Ushinsky to read stories and fairy tales. Ushinsky K. D. Stories for children about nature. Frost is not terrible

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky - the great Russian teacher - also wrote for children. His book "Children's World. Reader" is used with benefit at the present time.

His works were intended to be read to elementary school students. After all, training began at the age of 9. They are designed for this age. Short stories are suitable for independent reading for children 6-7 years old.

Adapted. Clings toes. The tail rests. Nose tapping. Goosebumps and goats because of the bark scare.

Short stories for children.

Not well tailored, but tightly sewn

A white, smooth bunny said to the hedgehog:

- What you have, brother, ugly, prickly dress!

- True, - answered the hedgehog, - but my thorns save me from the teeth of a dog and a wolf: does your pretty skin also serve you?

Bunny only sighed instead of answering.


Cat-cat - a gray pubis. Vasya is affectionate, but cunning, velvet paws, a sharp fingernail.

Vasyutka has delicate ears, a long mustache, and a silk fur coat.

The cat caresses, arches, wags its tail, closes its eyes, sings a song, and a mouse has caught - do not be angry! The eyes are big, the paws are steel, the teeth are crooked, the claws are graduation.


Mice gathered at their mink, old and small. Their eyes are black, their paws are small, sharp teeth, gray fur coats, their ears stick out from above, their tails drag along the ground.

Mice gathered, underground thieves, they think a thought, they hold advice: "How can we, mice, smuggle a cracker into a mink?" Oh, beware, mice! Your friend, Vasya, is not far away. He loves you very much, he will kiss you with his paw, he will remember your ponytails, he will tear your fur coats.


An ugly cow, but gives milk. Her forehead is wide, her ears to the side, there is a lack of teeth in her mouth, but her mugs are large, her spine is pointed, her tail is broomstick, her sides protrude, her hooves are double.

She tears grass, chews gum, drinks swill, mooing and roaring, calling the hostess:
“Come out, hostess, take out the pan, clean wiper!” I brought milk to the children, thick cream.

Frost is not terrible

It's a shame for winter that even small children are not afraid of its severe frosts! They skate and sled, play snowballs, make snowmen, build mountains, water them, and even ask for frost: "Come, help!"

The winter pinched one little boy by the ear, another by the nose, and the third by the cheek. The cheek even turned white. And the boy grabbed the snow, let's rub it. And his face turned red as fire.

Crow and cancer

A crow flew over the lake; he looks - the cancer is crawling: he's a trap. She sat on a willow and thinks to have a bite. He sees the cancer that has to disappear, and says:

- Hey, crow! Crow! I knew your father and mother, what glorious birds they were!

- Yes! says the crow without opening its mouth.

- I knew your sisters and brothers - they were excellent birds!

- Yes! the crow says again.

- Yes, even though the birds were good, but still far from you.

– Aha! - the crow shouted at the top of its mouth and dropped Cancer into the water.


Knock-Knock! In a dense forest on a pine tree, a black woodpecker is carpentry. It clings with its paws, rests with its tail, taps with its nose, scares goosebumps and goats because of the bark.

He will run around the trunk, he will not look through anyone.

Ants scared:

- These orders are not good! They squirm with fear, hide behind bark - they don’t want to go out.

Knock-Knock! The black woodpecker knocks with its nose, hollows out the bark, launches a long tongue into holes, ants, as if dragging a fish.

Fox and geese

Once a fox came to the meadow. And there were geese in the meadow. Good geese, fat. The fox rejoiced and said:

- Now I'll eat all of you!

And the geese say:

- You, fox, are kind! You, fox, are good, do not eat, have pity on us!

- Not! - says the fox, - I won’t regret it, I’ll eat everyone!

What to do here? Then one goose says:

- Let us sing a song, fox, and then eat us!

- Well, - says the fox, - sing!

The geese all stood in a row and sang:



They are still singing, and the fox is waiting for them to finish.


The gray-winged eagle is the king of all birds. He builds nests on rocks and on old oaks; flies high, sees far, looks at the sun unblinkingly. The nose of the eagle is a sickle, the claws are hooked; wings are long; bulging chest - well done.

Coloring book "Eagle"

Bad for those who do no good to anyone

"Gryshenka! Lend me a pencil for a minute."

And Grishenka replied: "Wear yours, I need mine myself."

