Brown and grizzly differences. Brown bear (Ursus arctos) Brown bear (eng.). Features and habitat of the grizzly bear

Many large creatures live on Earth - fish, birds, animals.

One of the most outstanding representatives of the animal world is the bear: it is one of the most impressive creatures on our planet in terms of size. Periodically, inquisitive people have the question “how many kilograms does this animal weigh?”

Bear weight awareness may be useful in different situations and even professions. For example, you can compare it with other species and determine the degree of impressiveness and thereby be aware of the degree of danger of meeting with it. The information received about the weight of this beast will be very useful for hunters or carcass skinners. Information about how much a bear weighs will also be useful to search and rescue teams, which often look for lost or lost people in the forests where bears are found. For general development this is also an important and interesting question.

What determines the weight of the bear

It is not immediately possible to unequivocally name a figure that would show how much a bear weighs, since the weight polar bear, brown or grizzly directly depends on:

  • their habitat,
  • age,
  • breed,
  • season.

Individuals from various places habitats can have a weight of the order of 150 kg - 1000 kg. However, such an impressive indicator does not prevent this solid beast from possessing high level speed and dexterity.

An animal can move at a speed identical to the speed of a racehorse - up to 60 km/h. The dexterity with which these animals move through the trees is the envy of every acrobat. Our hero climbs without undue effort to a height of up to 30 meters (the traditional height of a nine-story building). Of the people, only a professional athlete or climber equipped with special equipment. We should also not forget that the hero of our article wins not only in a mountaineering dispute, but also in athletics. Man, of course, loses to the owners of the forest in almost all respects, except for intelligence.

By the way, let us touch upon the question of the mind and try to find out who among the bears themselves can rightfully take the place of the strongest, largest and smartest.

northern Bear

White relative from the north. How much does this beast weigh - a resident of the north - and what indicators are typical for a polar bear?

Although the brown representative of this species is large, it still has a bigger competitor. The polar bear inhabits the snowy expanses of the Arctic. Snow cover sinks deep under the weight of this largest predator planet, weighing 200-300 kg in females of these frost-resistant animals.

How much do northern white males weigh? As it is not surprising, but males are only twice as large, and their weight is about 300-450 kg. The most prominent representatives of this species can reach a weight of up to half a ton. Both males and females are undoubtedly noticeably larger than their warm-loving brown brothers.

Appearance the polar bear is also able to impress. The large body of this predator can reach a length of up to 2.5-3 meters. Even the most tall people on the modern earth will turn out to be white giant only shoulder-length at best, if this animal, of course, stands on its hind legs.

The owner of the snowy lands only looks like white, but in reality the color skin this animal has a black tint. The fur that covers this animal, of course, looks white to the human eye, but at the same time it is completely transparent to ultraviolet light.

All these features make it possible to ensure perfect thermoregulation. The hairs do not interfere with the penetration of ultraviolet radiation, but Sun rays, in turn, warm the skin. In addition, this light coat color is an excellent camouflage suit in the snow-white and icy northern world.

This frost-resistant animal is not only excellent at camouflage, it is also an outstanding fighter, with a paw span of more than three meters. Despite its considerable weight, the polar bear is an excellent runner and moves no worse than its brown counterpart.

How much does a brown bear weigh

Mass and size of the brown forest dweller directly related to whether he is female or male. Female brown bears are several times smaller and lighter than members of the opposite sex of their species. Their mass reaches only no more than 150 kg. The male component of this bear family exceeds the weight of the female half by a little less than half, sometimes exactly 2 times, and ranges from 200 to 300 kg.

The largest specimens, the size of which may be due to genetic reasons or fate, boast a mark of 450 kg. However, such solid indicators do not in the least prevent brown bears from moving silently and easily, like a knife through butter, and crossing thickets inside the forest and, if necessary, even windbreak.

Brown bears have an innate caution that does not allow this animal to show itself to people.

