Knot magic: weaving for health, love, money, good luck. Nauses (magic knots) on the hand

Since ancient times, people have used a lot of ways, including magical ones, to protect themselves from the effects of negative forces. Nauses on the hand are often used, magical amulets bracelets that act as protection from negativity and the evil eye. In Ancient Russia, where nauzes come from, they used twine made of hemp or nettle threads, now decorative materials are used for knot magic, which not only serve as a talisman nauz, but also look beautiful on the wrist.

However, beauty is not the most important thing in the amulet, the main thing is the meaning that is invested during knot weaving. Often, to enhance the effect, magical conspiracies are spoken. It is worth saying that not every node can become the basis for a nauz, there is a unique technique here, which will be discussed further. monetary nauzes).

Frequent weaving patterns

There are many patterns and methods of nodular weaving, but there are several that are used more often than others. First of all, this is a Slavic nauza, created to attract good luck and money. Weave it like this:

  • Tie the first knot clearly in the middle of the cord, then say the following: “Success will come to me with this knot, luck and money will come to me somersault”;
  • Then you need to pass both free edges, to the left and right of the already tied knot, into a loop from the first knot, all the time, repeating the conspiracies of nodular magic. After that, you need to stretch the remaining tip of the cord through the loop formed and slightly tighten;
  • On top of the already made pair of knots, you need to tie another one, skipping one of the ends into the loop on the left. Try not to dive into the details of the process with your head, it is important to mentally send the message that you want to attract wealth, luck and love into your life.
  • The result should be a product - a nauz amulet, on which three knots will be tied, but the weaving of nauzes does not end there. It remains to make two final knots on each side, and then tie the bracelet already on the arm.

It is worth saying that Slavic nauzes can be worn not only on the wrist, but also on the ankle and even around the neck. Some people prefer to wear it in such a way that it is hidden from prying eyes, for example, in an inside pocket or purse, this is acceptable.

What time do the nauzes weave

Thus, if a nauzah is created in order to attract love - you need to weave nauzas on Monday or Friday, if you need a talisman against the evil eye and damage - choose Tuesday, if you create a nauzy with your own hands, tie nauzas for good luck and money - this should certainly be Thursday, Wednesday - will contribute to the creation of a magic bracelet to improve business, and Sunday - in cases where it is necessary to improve health.

Choose the color of the bow

It is worth saying that the choice of color is extremely important, in Ancient Russia this stage was given one of the main values.

  • Red

This color on the wrist is more common than others. It attracts love, protects existing relationships, and also serves as a kind of barrier, like a nauz from the evil eye, damage and envy. If the Slavic red nauza is worn on the left hand, the protective function will be a priority. If on the right, it will attract suitors for unmarried girls.

  • Orange or yellow threads

Solar shades serve to protect the wearer's energy from attacks at subtle levels.

  • Green

This color has long been considered associated with financial well-being, and is also able to protect your property from ill-wishers who want to cash in on your help. It is considered an ideal option for Slavic nauza for money.

  • Blue

It will help to reveal your inner potential and reveal the facets of intuition. In addition, it can help you gain confidence and faith in yourself.

  • Violet

This shade of threads will help protect you from injuries and accidents.

  • White

White color - the personification of the new and bright, the craving for new knowledge and help in intellectual work, strengthening memory.

It is not forbidden to mix colors, on the contrary, this will give the nauz even more strength and versatility.

How does the choice of science depend on the sign of the zodiac

All people have unique characteristics, which often depend on the date of birth, that is, on what sign they were born under. The same applies to the choice of the color of the Slavic nauza.

  • Aries - give preference to red and orange;
  • Taurus - green;
  • Gemini - dark colors, black or brown;
  • Cancer - silver;
  • Leo - solar shades;
  • Virgo - all light colors;
  • Libra - green, blue;
  • Scorpio - bright red;
  • Sagittarius - dark blue;
  • Capricorn - black and white;
  • Aquarius - gray and purple;
  • Fish - gold or silver.

