How to remove damage with aspen. Aspen stakes in the corners as a talisman. How to make an aspen stake? The magical properties of aspen

Since ancient times, people have been trees special power. They asked for their protection, worshiped them, deified them. Wooden amulets worn or adorned with them. It's time for us to remember their miraculous properties!


Aspen is a protector from evil spirits, theft, damage and the evil eye. A trembling tree absorbs negative energy. The aspen stake is a powerful weapon against evil spirits and all evil. No wonder in Russia baths were built from aspen. Aspen is a comforter for women who have lost loved ones and relatives.

Ancient magicians used it to make chests for storing magical items. Aspen removes fear and averts death. At the same time, the aspen is a greedy tree: a healthy person is not recommended to sleep in an aspen grove, as it can take more energy than required, and the person will be provided with a headache and apathy.

To protect the house from the evil eye, evil spirits and uninvited guests, you need to plant several
aspen. You can leave a place for a bench under the aspens and spend time there with incomprehensible longing and confusion.

Aspen bracelets and rings serve as an excellent protection against the harmful influences of the other world, from family curses, as well as from the troubles that were caused by your own envy, condemnation and anger.

Aspen jewelry cleanses the aura and absorbs negative energy. In Russia, it was believed that pets spent on St. George's night through aspen rods were protected from the evil eye and damage.

How to cook aspen pegs? They must be planed out, placed in a container with consecrated water, while saying: “Most Holy God, save and protect my house from all evil spirits, as well as from thieves, enemies and other adversaries.” After at least seven times, read "Our Father".

Then the aspen pegs must be tied to make a cross, and strengthened (you can nail it with a carnation) over the doors in the house. For greater caution above the front door of the house and inside it, you need to hang a bunch of garlic, hot red pepper or a juniper branch.

On the land, it is necessary to drive pegs in its corners and under the gate. After all the pegs are set, pour them with the same water in which they were charged.


Maple is a tree that is closest to a person in terms of energy. Helps with stress, depression, promotes
gaining peace of mind, self-confidence, gives a charge of vivacity and good mood. The tree of harmony balances all energy flows - both in the house and in the person. Maple takes on all emotional outbursts, frees from negativity.

If you are a person with an explosive temperament, beads or a maple pendant will calm your nerves and teach you to react to what is happening more calmly. Maple amulets are great helpers in travel, love magic. From maple it is good to make amulets for relatives.

Such amulets can be of any shape - in the form of beads, pendants, figurines of animals, etc. When creating an amulet, tune in to the protected person and simply give him a piece of yourself.

If you have never noticed your artistic talent, just give your loved one a maple branch. Usually amulets are kept at home and kept for life. There is a sign: if, after the death of the giver, the maple branch cracked, then you are remembered and protected even from the next world!


The Slavs have always had a special relationship with this tree. Birch was valued for its medicinal properties, considered warm, homely, its own tree. Russian peasants wore bast shoes made of birch bark, which prevented rheumatism! Cradles for children were made only from birch.

Many amulets were made from birch bark. By the way, even the word "amulet" has a common root with the words "birch bark" and "birch". It was believed that the special - solar - energy of birch stands guard over the defenseless, protects from evil.

The most powerful magical talisman was called the Shambler. It was worn around the neck like an amulet, and inside it was filled with cereals. At the moment of danger, you just had to shake the shambler so that the croup made a noise. This action drove away evil spirits. And cereals could be cooked in a cast-iron on a fire if there was no other food. So the shark is a real Russian invention "two in one".

Making a shank is easy. It is enough to make a small box the size of an amulet out of birch bark. In order for the birch bark to be obedient, it is first soaked in boiling water, due to which it becomes elastic and bends well. The finished box is fixed with rubber bands and soaked again in boiling water to give it a shape.

