Open lesson "In places of military glory" in the preparatory group

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier- a memorial architectural ensemble in Moscow, in the Alexander Garden, near the walls of the Kremlin.

December 3, 1966, in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the defeat German troops near Moscow, the ashes of an unknown soldier were transferred from a mass grave at the 41st kilometer of the Leningradskoye highway (at the entrance to the city of Zelenograd) and solemnly buried in the Alexander Garden.

On May 8, 1967, a memorial architectural ensemble was opened at the burial site.« Tomb of the Unknown Soldier», designed by architects D. I. Burdin, V. A. Klimov, Yu. R. Rabaev and sculptor N. V. Tomsky. The Eternal Flame was lit on the grave by L. I. Brezhnev, who accepted the torch from the Hero Soviet Union A. P. Mareseva. On the tombstone a bronze composition was installed - a soldier's helmet and a laurel branch lying on a battle banner.

In the center of the memorial is a niche with the inscription -“Your name is unknown, your deed is immortal» (offered by S. V. Mikhalkov) from labradorite with a bronze five-pointed star in the center, in the middle of which the Eternal Flame of Glory burns.

To the left of the grave there is a wall made of crimson quartzite with the inscription: “1941 to those who fell for their homeland 1945”; on the right - a granite alley with blocks of dark red porphyry, which contain capsules with the earth of hero cities: "Stalingrad" - until September 2004, the inscription read "Volgograd", "Leningrad", "Kerch", "Kyiv", "Minsk" , "Novorossiysk", "Odessa", "Sevastopol", "Tula", " Brest Fortress».

On December 12, 1997, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia, the post No. 1 of the guard of honor was transferred from the Lenin Mausoleum to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The guard is carried out by the military personnel of the Presidential Regiment. The changing of the guard takes place every hour.

Eternal flame of memory and glory

The eternal flame is a constantly burning fire, symbolizing eternal memory about something or someone. Continuous combustion is achieved by supplying gas to certain place in which the spark occurs. Usually included in the memorial complex. The first Eternal Flame in the USSR was lit at the monument to the fallen heroes near the village of Pervomaisky, Shchekino district Tula region May 9, 1957 Eternal flame burns in many cities of the former Soviet Unionin memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War.

Three Eternal Flames burn in Moscow: on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, on Poklonnaya Hill, and at the Preobrazhenskoye Cemetery.

Eternal Flame on Poklonnaya Hill

April 30, 2010 year in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill lit the second Eternal flame. It was decided to light a fire on Poklonnaya Hill at the request of the Council of Veterans of the city of Moscow.

The honor to light a new “hearth of memory” was awarded to an honorary citizen of Moscow, a participant in the battle for Moscow, chairman of the Moscow Council of Veterans of War, Labor and law enforcement Vladimir Dolgikh, Hero of Russia Colonel Vyacheslav Sivko, member of the Moscow Children's public organization"Commonwealth" Nikolai Zimogorov.

Eternal flame at the Transfiguration Cemetery

On April 30, 2010, at the military memorial necropolis of the Preobrazhensky cemetery, a solemn ceremony of lighting the third Fire of Memory in Moscow took place. Torch with a particle of the main Eternal Flamecountry at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden arrived at the Transfiguration Cemetery after lighting the Fire of Memory and Gloryon Poklonnaya Hill.

The eternal flame at the Preobrazhensky cemetery was lit because it was the first and only one in Moscow - it was brought here in 1956 from Leningrad, from the Field of Mars. It burned until the pipes wore out. The fire was lit only on holidays. Preobrazhensky necropolis - the largest memorial military memory in Moscow. Soldiers who died of wounds in Moscow hospitals during the Great Patriotic War are buried here. Patriotic War. Some burials were individual, some were fraternal. 10678 people are buried here. Some mass graves contain up to 20 graves. The nameless are getting smaller. Without tablets, only the graves of 43 fighters. In addition to mass graves, the cemetery has the graves of 41 Heroes of the Soviet Union, 3 Heroes of Russia and 3 full holders of the Order of Glory.