"Grisha! help me put the books in my bag."

And Grisha answered: "The books are yours, and pack them yourself."

Did comrades love Grisha?

Hen and ducklings

The owner wanted to breed ducks. She bought duck eggs, put them under the chicken and waits for her ducklings to hatch. The chicken sits on the eggs, patiently sits, it will come down for a while to peck the food and again to the nest.

The chicken hatched ducklings, is happy, cackles, leads them around the yard, tears the ground - it is looking for food for them.

Somehow a hen with her brood went outside the fence, got to the pond. The ducklings saw the water, everyone ran to it, one by one they started swimming. A chicken, poor, runs along the shore, screams, calls ducklings to her, - she is afraid that they will drown.

And the ducklings are happy with the water, they swim, dive and do not even think about going ashore. Barely, the hostess drove the chicken away from the water.


In the fall, the boy wanted to destroy the swallow's nest stuck under the roof, in which the owners were no longer there: sensing the approach of cold weather, they flew away.

Don't destroy the nests, his father told him. - In the spring, the swallow will fly again, and she will be pleased to find her former home.

The boy obeyed his father.

Winter passed, and at the end of April a pair of sharp-winged, pretty birds, cheerful, chirping, flew in and began to rush around the old nest. Work boiled over. The swallows dragged clay and silt from a nearby stream in their spouts, and soon the nest, slightly spoiled during the winter, was finished anew. Then the swallows began to drag fluff, then a feather, then a stalk of moss into the nest.

A few more days passed, and the boy noticed that only one swallow flies out of the nest, and the other remains in it constantly.

"It is evident that she applied the testicles and now sits on them," thought the boy. In fact, after about three weeks, tiny heads began to peek out of the nest. How glad the boy was now that he had not ruined the nest!

Sitting on the porch, he spent whole hours watching how caring birds rushed through the air and caught flies, mosquitoes, midges. How quickly they scurried back and forth, how tirelessly they got food for their children! ..

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

Stories and tales



K. D. Ushinsky

There is no person in our country who would not know fairy tales about the chicken ryaba, about the kolobok, about brother Ivanushka and sister Alyonushka, would not read the story “Four Wishes”, would not repeat the sly joke about the lazy Tit: “Tit, go thresh.” “Belly hurts.” - "Tit, go eat jelly." “Where is my big spoon?”

All these and many other fairy tales, stories and jokes, just as well known to everyone, were composed by Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, others were retold.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky was born one hundred and eighty years ago, in 1824.

He spent his childhood in Ukraine, in the small town of Novgorod-Seversk and studied at the local gymnasium.

The gymnasium, Ushinsky recalled, was located in an old, dilapidated building that looked more like a barn than a school. “The windows in the old frames trembled, the rotted floors, covered with ink and trampled down by the nails of the heels, creaked and jumped; the cracked doors pretended to be bad, the long old benches, which had completely lost their original color, were cut and covered with many generations of high school students. There was nothing on those benches! And drawers of the most intricate work, and cunning, polysyllabic ink channels, and angular human figures - soldiers, generals on horseback, portraits of teachers; and countless sayings, countless fragments of lessons written down by a student who did not rely on his memory, cells for the game of skubki, which consists in the fact that the schoolboy, who managed to put three crosses in a row, mercilessly tore his partner by the forelock ... In the lower classes it was so stuffy that some new teacher, not yet accustomed to our gymnasium atmosphere, frowned and spat for a long time before he began his lesson.

But the director of the gymnasium I. F. Timkovsky, a writer and historian, a kind and educated person, managed to instill in the gymnasium students respect for knowledge, for science, and those gymnasium students who studied well enjoyed great respect among their comrades.

After high school, Ushinsky studied at Moscow University. After graduating from university, he became a teacher himself.

At first he worked in Yaroslavl, then he was appointed to teach Russian literature - as the lessons of the Russian language and literature were then called in schools - at the Gatchina Orphan's Institute, where orphans lived and studied.

When Ushinsky began teaching at the Gatchina Institute, he found that his students and students knew very little about all subjects.

He saw the same thing at the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens, where he was later transferred and where the daughters of the nobles were brought up. The girls were sure that the rolls grow on trees, and when one day they were asked to write an essay “Sunrise”, they could not even explain why the sun rises and sets.

But the worst thing was that they considered learning a martyr's torment and punishment.

