Road sign parking prohibited area. Temporary ban on stopping and parking in certain places. The amount of the fine for violating the ban on stopping and parking

For regulation traffic and ensuring the maximum level of safety for all road users, both drivers and pedestrians, a system of road signs has been developed."No stopping" signwhich will be discussed in more detail in the current material.

What will become clear after reading: what the sign looks like, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe restriction, as well as the fines acting on its basis.

no stop sign

To follow the rules of the road and not create emergency situations, you should focus on regulatory signs. Each driver must understand that all the restrictions on the road are set in this place for a reason and are designed to ensure safety. The same applies to the stop prohibition sign, if the action is prohibited, it means that the car that violated the prohibition can become an obstacle to movement or maneuver, and therefore hypothetically creates an emergency.

What does a regulator look like?Description of the No Stop signlooks something like this: the sign is a circle with a blue background, the edges of which have a red frame, and it is crossed out by red lines intersecting crosswise. It should be noted that the sign of the prohibition of parking has similar appearance. Except that there is only one diagonal line that crosses out, and not two intersecting ones, as in the first case.

What is the difference between parking and stopping. Parking means stopping the car for a period of more than 5 minutes, while the stop, according to the rules, lasts less than 5 minutes. Thus, in a place where parking is prohibited, the driver can slow down for 5 minutes, usually this time is enough to, for example, drop a passenger. In a no-stop zone, even such an action would be a violation.

No stop sign. Area of ​​effect

The restricted zone has its own boundaries. The driver must understand exactly where he cannot stop, and where he can already.The zone of action of the stop and parking signs is prohibiteddepends on accompanying signs that complement the main delimiter.

The first thing the driver should remember is that the stop restriction applies only to the side of the carriageway on which the sign is located. This means that on the other side of the road, the driver may well make a stop if there are no restrictions there.

How long does the zone of validity of a prohibition sign that you meet on the way and have no additions extend? There are several options.

  • To the nearest intersection or traffic light. At the same time, the rupture of the dividing part of the road is not an indicator of the completion of the restricted zone, since it is not an intersection.
  • To a sign that removes all previously existing restrictions.
  • Until the end of the settlement, if there are no intersections or other signs that remove restrictions along the route.
  • If after No stop signyellow markings are applied along the edge of the road, it indicates the area of ​​​​the restriction and you cannot stop until it ends.

Besides, zone of action of the sign "Stopping prohibited"determine the accompanying signs. There may be several such signs.

  • If the sign is accompanied by a sign with an arrow forward (up), this means the beginning of the restriction and the driver can stop before the sign, but will no longer be able to stop after it.
  • If the forward (up) arrow sign is supplemented with a distance, for example, 100 m, this means that it is impossible to stop the next 100 meters. And for example, after 150 meters it is already quite acceptable.
  • If the prohibition sign is accompanied by an arrow in both directions, it means that the driver is in the zone of its action. That is, stopping is prohibited both before and after the sign, and somewhere earlier there was a corresponding limiter, announcing the beginning of the prohibition zone.
  • If the sign is supplemented with an arrow back (down), then this means the end of the ban. The driver may stop after the sign, but may not stop before it.

In addition, the sign can be supplemented with plates with different types transport (tablets 8.4.1-8.4.8), which means that the prohibition of stopping applies specifically to this type of transport. If the sign is accompanied by a sign 8.18 (crossed out wheelchair), then the ban does not apply to this category of drivers.

Exceptions to the rules

Who and under what circumstances can stop in the coverage areaNo stop sign. As you know, there are exceptions to every rule, this case only confirms this. There are a number of situations in which a stop in the zone of the sign will not be counted as a violation of traffic rules.

  1. Emergency stop due to deterioration in the health of drivers or breakdowns vehicle. In this case, you must turn on the emergency signal and set a sign on the roadway.
  2. Shuttle transport has the right to make a stop at the place provided for this, despite the fact that there is a restriction on this interval.
  3. No stop signhas no effect if the vehicle is slowed down by a traffic police officer. In this case, the driver is obliged to stop anywhere, regardless of traffic rules.

These are all situations that are not covered by the regulatory sign. In other cases, the driver is obliged to follow the rules and make stops only in a valid place.

The legislation specifies a fairly large list of places limited to stopping and parking a vehicle. They need to be learned. There are also special traffic rules signs indicating the prohibition of stopping in a certain place. How do they look? Consider traffic rules sign 3.27 Stopping is prohibited.

This restrictive stop is prohibited sign does not allow parking and stopping of vehicles on a certain section of the roadway. Two crossed lines on the sign give a signal of an absolute ban on any stop of the car. What not to do:

Stop the movement of the car for more than five minutes to disembark or disembark passengers, as well as to load or unload something.
Stop the movement of the machine for other reasons or for no reason.

No stop sign area

The action of the stop is prohibited sign extends from the place of its installation to the nearest intersection. That is, you can safely park your car on the side of the road or in the parking lot behind the intersection. In rural areas, in the absence of intersections, the coverage area covers the entire path to the end of the settlement.

Do not forget that the exit from the adjacent territory, the yard, is not a crossroads. In this case, the effect of the sign is not canceled.

The zone of validity of the No Stopping sign is canceled in the following cases:

If there is a sign 3.27 with plates and 3.31;
Also, the sign can be combined with road markings, indicating the area of ​​​​the restriction in the area indicated by the marking line.