Obelisk in commemoration of conferring the honorary title of Moscow - "Hero City"

The motherland highly appreciated the contribution of Muscovites to the defeat of the enemy: hundreds of thousands of Muscovites were awarded orders and medals, more than 800 of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, over 800 thousand people were awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8 1965 for outstanding services to the Motherland, mass heroism, courage and stamina shown by the working people of the capital in the fight against the Nazi invaders, Moscow was awarded the honorary title of "Hero City"with the award of the Order of Lenin and the medal " Golden Star". In commemoration of the awarding of the honorary title of "Hero City" to Moscow, a40-meter "Obelisk". The "Obelisk" was opened on May 9, 1977. The authors of the monument are architects G. Zakharov, Z. Chernysheva, sculptor A. Shcherbakov.Lined with gray hewn granite,"Obelisk" ends with a five-pointed gold star. The monument expresses the unity of the front and rear, the greatness and heroism of the glorious defenders of Moscow, who defended the capital of the Soviet state from enemy invasion.

Monument to the Defenders of the Russian Land

The monument "Defenders of the Russian Land" was opened in the intersection of Kutuzovsky Prospekt and Minskaya Street. Sculptor A. Bichugov. The monument embodies the continuity of generations of defenders of the Motherland: the warrior Ancient Russia with a sword in his hands, a soldier of the Patriotic War with Napoleon and a hero of the Great Patriotic War.

Monument - Stela of the 1st Guards Moscow-Minsk Moto rifle division

The monument was erected in 1976 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the creation of the division and its exploits in the Great Patriotic War. It is located on the Square of the Moscow-Minsk division (crossing of Malaya Filevskaya and Minskskaya streets), Minskaya, 13. Architect O.K. Gurulev, artist-architect S.I. Smirnov, sculptor I.P. Kazansky. On the monument there is an inscription "Area of ​​the Moscow-Minsk Division". Below it are bas-reliefs of the orders that the division was awarded: Lenin, the Red Banner, Suvorov, Kutuzov, and the badge of the guards. The inscriptions are carved below: “The square of the Moscow-Minsk division was named in 1976 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the formation of the 1st guards proletarian Moscow-Minsk division, and its military exploits in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.” The stele was installed by the chiefs of Metrostroy.

Memorial Complex Victory on Poklonnaya Hill

Victory Park - a memorial complex of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. in the west of Moscow. The memorial complex was opened on May 9, 1995 for the 50th anniversary of great victory. Victory Park is bounded from the north by Kutuzovsky Prospekt, from the west by Minskaya Street, from the east by General Yermolov Street, from the south by Brothers Fonchenko Street and residential buildings located near the Moscow-Sortirovochnaya station of the Kyiv direction of Moscow railway. Poklonnaya Gora is located in the eastern part of the memorial complex, not far from Moscow metro station Park Pobedy.

History of Victory Park

For the first time, it was proposed to build a monument to a national feat as early as 1942 (architect Ya. Chernihovsky). But it was not possible to carry it out in wartime conditions. On February 23, 1958, a commemorative granite sign was erected on Poklonnaya Hill with the inscription: "A monument to the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 will be erected here." At the same time, trees were planted around, a park was laid, which was named after the Victory. In the 1970s-1980s, 194 million rubles were collected from the subbotniks and personal contributions of citizens for the construction of a monumental monument. In the future, funds were allocated by the state and the government of Moscow. A plot of land of 135 hectares was allocated for the entire complex.

In the 90s, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Victory, the Victory Memorial Complex was built, opened on May 9, 1995.

Main alley "Years of war"

The main alley "Years of War", located between Victory Square and the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, consists of five terraces, symbolizing the five years of the war. 1418 fountains were erected over five water surfaces - so many days the war continued and blood was shed. In the center of the square is a 141.8-meter-high stele crowned with the goddess of victory Nike. At the foot of the obelisk, on a granite podium, there is a statue of St. George the Victorious, who strikes a snake with a spear - a symbol of the victory of good over evil.