However, there may be exceptions to this rule if the animal gets hungry. Then hunger can push the bear to do things that wild beast usually uncommon. A person should always remember that, being in his territory, he always very jealously monitors the boundaries of his possessions and the places where he hunts and feeds.

A sudden meeting with a bear, so to speak, face to face, can be explained by the lack of his vision (nearsightedness) and the inability to clearly see objects further than 45-50 meters. However, compensating for the lack of vision, he has a wonderful ear, is perfectly oriented thanks to it, and therefore is able to respond to even the quietest rustle. In particular, one should be wary of bears - “rods”, which for some reason have awakened in the middle of winter and cannot fall asleep again.

Invincible and harsh grizzly

Although the weight figure of a brown bear inspires respect, it still does not mean that it is the largest animal on the planet. A very serious competition for him is the grizzly bear. Average weight this huge animal is about 700 kg. If someone decides to take the risk and weigh the grizzly on the scales, then in contrast to this thug it will be necessary to provide at least three brown bears. If the weighed individual is larger than usual, then 4-5 brown ones.

Interestingly, the fact that a grizzly shot while hunting had a weight of 726 kg was once documented. If he stood on his hind legs, then his height would exceed the mark of three meters, and this animal could absolutely calmly look out the window of the second floor if he wanted to be a guest. Those who decide that when they meet they will simply run away from him, let them not flatter themselves and do not harbor false hopes. This bear is fast, agile and an excellent swimmer. The raking gait of this beast is often deceptive. Besides, his clumsiness is a kind of myth. In fact, clubfoot is just a feature of the bear's gait, which consists in the fact that the animal simply steps on both right or left paws at once.


People have always been special treatment to the bears. These are frequent heroes of legends, fairy tales, instructive stories. This is probably due to the fact that the power and grandeur of this wild animal not only frightened - they often aroused admiration and a desire to imitate in the best qualities.

The image of bears is often used in heraldry. Both in our time and in old times observation of the existence, features and habits of this giant did not stop. Groups of researchers of the group to this day conduct various events to explore bear territories.

Sensors and video cameras installed for this purpose can give a very complete picture:

  • about the number of individuals in general,
  • about the number of babies born
  • physical parameters of each individual.

This is done, among other things, in order to save bears as a species. After all, we must understand that only people are able to save from trouble and protect even such harsh and strong representatives of the animal world from extinction.

Greetings, dear readers of the site "I and the World"! Today you will learn about the largest bears in the world: their habits and habitat, which specimens are very dangerous and which are quite harmless. But, in any case, it is undesirable to meet with them, it is unlikely that the outcome of this meeting will be in your favor.

From Russian fairy tales, we know about bears as clumsy and stupid animals. Because of their weight, they do seem to be slow, but they are not, they can develop such speed that it is difficult to escape from them even on a bicycle. You should get to know them better in order to know what to expect from them when you meet them by chance while traveling around the world, as well as: how they look, how much they weigh, where they live, etc.

And our rating opens "Black Bear" or Baribal

Its black coat glistens under the sun of the USA and Canada. Less common in northern Mexico. It is in these countries that this animal lives and weighs from 300 to 360 kg.

The largest male 363 kg. Was killed in Canada - this is the largest Baribal ever mined by man. The animals are pretty harmless. They do not attack people and domestic animals and live quietly and peacefully, eating plant foods, fish.

Very rarely, when there is not enough food, Baribal can drag off livestock. With a growth of up to two meters, Baribal cubs are born so small that their weight ranges from 200 to 400 grams.

In captivity: in zoos and circuses, they can live up to 30 years, but in nature only 10. Now there are about 600,000 individuals.

4th place - American Grizzly

Among the brown bears, he is the strongest, but not so big. The grizzly is very hardy and if there is a fight with another large animal, the beast has an instant grip, which leads to victory. He is considered friendly, but if there is not enough food or feels aggression, the good character disappears. The rather strong scent of the Grizzly allows you to feel prey at a great distance. It feeds on plant foods, loves fish, and, like any predator, does not refuse animal food.

