The most powerful conspiracy to remove spoilage with water. How to remove damage and the evil eye from a person on your own? How to remove damage at home - conspiracies and rituals

If detected strong love spell on a loved one, it must be removed. But, how to remove a love spell from a man? There are different rituals, there are universal cleansings that are suitable for any occasion, but have a number of limitations, one of which is the level of practice of the one who applies the cleaning himself. Is there magical rituals, which are used to remove a strong love spell at home. Just about this, about how to remove a love spell from a man at home, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell in this material.

Exist infinite set ways to independently remove a love spell from a man using salt. Salt is a powerful energy structure, it is used for positive and. There are many effective rituals that allow the house itself to remove the love spell with the help of salt, if you have bewitched a loved one. Salt, like a sponge, absorbs any negativity, and perfectly cleans subtle bodies person.

A way to remove a love spell from a husband made for menstruation

Homemade love spells with food or drink are often used in practical love witchcraft. If there is access to a person, it is love spells with the help of female blood that turn out to be the simplest and most effective. Make at home love spell of a guy on monthly blood any woman can, even one that is not too versed in love magic. And therefore, you should know how to safely remove a love spell made on a monthly female blood from a loved one.

Menstrual blood works on its own, even without a plot to love a guy. But the effect in this case can be unpredictable. Therefore, the accuracy of an independent conspiracy with magical way to bewitch with monthly blood is especially important.
Human blood is not just an entity with specific characteristics, it is energy, carrying information about . Using your blood in magic spells on strong love, you introduce your spirit into another person, a part of your nature. If a lover made a love spell with the help of monthly blood, you need

  • firstly, to know how to remove the influence of black magic,
  • and second, act immediately.

A man who has become a victim of a strong love spell with the help of menstruation is struck by the desire for sexual intimacy with the woman who has bewitched him. You can argue about cleanliness magical love, but the effect of home rituals with blood is very powerful. A rival can independently perform such a ceremony, or maybe the wife herself, if her goal is to tie her husband to the family as tightly as possible. Yes, blood magic is strong, it's hard to argue with that. But, it can be neutralized.

Next, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will give an example of how to remove a love spell from a husband made by a woman through menstruation

Removing a strong love spell from a guy at home is the same magical rites just like everyone else you know. Cleansing also requires knowledge and strength from the performer. The work done must bear fruit, otherwise it is useless, a waste of effort and money. A beginner in magic should strictly adhere to the description of the chosen rite of removal of a love spell made on a man - accuracy and accuracy will help you. It is punctuality that will help you independently remove the love spell from your husband.

They made a love spell on her husband - a way to remove the negative

In order to completely remove a strong love spell made on someone else's blood from your beloved man, you can use the transfer technique. Effective transfer to fresh meat. Here is a simple removal ritual that gives a real opportunity to remove a love spell made on the blood of menstruation. Rites of removal magical influence do in the outgoing moon.

For work you need:

  • picture of husband
  • 9 church candles
  • incense,
  • a knife (practicing magicians have ritual knives, if there is none, buy a knife specifically for the ritual of removing a strong love spell on the blood of menstruation from your son),
  • and a piece fresh meat with blood. Do not take the change from the purchase of meat, as well as the change from the purchase of a knife.

Closer to midnight, arrange candles in a row, in front of them, meat and a knife. Burn the incense to fill the room with misty haze. Take a shower and put on a fresh shirt. This is a preparation for a magical ritual, and now directly actions, how to independently remove a love spell from a man.

Light the candles. Cut the meat with a knife and read the plot three times: “Fall in smoke, my words, on red meat, on spicy blood, enter through the dog, fall into the ground. Let the slave (name) (name of the rival) not know, neither the soul nor the flesh does not want her. Be my way. Amen".

Give the meat to a stray (required) dog. Let the candles burn out, wrap what remains of them in a piece of dark cloth and bury under any vampire tree. Rinse the knife in running water, but do not use it. Put the knife away before the time, it will still come in handy.

How to remove a love spell of a loved one with salt

This is very effective how to remove a love spell from a guy made by mistress. Well removes home love spells and other negativity, cleans and renews the subtle bodies of a person. Good way to remove a real love spell of a loved one at home. Do this cleansing with salt for 7 days.

  • Buy a pack of salt, give money exactly for the calculation, or don’t take change.
  • At home, take a full handful of salt, pour into a clean, dry frying pan.
  • Discard the rest of the salt along with the pack.

In the magical ritual of cleaning a person from a powerful love spell, which is made from a photo, it is not permissible to use the pan in which you are cooking. After the ceremony, it must be thoroughly washed in running water, but it is better to drown in running water. While the salt is heating, read the Lord's Prayer. If you do not practice and have no connection with Christian egregor, turn to those spirits that help you within the framework of a magical tradition close to you.

Ask them to help you remove a love spell from a loved one who is dear to you (husband, son, groom).

When the salt is heated, read the conspiracy over it three times: “Sacred salt, consecrated salt, take all the filth from the born, (name) named, everything spoiled, everything timed, everything induced, drunk with drink, eaten with food, taken with a lining, evil in a word, given by the evil eye, even as a maiden, even as a maiden, even as a young woman, even as an old woman, even as an old man, even as a small child, even as a dead person, even as a sister, even as a brother, even as an only father, even as a mother, even as a married husband or wife. Take it, and carry it along the flowing water, to the sea-okiya, to the island of Buyan. As I said, as I wished, so be it. Amen".

Pour salt on a saucer, then put on the photo of the person from whom you want to remove the love spell. So calcinate the salt for 7 days, with a conspiracy, each time putting a saucer on the photo. On the morning of the eighth day, pour the salt into the river, and throw the saucer somewhere along the way.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

If salt smokes or turns black when calcined, this indicates a strong introduction of love spell energy into a person. In this case, I am magician Sergey Artgrom, I think that you can repeat the ritual in the next lunar cycle, or contact a practicing magician. If you show restraint and perseverance, you will be able to independently remove the love spell from a man who was made by a rival in order to take him away from his family from his wife and children, who is close and necessary to you. The saucer may crack - this is an indication that there is severe damage. In this case, throw away the salt along with the fragments, and start the ceremony anew.

A man may not pull out a strong damage or a powerful professional love spell to the end.

After the ceremony, make a diagnosis and see the condition of the guy, whether you managed to remove the love spell from the person. If the cards show the presence of negativity, you can clean it up in other ways.

For removing very powerful negative at a distance there are more complex and effective techniques requiring a professional approach. But, it is quite possible to remove the evil eye, a moderately heavy lapel, cool, quarrel, black trouble, household magical damage to, and also independently with a report on salt.

Also, as an addition to this cleansing, which allows you to remove the love spell from your loved one with the help of salt. If you know exactly, and do not assume, who your enemy is, shift and punish your opponent.

On the first day of the ceremony, after calcining the salt, throw a set of sewing needles on a clean hot frying pan, which, again, were bought specifically for this purpose. Ignite them well, and at the same time read the plot yourself “(Name) did evil to me, but she swallowed her own. Truly." Then throw the needles into the sewer without touching them with your hands.

How to remove the consequences of a love spell from a guy made by yourself - a rite to correct mistakes

And if you are the author of a love spell for a married man, and it is you who want to bewitch the guy you like, or are you trying to take the man out of the family? how remove the consequences of a black love spell from a beloved guy if mistakes were made during the work?

Only magical cleansing can remove an incorrectly made love spell on a guy's love.

There is no other option, a ritual from a love spell made at a distance. It is not at all necessary to take exactly those that I, the magician Sergey Artgrom described here. There are good, working conspiracies to correct mistakes. If the love ritual is not fresh, but made a long time ago, then it is better to remove everything, clean the man, and, if necessary, make a new love spell.

Here is a ritual on how to correct an undesirable situation, how to remove a love spell from a man made with mistakes. An effective ritual is used if only a few days have passed after the ritual of a home love spell based on a photo of a loved one.

The lunar phase in this rite does not matter.

Most Full description in all details - how to remove a love spell from a person without his knowledge with a sufficiently strong and safe magical effect.

