What is military training for? Single combat training, combat techniques without weapons. Single combat training

Memo to the squad leader

"Combat Review"

At the starting line, the commander gives the command: "Squad, in a column of two - STAND" and brings the squad with a marching step to the stage.

Opposite the referee's table, the commander gives the command "Squad, stop. Left right)". The commander comes out, turns to face the formation and, when the judge approaches, gives the command “Separation, Smirno, alignment to RIGHT(to-LEFT, to-MIDDLE) ». Having given the command, the squad leader puts his hand to the headgear, approaches the judge with a drill step, stops two or three steps in front of him and reports: “Comrade judge (or military rank). Branch _________ (team name) for the passage of the "Combat Review" stage was built. Squad leader _________ (Last name).

After the report, the commander, without dropping his hands, takes a step to the right (left) with a simultaneous turn to the left (right). The squad leader accompanies the judge 1-2 steps behind.

The reporter greets the department, the department answers "We wish you good health, comrade judge (or military rank)." The referee gives the order "WILL", the commander duplicates it and lowers his hand from the headgear. After the referee's order « Proceed to the review", the commander answers "There is", and commands: "Squad - Disperse."

The commander follows to the place where the squad is built, turning to face the referee's table, takes a combat stance, and commands: "Squad, in one line - become." The squad is lined up in order of ranking to the left of the commander. With the beginning of the formation, the squad leader breaks down, becomes facing the front of the formation and monitors the alignment of the squad. If necessary, align the compartment on the spot, a command is given "EQUALIZE". The commander then commands : "Squad - Equal", "Attention", "At ease", "Refuel"; “Separation - Equal”, “Attention”. Next, the commander gives commands for turns on the spot: « Napra-VO", "Nale-VO", "Kru-GOM"(each command is given two or three times). Then the commander gives the following commands: "Squad, in order - pay off", "Squad, for the first and second - pay off", "Squad, in two lines - line up" (twice ), “Squad, in one line - line up”(twice).

For teams of the 1st age group: when in two rank order command is given "Squad, right (left) close."

For teams 2 and 3 age groups: the commands “Separation, to the right (left) close-knis”, “Separation, from the middle one step at once-knock”, “Separation, to the middle som-knee” are given.

When opening from the middle, it is indicated who is the middle one. The Yunarmee, called the middle one, upon hearing his last name, replies: "I", pulls forward left hand and drops it.

"Separation - equal, at attention", "Step - MARCH".

During the movement, commands are given: "Squad - Strider March" "Squad - Attention", "Alignment to the RIGHT(left) » (everyone performs the reception military salute in move). After passing by the judge, the command is given "At ease."

For groups 2 and 3:

To change the direction of movement, the command " RIGHT (LEFT) shoulder forward - MARCH". On the executive command, the guiding line begins to turn, while the one who is on inside turn, shortens its step, turning almost around its axis, keeping in line with those on the outside of the turn, and they, in turn, increase the length of the step, the rate of turn sets the extreme one in the line from the outside of the turn. End of change of direction and start rectilinear motion carried out by the command DIRECTLY". After the executive command to start changing the direction of movement, the unit switches to a marching step, and after the end of the maneuver returns to the front;

For group 3:

To perform turns in motion, the commands " Napra - IN» (« Nale - IN”), for a reversal of “ Around - MARCH". The main attention needs to be given commander units when issuing commands to perform turns (turns). Executive command for turns "- IN» served under right (left) leg respectively, after which, at the next step, the unit executes the command by turning to left (right) leg, taking a full step right (left) foot. Executive Team" MARCH» for a turn in motion is fed under the right leg. After that, a full step is taken with the left foot, 1/3 step with the right foot, the foot of which is placed to the left of the left foot, crossing the legs, a turn is made, rising on the toes of both legs and turning around, a step is made with the left foot.

A command is given to perform the song "Separation, song - sing-VAY"(Verse and chorus are performed.) When the song is performed, the squad walks at a walking pace and leaves the parade ground.

Elements of single drill training (for groups 2 and 3):

The implementation of the elements of single combat training begins with the determination by the squad leader of one of the Yunarmy men and calling him out of action with the commands:

- "Yunarmeets, Ivanov!";


- "Get out of order onsuch a quantitysteps!".

After that, the squad leader proceeds to issue commands for execution.

The squad leader should pay attention to the fact that the squad is located on the parade ground in such a way that it does not interfere with the performance of single combat techniques. The department kept BUILDING DISCIPLINE!

Elements of single drill training:


Approach to the chief (commander of the department);

Submitting a report;

Departure from the boss;

Marching move;

Turns in place;

Giving a military salute in motion;

Change of direction of movement;

Return to duty.

