Lesson on ecology and familiarization with the outside world for the preparatory group "International Earth Day". Summary of the lesson on the topic: "Earth Day" in the preparatory group Lesson earth day in the preparatory

Integration of educational areas

"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Music".

Target: To consolidate ideas about our planet Earth, in general, about the Universe.



To give children an idea of ​​the planet Earth. To form in the child an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inextricable connection between man and nature.Generalize children's ideas about the ecological dependence between phenomena and objects of nature. Introduce children to plant growth. Give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"Where does the wind come from?".


Continue to work on the development of coherent speech, improve dialogical and monologue speech, consolidate the ability to answer questions.Lay the foundations of ecological culture.Develop voluntary attention, self-control, fine motor skills of the muscles of the fingers.


Cultivate a benevolent attitude towards all living things. Cultivate love for native nature, develop a desire to protect it, take care of it.

Materials and equipment: song “Earth is our common home” by N.B. Karavaeva, slides “How beautiful this world is”, flower pot, song “Friendship” group “Barbariki”, arrows pointers (green, blue, white, brown), portrait of water (puzzle ), slides “Clouds and wind”, fertilizer, watering can, set “Gardener”, wings (for the game), song “Sunny Bunnies”, song “Happy Birthday Earth!”.

Preliminary work: viewing the slides "Beauty of the planet", "Earth catastrophes". Introduction to globes. Conversations about animate and inanimate nature.

Educator: Good afternoon, inhabitants of the beautiful blue planet Earth! Today we have a holiday - Earth Day.

Earth Day is a celebration of clean land, clean water, clean air. It is celebrated by those who are not indifferent to what future generations will see our planet.

To make it clear to all of us what kind of holiday this is, we invite you to take a trip around our planet. (Children go to chairs)

Slideshow "What a Wonderful World"

All this is our home planet. How beautiful and amazing it is.

Child 1: The earth must be protected

Protect in every possible way

Mountains, rivers and fields -

This is all our Earth.

Child 2: Life on it every hour,

So it depends on all of us

What is our concern to her -

More important every day.

Child 3: Happy Earth Day

Take care of our Earth

And she answered you -

Protects from various troubles!

Educator: Nature has three treasures:

Water, earth and air are its three foundations.

Whatever trouble comes,

They are whole, everything will be reborn again.

And the sun shines, it warms everyone.

All together - this is strength and goodness ...

A girl comes in holding a flower pot. The girl is sad.

Educator: Hello girl! Why are you sad?

Girl: Hello! So, I wanted to grow a flower, I planted a seed in a pot, I wait, I wait, but nothing grows. I don't even know what to do...?

Educator: Guys, let's help the girl grow a flower! Whose help can we do without?

Children: Without the help of Earth, Water, Air and Sun.

Educator: Let's turn to them for advice. But the way there is not close. And only true friends can defeat him!

Children read poems about friendship


1 child: The breeze is friends with the sun,

And dew with grass.

A flower is friends with a butterfly,

We are friends with you.

2 child: All with friends in half

We are happy to share!

Only to quarrel with friends


3 child: Friendship is a warm wind

Friendship is a bright world

Friendship is the sun at dawn

A fun feast for the soul.

4 child: Friendship is only happiness

People have only one friendship.

With friendship, bad weather is not terrible

With friendship, life is always full.

5 child: A friend will share the pain and joy,

A friend will support and save.

With a friend - even an evil weakness,

In an instant, it melts and leaves.

6 child: Believe, keep, appreciate friendship,

This is the highest ideal.

She will serve you.

After all, friendship is a precious gift!

Educator: And here is the green arrow. To whom does this arrow point? (To the Earth).

Earth: Hello guys! I am the Mother Earth. And you probably didn't just come to me?

Girl: Yes, we have come to you for advice. We wanted to grow a flower and planted a seed. But it doesn't grow. Can you help us?

Earth: - I can ... But first, answer my questions!

Why am I called the Earth - nurse?

What is on Earth?

How is a tree different from a shrub?

The game "What's wrong?"

Earth: Well you tried. For this, I will give you the promised advice: in order for the seed to germinate, the soil in the pot needs to be fed. (The earth gives fertilizer) And so that you yourself grow big, strong and strong, eat more vegetables, they have a lot of vitamins !!!

Educator: Here we have our first piece of advice. Thank you Earth. And where should we go next?

Earth: And then go to Water. Without it, the flower cannot grow. (Earth leaves).

Educator: Guys, how do we get to the water? The blue arrow will show us the way. What is water? What is she like? After all, we need to know what we are looking for.

Child reads a poem Well, what kind of water is it?

Who will answer the question?

We all know about water

And let's rub any nose:

It's rain and icicle

White snow and smooth ice

Brook and river ... Each

Let me remember and understand!

After the poem, the children lay out a “portrait of water”. Water appears.

Water: I am the Sorceress Voditsa,

You can't wash without me

I dare to tell you -

You cannot live without me.

Girl: Hello Water! We have come to you for help. I wanted to grow a flower and planted a seed in a pot. But it doesn't grow. The earth advised us to fertilize the soil in a pot. What do you say? You can help?