A love spell is considered to be a powerful love spell, with which people want to cause dependence, sympathy or affection from a member of the opposite sex. For the most part, the female audience uses this kind of magic, since unrequited love and other experiences have a very strong effect on girls and ladies. However, the impact of a love spell is not limited to one goal. Strong magical rites, coming into force, can have an adverse effect not only on the victim, but also on the author. Therefore, today we will tell you how the removal of a love spell works, and whether it is possible to eliminate the magical consequences yourself.

As a rule, a love spell cast by experienced magicians and witches, after application, will only affect the behavior and life of the victim. But not always, especially under the influence of emotions, girls think about the consequences of self-imposed spells, which can have a negative effect on themselves.

What are the signs of love spells?

Magic is characterized by certain features. Therefore, both for experienced magicians and for beginners, it will not be difficult to recognize the signs of love spells. And in order to remove the love spell on your own, you need to make sure that there is a place for witchcraft.

If a love spell was cast on you or your loved one (on blood or genetic material), you will be able to notice dramatic changes in behavior:

  • frequent changes in mood;
  • a sharp change in outlook;
  • anxiety worries day and night;
  • the victim becomes nervous and irritable for no reason;
  • a person under the influence of a love spell tends to spend all his time with the author of the spell.

If such symptoms are present, it is possible that strong love magic is present. And it is advisable to seek help and find out how to remove a love spell from a person, entrusting the mission of salvation to yourself.

Salt will help neutralize magic

To know how to remove a love spell from a person who is under the influence of love witchcraft, you need to carefully prepare. At home, to carry out the ceremony, you need to get:

First you need to pour some salt into the brazier. The surface of the pan must remain dry. Next, the pan with seasoning is placed on medium heat and heated. While the metal is heating up, you need to read the magic words:

“As calcined salt is pure, so may the servant of God (the name of the victim) become pure and free from dark witchcraft. Everything spoiled, induced, sent by a bad look or an evil word, let it go to distant lands, dark forests, beyond the mountains, beyond the high steeps. As metal is strong, so is my word strong. Let it be so. Amen".

After reading the words of this prayer seven times in a row, you need to pour red-hot salt in a saucer. After that, the plate should be placed on the picture of the victim. The photo must be face up on the table for the love spell to be successful.

And in order to irrevocably remove a love spell from a person, in this state it is necessary to leave a saucer with salt until the evening. When it gets dark, you need to remove the picture from under the saucer. Next, it should be placed in salt so that the crystals are both on the image and below it. After reading the plot written above, the items must be carefully removed to a secret place. Exactly seven days later it will be possible to remove the love spell if you take out a photo early in the morning and pour salt into the street. Having hidden the victim card in the farthest corner, wait for the rite to work. As a rule, in this way it is possible to cure a bewitched person in a week. If the effect is not visible in the near future, repeat the ritual, or apply another, stronger one.

You can neutralize love witchcraft through meat

If the usual ritual performed on your own at home did not “earn”, you may be dealing with a powerful love spell. These include blood spells. Through such witchcraft, girls have long been bewitched by men and boys. If you are faced with similar phenomena and want to know how to remove love spells, pay attention to this method.

To remove from yourself or another person the magical love effect sent through the blood of the author, you need a piece of fresh meat. However, it is worth remembering that 40 days before the ritual, you should strictly fast and in no case eat meat products. Having bought a fresh piece of meat in the morning, return home. Squeeze some blood out of the meat. Mix it with some of your blood. It can be obtained by biting your tongue. Exactly at noon over a piece of meat you need to say a lapel spell:

“I make a lapel on meat and blood so that the servant of God (the name of the victim) leaves melancholy-sadness and dull thoughts. Let all anxieties and thoughts about the flesh and lust leave the body, its mind. Key. Language. Lock. Amen".

Then pour the charmed piece with the blood mixture and take it to be eaten by yard dogs. Since this will be a rollback from a love spell, it is strictly forbidden to give meat to your dog. It must be eaten by stray dogs. Only in this case it will be possible to remove the love spell on the blood from a specific person on your own.

How to turn away your husband?

Removing a love spell and love witchcraft is a rather responsible task. Especially when it comes to loved one, and you need to remove the magical action not from yourself, but from your spouse. In this case, you need to visit the church. If you are interested in how to remove a love spell in a church, start by purchasing two wax candles. Put one for peace, and the other for health, so that the one who did the love spell would let her husband go. When leaving, buy candles again. Take them home. On the way, go to the store and buy your spouse's favorite fruit.

When you enter the house, immediately go to the room where you will independently ward off your husband. At the threshold, cross yourself and cross the room. Upon entering the room, place the candles on the table. Between them put the fruit. You need to read a conspiracy over objects in order to remove a love spell. His words should sound like this:

“I will remove love witchcraft on (name of fruit) so that the servant of God (name of spouse) turns away from another woman and turns to me. May this fruit return to me, the servant of God (his name), my husband, so that he will forever forget the path-path to the house of his mistress. From now on, let the words act, and my dear will be free from witchcraft. Amen".

On the same day, treat your husband with the fruit. It is necessary that he eat the fruit himself and not share it with anyone. Only in this case will it be possible to remove witchcraft and a love spell from him. When the magic works, and the husband turns away from his mistress, return to the church. Buy two candles again and place them for health and peace.

How to turn off a husband who is about to leave?

If you notice characteristics love spell (possibly carried out on the blood of a lovebird) in the behavior of your spouse, you can try to remove witchcraft at home. To cancel the magic love spell, you will need:

  • a slice of rye bread;
  • candles bought in the church (5 pcs.);
  • white cloth napkin.

After waiting for no one to be at home, start the ritual. Remove everything from the table and place five candles on it in a semicircle. Spread a napkin between you and the candles. Put bread on it. Having crossed the chunk, start crumbling it. At the same time, in order for the removal of a love spell to be effective, read the words:

“Father-bread, help me out, but return my unlucky husband to me. So that the one who cast witchcraft and did a love spell did not take away the will of her husband. Only he will look at me all his life and not see enough. So that he loved, caressed and unlived only me, and other wives were disgusting and not beautiful to him. Let the servant of God (the name of the spouse) look forever only in my direction, listen only to my speeches and embody his desires with me. Rzha-mother, help out and take away troubles. Language. Lock. Key. Amen".

After tying the napkin with breadcrumbs, put the bundle in your pocket. It should be carried with you all day long in order to saturate it with your energy and independently remove the love spell from your husband, cure him. And in the evening, when the spouse returns and goes to bed, you need to pour a little crumb into each pocket, bag, diplomat, and even shoes. Leave a few crumbs to put in his food in the morning. In the near future, your relationship will improve, and your spouse will not leave the family.


How to remove a love spell from a husband if he is sure that true love happened to him? And how to remove a love spell from a husband if he has already left the family? Is it possible to remove a love spell from a husband on your own?

In the vast majority of cases, the love spell is eliminated without the knowledge and consent of the bewitched man. Usually, after all, he does not realize that he was bewitched. And if you tell him about it, he won't believe it. And in any case, he doesn't want to do anything. Here everything is the same as in the case of the correspondence magical treatment of alcoholism. For a man bewitched by his mistress, as a rule, does not realize that he is a victim of a love spell (like an alcoholic who denies his alcoholism).

Is there a way to convince a bewitched husband to seek help to remove a love spell? In my experience, there is no clear way to "convince" someone to seek professional magical help. In most cases, in order to remove a love spell from my husband, I (like my colleagues) have to use absentee methods of influence.

But isn't it immoral to treat a person without his knowledge? Of course not! Only the production of a love spell can be immoral, but its elimination is always a good deed that frees a person from serious problems. Absentee removal of a love spell is a boon for the victim of a love spell, since it heals his soul and frees his free will.

If you need to contact me personally for any clarifications, consultations or in connection with the need to solve certain problems, click on the button and write me a letter:

How to remove a spell from a man at home: from a photo, on blood, salt or sugar

Removing the spell from a man is an urgent problem. Many lovers resort to magic to get the object of their passion. They also bewitch other people's wives and husbands, bosses and business owners, beauties. Then, the bewitched themselves, their spouses and children suffer from the consequences of a love spell. Not every love spell can be removed at home. The sooner you start taking it off, the faster you or your friend will recover from the consequences.

