Abstract of the lesson for the preparatory group "planet earth". Plan-summary of the lesson (senior group) on the topic: summary of the lesson in the cognitive direction (regional component): "Corner of the planet, where we live"

GBOU secondary school №10 Kinel structural subdivision Kindergarten"Luchik", Kinel, Samara region

Ladina R.S. Lesson summary for preparatory group"Planet Earth" // Owl. 2016. No. 2..2016.n2-a/VP16030043.html (date of access: 26.02.2019).

Priority educational area:"Cognitive development".
Integrated areas: "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", " Physical development"," Artistic and aesthetic development ".
Target: To give children ideas about the uniqueness of the planet Earth. Develop cognitive interests, the need for independent search activities.

Integration of educational
"Cognitive Development" To form an idea about the planet Earth, about the conditions of life on Earth. Through search and cognitive activity to identify and consolidate the properties of air, water
Develop logical thinking, visual memory, holistic perception and voluntary attention.
"Speech development" Develop coherent dialogic and monologue speech. To cause speech activity in a child through the game. Cultivate love and interest in the artistic word.
"Social and communicative development" Cultivate a sense of pride in your planet Earth. To develop environmental literacy of children, to cultivate a desire to protect their planet and nature. To teach children to think, justify their opinions, formulate and summarize the results of experiments, interact with each other and with adults.
"Artistic and aesthetic development" form aesthetic attitude to the environment, the natural world. perception of music fiction.
"Physical development" Develop coordination of movements, attention, speed of reaction. Removal of emotional stress.

Methods and techniques: visual, verbal, practical.
Types of children's activities : game, communicative, cognitive-research, musical-aesthetic, perception of fiction.
Preliminary work: viewing a map, a globe, reading fiction and scientific literature, watching presentations and videos on the topic.
Materials and equipment:

  • the globe
  • Subject pictures depicting the Earth in outer space and rules of conduct in nature.
  • Audio recording of the sounds of nature (the sound of the sea), space music, the song "Native Earth"
  • Transparent glasses with water in an amount corresponding to the number of children.
  • Cocktail straws in an amount corresponding to the number of children.
  • Strips of light paper (1.0 x 10.0 cm) in an amount corresponding to the number of children.).
  • Two containers: in one ordinary water, and in the other - sea, salty
  • A raw egg
  • A spoon
  • Notebook
  • Alien suit
Logic of educational activity


Hello golden sun.
Hello, the sky is blue.
Hello free breeze.
Hello my dear friend.
We live in the same area
I welcome you all.
caregiver: Guys, I will now give you a riddle and you will find out what we will talk about today:
planet blue,
Beloved, dear,
She is yours, she is mine
And it's called ... (earth)
Children: Earth.
Space music sounds an alien flies into the hall:
“Hello, I flew from Mars, it’s cold there, there is no water and air, it’s completely impossible to live, so I decided to move to another planet. I travel around the Universe. I was on Jupiter - it’s too cold there, and on Venus it’s hot and carbon dioxide , and on Jupiter the winds are terrible, on Mercury it is very hot.While traveling, I noticed your unusual blue planet and decided to see it from the inside, what is it called, what is it like?
Educator: Guys, let's tell our guest the name of our planet and what conditions exist on it for life. And you, our dear guest, sit down and listen.
1 child:

Our Earth - blue planet,
Fresh air and sun dressed.
No, you believe, the land of doves
From the blue of rivers, lakes and seas.
Mountains, plains, forests and fields -
All this is our planet Earth.
The winds sing, playing with the clouds,
The showers are noisy...
And from end to end
You will not find more wonderful in the world
Our beautiful and kind planet!!!

caregiver: (pictures depicting the Earth in outer space on the screen)
Our planet is a huge, huge ball. So big that it takes many, many days, even months, to drive around it.
She is round like an apple. The earth revolves around the sun, like an airplane around a tower. Moreover, it itself rotates around its axis, spinning like a top, only slowly.
Earth is a satellite of the Sun. It is much smaller than the Sun. Eight other planets revolve around the Sun along with our planet. But only on our Earth there is life.
caregiver: puts the globe on the table. But what is it?
Children: A globe is a tiny model of the earth. It depicts what is on the real Earth: oceans and land.
caregiver: You see that the globe rotates around its axis. (Turns the globe.) This is how the earth rotates. The Earth exposes the Sun to one side or the other. So they say: "Day and night - day away!".
Educator: Let's tell the guest what is on our planet.
Is there air on earth? (Asks the children to show on the globe air shell Earth - atmosphere). Who needs air to breathe? What is he?
Children: There is air on Earth, everyone needs it: man, plants, animals. Air surrounds us everywhere, it is invisible.
Educator: Children, let's show the alien how we breathe.
Children approach the table, on which there are strips of light paper, transparent glasses of water and cocktail straws.
caregiver: Carefully take a strip of paper by the edge and bring the free side closer to the spouts. We begin to inhale and exhale. The strip is moving. Why? We inhale and exhale the air that moves the paper strip?
Let's check, try to see this air. Take a glass of water and exhale into the water through a straw. Bubbles appeared in the glass. This is the air we exhale. The air contains many substances that are beneficial for the heart, brain and other human organs.
caregiver: What do we conclude?
Children: We are surrounded by invisible air, we inhale and exhale it. Air is essential for human life and other living beings. We can't stop breathing.