Victory Monument - an obelisk on Pobediteley Square in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora

Project architect - Zurab Tsereteli, design and calculation - TsNIIPSK, under the leadership of B.V. Ostroumov. An obelisk made of extra strong steel weighing 1000 tons and 141.8 meters high (10 centimeters for each day of the war), covered with bronze bas-reliefs. At a height of 122 meters, a 25-ton bronze figure of the goddess of victory Nike is attached to the stele. At the foot of the obelisk on a granite podium is a statue of George the Victorious slaying a dragon with a spear. The Victory Monument was opened on May 9, 1995 as part of the Victory Memorial Complex.

Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War

The main object of the complex is the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, founded in 1993 on the initiative of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. It was opened on May 9, 1995 during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Victory.

The museum building was designed by a group of architects led byA.T. Polyansky. The general fund of the museum is 50 collections with a volume of more than 50 thousand items. In front of the museum Winners Square, to which the central alley of Victory Park leads. In the museum building hall of memory, in which in special showcases are locatedBooks of Memory - 385 volumes,in which the names of people who died in the war are inscribed; Hall of Fame , six dioramas dedicated to the main events of the war. The museum funds contain authentic items of weapons and military equipment, numismatics, philately and philocartery, household items, a large number of handwritten documentary and photographic materials, materials visual arts telling about the Great Patriotic War, the joint struggle of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition against Germany and its allies. The museum houses the Banner of Victory, hoisted on April 30, 1945 over the Reichstag in Berlin. Exposition of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945

Hall of Remembrance

Hall of Remembrance on the ground floor. A sculptural group of Lev Karbel is installed here"Crying Mother" based on Michelangelo's Pieta. Monument to the victims of the Great Patriotic War. A woman bending in grief over a defeated warrior is both a mother mourning her son, a brother's sister, and a husband's wife. This is the face of sadness, loss, grief, always experienced in its own way. But the sculpture also has a common meaning for all. Five hundred years ago, Michelangelo sculpted Pieta from marble - "Christ, taken from the crucifixion, is stretched out on the lap of the Mother of God mourning him." This plot is old, Christian, so the sculpture takes on a new meaning. The fallen warrior is mourned by the Mother of God, and he is like Christ, who sacrificed himself to save people. But that's not all. In the teachings of Orthodoxy, Rus, Russia is the home of the Mother of God. Hence the well-known concept - Motherland. She mourns for her Savior. In Russian icon painting there is a plot similar to drinking - the Dormition. The apostles and saints on earth mourn the Mother of God; appeared in the radiance of Glory, Christ takes her soul, in the form of a swaddled baby, to heaven.

Along the walls in the Hall of Remembrance there are glass cabinets that contain 385 volumes of the Book of Memory with a list of all those who died in the battles for the Motherland and went missing. Information about each of them can also be obtained using e-book Memory. The military-historical exposition is located around the entire perimeter of the building. Central relic - table with Yalta Conference 1945, at which Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met.

Hall of Fame

Chief in the Pantheon of Victory Park - Hall of Fame . At the top of the dome of the Hall of Fame is the Order of Victory. The Hall of Fame is decorated with a sculpture"Soldier is the winner", the author of which is the sculptor V. Znoba.There are 6 dioramas in the hall, created by famous masters of the Studio of Military Artists. M.B. Grekova: "Counteroffensive Soviet troops near Moscow in December 1941”, “Connection of fronts. Stalingrad", "Siege of Leningrad", " Kursk Bulge”, “Forcing the Dnieper”, “Storming Berlin”. On the marble walls of the hall, 11,717 names of war veterans were carved, awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, most high award in the Great Patriotic War.

Monument "Spirit of the Elbe"

The monument was opened in 1995in the western part of the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill. The Spirit of the Elbe monument is dedicated to the meeting of the Allied Forces on the Elbe River in April 1945.

Monument to the Missing

In the mighty sculpture "Missing", standing on the alley of tankers - sharp pain and suffering in the form of a wounded soldier. This monument perfectly conveys the suffering of soldiers in the war. These heroes, even heroes, because no one will recognize their names, will not see their faces at the victory parades. The sculptor K. Sokolovsky conveyed all this in his creation in the best possible way. The monument to the "Missing" was opened in 1995.