After drying, the shank is filled with any cereal - millet, pearl barley, rice. Sharkunok is well suited for children. In the absence of parents, he will protect the child from misfortunes, one has only to rattle the grains like a rattle. Also, the shambler can be hung on the cradle.

An excellent amulet for girls is a birch bark ring that drives away bad thoughts and attracts the betrothed. You don't have to wear a ring all the time. If it helped during severe depression, rinse it with running cold water, best of all - in a stream, but you can also under a tap, dry it dry with a towel and put it on a ventilated windowsill for a week or two. Make sure it is not exposed to direct sunlight.

A wonderful amulet - brooms of birch branches. Carefully pick a few branches with leaves (no more than 5-6 cm long), wrap them with birch bark and dry. Then go around the whole apartment with a whisk, fanning every corner, and put it in the place where you will feel the response from it in your hand. Repeat the ritual once a month. This will help protect the home from negative energy, bring warmth and comfort to the house.


Alder is a wonderful helper in the fight against diseases and induced damage. Pendants from it can also improve marital relations if worn at the same time and if there is a desire to correct these relations. To make the quarrel rather a thing of the past, a lot of time and effort must be invested in the creation of such an amulet.

Choose suitable branches on a tree, ask forgiveness from him for cutting them off, then carefully peel them from the bark and bury them near some reservoir at a depth of about a meter. Remember this place, come there once a week or two, stand right in this place for several minutes, pour it with the water in which you washed your hands. If you believe in God, read a prayer, if not, just feel the energy of the place.

After six months, dig up the branches. Alder practically does not rot, and by cleaning the top layer, you will get an excellent pliable material for amulets. Cut out the pendants in the shape you like and wear them with your loved one. The strength of the tree and your love will overcome all adversity.


Our ancestors have always treated this tree with love. Elderberry was revered as the best protector from the intrigues of evil spirits and diseases. Indeed, elderberry saves from 33 misfortunes: from gout, burns, rheumatism, constipation, colds and much more. Elderberry is the first friend of the brownie, therefore, in order to please him, you need to keep at least a sprig of elderberry in the house. Then the brownie will be favorable to you.

But elderberry quickly drives away various evil spirits from the dwelling. But for this from time to time you need to perform rituals. Light a dry sprig of elderberry so that it barely smolders, fumigate the room with it. When it burns down to half, put it out by blowing on it, throw it under your feet. Hide the wand either under the threshold or behind the jamb of the front door.


Probably no other tree was respected by our ancestors as much as this one. Oak was considered the noblest of all trees. Our ancestors believed that the oak is under the auspices of the storm and thunder.

At the sacred oaks, fateful events for the life of the community were held - seeing off to war, courts, weddings, trade deals. Oak was revered as a sacred tree, and the older the tree, the more respect for it.

Oak bark cannot be ignited, and things made of oak do not rot even in sea water. Perhaps for these qualities people have always idolized this tree. Oak - a symbol of strength, power, masculinity - was most often used as a talisman for the stronger sex. For boys, knives were carved from oak. After the wedding, the young people always went to the oak tree and walked around it three times.

He was planted at the house to protect himself from lightning and hail. If a couple dreamed of a son, an oak tree was planted near the house. With its help, the sick were treated: hair cut from them was placed in a hollow, and water was poured under a tree, in which the weak were bathed.

If you dream of powerful protection for your home, of healthy, strong offspring, prosperity and well-being of the family, there is only one piece of advice - plant an oak tree near your house. You will not know grief!