How to strengthen nauza

In addition to the fact that you can apply various methods of weaving nauz, use all the colors of the rainbow, you can increase their strength with the help of pendants. A pendant is an additional item - a charm that is woven into the nauz. For their manufacture, only natural materials are used, such as paper, wood, cereals, stones, metal, makosh and others. It could be:

  • Bird - symbolizes tenderness and love;
  • Fish - financial success;
  • Animal tooth - a talisman against evil spirits;
  • The key is protection from ill-wishers;
  • The spoon is a symbol of a comfortable life;
  • The horseshoe is a classic symbol of good luck and so on.

In addition, in any magical amulet, you can use the power of four elements, with regards to nauz, this can be done in this way:

  • Earth - stone or clay;
  • Fire - coal or fired glass;
  • Air - down or feather of birds;
  • Water - pearls, shells, corals.

How many nodes should be

During the creation of nauzes, there are no clear rules and boundaries, you can show imagination and embody ideas. However, according to the canons of numerology, the number of nodes also matters:

  • 1 knot - symbolizes unity and unity, connection with the magic of the Sun;
  • 2 knots - duplicity, connection of emotions and mind, close connection with the magic of the moon;
  • 3 nodes - activates the creative center, helps in work, help the magic of Mars;
  • 4 knots - balances a person, helps to be in harmony with oneself, the magic of Mercury is applied;
  • 5 knots - personal and career growth, a symbol of fertility, the power of Jupiter;
  • 6 knots - nauses for love, inner harmony and beauty of the soul;
  • 7 knots - family strength and fortitude, the power of the planet Saturn is used;
  • 8 knots - helps to find a balance between emotions and reason;
  • 9 knots nauz - symbolizes religiosity and strength of mind.

What is needed in order to make a nauza

In order to make a magic bracelet yourself at home, you will need a thread or cord at least one meter long. It is recommended to start working on sciences on the holiday of Ivan Kupala, on this day magic acquires special power. But it is important to observe not only the technique, but also the deadlines, after you have begun to perform the talisman, more than a day should not pass, otherwise the power of the nauza will be significantly lost.

Do not forget that a large half of success is your faith and inner attitude. If you believe in what you are doing, you should not continue what you started, as the business will not be successful.

In order for the bracelet to turn out not only strong, but also beautiful, you can use photo or video instructions for weaving knots, they give detailed diagrams using several colors.

What conspiracies are used

During weaving, herbs are often woven into the threads, they maximize the effect of the amulet, and often perform a healing function. But even more power is given to the amulet by conspiracies uttered during weaving. Here are the spells that are used most often and whose action has been proven by numerous reviews:

  1. “I knit a tight knot, I call my dear one to me. I will call him to me, there will be joy in my life.
  2. “We weave a sweet knot, I’ll call the sun to visit. I unite my will, thoughts, I wish happiness with joy.
  3. “I want to seal our union so that we don’t have cracks. Let it be glued with glue, forever we are together with you, so I want to tie you, my desire is strong.

All of the above spells are designed to mend love relationships or seal an alliance that has cracked. You can give such a bracelet to your lover so that you feel the same towards each other, after reading a conspiracy to nauzy on it..

There are also sciences that call on a person to give up bad habits, cure diseases, even lead to weight loss, promote early conception, as well as a smooth pregnancy, that is, they directly affect health - the science of life and the way of life of a person. For example:

“We weave knots, I turn to God, I ask him to knit his mouth so that there is no alcohol there. Free your mind and body from the green serpent. Amen".

weaving a twisted amulet

A strong amulet made of threads.

How to tie a red thread from the evil eye

Money knot How to create

In conclusion, it is worth saying that nauzes are an ancient Slavic talisman, the origin of which takes its roots back in Ancient Russia, where the Slavic magic of knots originated. There is nothing complicated in their manufacturing schemes; any person can perform nauzas with a minimum of skill and a maximum of desire, combined with faith in the result. Now you know how to do the nauz correctly.

Knot magic was common during pagan times. The Slavic people used nauzes in magical rituals. Today it is a powerful amulet against ailments and damage to death. Knots are knitted on their own or trusted to a loved one.

The purpose of the nauzes

To understand what nauses are and what they are used for, one should turn to ancient Slavic magic and nauzistics. nauz is a magical amulet with which they protect themselves from the evil eye, attract health or attract love. The possibilities of Slavic knots also include:

  • harmonization of relations;
  • getting rid of problems;
  • fulfillment of desires;
  • attraction of good luck.