I raise my hands to the sun
And I breathe in, and I breathe in.
Well, I put my hands down
I exhale quietly.
(raise the handles through the sides up, breathing in through the nose. Through the sides they lower their hands and quietly pronounce on the exhale: "F - F - F")
caregiver Q: Is there water on Earth? Please note that there are many blue color. What does this mean?
Children: water. Children show oceans, rivers and lakes on the globe.
Educator: Yes, we have many rivers, seas and oceans. And who needs water?
Children: Humans, animals, birds, plants, trees.
caregiver: Yes, there is not a single organism on Earth that could live without water. The teacher explains that there are places where there is little water. (desert, How is life there (difficult)
Educator: And now we are going to play game"Four forces". If I say the word "earth", everyone should put their hands down, if I say the word "water", then stretch their hands forward, on the word "air" - raise their hands up, on the word "fire" - rotate their hands in the wrist and elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.
Educator: What places have fresh water?
Children: In rivers, in lakes.
Educator: And in what places of our planet there is a lot of water? Show on the globe.
Children: in the oceans and seas.
Educator: Is it drinkable?
Children: No, because it is bitter-salty.
Educator: Yes, that's right, most importantly, it is salty. And we drink with you plain water. Now I'll show you what salty water different from plain water.
Experience "Salt-not salty water""
Educator: Two containers: in one ordinary water, and in the other - sea, salty. But where, what I am, we do not know. I know that in salt water the egg will float, and in fresh water it will sink to the bottom. Let's check.
With a spoon, lower the egg into the container, only carefully, the shell at raw egg very fragile (in one container in fresh water it will sink, it will float in the salt).
Fizminutka "And over the sea we are with you" (to the soundtrack "Sound of the sea")
Seagulls circling over the waves
Let's follow them together.
Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf,
And over the sea - we are with you!
(children flap their arms like wings)
We are now sailing on the sea
And frolic in space.
More fun rake
And chase the dolphins.
(children make swimming movements with their hands)
caregiver A: So guys. There is a lot of water on our planet Earth, but the land takes up very little space and is represented by darker colors of yellow and brown. And the land is represented in the form of continents. There are only 6 of them. Name them for me
Children: Eurasia, Australia, Africa, Antarctica, South America and North America. (shown on the globe)
Educator: All these continents are covered with soil, grass, forests grow on them, in which animals, insects and birds live.
Is it warm or cold on our planet? Where is the coldest place on earth? (children show on the globe the polar zones: the Arctic and Antarctic) Who lives there? How animals, plants and humans have adapted to cold weather?
What places are very hot? (desert). Which places are not very hot and not very cold? (steppes, forest-steppes, forests).
And now we will remember what we must do so that the beauty of our planet Earth does not disappear. Let's play game "Rules of conduct in nature"
I will call you actions, if they are good, you say "Yes". If the actions are wrong, answer "No".
If I come to the forest
And pick a chamomile? (No)
If I eat a pie
And I'll throw out the paper (No)
If a piece of bread
I'll leave it on the stump (Yes)
If I tie a branch
I'll substitute the peg (Yes)
If I make a fire
Am I not going to simmer? (No)
If I mess up a lot
And forget to clean up? (No)
If I take out the trash
I'll bury the jar (Yes)
I love my nature
I help her (Yes)
caregiver: Guys, read poems about how to protect nature for our guest.
2 Child: I hugged the globe - the globe of the earth.
One over land and water.
In the hands of my continents
They quietly whisper to me: "Take care."
In green paint forest and valley.
They say to me: "Be kind to us."
Don't trample us, don't burn us,
Take care of it in winter and summer."
murmurs deep river,
caressing their shores,
And I hear the voice of the river:
"You take care of us, take care of us."
And birds, and fish, I hear everyone:
"We ask you, man.
You promise us and don't lie.
Take care of us like an older brother."
I hugged the globe - the globe of the earth,
And something happened to me.
And suddenly I whispered:
"I won't lie. I'll save you, my dear"
3 Child: Let's go people.
Be friends with each other
Like birds in the sky
Like the wind with the meadow.
Like a sail with the sea
Grass with rain
How the sun is friendly
With all of us.
Come on people
love the planet
In the whole universe
There is no similar one!
caregiver: Dear stranger! Earth is the only planet in the solar system where there are all conditions for life. You can live on planet Earth, because it is not so hot and not so cold here, there is air - you can breathe, there is fresh water - you can drink, eat something. Stay with us, and you will also love her, like all of us, earthlings"
There is one garden planet
In this cold space
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling birds of passage,
They bloom only on it,
Lilies of the valley in green grass
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise.
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other like it!