Water: I can, but first tell me, where can I be found in nature? (children's answers)

Yes, that's right! I'm like this: me and the snow, me and the river, me and the rain - raindrops ... My girlfriends - droplets sent you a video story about how they live. (Watching the presentation "The water cycle in nature" ). Where are my magic droplets? (puts an imaginary drop of water in each child's hands). I am sending you droplets to Earth. Spill clean rain, water the earth, trees and flowers, take a walk! Yes, look, do not indulge, do not climb into the collar of passers-by, do not splash!

Song - the game "Brook"

Droplets ran in little blue boots (easy run),

Droplets turned into brooks-paths,

A stream ran over pebbles, ran over pebbles (running),

Then in a transparent puddle he lay, lay, lay (children squat: “fall asleep”),

Here again he rushed off at a gallop and murmured loudly (jumps with rebuilding in a circle),

I saw a river - jump there (jump forward),

And immediately fell silent (children sit on the carpet).

Water: I will give you a magical watering can with live water! Water your flower and it will grow strong and beautiful. And don't forget to wash yourself. Now go to the wind, it will help you!

Host: Guys, what do we know about the wind? What is the wind like? (children's answers).

View slides "Clouds and wind." The wind appears.

Wind: Yes, that's how different I am ... Do you want to play with me?

Game "Warm and cold wind" Children turn into insects. When the music depicts a gentle, warm wind, insects fly over the clearing, and when the wind becomes strong, cold, they hide from it.

Educator: Wind, we really like it when you are warm and affectionate. We want you to always be like this.

Wind: I give you my advice

And finally I say:

Breathe fresh air

You loosen the earth in a pot.

(Gives inventory - a rake for a pot). The wind flies away.

Educator: The wind gave good advice. And who else can help us grow a flower?

Children: Sun!

Educator: Of course, the sun! And here is the yellow arrow that will show us the path to it.

Child 1: The sun rolls in the sky

Like a yellow ball

That will hide behind a cloud,

That jumps on the trees.

Child 2: Come out, come out sunshine

Shine brighter

Smile on us kindly

Make us better!

Girl: Hello Sunshine! It's good that you exist! We want to grow a flower. Here is the seed planted. Earth advised us to fertilize the soil, Water advised us to water the flower, and the wind said that fresh air is simply necessary. And you, Sunshine, will you help us?

Sun: Of course I will help, because I love you all,

And those I love

There are funny hemp

Look at each other

Look for freckles!

Educator: And we will sing the song "Sunny Bunny" for you!

Children sing a song.

The sun: And now I want to give you my advice. Put your flower in a sunny place, that he was warm and happy! (the sun is going down )

Educator: Here we have collected all the good advice from our friends. Now we know what is needed for flowers (children help: well-fertilized soil, clean water, fresh air and sunlight). Right! I'm sure we can grow a wonderful flower. And following their advice, we ourselves will grow up strong, strong, kind, cheerful, and therefore healthy! Let's decorate our small planets together and wish the Earth a happy birthday! (children take balloons, decorate them with flowers and dance a dance).

Children perform the dance "Happy Birthday Earth!".

Educator: Let's go backjoin the group and use the advice of our friends!

MBDOU of the combined type No. 1, Samara

Synopsis of thematic leisure with children of the preparatory group

Entertainment in preschool for children 6-7 years old "Earth Day".

the formation of an emotionally positive attitude to the world, understanding of its condition, respect.

Tasks: consolidate knowledge of nature. Repeat the rules of behavior in the forest. Develop the ability to find the right answer, develop memory, speed of reaction. Develop the ability to compare, generalize. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and rivals in the game. To cultivate a humane attitude towards nature, feelings of love for the Earth on which you live.

Material: globe, illustrations of the rules of conduct in the forest, d / and “Who lives where?”, chips, team emblems, masks for the scene “Butterfly in Danger”, “garbage” for the game, medallions “Earth Day”.

Game progress:

Guys, today we have gathered to celebrate Earth Day. Do you know what holiday this is? (No). Here listen.
Many years ago, on April 22, an ecological disaster occurred, a terrible disaster that threatened the life of all life on Earth: animals, birds, insects, plants - they were all in great danger and were on the verge of extinction, but the people of the entire planet united and stood up for protection Earth and the environment, to protect our forests, fields, seas and their inhabitants. Here is such a story.
You and I are also part of our planet and must protect our Earth, birds, insects, animals.
1 child: Our planet is Earth
Very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields -
Our home, guys!
2 child: Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world!
Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won't let anyone hurt her!
3 child: We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
This will only make us better.
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens, flowers,
We all need such a planet!
(Children listen to the song "Little Country").

The amazing world of nature is rich, beautiful and infinitely diverse. Wherever you are: in the forest, in the meadow, on the banks of the river - riddles and mysteries surround you everywhere. Today we will try to open several pages of this world, we will conduct a quiz "Nature around us" with you. Two teams will take part in the quiz. These are the Winnie the Pooh team (the team captain is indicated) and the Cheburashka team (the team captain is indicated).