Also, Slavic nauzes are a popular accessory and addition to a fashionable look.

Work on nodular magic begins with caution, because the amulet changes events in a certain direction. The magic of knots requires precision and lightness of thought. Making bows with your own hands is necessary only for a certain need. Here it is important to be precise in desires.

Knots tied in an unusual way attract only positive energy. Threads are used for talismans. The knot is the witch's weapon during the ritual. Depending on the desires of a person, witches wove bracelets for:

  • health;
  • happiness;
  • money.

If you correctly tie the sacred science to improve health, the knots heal, treat diseases. They are also worn around the neck as a single strand or with pendants.

Each knot is tied in a different way. There are special tying patterns and several rules that are recommended to be followed. Thoughts during work should not carry negative energy or experience, because this will be transferred to the magic of the node.

Enhance the action of amulets conspiracies of nodular magic. They must be read clearly and in complete solitude. By making one knot after another, the desire is fixed. The bracelet should be knitted by a loved one who is trusted, or they do it on their own. Choose natural threads from linen, cotton, silk or ribbon, rope. The place of manufacture is chosen by the master. It can be a forest, a park, or any quiet place.

Nauz color

Charms on the wrists change a person's life. Depending on the color of the amulet, a different effect on health, love, luck is manifested. Sorcerers and witches believe that the strongest power is hidden behind a red thread. It symbolizes joy, beauty and fullness of life. Other thread colors also carry different energy:

  • green attracts monetary replenishment and protects against deception;
  • yellow - from the evil eye and bad influence;
  • blue means confidence and sociability, helps to find your social circle;
  • white increases intelligence, brings you closer to your goals.

How and when to tie knots

The purpose of the amulet depends on the time and day of the week when the nauzes are woven into the hand. It is recommended to knit it on the growing moon: it helps to get something bright in life and achieve the goal faster.

By the days of the week, the appointment is also determined:

  • Monday - attracts love, a person will find his soul mate;
  • Tuesday - protects from the evil eye and negative environment;
  • environment - gaining success in work and business;
  • Thursday - gives financial well-being and success, brings a lot of money;
  • Friday - attracts bright emotions and love, a knot on female beauty;
  • Saturday - protects from evil forces;
  • Sunday - healing and protection of health.

The desire that nauz magic weaving should bring must be spoken aloud while the thread is knitted. You can also read prayers and conspiracies that carry a sacred meaning.

The meaning of the hand in wearing a nauz

There are no clear instructions on which hand and how to wear, tie bows for good luck or health. Tying knots involves wearing talismans on any part of the body. The main thing is that the amulet touches human skin. The book on nauzistics says that it is still better to wear a red thread on the left hand so that it protects from damage and slander. Or tie a few knots on the right hand for the fulfillment of desires.

The charm is also affected by the pendant, which is attached to the bracelet. Each of them has its own meaning:

  • The bird is a symbol of the infinity of life. Gives a person strong energy and longevity.
  • Angel helps to make the right decisions. When problems arise, they point you in the right direction.
  • Libra - the correctness of actions. In the event of a complex conflict, a person will act according to his conscience.
  • The wolf is a symbol of career. Suspension values ​​​​are the recognition of others, and therefore the boss. He gives good luck in work and career growth.
  • The banknote is a symbol of financial stability. Money will come to the owner of the amulet only if efforts are made.
  • The heart is the best tool for finding love for the future, if used together with conspiracies.
  • Hand - damage and the evil eye does not threaten if the interlacing of knots is for Easter.

Knots on black and red threads

Each thread color has its own meaning in weaving, as does the number of knots. Black does not always mean mourning. In the case of weaving with a white thread, it will symbolize wisdom and progress towards the goal. It is impossible to tie a knot on love or health with a black thread. But appropriate patterns of weaving with dark ribbons will help people become more confident and calm in stressful situations. Black thread is a good material for talismans intended for weak-willed people.

A red thread is woven for the fulfillment of desires, wearing such a northern classic nauz on the right hand. On the left, a talisman is worn to protect against damage. To tie a knot for desire, the thread is wrapped 7 times.