The teacher reminds the children that the birthday of the planet Earth is coming soon - April 22. Children stand in a round dance to the song " Motherland", then, together with the stranger, they leave the hall.

Synopsis GCD Cognition

Program content:

1. Educational tasks: give knowledge of wealth native land, that the people of Russia and the peoples of other countries use the wealth of their native land; expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the nature of their native land, culture, life of the indigenous peoples of the North.

2. Developmental tasks: to teach to maintain a conversation about nature, to express one's point of view, to reason and give the necessary explanations, to develop coherent speech, memory, thinking, the ability to reason, draw conclusions; develop independence



Synopsis GCD Cognition

« Corner of the planet, where we live".

Program content:

1. Educational tasks:to give knowledge about the wealth of the native land, that the people of Russia and the peoples of other countries use the wealth of the native land; expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the nature of their native land, culture, life of the indigenous peoples of the North.

2. Developmental tasks:to teach to maintain a conversation about nature, to express one's point of view, to reason and give the necessary explanations, to develop coherent speech, memory, thinking, the ability to reason, draw conclusions; develop independence

Organizing time.


"Let the snowstorms get angry - all in vain

Let darkness 9 months a year

And yet my land is beautiful,

I won't find another like it in the world.

Tell me, children, what is the poem about? (children's answers)

correctly, this poem speaks of the north, what do you think our lesson will be devoted to (children's answers) quite right, please look at the blackboard, what do you see? (children's answers)

This is a map showing the Yamal Peninsula, its name speaks for itself, what is it like? (children's answers)

caregiver : That's right, well done (Yamal i.e. "I'm small")

I propose to go on trips around our region (in the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region). At the end of the journey, a surprise awaits you. But getting to it is not so easy. On the way there will be obstacles that we have to overcome. To begin with, you need to remember and decide on what we will go to the tundra?

The children explain their sentences (what transport can be used to drive through the tundra)

caregiver : Sit down "comfortably", let's go!

So, our first stop is “The camp” (the camp is decorated on the table 2 models of the plague (summer and winter) sledges, a cradle, a boy and a girl in national clothes, models of deer)

Invite the children to talk about people, housing, deer. (children's stories) (for what, what it is made of)

caregiver : you are absolutely right!

(In one of the tents, children notice envelopes in which there are puzzles with the image of a deer and a tent). Children of their choice are divided into two teams and go to a specially prepared place)

caregiver : What did you get? (children's answers) Well done!

Children, think and tell me without which, the most important animal, the indigenous inhabitants of the tundra could not live? (children's answers)

caregiver : right - this is a deer, he is very unpretentious. He does not require food from the owner, nor shelter from bad weather. Deer are guarded by shepherds and their assistants - dogs.

What do deer eat? what do they eat? (reindeer moss)

caregiver : Let's move on. (Working on the Interactive Whiteboard)

The next obstacle is called "Guess". There are five pictures on the board in front of you, you need to name the numbers of those that belong to our region:

The first five slides "Northern berries";

The second five slides "Fish living in the Gulf of Ob";

The third five slides "Animals of our region";

caregiver : Well done, and you coped with this obstacle, now it's time to relax.


The polar sky of the night is darker. Streams of steam from deer nostrils.

Hey, hey, hey! (running in a circle with arms raised above your head).

Sleigh runners whistle along the road. The snow slides and flows over it.

Hey, hey, hey! (ski step).

And the wind with my cheerful song. Flies over expanses of snowy fields.

Hey, hey, hey!

The song my friend flies after the deer, and the herd itself gathers in a circle.

Hey, hey, hey! (running around).

caregiver : Let's move on. Children look and think, what is this stop? (children's answers) "Tower". (On the table is decorated: a model of an oil rig, a helicopter, cars, photographs are posted depicting drillers and oil workers, oil rigs, laying pipes)

Well done, that's right - this is a drilling rig. Our region is rich, in its bowels there is invaluable wealth - oil and gas.Gas and oil are used not only by the people of Yamal, not only by the people of Russia, but also by people from the far abroad. Gas and oil are sent far through pipes throughout our country, as well as to other states.