Folk names: trembling tree
Aura: warm
Planet: Mercury
Element: air
Are used: bark and young tree branches, leaves, buds.
Magic properties: protection from evil spirits, health, purification, removal of damage and the evil eye, protection from theft.
Magic use: aspen absorbs negative energy, is a protector for us from otherworldly (not from our world) energy. Aspen stake - an ancient powerful weapon from evil spirits. Aspen removes (grounds) the energy of obsession, frees a person from the obsessor, regardless of who gave birth to him - whether the person himself or an evil magician. Aspen grove is the most powerful purifier of the evil eye and spoilage. No wonder in Russia baths were built from aspen. Aspen is a comforter for women who have lost loved ones and relatives, she absorbs grief and calms the unfortunate. Ancient magicians revered aspen, made from it chests for storing "secret" things. Aspen removes fear and averts human death. At the same time, aspen is a greedy tree and a healthy person should not sleep in an aspen grove, since aspen can take more energy than is required and a person is provided with a headache and apathy. Aspen never gives, but only takes. This is the basis of the ancient treatment with aspen sticks.

Home protection: plant several aspens near the house, which will protect the house from thieves and evil people. You can leave a place for a bench and spend time there with incomprehensible longing and confusion. If it is not possible to plant trees, then small pegs or even matches stuck around the house will help.

Talisman for protection: bracelets and rings made of aspen serve as an excellent protection against the harmful, evil influences of the subtle world, from family curses, and, oddly enough, from the troubles that you yourself have created with your envy, condemnation and anger. Aspen jewelry cleanses the aura and absorbs negative energy. In Russia, it was believed that the animals carried through the aspen rods on St. George's Night were protected from the evil eye and damage.

Fever Ritual: the belt or ribbon worn by the sick person is tied around the trunk of an aspen at dawn and a conspiracy is read to cure the fever. In folk medicine, aspen is used in the treatment of tuberculosis, malaria, dysentery, pneumonia, cough, diarrhea, rheumatism and inflammation of the bladder, as well as an anthelmintic.

Decoction number 1: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed aspen bark, 2 cups boiling water, kept in a water bath for 30 minutes, filtered and adjusted to 2 cups.
Take sweetened 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day with meals.

Broth No. 2: 1 teaspoon of aspen buds is poured with 1 cup of boiling water, kept in a water bath for 15 minutes, filtered.
Take 3 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

A decoction of the kidneys and a decoction of the bark are applied externally, applying moistened wipes to the affected areas.

Aspen - protection from evil spirits, health, cleansing, removal of spoilage and evil eye, protection from theft.

folk names: a shivering tree
aura: warm
Planet: Mercury
Element: the air
Used: bark and young branches of a tree, leaves, kidneys.
Magic properties: protection from evil spirits, health, purification, removal of spoilage and evil eye, protection from theft.
Magic use: Aspen absorbs negative energy, is the protector for us from the otherworldly (not from our world) energy. Aspen stake is an ancient powerful weapon against evil spirits. Aspen removes (earths) the energy of obsession, releases a person from the observer, regardless of who gave birth to him - whether he is a man or an evil magician. Aspen grove is the most powerful cleaner from the evil eye and spoilage. It is not by chance that baths were built in aspen from Rus. Aspen is a comforting woman for women who have lost loved ones and relatives, it absorbs grief and soothes the unfortunate. Ancient magicians revered aspen, made from it boxes for storing "secret" things. Aspen removes fear and takes away human death. At the same time, aspen is an avid tree and it is not worth sleeping in an aspen grove for a healthy person, since aspen can take more energy than it is required and the person is provided with headache and apathy. Aspen never gives, but only takes. This is the basis of the ancient treatment with aspen sticks.

Protection of the house: plant a few aspen trees near the house, which will protect the house from thieves and evil people. You can leave a place for a bench and spend time there with incomprehensible melancholy and confusion. If there is no possibility to plant trees, small pegs or even matches stuck around the house will help.

Talisman for protection: bracelets and rings from the aspen serve as an excellent protection against the harmful, evil influences of the subtle world, from family curses, and, strange as it may seem, from the troubles that you yourself created with your jealousy, condemnation and anger. Aspen decorations clean the aura and absorb negative energy. In Russia it was believed that animals carried through aspen rods on Yuryevsky night were protected from evil eye and spoilage.