There is a special conspiracy for each type of need:

  • Nauz for happiness:

“I will tie a knot, I will tie the sun to the house. Strengthen my will so that there is plenty of happiness!

  • Knowledge for love. They are tied to a married couple using a red thread and saying Russian conspiracies:

“Knot, secure the union. There is no stronger bond of love!

  • If a person is addicted to drinking:

“Knotting the Lord Slave (name) with a party and a booze. Knot, free thoughts, defeat his vice. Amen!"

  • Nauz for good luck and monetary wealth:

“Grow up, money. Multiply, money. Add money. Make (name) me rich, come to me. Let it be so!"

For health and healing from illness. There should be 9 knots, use a black thread. Making a knot, they pronounce the disease. After the nodules are buried away from home.

In knot magic, there are also a large number of different weaving patterns.

Everyone has heard the expression "knot for memory." Its meaning is clear. Many believe that it came into our lives from the knot letter, which was common in some tribes. However, the matter is much deeper. Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, did not consider it necessary to write down their impressions on paper. Knowledge was passed from mouth to mouth. And they knitted knots for a completely different purpose.

Rope and medicinal herbs were used to connect a person with magical powers. It was believed that various knots could prevent misfortunes, cure diseases, and bring good luck to life. Surely you noticed in the paintings (in films) with Slavic plots that people adorned themselves not with beads or chains, but with woven necklaces, pendants, bracelets.

Each of these items contained a "power" that people believed in. Even now, traditions associated with nauzes (knots) have been preserved in the villages. For example, in the Kuban it is customary to cover a girl with a net before marriage. Then she is handed over to her new husband. It is believed that the network prepares a woman for childbirth, protects against complications.

What are nauses?

This was the name of the nodes in which they invested medicinal products or notes with spells. From them came amulets and amulets. Nauses are used to treat the physical and energy bodies of a person. From the evil eye and damage, to attract good luck or get rid of a specific disease. True, there are not so many specialists in this field. How to knit knots, what to lay in them, only village healers understand.

Now it is known that nauzes are made only from natural raw materials. That is, for their manufacture, woolen threads, hemp or pure cotton are needed. Most often, however, wool is used. For example, to normalize blood circulation, they are tied to the wrist. She, according to healers, does not allow blood to stagnate. The same remedy is known to help with the evil eye.

Is it possible to knit the knots yourself?

Any amulet a person can make with his own hands. After all, its meaning is in the intention embedded in it. Yes, you need to know which nodes affect what. But the meaning is not in them, but in those thoughts with which a person knits them. Remember: "knot for memory." The deep meaning of the expression is that with the help of a rope you can create a certain “anchor” in your thoughts.

For example, if a person is envied, then this is reflected in the quality of his life. This comes from the fact that he reacts to someone else's anger, gets nervous, makes mistakes. This is a natural, subconscious process. By the way, our Slavic ancestors knew this very well. What needs to be done to not respond? Realize that someone else's anger invades your life and build a defense. This is done mentally, and in order not to forget, you should tie a knot.

Here is a simple technique for making nauzes. It is necessary to invest in them the intention, the way to solve the problem that worries you now. You can then forget about it, and the subconscious mind will remember and act constantly. The knot will remind him of the preparatory work done.

Effective conspiracies on knots

The knots themselves with symbols and herbs had different purposes. It was invested in them by the performer, that is, the healer. This was done with the help of thought, which was supported by certain words. For example, if you want happiness to always be in your life, weave an obegeg in a round weave (pictures above) and hang it around your neck. When they prepared the amulet, they said this:

“I’ll tie a knot, I’ll tie the sun to the house. Strengthen my will so that there is plenty of happiness!

In order for life to be sanctified by faithful and mutual love, they slandered the knot like this:

“Knot, strengthen the union. There is no stronger bond of love!

The girls prepared such amulets. Often, not only for themselves, but also for the betrothed. Love nauses were given to the guy they wanted to marry.

Nauzas were also used for treatment. Here from drunkenness, for example, they made a special amulet. They spoke like this:

“I tie the knot to the Lord’s slave (name) booze and party. Free the knot of thoughts, conquer the vice of it. Amen!".

Nauzy is an original Slavic remedy. If you want to join it, learn how to use it in life, then do not be shy and do not be afraid. In this kind of art, it is not the technique that matters, but the purity and depth of intention.