Each correct answer will be scored with a chip. After the quiz, we will count the number of chips and determine the winner of the game. So, let's start by greeting the teams. Team greetings:

1. "Winnie the Pooh"- please:
We only want to wish
You show yourself at five.

2. "Cheburashki"- please:
We are a fun team
We can't be bored
Compete with us
You risk losing!

Team warm-up. Game: "Name it quickly."
Cheburashka team: listen
White-sided bird. (Magpie)
What plant can burn us? (Nettle)
Christmas tree. (Christmas tree)
The time of the year when nature wakes up. (Spring)
Horse in a vest. (Zebra)
Who is the orderly of the animal forest? (Wolf)
What is the name of a domestic relative of a hare? (Rabbit)

Winnie the Pooh Team:
Wild relative of the pig. (Boar)
What is the bear's home called? (Den)
Do hares store food? (Not)
Red-breasted bird. (Bullfinch)
What flower blooms without leaves? (Coltsfoot)
Who is the orderly of the bird forest? (Woodpecker)
What is the name of the animal that builds dams on rivers? (Beaver)

The teams did a great job warming up. Let's move on to the first task. You must hear and name trees familiar to you from the description. Three trees for each team.

Team Winnie the Pooh.
This tree is cheerful and elegant at any time of the year. In spring it blooms with white fragrant flowers, in summer it rustles with carved leaves, and in autumn bright clusters of berries sprinkle its branches. In winter, different birds like to visit it: bullfinches, waxwings, black grouse, capercaillie, blackbirds. (Rowan.)

- This tree is called the beauty of the Russian forest. How many songs have been written about him, how many poems have been written! Slender, with white bark, with thin drooping branches and talkative foliage, it always arouses admiration and joy. And small feathered brethren are attracted by earrings with seeds. (Birch.)

- Everyone who passes by this tree in spring exclaims: “It smells good!” It is strewn with fluffy brushes of white fragrant flowers. Its strong aroma is not only pleasant, but also useful: it cleans the air of germs. (Bird cherry.)

Cheburashka team.
- This tree is easy to recognize in winter by its almost black trunk. Its fruits - round nuts - hang on branches almost until spring. And in early summer it blooms with fragrant yellow flowers. Flowers rich in sweet nectar are eagerly visited by various insects. And the bees make delicious, healing honey from fragrant juice. (Linden.)

- The rough leaves of this tree consist of halves of different sizes. The wood is also unusual: solid, resilient, does not warp from water, when it dries, it does not crack. And logs from it turn out to be completely magical: you can’t split it with an ax - the ax sticks in the wood fibers. (Elm.)

- They call him a mighty forest hero: even in strong hurricanes, he firmly “sits” in the ground. Its wood is an excellent building material; medicines are made from the bark, wild boars, jays and other forest animals like to feast on fruits. (Oak.)

The third task: Blitz-competition "Name the extra word."
"Winnie the Pooh":
Maple, linden, birch, spruce, poplar.
Squirrel, bear cub, fox, she-wolf.
Dragonfly, mosquito, fly, pike, grasshopper.

Rowan, pine, bird cherry, tulip.
Rook, shark, flounder, mackerel.
Fox, cow, hedgehog, hare, wolf.

Now we will read fabulous ads: you have to guess which animal wrote the ad:
I will help everyone who has a broken alarm clock! (Rooster.)
Friends! Who needs needles, contact me! (Hedgehog.)
I am the most charming and attractive1 Whoever you want to deceive, I will circle around your finger! I strongly ask: to call by name and patronymic! Do not call Patrikeevna! (A fox.)
Something very boring to howl at the moon alone. (Wolf.)
Whoever finds my tail: keep it as a keepsake. I will successfully grow a new one! (Lizard.)
Tired of crawling! I want to take off. Who will lend the wings? (Snake.)

And now we'll have a little rest.

Physical education:
Hands raised and waved
These are the trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, brushes shaken,
The wind knocks down the dew.
Let's gently wave our hands -
The birds are flying towards us.
How they sit down, show-
Wings we fold back.

And now we will play with you.

Ball game "I know..." Children become in a circle. Leading in the center with the ball. The facilitator throws the ball to the player and names the category of the natural object, for example, trees. A preschooler lists 3-5 names of trees. The next player names items from a different category.

And now we listen carefully to the questions of the teams.

Winnie the Pooh.
1. The longest animal. (Giraffe)
2. Who carries the baby in a pouch? (Kangaroo)
3. A bird that cannot fly and is not afraid of frost? (Penguin)
4. Long-eared coward. (Hare)
5. Who sleeps upside down? (Bat)
6. Which snake has a hood? (Cobra)
7. Which bird does not build a nest? (Cuckoo)

8. The largest animal living on land. (Elephant)
9. The largest animal living in the ocean. (Whale)
10. What animal builds dams on rivers? (Beaver)
11. Who wears his house on himself? (turtle, snail)
12. Which bird has the most beautiful tail? (At the peacock)
13. Striped relative of the cat. (Tiger)
14. What animal is called the ship of the desert? (camel)

People lived on the planet
Mothers, fathers and their children.
People throw paper
The planet will become a mess...