Lapel - magical action committed in order to completely terminate relations with a person, in order to cool the painful attachment, to lose power over the object. Blinded by passion, they are not always able to objectively relate to feelings.

According to the technique, the lapel is similar to a love spell, only it is aimed at breaking, and not at attraction. Lapel - an invasion of privacy, into the spiritual environment of another person without his knowledge, which can:

  • destroy the fate of man,
  • affect his physical health,
  • destroy personal life

The lapel is done with a good purpose in order to neutralize the negative magical effect.

Let's figure out what a lapel is and how to remove a love spell from yourself or a man on your own, without the help of magicians.

Conditions and rules for removing love spells

It is forbidden to make lapels during fasting, on Great Orthodox holidays. The phase of the moon is waning.

To do on men's day, if you scold a man. And in women's days, - if a woman. Don't tell anyone about this.

Removing the spell yourself

The removal of the spell takes place according to special magical laws. Wives, relatives of the bewitched independently study the rituals of removal, and someone turns to the magician for help. It is possible to learn magic at home if you accurately complete all magical rituals with attributes.

Description of the ritual with salt and sugar

Conspiracies for salt and sugar, constantly eaten daily, do not require your personal serving. Having a crystalline structure, they retain information well.

  1. Salt and sugar are taken from a new full pack.
  2. Pour into wooden or glass bowls (wide cups) to fit your hands.
  3. Then immerse wedding rings alternately.
  4. On the night of the full moon, immerse the rings in a cup of salt, and in the morning take them out of the salt (before dawn) and immerse them in a cup of sugar.
  5. Leave until the middle of the next day. Put bowls of salt and sugar on the windowsill so that the Moon and the Sun are reflected in them.
  6. Immerse your hands in a cup where the rings (in sugar) lie. Mentally exchange energy with this structure, giving it the main desire. As if taking energy from sugar, pass it through yourself and send your energy back into sugar.
  7. Read a prayer to Cyprian and Ustinya - prayers directed against corruption and love spells.

The prayer is long, you won’t be able to learn it right away, write them legibly. Read aloud, presenting its essence. Focus on the main desire - the return of family relationships. In an almost detached state, say a prayer, holding only your desire.

  1. Read the prayers 7 times over salt and sugar, alternately holding your hands in salt and sugar.
  2. Then leave your rings in the salt. In a dark secret place, remove salt and sugar, pouring them into jars with a lid.
  3. Pour the sugar and salt that have become ritual into the sugar bowl and salt shaker. The husband should take salt or sugar first, not you.
  4. Pour in salt and sugar so as not to run out of magical "reserves".

Prepare food for him using the charmed salt and sugar. Or pour Church Thursday salt into the ritual salt before reading the prayers to Cyprian and Justin.

Peculiarities: just a ring given to your loved ones will do if you are not painted. You can use your parents' wedding rings. Even better - tie them with a red thread and immerse them in food crystals.

How to remove a love spell on your own on the blood

For a love spell made on blood, you need a special lapel (on the 1st day of menstruation). To remove a love spell from a man, they slander a bloody piece of meat and give it to a dog:

“Meat-blood, take the lapel words. Spiridon - solstice,

How red the sun turns,

So are you, Spiridon-solstice,

Turn away, turn away from women's blood

From the female flesh of a servant of God (name).

So that he does not sigh about the slave (name), does not suffer.

On the hands, on the chest did not take,

Ohom would not groan, ahom would not sigh,

He didn’t give gifts, he didn’t promise his fate,

Go, my words, to red meat,

What's left after eating a dog.

My words, shut up, my deeds, lock up.

Minuses: Spiridon Solstice - December 25, when winter turns to frost, the sun turns to summer. Happens once a year, narrowing the possibilities. May be different on other days say:

“Meat is blood, take on the love words. Turn away, turn away from female blood, from the female flesh of a slave (name). So that he is about a slave ... ".

See this video for some more powerful ways:

Strong lapel from all types of damage and love spells

You can remove a love spell both from yourself and from your loved one. Buy 3 new wax candles in the church. Twist these 3 candles into one, pronouncing:

“Three candles - 3 strengths, 3 powers, 3 fires, 3 powers, 3 help, 3 beginnings, 3 ends, 3 infirmities, 33 words and 3 demons, I unite you all in one, I create a crown for my work.”

“The conspiracy fire of the wax body, the love fire of the living body slept. Fall off with (name) a love spell and dryness, and all sorts of rubbish: pretense and honorary, edible and parable, conspiracy and curse, strengthened and triklyatnaya, prayed and prayed for, said in a cry and whisper, done in word and deed, smeared with blood and oil, wind and carried by smoke, by a cemetery, led by a church, let in by rapids and roads, let in a trail and a sigh, and let everything that is in the body (name).

Depart the demons of anguish and desire, depart the devils of heart enslavement, depart the tempting serpent, renounce the destroyer of love. Oh, the Triple Power, crush all witchcraft from a person (name), free him, and break those who cursed my dear, who took him away from me, or witchcraft, or witchcraft, or witchcraft and quackery, or secret word and deed. Triple Power, hail! The crown of my work - Stand up! And my dear man (name), free yourself and come back to me! From this moment and forever and ever! Let it be so! The crown is like that!

Leave the candles to burn out.

Lapel features: so that the candles do not go out during a conspiracy. Should burn out completely. If they are extinguished, it is not necessary to redo it that day.

Wait 3 full days, on the 4th repeat the ritual. Do 3 times, every 3rd day. Comply with all conditions:

  • protect yourself;
  • read the prayer (“Our Father”, life-giving cross or Mother of God);
  • read a spell
  • put protection at work;
  • read the amulet to yourself

How to remove a love spell with another prayer to Cyprian and Justinia

Main prayer for many lapels:

“Oh, holy holy martyr Cyprian and martyr Justina! Listen to our humble prayer. Even if your temporary life was a martyr for Christ, you naturally, but you do not depart from us in spirit, teaching us to walk according to the commandment of the Lord and patiently carry your cross helping us. Behold, boldness to Christ God and the Most Pure Mother of God acquired nature. The same and now wake up prayer books and intercessors for us unworthy. Wake us the intercessor of the fortress, but by your intercession we will keep unharmed from demons, sorcerers and from evil people, glorifying the Holy Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.".

Black lapel in the photo

Draw 3 triangles on the photo:

Poke them out with an awl. Take a lit candle purple. Drip wax through the triangles, substituting a bowl of water, slandering 3 times for each triangle:

“In the name of Satan, with his destructive power, I separate the slave (name) from the slave (name) forever and ever. Let it be so!"

A wax cake forms in the bowl. Drink water. Burn the photo. The cake must be buried in the ground.

Features of the : you can carry out a ritual according to a photograph on any men's day. It does not depend on the phase of the moon. It is done at noon. Days: Thursday, Monday, Tuesday.

Esoteric universe

Hmm, I thought consent was not required in principle. After all, they also bewitch without asking consent. Or damage is removed at a distance.

To begin with, you should find a good specialist, only through acquaintances, preferably, because some charlatans will promise you anything, as long as they pay money. Show a photo of your sister, and preferably, take a video of it and show this video. So that the magician has already said - is there a love spell. Otherwise, anything can happen in life, maybe your sister, as they say, got a demon in the ribs, and her behavior has nothing to do with divination. You, rolls, do not know - that neighbor showed interest in her? Maybe he has nothing to do with what's going on.

An interesting story, it is worth noting that once a love spell is done without the knowledge of a person, then a lapel (cool) can also be done without consent. It's worth it to really understand family relationships your sister, maybe her husband became the cause of the trouble, who somehow offended his wife. You can also perform a ritual to clean the apartment from evil forces that could theoretically be responsible for what is happening. To do this, go around all the rooms in the apartment with a lit candle, baptizing all doors, corners, windows and walls. If this does not help, then contact a specialist in such matters so that he can perform the necessary magical ritual.

how to remove a love spell from a person without his knowledge

A love spell is a widespread and popular service offered by many witches and sorcerers. As a result of the ritual, you can either force another person to fall in love, or gently push him in the right direction, only slightly correcting his worldview.