At all times, knots and nodules were given great importance in rituals and amulets. In our time, science is a sure and simple way to attract the necessary events into your life and get rid of troubles.

The history of science goes back centuries. Our ancestors tied a sacred number of knots on belts, threads or threads of yarn for certain purposes. Nauzas were always knitted ritually: a knot tied just like that was considered a bad omen. In our time, the superstitious fear of knots and nodules is gone, but it is still possible and necessary to use the energy of nauz for your own purposes.

Types of nauzes

According to the purpose and action of nauses can be divided into several types:

  • for love;
  • for luck;
  • good luck;
  • for money;
  • to get rid of the disease;
  • for protection from damage and the evil eye.

Each charm-nauz is made independently: you need to choose natural threads of a certain color: for love and passion, as well as a successful marriage - red, to attract happiness- orange, for good luck in an important matter- yellow. To attract wealth and to direct the energy of money in your direction, green and yellow threads are needed. To heal from an illness, you will need blue or white threads, and to protect against damage use threads in black, purple or blue.

The number of knots that will need to be tied to achieve your goal can be calculated numerologically. But basically, one complex knot is used for protective purposes, two are tied for love, 7 knots for happiness and good luck, 5 or 6 for money, and three for getting rid of the disease.

How to make a nauz-amulet

To create not just a thread with knots, but a full-fledged amulet, you will need a certain mood and a state of peace and tranquility. Nothing should stop you from focusing on your goal.

Prayers help someone to relax and come to the desired state of peace, while someone is more inclined to mantras and meditations. Choose your way. A good help in creating a nauz will be a burning wax candle, the color of which matches the color of your future nauz.

When you have arrived at the desired state, unravel the threads and measure a length slightly longer than that which is needed to freely wrap around your wrist. The stock will go into knots and you will need a place to tie the finished amulet on your hand.

Mark the place where the nodes will be located. Start tying them by imagining and clearly visualizing your goal.

For example, if you are creating a nauz to attract love and family happiness, then tie a knot and say: “I will straighten the threads, I will send my beloved / beloved to me. As I tie a knot, I will bring love to myself!

Knit knots from left to right, each visualizing your goal. After the last knot is tied, wrap the charm around your hand and say: “It has been done for me, it will serve me, it is tied in a knot, spoken and said firmly. Do not untie anyone, do not take back the words. Truly!”

Wear a charm on yourself or hide in a secluded place at home. Do not let anyone take the nauz in their hands, otherwise the energy of the amulet will be broken.

Nauzas are simple, but at the same time one of the most powerful amulets for happiness, love and money. To enhance the effect, the creation of a nauz for money can be combined with the ritual of attracting money. We wish you the fulfillment of all desires and intentions, and do not forget to press the buttons and

03.10.2016 01:49

Psychic Dmitry Volkhov told readers about one of the most powerful Slavic amulets. According to a member...

Knot magic is one of the most ancient types of magic. It is at least 4000 years old, as evidenced by the amulets-knots and letters found during excavations.

Although knot magic has been common in every culture and probably in every era, now it has practically disappeared from mass use. Although once it was used, almost every family. This type of magic will be very convenient and affordable for every person and will not yield to other types of magical craft in efficiency.

The magic of knots has come down to the present: in the cultural life of different nations there are still traditions, customs and signs that are associated with knitting unusual knots. So, for example, at a wedding, the newlyweds tie their hands with a special towel so that their union is strong; but during the pregnancy of the expectant mother, on the contrary, it is contraindicated to tie knots, since it is believed that this may negatively affect her childbirth: the knots will “tie” the woman in labor or the newborn herself, and the childbirth will be difficult and painful. Knots were also knitted from diseases and, on the contrary, for illness. For example, African sorcerers could tie a person's life into a knot, bring illness, failure and even death to him, but they also tied the diseases themselves into knots, after which the sick soon recovered. There is a belief that Finnish magicians tied the winds into knots and sold them to sailors on a long voyage. And as the sailors untied these knots, a fair wind suddenly came, and their ship sailed on.

