Who is bigger than a grizzly bear or a polar bear. How is a grizzly bear different from a brown bear? How much does a brown bear weigh

Bears are the largest among predatory animals. For example, an adult lion can weigh about 230 kilograms, a tiger - 270 kilograms, but the weight of a large polar bear and grizzly bear reaches 450 kilograms. And yet, the Alaskan brown bear is rightfully called the largest bear in the world. The weight of some males of this species was more than 680 kilograms at a height of about three meters. I would not want to meet such a giant somewhere on the trail. But these are average figures, but in real life there are instances of bears, the parameters of which are much higher than the above. There is still a dispute among the people about which bears are the largest, this is expressed in hunting stories and legends.

The Guinness Book of Records calls the most big bear on the white planet polar bear. The average weight of these predators is in the range of 400-600 kg, length - 240-260 cm, height 1.6 m. polar bear, which was measured, weighed 1002 kg according to one version, 900 kg according to another. The length of this polar bear was 3.5 m. The menu of the polar bear is mainly walruses and seals. The male polar bear gains full physical form at the age of 9-10 years.

Among brown Alaskan bears there is an interesting subspecies, which scientists call Kodiak. So, among these kodiaks, the heaviest measured bear was a giant, whose weight was 1134 kg. If he stood on his hind legs, then his height would be 4 m. Kodiaks are distinguished by long strong limbs, a muscular body and a massive head. These bears live alone, in winter, just like brown bears sleep. In the diet of Kodiaks, fish and a variety of plant foods in the form of nuts, roots, berries and grass. Hunting for other types of animals, Kodiaks, is carried out very rarely. Kodiak is not afraid of water, so it usually settles along the river bank. These bears live on the southern coast of Alaska. There is even an island here called Kodiak.

The closest relatives of Kodiak bears are grizzly bears, which also reach enormous sizes. Currently, the Kodiak population is constantly increasing. Most of them live in Kodiak National Reserve which is protected by law.

Among fossil animals, bears were also large predators. According to scientists, the largest of them is called the prehistoric South American short-nosed bear. His height was 3.4 m, weight - 1.6 tons. The bones of this giant were found in 1935 in Argentina at the La Plata construction site. According to scientists, this bear was the largest predator on the planet about 2 million years ago. The weight of individual representatives of this species, according to scientists, could reach up to 2 tons.

Recently, a giant man-eating bear was shot and killed in Alaska by an American Forest Service officer. A special commission, after measuring the parameters of the dead bear, found that the prey turned out to be the largest grizzly bear in the world. Such a bear, standing on its hind legs, could look at the window of the second floor. Its weight was 726 kg, and its height on its hind legs was 4.3 m.

This is how they are big bears in the world, cute and menacing, cute and scary, in a word prominent representatives animal world.

This family does not have a large variety of species. Scientists identify only eight. But the number makes them very common. All of them have the right to claim to be included in the list called "The world's largest bear." This is due to the fact that they differ in incredibly large weight and growth. And yet, among the giants, one can also distinguish the most-most. For bears, this is Kodiak.

brown giant

These are rightfully the largest bears in terms of size and weight. Kodiaks are a subspecies of brown. Among all the predators of our planet, they are the largest. These bears grow up to four meters in length. Their height at the withers can reach one and a half meters. Kodiak is truly the world's largest bear.

If we talk about the weight of giants, then its average values ​​are as follows: for females - two and a half centners, and for males - about five. These numbers are not the maximum. Recorded data that the weight of some individuals reaches one ton. After these figures, there is no doubt which bear is the largest in the world.

The name of this subspecies of bears corresponds to the habitat. Their distribution area is the Kodiak archipelago, located off the southern coast of Alaska. The climate in this area is characterized by short and mild winters. And natural enemies bears don't. This explains their huge size.

The diet of predators consists not only of animal meat. It also includes berries and herbs, roots and fish. It is known that they do not even disdain carrion.

Despite the fact that these bears have no enemies, their population is small. Today, there are about three thousand kodiaks in the world. Therefore, they are protected.

Northern giant - polar bear

Most often, when asked which bear is the largest in the world, they receive the following answer: “White”. It is also called polar, northern, sea, oshkuy. Its ancestor, like that of the Kodiak, is a brown bear. The maximum dimensions of this animal reach such values: length - three meters, weight - up to eight centners. However, smaller individuals are most common. Their length is less than a meter, and their weight is about five centners. Females are usually even smaller.