Sign 8.2.3 indicates the No Stopping sign has been canceled and you may park your car behind the sign on the roadside. This sign with a down arrow prohibits stopping just before the place where it is installed.

The sign marked 3.31 indicates the abolition of all restrictions on parking and stopping the car.

The sign reminds you that you are in a traffic restriction zone and it is still impossible to park.

Important! Restrictive signs are valid only on the side of the road where they are installed.

Penalty for stopping under the sign 3.27

You already know which sign prohibits stopping at prescribed places. The penalty for violating the Rules of Traffic Regulations is regulated by Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (part one) and amounts to 500 rubles. But in some cases, the amount increases:

When stopping at a site for cars with disabilities - from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.
If you interfere with the movement of other cars, you are threatened with evacuation to a special site or a fine of 2,000 rubles.
Breaking the rules in the cities federal significance the amount of the fine is from 2500 to 3000 rubles.

That is, if you decide to quickly park to buy cigarettes in a stall, then your car can just as quickly be evacuated to a fine site. And if you are a resident of a city of federal significance, and you ignored the sign stop is prohibited the fine increases exponentially.

In what cases the penalty is not imposed:

Vehicle breakdown;
bad health of the driver.

Novice drivers often confuse two signs that are very similar both in appearance and in meaning: Parking is prohibited and Stopping is prohibited. In fact, road sign 3.28 "Parking is prohibited" prohibits parking, but not stopping.

What is the difference between parking and stopping? It's simple: if the car stops for a period of not more than five minutes, or if its stationary state is associated with the loading and unloading of the car or with the boarding and disembarking of passengers, then this is interpreted precisely as a stop, and not parking, therefore, the indication of the sign "Parking is prohibited" is violated will not.

Like other prohibition signs, sign 3.28 has a round shape and a red border. However, the background is not white but blue. The circle of the sign is crossed out with a diagonal red line.

Highly important aspect understanding the requirements of the sign 3.28 "Parking is prohibited" is an adequate assessment of the zone of its action.

So, the effect of sign 3.28 begins directly at the place of its installation, and its prohibition is valid until the following sections:

  • the intersection following in the direction of the vehicle;
  • the end of the settlement marked with the corresponding sign;
  • sign 3.31 indicating the end of the zone of all restrictions;

The above sections of roads are generally accepted areas where most prohibition signs end.

No parking sign and additional information signs

After the above sections of the road are passed, parking is automatically allowed if there are no other restrictions in this area, which are prescribed in section No. 12 of the Rules of the Road.

The zone of influence of sign 3.28 can be clarified by installing plates and signs additional information, namely:

So, plate 8.2.2, installed together with sign 3.28, indicates the distance to which the signs apply. In other words, parking will be allowed exactly after the number of meters indicated on the sign.

Sign 3.28 can be installed together with plate 8.2.3. This plate indicates the end of the zone of validity of the sign. Simply put, the arrow on the plate indicates that the No Parking sign is in effect in front of its installation site.

If there is a sign 8.2.4 on the road, this tells the driver that he is in this moment located in the zone of action of the sign "Parking prohibited". This plate is an additional indication of the current restriction on the section of the road where the previously imposed parking ban is already in effect, and the ban has not yet been lifted.

Supplementary information boards 8.2.5 and 8.2.6 (individually or together), which can be installed together with the No Parking sign, are used to indicate parking restrictions near squares, buildings, etc. In this case, parking will be prohibited from from the place where the sign is installed, in the direction in which the arrow points and at the distance indicated on the sign.

Sign 3.28 coverage area can be limited using information sign 6.4 "Parking place" and plate 8.2.1, which, if installed together, indicate a place allowed for stopping and parking.

The traffic rules assume the use of road sign 2.2.8 in conjunction with a broken marking line yellow color 1.10, applied to the edge of the carriageway, to the edge of the sidewalk adjacent to it or over the curb. In this case, the markings do not just prohibit stopping, but indicate the specific zone of validity of the “No Parking” sign. That is, the sign is valid only where there is a markup.

The driver must remember that sign 3.28 "Parking is prohibited" is valid only on the side of the road from which it is installed. This is important for those drivers who are looking for a place to park.

Sign 3.28 "Parking is prohibited" does not apply to drivers with disabilities of the first and second groups, as well as to drivers of vehicles that transport such disabled people. Such cars must be equipped with special signs "Disabled".

Among other things, the sign does not apply to taxis with a taximeter turned on, as well as to cars belonging to the Russian Federal Postal Service.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

At the end of 2018, this paragraph also added a ban on parking on bicycle and bicycle paths, closer than 5 meters from the intersections of bicycle and bicycle paths with the carriageway and next to low curbs designed to get people with limited mobility off the sidewalks.

12.4. Stopping is prohibited:

  • in the cyclist lane.

It is prohibited to stop vehicles on the lane for cyclists marked with road sign 5.14.2:

Where is parking prohibited?

With places where parking of vehicles is prohibited, things are somewhat simpler, and paragraph 12.5 relating to them is much shorter.

1. In places where stopping is prohibited

12.5. Parking is prohibited:

  • in places where stopping is prohibited;

In this case we are talking about the eight points listed above. Where stopping is prohibited, parking is always prohibited.

2. On the main road outside the village

12.5. Parking is prohibited:

  • outside settlements on the carriageway of roads marked with sign 2.1;

If you are driving outside the settlement on the road marked with the sign 2.1, then keep in mind that you can stop for parking only on the sides of the road. You can't do this on the road.

2.1 "the main road". Road on which the right of way of passage of unregulated intersections is granted.

