Actresses after 45. Now this is the norm: stars who gave birth after forty years. Olesya Sudzilovskaya: “The more children, the calmer the mother”

To give birth or not to give birth? Now or later? Many stars are so passionate about their careers that there is no time left for their personal lives. It is not surprising that the joy of motherhood for some TV stars comes quite late - after forty years. Although, on the other hand, who said it's too late? It would be a wish!

Svetlana Permyakova (gave birth at 40)

Worried that until the age of 39 she never met the right man and did not give birth to a child, the star of "Interns" decided to take matters into her own hands. to his 25-year-old director Maxim Skryabin to become the father of her child. In July 2012, the daughter of Varvara was born. Svetlana decided to give birth at the age of 40, knowing full well that her daughter's father would not become her legal husband. “In my story, the main thing is the child!” - says the actress.

Salma Hayek (gave birth at 41)

Salma Hayek gave birth to a daughter, Valentina, at 41 from a billionaire. The actress is sure that late motherhood is wonderful. Now her daughter has a much more mature and conscientious mother than she could have been before. “My daughter was lucky that she was born right now, when I was,” said Hayek.

Mariah Carey (gave birth at 41)

In April 2011, 41-year-old Mariah Carey, who became pregnant through IVF, gave birth to twins from now ex-spouse- Showman Nick Cannon. The pregnancy was difficult, so after the birth of the babies, the singer said that she no longer plans to have children. But for the twins, the famous mother spares nothing: journalists wrote that Mariah was obsessed with children long before they were born.

Prepare for the arrival of the baby, like Mariah Carey, the children's furniture store will help you. Here are natural wood beds for newborns.

Victoria Makarskaya (gave birth at 42)

Spouse famous actor Anton Makarsky tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant for more than ten years, but only at the age of 38 did she manage to give birth to her first child. Then, at 42, Victoria had a son, Ivan. She claims that it is never too late to become a mother: for example, at one time her 45-year-old grandmother, despite her age, gave birth to her fifth baby. “For a woman, late childbirth is even useful, because it is from them,” Victoria believes.

Gwen Stefani (gave birth at age 44)

The singer gave birth to her third child at the age of 44. She already had sons Kingston and Zuma from her husband. The celebrity notes that the pregnancy was a surprise for her, which later allowed her to discover a lot of new things in herself. Then she was just trying to do more music, and with pregnancy she had to prioritize differently. does not give up his career, takes part in various musical projects. Rumor has it that the 48-year-old famous blonde is planning a fourth pregnancy with her boyfriend, 41-year-old Blake Shelton.

Monica Bellucci (gave birth at age 45)

After the first child, she always said that she wanted the second as soon as possible. At the age of 45, the actress became the mother of two daughters at once: Virgo and Leoni. Monica herself believes that she is very lucky, because late childbirth carries a risk for expectant mother and child. “Children are not films, they do not endure the fuss and haste in preparing for their appearance,” the movie star indicated her attitude to childbirth.

Ilze Liepa (gave birth at 46)

Many deliberately refuse the joys of motherhood in favor of a career, but the famous Ilze Liepa, despite her age (46 years old!), gave birth to a daughter, Nadia. The ballerina wanted to leave the stage for one year to devote herself to her daughter, but returned to her career after three months. However, the happy mother tries to spend every free minute with Nadia and considers her birth a real gift from God.

Halle Berry (gave birth at 41 and at 47)

Halle Berry at 41 gave birth to her first child - daughter Nala - with her boyfriend Gabriel Aubry. The actress gave birth to her son Maceo-Robert at the age of 47, married to French actor Olivier Martinez. The appearance of a second child was an incredible surprise for the actress, since Holly believed that for her all these experiences were already in the past.

But all these hardships are nothing compared to the happiness the singer experiences in anticipation of her first child. Now she goes to children's shops, chooses clothes for the baby and, as observers note, she is all glowing with joy. True, the other day her ex-husband James Debarge confirmed the long-standing gossip that this child will not be the first for Janet. The pregnant star categorically denies this information.