And so it is in all schools.

Ushinsky loved children very much and sympathized with them very much: it was really difficult for them to study. The textbooks they studied from were boring and incomprehensible, and the guys had to memorize them in order not to get a bad mark.

And so Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky decided to write such a textbook, according to which it would be easy and interesting for children to study. And when learning is not torment, then the student both studies and learns more successfully.

And Ushinsky compiled two such textbooks for elementary school. They were called "Native Word" and "Children's World".

"Native Word" and "Children's World" were not at all like the old boring textbooks. Everything was clear and very interesting. You’ll start reading them and you won’t tear yourself away: you want to know as soon as possible what is written on the next page.

Ushinsky placed fairy tales in his books - he heard some of them in childhood and now retold them, and some he invented himself.

He composed stories about what is close to children, what surrounds them in everyday life - about animals and birds, about natural phenomena, about the children themselves, about their activities and games.

He told the children that the bread they eat, the clothes they wear, the house they live in, are all the work of people, and therefore the most necessary, most respected person in society is a worker: a peasant, an artisan, a worker. .

Together with his friend, a young teacher Modzalevsky, Konstantin Dmitrievich composed poems and songs that were so easy to remember. They are also included in his books.

Among those songs was this one:

Kids, get ready for school!

The rooster has crowed for a long time!

Get dressed up!

The sun looks out the window.

Ushinsky's books revealed to children big and small secrets of the vast world in which they were just beginning to live and in which there was so much unfamiliar, incomprehensible and mysterious.

And most importantly, they revealed the biggest secret: what is the joy and happiness of a person. From the stories and fairy tales of Ushinsky, it was clear to everyone that only a kind, honest and hardworking person can be happy.

For the first time, Ushinsky's books "Native Word" and "Children's World" were published about two hundred years ago. Many generations learned from them: not only our grandparents, great-grandparents, but also great-great-grandmothers and great-great-grandfathers.

And today's schoolchildren read and love the fairy tales of Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky.

It is safe to say that these stories and fairy tales will be read and loved by many, many more new generations, because people will always respect work, knowledge, honesty and kindness.

Vl. Ants

Children in the grove

Children in the grove

Two children, brother and sister, went to school. They had to pass by a beautiful, shady grove. It was hot and dusty on the road, but cool and cheerful in the grove.

– Do you know what? brother said to sister. “We still have time to go to school. The school is now stuffy and boring, but in the grove it should be a lot of fun. Listen to the birds chirping there; and squirrels, how many squirrels jump on the branches! Shall we go there, sister?

The sister liked the brother's proposal. The children threw the alphabets into the grass, joined hands and hid among the green bushes, under the curly birch trees. It was definitely fun and noisy in the grove. The birds fluttered incessantly, singing and shouting; squirrels jumped on the branches; insects scurried about in the grass.

First of all, the children saw the golden bug.

“Play with us,” the children said to the bug.

“I would love to,” replied the beetle, “but I don’t have time: I have to get myself dinner.”

“Play with us,” the children said to the yellow, furry bee.

“I have no time to play with you,” answered the bee, “I need to collect honey.”

- Will you play with us? the children asked the ant.

But the ant had no time to listen to them: he dragged a straw three times his size and hurried to build his cunning dwelling.

The children turned to the squirrel, suggesting that she also play with them, but the squirrel waved its fluffy tail and replied that it should stock up on nuts for the winter. The dove said, "I'm building a nest for my little babies." A gray bunny ran to the stream to wash its muzzle. The white strawberry flower also had no time to take care of children: it took advantage of the beautiful weather and hurried to prepare its juicy, tasty berry on time.

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I think you all have heard about who Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky is - a great Russian teacher or, as they say, "a teacher of Russian teachers." In addition, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky wrote educational, scientific and educational tales and stories for children.

Fairy tale "Two goats"

About how two goats met when crossing the river and did not want to give way to one another, and as a result both fell into the river. Written to ridicule stubbornness. Is your child stubborn? Read this fairy tale with him, laugh at the characters together, and then ask the child: “Katya (Slava, Misha, etc.), don’t you sometimes do the same?” Let the child realize what it looks like from the outside.

Fairy tale "Blind Horse"

About how the horse saved the life of its owner and he promised to always look after her. And when she was no longer needed, he forgot about his promise and drove the horse out into the street. With the help of this tale, you can talk about what he gave the word - hold on, show how disgusting betrayal is. In addition, you can show your child that justice will always prevail.