These brown bears are distinguished by the structure of the head. They have it flat on an outstretched neck. And the ears on the head are much smaller. Polar bears have black skin. It is imperceptible because of the incredibly thick fur. By the way, it can be yellow. Only most often the wool burns out under the rays of the scorching sun.

It got its polar name because of its limited range. This bear rarely visits the mainland. He spends almost his entire life in the Arctic.

The diet of this giant is limited to what can be found in the ice. And these are mainly marine animals, such as walrus and seal. His hunting style is to lie in wait for prey in hiding and hit them on the head. From this powerful crack, the animal is not able to quickly recover. In the conditions of constant winter, the polar bear needs a lot of food. Therefore, hunting methods may change. The main thing is to get meat or fish, because at a time he needs up to 20 kg of food. Although most often the portion is about 7 kg. You don't really have to choose. Can pick up carrion or eat chicks.

Due to the slow reproduction of offspring (one bear cub appears every three years) and the high mortality of young individuals, the northern bear is listed in the Red Book. Today its population is wild nature is about seven thousand.

Some interesting facts about the life of a polar bear

He is not only the most A big bear in the world, but also the most dexterous, because he runs fast, swims excellently and dives remarkably. northern Bear can move in water for distances up to 80 km.

The animal is distinguished by very thick fur, which consists of two layers. The lower one, very short and incredibly thick, is designed to protect against the cold. The upper is long and waterproof so you can swim in and out of the water dry.

This type of bear is able to create a pair with a brown one.

Brown "American" - Grizzly

If he is not the largest bear in the world, then on the American continent - for sure. It is there that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe existence of grizzlies spreads. Most often it can be found in Canada and Alaska. Although there are cases of its discovery in Mexico.

The grizzly is also a subspecies of the brown bear. But it is distinguished by very long claws, which can reach 15 cm. With such it will not be possible to climb trees. This is only available to babies until their claws have grown. These bears owe their name to their gray tint making the animal a little gray. Translated from English into Russian, the word "grizzly" means "gray".

The sizes of these giants are similar to those already listed earlier. They can grow up to 4 meters in length and weigh about a ton.

Grizzly babies eat mostly plant foods, while adult need a lot of meat. During the spawning period, animals do not mind fishing, they master this skill in childhood.

Because of large sizes and of great strength, this bear is dangerous to humans, because one blow with its paw can be fatal.

Territories national parks The US is inhabited by grizzlies, which are protected. Like other species, they are practically not allowed to be shot.

A little about other types of bears


Since all of the above species are its subspecies, we can say that it is the largest bear in the world. The body length of the animal is about 2.5-3 meters, and it weighs about 7 centners. But such indicators are characteristic, rather, of the inhabitants Far East and Kamchatka. Bears in the European part of Russia most often do not grow large. Their weight fluctuates within two centners. The variability in the coat color of these animals is interesting. It can be from light fawn to almost black.


This is not the largest bear in the world, but definitely the most slender. Its difference is that it has an almost black color with a white tick on the chest. Because of this feature, it is also sometimes called white-breasted.


It is distinguished by a sharper muzzle and long hind legs. Its coat is significantly shorter than that of other representatives of the bear species.


This bear is the only one of its relatives that has chosen the expanses South America, and there he prefers the mountains.

North American grizzlies are very similar to the brown bears that live in the forests of Russia, these two subspecies of predators are one of the smartest and most powerful representatives of the animal world on the planet. Legends about bears are still kept in the memory of many nationalities where this fearless and treacherous beast lives. Brown bears and grizzlies are very similar to each other; nevertheless, they are included in the same subspecies of animals, but there are still differences.

If we compare the structure of both subspecies, the North American bear is larger than the brown bear, while it is stronger, but clumsy. The grizzly's tail is shorter in length, but its claws are longer, and growth often reaches three meters. Weighing 500 kilograms or more, which is impressive, especially when the grizzly stands on its hind legs and goes on the offensive, the North American bear presents a more formidable picture than the brown representative of the bears. Grizzlies well mastered aquatic environment mountain rivers, these predators love water and often hunt, catching prey that is by no means small in size in a turbulent stream.