The game "Clean up".
Children are divided into 2 teams: one team removes paper garbage (newspapers, candy wrappers, the other - plastic garbage (plastic bottles, cups, disposable tableware, etc.).

What a nice deed you guys did for Earth Day. As it became clean, I think that for the Earth this will be the best gift from you guys. Always be kind, responsive to nature, protect it, be friends with it, as with your friends.
Guys, let's see what kind of garbage was here and what should have been done with it?
- Newspaper, candy wrappers can be buried in the ground, where they will rot and turn into fertilizer for the soil. - Iron cans can also be buried under the roots of young trees so that they grow better, the can will rust and release iron into the soil, which is good for their growth. And the animals won't get hurt.
- Can glass jars be left in the forest? (No)
Why? They can break, and both people and animals can be injured by fragments.
- Can plastic bottles be left in the forest? (No)
They need to be taken away with you and thrown into garbage containers, because plastic does not rot, remains unchanged and does not bring any benefit to the forest, but only spoils its appearance.

And now I will read in order five facts about one type of garbage. The team that correctly determines what is at stake the fastest gets one chip. The team that collects the most chips wins this competition.
1. A lot of toys are made from it.
2. It comes in many colors and is very difficult to make.
3. Items made from it weigh little.
4. If you set it on fire, a lot of black smoke appears, which smells bad.
5. It cannot be thrown away, because it does not decompose in nature by itself.
1. It was invented by the Chinese.
2. We get it from wood.
3.It burns easily.
4. It produces a lot of garbage.
5. They usually draw or write on it.
1. It is made from sand.
2. Most often it is transparent.
3. When it falls, it breaks.
4. If it is heated, it becomes viscous, like dough.
5. Abandoned in the forest, it can become a source of fire.
1. This is something that is abundant in the city, but few in the countryside.
2. Especially a lot of this in an industrial city, where there are many plants and factories.
3. Because of this, people get sick, they get a lot nervous, they shout loudly, and this becomes even more.
4. It is published by various devices, machines.
5.It causes air and environmental pollution.

1. It happens when something gets old or breaks.
2. It can be seen everywhere - in the city, in the countryside, even along the roads.
3. Something new can be made from this.
4. It can be colored.

Now let's play the game "Little Bird".
It is necessary to carefully monitor where the bird will fly (forefinger of the right hand). Without turning your head, follow with one eye: to the right, to the left, up, to the nose, forward. Twice. (3)

Children, do you know the rules of behavior in the forest?
1. You can not break tree branches.
2. You can not tear blades of grass, leaves, flowers.
3 You can not destroy bird nests, anthills, animal holes.
4. You can not bring home animals from the forest.
5. You can not leave a fire in the forest unextinguished.
6. You can not pick up bird eggs.
Well done boys.

V-l: Tree, grass, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed
We will be alone on the planet!

Look, guys, what can happen if you and I do not protect and protect our nature, insects, birds, animals.

And now a scene performed by children: a butterfly, a nursery woodpecker, ants.
A butterfly and a nursery woodpecker appear.
Butterfly: (crying) What kind of elephant came to us in the forest,
Only noise is worth and crackling,
All Flowers trampled,
Broke my wing!
Stepped on a worm
Almost crushed a bug!
How can I fly now?
I need to see a doctor soon!
Woodpecker-orderly: Let me bandage the wing,
I'll put on tires quickly
Difficult case - fracture
We'll take you to the hospital now. (ambulance siren sounds. Two ants appear)
Ant 1: We are the orderlies of the forest,
Working day and night!
We are ready for the sick
Help with all my heart!
Ant 2: We'll take you, sister
To the ant hospital!
You will be again soon
Deftly flap your wings! (they take the butterfly and leave).

Yes, guys, such sad stories sometimes happen in the forest. But I know that you are kind children, sympathetic to nature and its inhabitants, you are friends with her and protect her.

Well, friends of nature, you know a lot, you can do a lot of things useful for nature, and I suggest you solve riddles. (guesses 5-7 riddles about animals, birds).
1 You can't see yourself, but you can hear the song. (Mosquito).

2 Lives in a mink,
Gnawing on crusts.
Short legs.
Afraid of cats. Mouse

3 At the threshold crying,
hides claws,
Quietly enter the room
Murmurs, sings. Cat

4 The guys have a green friend,
Cheerful friend, good,
He will give them
Hundreds of hands
And thousands of hands. Forest

5. from branch to branch,
Fast as a ball
A red-haired circus performer gallops through the forest.
Here on the fly he plucked a bump,
Jumped on the trunk
And he ran away in a hollow. Squirrel

6. Angry touchy
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
Too many needles
And not a single thread. Hedgehog
You solved the riddles, well done.

