Instagram Irina Aleksandovna Agibalova. Fresh photos. Instagram irina alexandrovna agibalova Early years. Personal life

You can be a social media star at any age and a prime example to that - Irina Agibalova, whose instagram is viewed by more than half a million subscribers. Some consider this woman an idol worthy of emulation, others frankly hate and do not miss the opportunity to pour mud. But no one remains indifferent to this charismatic, powerful lady, who tries to control not only her life, but also the fate of her own daughters.

(scroll through the pics, there are a lot of them)

To arouse a lasting interest in your person, it is not necessary to be a young blonde with plump lips and luxurious bust. It’s enough just to appear on the Dom-2 television project as the mother of one of the participants, make a couple of harsh remarks about your daughter’s chosen one, and they will immediately start talking about you. This is exactly what Irina Agibalova did, whose Instagram today has more than half a million subscribers. And, although the woman uploads the most ordinary, philistine photos there, the army of fans is only increasing every day. Someone explains the growth in popularity by the personal charm of a far from young lady, others say that it is a matter of a sharp tongue, and still others attribute everything to charismatic behavior. Irina herself does not reveal her secrets and only smiles mysteriously, and at the same time invites everyone to subscribe to her blog about cooking, fashion, beauty, relationships and others. important issues, always exciting women, regardless of age.

Childhood, youth and personal life

The biography of Agibalova is replete with a variety of events. Irina Alexandrovna, nee Tarasenko, was born on November 1, 1964 in a small village located in the Semipalatinsk region. Went there to local school, and at the end she entered the pedagogical institute. As a student, in the summer of 1985 she met a young man named Yuri Agibalov. The guys liked each other so much that after 2 weeks they took the application to the registry office, and exactly one month later, on September 14, 1985, they got married.

In 1986, Irina successfully graduated from the university and took the place of a biology teacher in one of the schools. But she did not manage to work for a long time. The woman went on maternity leave and on November 25 gave birth to her first daughter Olga. The second daughter Margarita was born in 1990, and after another 4 years the family left the military town of Chagan and moved to the near Moscow region.

Irina quickly got used to the new place and received the position of deputy director for educational work at school. Then the family moved again, first to Reutov, and then to South Butovo. In 1999, Agibalova left Yuri and married her colleague. But this marriage broke up a year later, leaving behind only painful memories and son Oleg. The woman abandoned her career as a teacher and retrained as a manager. From 2002 to 2008, she officially worked at Pharmservice LLC, engaged in wholesale trade black metals.

In 2007, Irina returned to ex-spouse Yuri, and they began to live together again, now in their own house in Pavlov Posad. Somewhat later, Agibalov adopted her child, adopted from another man, and gave him his middle name and surname.

Skeletons in the closet

In the life of Agibalova there was a prison term. Irina was sentenced to 4 years in prison for violating an agreement made with an elderly woman to inherit an apartment. According to legal documents, Irina Aleksandrovna promised lifelong support to a certain old woman, but at the moment when she became ill, she did not provide timely assistance. As a result, the unfortunate woman died, and Agibalova became the owner of her apartment. However, the cunning madam did not have to serve the full term, and she left places that were not so distant on parole.

Heavy burden of fame

Irina Agibalova gained fame thanks to Dom-2. Of course, she came there not as a participant, but as an assistant to her youngest daughter Margarita, who managed to acquire in the perimeter legal spouse and a child.

Initially, it was assumed that the woman would look after the baby, but Irina clearly did not like the role of the modest grandmother. The woman plunged headlong into the life of the TV show and stuck her nose into literally every corner. She managed to quarrel with the old-timers of the project and turn the newcomers against herself. But the negative attitude did not bother the self-confident lady too much.

“I have great feelings. There is free time which you can give to yourself. I'm not going to turn into an old woman. I want to remain a beautiful, bright, well-groomed woman as long as possible. I do not intend to build relationships with anyone here, I just like to be with the guys and communicate with them. Of course, there are those who take offense at me, but I don’t take them seriously. They are just children who pout at their mother, who, with the best of intentions, tells them the truth, ”Irina commented on her situation and posted fresh photos in the company of the inhabitants of the meadow as confirmation.

On the television set "Dom-2" Agibalova Sr. lasted three years. During this time, the project managed to visit her eldest daughter Olga. The mother tried very hard to arrange the girl's romance with Sergei Ermakov, but nothing good came of it. As a result, Olga, contrary to the wishes of Irina Aleksandrovna, accepted the marriage proposal from Ilya Gazhienko and in 2013, together with her husband, left the project. Following them, Agibalova Sr. left the youth construction site, since she simply did not see the point of being there without her daughters.