3. Near railway crossings

12.5. Parking is prohibited:

  • closer than 50 m from railway crossings.

You can find out more about the rules for parking near railway crossings at. In particular, it explains in detail how to measure 50 meters from the crossing, without resorting to the help of a tape measure and other measuring instruments.

No stop and no parking signs

No stop sign

In addition to the above conditions in the rules of the road there is special sign"Stop prohibited":

The No Stopping sign can be installed on any section of the road and is valid, as a rule, until the nearest intersection.

For example, this sign is installed on bridges, the boundaries of which the driver cannot determine while driving.

Please note that although the sign is called "No Stopping", it prohibits not only stopping, but also parking vehicles.

No parking sign

By analogy with the sign "Stopping is prohibited" in the SDA there is also a sign "Parking is prohibited":

This sign is 100 percent true to its name and only prohibits parking of vehicles.

In addition, we should not forget about the signs "Parking is prohibited on odd" and "Parking is prohibited on even":

Sign 3.27 prohibits both stopping and parking, 3.28 - only parking, 3.29 - parking only on odd days of the month, 3.30 - parking only on even days of the month.

Area of ​​validity of signs

Let me remind you of some features of the application of these.

The signs listed above are valid from the place of their installation to the nearest intersection or to the end of the settlement. In addition, the area of ​​validity of signs can be limited in the following ways:

1. Together with the sign, plate 8.2.2 is installed:

2. A repeated sign 3.27 - 3.30 is installed with a sign 8.2.3:

3. Sign 3.31 "End of the zone of all restrictions" is installed:

It should be remembered that signs apply only to the side of the road on which they are installed. Those. if the sign 3.27 is located on the right side of the road, then it does not prohibit parking the vehicle on the left side. For example, on a one-way road.

Penalties for incorrect stopping and parking

Penalties for improper stopping and parking of vehicles are given in the Code of Administrative Offenses:

Stop or parkingIn Moscow or St. PetersburgIn other regions
at the railroad crossing1,000 rubles or
deprivation of rights for 3-6 months
in place for the disabled5 000 rubles
at the pedestrian crossing3 000 rubles1 000 rubles
On Pavement3 000 rubles1 000 rubles
at the bus stop public transport or taxi3 000 rubles1 000 rubles
on the tram lines3 000 rubles1 500 rubles
beyond the first row3 000 rubles1 500 rubles
in the tunnel3 000 rubles2 000 rubles
with the creation of obstacles
for other vehicles
3 000 rubles2 000 rubles
in the coverage area
prohibition signs
3 000 rubles1 500 rubles
in other cases2 500 rubleswarning or 500 rubles

In general, at present, penalties for violating the rules for stopping are quite diverse and range from a warning to 5,000 rubles.

Please note that when paying the listed fines, you can get. To do this, you must pay a fine within 20 days from the date of violation.

In addition, for violation of the parking rules, the car can be evacuated to a car impound:

Good luck on the roads!

Read all comments

Olga, this maneuver is not a violation of traffic rules.

It is easier to install some kind of device in your parking space that prevents other cars from entering than to try to drive them out of there. For example, the gate, if we are talking about underground parking.

In the city, along the curb on the right side of the carriageway, a continuous strip 1.2.1 was applied. The rest of the marking of the two-lane carriageway in this direction is intermittent. Is it possible to stop at a solid marking line located on the right (it is clear that it will not work to cross it, because there is a curb right behind it).

Peter-18, puzzled by the definition

two-lane carriageway in this direction
The road is one way, right? In any case, marking 1.2.1 does not prohibit stopping and observe, at the same time, clause 12.4 of the traffic rules. Still, let me remind you that marking 1.4 (yellow) prohibits stopping.

Is it allowed to stop the car next to the marking 1.11 if the car is on the side of the broken line and the distance to it from the edge of the road is 3m?


I parked the car for an hour and... a penalty area! The road has two lanes in each direction. There is a crosswalk in front of me. Behind the passage on the right is a parking lot and a sign indicating this. When approaching the crossing point, the intermittent strip separating the lanes of the same direction turns into a continuous one for 20 m. I park the car before reaching the crossing point of 5 meters and I am punished for the fact that the distance from the continuous lane on the left is less than 3 m. ! However, I believe that I stood up correctly, it did not hurt the movement in any way. The inspector stated that I had prevented others from performing a right turn maneuver into the parking lot. Is it so?

the distance from the solid lane on the left is less than 3 m. ! However, I believe that I stood up correctly, it did not hurt the movement in any way.

P 12.4 SDA: Stopping is prohibited in places where the distance between a solid marking line (except for the one marking the edge of the carriageway), a dividing strip or the opposite edge of the carriageway and a stopped vehicle is less than 3 m;
The inspector stated that I had prevented others from performing a right turn maneuver into the parking lot. Is it so?
You have made it impossible for the vehicle to move in the right lane, and the parking is just on the right. Looks like the inspector is right.

I am being punished for being less than 3 m from the solid lane on the left. ! However, I believe that I got up right

Interesting statement! And if I drive a hundred around the city and tell the inspector that I drive correctly and do not interfere with anyone?

Victor, this situation is described in question 3-12 of the exam papers. The car can stop, it will not be a violation.

To complete the picture, I will add that: Sec 12.4 SDA: Stopping is prohibited - with the exception of the side opposite the side passage of three-way intersections (crossroads) that have a solid marking line or a dividing strip. That is, in the place specified in clause 12.4 of the SDA, stopping is still prohibited.