For group 3:

Turns in motion.

| Material for the section "Fundamentals of military service" to prepare for practical exercises on the basis of a military unit | Drill

Fundamentals of life safety
Grade 10

"Fundamentals of Military Service".
Preparation for practical exercises on the basis of a military unit


The execution of combat techniques and movement without weapons and with weapons, the formation of subunits and units, the procedure for military salute, the duties of military personnel before formation and in the ranks, the methods of movement of military personnel on the battlefield are determined by the Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

A serviceman before building and in the ranks is obliged:

Check the serviceability of your weapon, weapons assigned to it and military equipment, ammunition, personal protective equipment, entrenching tools, uniforms and equipment;
carefully refuel the uniform, put on and adjust the equipment correctly, help a friend eliminate the noticed shortcomings;
know your place in the ranks, be able to quickly, without fuss, take it; in motion, maintain alignment, established interval and distance; comply with safety requirements; not to break down (machines) without permission;
in the ranks without permission, do not talk or smoke; be attentive to the orders and commands of your commander, quickly and accurately carry them out without interfering with others;
transmit orders, commands without distortion, loudly and clearly.

The order of execution of combat techniques and movement without weapons is given in table 7 and in figure 45.

Performing a military salute without weapons on the spot and on the move

A military salute is performed clearly and valiantly, with strict observance of the rules of combat stance and movement..

To perform a military salute on the spot out of formation and without a headgear, 3-4 steps before the chief (senior), you need to turn in his direction, take a combat stance and look at his face, turning your head after him. If the headgear is put on, then, in addition, it is necessary to attach the right hand to the headdress in the shortest way so that the fingers are together, the palm is straight, middle finger touched the lower edge of the headdress (near the visor), and the elbow was on the line and height of the shoulder. When turning the head towards the chief (senior), the position of the hand at the headgear remains unchanged (Fig. 46, a).

When the chief (senior) passes the person performing the military greeting, he turns his head straight and lowers his hand.

To perform a military salute in motion out of order and without a headgear, three or four steps before the chief (senior), simultaneously with placing your foot on the ground, stop moving with your hands, turn your head in his direction and, continuing to move, look into his face. Having passed the chief (senior), you need to turn your head straight and continue to move your hands. When wearing a headgear, simultaneously with placing your foot on the ground, you need to turn your head and put your right hand on the headgear, and keep your left hand motionless at the hip. Having passed the chief (senior), simultaneously with placing the left foot on the ground, turn the head straight and lower the right hand (Fig. 46, b).

When overtaking a chief (senior), a military salute must be performed with the first step of overtaking. With the second step, put your head straight and lower your right hand.

If the hands are occupied with the burden, the military greeting is performed by turning the head towards the chief (senior).

Squad and platoon formations

A formation is the deployment of military personnel, subunits and units established by the Charter for their joint actions on foot and in vehicles.

The build can be deployed and marching.

In the deployed formation, the subunits are built on the same line along the front in a one-rank or two-rank formation (in the line of vehicles) or in a line of columns at intervals established by the Charter or the commander.

In the march formation, the subunit is built in a column or subunits in columns are built one after the other at distances established by the Charter or the commander.

The formation of a squad and a platoon can be made in deployed formation or marching formation.

Line can be single or double. In turn, single-rank or two-rank systems can be closed and open.

In closed formation military personnel in ranks are located along the front one from the other at intervals equal to the width of the palm between the elbows.

In an open formation, military personnel in ranks are located along the front from one another at intervals indicated by the commander.

The construction of the squad and platoon in the marching system is carried out on command “Squad (platoon), in a column of two (three) - stand”.

The marching formation of a squad can be in a column of one or two, and a platoon - in a column of one, two, three and four.

The construction of the squad and platoon in a single-rank (double-rank) system is carried out on command "Squad (platoon), in one line (two lines) - become".

Military salute in the ranks on the spot is made on command "Squad (platoon), at attention, alignment to the right (left, to the middle)" when the boss approaches 10-15 steps.

The servicemen take a combat stance, at the same time turn their heads to the right (left) and follow the chief with their eyes, turning their heads after him.

When the commander approaches from the back of the formation, the commander turns the squad (platoon) around, and then gives the command to perform a military salute.

To perform a military salute in the ranks on the move, 10-15 steps before the commander, the commander commands: "Squad (platoon), at attention, alignment to the right (left)". On command "Attention" all military personnel move to the front step, and on command "Left (right) alignment" at the same time they turn their heads towards the boss and stop moving their hands.

1. The order of building a squad, platoon (company) at the machines. Boarding and accommodation personnel in the car, getting out of the car. Commands and actions of trainees on them 1.1. The order of building a squad, platoon (company) at the machines. Commands and actions of trainees on them (Article: 1.1. The order of building a squad, platoon (company) at the vehicles. Commands and actions of trainees on them) In deployed formation ...

Deployed Platoon formation 1.1. Platoon in Deployed Formation (Article: 1.1. Platoon in Deployed Formation) Deployed Formation of a Platoon is a formation in which squads are built on the same line along the front in a single or double rank formation at intervals established by the Regulations or the commander. The deployed system is used for inspections, calculations, reviews, parades, and also in other necessary cases ....

1. Movement on the battlefield (Article: 1. Movement on the battlefield) Movement on the battlefield when operating on foot can be carried out at an accelerated pace or run (in full height or crouching), running and crawling. The attack is carried out at an accelerated pace or run. Dashing and crawling are used to covertly approach the enemy. Before the start of the movement, the personnel puts weapons on ...

1. Formation (Article: 1. Formation) The combat charter for the detachment provides for a deployed and marching formation. The combat regulations require a soldier to know his place in the ranks, to be able to quickly, without fuss, take it, in the ranks without permission not to talk and observe complete silence; be attentive to the orders and commands (signals) of your commander, quickly and accurately carry them out without interfering with others ....