Grizzlies are less mobile than brown bears, although the habitat of both predators contains mountain ranges, forest thickets and water barriers. There is an opinion that grizzlies are more aggressive in behavior than brown ones, this is not entirely true, rather the opposite - Brown bear more evil and wicked. And one more important feature: both grizzlies and brown bears are omnivores, but grizzlies rarely attack animals of domestic and wild species, with the exception of fish. The brown bear is almost the same in habits, but he has harder character when it comes to food - this beast acts tough, in a hungry state it will not stand on ceremony too much: it attacks and eats its prey instantly. Answering the question, what is the difference between the two types of predators, we can safely say that only in terms of the physical structure of the body, the length of the claws and weight, all other habits are approximately the same.

Bear average weight various kinds ranges from 150 kg to one ton.

It is difficult to accuse this dangerous and graceful predator of being overweight: in the absence of a model appearance, he is able to move at speeds up to 60 km/h, which is comparable to running a horse at the races! The impressive mass of the bear is also not an obstacle to its acrobatic abilities. The animal easily climbs to a height of up to 30 meters. In order for a person to be at the same height (and this is no more, no less than the ninth floor high-rise building) will require at least professional climbing skills and climbing equipment. In the presence of such data, the winner, when conducting an athletics competition, obviously, would not have been a person.

Since it is difficult for people to compete with this majestic creature, let's try to find out which species among bears is the largest, strongest and endowed with decent intelligence.

How much does a brown bear weigh?

The average weight of a bear of various species ranges from 150 kg to one ton.

The weight of a brown bear depends on the sex of the animal. Females have more modest parameters, their weight is from 120 to 150 kg. Representatives of the stronger sex "get better" up to 200-300 kg, although among them there are also males with a more solid weight of up to 450 kg. For all its heaviness, the brown bear is endowed with a unique quality - it can move through the brown and dense bushes absolutely silently. This big beast is quite cautious when he is not hungry and calm,

It is interesting!

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meeting with a person in every possible way avoids, unless he invaded the territory where he obtains food. His "accidental" collisions with people are explained by the fact that the brown bear is short-sighted and does not distinguish a person at a distance of more than fifty meters. To arouse the curiosity of the animal, just move, the hearing of the beast is very sharp.

The brown bear is not a champion in the heavy weight category. closer to North Pole his taller and larger brother lives.

How much does a polar bear weigh?

The female polar bear weighs 200-300 kg, while the male can reach 350-450 kg.

How much does this giant weigh and can he compete with his Siberian and Far Eastern relative? The physical data of the animal is really impressive. Its body length is about three meters. If the beast rises on its hind legs to its full height, then even the tallest basketball player will be below his shoulder. The weight of some individuals reaches half a ton. Average weight equals in females: 200-300 kg, in males 350-450 kg.

Although the bear is called white, this is not entirely true. The skin of the animal is completely black. This is due to the fact that the color of the skin allows you to maintain the necessary thermoregulation of the body, and the color of the coat provides camouflage against the backdrop of polar snows. The hair of the animal is absolutely transparent and sunlight easily penetrates through the hairline and heats the dark skin of the animal.

The polar bear, like its brown counterpart, not only runs great, but also has serious wrestling skills - the span of the beast's paws is more than three meters.

The weight of a grizzly bear can exceed 700 kg.

But even such remarkable strength will not resist the grizzly bear.

Meetings with this giant are avoided not only by representatives of the animal world, for humans it also poses a danger - once, the beast was known as a cannibal. An extremely vicious disposition, aggressiveness and the presence of sharp, curved, up to 13 cm long claws make it a killer machine. This situation has developed through the fault of man, animals began to be exterminated at the beginning of the twentieth century, as there were cases of attacks on livestock. Today, the grizzly population is negligible and protected.

To find out how much a grizzly bear weighs, you need to put at least three brown bears on one scale. It may turn out that the advantage will not be in their favor, there is documentary evidence when a specimen weighing 726 kg was shot. If such a “guest” decides to pay a visit to a person, then he will easily look into the windows of a two-story house, if he rises on his hind legs, his height reaches three meters or more. Grizzly excellent swimmers, and the myth of slowness and clubfoot gait is based on the fact that when walking, the bear steps simultaneously on two paws located on one side of the body.

People have always been in awe of the greatness and strength of this powerful beast, on emblems and heraldic symbols. different countries you can see the image of a bear. Interest in the study of the habits, lifestyle of the animal is relevant in our time. Scientists and researchers install sensors and cameras to track the number and habitat of individuals. Devices transmit information about how much a bear weighs, about the number of babies born. uneasy and important matter the preservation of these graceful and majestic animals is a task that only man can do.

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