Monument "Tragedy of peoples"

Monument "Tragedy of the peoples" - a monument to the prisoners of fascist concentration camps, established in 1997. Sculptor - Zurab Tsereteli. The height of the monument is 8 m.

Monument to the Soldiers of the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition

The monument to the Soldiers of the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition was solemnly opened on May 9, 2005 on Partizan Alley. The author is Mikhail Pereyaslavets.

A 20-meter white marble stele topped with the emblem of the United Nations (UN) is located in the center of the Alley of Partisans, one of the most beautiful alleys of the Victory Park. At the foot of the stele is a pedestal on which four bronze figures of soldiers of the USSR, the USA, Great Britain and France rise.

Monument to the Spaniards-volunteers who fought in the ranks of the Red Army and died in the fight against fascism during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

The monument was erected in 2001 in the western part of Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill. Architect A. Miche. Engineer S. I. Vorontsov.

Monument to the soldiers of Moscow air defense at the Sky Defenders Square in Krylatskoye

Erected in 1995. The authors of the monument sculptor KerbelL. E. and architect E. G. Rozanov immortalized the feat of all the heroes of air defense: pilots and sky scouts, anti-aircraft gunners, fighters of balloon obstacles. The monument is an expressive and laconic composition: in front is the figure of the Motherland with a baby in her arms, saving our future. As a historical background of the ongoing event, at a distance, 13 meters from this statue, there is a screen made of metal structures in the form of a stylized radar installation with bronze high reliefs, on it are genuine wartime anti-aircraft guns with episodes of the heroic defense of the Moscow sky.

Here is an air battle in which our fighter plane defeated a fascist vulture. Here are the girls in military uniform carry a balloon along the embankment. All these are pictures of the war years. And on the reverse side of the screen are inscribed the names of the air defense units that defended Moscow from fascist aviation.

Monument to the Fallen (Heroes - Defenders of the Motherland) near the cinema "Brest".

A memorial sign to the underground workers of the Young Guard. Sculptor Alexander Burganov. Installed in the park near the church at the intersection of Molodogvardeyskaya and Yartsevskaya streets. Molodogvardeyskaya Street is named in memory of the underground heroes of Krasnodon and their immortal feat during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Monuments to those who died in the Great Patriotic Warin the territories of enterprises of the Western District

Monument to those who died during the Great Patriotic War, workers of the Nogin factory.Installed on the territory of the factory on Vitebskaya street.

Monument to those who died during the Great Patriotic War, MRTZ workers.Installed on the territory of MRTZ on Vereiskaya street.

Monument to the workers of VILSA who died during the Great Patriotic War,opened in 1964 in the Mozhaisk district of Moscow on Gorbunova street.

Monument to the workers of the Rublevsky waterworks,who did not return from the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War. Installed on the territory of the Rublevskaya waterworks. Architect Podstavkin P.K.

Memorial on the mass grave of soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War and died of wounds.Established at the initiative of the enterprises of the Kuntsevsky district on Kuntsevo cemetery in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Victory in 1975. An eternal flame burns on the memorial.

Memorial plaques to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War

Memorial plaque on Artamonov street, houses number 3 and number 20, named in 1961 in honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Alekseevich Artamonov.

Memorial plaqueon Botylev Street in Rublevo installedon the building of the former school number 580, where the military unit that defended Moscow was formed. The street is named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Andreyevich Botylev.

Compiled by: Valentina Sheludko


Many of the monuments dedicated to the Second World War were erected in honor of the militia heroes who went to the front in the first days of the war. Only in Moscow during the first four days of the war, 12 divisions were created militia, in honor of which in 1964 the Street of the People's Militia was named, where one of the monuments to the defenders of the capital is located.

Another monument to the militia was erected in the courtyard of the Moscow State Linguistic University. It was here in July 1941 that the 5th division of the people's militia of the Frunzensky district of the capital was formed, so the monument is called "The militia warrior of the Frunzensky division."