A fever ritual: a belt or ribbon worn by a sick man is tied around the trunk of aspen at dawn and reads a conspiracy to cure a fever. In folk medicine, aspen is used in the treatment of tuberculosis, malaria, dysentery, pneumonia, cough, diarrhea, rheumatism and inflammation of the bladder, as well as an anthelmintic agent.

Decoction #1: 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed aspen bark, 2 cups of boiling water, kept in a water bath for 30 minutes, filter and bring the volume to 2 glasses.
Take 1-2 tablespoons sweetened 3-4 times a day with meals.

Brother #2: 1 tsp kidneys aspen pour 1 cup boiling water, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, filter.
Take 3 tablespoons 3 times daily before meals.

Decoction of the kidneys and decoction of the cortex is applied externally, applying moistened napkins to the affected areas.

How to remove damage at home? Corruption is an energy-information impact that destroys a person's aura, and then the physical body. Corruption manifests itself in different ways, depending on the information program: for the destruction of family life, for health, for business, etc. The energy-information impact cannot be removed by treatment from a doctor or psychologist. Damage is removed with the help of a magical rite.

If you find scattered earth in front of the door, it did not appear there by chance. Hooligans, too, will not pour earth under the door. This land has certain information - a cemetery.

To remove cemetery damage, you must first take the land back to the cemetery. You can not throw it in the trash can or just on the street. Sweep the earth into a bag and take it to the cemetery, and then proceed to remove the damage.

Buy a new white towel and use it to wipe your entire body from head to toe. Immediately take the towel to the cemetery and find the grave of the same name. Tie a towel to the cross and repeat the plot three times:

Leave a mark on the grave: an apple, a raw egg, rye bread. Thank the spirit of the deceased in your own words for disturbing him. Then leave without looking back from the cemetery, but not home. You need to come to the church and order an annual commemoration of the deceased, whose grave you came to. You also need to order an annual health service for yourself.

Special conditions. Find a cemetery where there are no graves of your relatives. After removing the cemetery damage, you cannot visit this cemetery for the rest of your life.

Remove damage to the funeral with a funeral candle

Sometimes enemies can threaten to sing a person alive. Is it possible to escape from this impact, and how to independently remove damage from yourself at home? This damage leads to severe illness and death of a person, if not eliminated.

Before removing it, you must be baptized with a new name - go through the rite of baptism again in the church. This is necessary in order to “take away” the inveterate name from oneself. Then you should read the plot 40 times for 40 days in a row:

From deadly corruption

Funeral damage is one of the most common in the modern world. The enemy or the sorcerer hired by him goes to the church and constantly puts candles on the eve for the repose of a still living person, uttering special words. The victim of such an impact begins to lose strength, and then health. How can you help yourself in this situation? Prepare the following magic items for the ceremony:

  • church candles - 12 pcs;
  • cut of natural black material;
  • the icon of the Lord Almighty;
  • a handful of change for ransom.

At midnight, lay a black cloth on the table and place candles around. To prevent candles from falling, place them in makeshift candlesticks or purchase ready-made candlesticks from the church. Light candles from one match. If the match goes out, light the candles from the first candle. Light candles not arbitrarily, but in turn, moving clockwise.

After reading, extinguish the candles with your fingers - with your left hand. Wrap the cinders in the black cloth that lies on the table and take it to the crossroads. Put the bundle by the side of the road and say:

Turn around over your left shoulder, throw a change with your right hand for a ransom with the words:

Leave quickly, enter the door with your right foot. Wash your hands under cold water and go to bed immediately. You can’t talk to your family, especially not answer phone calls. Before going to bed, read "Our Father" in front of the icon 6 times.

In the morning, go to church and put 6 candles at the image of the Savior. When you light, think about the enemies - you light candles for the health of your ill-wishers. This is an important moment in the ritual. After leaving the church, distribute alms to those who ask.