Kids, what do you think, why do people need gas.(children's reasoning)

Please listen to the riddle:

It won't run without it.

No bus, no car

The rocket won't go up

Guess what it is? (petrol)

What is gasoline made from?

(Gasoline is made from oil)

Well done guys, you are correct. Oil is very necessary for mankind, gasoline and other fuels are obtained from it, which sets in motion the engines of aircraft, sea and river vessels, tractors, cars - all that without which we cannot imagine our life now.

caregiver : Children, please look at the sky (turns on interactive board with Northern Lights)

The night sky lit up

What is marvelous?

And in the tundra from him

It becomes brighter.

Children: Northern Lights.

Educator: right you know what it isThe northern lights are an amazing light show on Earth. It is a brilliant, multicolored glow in the sky. A typical aurora borealis looks like a shining curtain, iridescent with blue-green lights interspersed with pink and red.

When in the upper atmosphere high speed charged particles from space invade, they collide with air molecules, and they begin to glow. The northern lights can only be observed in the southern and northern polar regions of the Earth. You can see the northern (polar) lights in winter when the weather is clear

Well, we have finished our journey through our so small, but so beautiful and interesting Yamal Peninsula. It's time for us to return to kindergarten, let's close our eyes and count to 3, here we are back

RESULT: -Where have you been today?

What interesting and new things did you learn during our trip to Yamal

(each child answers)

Target: formation of a tolerant attitude towards one's own ethnic culture and the culture of other peoples.


- to enrich the initial ideas about the planet Earth, the people who inhabit it, their equality;

- to stimulate the manifestation of cognitive interest in the phenomena of the planet Earth;

- to form the skills of independent application of the acquired knowledge in gaming activities.

Equipment: projector, planet slides solar system, the planet Earth, state flags of different countries (Russia, America, Japan, Egypt), the nature of Russia, a globe, an audio recording of the song “We are the children of the Galaxy” (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky), board-printed games “ Who lives where?”, “Dress the doll”, flags of different countries, illustrations depicting nature and wildlife in Russia and other countries.

Lesson progress

caregiver. Guys, the librarian Lyudmila Nikolaevna turned to us for help. She asked for help in preparing and holding a holiday for young readers, dedicated to the Day Earth. She has already selected many books and encyclopedias with pictures for an exhibition about our planet. But the little readers who visit her library are so fond of playing different games and listen interesting stories! Lyudmila Nikolaevna knows that many children of our group traveled with their parents to different countries and can tell interesting stories about the people living there, what language they speak, and about the culture of these countries. Guys, do you agree to help the librarian? How can she be helped?

Children. You can come up with travel stories together with your parents, bring our photo albums, talk about games, about the culture of different countries.

Educator. Well done, what a great idea you all have! I propose to make newspapers with your parents about the trip to the country where you visited. And to make the newspapers interesting, let's remember everything you know about planet Earth today in class.

The teacher brings a globe into the group.

How many of you know what it is?

Children. This is a globe.

caregiver. We have already looked at the map. And this is a globe. It is round, i.e. the same shape as the planet Earth on which we live. Globe is a model of the Earth. The word "globe" means a sphere. The image on the globe resembles the image on the map. The planets that make up the solar system revolve around the sun. (The educator's story is accompanied by a slide show depicting the planets of the solar system through a projector.) The most beautiful of all planets is the Earth. This is what our planet looks like from space.

The teacher shows a slide with the image of the Earth.

What does she look like?

Children. To the ball.

Educator. Planet Earth is a huge ball that revolves around the Sun and at the same time around its axis. The Earth flew around the Sun - a year has passed. I turned around myself - a day passed. Look at the globe. What color does it have the most?

Children. Blue.

caregiver. You already know what blue means on the map. What?

Children. Water - seas and oceans.

caregiver. Yes, indeed, this is the water that surrounds the continents from all sides. And therefore, when you look at our planet from space (draws attention to the slide), it seems blue. But the land is painted different colors. What does green mean?

Children. Forests, plains.

caregiver. What about brown?

Children. The mountains.

Educator. And here is a lot yellow color, what does this mean?

Children. Here is the desert.

Educator. On land, there are blue spots and lines. What's this?

Children. Lakes and rivers.

caregiver. You remember well everything that I told you when we got acquainted with the map. All people love and protect their planet, many songs and poems have been written about it. Listen to one of them.


There is one garden planet

In this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy,

Birds calling migratory,

Only on it one bloom

Lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise ...

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other like it!

Ya Akim

caregiver. Try to find our country on the globe.

The children are doing the task.

Well done, you correctly showed it on the globe. Russia is surrounded on all sides by other states. If you look at the globe, you will see that there are many countries on the continents, painted in different colors. Tell me what countries do you know?