1. Combat techniques with weapons 1.1. Marching with Weapons (Article: 1.1 Marching with Weapons) The marching step is used when passing units in a solemn march; when they perform a military greeting on the move; when a serviceman approaches the commander and when leaving him; upon failure and return to service, as well as in the classroom for ...

Performing the reception “on the chest” from the “on the belt” position, move the right hand along the belt slightly upwards, remove the machine gun from the shoulder and, grabbing it with the left hand by the forearm and handguard, hold in front of you vertically with the store to the left, muzzle at the height of the chin (Fig. a); right hand take the belt to the right and intercept it with the palm of your hand from below so that your fingers ...

1. Serviceman's failure 1.1. Breaking out of formation and approaching the chief (Article: 1.1. Breaking out of formation and approaching the chief) Breaking out of formation on a call is carried out by command, for example: “Private such and such. To me (run to me). Hearing his last name, the serviceman replies: "I", and on the command "Come to me" answers: "Yes." Then depending on...

Movement with a marching step, turns in motion. Commands given when performing turns 1. Combat step 1.1. Marching in marching order (Article: 1.1. Marching in marching order) The marching step is used when passing units in a solemn march; when they perform a military greeting on the move; when a serviceman approaches the commander and when leaving him; upon failure and return to service, ...

23.02.2017 - 13:13

Combat training is an integral part of the life of any soldier. Everyone who once served in the army, long after the end of the service, remembers how they had to march on the parade ground for a long time and hone their step.

Some remember drill with a smile, others shudder at the mere thought of it. But be that as it may, it is this discipline that lays the foundation for the behavior of a soldier in the service. Drill training teaches not only how to march beautifully on the parade ground, it tempers the will, raises team spirit and improves the ability to control one's body...

Many people think that drill training appeared relatively recently. However, it is not. Around 800 BC, the Greeks first began to use military formation. Thanks to this training, the phalanx turned into a formidable offensive force. Much has changed today. But the need for coordination has not disappeared. A soldier who does not know how to follow commands can die himself and destroy a comrade. That is why drill training is built on the strictest discipline.

In the Company of the guard of honor, without which not a single significant holiday in the country can do, drill is given Special attention. Every step, every command is honed to perfection.

There are many marching techniques. One of the main types is the drill step. Usually it is done at a pace of 100-120 steps per minute. Another type is the ceremonial or "Prussian" step, when the leg is carried forward almost at a right angle with the body. In addition, it is performed at a slower pace - 75 steps per minute. Such movements require a long training and great physical effort.

Drilling is not an easy “science”. These fighters only comprehend such a filigree art. Ahead of the guys with impeccable bearing - hundreds of hours of training on the parade ground, after which they will turn into real fighters and defenders of the Motherland.

Echelon-2019 exercise completed at the Mulino training ground

News of Belarus. The joint combat exercise of the Armed Forces of the CSTO member states Echelon-2019 ended at the Mulino training ground, the 24 Hours News program on STV reported.

It was attended by about 900 military personnel, more than 250 pieces of equipment were involved. For the first time, the military of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have practiced the preparation and implementation of joint operations. This is explained by the need to improve the logistics system of the CSTO Collective Forces.

Anatoly Sidorov, Chief of the Joint Staff of the United Nations Treaty Organization collective security:
Troop actions in modern conditions require a large volume and timeliness of the supply of material and technical means to ensure them. And, of course, these issues are at the center of attention in the Collective Security Treaty Organization so that we can ensure the successful actions of the troops of the CSTO Collective Forces.

In addition to the tasks performed, the military discussed topical issues of organizing logistics and its further improvement.

  • Read more


v. Ruzaevka

Drill training teaches to perform drill techniques as part of a unit, to perform simultaneously, subordinating one’s will to the requirements of the team, brings up determination, patience, perseverance, endurance, collectivism, the ability to obey (one who knows how to obey knows how to command), develops a sense of rhythm, discipline and others positive traits personality. Strict execution of drill techniques is developed good posture, accuracy in observing the form of clothing, the ability to walk correctly and beautifully. A serviceman trained in drill can always be distinguished in a crowd of civilians. Drilling makes a stooping, shuffling legs, with impaired coordination of movements of the "ugly duckling", a slender, beautiful "swan".

AT modern school drill training should be taught by physical education teachers, most often these are women who are completely far from drill training or teachers who have not served in the ranks of the Armed Forces. There was a need to create a manual on drill, helping to teach correctly, the correct drill techniques.

The proposed manual contains preparatory exercises, drill methods, rough plan- a summary of the lesson, estimated indicators for drill training (most often drill training is assessed on the basis of “liked” or “didn’t like it”), requirements, dimensions and recommendations for making a construction site, as well as drill songs different years. In line with a song, it is easier to go on a campaign, at a parade, and old soldiers say that it is easier to go into battle to a song. This manual is written for schoolchildren, college students.

This manual is intended for teachers conducting classes in military-patriotic clubs, drill associations. The manual reveals the basic methods of teaching drill necessary to obtain the primary skills of behavior in the ranks, with joint actions in the ranks and single drill.