Unfortunately, nowhere is a scheme with 2 or more lanes in each direction considered. Everywhere there is a light version of the prohibition of stopping when the "violator" is forced to go around on the opposite lane or there is less than 3 m left on the roadway. But here the situation is different. There is no crossroads behind the pedestrian crossing - when cars are required to turn right from the extreme position, and behind the crossing there is an information sign about the "parking place", and the road went on and on. No one drives on the right lane .... it is completely occupied by standing cars. Everyone drives in the left lane. There is no difficulty in traffic - the traffic is 10 cars per hour. Skinte the link where this situation is considered.

For all traffic situations you won't get links. Such a stop is prohibited by clause 12.4 of the SDA. You have been properly punished. I don't understand what the other question is...

If you think that traffic rules require adjustment, this issue should not be raised here.


One more moment. Throughout the site, it acts on a temporary leg (there are construction works) the sign "Stopping is prohibited) on Thursday from .. and to ... It's embarrassing that this sign is put up literally from the place of the event and is valid until canceled or at the intersection. That is, on Thursday it is definitely impossible to stop, but on other days it is POSSIBLE. What to apply ?Temporary sign or marking line?


Is it possible to make a stop on this island, which is framed on all sides by marking 1.2.1?

1. Horizontal markings

Lines 1.1, 1.2.1 and 1.3 are not allowed to be crossed.

Line 1.2.1 is allowed to be crossed to stop the vehicle on the side of the road and when leaving it in places where stopping or parking is allowed.

For highways:

16. Driving on motorways

16.1. On motorways it is prohibited: to stop outside special parking areas marked with sign 6.4 or 7.11;

16.2. In case of a forced stop on the roadway, the driver must mark the vehicle in accordance with the requirements of Section 7 of the Rules and take measures to bring it to the lane intended for this ( to the right of the line denoting the edge of the carriageway).

I don't see signs in the photo that allow stopping there.

Alexander, Are you sure that the 1.2.1 markup is applied, and not the 1.1 markup?

The figure shows that on both sides of the "island" there is a road. What is on the third side?


Good afternoon! Help, please, with one question. I will try to formulate it in a human way. There is a "No Stop" sign. There is a bus stop next. Can I stop at a stop for picking up and dropping off passengers in the area of ​​this sign? At the same time, on this bus stop there are no yellow marking lines. This question really torments me) Or can you always stop at stops, all depending on the signs prohibiting stopping?


clause 12.4 makes an exception only for embarkation and disembarkation, the established sign 2.37 "Stopping is prohibited" prohibits this exception, i.e. from the sign to the nearest intersection, stopping is prohibited!


Good afternoon. They evacuated the car, parked near the sign of the intersection with the tram line. There is no mention of this in the rules anywhere.

Dmitry, hello.

What is the infringement in the order?

Hello Maxim. The vehicle was evacuated from the local area registered as the property of the HOA (documents available). The inspector's motivation is parking on the sidewalk (clause 12.2). It seems to me that in this case it is appropriate to consider the surrounding area and apply paragraph 17 (Movement in residential areas). Given the primacy of status federal law(Article 36, paragraph 1, paragraph 4, paragraph 2 - the owners also own land plot) above the Government Decree (SDA), the owners of the assigned territory themselves have the right to establish the procedure for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Clarification: in the parking lot of the car, the width of the asphalt road to the house is more than 10 meters. In narrow places, sidewalks are highlighted (raised relative to the main canvas by 15 cm and have a width of 0.7 m). What am I wrong about and what are my chances of challenging the protocol (the decision has not yet been issued). Thank you.

and there are also "Rules for improvement ..." for your locality, and also SNiPs for cities and villages related to territories ...

Access to vehicles (loading and unloading things, firemen, ambulances, garbage trucks, etc.) must be provided to each house. To several houses they are called something like intra-quarter, to single-standing - such as a house entrance, a driveway to the house. If there is no separate sidewalk (marked with a sign, or elevated above the rest of the roadway), then, as you already mentioned, these driveways are intended for traffic of both cars and people. It is spelled out how the participants in the movement should lead them. For long and narrow passages, there should be pockets for passing cars, and so-called guest pockets for parking cars should be provided near the house. Etc.

In order for this roadway (aka the passage) to become exactly a sidewalk, where you could only drive in for loading and unloading, I wrote its signs above. Or maybe the inspector found fault that your car was not parallel to the edge of the roadway, p.12.2? If in parallel and did not interfere with the movement, I believe that you have every chance to challenge the punishment.


Good afternoon.

Is it allowed to park or stop at the turn of a multi-lane highway?

If there is no separate sidewalk (marked with a sign,

vectorv Thank you for your opinion. I hope to "overcome" the inspector during the New Year's Eve. I will write about the result.

Well, finally, I have a chance to see him! Please, show me what the sidewalk sign looks like. And then many write about him, but no one shows.

Yes please, since you still don't know.

Only to be precise, not the "Pavement" sign as you write, but the sidewalk marked with the sign (4.5.1. "Pedestrian path".) as I wrote.

Well, here's another takedown. Sign "Pedestrian path", and you write about the sign "Pavement"! I quoted, there is no "pedestrian path" there in Russian in white it says "sidewalk" and about a certain mysterious sign!