Often a person tries to solve some kind of problem that has arisen, not only in modern ways- psychology or NLP, but also resorting to alternative, no less effective methods - magic conspiracies and spells.

How to shoot at home

If you decide to act on your own and remove the love spell without contacting anyone, in this case you will need to perform a certain ritual.

Magic is a subtle area, the application of which.

Love spell is wide.

Please note that no one gives a 100% guarantee that your problem will be solved by carrying out this ritual, but nevertheless, you can still try. In addition, the ritual of removing a love spell is quite simple and does not require much effort from you.

  • Take an ordinary clean frying pan, put it on a slow fire and pour into it quite a bit of clean, always white salt.
  • While the salt is warming, you should read the plot:

“Salt is pure and white, cleanse the servant of God (name). Remove from him everything spoiled and smoothed, spoken and induced. Take off everything eaten with food, drunk with drink, taken with lining. Remove everything that is said by evil lips, sent by an evil eye. My will is strong, and the word is indestructible. Amen".

While reading the plot, you need to be as concentrated as possible and repeat it for about 5-7 minutes, until the heated salt begins to crackle in the pan. If the salt darkens a little, then this means that you really were not mistaken and a certain magical effect took place.

Cleaning can be done using easily accessible items and ingredients

  • Next, pour all the salt on a saucer. Which put on the photo of the person from whom you are shooting a love spell.
  • In the evening of the same day, it will be necessary to take the photo again and sprinkle it with salt, while reading the above conspiracy.
  • Over the next two days, the ritual of removing the love spell will need to be repeated, after which the salt will need to be thrown away.
  • Types of love spells

    Any magician will tell you that love spells can be of two types: induced using a verbal formula or using some kind of object. In addition, the magic used for the ritual is also different - black or white, the distinction in this case depends on the principle of influence on a person.

    • White love spell. It is used if the object already has feelings of a certain quality for the master's client and they only need to be strengthened and concentrated. In this case, a person will not only and not so much experience attraction sexual in nature, he will first of all have a desire to spend time with the person who has bewitched him, to communicate and engage in common affairs.
    • black love spell. Such a technique has completely different, so to speak, symptoms. This love spell enslaves the free will of the individual, the object turns into a doll, into a victim, which can be easily inspired with almost anything.

    Choosing one or another option, it is worth considering all the consequences. For example, if you fall out of love with the person whom you spent white love spell, then parting for him will be almost painless.

    Signs and consequences of a love spell

    To imagine what can be expected as a result of a love spell, consider those signs that the presence of a bewitched and bewitched may indicate magical intervention.

    So, the object of divination has the following behavioral features:

    • a person constantly strives to be near the one who made the love spell;
    • a bewitched person can also have sex only with the customer of divination;
    • there is a fading of interest in life, apathy sets in;
    • there may be a craving for alcohol, as it can either enhance or suppress the effect of a love spell.

    The behavior of the one who decided to cast a love spell in relation to another person may also change. Sorcerers and magicians call this the consequences of a love spell:

    • interest in the object of divination may disappear;
    • if a person himself does not remember or did not count important fact love spell, and therefore did not stay with the object of the ritual, then the consequences may affect personal life, a “crown of celibacy” may form;
    • illness, problems with alcohol, with children, physical inability to enter under the arches of a consecrated temple.

    To do or not to do a spell

    There is no answer to the question in which case this ritual is needed, and when it is not needed. The fact is that only the person himself can solve this dilemma, and not everyone is ready to ask advice from the masters of magic, demanding from them only a specific result. The ritual itself is deeply selfish, because the feelings, desires of the object are not taken into account at all - even a small spark of attraction can be turned into a fire without the use of magic: in the arsenal modern woman and so enough funds.

    Score 4.2 voters: 79

    In this article:

    If you feel that you or your loved one is conspired to love, then act immediately. The longer a person is under the influence of a conspiracy to love, the more difficult it is for him to free himself. It's not as safe as it seems. Such energy connection pumps out a lot vitality men and women. The results are terrible, but not love at all, but joy. You need to learn how to remove the plot, do it right and everything will remain in the past. The right to choose for oneself who to love and who not is protected.

    What is dangerous love spell

    A love spell or a love spell, this is very powerful impact. It all depends on who made it and when. If an ordinary amateur, then most likely he is weak. If a strong magician did at the request, then the consequences will be serious. This conspiracy does not cause love, it gives rise to a terrible addiction. It is very good if you feel its effect. Then you can start filming as soon as possible. If not, then you can live for many years in slavery to your feelings. Not even their own, but those who inspired you. Such a conspiracy destroyed more than one marriage. People leave each other, but they cannot completely part. What does a homeowner get by taking your man away? The first time is wonderful. The man forgot his ex, he may not even remember the children. He carries a new love in his arms, throws gifts, calls, surprises. He cannot live without this woman, she is as necessary as air.

    The woman is happy, because that's what she wanted. But, always 3-4 months this period will last. After him, a man can just get bored. Sticky, obsessive - why is she like that. She wanted that impregnable handsome man. The man will feel bad too. He is painfully drawn to the woman who cast the spell. But, he is also drawn to his wife, because their feelings are real. So he is torn between two women. All three become unhappy. The mistress can no longer get rid of him and build her life, the wife does not understand what is happening. He comes home as soon as he crosses the threshold - he would have to go back. Love triangle will not leave anyone alone. All three can get serious illnesses. A woman who cast a love spell, instead of love, can pour infertility, the death of her relatives. Wife - depression, and husband - drugs, alcoholism. He tries so hard to drown out his pain, but it does not come out.

    Love spell and lapel

    Removing a conspiracy to love is not difficult, you just need to know where to start. This ritual is called a lapel. The most important thing is to know exactly what a love spell is on you. Symptoms may be:

    • a person uncontrollably wants to go, search. And that's what - can not explain;
    • sudden love for a woman, a man;
    • breaking all ties with friends;
    • mental instability;
    • mood changes 10 times a day - sometimes happiness, sometimes grief;
    • obsessive thoughts about the object of a new love;
    • heavy dreams or vice versa, insomnia.

    If you have all these symptoms, then it's time to do a lapel. If you saw them with your partner, then everything is much more serious. Not every person believes in such things, is ready to be treated. In order to get a lapel, you must believe, desire it. You may have to let go of your lover for a while. Time will pass, he will come to you, he will ask for help. Then you will do it. If he believes, wants right now - do not waste a minute.

    Effective conspiracies remove the love spell

    These lapels are popular. They have been used since ancient times. Perhaps they appeared after the first love spells were invented. People have always wanted to be able to defend themselves. Most conspiracies of the lapel are church. They cry out for justice, the help of the saints.

    Try to work for the waning moon

    Lapel for salt

    Done 4 days. Take coarse salt, one pinch. It must be put in a pan and heated, saying:

    “The salt is white and pure, cleanse the servant of God (name).
    Remove from him everything spoiled, everything induced, everything smoothed, eaten with food, drunk with drink, taken with lining.
    Evil eye, evil word sent
    Even a girl, even an old woman, even an old man, even a peasant, even a sister, even a brother, even a son-in-law, even a mother-in-law.
    Take away and fast water carry, across the sea-okiyam, to the island of Buyan.
    My word is strong, and my will is strong. So it was, and so it will be, Amen.”

    After 5 minutes, you will see that the salt begins to crackle and darken. This is sure sign what is a spell. The salt was cleansed by fire, now it can cleanse a person from the cast spells. Pour the darkened salt into a saucer, put in a dark place until tomorrow.

    On the second day, you need to take a saucer with salt, put it on the photo of the person from whom the love spell is removed. It can be your photo or someone you want to help. How fresh photo, all the better. The person must be alone in the photo, without dark glasses. Take in right hand photo, and in the left saucer of salt. Read the plot a second time.

    On the third day, the ritual of the second day is repeated, but the plot is already read three times. On the fourth day, the photo must be burned, and the salt must be taken to the crossroads. This method has stood the test of time. Ever since photography appeared, it has been possible to do it this way. Before that, the conspiracy was done on a personal item or the hair of a bewitched person.