Table of contents

Combat training is one of the most important sections of combat training. It disciplines military personnel, develops in them clarity, composure, an exemplary appearance, and excellent combat bearing.

Excellent drill training is one of the most important conditions for successful operations in battle.

The basis of drill training is single drill training. It is practiced on the basis of an exemplary personal demonstration by the commander of combat techniques and actions. Single combat training makes it possible to notice all the mistakes of military personnel and correct them in a timely manner.

Some commanders, forgetting about this, take the training of units as a basis and try to quickly achieve clear actions. With this method, many mistakes of military personnel go unnoticed and turn into a habit, which, as you know, is not easy to get rid of. Thus, the learning process is not facilitated, but complicated.

The basis of the initial training of military personnel for joint operations is the system. He, like no other type of training, brings up a quick, accurate and unanimous execution of the order of the boss.

Practical experience training and education of military personnel shows that high results in single drill training can be achieved:

    Purposeful planning of drill training, clear organization and high-quality conduct of all classes;

    Conscious study of techniques and actions by each soldier in strict accordance with the requirements Construction charter Armed Forces of Russia;

    The regularity of instructor-methodical and planned classes with all categories of students;

    Improving skills in drill training in all classes, with everyday constructions and movements.

Great importance to achieve high performance in combat training, the commanders have a good personal combat training, their exactingness towards themselves.

Personal example commander in the classroom, combined with methodological training - this is the way to achieve high combat skills of military personnel.

Therefore, the systematic improvement of the commander's methodological skills is one of the most important tasks.

Combat training is a purely practical matter. Each technique must be practiced by repeated repetition. And even when a technique or action has been studied, training cannot be stopped, otherwise there will not be the necessary clarity in their implementation.

Drill drills, as a rule, should be conducted as part of a unit.

Compliance with the systematic, consistent and accessible in training, as well as the consciousness and activity of trainees, make it possible to achieve high results in a short time. To do this, it is necessary, taking into account the main methodological requirements, to follow the sequence in working out topics and educational issues, to go from simple to complex, from known to unknown.

The main form of drill training for soldiers is planned drill training. Single training, which is the basis of drill training, consists of an exemplary demonstration (familiarization) by the commander of the technique or action being studied with a brief explanation, the performance (learning) of the shown technique by the soldiers independently and at the command of the commander, and, finally, training in the quick and accurate execution of the technique or action. This method of teaching is the simplest, as it relies on the human ability to imitate, the exact repetition of the shown action.

To acquaint the trainee with any technique or action, it is necessary to give a correct idea about it. For this you need:

    name the technique or action and indicate where and for what purpose they are used;

    give a command by which a reception or action is performed;

    show (strictly according to the Charter) how the reception is performed as a whole, and then by divisions and at a slow pace with a brief explanation of the procedure for performing the reception or action.

After familiarizing yourself with a technique or action, you can begin to learn them, while it is necessary to achieve correct execution trainable reception or action. Depending on the complexity of the drill technique, learning it can be done:

    in general, if the reception is simple;

    by divisions, if the reception is difficult;

    with the help of preparatory exercises, if the technique is complex and its individual elements are difficult to digest.

Training in performing a technique or action withworth repeating it many times before acquiringtrainable strong skills. First, training is doneat a slow pace and then at a regular pace. Repeateddemonstration by the commander of a technique or action during training is possible only for the purpose of general bug fixes. Mistakes made by individual cadets are corrected during classes.

Training can be organized in two ways:

    one-sided, which is characterized by the fact that all trainees are in open formation and train in performing a technique (action) only under the guidance of the commander and at his commands;

    bilateral, in which trainees train in pairs, giving commands to each other in turn, or according to the commands of the commander.

With these two methods of organizing training, two methodological techniques can be used:

    the first is based on the principle "Do as I do". The commander conducting the training, himself clearly and strictly according to the Charter, performs the technique (action) and requires its implementation from the trainees. This methodological technique achieves visibility for all military personnel. But this method is expedient only when the commander himself is capable of perfectly performing the technique being studied;

    second methodical technique It is based on the principle “I train one, they all do”. From the deployed single-line formation, the commander takes one of his subordinates a few steps forward so that he can see the entire formation, trains him, and those in the formation carry out the same commands.

During training, the commander must seek correct, clear, valiant and beautiful actions from the servicemen when performing combat techniques.

Training in performing drill techniques can be carried out independently or at the command of the commander.

All planned exercises in drill training should be conducted by squad (platoon) commanders.

The unit commander must know the actual state of the trainees and seek to raise it to the level of program requirements.

Well-staged propaganda charter, screening of films according to the method of combattraining, organization of drill competitions, competitions - these are the ways and forms of improving drill training trainees.

In the process of training in combat techniques, the commanderdevelops in trainees the skills and ability to actindependently, using for this as practicalclasses, and independent study by trainees, the requirements of the Construction Regulations. In the classroom for training in the implementation of drill techniques and actionsthe commander must widely apply various methods drill training single training. The choice of the method (reception) of training depends on the methodological mastercommander, his personal training and preparedness of trainees.

Some learners easily learn one or anotherreception or action, and to others, on the contrary, it is given withlabor. Therefore, there is a need to differentiate the methods (techniques) of training. The commander must be able to choose the most rational form of education, to in a short time achieve the best showing bodies.