No, I wrote in Russian in blue about " pavement marked with a sign", and my pictures are about the same. It was you who decided to play tricks and pin up, but it didn’t work out)

No matter how you call it, "footpath", "sidewalk", etc., it does not matter, because in order to exclude the passage of vehicles on them, they are designated precisely by this sign with a drawn little man; everyone knows about it, so it is "mysterious" only for you)

Constant, uninterrupted movement of the vehicle is impossible: both the driver and the equipment must rest. Or, in other words, go into stop or parking mode.

We note only one important circumstance: the presence of both signs and markings is an incomparable benefit for the driver. And all because they are a very clear way to regulate stopping and parking, and the car owner can see with his own eyes the correctness (or, unfortunately, incorrectness) of his actions.

However, the presence or absence of the previously mentioned signs and markings does not yet exhaust the principles of stopping and parking, for which a special section has been allocated in the SDA.

SDA section 12: general principles of stopping and parking

The 12th section of the SDA is specifically devoted to the rules for stopping and parking (in the event that they are not prohibited by the signs and markings already considered).

So, the driver needs to sacredly remember " Golden Rule »: both stopping and parking are allowed on the right side of the road - on the side of the road.

Under any circumstances, the car owner, when planning parking, can make it here (unless, of course, this is prohibited by other traffic rules).

However, in large and medium-sized settlements, as a rule, there is no roadside. In such cases, the Rules allow stopping and parking on the right side of the road - on the edge of the carriageway.

The driver must clearly understand that if there is a shoulder and it is possible to stop and park on it, he is prohibited from using the carriageway for these purposes.

Such tactics will be a gross violation of traffic rules, and most often drivers commit it when driving outside the settlement. Thus, they not only form obstacles for the movement of other vehicles, but also contribute to the creation of an emergency in high-speed traffic.

The rules provide for stopping and parking not only on the right side of the road. In two cases, it is allowed to park on its left side. But both of these options are directly related to the road sections of the settlement.

1. A two-lane road (one lane for each direction) with no tram tracks in the middle.

Stopping and parking on the left side of such roads, at first glance, looks unsafe. After all, the exit from such a parking lot will be carried out from the lane of oncoming traffic. However, in the settlement - in the conditions current restriction high-speed mode - this danger does not seem so serious. But the need to find a parking space - on the contrary - looks like a rather urgent problem.

It becomes quite clear the requirement that there are no tram tracks in the middle of the road.

Just in this case, the exit of the vehicle from the parking lot on the left side of a very wide road will no longer be safe.

2. One-way road.

The right to stop on the left side of a one-way road should not cause skepticism or rejection, because traffic across the entire width of the carriageway is carried out in one direction.

True, drivers of trucks, whose permitted maximum weight exceeds 3.5 tons, must remember that under these conditions they are only allowed to stop and only for loading and unloading the vehicle.

As for the situation outside the settlement, here any driver should refrain from stopping on the left side of the road, as well as from long-term parking (for a long rest, overnight stay, etc.) within the road. He should find a special area provided for parking or go off the road.

This requirement is intended to ensure maximum safety for both stationary vehicles and those moving on the road. In unforeseen cases, the shoulder can become a site, thanks to which you can avoid a collision by changing lanes to it. Therefore, it is desirable for the roadside outside the settlement to be free.

But on the "Motorway" (5.1), for example, as on either the M4, and the "Road for cars" (5.3), stopping and parking, in general, are allowed only on special sites, which, in addition, must be marked with appropriate signs indicating the possibility parking.

Within such a road - both on the carriageway and on the side of the road - stopping and parking are strictly prohibited. This restriction is connected both with the intensity of traffic on such sections of the road, and with them.

Location of the vehicle when parking

When positioning the vehicle in stop and park conditions, one more “golden rule” must be remembered: the vehicle can only be parked in one row and only parallel to the roadway. The only exception to this rule are two-wheeled vehicles that can be placed in two rows.

Another way of parking is allowed only if it is indicated accordingly by the signs “Parking method”, as well as horizontal road marking lines indicating parking “boxes”.

In this case, it is allowed to make stops and parking at an angle to the carriageway and even using the sidewalk space. But in this case, there should be a corresponding indication of the plate for this method of setting.

In these conditions, the driver must remember one more requirement: to put at an angle to the roadway or on the sidewalk. The rules allow only cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles. It is prohibited to park other vehicles at an angle to the carriageway or use the sidewalk space.

For all other vehicles, such parking methods are not available. They may stop and park only parallel to the carriageway and only when such a method is permitted.

Thus, the location of the vehicle when parking relative to the roadway must be parallel, unless signs and / or markings indicate a different way of parking the vehicle.

Where it is prohibited to stop and park vehicles

Special cases of prohibition of stopping

Paragraph 12.4 of the SDA is devoted to cases when drivers are strictly prohibited from stopping (and, consequently, parking). All these cases provided for by the Rules are united by one common property: it is not safe to stop and park in such areas.

1. Stopping is prohibited on the tram tracks and in the immediate vicinity of the tram tracks, if the stopped vehicle will interfere with the movement of the tram.

The ban on stopping in such places is connected with the impossibility of continuing the movement of rail vehicles, because the tram will not be able to bypass the obstacle that has arisen on its rails.

2. Stopping is prohibited at railway crossings.

It is unlikely that a sane person would object to a ban on stopping on railway tracks, which are a particularly dangerous section of the road. The driver must remember that the boundaries of the railway crossing are limited to barriers or signs "Single-track Railway” (1.3.1) or “Multi-track railway” (1.3.2) installed at the entrance to the crossing and the exit from it. This is where stopping is prohibited.