Fairy tale "Wind and Sun"

About how they argued who was stronger and tried to remove the cloak from the man. The tale teaches that much more can be achieved with the help of affection and kindness than with the help of anger.

Fairy tale "Two plows"

About how two completely identical plows became different: one sparkled, and the second rusted. Read this fairy tale specifically in order to educate diligence in children.

Fairy tale "The Fox and the Goat"

- about how the fox outwitted the goat and climbed out of the well. You can teach your child to analyze the situation and not let himself be led by the nose. BUT! You should not teach a child that being cunning is very good, otherwise you will feel it yourself later. Cunning is good only to find a way out of a difficult situation. And if you pay attention to the beginning of the tale, you can show the child that you need to be careful not to end up in a difficult situation.

The tales "Rooster and Dog", "Rogue Cat", "Fox and Geese", "Crow and Cancer" are suitable for the same purposes as the tale "Fox and Goat". So one problem can be given a whole week. A new form, but the meaning is the same. It turns out that we repeat the truth, but the interest does not fade away! And you all know that Repetition is a mother ... No, not cookies, not torment, but learning!

In the fairy tale "Rooster and dog" talks about how these animals lived with poor old people. But they even had nothing to eat and they decided to leave the owners. The rooster and the dog went into the forest. At night the rooster climbed the tree, and the dog dug in the leaves. In the morning, the rooster, as always, affably crowed to the sun. And the fox heard this singing and wanted to eat the rooster. She ran under a tree and began to call him to visit her. And he says: "I'll call a friend." The cheat was delighted that the dinner would be twice as large and said: “Call!” The dog came running and tore the fox to pieces.

In the fairy tale "Rogue cat" tells about the cat's cunning, because of which everyone first got into trouble, and then escaped. The cat often strove to steal something from the owners, for which he got it. And there were also a goat and a ram in the yard. They said that the cat is right. And he came up with the idea that because he ate sour cream, the owners would have to let the goat and the ram to eat. They all decided to run away into the forest. There they met a bear and they all went to bed together. And at night the wolves came to them. But the cat outwitted them, sending them to the bear. After this incident, everyone decided to return home, so as not to get into some kind of trouble.

In the fairy tale "The Fox and the Geese" the situation is very funny, about how the geese outwitted the fox. She came to them in the meadow to eat, and they told her: “Let us sing at last!” The fox allowed, and the geese, as they sang, are still singing “ha-ha-ha”. The fairy tale is small, and the child will be happy to sing a goose song with you.

Fairy tale "Crow and Cancer" very similar to the fable "The Fox and the Crow", only here the bird was deceived by the cancer, which she wanted to feast on. Cancer praised the crow until she agreed "Aha!" and didn't open her mouth. The tale is also very short, and it will be very interesting for the child to stage it.

"Story Hunter"

- about how the old man loved to listen to fairy tales and let a man spend the night at his place because he would tell him fairy tales all night. There is such an interesting fable goes on, and as a result, the grandfather falls from the stove. With the help of such a fairy tale, one can explain to the child that there is a time for everything: fairy tales should be listened to in childhood. And then you can move on to the fact that in adult life there should be other priorities. Or to the fact that business is time, but fun ... In general, here your imagination is already working for you.

Fairy tales "Goat" and "Cockerel with family"

About how everything is arranged in the family, how the roles are distributed among family members. This is a deep meaning, and these short tales are read quickly and easily. You can show the child that there should be peace and order in the family, and there is no need to quarrel. Dad's authority is also shown.

Fairy tale "Know how to wait"

About how the chicken warned the cockerel not to eat green currants, not to drink cold water, not to ride on thin ice, but to wait until the currants ripen, the water will warm up, and the river will freeze more. But the cockerel did not obey and got into trouble. Using the example of this fairy tale, it can be shown that when mom (dad) does not allow something, there are good reasons for this, that you should not rush where it is better to wait. Again, hurry up - people ...

Fairy tale "Kids and the wolf"

Everyone knows the story! Obedience is cultivated. And that's it.

Fairy tale "Complaints of a bunny."

Please answer me these questions first:

What does a hare look like? (insert rabbit)

Can a rabbit dig holes? And the hare?