However, no methodological technique should not run counter to the requirements of the Military Regulations.

The main organizer of the lesson is the unit commander. Before each lesson, he must check the readiness of the squad commanders and monitor the progress of the classes on this topic.

During drill training, the commander must be in such a place as to be able to closely monitor the cadets and respond in a timely manner to errors. As practice shows, the most appropriate removal of the commander from the ranks should be considered: when training a company - 8-10 steps; platoon and squad - 4-6 steps; with the simultaneous construction of the entire personnel - 12-15 steps. Such removal from formation will enable the commander to continuously observe the actions of all personnel and achieve greater concentration and attention of the trainees when explaining and demonstrating a technique or action.

The shortcomings that the commander speaks of must be formulated specifically and addressed to certain person. Unreasonable remarks disorient the trainees, they are of little effect.

When conducting exercises related to movement, the commander must take into account that it is better to give commands and control their execution while in place, and not moving behind the formation from the side or behind.

Of great importance in drill training is the ability of the commander to issue commands. They must be given in a loud, authoritative voice, clearly pronouncing every word and syllable. But the strength of the voice when giving commands should be commensurate with the size of the system and the distance from it.

Commands must strictly comply with the Military Regulations and be pronounced in a certain sequence. A distinct, clear command is the art of a commander, which is developed by painstaking, systematic training.

Incorrectly and indistinctly given command causes poor performance of the reception. A command given even with a slight rearrangement of words causes confusion among the cadets, undermines the authority of the commander, and reduces the discipline of the formation. Conversely, a correctly given command ensures the clarity and timeliness of its execution.

Giving commands and giving orders, the commander himself must take the position "at attention". By such behavior, he instills in students respect for the system, senior commanders, emphasizes the importance of the command given, before which everyone is equal, regardless of their position, and also shows his respect for the statutory requirements.

Formations, commands and duties of commanders and soldiers before formation and in formation.

Build and manage them. Commands and the order in which they are given. Duties of soldiers before formation and in the ranks

The concept of the system.

Classes on this topic are usually held as part of a squad (platoon) under the guidance of a commander. Having built a platoon (company) in one line, the commander disables the squad and, placing it in one line in front of the line, announces the topic and content of the lesson, defines the elements of the line. Build - the deployment of military personnel, subunits and units established by the Charter for their joint actions on foot and in vehicles. The commander offers one or two trainees to repeat the definition of the formation, then proceeds to determine its elements.

line- systems in which military personnel (trained) are placed one next to the other on the same line at established intervals.

Pointing to the formation, the commander says: “The formation in which you are now standing is a deployed single-rank formation,” after which he tells, shows and gives definitions: the flank and front of the formation, the rear side of the formation, the interval and width of the formation.

flank - right and left ends of the line. When turning the formation, the names of the flanks do not change.

Front - the side of the formation in which the military (trained) are facing.


The construction of military personnel in one line.

back side of the building the side opposite the front.

Interval- the distance along the front between military personnel (trainees), subunits and units.

The commander needs to emphasize that in the close formation, in which the soldiers are now, the interval between the elbows of those standing next to them should be equal to the width of the palm.

System Width- the distance between the flanks.

After explaining and showing the elements of a single-rank formation, the commander rebuilds the squad into a two-rank formation and gives its definition.

In a two-rank formation, the servicemen of one line are located in the back of the head of the servicemen of the other line at a distance of one step (outstretched arm).

The commander suggests checking the distance between the ranks, for which the trainees of the second rank, stretching out their hand (left), put their palm on the shoulder of the person in front. In a two-rank formation, the ranks are called the first and second. When you turn the formation, their name does not change.

Row- two servicemen standing in a two-rank formation at the back of the head to one another. If a soldier of the second rank does not stand in the back of the head behind the soldier of the first rank, such a row is called incomplete; the last row must be complete.

The commander explains that when the two-rank system turns around, the one who is in an incomplete row goes into the front row. It should also be emphasized that if there are less than four people in the ranks, then they are built in only one line.

Two-rank system and its elements.

To show an open formation, the commander breaks the two rank formation and explains that in the open formation, the trainees in the ranks are located along the front one from the other at intervals of one step or at intervals indicated by the commander.

Then the commander puts questions to the trainees, checking how they have learned the material they have learned. Questions may be: “What is the formation?”, “Define the flank and front of the formation”, “What is the interval and distance?”, “What can be one-rank and two-rank formation?”, “Do the names of the flanks change when formation turns? etc.

After making sure that the trainees have mastered the positions of the deployed formation and its elements, the commander proceeds to training.

During training, the commander can make sure that the practiced positions are mastered.

After that, he proceeds to show the marching formation.

marching formation- a formation in which the unit is built in a column or units in columns are built one after the other at distances established by the Charter or by order of the commander.

The squad leader, having built the trainees in a column one at a time, explains that the column is a formation in which the military personnel are located at the back of each other's heads. Columns can be one, two, three, four or more. Columns are used to build subunits and units in a marching or deployed formation. The commander indicates that the squad is built in a column one by one, two by two.