It lives in Alaska and western Canada and reaches 450 kg.

Grizzly in translation means "terrible", but it does not just try to attack people, but only when it is hungry or very angry. It was on such rare occasions that the Grizzly was said to be a cannibal. In the rest of the prey-rich time, he is not dangerous.

The brown Siberian bear takes the third place

The dimensions of the Russian Siberian reach: in weight up to 800 kg, and in height up to 2.5 meters. This is a big fan of fish, living near the Anadyr, Kolyma and Yenisei rivers. Occasionally found in Chinese provinces.

Even in these places warm time the year is short, but there is a lot of plant and animal food and allows you to gain big weight.

Siberian are loners and hibernate for the winter. They fish very interestingly: when salmon jump out of the water, the bears try to catch them in the air.

2nd place - one of the brown individuals - Kodiak

They live on the shores of Alaska on Kodiak Island. It is from this island that it takes its name. brown beast. Most big bear in the world among brown species. Muscular animal with long paws, Kodiak easily obtains numerous food.

They grow up to 2.6 meters long and gain up to 1000 kg. The growth of an adult predator can be up to 2.8 meters.

There was a time when animals could completely disappear, and therefore it was forbidden to shoot them. Now their number is increasing, but so far only 3000.

They do not attack people, and therefore they do not pose a danger to tourists. But for the animals themselves, these meetings are rather unpleasant. Animals, frightened by strangers, stop eating normally and gain too little fat before hibernation. And a beast caught for the sake of keeping in a zoo may simply not survive in captivity.

And finally, the first place - Polar Bear

Wikipedia believes that the white is the world's largest bear living in the Arctic and reaching a mass of 1 ton or even more. This predatory animal reaches 3 meters in length - what a huge one!

This is a real record in weight among all species. Imagine such a huge beast as a white steamer moving slowly through the snow. There is also wool on the paws, so they move easily on the ice and do not freeze in the most terrible frosts.

There are even more white bears on the island of Svalbard than people living there. Long neck with a flat head allows you to stretch and see far.

It is clear that living among the snows on drifting ice, he eats animal food: sea ​​hare, fish, walruses, arctic foxes. Also, like the brown ones, they live alone and up to about 30 years. Only females when pregnant fall into hibernation in order to gain strength for the upbringing of the future generation.

There are 28,000 polar bears all over the world, and only in Russia there are about 6,000. And although hunting for them is strictly prohibited, every year poachers destroy up to 200 bears.

In the photo you see the most big bears on the ground. They are all listed in the Red Book, but poachers do not think about it, destroying animals for the sake of a beautiful skin. In the entire history of mankind, so many of these animals have been destroyed that many populations are difficult to increase again.

We say goodbye to you until the next meeting on the pages of our site. If you liked the article, share it with your friends, they will also be interested in it.

Bear average weight various kinds ranges from 150 kg to one ton.

It is difficult to accuse this dangerous and graceful predator of being overweight: in the absence of a model appearance, he is able to move at speeds up to 60 km/h, which is comparable to running a horse at the races! The impressive mass of the bear is also not an obstacle to its acrobatic abilities. The animal easily climbs to a height of up to 30 meters. In order for a person to be at the same height (and this is no more, no less than the ninth floor high-rise building) will require at least professional climbing skills and climbing equipment. In the presence of such data, the winner, when conducting an athletics competition, obviously, would not have been a person.

Since it is difficult for people to compete with this majestic creature, let's try to find out which species among bears is the largest, strongest and endowed with decent intelligence.

How much does a brown bear weigh?

The average weight of a bear of various species ranges from 150 kg to one ton.

The weight of a brown bear depends on the sex of the animal. Females have more modest parameters, their weight is from 120 to 150 kg. Representatives of the stronger sex "get better" up to 200-300 kg, although among them there are also males with a more solid weight of up to 450 kg. For all its heaviness Brown bear endowed with a unique quality - he knows how to move through the brown and dense bushes absolutely silently. This big beast is quite cautious when he is not hungry and calm,

It is interesting!