The game “It happens - it doesn’t happen.
Ice drift in summer (does not happen).
Leaf fall in summer (does not happen).
Rain in summer (occasionally).
Dew in winter (does not happen).
Frosts in the spring (occurs).
Thunderstorm in summer (sometimes).
Snowstorm in summer (does not happen).
Rainbow in summer (sometimes).
Hail in the summer (sometimes).
Buran in summer (does not happen).
Hoarfrost in winter (sometimes).
Fog in autumn (sometimes).
Drops in the summer (does not happen).
Hoarfrost in summer (does not happen).
Frost in the summer (does not happen).
Puddles in winter (does not happen).

Each animal lives in its own habitat. Really guys?
Now we will play “Who lives where?”.
Children are offered 5 cards with different habitats of animals, and they must arrange the animals according to their habitat: forest, desert, farm, pond).
And now we will count the earned chips.
You are true friends of nature and will not let her offend. I am sure that you will take care of our Earth, birds, insects, animals. As true connoisseurs of the forest, and I hope, the defenders of the forest and its inhabitants, I present to you each the emblem of "Friends of the Forest".
And, of course, worrying
That sometimes we godlessly
We don't keep what we have
We do not spare, we do not regret.

Not responsible for anything
Like the smallest
Us on this planet
It remains to live and rule.

Not the owners like
So we destroy our good,
We are proud of nature
And we love our country.

Child: Our home is our own, our common home is
The land where we live!
We can't count miracles,
They have one name:
Forests, and mountains, and seas -
Everything is called Earth.

Child: Let's save the planet
There is nothing like it in the entire universe.
There is only one in the entire universe
It is given to us for life and friendship.
1. Branches of what trees can be found in the bath? (birch, oak).
2. What do pine, poplar, aspen have, but birch does not have? (letter o).
3. Which animal in the forest knows where the honey is? (bear).
4. Why do ducks swim? (from the shore).
5. How many legs does a spider have? (eight).
6. The first spring birds (rooks).
7. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (asleep).
8. Karkusha is: (crow).
9. What tree do children enjoy the most in winter? (spruce).
10. What are the stones in the sea? (wet).
11. He flies all day, everyone gets bored (fly).
12. I swam in the pond, but remained dry. (Goose).
13. Red cheat (fox).
14. He starts the week (Monday).
15. The first spring flower (snowdrop).
This is where our fun ended. (Final music).

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group using ICT.

Compiled and conducted by the educator of GBDOU No. 85

Krasnoselsky district

Petukhova Ekaterina Borisovna

NOD: Earth Day.

Program tasks:

1. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, expanding the horizons of children: - expanding and clarifying children's ideas about nature

Strengthening the ability to conduct observations.

2. Form a concept of yourself as a resident of the planet Earth, ideas about the environmental problems of your hometown.

3. Through an emotional attitude to form a steady interest in nature, lay the foundations for environmental education;

4. To consolidate the ability to reflect the acquired knowledge through artistic and productive activities.

5. Learn to establish causal relationships between natural phenomena.

6. Formation of ideas about the interaction of animate and inanimate nature. Stories about the importance of the sun and air in the life of man, animals, plants.

7. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, a sense of kindness, belonging and empathy for everything and the beautiful that surrounds us. Learn to preserve, protect and protect nature.

Target: - to consolidate the understanding that nature is our common home;- to form in children an idea of ​​​​the interaction of animate and inanimate nature;

- lead to the understanding that it is necessary to love nature from childhood, to study it, to communicate with it correctly;

- cultivate love for nature, the ability to empathize.

Development environment:

Fairy of nature, easel, globe; demonstration material for the talks "The Earth is our home", "On the interaction of animate and inanimate nature"; demonstration material for the game "Rules of behavior in nature"; circles of red, yellow, green colors for the game "Ecological traffic light" (for each child); material for the practical task of designing the poster “Earth Day. Let's save our planet”, seeds and containers with soil for planting seedlings of flowers.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, today, April 22, is World Earth Day. It can be called a holiday of clean water, earth and air - everything that is necessary for life. Why is it called Worldwide?

Children's answers.

Educator: This holiday is celebrated in different ways around the world. Various environmental campaigns are being carried out. Residents of the city participate in its improvement, landscaping: they plant young trees, decorate flower beds with beautiful flowers, refuse to drive a car and ride a bicycle. When cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin saw the Earth from space, he called it the blue planet. Since 3/4 of the planet Earth is water. Can you tell me where the water lives?

Answers of children independently and with the help of a teacher.

Educator: 1/4 of the land is fields, forests, mountains, deserts. The earth is our common home, in which man is the master. And this owner must be kind and caring. We need to protect nature, plant forests, feed birds, protect animals. And for this you need to know nature.

The Creator created a good world,

The sun is our common father,

And the Earth is, of course, the mother

We need to protect the Earth!

Educator (points to the globe): See how beautiful our Earth is, especially in spring, when all nature comes to life and everything blooms. Let's protect the beauty of our nature.

(There is a knock on the door.) Fairy Ecology enters (to the music)

Hello children! My name is Fairy Ecology.I really want to get to know you better and therefore I invite you to visit me - in the Kingdom of Mother Nature. Take your knowledge, favorite poems, proverbs, games with you.

Educator: Guys, do we accept this invitation?