Naming the elements of the march formation, the commander gives their definition.

guide- a serviceman moving head in the indicated direction. The rest of the military personnel (trainees) coordinate their movement along the guide.

trailing- a soldier (unit) moving last in the column.
Distance- the distance in depth between military personnel, subunits and units.

Depth- the distance from the first rank (in front of the standing soldier) to the last rank (behind the standing soldier).

After the show march formations and their elements, the commander checks the assimilation by asking approximately the following questions: “What formation is called marching?”, “What is called the depth of the formation?” etc. After making sure that the soldiers have mastered this section, the commander proceeds to study the next training issue.

Commands and the order in which they are given.

Before proceeding with the study of commands, the commander must tell the trainees about their purpose and show how to correctly execute the commands. He says that commands serve to control formations, are given, as a rule, by voice, as well as signals and personal example.

To get acquainted with the commands, the commander practically gives several commands by voice and signals, but so far does not require their implementation.

The team is divided into preliminary and executive; there can be only executive commands.

Preliminary command is served clearly, loudly and drawlingly, so that those in the ranks understand what actions the commander requires of them.

According to a preliminary command, those who are in the ranks and out of the ranks in place take the position “at attention”, and those who are in motion put their foot firmly.

Executive Team served after a pause, loudly, abruptly and clearly. The executive command is immediately and accurately carried out.

To attract the attention of the trainee, the name of the unit or the name of the trainee is called in the preliminary command. For example, "Platoon - STOP!", "Second squad, step - MARCH", "Comrade Ivanov, around" and so on.

After the explanation, the commander gives several executive commands, for example: "STAND UP", "AT ATTENTION", "ALERT", "FUEL FUEL", "STOP", etc., and requires the trainees to fulfill them.

In conclusion, the commander explains that in order to cancel the reception (action) or to terminate it, the command "RESET" is given; tells and shows that on command « STOP » the position in which the trainee was before the execution of the reception is accepted.

Duties of military personnel before formation and in the ranks.

Having told about the appointment of commands and showing the order of their submission and execution, one should proceed to the study of the duties of military personnel before formation and in the ranks. But first, it is necessary to explain to the trainees the requirements of the Combat Regulations for soldiers before formation and in the ranks.

"St. 26. A soldier (sailor) is obliged:

    check the serviceability of their weapons, military and other equipment assigned to them, ammunition, individual means of chemical protection, entrenching tools, uniforms and equipment;

    carefully refuel the uniform, put on and adjust the equipment correctly, help a friend eliminate the noticed shortcomings;

    know your place in the ranks, be able to quickly, without fuss, take it; in motion, maintain alignment, set interval and distance; not to break down (machines) without permission;

    in the ranks without permission, do not talk, do not smoke; be attentive to the orders and commands of your commander, quickly and accurately carry them out without interfering with others;

-transmit orders, commands without distortion, loudly and clearly.

Trainees must know the 26th article of the Construction Regulations by heart.

During the lesson, the commander must check the accuracy and correctness of fitting uniforms, accustom cadets to mutual assistance in eliminating shortcomings found in appearance; one should check the knowledge of one's place in the ranks and the observance of discipline in the ranks, as well as the ability to transmit orders.

The accuracy and correctness of fitting uniforms are checked as follows: the commander builds the trainees in one line, bypasses the formation from the right flank and checks each one individually: whether the uniforms are properly tucked in, how the headgear is put on, etc. Deficiencies are noted and eliminated right there.

Using the examples of neatly and sloppily dressed trainees, the commander explains the requirements of the Combat Regulations and shows the procedure for eliminating shortcomings: on himself or on one or two trainees, he demonstrates how to properly refuel uniforms, put on a hat, etc.

Finishing the lesson, the commander makes a brief analysis and gives the task for the next lesson. The task may be as follows: to study Art. 26-28 of the Combat Charter. At the same time, the commander recommends repeating the material covered, for which he suggests studying art. 1 - 23 and 25 of the Combat Charter.

Construction stand. Command execution

In accordance with the existing program, the lesson will study the combat stance and improve in the execution of the commands: “STAND UP”, “QUIETLY”, “ALERT”, “FUEL FUEL”, “HEADWEAR - REMOVE”, “HEADWEAR - PUT ON”, “STAND OFF” .

Art. 27. The combat stance is taken on the command “Become” or “Attention”. At this command, stand straight, without tension, put the heels together, align the socks along the front line, placing them on the width of the foot; straighten the legs at the knees, but do not strain; lift the chest, and the whole body slightly forward; pick up the stomach; expand shoulders; lower your hands so that the hands, palms facing inward, are on the side and in the middle of the thighs, and the fingers are half-bent and touch the thigh; keep your head high and straight, without exposing your chin; look straight ahead; be ready for immediate action.

The study of the combat stance begins with an exemplary demonstration by its commander; while the trainees should see it from the front side. Then the commander tells the trainees on what commands and in what cases the combat stance is taken, and shows the order of its adoption by division, briefly explaining the implementation of each of its elements. After that, he orders the cadets to take the combat stance on their own and checks each of them, noting the shortcomings, and then proceeds to learn the combat stance by elements. It is advisable to start with preparatory exercises to develop the correct setting of the body, legs, arms, shoulders and head.