Important conditions. Within a week, the one who put the funeral candles will definitely come to you. He will ask for something or just try to talk. Do not give anything from home and do not enter into a dialogue under any pretext, otherwise the damage will return.

If your wealth has been spoiled or jinxed, debts have appeared, or money is leaking through your fingers, you need to correct the situation. How at home for prosperity and well-being? You need to collect all the cash after sunset and put it in a canvas bag. If not, a chintz pillowcase will do.

Put the bag on the table and light a candle, put another candle on the side for lighting. Electric light must be turned off. Pour water into a glass beaker and place next to the bag on the table. Say, referring to the water, the following words:

After that, sprinkle the money bag with water, extinguish the candle with water. Put a few coins from the bag into a glass of water and place it where you usually keep money. The glass should stand until all the water has evaporated. Then take the coins and put them in a secluded place - they will be a talisman against monetary failures.

Special conditions. Water for a conspiracy must be collected at dawn, when the household is sleeping, and put in a secluded place before sunset. It is with this water that a ceremony should be carried out to remove damage from money.

Remove damage with an aspen twig

How to remove damage from a person at home? An ordinary aspen rod can help with this. Pluck the branch by asking the tree for permission in your own words. Leave coins or sweets under the roots. Also pick 6 branches from other trees, also leaving a payoff.

At home, pour water into a bucket, pour a glass of holy water crosswise into the water and place an aspen twig (remove the leaves from the branch) and 6 other twigs. Light 3 church candles in front of the icons and proceed to the ceremony.

You need to remove the aspen twig from the bucket and symbolically beat the spoiled one with it, reading the plot 7 times in a row:

Perform the ceremony three days in a row at the same time. Then make a cross out of an aspen twig and nail it to the bottom of the bed - this will protect the person from the return of damage. Tie six rods with a black cord or ribbon and bury them in the ground, saying:

After the ceremony, there may be weakness, poor health for both - the one who filmed, and from whom the damage was removed. This condition will be corrected soon. The one who removed the damage must wash his hands after the ceremony and clean himself with a church candle.

Remove damage from a photo

For this ceremony, you will need a vase made of crystal. In the late evening, pour water into a crystal vase and say:

Instead of your name, you can indicate the name of another person for whom the ceremony is performed. Then put the photo in a vase so that the water completely covers the person, and leave it until morning. Take the photo out in the morning and lay it on the windowsill to dry. Pour the water from the vase into the toilet with the words:

Today I decided to talk about my favorite tree, which helps me in most of my rituals.
More precisely, in my rituals, two trees are most often present: aspen and juniper. I will also talk about juniper, but a little later. Together, these two trees have a very powerful force.

Aspen was considered a magical tree that drives away evil spirits. Previously, she was always planted next to the hut. Both the tree itself and products made from it could get rid of evil spirits. Once upon a time, cut down or uprooted aspens were installed on the gates and corners of the barnyard to protect living creatures from attack.

They also believed that aspen could alleviate the effects of the evil eye and spoilage, get rid of diseases caused by evil spirits, heal obsessive thoughts, causeless fear, and nervous conditions.

This is a tree that takes energy. They turn to her when they need to throw off the burden of problems, get rid of troubles and accumulated negative energy, remove any inflammatory process. It has a particularly beneficial effect on toothache.

Aspen is like a door to a parallel world that takes energy and information from our space, leaving us nothing but emptiness.

This door opens most widely at 2-5 pm and closes at 2-3 am. It opens with the first roosters, letting the undead into the underground world through the trunk and begins to abruptly absorb the energy of our world, reaching a peak at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Then, having gained enough energy, the aspen begins to process part of the negative energy into positive. At this time (after 5 p.m.) its debilitating power decreases, the energy becomes rarer and lighter, as it begins to conduct purified energy upward along its trunk.

But it is dangerous for a person to communicate with her at this time. If in the morning the aspen happily “eats” the negative energy that has stuck to you, then by the evening, most likely, it will not make direct contact with you, leaving you to communicate with the forces that pass through it into our world.