Game - situation "In the kingdom of Mother Nature"

It's easy to get to the Kingdom of Nature, You don't have to travel far. Close your eyes and take a step, Now let's clap our hands like this: One clap, another clap - And now a haystack is visible, And now the field is earing

Noisy - the wheat is worried, The skies are turning blue above it, Open your eyes as soon as possible!

Fairy: Guys, do you know what nature is?

Children: Sun, air, water, plants, animals, birds, etc.

Fairy: And what can not be called nature?(What is made by human hands.)

Educator: Is there a car in nature?

Children: No, because it is made by human hands, but a horse and a camel, which a person also rides, are already nature. Man only tamed them, made them domesticated from the wild, they existed in nature without him.

Fairy: There are many living beings on planet earth.

There are many different types of fish and marine animals in the oceans and seas. On land (continents) - plants (trees, shrubs, herbs). Different animals, birds live, people live. All living beings need the sun, clean water, soil, air.

Fairy: Do you think life on Earth would be possible if there were no soil, or water, or air? Why?

Children's answers.

Educator (showing a presentation):Unfortunately, man does not always do the right thing in nature. By draining industrial and agricultural waste into rivers, ponds, lakes, he will make a solution of harmful substances from clean water. The nurse-soil is also vulnerable. The use of various chemical fertilizers leads to the fact that the soil becomes poisoned. Also, debris and dirt poison the soil. Air quality has also deteriorated, especially in industrial areas. A wide variety of chemicals enter the atmosphere from factory pipes. During rain, these harmful substances enter the soil, poison plants and animals. People, animals and plants suffer greatly from this, often get sick. In order to protect the purity of the air, it is necessary not only to make production clean, but also to protect, plant forests, plant trees and shrubs in cities and towns. Thus, the forest is also an invaluable pantry of nature. One large tree releases as much oxygen as it is necessary for one person to breathe. Fairy: To save our planet, we must love nature, know it. We must treat all insects very carefully. Remember, without butterflies, as without dragonflies or grasshoppers, our meadow is not a meadow. Protecting grasses, bushes and trees, you help animals, birds, insects.

And for this it is necessary to be kind, honest, hardworking and competent people. After all, it’s not for nothing that proverbs say:

Protect the birds of animals - never offend.

Who knows how to be kind - he will not destroy nature.

The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect it.

Love the forest, love nature, you will always be nice to the people.

Cut down a tree - plant ten.

Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful meadow. Let's relax and dance. Under the phonogram, a physical education session “In the meadow” is held.

We go to the meadow
We are not in a hurry, we are not behind.
Here we come and see suddenly. (Walking in place.)
A thousand flowers around! (Sipping - arms to the sides.)
Here is a chamomile, a cornflower,
Lungwort, porridge, clover.
The carpet is spread
And right and left. (Bend over and touch the left foot with the right hand, then vice versa - the right foot with the left hand.)
Hands stretched to the sky
The spine was stretched. (Sipping - hands up.)
We all had time to rest
And they sat down again. (Children sit down.)

Fairy: Guess my riddle:

The house is open on all sides

It is covered with a carved roof

Come into the green house

You will see miracles in it.


Fairy: And now I will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play a word game with you: "If I come to the woods." I will tell you actions, and you will answer, if it is good to do this, we say “yes”, if it is “bad”, then we all shout “no” together!

Ready, let's start!

If I come to the forest

And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie

And throw out the paper? (No)

If I tie a branch,

Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)

If I make a fire,

Am I not going to simmer? (No)

If I mess up a lot

And I'll forget to remove it. (No)

If I take out the trash

Bury a bank? (Yes)

I love my nature

I help her! (Yes)

Well done, guys, everything is correct, no one was mistaken. You can all be my helpers and protect our nature..

Fairy: There is an unusual traffic light in my kingdom of Mother Nature.Didactic game "Ecological traffic light"

Let's remember the rules of the game: Red light - no nature

Yellow - watch out!

The light is green - how beautiful!

Let's say forest, thank you!

The red light lights up when human actions harm nature. The yellow light is lit so that we observe certain rules of conduct. And the green light is lit by those who do good deeds for the inhabitants of the forest, plants and animals.

A game is played using cards "Rules of behavior in nature"

Educator: Yes, nature should be used in a way that does not harm it. It is necessary to love nature from childhood, to study it, to treat it correctly. Fairy: I see that each of you has become a friend of nature. Thank you for that. However, it's time to say goodbye. See you soon, goodbye.

So that forests can bloom, and gardens, and rivers,

Take care of all living things, you are in this world

Children: Goodbye.

Educator: We return home.

Close your eyes and take a step

Then clap your hands like this.

And here we are in our garden

We are happy, we live happily.

Educator: Let's try to live in such a way that the land around remains generous and beautiful, so that clean streams murmur on it, gardens bloom, birds sing. And people enjoyed life.

Come on guys

Wherever we live, we'll plant trees, we'll plant gardens! There are many of us, guys, let each of us

At least a bush for the garden Plant now!I propose to move on to the practical part of our lesson and conduct an environmental campaign "We are young ecologists." Let's start in a group and continue on a walk. I saw a broken tree on our site, let's heal it and collect all the garbage on the site.