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meeting with a person in every possible way avoids, unless he invaded the territory where he obtains food. His "accidental" collisions with people are explained by the fact that the brown bear is short-sighted and does not distinguish a person at a distance of more than fifty meters. To arouse the curiosity of the animal, just move, the hearing of the beast is very sharp.

The brown bear is not a champion in the heavy weight category. closer to North Pole his taller and larger brother lives.

How much does a polar bear weigh?

The female polar bear weighs 200-300 kg, while the male can reach 350-450 kg.

How much does this giant weigh and can he compete with his Siberian and Far Eastern relative? The physical data of the animal is really impressive. Its body length is about three meters. If the beast rises on its hind legs to its full height, then even the tallest basketball player will be below his shoulder. The weight of some individuals reaches half a ton. The average weight is for females: 200-300 kg, for males 350-450 kg.

Although the bear is called white, this is not entirely true. The skin of the animal is completely black. This is due to the fact that the color of the skin allows you to maintain the necessary thermoregulation of the body, and the color of the coat provides camouflage against the backdrop of polar snows. Animal hair is absolutely transparent and sunlight easily penetrates through the hairline and heats up the animal's dark skin.

The polar bear, like its brown counterpart, not only runs great, but also has serious wrestling skills - the span of the beast's paws is more than three meters.

The weight of a grizzly bear can exceed 700 kg.

But even such remarkable strength will not resist the grizzly bear.

Meetings with this giant are avoided not only by representatives of the animal world, for humans it also poses a danger - once, the beast was known as a cannibal. An extremely vicious disposition, aggressiveness and the presence of sharp, curved, up to 13 cm long claws make it a killer machine. This situation has developed through the fault of man, animals began to be exterminated at the beginning of the twentieth century, as there were cases of attacks on livestock. Today, the grizzly population is negligible and protected.

To find out how much a grizzly bear weighs, you need to put at least three brown bears on one scale. It may turn out that the advantage will not be in their favor, there is documentary evidence when a specimen weighing 726 kg was shot. If such a “guest” decides to pay a visit to a person, then he will easily look into the windows of a two-story house, if he rises on his hind legs, his height reaches three meters or more. Grizzly excellent swimmers, and the myth of slowness and clubfoot gait is based on the fact that when walking, the bear steps simultaneously on two paws located on one side of the body.

People have always been in awe of the greatness and strength of this powerful beast, on emblems and heraldic symbols. different countries you can see the image of a bear. Interest in the study of the habits, lifestyle of the animal is relevant in our time. Scientists and researchers install sensors and cameras to track the number and habitat of individuals. Devices transmit information about how much a bear weighs, about the number of babies born. uneasy and important matter the preservation of these graceful and majestic animals is a task that only man can do.

Titles: brown bear, grizzly, brown North American bear.
In North America, it is known under the name "grizzly" (earlier, the brown North American bear was isolated as a separate species).

area: Once a brown bear was common throughout Europe, including England and Ireland, in the south its range reached northwest Africa (Atlas Mountains), and in the east through Siberia and China reached Japan. It probably came to North America about 40,000 years ago from Asia, through the Bering Isthmus, and widely settled in the western part of the continent from Alaska to northern Mexico.
Now the brown bear is exterminated in a large part of the former range, and in other areas it is not numerous. AT Western Europe its scattered populations have survived in the Pyrenees, the Cantabrian mountains, the Alps and the Apennines. The brown bear is quite common in Scandinavia and Finland, sometimes found in forests. Central Europe and in the Carpathians. In Asia, it is distributed from Western Asia, Palestine, northern Iraq and Iran to northern China and the Korean Peninsula. In Japan, it is found on the island of Hokkaido.