Who hunts the hare?

How does a hare go down a hill?

Where do hares usually hide?

If you don't know the answer to any of these questions, how will your child know the answer to them? So, as you can see, you can also learn something new from Ushinsky's fairy tales. And in order to know the answers to these questions, you should not bury your nose in boring encyclopedias! You just need to read Ushinsky's informative tale "Complaints of a Bunny". It's a lot more fun for little kids though! I'm sure you liked it too. And how can you practice intonation when reading!

Fairy tale "Lisa Patrikeevna"

And if you read the fairy tale "Lisa Patrikeevna", you will find out the answers to the following questions:

What does a fox look like?

How does she walk?

What holes does she dig?

What does a fox like to eat?

Fairy tale "Not well tailored, but tightly sewn"

From the fairy tale, your children will find out why the hedgehog has thorns.

A very short, but written with love and understandable, description of a cat for the smallest children is in the fairy tale "Vaska".

And from the fairy tale "Bishka" it will be possible to find out what the dog does (and the presentation is good: on behalf of the dog itself!).

A very funny fairy tale "The Brave Dog", from which we will learn why the dog barks and why it tucks its tail.

The child learns about the cow from the fairy tale "Cow". And if you throw out the first sentence from this fairy tale, then this is no longer a fairy tale at all, but a riddle! And so you can do with many of the enumerated cognitive tales of Ushinsky!

The story "Children in the grove"

We read in order to instill in children the habit of first performing their duties, and then walking.

This work tells about how two children - brother and sister - decided not to go to school, but to take a walk in the grove at that time. But no one wanted to play with them: not a bee, not a stream, not a bird. And all because everyone was busy with their own business: the bug had to get his dinner, the bee had to collect honey. The children became bored in the grove, but still no one played with them. And the robin even shamed them and said that only those who would be pleased to rest and play would first work and do everything that they were obliged to do. And yet the story ends on an optimistic note.

The story "Close together, but boring apart"

We read in order to teach children to play together and not spare each other their toys. At the same time, in this very small work, a problematic question is posed before the children, which provokes them to think and find a solution to the problem themselves.

The story "Viper"

This is an educational and educational story from which children will learn about what snakes and what vipers. At the same time, the story is not dry and stuffed with facts, but as if torn out of life. It tells how a dog saved his master from a viper. The reader, along with the narrator, will worry about the fate of the dog, which, by the way, teaches children empathy, and in the end everything will be fine. And the kids will learn why dogs are not afraid of a viper bite.

The story "Morning Rays"

It describes how beautifully everyone wakes up who gets the sun's rays, and how the lazy person behaves when such a ray hits him. It is clear that such a story will help in the fight against laziness.

The story "The story of an apple tree"

We read to children in order to trace the fate of one apple tree: how it grew from a seed from a sour apple tree in the forest, how its gardener dug it up and transplanted it into the garden, how he looked after it, and how sweet apples began to grow on it instead of sour apples. After reading this story, one can come to the following conclusion: one should never think that if the parents are bad, then the children will be the same, because an important role in the formation of the child is given to care and upbringing. This lesson will be useful for an adult to learn, and not just a child.

The story "How the shirt grew in the field"

We read in order to show the guys how much effort a person gives to do something. And thus the child realizes the value of labor and learns to appreciate human efforts. And in the end - take care of things. Moreover, at the beginning of the story, the children are again posed the problematic question “how could a shirt grow on the field?”. Thus, the child is easily interested and will be happy to listen to the whole story.

The story "The Chicken and the Ducks"

About how the hostess wanted to hatch ducklings and put duck eggs under the chicken. And the hen hatched ducklings and raised them, and one day she almost died for them. And the meaning in this work is this: if you accepted someone as your own, then you will be with him as with your own. And for this, the heart will hurt no less. It doesn't matter if they're not your kids...

The story "Someone else's testicle"

Very similar to the story "The Hen and the Ducklings". And the meaning is the same.

The story "The leprosy of the old woman-winter"

In an interesting, even fabulous, form, information is given to us about winter, about how she wanted to freeze everyone and she didn’t succeed, and about how she “burst into tears” - so that it became clear that spring was not far away. It describes how birds, animals, fish and people spend their time in winter, and why they are not afraid of winter. After reading, for the development of thinking, you can ask the children the question: “What kind of winter tears are these?”

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