Zhanna Friske's mother: “Daughter, dear, forgive us. I am ashamed and offended that your name is mixed with dirt. Zhanna Friske's mother: “If her daughter were alive, she would have thrown Dima out Zhanna Friske's own mother

The letter was very insightful. Apparently, for two years, Olga Vladimirovna was never able to get used to the idea that her eldest daughter was no more.


"Daughter ... It's been two whole years, but everything in the house reminds me of you. I am writing these words, and I have tears in my eyes. Now I am looking at your favorite coffee cup, it is on a shelf in the kitchen cabinet. Such a tall, Brown, with an inscription in Latvian and a drawing - some kind of building. Natasha, Platoshina's nanny, gave it to you for your fortieth birthday. Do you remember? A sweet woman, she took care of our boy while we lived in Latvia, - StarHit quotes her words. - In place of the things that you brought to us five years ago, before you flew to Miami to give birth to your son. We didn't touch anything. Maybe something needs to be done about them though.

According to Olga Friske, her husband Vladimir in recent times brings health. “But still trying to“ fight ”. Vaughn recently found new lawyers ... I don’t interfere in these cases and, frankly, I don’t really know the details,” she said.

Throughout the letter, the mother addresses Jeanne as if she were alive. “Did you see how many angels your fans brought to your grave? And the flowers are always there, in armfuls, fresh, fresh ... We tried to organize everything so that the fans would be comfortable. We put a bench,” the woman shared, admitting that she herself rarely goes to the cemetery.

Olga especially singled out the long-awaited meeting with her grandson Plato, whose father, Dmitry Shepelev, does not allow to see him at any time. “I would so like to please you with good news. But with what? Unless I saw Platoshka in May - for the first time in a year. Dima brought him to a performance at the circus, and we were called. Plato recognized me. He became taller and lost weight. Turns into a little man ", - said the mother of Zhanna Friske. - And the haircut is like you had in childhood, only the back of your head is shaved. It grows smart and beautiful. You are very similar to him, just like two drops of water, even the intonations, the turn of the head are the same. Platosha repeats your gesture in while talking - twists the right handle.

According to her, Plato is growing very reasonable. "He answers like an adult. It's a pity that the meeting was short - only fifteen minutes. I asked Platoshka to call me. "Okay, grandmother," he promised, but so far the phone is silent, "added Olga.

Two years during which Zhanna Friske struggled with terrible disease, next to her were her relatives - parents Vladimir and Olga, sister Natalya, civil husband Dmitry Shepelev. Zhanna's close friends did not leave either, and each of the people close to the singer made a feasible contribution to ensuring that she lived, was happy, rejoiced and hoped for a miracle.

Friske's fans are used to seeing her father more often - Vladimir Borisovich gave interviews, thanked people for financial assistance his daughter, shared news from the life of Jeanne.

Zhanna's mother, Olga Kopylova, has been with her daughter all the time over the past years - she helped her with little Plato, looked after her when Zhanna was sick, and, along with other close people, rejoiced when the singer felt better after an experimental vaccine. Unlike father Vladimir Borisovich Friske, who commented on the state of his star daughter, filmed for television and was generally a public figure, Zhanna Friske's mother was always in the shadows, protecting her daughter's peace. But her feat is as great as the contribution to the salvation of Jeanne, which was made by her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev, friend Olga Orlova and others.

On the day before the funeral, Dmitry Shepelev said about the invaluable help Zhanna Friske received from her mother: “I am immensely grateful, first of all, to Zhanna's mother, Olga. All those two years, while Zhanna and I moved from hospital to hospital, from one medical bed to another, we moved together, because she was lying and I was lying next to me ... all this time it was Olga who raised and took care of our child. She is his second mother.

In fact, Olga Kopylova devoted her whole life to children. She met Zhanna Friske's father Vladimir Borisovich in 1973, and already in 1974 she had twins from him. That Jeanne had a brother who died in childbirth, long time nothing was known. Yes, and Olga herself terrible incident didn't say at first. Future parents guessed that they would be born either very big baby, or twins, but there was no ultrasound capable of confirming the hypothesis. Jeanne was born seven months old and very small. And Vladimir told his wife that the doctors were wrong in their predictions. The secret was revealed much later. “This is a huge grief for my mother. I can't even imagine how she got through it all. I never asked her about such things, I try not to hurt her feelings. In our family, this is a closed topic, once again we try not to touch it, ”the younger sister of Zhanna, Natasha, later said later.

There is a solid age difference between the sisters - 12 years, but they have become truly close friends. In 2007, Natasha took Zhanna's place in the "Brilliant" group, but singing career did not last long. All this time, mother Olga supported the girls, although she complained that the spotlight turned them away from a truly feminine proposal. It would be better if my girls quietly got married, gave birth to children, why do they need this popularity? All life is upside down."

Upon Jeanne's return to Moscow after a course of an experimental vaccine in the United States, her mother did not leave her side. Together she went out for a walk around the suburban village, taking care of her as best she could. Neighbors testify that when Zhanna became worse in the spring, she left the house only leaning on the hand of Olga Vladimirovna. And then the singer’s mother didn’t have a single free minute at all - she either sat by Jeanne’s bed or nursed Plato.