Description: The appearance of this beast is well known. His body is powerful with high withers (hump). This hump is actually a mass of muscles that allow brown bears to easily dig and use their paws as striking force. The head is massive with small ears and eyes. The tail is short - 65-210 mm, barely visible from the coat. There is a well-marked depression between the forehead and the bridge of the nose in profile. In a standing animal, the withers are noticeably higher than the croup. Paws are strong five-toed, plantigrade. The feet of the brown bear are very wide, the fingers are armed with long powerful, laterally compressed and sickle-shaped, non-retractable claws 8-10 cm long, which are much longer on the forelimbs than on the hind ones.
The coat is long, thick and coarse, often matted and usually evenly colored. Brown bears molt twice - in autumn and spring. The spring molt lasts a long time and is most intense during the rutting season. Autumn molt goes slowly and imperceptibly, ending by the period of occurrence in the den.
A brown bear has 40 teeth.

Color: The color of the brown bear is very variable, not only in different parts of the range, but also within the same area. The color of the fur varies from light fawn to bluish and almost black. The most common is the brown form. In the Rocky Mountain grizzly, the hair on the back can be white at the ends, giving the impression of a gray or gray shade of coat. Whole grayish-white color is found in brown bears in the Himalayas, and pale reddish-brown in Syria. The cubs have light markings on the neck and chest, which disappear with age. Bear paws are black or brownish in color, with wrinkled skin on the pad.

During the rut, usually silent, the animals begin to emit a loud roar.

The size: The length of the European brown bear is usually 1.2-2 m with a height at the withers of about 1 m and a weight of 135 to 250 kg. Bears living in middle lane Russia, smaller and weigh only 80-120 kg. largest dimensions bears differ from the Far East, Kamchatka, and especially from Alaska and Kodiak Island, where they are called grizzlies - some giants, standing on their hind legs, reach a height of 2.8-3 m.

The weight: The weight of an adult brown bear ranges from 80-600 kg and, despite increased hunting, there are still bears weighing up to 750 kg. The largest individuals are found in Alaska and Kamchatka - they weigh 300 kg or more, there were giants weighing 600-700 kg. The largest bear caught on about. Kodiak for the Berlin Zoo, weighed 1134 kg. Average weight: males: 135-390 kg, females: 95-205 kg. In autumn, the weight of a bear can increase by about 20%.

Lifespan: In nature, 20-30 years, in captivity live more than 50 years.

Habitat: The brown bear is a forest animal. Its usual habitats in Russia are continuous forest tracts with windbreak and burnt areas with dense growth of hardwoods, shrubs and grasses, interspersed with swamps, lawns, and reservoirs; can enter both the tundra and alpine forests. In Europe, he prefers mountain forests; in North America is more common in open places- in the tundra, in alpine meadows and on the coast.
The range of the brown bear in our country occupies almost the entire forest zone, with the exception of its southern regions. Under the canopy of the forest, the bear finds shelter, open areas serve as feeding places for him. Berries, large grasses, hazels - that's what attracts bears, regardless of where they grow - whether in a dark coniferous forest, in a clearing of a light forest, in a stream valley or on the loaches of the Siberian mountains.

Food: The brown bear is omnivorous, but its diet is 3/4 vegetable: berries, acorns, nuts, roots, tubers and grass stalks. In lean years for berries in the northern regions, bears visit oat crops, and in the southern - corn crops; on the Far East in autumn they feed in cedar forests.
Its diet also includes insects (ants), worms, lizards, frogs, rodents (mice, marmots, ground squirrels, chipmunks). In summer, insects and their larvae sometimes make up to 1/3 of the bear's diet. Large males attack young ungulates - roe deer, fallow deer, deer (caribou, Noble deer, pampas deer), ibex, wild boar and elk. Some animals, more often males from the northern part of the range, hunt ungulates, stealing them or attacking from an ambush. An adult bear is capable of breaking the spine of an elk or horse with one blow of its paw. When hunting ungulates, such bears show amazing strength, agility and tirelessness in pursuing prey.
The bear fills up the prey or found carrion with brushwood and keeps nearby until it finishes the carcass completely. If the animal is not very hungry, it often waits for several days until the meat becomes softer.
On occasion, brown bears prey on sea otters and seals on coastal haulouts and even go out on the ice in pursuit of seals. Grizzlies sometimes attack baribal bears.
The brown bear sometimes takes prey from tigers, wolves and cougars. Far Eastern bears catch spawning salmon in summer and autumn. On spawning rivers, sometimes you can see 10-30 animals at once.
In poor food years, bears sometimes attack livestock and ruin apiaries. In some years, due to a poor harvest of pine nuts in large areas of the Siberian taiga, the bears do not have time in the fall to properly fatten, and in winter they become homeless connecting rods, very dangerous for a person who finds themselves in their way.