    Conspiracy for meat with blood

    For this ritual, buy a piece of fresh meat (pork, beef) with blood. The more blood, the better. Put the meat in the basin, say it 9 times:

    “Meat-blood, you have my lapel. Let the longing and sadness leave the servant of God (name), All anxieties and thoughts about female flesh will go away. In my words, the castle and the power in them is great. Amen!".

    The last time you pronounce it, you need to bite your tongue until it bleeds. Spit on the meat and take it to the yard dogs. They will tear it apart and eat it. As soon as the dogs are done with the meat, the love spell will be lifted. It works very well if you remove a love spell from yourself.

    Remove spell from husband

    If a woman has bewitched your husband, then you need to make a church lapel. Come on Wednesday to the nearest church, buy two thin candles at the entrance. Put one for health, and the second for peace. At the exit from the church, buy two more thin candles. They need to be taken home, where the next day you will perform the lapel ritual.
    Buy your husband's favorite fruit. Place it on the table between two candles. Light the candles, say three times:

    “I remove the love spell from the servant of God (name). God help me, turn away my betrothed from the evil woman, Give me back my husband and let him forget the way to the threshold. My words will enter into (the name of the fruit) and they will remain in it. The soul of the servant of God (name) is now free. May it always be so now. Amen!".

    Now my husband needs to give this fruit to eat that same evening. As soon as he eats it, the love spell will go away. To be sure, in a week go again to the same church, again put one candle for health, the second for the rest.

    Lapel in the cemetery

    It is done in order to save the husband from the lovebird, to remove the love spell from him. Before 12 noon, come to the cemetery. We need an old grave, which is more than 10 years old. A man must be buried there. Bow to the grave, ask for help from the deceased. For this ritual, you must have a photograph of a lovebird. It must be buried in the grave, saying:

    "Hello, deceased! I brought you a bride. Take away her charms, give me my husband. May her beauty be your delight. Let him give his Silushka to you, but don't do bad things to people.

    Hotels in the cemetery required condition work

    Leave a mention on the grave: an apple, sweets, cookies, vodka. Leave, don't look back. Even if someone calls you in a familiar voice, do not turn around. This deceased wants to bring you back, because he does not want to fulfill your will. Leave quickly, go home. There are already forces world of the dead you will not be disturbed. For this deceased, you need to order a service in three monasteries, so remember his name. If there is no name, then write any, but think about that person. He took your husband's love spell to himself where he no longer has power. Now the husband will be freed from the influence of the woman. It is very important to do this ritual as quickly as possible, because its power every day enslaves the soul of a man more and more.

    Protection from someone else's love

    Love cannot be created. This is the most mysterious and wonderful feeling. If a person at least once in his life loved someone, then he will not like the effect of a love spell. This is an artificial connection, often only sexual. There are no real feelings here. Nevertheless, today information on how to cast a love spell is available to everyone. On the Internet you can even find a complete version of a terrible ritual. The Black Wedding is done in the cemetery at night. If a love marriage is made in heaven, then imagine where the union is made at the Black Wedding. It's almost impossible to get rid of it. Better protect yourself. The easiest way to do this is by using your faith.

    • Pray, fast, adhere to Christian values.
    • Do not tell anyone too much about your happiness, because a love spell of your loved one can be done out of envy.
    • Go to church, be sincere in your prayers.
    • Do not wish harm to friends.

    Man is protected by his faith. She is for him the best amulet from all misfortunes. No love spell, corruption or evil eye will stick to a true believer. Another option is to use amulets against magical effects. There are a lot of them, choose the one you like.

    Conspiracies for love can be detected and removed on your own. Do not become a slave to other people's desires. Your life is only yours, live as you see fit.

    Corruption is the conscious intentional infliction of evil on a certain person. If envy stifles or you want to take revenge on the enemy for something, then the person brings damage to him, not realizing, it seems to me, to the end, what he undertakes and how it will turn out for him in the future. There are frequent cases when a person causes damage or is simply addicted to practical black magic, and his children and even grandchildren are paying for this. No one has the right to interfere in the fate of another person and spoil his life in every possible way, especially in such a terrible way.

    Signs of damage - how to recognize

    There are many types of damage. Each of them has a different effect on a person and, accordingly, the signs of damage may also differ. If you have several of the following symptoms, despite the fact that everything is in order with your health, then damage may be imposed on you.

    1. There may be big problems with sleep. Frequent insomnia leads to malaise, a constant feeling of weakness and drowsiness. Apathy appears, a person does not want to do anything, he does not even have the strength to get out of bed, not to mention going to work or doing household chores. It seems that you want to sleep, but as soon as your head touches the pillow, this feeling passes and you can spend the whole night looking at the ceiling or counting sheep jumping in your head.

    2. You began to notice how the person who is most dear to you suddenly began to move away from you. It is important not to confuse this with something else. It may not be a matter of damage at all, but when yesterday everything was fine, and the next day it seemed to be replaced, it is really worth considering.

    3. Signs of serious diseases began to appear, but, during examinations, diagnostics and passing all the tests, nothing is found, and the state of health is deteriorating more and more. This is one of the most basic signs of damage, because it can change not only your the physical state how much to affect the mental and it will seem to you that your whole body hurts, but this is just a deception to drive you crazy and make you worry, nervous and worried.

    4. Obsessive bad thoughts appear, the fear of death overcomes and the fear that something bad will suddenly happen to you or someone from your family. It starts to feel like there's a voice in your head urging you to commit bad thing or do something to yourself. It makes you doubt your balance. Hallucinations appear, and you will increasingly begin to confuse fiction with reality.

    5. If you have a cat or, better, a dog at home, then you will notice how they change their attitude towards you. They very subtly feel a person, his mood and are even able to see what is hidden from the human eye. The cat will become wary of you and will hiss and run away if you want to pet it. The dog may show aggression in your direction, of course, because the beloved mistress suddenly became different, and the dog will not like it.

    6. You will feel like luck has left you. Even in the simplest daily activities, failure awaits you. Everything will fall out of your hands, break, and you will become more distracted and clumsy. If luck has never accompanied you, then you will not notice this symptom. The contrast is clearly visible when you were born under lucky star and then, at one point, everything started to suddenly go downhill. It can't be all bad. If that's the case, then it certainly wasn't without a hitch.

    7. Self-esteem decreases and it begins to seem as if there is no uglier person in the world than you. Suddenly appears out of nowhere strong feeling self-doubt and disgust for everything that you used to like about yourself. Again, there are people who, in principle, suffer from low self-esteem, so they simply will not notice this symptom.

    8. Depression sets in, and it seems as if no one in this world needs you. I want to leave everything at once and go somewhere or commit suicide. A person will suddenly alienate all relatives from himself and stop communicating even with his closest friends. I want to close myself in and just be silent. Anyone who starts a conversation on any topic will be immediately rejected, and the conversation is interrupted.

    9. If you touch a person who has been damaged with a cross or some object consecrated with holy water, then he will have a burning sensation in that place, redness will appear, as during an allergy. Suddenly there is a desire to take off pectoral cross, if you have one and remove the icons away.

    10. It will seem that the room you are in smells bad, but after interviewing the rest of the people who are there with you, you will understand that only you feel this smell, and in fact it does not exist. These unpleasant odors will follow you everywhere. It seems that even freshly prepared food smells bad. Because of this, your appetite will disappear, because you don’t want to eat when you don’t like the smell of even the most attractive-looking food.

    How to find out who caused damage and is it possible at all

    Yes, this is possible. The question involuntarily begs: why do you need to know who has brought damage to you? In order to stop communicating with this person forever, because it may be someone with whom you are close. Just imagine how he feels for you, since he is ready to go to such meanness.

    There are rituals that can even tell you the name of the one who caused the damage, or bring him to your house so that he himself does not understand how he ended up there. But, do not rush to resort to magical help. There are other ways. For starters, sit down for yourself and think about who could do this. Analyze with whom recent times your relationship has deteriorated and remember if you have done anything wrong to anyone. If absolutely nothing comes to mind, then ask the opinion of those you trust. From the outside, they see much more than you and can accurately point to a person who could damage you. But, do not forget that friends, and even relatives, are under suspicion in this case. Perhaps some of them have some hidden motives to make you feel bad about which you are not even aware.