Construction stand.

To perform this exercise, the command “Bring the socks together, do it ONCE”, “Spread the socks, do it - TWO”, “Bring the socks together, do it ONCE”, etc. When giving the command, the squad leader monitors the width of the breeding socks and along the way corrects errors. Looking down at the same time, trainees are not allowed. When the trainees perform the exercise several times under the general command, the squad leader orders them to start independent training. The squad leader and the platoon leader at this time check the performance of the exercise for each cadet in turn and give instructions on how to eliminate the mistakes they make.

Having worked out the first exercise, the commander shows the second preparatory exercise - “Raise the chest, pick up the stomach, expand the shoulders - Do it - ONE, Do it - TWO (take the “Free” position).

To lift the chest, you need to take a deep breath, hold the chest in this position, exhale and continue breathing with the chest raised. At the moment of lifting the chest, the stomach is selected, the shoulders are turned, the arms are lowered so that the hands, facing the palms - inward, are on the side and in the middle of the thighs, and the fingers are half-bent and touch the thigh.

To move the whole body slightly forward, you need to rise on your toes, and then, without changing the inclination of the body, lower yourself on the entire foot:

It is recommended to show the position of the body in the combat position with the help of a mirror. To do this, it is necessary to build a squad in front of the mirror in one line and order, suppose, the first numbers to take a combat stoic, and the second numbers to stand in the “at ease” position. In this case, the difference between the combat stance and the “at ease” position will be clearly noticeable.

After working out the preparatory exercises, the squad leader proceeds to training in the performance of the combat stance as a whole.

To check whether the military personnel take the combat position correctly, it is necessary to give the command “Attention”, and after that - the command “Raise the toes”. If any of the trainees did not take the combat stance correctly, the body of the body was not slightly forward, then they will easily perform this action. Those who have taken the combat stance correctly will not be able to raise their toes, which means that the combat stance is taken correctly.

After the trainees will correctly take the combat stance, the commander teaches them to execute the commands: "FILL" and "REFUEL". Before the command "REFUEL", you must always give the command "WITHOUT".

On the command “FREE”, you need to stand up freely, loosen the right or left leg at the knee, but do not move from your place, and do not weaken your attention and do not talk.

On the command "REFUEL", without leaving your place in the ranks, fix your weapons, uniforms and equipment.

If you need to get out of order, ask your immediate supervisor for permission.

On the command “STAND”, the trainees take their place in the ranks, take a combat stance, and the commander goes in front of the ranks and checks the trainees. After making sure that the combat stance is taken correctly, the commander gives the command "FREE" and monitors how it is carried out. Correcting mistakes and * having given this command several more times for training, the commander proceeds to practice the execution of the command "REFILL".

Giving several times the commands “GET STANDING”, “FILL”, “REFUEL”, the commander achieves their correct and precise execution. In the future, skills in performing a combat stance and actions on the commands "FILL" and "REFUEL" with improve in all classes.

For training, various formations should be made, giving commands, for example: “Squad, DISCHARGE”, “Squad and one line - BECOME”, “FILL”, “FUEL”, etc.

On the command “Headgear - REMOVE” without a weapon or with a weapon in the “behind the back” position, remove the headgear with the right hand, pass it to the left hand, and lower the right hand. Keep the removed headgear in the left freely lowered hand with a star (cockade) forward.

At the command "Headgear _ - PUT" pass the headgear to the right hand , put it on and lower your hand.

Removing and putting on a headgear with a weapon in the position “on the belt” and “on the chest” is performed with the left hand.

After following the execution of all commands, the commander proceeds to the analysis, which indicates which of the cadets has which team is poorly worked out and what needs to be done to eliminate the backlog.

In conclusion, give the task to the trainees to study Art. 30, 31, 35 and 36 of the Military Charter.


Construction stand. Walking and running. Change in movement speed. Cessation of movement.

The commander begins the lesson with training in the correct adoption of the combat stance, studied in the previous lesson.

By giving the commands "STAND", "AT ATTENTION", "AT LIFE", the commander checks the correctness of the soldiers taking the combat stance, eliminates the errors found. Then he proceeds to study new educational issues.

As you know, the movement is made by walking or running.

Movement in steps is carried out at a pace of 110-120 steps per minute. Step size 70-80 cm.

The step is drill and marching.

Running is carried out at a pace of 165-180 steps per minute. Step size 85-90 cm.

Movement by step or run begins at the command "Step - MARCH", "Run - MARCH".

At the command “Step - MARCH”, the movement begins with the usual, or, as it is also commonly called, a marching step (there is a movement with a marching step). Learning to move in marching and marching steps is considered in the next lesson. Therefore, it is advisable only to acquaint the trainees with the combat and marching steps, and study the rest of the movement issues.

When starting to run from a place, the trainee, according to the preliminary command “Run - ....” should slightly move the body forward, half-bend the arms, pulling the elbows back a little, on the executive command ("... - MARCH") start running from the left leg, making hands free movements back and forth to the beat of the run.

Running training begins with showing and mastering his technique at a slow and medium pace.