Memorial complex with an obelisk "Bayonets"

Many monuments dedicated to the Second World War are located not in Moscow itself, but in the region. But at the same time, they can be called Moscow ones, since many monuments were erected in places where the most fierce ones fought in the battle for Moscow. So, the memorial complex with the obelisk "Bayonets" appeared in honor of the 30th anniversary of the victory on the Hill of Glory near the village of Kryukovo (41st kilometer of the Leningradskoye Highway).


On the Leningrad highway (23rd kilometer) there is another famous monument to the "Defenders of Moscow" - a composition of huge anti-tank "Hedgehogs".Built in 1966. Architects A. A. Agafonov, I. P. Ermishin, A. Mikhe, engineer K. I. Mikhailov. Materials: stone, iron, reinforced concrete.


During the Great Patriotic War, service dogs fought on the battlefields along with the soldiers of the Red Army.

They blew up tanks, removed the wounded from the battlefield, delivered ammunition and important reports to the front line, searched for mines, attacked the enemy and served as sentries.

After the first months of the 1st World War, the front lines froze, fenced in with barbed wire and covered with minefields. It was during this period that unexpectedly wide application received four-legged friends of people, dogs.

In the first years of the war, 168 separate detachments, battalions, regiments and various services in dog breeding. In total, about 70 thousand dogs served in the Soviet Army, which saved many lives of soldiers.


On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, 1,500 representatives of journalism died. Among them are the Heroes of the Soviet Union - Musa Jalil, famous poet, a journalist who worked in Moscow before the war, an employee of the army newspaper Courage, who was executed in the Moabit fascist prison in March 1944.

Caesar Kunikov, Moscow journalist (commander of a detachment of paratroopers, died in the battle for Novorossiysk in February 1943). Petr Nazarenko, a correspondent for the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, later head of the division's artillery, died in April 1944 on the right bank of the Dniester. Andmany, many other…

October 11, 2015

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Travel in itself is a fascinating and educational activity, and when it is also thematic, the trip becomes doubly interesting. I have always loved traveling outside the permanent residence and took advantage of every opportunity that presented itself to me. But this summer there was a really unique chance - a tour of the places of military glory of Russia. I will briefly talk about this.

I work as a teacher in a secondary school in the village of Kochnevskoe, Kamyshlovskiy district, Sverdlovsk region. And on this tour, I was assigned as an escort. And I want to say right away - I did not regret the time and effort spent.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the guys and I set off from the station in the city of Kamyshlov by train straight to the capital. Not to say that 34 hours in a reserved seat is a pleasant pleasure, but the time flew by unnoticed, and at 4 am on the third day our passenger station was at the Yaroslavl station. I had never been to Moscow, and therefore fatigue, early hours of the day, cold and heavy rain combined could not keep me in the waiting room until the guide showed up. Three hours! Three3 hours before meeting the guide! Someone will say that for Moscow this time is nothing. Maybe. But it was enough for me to go around the square of three stations, drink coffee in a summer cafe and take fifty surprised photographs. This morning probably made the biggest impression on me of the whole trip.

At seven in the morning there was a guide and a bus tour of the cultural places of the capital. The Red Square. Sparrow Hills. Mosfilm. AND…

Yes, we have traveled a lot. The only pity is that the conditions of the trip limited the stay in Moscow. AT free time after lunch we could not decide where to go for a long time. In the end, we settled on the Tretyakov Gallery. And not a single person from our group regretted this choice. Part of the halls were closed, but few people paid attention to this, because there are a lot of expositions in the gallery. Previously, I saw paintings exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery only as illustrations for books, textbooks, on TV or on the Internet. But live - it's unforgettable!

Moscow, Kolomna, Smolensk, Yelnya. Passage - Bronnitsy, Volokolamsk. What would I like to talk about first? Yes about everything! However, it will take a lot of precious time of those who read this note. You can write a bunch of sheets about this trip, attach a couple of hundred gorgeous photos to them, and then the information will not be complete. What about impressions...

