of food.

These authors sometimes hold such views themselves, but, as in any case, a theory can only verbally explain the essence of such views, beautifully describe its essence and some benefits, but in reality everything can turn out to be completely different. Therefore, before throwing yourself into the whirlpool of a previously unknown philosophy and strictly following its beliefs, you need to find out not only its pluses and minuses, but also the possible consequences for the biological system and life in general.

Famous pranoeds of the world

There are several names of followers of this philosophy - Jasmuhin (Ellen Greve), Genesis Sunfire, Olga Podorovskaya or Dmitry Lapshinov. Each of them has their own story, thanks to which they came to pranaedenia, gained their own opinion and views on the nutrition system, which is so unusual for many, enriching the inner world and maintaining physical strength.

Famous pranoeds lead an active lifestyle:

  • write articles and books;
  • communicate with people;
  • conduct video blogs;
  • participate in conferences.

How honest and truthful they are before society, only they themselves know. To follow them or not - the choice remains only with the person himself. It is important to remember that there were much more unsuccessful examples in this case than successful ones, and the life of a person and his loved ones is the most valuable. Having understood who such a pranoed is, a person himself will choose a certain worldview for himself. Following any philosophy, it is important not to forget about the well-being and comfort of the individual and family. No matter how strong the arguments of the pranoeds are, when choosing such a philosophy, human health should not fade into the background.

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