Another popular singer who became pregnant for the first time in adulthood. At 41, Mariah gave birth to twins: the son of Moroccan and the daughter of Monroe - from now ex-husband, television comedian Nick Cannon. Thank you IVF and caesarean section!

According to the star, her pregnancy was extremely difficult. “I had gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Things have happened to me that I'd rather not know about. I sympathize with everyone who was carrying twins, it's hellishly difficult! - the singer said on the air of the program Good Morning. Was the game worth the candle? Considering that soon the union of the sweet-voiced Mariah and the father of her children broke up. Definitely yes! “For five years with my kids, I got so many new emotions! - the singer admits. “Before they were born, everything was different, my life revolved around my career.”

Lucy Liu

It is not known whose spermatozoa fertilized the star's egg, but the fact that the whole process took place in the laboratory is a fact. A surrogate mother helped Charlie's Angel carry the baby. So the actress managed to avoid the health problems that pregnant women over 40 often face. The boy was also born healthy. The Hollywood single mother introduced newborn Rockwell Lloyd Lew to her social media followers in August last year. "I'm in love!" - she signed a touching picture.

The Oscar-winning actress also managed to jump on the outgoing train, giving birth to her son Maceo-Roberte at 47 years old. “People like me are called old-timers,” she says. - When I found out about the pregnancy, I was shocked, because I was already in the premenopausal period. I didn’t think at all that I could get pregnant again and even was sure for a while that I didn’t need to remarry. But never say never."

"Bond's girlfriend" took a big risk by choosing to give birth at that age, and she has been suffering from type 1 diabetes for many years. During pregnancy, she special attention I monitored my blood sugar levels and my weight, followed a healthy lifestyle and practiced yoga. Shortly after giving birth, Holly returned to her former shape thanks to training and diet. “I need to constantly exercise, as this is a great way to prevent complications diabetes. I just have no other choice - I have to stay slim, ”she admitted.

Maceo-Roberte is the second child of the actress and the first of his father, 47-year-old actor Olivier Martinez. A few months after the birth of their son, the couple got married.

In our time, the reproductive age of a woman, like youth, is becoming a loose concept. The heroines of the HELLO! material, among which are Olesya Sudzilovskaya, Maria Poroshina, Victoria Makarska, Ilze Liepa, Olga Kabo and Alena Khmelnitskaya, prove by their example that being a young mother when you are a little over 40 is very cool.

Click on photo to view gallery Olesya Sudzilovskaya - gave birth to her second son at 41

One of the biggest acting successes of the actress Olesya Sudzilovskaya You can name the role of Lyubov Orlova in the TV series "Orlova and Alexandrov". As you know, her brilliant heroine achieved success in cinema, which one can only dream of, but Lyubov Petrovna was not destined to become a mother (“She did not want at first, and then she could not,” critic Vitaly Wolf quoted her husband, director Aleksandrov) . Fortunately, the actress Sudzilovskaya did not repeat the fate of the film star. Olesya has two children, two sons, and a second boy (whose name we don't know yet) was born earlier this year.

Star of "Always Say Always" Maria Poroshina also at the beginning of the year she gave her husband, actor Ilya Drevnov, a girl - Glafira. Now the actress has four daughters: Seraphim, Agrafena, Glafira and elder Polina, born in a marriage with actor Gosha Kutsenko. Four children - in our time, this in itself is worthy of respect, but if the youngest child is born when the mother is in her 40s, then you can directly say: "Hats off!" Every time a child is born, the world turns upside down and you treat people differently. With warmth, with tenderness. You see only the good in every person, ”the actress says, and there is no doubt in her words. Colleagues and fans speak of Maria as one of the most pleasant, soft and friendly women and affectionately call her - Powder.