The children answer.

What countries did you travel with your parents?

The children answer.

Now we will play a game during which you will remember that each country has its own main city, has its own flag.

Game "Know the country"

The teacher shows the flag of the country, names the mainland on which it is located, and the capital, and the children must guess it.

Russia - the continent of Eurasia - the capital of Moscow.

Egypt - mainland Africa - capital Cairo.

Japan - the mainland of Eurasia - the capital of Tokyo.

Ukraine - the mainland of Eurasia - the capital is Kyiv.

caregiver. Guys, do you think this game will appeal to the guys who will be at the party in the library?

Children. Yes.

caregiver. Let's play a game that will remind you that in different countries nature is different.

The game "What's wrong?"

The teacher shows the children four illustrations depicting the nature and wildlife of Russia and other countries, such as palm trees, elephants, giraffes, etc., grain, rice, cotton fields, etc. One of them does not apply to Russia. Children must say which picture is superfluous, and why they decided so.

The teacher shows slides depicting the nature of Russia.

caregiver. Let's once again admire the beauty of Russian nature.

The child reads a poem by M. Isakovsky "Go beyond the seas and oceans ...".

Guys, there are a lot of people on Earth. They differ in skin color, which signifies their race. What races do you know?

Children. Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid.

caregiver. I propose to play a game during which you will remember where people of different races live and how they look different from each other.

The game "Who lives where?"

Children are offered a map with parts of the world: Europe, Asia, Africa and cards with images of people of different races. You need to put the cards in the place on the map where they live. When completing the task, the children, at the suggestion of the teacher, talk about the features appearance people of different races (skin color, eye color and shape, hair features - color, softness, stiffness, curlyness).

Educator. Guys, listen to a poem that will remind you of how else people living on Earth differ from each other.


All people in different countries,

On all continents.

We say - so strange! —

Different languages.

I know the hour will come.

I know the hour will come

- I'm your friend! Vanya says

And John will understand.

And Vanya John will answer:

I am your friend forever!

And everyone on the whole planet

Understand them easily!

A. Usachev

Children. They speak different languages.

caregiver. Right! People are not only different race but also of different nationalities. People of every nationality have their own language in which they speak. Let's play a game.

Game "Guess the language"

The teacher names the nationality, and the children - the language spoken by its representatives.

Germans are the German language.

The Chinese are Chinese.

The Japanese are Japanese.

Russians - Russian language.

caregiver. Guys, how else do people of different nationalities differ from each other?

Children. They have different national costumes, their own songs, games, dances, national dishes.

Educator. Right! People of different nationalities have their own folk songs, dancing, crafts, musical instruments, i.e. own culture, have own traditional cuisine. Guys, the librarian Lyudmila Nikolaevna asked me to pick up Interesting games, with the help of which it will be possible to acquaint the little readers of the library with the culture of different countries. Do we have a game in the group that can introduce what different nations wear different folk costumes?

Children. Yes.

caregiver. What is it called?

Children."Dress the doll."

Game "Dress up the doll"

Children are given paper dolls with pronounced external features: skin color, hair, facial features (nationalities are spoken out) and several national costumes. Children should choose a costume for each doll and talk about its distinctive features.

caregiver. Guys, do you want to play the American game "Five Monkeys"?

Finger game "Five Monkeys"

(conducted with musical accompaniment)

Five monkeys jumped in the crib

(Children do free movements hands with fingers apart, show the number "5".)

One of them fell

(Children raise the index fingers of both hands (the rest are gathered into fists).

Head down.

(Touch the index fingers of the head and slightly tilt it down.)

Mom is on the phone.

(They pretend to dial a number on the telephone disk.)

The doctor replies:

(They pretend to be holding the phone.)

Forbid the children to jump, miss!

(Speaking the text, they threaten with the index finger of the right hand.)

caregiver. Guys, did you like the game?

Children. Yes.

caregiver. Let's tell Lyudmila Nikolaevna about her. Let her teach little readers to play it. This fun game they will love it! And what other games of the peoples of the world do you know?

Children. "Salki" - Russian folk, "Salki in a circle" - African, "Lame Duck" - Ukrainian, "Catch the dragon by the tail" - Chinese.

caregiver. So we remembered that people from different countries have their own history and culture, they are loved and appreciated by every person. Why is it important to respect other cultures?

Children. Because all peoples take care of their culture, cultural heritage created by the people themselves.

caregiver. The culture of other nations must be respected, it reflects all the values ​​that are important for each country. I think that everything we talked about today in class will help you and your parents make interesting family newspapers about your travels to different countries. What games can we choose for Lyudmila Nikolaevna?