Behavior: The brown bear is active more often at dusk, in the mornings and evenings, but on rainy days it wanders throughout the day. Daytime vigil is typical for a bear in the mountains of Siberia. The seasonal cycle of life is pronounced.
Bears are very sensitive, they navigate the terrain mainly with the help of hearing and smell, their eyesight is poor. Brown bears can smell rotting meat from more than 2.5 km away.
Although the bear's body mass is large and it seems clumsy, in fact it is a silent, fast and easy-to-move beast. The bear runs extremely fast - with the agility of a good horse - at a speed of over 55 km / h. He swims well, can swim 6 km and even more, and bathes willingly, especially in hot weather. In his youth, the brown bear climbs trees well, but in old age he does it reluctantly, although it cannot be said that he loses this ability completely. In deep snow, however, it is difficult to move.
When meeting with a dangerous opponent, the bear lets out a loud roar, stands on its hind legs and tries to knock down the enemy with blows from its front paws or grab it.
For the winter, looking for a den, bears can go far from their summer site.
The brown bear is a sedentary animal and only the young, having separated from the family, roam until they create their own family. Individual hunting areas are large and larger for males than for females. The bear marks and defends the boundaries of the plots. In summer, male bears mark the boundaries of the territory, standing on their hind legs and tearing off the bark from trees with their claws. Such "boundary trees" are used different animals decades. In the treeless mountains, the bear tears up any suitable objects - clay slopes or tourist tents (usually in the absence of the owners). To secure the tent, the easiest way to mark the border of your site is by urinating in several places at a distance of 10-20 meters around the camp. The boundaries are not respected only during the ripening of oats and on the eve of hibernation.
In summer, the bear settles down for a rest, lying down directly on the ground among grass, bushes or in moss, if only the place is secluded and safe enough.
In autumn, the animal has to take care of a reliable shelter for the winter period until mid-spring.
Depending on climatic and other conditions, bears are in dens from October-November to March-April and later, that is, approximately 5-6 months. She-bears with cubs live in dens the longest, and old males live least of all. In different areas winter dream lasts from 75 to 195 days a year.
For a lair, a bear chooses the most reliable, deaf and dry corners, somewhere on an island of forest in the middle of a vast moss swamp. The animal sometimes comes here for several tens of kilometers and, approaching the target, in every possible way confuses the tracks. Sometimes bears have favorite wintering places, and they gather here from the whole district. So, once in Russia, 12 lairs were discovered on a plot of about 20 hectares.
Very often dens are located in pits under the protection of windbreak or roots. fallen trees. In some areas, animals dig deep lairs in the ground, and in the mountains they occupy caves and rock crevices. Often, bears are limited to open lying in dense spruce young growth, near a tree or even in an open meadow, dragging a bunch of moss there and spruce branches in the form of a large nest. Sometimes a bear arranges a lair right in an open anthill of red forest ants. Pregnant female bears arrange deeper, spacious and warmer dens than males do. The bear lines the finished den with moss, dry grass, pine needles, leaves and hay. Over time, the lair is covered with snow from above, so that only a small ventilation hole (brow) remains, the edges of which are in very coldy covered with frost.

The bear is one of the largest mammals. He is the hero of the epic, fairy tales and legends. You can see a brown bear in the zoo, but to see a grizzly bear you have to go to the Americas.