Aspen is an insidious tree, and one must be careful with it. As soon as you relax, it almost imperceptibly draws you to itself, extending invisible energy tentacles towards you, sucking the forces from your whole body and closing you and your mind from the light forces of our world.

Therefore, standing and being under an aspen for more than 15 minutes is highly undesirable. After prolonged contact with it, you may experience headache, depression, drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath associated with the loss of your energy.

The influence of aspen is similar to the action of bile in the human body. Such an action can help with diseases of the stomach and intestines, with congestion in the abdomen, with liver diseases with a weakened bile flow.

Aspen was often used in construction in the manufacture of thresholds. Its wood is very soft and not very suitable for durable buildings.

But laid in the porch on the threshold, it takes on the negative energy of those entering the house, protecting it from the invasion of the destructive force. Aspen has always been planted on the outskirts, so that it takes on allergenic diseases, while maintaining people's health.

Aspen is a tree that absorbs negative energy. This property of aspen was previously considered magical. Everyone knows the best way to deal with werewolves and vampires - aspen stake. In the old days, it was believed that aspen drives away evil spirits, so it was planted near housing. In an aspen grove, you can find a refuge from the persecution of an energy vampire, to some extent alleviate the effects of damage and the evil eye. Direct contact with the aspen will cleanse your aura of harmful influences.

This quality is possessed not only by a living tree, but also by products made from it. Communication with aspen helps with nervous conditions, obsessive thoughts, causeless fear. In magic, the aspen is considered a tree that averts death. It promotes the manifestation of the inner healing powers of a person, providing access to our true essence, sometimes hidden under a deceptive outer shell.

In the people, it is sometimes also called the “trembling tree”, because the foliage of the aspen trembles even with absolute calm. Perhaps for this reason, aspen is endowed with healing properties against heat and fever.

Aspen bark never rots. This unique property of hers is even noted in Dahl's dictionary: “If the teeth are bad, they cut out a triangle from the bark, rub their gums until they bleed, and then again apply the bark to its original place.

In the same way, they relieve pain from burns, cuts. Aspen is a very hardy tree, it can be found both in lowlands and on rocky slopes. Therefore, aspen has always been associated with wisdom and the ability to withstand any conditions. Shields were made from aspen, and they asked her for protection from death.

It is very good to put a twig or aspen bar near the threshold in a city apartment. She will draw on herself all the negativity that a person entering the house brings with her. This applies to both the owners of the house and guests. It is also good to put leaves or thin twigs of aspen under the rug near the door. They are placed for the same purpose, to protect the home.

It is good to put a piece of aspen near the workplace, if an unfriendly team accidentally formed around you. Aspen listens and protects its owner and will take on the negative impact of others. This is a tree with character. If he gets angry, he can return all the negativity to the one who sends it to the owner, and with a vengeance.

Aspen protective amulets are prepared directly for a person. They are not made "wholesale for sale". If you yourself make amulets of aspen for work or for home, then it is worth cutting it into the growing moon closer to 17 o'clock. Then soak in holy water, ask for help and put under the light of the moon to dry for several days. Before turning to the aspen, take a shower, read a prayer and apply only if you love this tree, and your soul is pure and you do not wish evil to anyone. Only then will she recognize you and help you.

Like any amulet, it must be charged by placing it between two candles. I have already talked about how to prepare amulets in detail earlier.

It is imperative to update aspen amulets, because taking on negative energy and protecting its owner, it itself becomes a source of negativity. I prefer once a year to make blanks from aspen for a year for myself and my friends, and change amulets every few months. Old ones can be burned thanks to their help or buried in parks, next to other trees. If there is not so much aspen in stock, then the existing amulet should be soaked in holy water, ask for help and dry under moonlight, just as in preparation.