    One of the easiest ways to find out who caused the damage is fortune telling with the help of church candle wax. Take one such candle, light it and wait for it to burn to the ground. Take the wax that remains of it and boil it over low heat for a couple of minutes. Pour the wax onto a large flat white plate with the words: "I'm pouring wax on a plate, now I recognize the name of my enemy." Now wait until the wax has hardened completely and take a closer look at the resulting picture. Ideally, the wax should form the first few letters of the name of the person who has corrupted you. If you didn’t see any letters, then just look at the picture more carefully. She may remind you of something that will somehow be connected with the person who has corrupted you.

    How to remove damage

    For those who do not know how to remove damage at home and believe that in this matter you only need to contact specialists, the following information will become informative. Absolutely anyone can remove the damage from himself and help someone with this, unless it is a pregnant woman. You just need to follow all the rules and then, of course, everything will work out the first time.

    The most effective prayer from corruption - this is the prayer "Our Father". It must be used when conducting any of the rituals to remove damage. If you are not a Christian and believe in another god or are an atheist, then instead of “Our Father” you need to pronounce words that characterize something bright and good. You can simply list all the good qualities that a person can have or name everything that you would wish for yourself. Saying these words, one must baptize oneself lit church candle. Such a simple ritual serves a prime example how to remove damage from yourself. He will not only remove it, but also strengthen your biofield, help him quickly recover from the harm done to you.

    An ordinary prayer will not save you from corruption if it is not accompanied by some actions. That is why, if you are not completely sure that you know how to remove damage, then it is better not to take it on, contact a specialist or a person who is fond of practical white magic.

    How to remove damage at home with a wax doll

    For this ritual you will need a large candle, gold ring, a gold chain, a piece of black fabric, and a photograph of yourself, in which only you are captured. The rite must be performed at night in the light full moon. This ritual is not the most best example how to remove damage from yourself on your own, because it can be difficult for someone who does this for the first time.

    Light a candle and burn your photo in its flame. Ashes do not need to be thrown away. Carefully collect it and put it in a small plate. Now wait until your candle burns out to the end. When this has happened, collect the wax left over from it and mix it together with the ashes of your photo. From the ashes and wax, mold a small doll and put a golden ring on her head. It symbolizes a crown that drives away all bad things from your person. Cross your doll three times and name your full name. Then proceed very carefully and carefully, because you have yourself in your hands. You need to wrap around the waist of your chrysalis gold chain and say the following: "This golden belt is saturated with the light of the moon, it will remove damage, drive away evil." Now smear the doll's face with your saliva and blood. The effect will be best if the blood is menstrual. Wrap the doll in black cloth and hide it in a secret place where no one can find it. After the symptoms of spoilage have disappeared, it should be destroyed. If you want to keep the ring and chain, then bless them in the church and you can continue to use.

    How to remove spoilage with an egg

    As an example, I will give you the simplest, but really working method of removing damage from a person using the usual chicken egg. I immediately draw your attention to the fact that the egg should be homemade and fresh. You can not use the one that has been stored in the refrigerator for some time. So how to remove spoilage with an egg?

    Get completely undressed, let your hair down, take the egg and “roll” it over your body from head to toes. Do this as carefully as possible so that it does not break. Read the prayer "Our Father" at the same time. After the egg has “bypassed” your entire body, you need to go outside and, after digging a small hole under the nearest tree, bury the egg there. Go home without looking back.

    How to remove damage to death

    If you realize that you have been spoiled for death, do not immediately panic and go to draw up a will. If you know how to remove damage to death, then you can not only remove it from yourself, but also help another person in this.

    The ritual is very simple to perform. You will need a pack of regular salt that you eat. Consecrate it in the church (while the pack of salt must be open). Go outside at night and get as far away from home as possible. Find a place where no one can see or disturb you. Light seven candles around you, put them in a circle, undress and sit in the center of the circle with a pack of salt. Sprinkle it on yourself and read the Our Father. When you're done, get dressed and go home without taking the candles with you and without putting them out.

    This ritual will not only remove damage from you, but also protect you from repeating the situation in the near future.

    Corruption is a terrible word for many, which is associated with an endless series of misfortunes and illnesses. Yes, this is true, but not everything is as scary as it is described. You just need to identify damage in time and immediately carry out a ritual to remove it. Be attentive to yourself and to your relatives. If you notice symptoms, then do not hesitate. Happiness and good luck to you, let no damage be able to spoil your life.

    How to get rid of negativity

    From a letter:

    “Recently, friends have begun to move away from me, I am always in conflict with someone, and quarrels occur from scratch. I recently learned that one of my acquaintances told another that she would turn all people away from me. She told me that no one else would talk to me. Is there really such damage and how can you get rid of it?

    Indeed, with the help of damage, one can spoil a person’s relationship with others, and, alas, such damage is not uncommon. In this case, I would advise you to do the following: take three rubles (in small change), go to church with them, there you must defend the service. At the end of the service, go outside the gates of the temple and give the change to the poor. At the same time, say to yourself:

    I sold everything bad for three rubles.
    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Damage on three rubles

    From a letter:

    “I feel like my ex-girlfriend took away my luck. My parents gave me a ring for my anniversary, and I have every reason to believe that my friend took it for some purpose of her own. Immediately after the loss of the ring, my friend began to behave contemptuously and arrogantly, and my life collapsed. I had a miscarriage, my husband, a businessman, got into a sect and divorced me, taking all the money (and mine too, which I gave him in circulation, selling the apartment, but I didn’t take the receipt), some bumps went over my body of blue color the size of a walnut. After breaking up with her husband, she tried to do business - failure, debts.

    My friend very quickly quarreled with me under a far-fetched pretext, got married, gave birth to a girl. Her parents built a mansion, drive a luxury car, the family has a lot of money. And now this is what haunts me: a friend seems to live my life! For some reason, everything that I dreamed about comes true (house in certain place, a car of a certain brand, even the amount of money), and in fact, none of her plans had been implemented before. Please answer me, is this my speculation or is it possible? And I also remembered that before the collapse of my life, a friend borrowed three rubles from me and literally slipped them back, driving all over the city and running after me at the institute for a long time. Well, isn't it funny?! And at the threshold I found a cross, which they put in a coffin, and unknowingly threw it away.

    Damage on three rubles is the most affordable. You can fix it this way: you need to exchange three rubles for a penny and leave it with the one who took the money from you before dinner. It is better if it is done completely imperceptibly. After that, you should go to church and order a health service for yourself and your family. Then it is necessary to distribute pancakes at the cemetery, three pancakes per person, and at night wash yourself with charmed water.

    The plot is read in a whisper. His words are:

    God bless.
    At the gates of the cemetery the blind devil stands,
    His hat lies in front of his hooves.
    Who gave the devil three rubles,
    He took damage from me.
    Grandma the devil ruble ruble,
    Three rubles ruined my soul.
    I bowed to the three churches of God,
    Freed with God's help.
    As long as the churches of God stand
    My soul can't be taken away.
    The key is in the water, the lock is on the cross.
    My word is soft
    My business is tough. Amen.

    It is good to consolidate the plot with a prayer, for example, "Lord, have mercy."

    Master, Lord Jesus Christ, You are my Helper, I am in Your hands, help me, do not leave me to sin against You, for I am mistaken, do not leave me to follow the will of my flesh, do not despise me, Lord, for I am weak. You weigh what is useful to me, do not leave me, my sins will perish, do not leave me, Lord, do not depart from me, as if I have come running to you, teach me to do Your will, as you are my God. Heal my soul, for I have sinned Thee, save me for the sake of Thy mercy, for the essence of those who are striving before you, and there is no other refuge for me, only You, Lord. Let all those who rise up against me and seek my soul be put to shame, to consume Yu, for You are the only Strong One, Lord, in all, and Yours is the glory forever and ever. Amen.