I propose to divide into two groups. One group will design a poster "Earth Day. Let's save our planet" (artistic and productive activity), and the second group will plant seedlings of flowers for planting in flower beds on the site (experimental - practical activity).

Children perform a practical task in a group, and then during a walk.

Program content:

  1. Cultivate love and respect for wildlife.
  2. To consolidate the knowledge of children about animals and plants of our planet.
  3. Clarify knowledge of what our planet consists of and without which there can be no life on Earth.
  4. Raise the desire to keep the planet clean.

Equipment and materials:

1. Laptop.

2. Projector.

3. Screen for projection.

  1. Abstract presentation.
  2. Pet toys.

Used modern educational technologies:

  1. Health-saving technologies:
  • communicative game;
  • mobile game;
  • finger gymnastics;
  • psycho-gymnastics;
  • dynamic logarithmic pause;
  1. Information and communication technologies.

The course of educational activities:


The earth must be protected
Protect in every possible way
Mountains, rivers and fields -
This is all our Earth.
Life on it every hour,
So it depends on all of us
What is our concern to her,
More important every day.
Happy Earth Day
Take care of our Earth
And she answered you
Protects from various troubles!

Educator: Guys, today is the birthday of our blue planet Earth (show 1 slide). Earth is our common home, for animals, for people, and for plants.

Finger gymnastics "Piglets".

The fingers are outstretched; alternately "go" on the table or knees with each of the fingers.
This fat piglet wagged its tail all day,
Little fingers.
This fat pig scratched its back against the fence.
La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lu, I love the pig

We clench and unclench our fists.
This fat pig was picking the ground with its nose,
This fat piglet drew something himself.
La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lu, I love the piglet,
We clench and unclench our fists.
This fat pig is a couch potato and impudent,
He wanted to sleep in the middle and pushed all the brothers aside.
We squeeze the hand into a fist, we clamp the thumb inward.

Educator: Do you know what animals inhabit our land?

Children's answers: Cats, dogs, tigers, cows, lions, etc.

Educator: Right! And there are many more. Some live in the forest - they are called wild or forest animals. What wild animals do you know?

Children's answers: Fox, wolf, etc.

Educator: Well done! I will show you pictures, and you name what animals are depicted on them (shows 2, 3 and 4 slides).

Communicative game "Pets".

Toys “domestic and wild animals” are scattered around the room in a chaotic manner. Children are divided into 2 groups. Whoever finds more pets - that group won.

Educator: And now let's look at pets (showing 5 and 6 slides).

Physical education "Journey".

Children follow each other, performing movements in accordance with the text.

- We are walking along a country road, on the earth warmed by the sun.

(Stomp their feet.)

Before us is a meadow, soft grass underfoot.

(Make sliding movements with legs.)

We walk along the river bank, the sand rustles under our feet. (Rubbing palms.)

We cross the river on a wooden bridge. (Raising legs high, make claps under the knees.)

The other bank of the river is swampy, we jump from hummock to hummock. (Perform jumping on two legs.)

Around thickets of willow, the wind shakes flexible branches. (Raise hands above head, shake them.)

Before us is a wide ditch. (They make a big jump.)

Ripe berries on the right and left, let's collect them in. (Perform tilts to the right and left, squats.)

We pass through a meadow overgrown with tall grass. (They walk with their knees high.)

Here we come!

Teacher: Where do wild animals live?

Children's answers: In the forest!

Educator: Right! (show 7 slides). And where do such inhabitants of our Earth as birds and fish live?

Children's answers: In the water.

Educator: Yes, birds live in the sky, and fish in the water (show 8 and 9 slides).

There is no more beautiful Mother Earth. Wonderful trees and beautiful flowers grow on it (show 10, 11, 12 slides). So let's cherish, love, do not ruin her. How should the earth be protected?

Children's answers: Do not litter, clean up.

Psychogymnastics "Flower".

Children are invited to imagine that they are small sprouts that grow little by little and turn into a flower.

Earth Poem:

"Mother Earth"

Tell me,

How to

name the earth?

Is land expensive?

Is the land golden?

No, it's probably better to say

To her: “Darling!

The earth is our dear, kind mother!”

So it will sound sweeter and more accurate.

'Cause everything we love

Everything is created by her -

And mountains, and rivers, and forests, and flowers.

And autumn, and summer, and rain, and you.