In various religious traditions (Greek, Scandinavian, Slavic, etc.), the very fate of a person is presented as a thread, but it is never straight, it bends and connects with other threads. This thread is spun by three goddesses, personifying, respectively, the three times of being: past, present and future. According to legend, as long as the thread of fate is intact, a person continues to “walk” along it and live.

Nauzy, what is it?

The word "nauzy" of Slavic origin is a weaving consisting of several knots with meaning. It is customary to knit them from everything that can be woven: threads, ropes, grasses, ribbons, hair, animal veins and other materials of natural origin. Nauses can be used for protection, love, health, money, success and other desires of a person. They are of two types: simple and complex. If in a simple knot all knots are tied in a simple way, then in complex ones there is a special weaving technique, which is different depending on the purpose of their creation. Among such nauzes there are real works of art that can be worn disguised as jewelry.

What is the secret of magic knots? The fact is that by tying a knot, you can embody any idea, thereby giving it a specific physical form. The principle of operation is as follows: when the knot is untied, the energy contained in it is released, and, conversely, when the knot is tied, then the directed energy is contained in it. Thus, you have the opportunity, thanks to the sciences, to get rid of what hinders you or to give strength to accomplish your plan at a particular moment in time.

Knot magic has three parts:

A specific pattern (or weaving sequence),


The process of weaving.

The most important principle of this type of magic is that it can be practiced by anyone who wants to. The magic of knots is special in that when weaving knots, a person falls into a light trance and is freed from unnecessary thoughts. And in this state, he has more chances to realize his intention and carry out his plan. Further, the “tied” forces will already act, a person can only wait and at the right time, if necessary, release them, untying all the knots.

When is the best time to weave nauzes?

Follow the cycle of the Moon: if it is growing, then make a bow to acquire something, and if it is waning, to release something.

Monday and Friday are better for attracting love;

On Tuesday, knots are woven to protect against negativity;

On Wednesday for successful trading and good luck in all matters;

Thursday - for success in work and for attracting money;

On Saturday, knots are woven to protect against dark magic;

Sunday for good health.

What color to choose for nauz

The color of the threads is of great importance in this Slavic magic. You need to choose it based on your desires and needs.

Red threads - to attract love and protection from ill-wishers.

Orange and yellow threads - from the evil eye and damage.

Green threads are used to attract money and success in work.

Blue and light blue - protect from diseases, conflicts and quarrels. They also provide intuition.

Purple threads protect against accidents, accidents and disasters.

White threads will help fulfill a wish.

golden color - for wealth

What can increase the strength of nauzes?

If you are going to use special materials for a specific task, select certain colors, weave grass or stones into knots, anoint them with oils - this will give strength to the action of nauzes. Also, to enhance the strength of the knot, it can still be alternated with beads. At the same time, when a desire is enclosed in a knot, a force is put into the bead that helps to realize this desire.

Before starting the weaving ritual, clean up the room. Ventilate the room. It is good if you yourself can perform ablution. It will not be superfluous to perform a ritual of meditation to calm, purify thoughts.

While knotting, try to get rid of unnecessary thoughts that distract you from your goal, especially those that undermine your self-confidence. Think only about what you put into the knot.

What to do with the finished nauz?

When you have already weaved and “spoke” the main part of the knot, you will have free ends. For different purposes, the ends of the thread are either fastened or connected. So, if you need to make changes to the situation or attract something or someone, then the ends of the thread are not tied or fixed in parallel. When it is required to preserve or protect what has already been received, the ends of the thread are tied with a ring.

Ready-made nauzes are usually worn on themselves, in a bag, in a pocket. Nauses to enhance personal qualities can be put under the pillow, then they will act on you during sleep. "Knot amulet" for health can be applied to a sore spot. Nauses to get rid of something can be buried in the ground, somewhere far away from home, and in order for the action to happen faster, they are attached to fire.

When the goal is reached, the nauzes are usually dismantled or burned. In the event that they are torn or lost, this means that either the action has already been performed, or the nouzes have lost their strength.


For health and healing from illness.

The ritual is performed on a waning moon. You will need a natural fiber cord, preferably not dyed.

If the disease, despite all the efforts of doctors, does not let go, try resorting to the old magical method of “tying up” the disease. The ritual is performed on a waning moon. You will need a natural fiber cord, preferably undyed. Keep the cord as close as possible to the part of the body where the disease nests, and begin to tie knots, one on top of the other, so that one large knot is formed.