Maria Poroshina - gave birth to a fourth daughter at 42

It is generally accepted that being a mother is the highest privilege of a woman, but some modern ladies still do not share these ideas. Supporters of the childfree movement defend the right of women not to love children, be proud of their childlessness and be considered happy due to their achievements in other areas of activity. In some professional communities, it is customary to delay motherhood due to the so-called "specificity of production." This number includes, for example, models, athletes, ballerinas ... In the ballet world, childlessness for a woman for a long time considered almost unnatural. Pavlova, Karsavina, Ulanova, Plisetskaya, Margot Fonteyn and other great stars of the scene did not have children; Pavlova generally called herself a "nun of art."

However, now the situation is changing even in ballet: modern Giselle and Odette-Odile no longer agree to lay their lives entirely on the altar of art, and Ulyana Lopatkina directly declares that “giving life to a new person is much more important than dancing Swan Lake.” Ballerina Ilze Liepa, who became a mother after 40, believes that everyone has their own path and it is not worth judging who has a higher one. About myself I can say that for me my daughter Nadya is the greatest happiness, reward, God's grace, - says the ballerina. Ilze waited for her only child for many years, worried, upset, but never despaired. "We prayed, hoped and believed. And our hope came true," she says.

It's never too late for those who know how to wait, and proof of that - famous couple Anton and Victoria Makarskie. The stars of the Russian musical lived together for 13 years before they had their first child. My first pregnancy in my life came when I was 38 years old, - says Victoria. - Despite the rumors and speculation of the yellow press, we did not use any modern achievements of medicine. Two years after the birth of her first child, daughter Masha, Victoria carried her second child, her son Vanya. Then she was already 42. Natural pregnancy does not happen late, - says the actress. - Of course, if from the age of 15 you lead a disorderly sexual life and poison the body with birth control pills, then at 25 it may be too late to give birth. The body is worn out. And if the way of life is right, then why not? My great-grandmother gave birth to her fifth child at 45 and always told me that with each pregnancy the body gets younger. And my grandmother lived to be 94 years old, being in a clear mind and solid memory.

Victoria Makarskaya - gave birth to her second child at 42

The later a woman decides to have a child, the more she is exposed to all sorts of alarmists with their fears, doubts, warnings regarding everything - from the health of the future child to purely domestic difficulties. Actress Olga Kabo gave birth to a son, Vitya, at the age of 44, when her eldest daughter, Tanya, was almost 14. You always go through the path of a "young mother" as if it were the first time, - says Olga. - And the degree of responsibility and anxiety the second time is the same as the first. The actress was not only not afraid to give birth "late", but also fully nourished her Vityusha breast milk. This creates an absolute unity between mother and child, not to mention how important it is for the health and immunity of the baby ... "- says Olga. And adds with a smile:" And my husband affectionately called me "House in the village". Actress Olga Kabo considers the birth of a child a recipe for peace in her family. And in this, many mothers agree with her - both young and older. After all, one has only to look at the baby, as all sorrows go away, and insults are forgotten.

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Click on photo to view gallery Olga Kabo - gave birth to a second child at 44

The debate about the ideal age for childbearing is an eternal topic. Some believe that it is better to "shoot back" in youth, while the body is young, others - that a child should be born after 30, when parents have solid ground under their feet. But the heroines of our selection went further and became mothers after forty. Not so long ago it seemed something out of the ordinary, but modern medicine allows you to bear a child at that age ..

Christina Orbakaite

When Kristina Orbakaite married Mikhail Zemtsov in 2005, she did not think about children: she had enough worries with 14-year-old Nikita Presnyakov and 8-year-old Denis Baysarov. But time passed, the sons grew up, and the singer began to understand that she was missing something. “Although I was 40, I only had to wish, and everything worked out,” says Christina, who in 2012 gave birth to her daughter Claudia (and for American acquaintances - Claudia).

Svetlana Permyakova

The story of Svetlana Permyakova reminds soap opera. The actress wanted to become a mother at the age of 25, but she could not meet a man she could rely on. At 35, she met the director of the art club Yevgeny Bodrov and married him, but the hasty marriage lasted a month. All this time, the husband sat at home, “hung” on the Internet and drank.