That's how it's called brown bear subspecies living in the territory North America. The distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis animal refers to Alaska and the western regions of Canada. In the United States, the bear is found in the famous Yellowstone Nature Reserve, in Montana and in the northwestern part of Washington.

In fact, today it is not known for certain which bear should be called "grizzly". Most often this is what the mainland American race is called.

Many researchers believe that the grizzly is better known as the North American brown bear (its other name), a separate species that lives in the depths of the North American mainland, as well as at Cape Kodiak.

The very first mention of the grizzly dates back to 1784, when the English naturalist Thomas Pennant first wrote about him. Although the scientist himself did not see the animal either alive or even dead, he compiled a description of the grizzly, guided by data taken from the hiking records of American pioneers.

In 1806, during the exploration of new territories by General Zebulon Pike, two grizzly bear cubs were presented to the American society, which the military hurried to present to the then President Thomas Jefferson.

The grizzly was described again as early as 1815 as a "terrible bear".

Since 1967, "grizzlies" have been the name for all large-sized bears living in Alaska.

Characteristics of the animal

According to the structure of its body, the grizzly is very similar to its East Siberian relative. Such a bear has a very impressive large size - from 450 kilograms and above. He prefers to live on the coast and mostly eats salmon fish. Those individuals that are found in the forest are vegetarians and scavengers.

The size of the animal, the color of its coat and lifestyle determine the conditions in which it constantly resides.

Relationship with a person

The American pioneers, who described the grizzly as a severe and ferocious animal, constantly thirsting for human blood, clearly embellished their stories, as a result of which people had misconception about a bear.

A bear will never consider a person as its potential prey, unless this very person openly attacks him, or the animal does not experience severe hunger.

Farmers throughout the 19th century, as well as at the very beginning of the 20th century, actively exterminated the grizzly population, thereby trying, according to them, to protect their livestock from attacks. Many animals were killed as a trophy.

Grizzlies are currently protected by the US federal government, modern animals mostly live in national parks.

Brown or common bear called a carnivorous animal large sizes belonging to the bear family.

In ancient times, the brown bear lived throughout the European continent, and it could also be seen in a number of Asian countries (China, Japan).

Today it is found in the Scandinavian countries (Scandinavia, Norway), in the western part of Europe (Pyrenees, Alps, Apennines), in Finland, the Carpathians, Russia, Japan, China, the Korean Peninsula and so on. In Finland, this animal has the status of a sacred one.

To date, there are about 80 subspecies of this animal, among which the most famous are:

  1. Appeninsky.
  2. Tien Shan.
  3. Japanese.
  4. Kodiak.
  5. Tibetan and so on.

Appearance of a brown bear

Brown bear weight varies from 400 tons(smallest specimens) kilogram up to 1000 kilograms(larger animals). Males are always about 1.5 times larger than females.

The bear has a powerful body with a huge muzzle, on which relatively small ears and eyes are located. The tail of the animal is small in size, only about 65 - 210 millimeters, so it is not very visible because of the thick hair. The bear has huge powerful paws with five fingers, at the ends of which there are long (up to 10 centimeters) non-retractable claws. The coat of the animal is evenly colored, thick.

The color of a brown bear can vary not only within different parts distribution area, but also within the same area of ​​​​residence. Fur color can be light fawn, brown, black, grayish white.

The bear sheds only once a year, this period lasts from spring to autumn.


The bear is considered forest dweller: in Russia he prefers to settle in forest areas where windbreaks predominate, in Europe - in mountain forests, in North and South America - on the coast and in open areas (tundra), as well as in alpine meadows.

What do grizzlies and brown bears have in common?

  • The grizzly is a subspecies of the brown bear, in fact, they are the same animal.
  • They eat the same food.


  1. The grizzly bear lives primarily in North America.
  2. You can see the hair on the grizzly's neck white color- collar.
  3. The grizzly bear has large claws.
  4. The brown bear found in Russia is much smaller than the grizzly, which can grow up to three meters in length.
  5. The grizzly is more mobile than its brown counterpart.

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