Today, Irina maintains her own blog, has a popular Instagram account agibalova_irina and regularly posts new photos there that highlight different aspects her life.

Irina Alexandrovna Agibalova - former member project "Dom-2", the mother of other participants in the "television": Margarita Agibalova and Olga Gadzhienko. Irina Alexandrovna also has a son, Oleg. Russia learned about the existence of Irina Agibalova thanks to the Dom-2 television project on the TNT channel, where the woman came on April 1, 2010. In total, Irina Alexandrovna spent more than three years on the TV show Dom-2 and left the show in the summer of 2013.

Irina Agibalova

Since then, many people remember the woman and are very actively interested in her life. On social networks, such as Instagram, Irina Agibalova regularly updates photos and videos that show moments from her personal life. On Irina's page you can find many photos where she is with all her children. Although all her children are already adults, and some of them have families of their own, this does not prevent everyone from gathering together for any reason.
Irina Agibalova Instagram contains photos from which fans can find out how Irina takes care of herself. Irina Alexandrovna visits beauty salons, where she does a manicure. Agibalova's Instagram also contains photos in which Irina describes body and hair care.

A post shared by Irina Agibalova(@agibalova_irina) on Sep 20, 2017 at 10:03am PDT

Today, Irina Alexandrovna successfully maintains a very popular blog about beauty, clothing, weight loss, cosmetology - in a word, about what excites modern girls and women. She became an active user of social networks, lost weight, changed her image and actively shared with her fans by posting photos. Irina Agibalova Instagram on this topic has a bunch of photos and videos. The woman actively shares her culinary masterpieces with everyone.

View this post on Instagram
Scrolling through Agibalova's Instagram, you can also watch photos with her pet.

Irina Agibalova known for, what in certain time appeared on the project house 2 and became its participant. Despite the relatively mature age and the presence of adult daughters, the woman quite briskly participated in various showdowns, moreover, quite often became their instigator. All this reflects the instagram of Irina Agibalova, the official website of the woman.

The main purpose of Irina's visit was to help her daughter. After some time, Rita left the project, but her mother did not follow her. As the heroine herself says, the main goal of refusing to leave the project is the unwillingness to fully accept the real fact and put up with her inherent role as a famous TV grandmother.

Like all modern stars, as well as ordinary people, Irina maintains her page in instagram, it's just not as popular as other netizens. On the this moment A little more than 50 thousand people are interested in Agibalova's life, the average number of likes does not exceed a thousand. Despite this, the owner of the accounts is not upset, but continues to publish her photos and recipes.

Quite often, Irina posts photos on Instagram with Dr. Sherer. She talks about getting a high positive effect that she gets from ongoing cosmetic procedures.

  1. Physical exercise in the gym.
  2. Results achieved in the fitness process.
  3. Culinary secrets.
  4. Low-calorie and quite appetizing dishes.

All this makes the Instagram profile of Irina Agibalova as diverse as possible. As the owner of the page notes, the number of subscribers is constantly increasing.

Agibalova Irina Alexandrovna new photos

Studying the new photos of Irina, it can be noted that the woman pays close attention to the publications of her family and culinary masterpieces. More and more often ordinary home photos are published. Subscribers can often meet Agibalova's husband, her daughters, and Mitya's grandson.

Does not neglect agibalova irina and periodic publication of advertising posts. To increase their popularity, a variety of stores advertising cosmetics and care products turn to a woman. fashionable clothes. All this allows subscribers to always receive up-to-date information about the owner of the content, her family and various new products.

Many netizens are attracted by the fact that a woman pays quite a lot of close attention to her already attractive appearance.

According to some statistics, Irina's communication with plastic clinics a few years ago ended with some cosmetic problems. At the same time, the idea of ​​looking good and young did not leave the woman, and Agibalova's insta proves this.

The official Instagram account of Irina Agibalova

Irina came to the show just to help the grandmother of her daughter Rita and her grandson, whom she gave birth to in the process of participating in the project. At the very beginning, she was positioned as an invited guest. All this very often could be seen on her instagram page, making the woman more and more popular.

Based on such popularity, Irina gradually began to leave the status of a TV grandmother and becomes a full-fledged participant in the project. Literally a few months later, the girl was included in the standard ballot for the project, her name could be found by visiting the official website, where she is designated as Agibalova Irina Alexandrovna. The woman became a full-fledged participant in the infamous TV show. This is traced to official page insta, according to her colorful photos and videos.

Being at House-2, the woman quickly joined the general active life of the project. Here, on the rights of her age and experience, she with great pleasure gave out a variety of useful and empty advice to nearby participants.