3. Stopping is prohibited in the tunnels.

As a rule, tunnel portals are not so wide, and stopping here will interfere with the unhindered and safe movement of other vehicles. And the drivers themselves tend to drive through the limited spaces of the tunnels as quickly as possible.

4. Stopping is prohibited on bridges, flyovers, overpasses and under them (there is an exception).

The prohibition of stopping on artificial span structures is determined by a number of circumstances:

  • limited space;
  • danger of being placed here a large number vehicles that create pressure on the supporting structures of the structure, etc.

The prohibition of stopping under such artificially created objects is due to the same limited space.

However, the driver must remember an important exception to this rule.

If ON the bridge, ON the flyover, ON the overpass (but not under them) in this direction there are at least three traffic lanes, then stopping and parking ON such structures are allowed.

5. Stopping is prohibited in sections where the distance between the stopped vehicle and the solid marking line (except for 1.2.1), the opposite edge of the carriageway or the dividing strip is less than 3 meters.

Let's take a look at the intricacies of this situation.

The lack of a 3-meter interval between stopped vehicles and a solid marking line makes it very difficult for others to bypass them without violating traffic rules. They will be forced to break the Rules.

The same circumstance also applies in the case of a dividing strip and the opposite edge of the carriageway, when drivers of other vehicles both physically (because of the curb) and legally will not be able to bypass the stopped transport.

6. Stopping is prohibited at pedestrian crossings, as well as closer than 5 meters in front of them.

The prohibition of stopping and parking at a pedestrian crossing is understandable: otherwise, the movement of pedestrians, who have an advantage in this area, will be interfered with.

The necessary distance of 5 meters before the pedestrian crossing should provide the driver with visibility of the approaching vehicle. In this case, the pedestrian entering the pedestrian crossing will not be an unpleasant surprise for drivers.

7. Stopping is prohibited on the roadway in conditions of limited visibility (less than 100 meters in any direction).

This restriction of stopping and parking is introduced so that in difficult road conditions there are no obstacles on the roadway in the face of stopped vehicles. This circumstance significantly complicates the oncoming traffic. But this rule only applies to .

Stopping and parking on the roadside are not prohibited.

8. Stopping is prohibited at the intersections of carriageways and 5 meters before and after them (there is an exception).

The prohibition of stopping and parking at the intersections of carriageways is quite natural. After all, how will other road users move in this case?

A very important circumstance. Some drivers say that stopping and parking are prohibited. This is wrong: it is at the intersections of carriageways and 5 meters before and after them. And this is fundamental!

Let's look at the next example.

Before us is a roundabout. It is formed by three intersections of carriageways. And stopping (with parking) at such an intersection is allowed, but subject to a 5-meter distance to each intersection.

It is important to note that there is one exception to this rule: at a T-junction with a solid marking line (or dividing strip) opposite the side lane, stopping and parking are allowed. Naturally, subject to a 3-meter interval to a solid line (or dividing line).

This exception is understandable. With a solid line (or dividing strip) at such an intersection, left turns and U-turns are prohibited. Therefore, a vehicle standing in front of a side passage will not interfere with rectilinear motion other TS.

And, conversely, a broken line marking at the intersection will create a crowd and lead to congestion.

9. Stopping is prohibited at public transport stops (route vehicles) and taxi ranks, as well as 15 meters before and after them (there is an exception).

Such a restriction of stopping and parking is explained by the need for unhindered movement of route vehicles and passenger taxis.

As for the 15-meter distance before and after such places, this requirement is connected with the prospect of unimpeded exit of such vehicles from the indicated sections of the road.

If there is a “yellow broken line” marking (1.18), the driver must measure the prescribed 15 meters on each side from the marking line. And in the absence of markings - from signs 5.16 - 5.18.

An exception to the rule under consideration is as follows: drivers are allowed to stop at public transport stops and taxi ranks only if two conditions are met (simultaneously):

  • for embarkation and disembarkation of a passenger;
  • provided that there is no interference with route vehicles and passenger taxis.

Therefore, it is not at all necessary when boarding and disembarking passengers at a bus stop. The main thing is not to interfere with the "minibuses" by disembarking or seating passengers.

10. Stopping is prohibited in those places where the stopped vehicle makes it impossible for another vehicle to enter or exit, interferes with pedestrians, and also closes the means of traffic control (signs or traffic lights).

Such a ban is obvious.

For example, a truck driver blocked the visibility of a No Stopping sign for other drivers.

And it takes a very long time to deal with this situation. There are many offenders here. Here's how they can get away.

11. Stopping is prohibited in the cyclist lane.

Here everything is clear and without comments. This is a lane for cyclists only, and drivers of motor vehicles have nothing to do on it: neither for movement, nor for stopping or parking.

Special cases of prohibition of parking

According to the traffic rules, parking is prohibited in those places where stopping is prohibited. This circumstance is quite logical, because, as noted earlier, it is impossible to park without first stopping (at least for 5 minutes).