From an early age, we have all heard about the sacred properties of aspen, and this is not only a stereotype of material imposed by cinematography, with the help of which vampires are destroyed. In fact, the properties of aspen are much more extensive. Aspen can really protect us from sacred entities: ghosts, energy vampires and other irrational evil spirits that love to visit us at night.

Aspen also well protects and protects you from the presence of evil and unkind people. To do this, carry three small aspen sticks in the left pocket of your everyday clothes. Aspen absorbs negative energy very well, and when you suddenly feel that you just need to relieve yourself of the burden of accumulated problems and get rid of negativity, then turn to aspen for help. After all, communication with this amazing tree helps to get rid of unreasonable fear, some obsessive thoughts and calm the nervous system. Aspen is even capable of averting seemingly inevitable death.

aspen peg

An aspen peg is not only a symbol of the fight against evil spirits, but also a powerful Item of Power, with which you can protect your home and yourself from bad energy, as well as save positive energy by blocking its leakage.

How to make a charm from an aspen peg

You must make an aspen peg from a living tree. In no case do not use dry wood or an ordinary bar, sawn down God knows when. Such a peg will be of little use; it is better to visit the forest: and fresh air, breathe, and prepare the necessary material. In the forest, we will need to conduct a special ritual that will give you full-fledged magical protection in the form of an aspen peg.

Ritual "Living Tree"

To perform this ritual, you need to stock up on a brand new knife with a wooden handle that has not yet been used; a small bag (the size of a notebook sheet of paper) sewn from undyed natural fabric.

Wait until the moon begins to rise, and in the morning you go to nature or to a park where there are aspen trees. The ritual must be performed before noon. Pick a clear, sunny day. The tree should not be too old or too young.

To perform the ritual, turn your face to the east and say the plot:

“My mother. Mother Earth. Good and all-powerful. I know you love me, you love me, you will help me. You help me, you protect me. You are a blooming garden, you are the blue seas. You are the blue seas, you are the high mountains. You are high mountains, you are green forests. You are green forests, you are fast rivers. You are my home, you are my soul. We are one. Lead me on a bright day. Save me on a starry night. Protect me from evil misfortune. Give me happiness and give me love. I am your child"

After that, cut off a few branches of aspen. In this case, the knife must be held in the right hand, and cutting off the branch, say:

"My dear friends! My green friends! You will give us joy, Health, Happiness and Love!”

Put the cut branches of aspen in a bag and tie it tightly. Don't forget to thank the aspen that gave you its branches:

“Thank you, darlings. Thank you, good ones, for Joy, for Happiness, for Good and Love!”

In this case, you should first bow to the tree, and then to the entire forest or park where you performed the ritual.

The aspen peg must be cut with the same knife that you cut the branches. The size of the peg should not exceed the width of your palm. One of the ends of the aspen peg must be sharpened, on the second one make an even perpendicular cut.

Now we need to determine the place where the aspen peg will bring the greatest benefit. In any dwelling there are energy faults, which most often appear where dirty water flows. Most likely, this will be the bathroom of your apartment. It is necessary to find the most vulnerable spot in it. To do this, take the aspen peg in your right hand with the tip up. Make a fist with a peg and stretch your hand forward. Walk with outstretched hand, in which your peg is clamped, in all places where dirty water flows: kitchen sink, toilet, bathroom. In the place where there is an energy rift, your hand will spontaneously twitch or tremble.

After the places of energy leakage are found, you will need to perform the ritual of driving in an aspen peg. This is done in the following way. Holding the peg with the tip down in the left hand on weight, we clap on it from above several times with the right hand, pronouncing the following words:

“Let the bad go away, and the good come (you need to say three times), aspen peg, you get up in place, protect the house from evil”

After that, the peg is wrapped in a new white cotton fabric, sprinkled with Thursday salt on the bundle and hidden next to the energy rift. Now the aspen peg will prevent positive energy from leaking into the rift, and prevent negative energy from penetrating.

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