Children. “Know the country”, “What is superfluous?”, “Who lives where?”, “Guess the language”, “Dress the doll”, “Five monkeys”.

caregiver. I would like to finish today's lesson with a wonderful song about the planet Earth.

An audio recording of the song “We are the children of the Galaxy” sounds (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky).

Tyulina Elena Nikolaevna
Job title: music director
Educational institution: GBDOU №124
Locality: St. Petersburg
Material name: abstract
Topic: Summary of the lesson "Colorful planet"
Publication date: 13.06.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Abstract complex lesson in

preparatory group "Colorful Planet"

using ESM, compiled by the educator

preparatory group Pavlovich N.V. and

music director Tyulina E.N.

GBDOU No. 124

senior preschool age.
: music hall
Time spending:
21.05 2014, 9.30
 Summarize the knowledge of children that the Earth is common Home for everyone living on earth.  Concretize ideas about the inhabitants of our planet.  Introducing the children of the preparatory school group to the perception of folk music, developing the ability to express its character with the help of performing and creative skills.
Program tasks
 Formation of ideas that there are many countries and different peoples on Earth.  Fix the names of countries, introduce the flags of different countries, national costumes, music, dances.  To broaden the horizons of children through acquaintance with the musical culture of other countries.  Develop Creative skills and skills of musical and rhythmic movements;  Expressiveness of performance of musical material.
 Develop cognitive activity and horizons of children.  Develop emotional awareness.  Develop expressiveness of speech, activate children's vocabulary.  To enrich the knowledge and musical impressions of children about the national characteristics and customs of other countries.  Activate vocabulary children.  To develop the creative activity of children so that children get joy and pleasure from the performance.

 To cultivate a sense of respect for people of different nationalities, the desire to live in friendship with all the peoples of the Earth.  To develop in children the skills of tolerant relations.
 Organization of the perception of music from different countries, aimed at the aesthetic development of children.  Game;  Multimedia;  Technologies of cooperation. A child who successfully interacts in a team; A child who resists intolerant relationships; socially adapted child.
Equipment and attributes:
Globe model, illustration, encyclopedia, laptop, multimedia projector, screen.
Didactic material:
disk with materials for holding the "Country of the World" based on the materials of the site "Your child" //tvoyrebenok, CD with musical arrangement.
Finns, Italians, French, Russians.
Methodical methods:
conversation, looking at illustrations, art word, didactic game"Who lives where? ”,“ Find out whose flag? ”, An entertaining quiz, watching dances and listening to the music of the peoples of the world.
Music material:

1. Song "Carnival" (music and lyrics by Vashchenko)

2. Song "Planet of Childhood" (music by A. Zhurbin, lyrics by P. Sinyavsky)

3.Finnish polka (fin. Nar)

4.Tarantella (Italian Nar)

5. Song "I live in Russia"

(V.Tsvetkov, N.Zagumennikov)

6. Quadrille (Russian folk)

7. "Solar Circle" (L. Oshanin, A. Ostrovsky)

Preliminary work:
Examination of the atlas "The World and Us", examination of illustrations about the peoples of the world, reading of poems by V. Orlov "Colorful Planet". Listening to music of other nations, looking at slides depicting different countries. Learning poems, songs, dances.
Lesson progress:
Sounds f / g of the song "Carnival" muses and words. Vashchenko, children enter the hall like a snake and dance.
Our home is dear, our common home is the Earth, where we live with you! Just look around: Here is a river, there is a green meadow. In the dense forest you will not pass, You will not find water in the desert! And somewhere the snow lies in a mountain, And somewhere it's hot in winter ... They have one name: Forests, and mountains, and seas - Everything is called Earth!
Song "Planet of Childhood" op. P. Sinyavsky, music.

: Children, who knows what it is? - display of the globe. Children's answers.
Correctly. This is a globe, a model of the globe. On the the globe five continents: Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Australia (globe display).
Children, what countries do you know? (Children's answers shown on the screen.)
There are many countries on our Earth where many people live. They are different and similar to each other. People differ in hair color and eye shape. People sing, dance, wear clothes in different ways, different countries have different traditions, people speak different languages.
Poems for children "Colorful Planet" (Sasha D.).

Sasha D.:
There are many different countries in the world, And the sun shines on each, And children laugh everywhere, Growing up day by day, We invite you to travel with us, Travel the world, Explore this planet.
Come on, let's go!
Multi-colored children live in the world. They live on one Multi-colored planet. And this planet For all time For all the multi-colored ones Only one.
The planet is spinning, The big planet, It is warmed by the palms of the sun, But they warm the planet Much warmer Smiles and laughter of colorful children!
Children, each country has its own flag, let's see? (Children's answers with screen display).
I suggest playing the game “Who lives where? » I name the country, and you name the people who live there.
Bring up - children
: America - Americans Russia - Russians England - British France - French India - Indians Australia - Australians Germany - Germans
: That's right, kids! Together with us on the globe live people of different nationalities. They differ in skin color, language, national traditions. -Let's dream with you. Which country would you like to visit, find friends and why?

tell 2-3 stories.
: That's right, kids! I want to invite you on a trip around the countries and see what dances they like to dance in different countries, and our magic screen will help us with this. So, guys, we are with you in Finland.