So, parking (as well as stopping) is prohibited:

1) on the tram tracks and in the immediate vicinity of the tram tracks, if at the same time the stopped vehicle will interfere with the movement of the tram;

2) at railway crossings;

3) in tunnels;

4) on bridges, overpasses, overpasses and under them (except for cases when ON the bridge, ON the overpass, ON the overpass (but not under them) in this direction there are at least three traffic lanes);

5) on sections where the distance between the stopped vehicle and the solid marking line (except for 1.2.1), the opposite edge of the carriageway or the dividing strip is less than 3 meters;

6) at pedestrian crossings, as well as closer than 5 meters in front of them;

7) on the roadway in conditions of limited visibility (less than 100 meters in any direction);

8) at the intersections of carriageways and 5 meters before and after them (except for the case of parking at a T-shaped intersection with a solid marking line (or a dividing strip) opposite a side passage);

9) in places of stops of public transport (route vehicles) and parking of passenger taxis, as well as 15 meters before and after them;

10) in those places where the stopped vehicle makes it impossible for other vehicles to enter or exit, interferes with pedestrians, and also closes the means of traffic control (signs or traffic lights);

11) on the lane for cyclists.

In addition to these cases, parking is prohibited in two more areas.

1. Parking is prohibited outside the settlement on the carriageway of roads marked with the sign "Main road" (2.1).

The ban on parking on this section of the road is due to the high speed of movement outside the settlement. Especially if the traffic is on the main road. In such conditions, a vehicle standing on the roadway will be a clear hindrance. And if a short stop here is allowed, then parking using the roadway is excluded by the Rules for reasons of elementary safety.

Therefore, outside the settlement on the carriageway of the road marked with the sign "Main Road", parking is allowed only on the side of the road or outside the road.

2. Parking is prohibited within the 50m zone before and after railroad crossings.

Parking, like stopping, is prohibited at a railway crossing. This is not discussed. But parking cannot be carried out also at a distance of 50 meters before and after the move.

Such a ban is explained by the danger of this section of the road, located in close proximity to the railway tracks.

Actions of the driver and passengers when stopping and parking

When stopping or parking, the driver and passengers are prohibited from opening the doors of the vehicle if these actions interfere with other road users.

Agree, a textbook example and a very common mistake of both drivers and passengers.

In the event that the driver is going to leave the vehicle and leave it unattended, he is obliged to do everything possible to exclude the possibility of involuntary movement of the vehicle, as well as its unauthorized use.

This means that it is necessary to restrict the access of unauthorized persons to the vehicle (close the door and trunk locks, activate the anti-theft system provided for by the design, put the car on an alarm system, etc.).

Thus, the knowledge by the driver of the rules for stopping and parking vehicles will, on the one hand, avoid punishment in accordance with the current legislation (in the form administrative fine and ), and on the other hand, to keep your vehicle intact (or at least make it difficult for unauthorized entry into it and illegal possession of it).

Video - traffic rules stop and parking - a detailed explanation:

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Comments on the article:


    In Europe, for microcars (for example, Smart), in order to instill interest in them, a number of concessions were made in the orientation of the car when parking: 2 cars in one place, permission to put across, etc. It seems to me that it would be nice to introduce this into our traffic rules - you see, the people will transfer from their huge cars, freeing up a lot of space!

    Dmitry Borisovich

    I agree with Vitaliy, When the Tundra stands near the parking sign on the side of the road, then the soul is not calm.
    In general, you need to know the parking rules, our traffic police officers like to issue fines allegedly for improper parking. Not everyone has traffic rules with them and is able to object to the inspectors.


    We have a problem with handicapped parking. Occupy quite healthy people. I paid for parking myself 2 weeks ago. I got into the paid parking area. But the car was taken away by a tow truck, and I got a fine for parking in places for the disabled. On the pavement there was no disabled parking sign, just a disabled parking sign hidden in the foliage of a tree. That's how I got caught for my carelessness. It turns out that the society of the disabled seemed to have few parking spaces in the city, at the request they were increased by 10%, but the markings did not have time to update.


    I often read information on the Internet about road signs and markup. Innovations may take effect and you may not know about them! Every driver should always be aware of the rules, and repetition, as they say, is the mother of learning!


    I myself drive a Toyota IQ, it would be great if similar concessions for mini-cars were legalized in our country. In general, everything is sad with parking, I constantly see cars standing right under the signs and nothing .. only in the center of the city traffic cops still somehow walk and the tow truck works


    The most painful topic for both motorists and pedestrians. Now with the introduction of paid parking, there are not so many options where to leave the car. Previously, I often traveled to Europe, and there for a long time you can leave your Smart Mini next to the same Mini in one place. If only Russia had adopted such a law, you see, some would have moved to Smart Mini.


    It’s a pity that not everyone knows the rules for proper parking, but they park cars where they want, and then complain that they took them to the impound. AT resort towns tow trucks are actively working, and we constantly have traffic jams because of those who are too lazy to walk an extra 50 meters from the parking lot.
    And more often it is necessary to update knowledge about traffic rules, otherwise you won’t get rid of extra fines.


    Once I was in a traffic jam and I see how some motorists go around the row on the side of the road. Outrageous. What could threaten them for this? Of course, they are unlikely to deprive them of their rights, I think they will issue a fine, if so, in what amount?


    I read the article and decided that the traffic rules need to be flipped over again. Over time, the information is forgotten, now I am guided only in everyday traffic situations.


    I was in St. Petersburg, there was practically nowhere to stop at museums, I had to leave the car far along the road, so I noticed that traffic cops with a tape measure measured the distance from cars to crossroads and pedestrian crossings. Half a meter and drove to the tow truck!