    If three masters work against you at once

    From a letter:

    “Need makes me disturb you, dear Natalia Ivanovna. The fact is, damage was brought on me and my family, including ruin. With the help of your advice, I managed to reset all this negativity. But now the trinity is "working" against me. Among them there is someone very wise and strong. I understand that mastery levels cannot be skipped, but what should I do? A square would work here, but I don't have an aspen needle! Soon my defenses may fail! I don't want to lose this war, the truth is on my side! I ask you for advice, help. Maybe you can make an exception for me and give me some stronger amulet? My assistant does not see these masters, but claims that there are three of them. All hope is on you, Natalya Ivanovna. Help me protect my honor and dignity, I beg you! I will stand to the last. I want to believe that everything will be fine.”

    To interrupt the work of three masters, pour water alternately from one glass to another (there should be three glasses in total) and say:

    From three healers
    From three masters
    From three languages ​​- chur not me.
    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Then wash yourself with this water. And pour the remaining water under the threshold.

    How to remove gypsy damage

    From a letter:

    “My rival goes to a gypsy woman and does all sorts of dirty tricks to me and my friend. Tied up the road for us, we began to quarrel all the time. I am sure that if this continues, we will definitely part. And we've been together for a very long time and love each other. Tell me, please, what can be done so that her dirty tricks do not stick to us and so that she finally falls behind us ... "

    On Wednesdays, wash by the river, reading a special plot. Perform the rite twelve times in a row. The spoken words are:

    My mother gave birth to me
    The Mother of God blessed.
    God help me,
    Lord, protect
    From the evil gypsy eye
    From any witchcraft uraza,
    From enemies, foes,
    From prizes, bites,
    Cursed speeches, glaring eyes.
    And if there is already superficial,
    Take it, take it off
    Free my body and soul:
    From all relics, eyes, from elbows,
    From speeches, from blood, from relatives.
    Lord, save
    Save and defend
    Wash off me, rinse
    Free from any damage.
    I will lean on the word of the saints,
    I'll blow it with the wind.
    Key, lock, tongue.
    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Gypsy corruption

    From a letter:

    "Please tell me how the gypsy curse is removed."

    In order to remove the gypsy curse, you need to find a gypsy grave. You should approach it when there is no one near the grave. Stand at the feet of the grave, interlock your little fingers with each other and disengage them only after the word "amen." First read "Our Father", and then a special conspiracy.

    Our Father

    Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Yes, shine your name yes come Your kingdom, Thy will be done, as in Heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.


    Lord protect me
    Do not let my enemies, their evil eyes look,
    Do not let my enemies, their ears hear,
    Do not give my enemies the strength of their spirit.
    Give me, Lord, healing,
    From the words of the devil's deliverance,
    Let the curse come off me
    And it will fall on the generation of my enemies.
    Go, my word
    And my word, go to work,
    Go down to the grave
    Settle on the gravestone
    Here you live
    Here you be
    And my body is white forever to let go.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Another type of gypsy damage

    Take the spoiled person to the bathhouse, in which no one has taken a steam bath that day. Ask him to sit on the shelves, and read a special conspiracy over the water yourself, with which then wash the unfortunate three times in a row (healers call this ritual “washing in three waters”). After that, the spoiled person must put on new underwear, and the one in which he came to the bath must be burned. The spoken words are:

    Passion of the Lord, have mercy!
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    Passion, passion, you come out
    From white body, from the servant of God (name).
    Mother Mother of God approached with angels,
    White on his body living water poured out
    She read, spoke,
    She spoke all the dry ailment.
    Come out, dry dryness,
    Come out, aching aches,
    From yellow bones, from red blood,
    From clear eyes.
    What she called, what she didn't name
    She asked the Mother of God to protect her.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

    More about gypsy corruption

    Ask someone for a tablecloth that was on the table during the wake. Wipe the face of the spoiled person with the corners of this tablecloth, saying:

    As there is no dead
    Who was remembered
    So there is no damage on you
    which was sent.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

    After that, burn the tablecloth. If a gypsy woman approaches your house, you will notice traces behind her with a broom.

    If someone conjures against you

    From a letter:

    “My brother got married a second time and his second wife is into black magic. Since she appeared in our family, relatives have turned away from me, although we used to have good relationship and we always talked to each other. Imagine, it got to the point that my own mother stood up for this woman! Once she confessed to one of my friends that she had bewitched her brother, so he married her. Everyone knows about her affairs, but they pretend that nothing is happening. Every time I see her, my heart starts to hurt, it's hard to breathe... When I photographed all my relatives at the holiday, she didn't even look at the lens, she kept looking away. Once my brother met my daughter on the street and gave her four coins, saying that he was in other countries and here, they say, foreign coins for you. Since then we have had more more problems. It was especially difficult with money. And the brother and his wife live in abundance and do not know grief. True, this woman has already been punished for her black deeds: she cannot have children. But tell me, for God's sake, how can we protect ourselves from it?

    Without entering your house (apartment), read the following conspiracy across the threshold:

    I put on the robe of Christ and the words of God.
    Be afraid, devil, get away from me, servants of God (name).
    Christ was resurrected by His will, having power
    Cast you out, unclean spirit.
    I will become a servant of God (name), I will be blessed,
    I will go from west to east.
    The king rises - a formidable cloud,
    And under the thundercloud the Tsar-Thunder himself rushes about,
    And under a formidable cloud, the lightning queen rushes about.
    As from the king of thunder and from the queen of lightning
    Let the enemies run: devils of the forest, water, yard,
    And with them my enemy runs, the servant of God (the name of the sorceress),
    Under the stump, the deck and the lake.
    Holy, holy, holy, Lord of hosts, sedai,
    On the highest walk on the thunder,
    Overshadow with the power of Heaven,
    Save me from enemies, from all evil sorcerers.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
    Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

    Sewn damage

    From a letter:

    “My sister has been divorced for more than ten years, and she will never get married a second time. I must say that in her life there was one strange incident. Even at the time of her marriage, she and her young son went to common bath. When they began to dress, the sister found red threads on her sock and on the lining of the child's fur coat. I remember that they both vomited that day. They didn’t attach any importance to what happened then, but after that, my sister’s whole life went upside down. The son has grown up to be a real blockhead, he is not interested in anything, and, as he himself says, everything is on his drum.

    Some people, driven by envy or anger, inflict damage on their enemy by sewing a charmed thread to his clothes. An ignorant person, even if he notices a thread, will most likely think that they simply forgot to pull it out at the factory. Fortunately, such damage is removed more easily than others. The main thing is to have time to report it in time.

    To do this, take a new spool of black thread and rewind the threads from it onto an aspen twig. Before burning this branch, they say:

    You, enemy, sewed it on,
    And I wound it on an aspen.
    How will this aspen burn?
    So the damage of your enemy will burn.

    How to protect yourself from lining

    From a letter:

    “We had a trial, and I acted as a witness on behalf of the accused. We were suing because of a dog that attacked one old woman, but this attack was provoked by the victim herself, so the accused was acquitted. From the side of the old woman there were also witnesses, the same elderly women. So, after the end of the trial (the claim was not satisfied), the old women did not calm down - soon one of our friends found a whole bunch of needles at her door. They were scattered in such a way that it was impossible to step over them. She had to step on needles. Now we are all very afraid of the evil eye, damage, curses, and yet we all have small children! How can we put protection from the lining and return the damage to the one who made it?

    Grass doesn't grow from coal
    From silicon, lightning does not strike,
    The moon does not illuminate during the day,
    And from this lining damage to me,
    Servant of God (name), does not happen.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

    And to put on yourself a charm from linings, pierce a clove of garlic with a needle and say:

    The garlic worm does not eat
    And no damage will take me.

    Put the charmed garlic at your doorstep.

    How to remove a conspiracy from a person

    From a letter:

    "I have a question. Three years ago, I broke up with a man I dated for a while. I went to break deliberately, because I did not want to continue this relationship. But after the breakup, my personal life deteriorated sharply. Now I have a lot of acquaintances of the opposite sex, but I can’t establish strong relationships with anyone. I have found a pair of white socks near my house several times. Please explain what this means."