But, probably, one of the most indelible impressions was made on me by the Kolomna Kremlin - indescribable beauty. Authentic Russian classical features, coupled with a piece of European architecture - these are truly enchanting views! A recommendation to everyone who doubts where to go on their next vacation - go to, go to Smolensk. And it's beautiful there! What is the monument to Glinka!

I paid too much attention to one side of the journey, forgetting about the subject - monuments of military glory. We visited the amazing State Museum of Defense of Moscow, the museum "Smolensk region during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", the Museum of Panfilov Heroes and the monumental war memorial at the Dubosekovo junction near Yelnya, dedicated to the feat of the Panfilovites.

Each place, reflecting the sad milestones of history and the true heroism of the Soviet people, echoed in our souls with pain and pride for a person who, in spite of everything, survived, withstood and showed how to love your Motherland!

Eight days have passed and we are at home. Both joyful and sad. However, emotions have passed, as everything in our life passes with time. There is only one thing left - memory. Know and remember your history! For this, study native land. Happy travels everyone!

Places of military glory
Top best military excursions from Moscow…

The history of our country is decorated with heroic events related to the defense of the Fatherland. Excursion tours to places of military glory and military-technical museums are a great way to touch the valiant past and feel the greatness and power of the state.

Tu-144 in Monino

The list of the best military excursions in Moscow is headed by 10 well-organized routes that help everyone to get to know Russian history better. Excursion 1 "Airplanes first"

offers to make a 5.5-hour trip to the unique museum of Russian air force. 170 authentic aircraft, including the Chkalov aircraft and the supersonic Tu-144.

Excursion 2 "From a cart to a flying saucer"

invites you to visit the largest Military-Technical Museum in Chernogolovka Science City near Moscow. The museum exposition vividly illustrates the stages of development of the global automotive industry from horse-drawn transport to the Russian "flying saucer". The 11-hour trip will end with an army lunch from the field kitchen.

Excursion 3 "Tanks are not afraid of dirt..."

lasting 7 hours, invites you to visit the legendary Museum of armored weapons in Kubinka, which contains an excellent collection of tanks and armored vehicles from around the world.

Excursion 4 "Science to win!"

12 hours long invites you to visit Borodino for an interactive military-historical holiday. After visiting the Borodino Field museum reserve, tourists will be offered a military field lunch.

Excursion 5 "The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

in 12 hours will introduce you to the key places of the battle of Borodino, the grave of Bagration and the Spaso-Borodino Monastery. Tourists will be invited to take part in a costumed military-historical holiday and taste a delicious lunch from a soldier's field kitchen.

Excursion 6 "Moscow Kremlin - the heart of Russia"

invites you to a 1.5-hour walking tour of the territory of the ancient Kremlin, including the presence at the traditional ceremony of setting guards. An interesting route is laid through Ivanovskaya Square with the Tsar Bell to the Assumption Cathedral and Palace Square.

Excursion 7 “Borodino. Immersion in the era»

for 12 hours will send tourists to heroic times Napoleonic Wars. The program of the theatrical trip includes a visit to the Borodino field, acquaintance with historical life, and then an unusual dinner from a hot Russian stove.

Excursion 8 "We will not falter in the battle for our capital ..."

lasting 5 hours, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the end of the war. Tourists will visit the Lenino-Snegirevsky Museum, opened in places of heavy fighting for Moscow. The museum halls contain personal belongings of soldiers, letters, weapons, and samples of military equipment in the open area.

Excursion 9 “How the Victory was forged…”

dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory. A 3-hour walking tour includes a visit to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier memorial, the Belorussky railway station and memorial places associated with the labor and military feat of the inhabitants of the capital.

Excursion 10 "Salute of Victory"

On May 9, a 2-hour boat trip in the evening will allow you to admire the magnificent spectacle of 10,000 volleys of festive fireworks or a trip on the luxurious Maria Ermolova boat on May 9 will last 3 hours. Each tourist will be able to enjoy the grandiose fireworks and receive a glass of champagne as a gift.