Only once did Olga Vladimirovna come to the defense of her famous daughter: when rumors spread in the spring that Zhanna Friske had a sharp deterioration. Having taken the floor and, obviously, realizing that the prognosis is disappointing, the woman nevertheless said: “We are being treated, we are at home. Nothing like what they say in the media, we do not happen! We are treated, we live and will live!

On June 17, all the singer's fans saw a heartbroken woman at the farewell ceremony for Zhanna Friske at Crocus City Hall. Zhanna's closest friend Olga Orlova did not leave Olga Vladimirovna. The singer constantly hugged Jeanne's crying mother, supported her as best she could.

Four years have passed since Zhanna Friske passed away. Today the singer could have turned 45. The life of the star was cut short due to terrible diagnosis- brain cancer. For two years, the vocalist struggled with the disease, but in vain. In the most difficult period, Zhanna had relatives next to her. Fans are accustomed to seeing on the screen the father of the artist Vladimir Borisovich and her common-law spouse Dmitry Shepelev - it was they who reported latest news about Jeanne's condition.

The singer's mother behaved quite differently. Olga Kopylova always remained in the shadows, surrounding her daughter and her with care. little son Plato. She was there when Friske, who had recently given birth to a child, first complained about the sharp headache, and two days later received the sad results of an MRI. It seemed to the main Olga Vladimirovna to raise Zhanna to her feet, because the woman did not believe that the heiress could leave her forever.

“We believed that she would pull through. Especially in March 2014, when Platosha took the first step, took his mother by the hand and led her to our kitchen. Jeanne got up for the first time after her illness. It was a great joy for me, ”said Jeanne’s mother.

In those difficult months, Olga Vladimirovna did not leave her daughter for a minute. Neighbors said that when the artist became worse in the spring of 2015, she left the house only leaning on her mother's hand. “Plato was always there, his and Jeanne’s rooms were opposite,” Olga Kopylova recalled. - He talked with his mother, approached her, stroked her hair, touched her fingers. Jeanne knew that she was ill, but she never spoke of death. God has ordained it."

AT last days the performer began agony, her temperature jumped. She was given an injection, it seemed that the singer felt better. The artist's mother went into the next room to lie down when Olga Vladimirovna's husband told her the fatal news: Jeanne is no more. Kopylova recalled that then the weather was rainy all week, as if nature itself was mourning the untimely departed star.

On June 17, 2015, the artist's fans saw a heartbroken woman at the farewell ceremony for Zhanna Friske at Crocus City Hall. The closest friend of the singer Olga Orlova did not leave Olga Vladimirovna, hugging crying woman trying to support her.

On the day Zhanna Friske died, something broke inside her mother. Everything seemed to Olga Vladimirovna meaningless because of the irreplaceable loss. For a whole year she was silent, not wanting to talk to the press about her personal grief, but after a while she agreed to talk about her experience to TV presenter and editor-in-chief of the StarHit project Andrei Malakhov as part of the Tonight program.

The woman found solace by visiting her daughter's grave in the late evenings: to be alone with her. “I always drive up from the other side of the cemetery, leave the car behind the gate and pass unnoticed, because there are always people here,” Olga Vladimirovna explained.

With trepidation, the artist's mother visited Zhanna's apartment in Moscow. Parents did not change anything in the apartment, leaving things in the places where their daughter kept them.

She was ready to continue educating Plato, who had lost her mother. But the relationship between the parents of Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev went wrong, although on the eve of the funeral of his beloved, the presenter thanked Olga Vladimirovna for her help in caring for the child.

“When Zhanna left, I went to where Platosha lived, to a meeting on certain days when I was allowed. In winter, our dates became even less frequent. Then we began to ask for meetings on our territory. But Dima's mother told me: "There will never be a child in your house." And Dima confirmed these words, ”Kopylova complained three years ago.

Olga Vladimirovna still buys toys for Plato, because she believes that one day she will be able to hand them over to the boy personally. It is difficult for Zhanna Friske's mother to convey in words the emotional pain that she has been experiencing due to separation from her child for several years now.

The woman lost her daughter and does not see her grandson, but, unfortunately, this is not the first loss for Olga Vladimirovna. Almost no one knew that Zhanna Friske had a brother who died during childbirth. The husband told Kopylova that the doctors were wrong in the forecasts, and there was no second child. “This is a huge grief for my mother. I can't even imagine how she got through it all. I never asked her about such things, I try not to hurt her feelings. In our family, this is a closed topic, once again we try not to touch it, ”the younger sister of Zhanna Friske, Natasha, later said.

With the departure of her beloved daughter, Olga Vladimirovna's days were filled with expectation, a thirst to regain her grandson, a piece and continuation of Jeanne. This would give a new meaning to her life, which the woman selflessly dedicated to the family.

Photo: Sergey Shakhidzhanyan, Personal archive, Russia 1 TV channel, Ivan Burnyashev

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