Abstract of the lesson on the topic "Earth Day". preparatory group

Target: To bring children to the understanding that human life on Earth largely depends on the environment: clean air, water, forest.
continue to acquaint with the laws of nature;
form responsibility for committing various actions in the environment;
continue to learn to carefully cut out small details;
acquaint with the holiday of the Earth.
develop imagination.
develop a love for nature.
Implementation of the content of the program in educational areas:"Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".
Types of children's activities: game, communicative, visual, cognitive-research, motor.
Possible achievements of the child: has an idea about the laws of nature, the natural resources of the Earth and the ecological balance in nature; knows how to establish causal relationships between natural phenomena, arguing his opinion; independently draws a tree using a palette; adequately evaluates the work of friends and compares with his work.
Materials and equipment: pictures depicting the planet Earth, trees, herbarium, scissors, simple pencils, colored paper, glue, brushes, oak sheet templates, A4 sheets. 1. Introductory word of the educator.
Educator:"Nature for me - fire, water, stone, plants, animals - all these are parts of a broken single being, accumulating strength to gather all nature in unity" - wrote M. Prishvin. Every year in the spring in different countries of the Planet, a very understandable holiday is celebrated twice - International Earth Day.
2. Talk on the topic "Earth Day"
Educator: The first time Earth Day is celebrated on March 21, it is believed that on this day of the spring equinox, nature is renewed. According to the established tradition, in different countries it is customary to ring the Peace Bell on Earth Day.
This sound should call on all the inhabitants of the Earth, at least for this moment, to think about preserving the beauty of our planet. After all, the future of our children and our planet as a whole depends on us now. An interesting fact is that this bell was cast from coins that were donated by children from sixty countries from all continents. Orders, medals and other insignia from different countries were also fused into it. On the Bell there is an inscription: "Long live universal peace throughout the world."
But now environmental problems are no less dangerous for the planet, so International Earth Day is also celebrated on April 22.
He emphasizes that caring for our planet is the business of all people on Earth, because planet Earth is a common home, a source of life.
Guess the riddle:
It lives in the seas and rivers, but often flies through the sky,
And when she gets bored with flying, she falls to the ground again. (water)
Teacher: What is water for?
Children: Water is needed in order to drink, wash hands, water flowers, water trees!
Educator: That's right, but how much water is on the planet!
Children: Yes.
Educator: It would seem that there are many waters on the planet - oceans, seas cover more than half of the planet. But let's remember what kind of water is in the oceans and seas?
Children: salty.
Educator: What kind of water do we drink?
Children: fresh!
Educator: Right! Humans, animals and plants need fresh water. And there is little fresh water suitable for drinking on Earth, it is becoming less and less. Who do you think is to blame for this?
Children: People! They throw garbage into rivers and lakes, factories throw waste into the water!
Educator: Unfortunately you are right. Plants and animals die in water polluted by wastewater from factories, plants and dwellings. Oil pollution causes great harm to water bodies. They kill fish, birds and other animals. Let's play a game with you
There is an accurate human observation: we notice the air when it begins to be missed. To make this expression quite precise, it would be necessary to use the word "cherish" instead of the word "notice". Indeed, we do not value the air and do not think about it while we breathe normally and without hindrance. Guys, let's take a deep breath and exhale. What internal organ allows us to breathe?
Children: Thanks easy!
Educator: Correctly! Guys, what do you think is the lungs of the planet Earth?
Children: Forest! These are the lungs of the Earth!
Educator: Correctly! And what are forests?
Children: Forests are deciduous, coniferous and mixed!
Educator: Now guys, let's have a rest!
3. Fizminutka "Together we go through the forest"
We walk through the forest together
We are not in a hurry, we are not behind.
Here we go to the meadow. (Walking in place.)
A thousand flowers around! (Sipping - arms to the sides.)
Here is a chamomile, a cornflower,
Lungwort, porridge, clover.
The carpet is spread
And right and left. (Bend over and touch the left foot with the right hand, then vice versa - the right foot with the left hand.)
Hands stretched to the sky
The spine was stretched. (Sipping - hands up.)
We all had time to rest
And they sat down again. (Children sit down.)
4. Didactic game "Whose sheet"
Educator: Children, and now we will play the game "Whose leaf". I will show a leaf of a tree, and you will tell me whose it is.
(the teacher shows leaves of trees: maple, birch, mountain ash, pear, oak, elm, lilac), and the children answer.
5. The game "All about you"
Educator: Listen to the task and complete them if necessary:
If you don't pick flowers while walking in a clearing, wave your hand.
If you are watering flowers at home, clap your hands.
If you turn off the tap when brushing your teeth, stand up.
If you turn off the light when leaving the room, jump up and down a few times.
If you agree that you need to conserve water, close your eyes.
If you make feeders with your parents in winter and fill them with grain and bread crumbs, stomp.
If you make a birdhouse with dad in the spring, smile.
If you're careful with paper and don't waste it, clap your hands.
If you planted a tree with your parents, stomp.
6. Finger gymnastics "Wind, wind, breeze"
The wind walked through the forest, (The child performs smooth wave-like movements with his palms).
The wind counted the leaves: (The child bends one finger at a time, starting with the big one).
Here is oak
Here is maple
Here - rowan, carved,
Here - from a birch, golden.
Here is the last leaf from the aspen
The wind threw on the path. (The child raises his hands up, and then gently lowers his hands to the table or knees).
7. Application "Tree"
Educator: Guys, let's create our own little forest. First, cut out a tree trunk and stick it in the middle on a piece of paper. Now let's take pencils and an oak leaf template, circle and cut out a few leaves, and then stick it on a piece of paper in order to make a crown for the tree.
8. Summary of the lesson.
Educator: Guys, look at all the crafts and choose the most expressive and most accurate. Explain your choice.
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