    Once he proved his case to the inspector. I stopped on the bridge, the view was beautiful on the city, I decided to take a picture. The traffic police car drove up and the inspector sat on me that stopping at this place is prohibited. There were three lanes in one direction, moreover, I often saw that cars stopped here. There was a sign in the distance, which, according to the inspector, forbids stopping here. I had to walk around to make sure that the visible sign does not apply to this area. As a result, we left without a fine, but the inspector promised to catch me in another place. Ten years have passed since then, I have not seen him again.


    Parking signs are especially annoying for time and for even and odd numbers. I mixed up the date, I was looking for a car. I thought they stole it, but it was taken away by a tow truck


    In the good old days, when there were much fewer cars on the roads, even then violations of the rules of stopping and parking were not uncommon. The most common violations were: stopping outside the city on the left side of the road, unloading passengers onto the carriageway. Many drivers did not understand the difference between the action of the signs “no stopping” and “no parking”. Drivers often stopped in prohibited places, making it difficult for other cars to move. At present, the situation has deteriorated sharply, especially in major cities, and already in regional centers. There are so many cars involved in the movement that the arrangement of organized parking lots and violation of parking rules is a constant problem. A caste of impudent drivers has formed, whose favorite habit is to stop the vehicle on the roadway, hiding behind the included emergency gang.


    There are more and more cars on the road every day, but the number of competent drivers, unfortunately, is progressively decreasing. I am no longer surprised by a parked car across the parking lot markings.


    When I got my license, I couldn't remember which parking sign and which stop. Yes, I also confused where on even and odd days, it is forbidden to park on weekends. Periodically, I also re-read about the signs, so as not to miss the new.


    In the near future, all regulation should be transferred to CCTV cameras, naturally the number of traffic police officers will be reduced. If, for example, I have a forced stop in the wrong place - a breakdown, poor health, etc. In the usual case, you can stand as long as you like until you fix the problem or until the traffic police notice you, but in this case you can prove your innocence on the spot. And what about surveillance cameras after the fine comes, because in most cases the evidence base may be absent for many reasons.


    Behind last month, three fines, for parking in the wrong places. And as I see, in one place, the police were wrong.


    Despite a solid driving experience, parking in the city still causes certain difficulties. There is a lot of transport, all more or less suitable places are clogged, the markings are often either very sophisticated or worn out from old age, inspectors love to catch violators and it is not always possible to prove their case, given the rather complex regulation in traffic rules, a lot of nuances, which, frankly, are few , who knows. Sometimes it’s easier to walk a kilometer on foot than to suffer, trying to fit into the vacated “pockets”. It’s easier outside the settlements, but when parking on “nimble” highways, of course, it is very desirable to drive away from the curb, otherwise many unpleasant stories happen, starting with fines and ending with an accident.


    Parking is serious problem our roads and yards. If on the road the parking rules are still somehow observed, then in the yards this is a problem. They park where they want, on playgrounds, in flowerbeds.


    I read all the reviews and am surprised, most complain that the stop sign annoys them. I often see this situation: a driver drives up to a place where stopping is prohibited, turns on emergency lights and goes about his business. I specially timed the time, sometimes it reached half an hour. Well, what kind of culture can we talk about then. And it’s right that they are taken away on tow trucks, and then we complain that we need to look for a car. Let's comply with the requirements and then everyone will be happy.


    AT recent times paid parking near the shopping center, mass events etc. not fully regulated and often just half empty. Drivers have to make detours in other free places and create inconvenience for themselves and others. For example, I don't want to pay freeloaders. And thus, the city administration, together with the traffic police for profit, through which IP creates emergency situations and contributes to traffic violations, making a profit even at the expense of fines and evacuation.


    I stopped to take pictures at the dam across the yellow solid line, the traffic police immediately drove up and began to issue a fine! But who determined that I was standing for more than 5 minutes and how to prove my case, is there such a possibility?


    In order not to sort things out with the traffic police, when I’m driving along the M2 highway, I most often use not the roadside, but the exits to the forest or the field, these rules already do not apply there and the traffic police have practically nothing to complain about. Yes, and most calmly, trucks do not fly past.


    That's literally yesterday. I'm driving down the street, the usual three-meter width of the road. A car is driving ahead. I keep my distance. Suddenly he starts to slow down and stops without moving to the side of the road. I decide which side to go around, when suddenly a stopped car starts moving in reverse right at me. He managed to dodge. That's what it means to violate the rules of stopping. At first I wanted to beat the driver, who made excuses that he did not see me. Ram.

    Sergey Sergeevich

    Here smart people- they came up with a sign for a stop / parking "place of rest", they just forgot to indicate the radius of action. Whatever they come up with - where to work, if only not to work. On all country roads, I have the right to stop anywhere I want outside the roadway, on any roadside where there are no prohibition signs. According to this, why such a sign is needed.


    I understand what a stop and parking are, and the signs indicating parking places, parking lots and organized recreation areas do not frighten me. But prohibition signs cause a lot of trouble, I don’t particularly like yellow markings, it would be better if the sign hung.


    As always, winter came unexpectedly. In our city, and in others, probably, the implementation of the rules for stopping and parking becomes more complicated due to their coverage with snow. Even at night, public utilities cannot clean organized parking lots, as they are occupied by cars. For this reason, the snow rolls and gets higher and higher. At the first thaw, trampled snow turns into porridge. It is difficult to enter the parking lot and not so easy to leave, the car is skidding. I can’t understand how to solve this problem, because the culprits of this situation are not even the city authorities, but we, the drivers.


    Yes, in winter it is sometimes impossible to comply with the rules for parking a car because of snowdrifts. and it's a disaster on the highway. Only "emergency" rescues.

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