Music sounds. Views of FINLAND appear on the screen.

We are with you in Finland. This one is cold, but friendly country in the north of Europe. – Finland is a country of exemplary cleanliness. Here you will find endless lakes and rivers, water from which you can drink, birch and coniferous forests, where mushrooms and berries grow right under your feet and a real Finnish exotic - Northern Lights - fireworks born by nature itself - a truly breathtaking sight in the Arctic sky. Finns call this phenomenon "fox fire".
Grisha P.'s poem:
Rivers, lakes, polar night, This is Finland - the daughter of the north! Trolls from a fairy tale, Skis, sleds, Pine trees, radiance, reindeer teams, A breath of coniferous spirit in the face. Huskies - dogs, "ugi" - boots Dance Finnish polka, legs!
People in this country love to dance the polka.
Dance "Finnish Polka". (Fin. Nar.)
Good for Finland, but we're moving on. Our path lies in Italy. Italians dance the Tarantella.
Music sounds, on the screen - ITALY.


Guys, we are in Italy!!! Imagine that you are lost in Italy! Around - no friends, no acquaintances ... Imagine? So, no trouble is terrible, If in Italy you know the names: Aldo, Adolfo, Niccolò, Angela, Nanni, Giuseppe, Tommaso, Carmela, Bianca, Rosina, Umberto, Luciano, Gianni, Giovanni, Sibilla, Silvano,
Enzo, Lorenzo ... and so on ... In general, the floor will come running to cry - Italy. That everyone will not fit in the Colosseum! (verses by A. Usachev)
Italy, Italy Wonderful country! How much sun, light, And music is heard!
We will please you with a cheerful tarantella. A merry tambourine is ringing He is calling us to dance!

Wonderful country Italy, but we need to go further. We are going to FRANCE!!!
Poems about France (read by Arthur M.).

I love France very much, although I am not French. And I find places in it For a very different taste: In the wonderful city of Plombier Invented was PLOMBIR. And from Roquefort, for example, the famous CHEESE went. Probably, in the place of Languedoc Cooked LANGUET, And where is the wonderful town, In which the first eater Tasted VINAIGRETE? I love France very much, even though I haven't been to it. I'll buy a map of France - Bigger and tastier!
Vedas. asks the children about the capital of France and its sights.

name the capital of France main river in Paris, a museum in France, an amusement park....)

1. What country is called "foggy Albion" 2. Name the most big country in the world 3. Residents of which country are very fond of pasta 4. What is another name for the country Japan 5. Name the symbol of France. And now it's time to go home to Russia.
On the screen is a splash screen with views of Russia.
Our country is very beautiful and very big. What is the main city in Russia, what other cities do you know? (Children's answers) In the old days, Russian people were very fond of holding fairs, the main fun at the fair was swinging. Want to try?.
D / game "Russian masters".

Ah, Russia, you, Russia, How your soul sings, My dear side, How good you are!
The Volga is mother spills, Birches and fields rustle here, A scarlet dawn rises, Russia, you are dear to us!
Golden fields And birches all around, You, my Russia, You are our beloved home!
Russia is rich in talents, Girls and boys sing. We love our free songs, And white-trunked birches!
The song "I live in Russia" (V. Tsvetkov, N. Zagumennikov) - performs


What kind of dance do they like to dance in Russia?
We will show the Russian style We are going to a quadrille!!!
Dance "Quadrille" (Russian folk)

: What do you think, what do all people on earth dream of? (Children's statements.)
A: Of course, all people dream of peace. They want to live under the sun together, as a friendly family. This is the main desire of all people, all children on the planet.
: What would you wish for the children of the whole earth? (Children's answers) Let's listen to the poems about peace and friendship that Ira T. will read.
Let's protect from adversity any Big and trusting Blue Ball! Come on, guys, In spite of bad weather, Let's embrace the planet with Our round dance! Let us scatter clouds and smoke over her, We will not let anyone offend her!
Children to the music of "The Solar Circle" (L. Oshanina, A. Ostrovsky) leave the hall.

Organization: MDOU "Kindergarten "Cheburashka"

Settlement: YaNAO, Nadymsky district, with. Nyda

Program content:

1. Educational tasks: to give knowledge about the wealth of the native land, that the people of Russia and the peoples of other countries use the wealth of the native land; expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the nature of their native land, culture, life of the indigenous peoples of the North.