Then Svetlana, through social networks, met Maxim Scriabin, a responsible young man who happily became the director of the actress. They became close, and despite the 19-year age difference, Svetlana became pregnant from young man. So at the age of 40, Permyakova became the mother of Varia's daughter. The actress was on friendly terms with Maxim for a long time, but in January 2018 she admitted that she wanted to get married.

Marina Mogilevskaya

Marina Mogilevskaya became a mother in 2011, at the age of 41. The name of the father of the child was not advertised. Although the baby was born a little ahead of schedule, all indicators were normal - weight 3.5 kg, height 54 cm. Like her mother, Maria is a brown-haired woman and a lioness according to her zodiac sign. “I am learning from her softness and pliability,” the actress says lovingly.

Marina Zudina

April 2006 acting dynasty Tabakovs was replenished with a newborn Maria Olegovna, daughter of 71-year-old Oleg Tabakov and 41-year-old Marina Zudina. FROM early years the girl dreamed of becoming an actress, like her parents and older brother Pavel.

Olga Drozdova

Olga Drozdova and Dmitry Pevtsov, one of the strongest "acting" couples, lived in marriage for 13 years before fate rewarded their expectation and in 2007 sent them a son, Elisha. The boy's parents are still sure that his birth was a real miracle, because at some point they completely despaired of hearing children's laughter at home, gave up on dreams, bought and equipped an apartment for two, leaving no room for a nursery. So the news about Olga's pregnancy came as a complete surprise to both. Dmitry recalled that he even burst into tears of happiness when he saw the test results.

Maria Poroshina

At 42, Maria Poroshina gave birth to her fourth child - daughter Glafira. From the common-law spouse Ilya Drevnov, she already raised Agrafena and Seraphim, and from her first marriage with Gosha Kutsenko, her daughter Polina. And in the fall of 2018, the actress stunned her fans with the news that she was pregnant for the fifth time, but not from Drevnov. Rumors spread that the father of the child was Poroshina's partner in the theater stage Yaroslav Boyko. Maria denied this information, but did not disclose the name of her real father.

Victoria Makarska

Victoria and Anton Makarsky dreamed of a child for 13 years, but to no avail. Finally, at 38, Victoria became a mother long-awaited daughter Masha, and 4 years later, the son Ivan appeared in the family. The singer calls her children “prayed” and admits that up to 50 she wants to decide on another pregnancy.

Anna Banshchikova

The star of the TV series "The Bloodhound" Anna Banshchikova is a mother of many children. In 2017, the daughter Masha was added to the sons Misha (2007) and Sasha (2009). The actress was not afraid to give birth: “If the Lord sent me a baby, what doubts can there be?”. The older children acted like real men and helped their mother as much as they could, so that she could not worry about her work schedule.

Evelina Bledans

Syoma, as he affectionately calls his son Evelina Bledans, was born on April 1, 2012, and 4 days later his mother turned 43. The baby was diagnosed with Down syndrome. The boy's father is producer Alexander Semin, with whom the actress no longer lives. The birth of a "special" child prompted Evelina to help her parents in the same situation.

Syoma got his own website, where the couple posted thematic seminars on raising "sunny" children, and the boy also got pages on instagram and twitter. The main message that Evelina is trying to convey to others is that the birth of a child with Down syndrome is not as scary as it might seem from the outside.

Olga Kabo

In 2009, Olga Kabo married businessman Nikolai Razgulyaev, and three years later their common son, Vitya, was born. This is Olga's second child - she has a daughter, Tanya (born 1998), from businessman Eduard Vasilishin. But the first experience has already been forgotten, so the 44-year-old mother went through growing up as if for the first time. As the actress admitted, the son brought the family closer - now she and her husband are trying to leave all the negativity outside the house.