To all history lovers can take advantage of convenient online booking educational travel on the best routes military theme and book pedestrian, bus and water excursions to the military-technical museums of Moscow, the fields of great battles and memorable places in advance.

14 chose

Where to go on Victory Day? Of course, to one of the places with which the tragic and heroic pages of our history are connected. Now trees are growing there, the sun is shining, and only stone memorials remind of the events that took place seven decades ago. Such places are a must to visit. To remember.

Brest Fortress

They were the first to feel the terrible blow of the war. At 4 am on June 22, artillery fire fell on the fortress. According to the memoirs of the German pastor Rudolf Gshepf, the blow caught the defenders of the fortress right in bed- the first prisoners were in their underwear. The Germans expected to immediately capture the fortress due to surprise. But the defenders did not give them such an opportunity. "They recovered surprisingly quickly, formed into battle groups behind our companies that had broken through and began to organize a desperate and stubborn defense"- recalled a German priest.

The organized defense of the fortress continued until the end of June, although even after that there were single fighters and small groups who tried to go to the partisans or continued to fight. On one of the walls of the fortress there was an inscription dated July 20, 1941: "I'm dying, but I'm not giving up! Farewell, Motherland."

Now there is the Museum of the Defense of the Brest Fortress and the Memorial Complex "Brest Hero Fortress".

Green belt of glory, St. Petersburg

One of the most tragic stories war is connected with the northern capital of Russia- beautiful St. Petersburg, and at that time - Leningrad. For almost two and a half years, the inhabitants of the city were locked in a ring of enemies, dying from shelling and bombing, and even more so from deadly hunger. Heroically fought around Leningrad soviet soldiers, some of them not only for the Motherland but also for their wives and children left in the hungry city.

After the war around the city was created "Green belt glory"- a complex of monuments on the frontiers of the defense of Leningrad. These are green spaces with a huge number of monuments. The monuments are the simplest - obelisks, steles, nameplates. But how many tragic and heroic stories are hidden under these simple sculptural forms!

I wanted to highlight a tiny piece of the front called Nevsky Piglet(2 km along the Neva and 800 meters from the coastline). Here, for 400 days of the war, Soviet soldiers tried to break through the blockade ring. During the day, about 50 thousand bombs and shells fell on this tiny patch of land, and the defenders repelled 12-16 attacks per day. Here, in the area of ​​​​Nevsky Piglet, my grandfather fought and was wounded.

Dubosekovo junction, battle near Moscow

One of the heroic pages of our military history associated, of course, with the defense of Moscow. The attack on the Soviet capital began on 30 September. By the second half of October, the fighting was already going on at a distance of 80-100 km from Moscow, evacuation began, the city was introduced state of siege. But the defenders of the city did not lose heart. On November 7, the country's leadership held a military parade on Red Square, the participants of which were sent directly from the parade to the front. By the beginning of December, the defense of Moscow turned into a counteroffensive.

One of legendary stories battle near Moscow is associated with the feat of 28 Panfilov. According to the official version in the USSR, 28 fighters of the 316th Infantry Division named after Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov destroyed 18 tanks in the Dubosekovo junction south of Volokolamsk in 4 hours. Later, this story was recognized as a literary fiction, but this in no way detracts from the heroism of the Panfilov division in the defense of Moscow. Now in this area there is a grandiose memorial dedicated to this division.

Mamaev Kurgan, Volgograd

The Battle of Stalingrad was the bloodiest battle in human history., and for our country it was the beginning turning point in the war. Fierce fighting in the city went literally for every street and every house. For example, an ordinary apartment building, which was later called "Pavlov's house", was turned by Soviet soldiers into an impregnable fortress.

Particularly fierce battles were Mamaev Kurgan which constantly changed hands. Now there is a grandiose memorial ensemble "Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad". And on the central embankment you can see a panorama dedicated to this battle.

What places military glory have you visited or would you like to visit? Where are you planning to go on May 9th?