2. Developmental tasks: to teach to maintain a conversation about nature, to express one's point of view, to reason and give the necessary explanations, to develop coherent speech, memory, thinking, the ability to reason, draw conclusions; develop independence

Organizing time.


"Let the snowstorms get angry - it's all in vain

Let darkness 9 months a year

And yet my land is beautiful,

I won't find another like it in the world.

Tell me, children, what is the poem about? (children's answers)

correctly, this poem talks about the north, what do you think our lesson will be devoted to (children's answers) absolutely right, please take a look at the blackboard, what do you see? (Children's answers)

This is a map showing the Yamal Peninsula, its name speaks for itself, what is it like? (Children's answers)

caregiver: That's right, well done (Yamal i.e. "I'm small")

I propose to go on trips around our region (in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). At the end of the journey, a surprise awaits you. But getting to it is not so easy. On the way there will be obstacles that we have to overcome. To begin with, you need to remember and decide on what we will go to the tundra?

The children explain their sentences (what transport can be used to drive through the tundra)

caregiver: Sit down "comfortably", let's go!

So, our first stop is “The camp” (the camp is decorated on the table 2 models of the plague (summer and winter) sledges, a cradle, a boy and a girl in national clothes, models of deer)

Invite the children to talk about people, housing, deer. (children's stories) (for what, what it is made of)

caregiver:you are absolutely right!

(In one of the tents, children notice envelopes in which there are puzzles with the image of a deer and a tent). Children of their choice are divided into two teams and go to a specially prepared place.

caregiver: What did you get? (children's answers) Well done!

Children, think and tell me without which, the most important animal, the indigenous inhabitants of the tundra could not live? (children's answers)

caregiver: right - this deer is very unpretentious. He does not require food from the owner, nor shelter from bad weather. The deer are guarded by shepherds and their helpers - dogs.

What do deer eat? what do they eat? (yagel)

The next obstacle is called "Guess". There are five pictures in front of the board, you need to name the numbers of those that belong to our region:

The first five slides "Northern berries";

The second five slides "Fish living in the Gulf of Ob";

The third five slides "Animals of our region";

caregiver: Well done, and you coped with this obstacle, now it's time to relax.


The polar sky of the night is darker. Streams of steam from deer nostrils.

Hey, hey, hey! (running in a circle with arms raised above your head).

Sleigh runners whistle along the road. The snow slides and flows over it.

Hey, hey, hey! (ski step).

And the wind with my cheerful song. Flies over expanses of snowy fields.

Hey, hey, hey!

The song my friend flies after the deer, and the herd itself gathers in a circle.

Hey, hey, hey! (running around).

caregiver: Let's move on. Children look and think, what is this stop? (children's answers) "Tower". (On the table is decorated: a model of an oil rig, a helicopter, cars, photographs are posted depicting drillers and oil workers, oil rigs, laying pipes)

Well done, that's right - this is a drilling rig. Our region is rich, in its bowels there is invaluable wealth - oil and gas. Gas and oil are used not only by the people of Yamal, not only by the people of Russia, but also by people from the far abroad. Gas and oil are sent far through pipes throughout our country, as well as to other states.

Kids, what do you think, why do people need gas. (Children's reasoning)

Please listen to the riddle:

It won't run without it.

No bus, no car

The rocket won't go up

Guess what it is? (petrol)

What is gasoline made from?

(Gasoline is made from oil)

Well done guys, you are correct. Oil is very necessary for humanity, it is used to obtain gasoline and other fuel, which sets in motion the engines of aircraft, sea and river vessels, tractors, cars - everything without which we now cannot imagine our lives.

caregiver:Children, please look at the sky (an interactive whiteboard with the image of the northern lights is turned on)

The night sky lit up

What is marvelous?

And in the tundra from him

It becomes brighter.

Children: Northern Lights.

Educator: right you know what the aurora borealis is - it's an amazing light show on earth. It is a brilliant, multicolored glow in the sky. A typical aurora borealis looks like a shining curtain, iridescent with blue-green lights interspersed with pink and red.

When charged particles from space invade the upper atmosphere at high speed, they collide with air molecules, and they begin to glow. The northern lights can only be observed in the southern and northern polar regions of the Earth. You can see the northern (polar) lights in winter when the weather is clear

Well, we have finished our journey through our so small, but so beautiful and interesting Yamal Peninsula. It's time for us to return to kindergarten, let's close our eyes and count to 3, here we are back.

RESULT: - Where did you visit today?

What interesting and new things did you learn during our trip to Yamal

(each child answers)

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