Evgenia Dobrovolskaya

The fourth child (and first daughter) was given to actress Evgenia Dobrovolskaya, at that time 44 years old, hard. Last months Before giving birth, she could hardly stand up, she was afraid to move once again. “They say that childbirth rejuvenates. Nonsense! This is the most powerful stress for the body, ”says Evgenia. During pregnancy, she gained weight, because of which she had a displacement of the vertebrae. The baby Nastya, who was born, also had problems with her spine. Fortunately, next to Dobrovolskaya was loving husband, who shared all the difficulties with the newly-made mother, found an excellent massage therapist for Nastya, who at the same time corrected Evgenia's health.

Inga Oboldina

In March 2013, actress Inga Oboldina became a mother for the first time. A 44-year-old woman had a daughter, who was named Claudia. Of course, Inga admitted, she was scared - her relatives scared her with stories about the consequences of pregnancy at such a late age. But the actress took the risk, and not in vain - the girl was born healthy and, according to the actress, completely turned her life around. Interestingly, Inga found out about pregnancy shortly after signing a contract for shooting in the TV series "Mom Detective", and finished filming 3 weeks before the birth.

Lera Kudryavtseva

The name of Lera Kudryavtseva did not leave the pages of the press throughout 2018. The conservative public was shocked: not only had the TV presenter been happily married to hockey player Igor Makarov for several years, who is a little older than her son from her first marriage, she also became pregnant at 46. That's where there was room for bilious comments of envious people. But, ignoring the insults, in August, Lera became the mother of baby Maria, quickly got into shape and went out again.

Tatyana Navka. "... charming child with huge blue eyes, pigtails. And at that moment I was suddenly overwhelmed by an absolute understanding that I can no longer live without the same little girl, ”recalled Anastasia. The actress gave birth herself, without the help of a surrogate mother, in an elite clinic in the Moscow region.

Well, if in principle you don’t see yourself as a mother, neither at 20 nor at 40, don’t be upset - you are not alone. We invite you to find out which of the great women Soviet era I would agree with your point of view.
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Not so long ago, Janet Jackson confirmed that she would become a mother, and this is at 49 years old. Soon she will be fifty! However, when we are talking about celebrity, age is not a hindrance at all. Many Hollywood stars become mothers after forty. Check out this list: these 17 women all had babies late. Their example will show you that late pregnancy- it's not as scary as it seems, and it is quite possible for everyone!

Kelly Preston

John Travolta's wife gave birth to son Benjamin at age 48, a year after the couple's sixteen-year-old Jett died of a seizure. In 2011, she admitted that the birth of a child at that age was a real miracle for her. She was shocked when she found out that she was pregnant, it was something incredible. John was also happy to know about it. After the trauma of losing her first child, this baby was a real blessing.

Beverly D'Angelo

The movie star got twins, Anton and Olivia, at the age of 49, and their father, Al Pacino, was already sixty-five! Chevy Chase, her colleague film set and a close friend, said in an interview that late pregnancy caused Beverly a lot of excitement. However, everything went well enough.

Geena Davis

The Oscar winner in 2002 gave birth to a daughter, Eliza, the actress was forty-six. Two years later, she had twins, the boys Kian and Kayis. She admits that it was wonderful, but at the same time quite difficult, yet the children appeared in such a short time! Three kids in two years - not everyone can handle this.

Susan Sarandon

Davis' co-star in Thelma & Louise had sons Jack and Miles with partner Tim Robbins at forty-two and forty-five. She already had a daughter, Eva Amurri, from a previous relationship. It was something unexpected, being pregnant at that age. The actress did not even think about terminating the pregnancy. She considered that this was too unusual a gift of fate not to pay attention to him. Then she managed to get pregnant again, and the actress again happily gave birth to a child.

Nancy Grace

The TV presenter got twins, Lucy and John, at forty-eight, the children were born in marriage to her husband, David Lynch. Nancy has always dreamed of a family, the presenter admitted. She had a big happy family and she wanted the same. For a long time it seemed to her that she would never have children, but suddenly a real miracle happened and Nancy found long-awaited happiness. Now she has that full-fledged family that she dreamed of all her life.

Halle Berry

At forty-one, the movie star gave birth to her first child, daughter Nala, in a relationship with Gabriel Aubry. At forty-seven, she decided on a second baby, this time with her husband, Olivier Martinez. She is not shy about sharing information about her motherhood on television and is happy that she has started a family, even if they divorced Olivier.