As practice has shown and as it was seen on the video, thanks to such “advice” and recommendations, her daughter’s marriage broke up. As many project participants said, the mother simply disliked her daughter's husband and official son-in-law, and new photos began to appear where he was not around.

Instagram photo

Irina left the project after some time, leaving on her own initiative. Her popularity is not decreasing, users continue to actively follow the life of Irina. At the moment, photos from Agibalov's Instagram are full of information about how she nurses her grandchildren, how she actively communicates with her many fans. Photos appear almost every day, and many of them are quite informative, which greatly fuels the interest of users in the owner of the profile.

Agibalova Irina Aleksandrovna is one of the oldest participants in the history of the Dom-2 show (now Irina's age is 52 years). True, she came to the project not at all in order to build her love, but to help her daughter raise a baby. Nevertheless, Agibalova became a member of Russia's first reality family, which viewers could watch for several years in a row.

A lot of rumors and uncertainties swirl around Irina. Since she was born in Kazakhstan, many believe that her parents are ethnic Kazakhs. Moreover, on the Internet, enemies often repeat that Agibalova's mother allegedly abandoned her daughter and her younger brother and left the family. On your personal page social network Agibalova denies this information. She claims that, firstly, her mother lived with her father until the end of his days, and only after the death of her husband did she move to Altai region. And secondly, Irina does not have a younger brother, but only older sister.

Subsequently, the future participant in the reality show lived near Semipalatinsk, where she graduated from the faculty natural sciences in the local pedagogical institute specializing in biology. And after the collapse Soviet Union moved with her family to Kaluga region, in the town of Obninsk, located less than 10 kilometers from Moscow.

"House 2"

First, the youngest daughter of Irina Alexandrovna - got into the most scandalous Russian television project "Dom-2". But my mother also began to appear on the screen and commented on the girl's boyfriends. Irina really liked the participant by name, but her daughter chose another. Rita not only began dating, but also became pregnant from him, which is why the wedding was played on the project.

When Margarita, Evgeny and little Mitya returned to Dom-2, Irina Agibalova came to the project with them as a full participant in the reality show. Initially, it was assumed that the grandmother would simply help take care of her grandson, and at the same time show the country that everything is really possible in Dom-2.

However, Agibalova Sr. did not limit herself to the role of a nanny. She regularly commented on the actions of her daughter, criticized her son-in-law, formed a very complicated relationship with almost all other participants in the project, as she was in endless confrontation with them. When the eldest daughter appeared on the show, Irina began to raise her too, as a result of which the girl even had a nervous breakdown.

The unusual participant and viewers were ambiguously perceived. She had a lot of fans, but no less ill-wishers. For example, twice, in 2011 and 2012, a woman was named Burdock of the Year by audience voting. In total, Irina Alexandrovna spent more than three years on the TV show Dom-2 and left the show in the summer of 2013.

Note that for some time, users actively discussed the novel by Agibalova and the heartthrob, which confirmed rumors of a connection with married woman. In 2017, the ex-participant of the show admitted that the organizers of “House-2” pushed him to this false confession.

After the project, Agibalova repeatedly and fairly regularly began to appear in various talk shows and entertainment programs on the TNT channel.

After the project

Now Irina Agibalova leads a very popular internet blog about beauty, fashion, weight loss and cosmetology. Irina changed her appearance, decided on anti-aging plastic surgery. The first photos after the operation were unsuccessful, so the audience immediately wrote Irina among the victims of unsuccessful plastic surgery.

Irina Agibalova after the first plastic surgery

Sergei Blokhin, the surgeon who performed the operations, commented on these rumors, explaining that Irina had no problems with her face, but due to the fact that she turned to surgery at a rather significant age, she had to undergo four parallel operations. Unsympathetic photos are an intermediate stage, this is how the face of the “TV grandmother” looked during the recovery period.

After going through several plastic surgery, she learned to take care of herself, she significantly lost weight and completely changed her lifestyle. When a woman came to the Dom-2 project, she weighed more than a hundred kilograms with a height of 167 cm, now she has lost weight to 72 kg and willingly shares her diet recipe with journalists.

According to Agibalova, there is no need to give up your favorite food, you just need to reduce the number of calories consumed. Irina also recommends drinking plenty of liquids, absolutely any, she laid out her diet, where she consumes a lot of drinks a day: coffee, milk, lemonade, Coca-Cola, iced tea.

The woman plans to write a book of memoirs about her life path.