At the same time, read the plot:

I impose a disease on the knot,

I tie the disease to the knot,

I tie a disease in a knot,

I drive the disease into a knot,

I fix the disease in a knot,

I attach the disease to the knot.

Let it be so. Goy! Disease in the knot - health in me.

If you are not plotting on yourself, then the last line will sound like:

"Let it be so. Goy! Disease in the node - health in the NAME.

It should be read in such a way that there is a knot for each line. Next, the cord should be buried in the ground, saying: “The rope will rot - health will come!” Since it is difficult to bury something in winter, put the cord in a flower pot, cover it with earth - and take it out of the house. It is very important to take the pot across the intersection and leave it there. Leave silently, without looking back. Do not utter a word until you cross the threshold of your home.

To raise money.

Material: Cord of red and gold (yellow) colors, not less than 4 mm thick. The golden color of the cord means money, and the red color means the necessary energy to receive it.

Day: Friday or Monday

Moon: Growing.

Conspiracy: “Money comes, money grows, money flows like a river into my pocket. True".

Weaving pattern:

1. Take two cords at once (for ease of perception, one cord is taken; red should be placed below the gold one) and make a loop, leading the leading end under the cord. Weaving is done clockwise:

2. Then bring the leading end 2 times under the cord:

3. Now weave the cords, for which lead the cord as follows: above the cord 1 time, under - the 2nd time, above - the 3rd time, under - 4 times and stretch the cord over the cord for the last time:

4. Pull up the cords and fix the beautiful shape of the nauz:

For the fulfillment of desires.

It is necessary to take a natural (not synthetic) RED cord 30 cm long. Mark the places of future knots on the cord at equal distances. There will be 9 of them in total. It is better to do it by 12 o'clock at night. Better for a waning moon. You can do this for three days in a row, i.e. use three cords.

Tie knots in accordance with the marked points, clearly presenting the result of your desires. When performing the process, pronounce the words of the conspiracy. Each line of text matches one node. Be careful, the sequence of nodes and their places in the text is different. Tie in the following order:

We tie knot No. 1 and say: "THIS KNOT STARTS THE FIRST BUSINESS",

Then, we tie knot No. 6, saying: "THIS SECOND KNOT CONNECTS WITH FATE",


Knot number 8: "The fourth knot fastens",






The next day, the cord must be burned outside the house. If we are selling houses, cars, pregnancy, etc., then you put the cord in a secluded place so that no one touches or sees it. until the fulfillment of desires. As it turns out, burn outside the house on the growing moon.

To quit smoking

Tie a woolen thread in a knot around your neck and do not remove it until you quit smoking. At the same time, pronounce the phrase “QUIT SMOKING:“ I WANT TO QUIT SMOKING!

For the happiness of the newlyweds, it is necessary that the mother impose knots on the edges of the sheet or duvet cover. It is desirable that the ritual be performed by a woman who is happily married. In the process, she must sincerely wish happiness, health, fertility and longevity to the union, which she will utter as a conspiracy.

For a strong marriage without change.

Tie 9 knots on a rope, sincerely asking for your plan (the tying method can be used above). Then the amulet must be placed under the mattress of the family bed.

To attract money and prosperity.

At the dawn of the day of the waxing moon, light a green candle. From a skein of green yarn (wool), cut nine threads of the same length. Put them together, hold them between your palms, rub your hands against each other, forming a cord from the threads.

Performing the manipulations, say: “Nine roads, nine ways will come to me what I want: copper nickels, silver rubles, gold chervonets, significant bonds on paper, marked with signatures and seals.”

Tie nine knots on the cord. Their general order on the cord should be as follows: 1-6-4-8-3-7-5-9-2. That is, first tie the first knot at one of the ends of the cord, the second at the other end, the third in the middle of the cord, the fourth in the middle between the first and third, the fifth between the third and second, etc. You can first mark on the thread on an equal footing distance approximate tying points

Tying each knot, say: "I fasten this knot all in one, my will, my passion, my monetary power."

When finished, burn the cord over a candle flame, then scatter the ashes into the wind.

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