Gwen Stefani

The singer gave birth to a child at the age of forty-four. She already had two children, sons Kingston and Zuma, all with her husband, Gavin Rossdale. The celebrity noted that the appearance of the baby was a surprise for her, which allowed her to discover a lot in herself. Then she was just trying to do more music, and with pregnancy she had to prioritize a little differently. Nevertheless, the singer clearly does not give up her career, now she also appears as a jury member on the American television show "Voice".

Rachel Zoe

The famous fashion designer announced her pregnancy at forty-two: she and her husband were expecting a second baby. Both the husband, Roger Berman, and the elder brother of the baby Skyler were delighted in anticipation of the baby. Rachel admitted that this greatly strengthened their relationship in the family. The second child was a real gift for everyone!

Tina Fey

The winner of two Golden Globes gave birth to her second child, daughter Penelope, at the age of forty-one. She first reported this on the Oprah Winfrey TV show. She and her husband realized that the end of the series may seem sad, but the priority is the family, so it is better to think about the child, so pregnancy was her conscious decision.

Salma Hayek

The Oscar winner and her husband, Francois-Henri Pinault, had a child when the actress was forty. Salma is sure that this is even better. She realized herself, and ten years ago everything would have been different. Now her daughter Valentina has a much more mature and conscientious mother than she could have been before.

Kim Basinger

The Oscar winner welcomed daughter Ireland to husband Alec Baldwin at the age of forty-one. In 2002, the couple divorced, and Basinger decided to raise a child in a non-standard way. She wanted her daughter to be free. She let her invite her friends over and paint the walls, whatever she wanted. The main thing is that childhood was full of love and light, friends and animals. Judging by the fact that the grown daughter is already building her own successful career, such education is quite justified.

Brooke Shields

The actress, who became famous as a child, gave birth to her daughter Greer in 2006, when Brooke was forty-one. Greer became the second child for Shields and her husband Chris Henchy, as the couple already had a daughter, Rowen. In her book, Shields described her experience of postpartum depression. After the birth of her first daughter, she had to struggle hard with a sense of hopelessness. She just didn't want to live anymore. Doctors have associated this condition with low levels the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

Celine Dion

The Grammy Award winner gave birth to twins, Eddie and Nelson, at forty-two. She had to go through a large number of IVF procedures, and the singer admits that it was a real emotional test. The husband and father of the children, Rene Angelil, died in January 2016, unable to cope with cancer. Dion and Angelil's eldest son, Rene-Charles, said at his father's funeral that the family would try to match his high standards and handle any challenge.

Helen Hunt

The film actress gave birth to a daughter at the age of forty. She and her partner, Matthew Carnahan, were prepared for the challenges of being pregnant at that age. Everything turned out to be harder than Helen thought. They tried for a long time to have a baby, and this did not happen, as a result, pregnancy became the main desire and the main test. Fate decreed that the child appeared in a couple at the last moment - a little more and they would have decided to adopt.

Meryl Streep

The three-time Oscar winner gave birth to her fourth child, Louise, at the age of forty-one. Motherhood, marriage - here you need to subtly feel the balance, the actress believes. Especially when there is such a difficult job. It's difficult, but also enjoyable. Children are the most important value in life, and family is the main priority.

Nicole Kidman

The Oscar winner and her husband Keith Urban welcomed their daughter Sunday Rose in 2008 when Kidman was forty. In 2010, they had a second daughter, Faith. Despite her age, Kidman admitted that she would not refuse to have another child, she looks forward to it every month with hope. After all, her grandmother gave birth in last time at the age of forty-nine! She still has a chance.

Mariah Carey

The Grammy Award winner gave birth to twins Moroccan and Monroe at forty-two. Unlike Kidman, Keri believes that two children are enough for her. She decided to focus her love on them. In addition, the kids would be jealous of their mother: they are unhappy even when she plays with the dog.

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