    Damage can be brought to any thing, food or drink. Some kind of special damage that is directed specifically at men's trousers and socks do not exist, however, they can also act as a lining. After all, the role of the lining is for the victim to pick it up or step over it, thereby pulling the negative onto itself. lining can long time lie in the house, in this case the person also becomes a victim of damage.

    To chastise yourself from damage, on any Monday, buy a broom, read a special plot over it and take it to a place so that no one can come up and talk to you during its burning. When the broom flares up, move away from it without looking back. The conspiracy is as follows:

    Power is impure
    demonic power,
    Here's a broom for you, hang over it,
    Dean over him
    Sushi him, crush him.
    I give you a fast horse
    For my business is controversial.
    Go there, my mother,
    There is your life
    There is your being.
    For now, for centuries, for all time.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Removal of damage on an unmarked grave

    From a letter:

    “About twenty years ago, I foolishly allowed the girls I knew to stay with me for a few days. As a result, I was corrupted. I was told about it by a fortune-teller, to whom a friend led me. And indeed, immediately after their departure, I began to uterine bleeding and a rash of unknown origin (like mosquito bites), accompanied by incredible itching. The fortune teller sent me to her mother, who healed people. She warned me that after her rituals I would understand the cause of the disease. Indeed, I found it on the curtains: an arrow was drawn there, pointing upwards, and from its base there were three points in the form of a triangle with the top down. I also found this mark on my belt buckle. After treatment with another grandmother, everything went away for a while. But with any stress, the rash reappears. Please tell me what can help me in my case.

    Any damage is done thoroughly and thoughtfully and tends to take root. If you have damage that no one can remove, try this strong old way. Go on an odd day to an abandoned cemetery where no one has been buried for a long time, find a grave there where neither name nor dates of birth and death are indicated. Stand at the feet of the grave, cross yourself three times and say:

    Dead man, dead soul,
    Your graveyard dashing, but quiet.
    No one touches you, no one disturbs you,
    The angel of death guards your abandoned house.
    I bow down to you
    I'll tell you quieter:
    “I bow to you, God's servant (name),
    God rest you and all the Holy Family.
    Take spoilage, writhe, sip from me.
    How did they bring you here, dead soul,
    How were you buried deep in this earth,
    How you were forever forgotten
    So are you forever
    Take from me writhing, spoilage, sips.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

    Damage to the relaxation of the intestines

    From a letter:

    “I have such a ridiculous problem, which, nevertheless, complicates my life. As soon as I go to the store (not the grocery store), I get diarrhea. I can run around the city all day, but as soon as I go to the store, I need to go to the toilet. This was not the case before. Maybe she said that at an odd hour? Or maybe who caused the damage? Could you tell me how to get rid of this?

    Indeed, there is such damage, as a result of which a person runs to the toilet all the time. To cure her, find a cow cake, stick it in Aspen stake(aspen needle) and say special conspiracy words over it. After that, leave without looking back. The conspiracy sounds like this:

    The Antichrist is coming from the blue of the sea,
    The Antichrist is carrying a gray stone.
    That stone has no time and wear,
    No blood, mucus and diarrhea
    Internal pains, intestinal ruts.
    Day, undress in two,
    Morning turn into evening
    Diarrhea at the servant of God (name), stop,
    Return to the one who sent him.
    Key in the sea, castle in the field,
    Aspen in cow shit
    And the amulet on the servant of God (name).
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    How to remove damage to loneliness

    From a letter:

    “Natalya Ivanovna, I have damage to loneliness. You know, when the fortune teller said these words to me, it sounded like a sentence to me, because I really want a family, I dream of taking care of my husband, giving birth to babies. Help me, I beg you!"

    To remove damage to loneliness, first read a special prayer:

    To You, Lord, I will call. My God, do not be silent from me, but once be silent from me; and I will be like those who go down into the pit. Hear, O Lord, the voice of my supplication, we always pray to You, always lift up my hands to Your holy temple. Draw me not with sinners and with those who do wrong. Do not destroy me, who speak peace with their neighbors, but evil in their hearts. Give them, O Lord, according to their deeds and according to the wickedness of their undertakings; according to their work, give them their hand; repay their recompense to them. For you do not understand the work of the Lord and his hand in the works: destroy me, and I will not build up. Blessed be the Lord, for he will hear the voice of my supplication. The Lord is my Helper and my Protector: my heart trusts in Him, and He will help me, and my flesh will prosper, and by my will we will confess Him. The Lord is the affirmation of his people and the Defender of the salvation of Christ is his. Save Thy people, and bless Thy inheritance, and save me and take me forever. Forever and ever. Amen.

    Then, early in the morning, read a special plot over water, which you then wash yourself, sitting under the images. Perform this rite nine times in a row. The spoken words are:

    Morning dawn Mariana,
    Illuminate the valleys and glades,
    Illuminate the forest bushes
    river bridges,
    steep sandy shores
    Shine your light on me too.
    At the morning dawn Mariana,
    With living water Ulyana,
    Angels, take off, rinse
    From my thick hair, from my long braids
    Damage and writhing and any curvature,
    Every woman's torment
    Bride's grief.
    As the sun stands and plays in the sky,
    Attracts the attention of all people,
    So that about me,
    God's servant (name),
    There was high fame.
    Everyone to see me, everyone to know me,
    Everyone sent matchmakers to me, the servant of God (name).
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Another way to remove damage to loneliness

    From a letter:

    “I have a very difficult situation, and I really need your help. When I was twenty-one, I was courted by a young man of nineteen. His relatives found out about this and were terribly angry. The whole point was that he was Korean, and I was Russian. And his aunt, a well-known fortune-teller in our city, said that in retaliation she would bring damage to me and I would never be able to get married and have children. We broke up with that guy a year later, and before that he told me that his aunt was feeding him some strange soup.

    I am now twenty-eight years old, and I have never married. For the past six years I have been dating a man who has serious problem with health - rheumatoid arthritis. I love him with all my heart, I am faithful to him, and three years ago he got himself a mistress and lived with her and with me. Before that, my beloved was married, but his wife left him, and after that we began to meet with him. He is a very good, kind, well-mannered person, he does not have a soul in his mother, but as soon as he got himself a mistress and began to live with that girl, he began to swear with everyone: with me and with his mother ... And these are not ordinary quarrels . You can imagine, it almost comes to murder. He followed this girl as if tied and said that she loves and respects him like no other. Then I was very upset and cried a lot. Then we eventually broke up. He began to officially meet with his mistress, introduced her to his mother, but three months later that girl cheated on him. Although, perhaps, she had cheated on him before, he simply did not want to see and know anything. They broke up and he turned to me for help. Now we are living together again, but thoughts about her haunt him: he falls asleep and wakes up thinking about her. I live like hell - I cry every day. Yes, and his mother is very upset, also crying. And he says that he former mistress he dreams every night. Now, every time before a quarrel with him, I get a terrible headache, although before that I didn’t even know what a headache was.

    I would leave, but I can’t - I love him too much. During our separation, I had a new admirer, and I wanted to marry him: he is a very handsome, healthy man. There were a few days left before our wedding, but then my beloved came to me again asking for help, and I accepted him. Naturally, there was no question of any wedding. I feel that the reason for all my problems in my personal life is the curse of that fortune teller. Is there any way to save me from this scourge?

    After all, I really can’t get married: because of the love for the man with whom I now live, I have already rejected several proposals. But even with him, life is not life ... "

    You need to reprimand the damage to loneliness (it is because of it that you do not have a relationship with your loved one). To do this, go to the bathhouse (only you need to arrange everything so that a man will wash there after you). In the bath over three basins of water, read a special plot. Then rinse yourself with charmed water from three basins and dry yourself with a towel, which you then hang on the branch of a male tree: oak, poplar, maple, etc. Leave without looking back. Do not tell anyone about the ceremony. The spoken words are:

    My lips are not kissed, my breasts are not pardoned.
    I wash off the century from myself,
    I put on my wedding crown.
    God's water - Ulyana, my blush - Maryana.
    Let the grooms see this
    They want to marry themselves.
    Key, lock, tongue. Amen.
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