Personal life

In Semipalatinsk in 1985, Irina met her future husband Yuri Agibalov. Their romance proceeded so rapidly that after two weeks they filed an application with the registry office. A year and a half later, the eldest daughter Olga appeared in the family, and at the end of the summer of 1990, the youngest daughter Margarita. Already in Obninsk, Irina and Yuri were born long-awaited son Oleg, and immediately after this joyful event, the whole family moved to their own Vacation home in Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow region.

But family life Irina Agibalova was not smooth. As the ex-participant of the TV project herself admits, she is a very domineering woman, loves to control the behavior of her children, her husband’s decisions, and her family’s finances. On this basis, she had repeated conflicts with her husband, and Yuri even left his wife several times. At the same time, children usually took the side of their father, as a result of which even the most acute conflicts were eventually resolved amicably, and the family was reunited again.

In 2011, Olga Agibalova married Ilya Gazhienko. The couple had a son, but the family tries not to show him to fans and the press.

In 2014, Agibalova's eldest daughter Rita got married again. Pavel Marceau became the new chosen one of the girl. Now Margarita Marceau lives with her husband in Cyprus. Fans suggest that soon Irina will move to the island with her daughter, Agibalova is allegedly already selling her huge three-story house in Pavlov Posad.

In 2016 after long struggle with Agibalova's disease according to "House-2". Irina was very worried about her friend, was interested in her health, and when she was gone, she shared her pain with the press, touchingly recalling her last meeting with Svetlana.


At the end of 2016, there was a huge scandal. Agibalova was credited with a criminal past. According to gossip, the woman was sentenced to four years in prison for violating an agreement with a neighbor. Agibalova was supposed to provide lifelong care for the old woman in exchange for living space. But when elderly woman became ill, she was not provided with the necessary assistance. Irina herself has already provided fans with a certificate stating that she has no criminal record, but many continue to believe in her prison past.

As it turned out later, the scandalous news about the life and biography of Agibalova is shared by another "television mother".

Irina Agibalova was especially upset that she was not denigrated by stranger, and the woman with whom she often spent time together went to parties and social events. Irina tried to resolve the matter peacefully, persuaded her to spend in Periscope or "Instagram" rebuttal broadcast. Tatyana refused, and Agibalova sued the offender for libel and demanded moral compensation.

In January 2017, both women appeared on the program "We Speak and Show" on NTV. Talk show participants tried to reconcile the warring parties, but the conflict flared up even more.

In February 2017, Aleksey Samsonov came to the aid of Agibalova, who was accused in connection with Irina Alexandrovna. Alexei said that all his relationships with the "TV grandmother" were staged, and Agibalova and Samsonov simply played according to the script written by the scriptwriters of "House-2" Samsonov said that 90% of what is happening on the show is a game according to the script.

On February 6, 2017, a libel hearing was held, but neither Agibalova nor Afrikantova were able to attend the court that day. On the nervous ground Irina began to have health problems, and Tatyana followed the advice of lawyers not to appear in court and leave the case to lawyers.

Irina Alexandrovna Agibalova- ex-participant, the very first mother of the project.

Irina Alexandrovna came to Dom-2 just to help her daughter with a child. At first, she was in the status of an invited guest, but after her stay went far beyond the scope of "grandmother's" duties, she was included in the voting ballot, and from that moment, Irina became a full-fledged participant in the scandalous TV show.

At Dom-2, the woman quickly joined the project life, and as the eldest, she was happy to distribute life advice participants. It was "thanks" to her advice that the family of her youngest daughter Rita broke up. Irina immediately disliked her son-in-law, and quickly turned her daughter against her husband, pointing out the latter's shortcomings.

Irina Agibalova with her daughter, grandson and ex-son-in-law Zhenya Kuzin

Having ruined the family of her youngest daughter, Irina turned her attention to the eldest, who also came to the project, following her younger sister and mother. However, the eldest daughter turned out to be stronger, and did not allow her mother to upset her relationship. Yes, and the groom Olya, realizing that the future mother-in-law had a difficult character, tried to establish friendly relations with her.

Irina Alexandrovna with her son-in-law Ilya Gazhienko

Not all participants were happy with Irina Alexandrovna's stay on the project, many did not like the sharp and instructive statements addressed to them and her obvious desire to become a leader. Conspiracies were gathered against the woman at the vote, which he often initiated. Almost the entire perimeter did not talk to her, but she always found support from the hosts, thereby retaining her place on the show.

The increased popularity spurred Irina to tremendous changes in appearance. To begin with, she lost almost 30 kg. And then she did a facelift, while looking younger by fifteen years.

"Rejuvenated" Irina Agibalova with "frontal"

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