Katya Kozhevnikova, website

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Hero Cities of Russia and the CIS Volgograd Minsk St. Petersburg Odessa Sevastopol Murmansk Kyiv Moscow Kerch Tula Smolensk Novorossiysk Brest Fortress

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Moscow, Peremilovskaya Height The easternmost point that the German troops managed to reach, late autumn 1941 approaching Moscow from the north. The battles for the Peremilovskaya height, towering over Yakhroma (by that time it had already been captured by the enemy), became key in the defense of the capital. It was here, near the Moscow-Volga Canal, that Soviet soldiers and officers repelled the attacks of the Nazis one after another, making it impossible for a "lightning" strike on Moscow. Now there is a monument to the Liberator Soldier.

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Volgograd, Mamaev Kurgan The main symbol Stalingrad victory became "height 102" - Mamaev Kurgan, during the battle more than once passed from the Soviet troops to the Germans and back. It is not surprising that it was decided to build a memorial complex in memory of the fallen soldiers on this hill.

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Minsk, Mound of Glory The Mound of Glory is located on the site of the famous "Minsk Cauldron", where in July 1944 a 105,000-strong group of German troops was surrounded. The operation was called "Bagration", it was carried out by three Belarusian fronts at once - the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, the Baltic Front and the partisans.

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St. Petersburg, Museum "Breakthrough of the Siege of Leningrad" The Museum-Reserve "Breakthrough of the Siege of Leningrad" stands near the village of Maryino. It was here that on January 12, 1943, a massive shelling of the enemy’s fortifications began (the Germans themselves considered this place impregnable). It was followed by a large-scale offensive, as a result of which on January 18 the blockade of Leningrad was broken. The museum consists of several parts - a diorama, the Nevsky Piglet complex, the Sinyavinsky Heights and the very place where the blockade was broken, where on January 18, 1943, parts of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts joined.

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Odessa, Heroic Defense Memorial This memorial was erected almost 30 years after the end of World War II. It was in this place that the legendary 411th coastal battery stood, which defended the city in the first months of the war. When it became clear that Odessa could not be held, the battery was blown up, and personnel thrown to the defense of Sevastopol.

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Murmansk, Memorial to the "Defenders of the Soviet Arctic" On the Murmansk hill called Zeleny Mys during the war, there were two anti-aircraft batteries that covered the city from the air. Today, on this hill rises a huge warrior in a raincoat and with a machine gun over his shoulder, popularly known as "Alyosha". Its opening took place in 1974. The soldier is calm and strict. His gaze is directed towards the Valley of Glory - the very one where in 1941 there were fierce battles with the enemy.

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Sevastopol, Sapun Mountain Memorial Complex It was here, on Sapun Mountain, that fierce battles for Sevastopol went on throughout June 1942, and in May 1944 - for the entire region. In 1942, the Germans broke through to the Crimea in order to place their air bases there and penetrate further into the Caucasus, to oil resources. And every time they met the fierce resistance of the Soviet troops: at that time it was one of the most fortified places in the world. Now a memorial of military glory is located on the famous peak. A 28-meter obelisk was erected here (in cloudy weather it seems that it goes straight into the clouds), at its foot the Eternal Flame burns

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Kerch, Adzhimushkaysky quarries In these gloomy catacombs during the Great Patriotic War, not only soldiers of the Red Army, but also civilians who fled from villages and cities during the offensive of the Nazi troops took refuge. The partisans studied the system of underground labyrinths well and in small detachments made daring sorties behind enemy lines.

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Kyiv, National Museum-Reserve "Battle for Kyiv in 1943" Four months Soviet army fought for the liberation of Ukraine. The Kyiv operation was the main milestone in the 1943 offensive. In honor of her, in May 1945, it was decided to declare the territory near the village of Novye Petrivtsy, where the most fierce battles took place, a military-historical reserve.

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Tula, Volnyansky street During the battles for Tula on October 30, 1941 Front edge defense. The street bears the name of Lieutenant Grigory Volnyansky, who heroically held back the enemy's advance and died here during a tank attack. Volnyansky, who at that time was only 20 years old, commanded a fire platoon of an anti-aircraft artillery regiment, which consisted of only two guns. These guns withstood the battle with fifty German tanks advancing on Tula.

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