While rendering the running technique, the commander pays attention to the position of the body and the movement of the arms, push foot, bringing it forward and placing it on the ground. Afterdisplay, trainees at the command of the commander run to thelonne one at a time around the construction site, observinga distance of 4-6 steps. Commander, being in the center,watching them run, making sure performing individual elements of running technique, pointing toerrors and require their correction.

To move from step to run, the command "Run - MARCH" is given. According to the preliminary command, the arms should be half-bent, moving the elbows slightly back. The executive command is given by the commander at the same time as the soldier puts his left foot on the ground. On this command, he takes another step with his right foot and starts running at normal speed with his left foot.

To move from running to step, the command "Step - MARCH" is given. The executive command is given simultaneously with the setting right foot to the ground. At this command, you need to take two steps running and, with the next setting of your left foot on the ground, start moving in steps.

If it is necessary to move from a step (run) to a step (run) on the spot, the command “On the spot” is given abruptly and clearly.

Step in place.

When it is necessary to designate a step (run) of a squad or an individual soldier, the command “On the spot with a step - MARCH”, “On the spot with a run - MARCH” is given.

Stepping on the spot is essential for developing the posture and the marching step. The commander personally in front of the formation shows the step in place as a whole and in divisions with an explanation: step in place is indicated by raising and lowering the legs; the leg should be raised 15-20 cm from the ground and put the entire foot, starting with the toe; hands to move to the beat of the step. After that, he starts teaching.

Step training on the spot is done by splitting into two counts. "Do - ONCE" - raise the left leg 15-20 cm from the ground, with the right hand, make a movement so that its brush rises above the buckle (waist belt) of the belt to the width of the palm and to the distance of the width of the palm from the body; left hand - back, to failure in the shoulder joint.

According to the account “Do - TWO”, put your left foot on the ground. Lower your arms, hands on the side and in the middle of the thigh.

Repeating the command, they are worked out alternately the described positions of the right and left legs (arms). AtIn this regard, special attention is paid to the position of the hands andobservance of the combat stance. If the trainee with youmaking mistakes, then learning followsblowing to continue until the noted shortcomings are eliminated cov.

The training is carried out on the command "On the spot with a step - MARCH".

When moving from a step in place to a step movement, simultaneously with the placement of the left foot on the ground (when stepping in place), the “DIRECT” command is given. On this command, the trainee takes another step in place with his right foot and begins to move with his left foot in full step. In this case, the first three steps should be drill.

At the command "Run on the spot - MARCH", the soldier performs a run on the spot, putting his feet on the front of the foot and making hand movements in time with the run.

On the command “DIRECT”, given simultaneously with the placement of the left foot on the ground while running, it is necessary to take another step in the run with the right foot and start running with the next setting of the left foot on the ground.

Having shown and told the technique of walking and running, moving from step to run and vice versa, explaining the requirements of the Combat Regulations for their implementation, the commander begins to train the learned techniques and actions.

After making sure that the majority of trainees have correctly mastered the technique of walking and running, the commander, pointing out the shortcomings to individual servicemen, proposes to eliminate them outside the training time, and I will comegoes to explaining and showing the implementation of methods of changemovement speed. To this end, the commander breedstrained for an interval of 5-6 steps one fromanother for the convenience of training.

To change the speed of movement, the following commands are given: “WIDE STEP”, “SHORT STEP”, “MORE STEP”, “LESSER-STEP”, “Half-STEP”, “FULL STEP”.

To take a few steps aside
I build on the spot, a command is given, for example, "Two steps to the right (left), one step - MARCH." On this command, take two steps to the right (left), placing a foot after each step. To move forward or backward
a command is given for several steps, for example, "Two steps forward (backward), one step - MARCH." On this command, take two steps forward (back) and put your foot.

When moving to the right, left and back, the movement of the hands is not performed.

To stop the movement, commands are given, for example, “Squad - STOP”, “Comrade Somov - STOP”.

According to the executive command, given simultaneously with the placement of the right or left foot on the ground, it is necessary to take one more step and, putting the foot down, take the “at attention” position.

Turns in place. Walking and running.


The position of the legs when turning.

BUT - right
about; B - left; AT - around.

Soldiers are trained in turning around on the spot after working out the combat stance, so as soon as on her basis, you can properly master these techniques. The sequence of working out should also be followed - according togates to the right, to the left and around, and then - halfwayand right and left.

To teach turns on the spot, the commander lines up the squad in one line with an interval of two steps and shows a turn to the right as a whole. After that, he shows the turns at a slow pace with an accompanying explanation of the technique and procedure for the preliminary and executive commands. The turn to the right is learned by division into two counts.

Having shown the reception by divisions, the squad leader commands: "Turn to the right, by divisions, do - ONE, do - TWO."

According to the first count, it is necessary to sharply turn towards the right hand on the right heel on the left toe, maintaining the position of the body, as in the combat stance, and, without bending the legs at the knees, transfer the weight of the body to the front standing leg.

In case of incorrect or fuzzy execution of the “ONE” count, the “STOP” command is given.

On the command “Do - TWO”, put the left leg in the shortest way without bending it at the knee.

After learning the turn to the right in divisions, the commander proceeds to execute it as a whole, for which, when giving a command, he accompanies it with a count aloud - “ONE, TWO”.

When performing a turn, it is necessary to draw the attention of the trainees to the fact that it is made not only with the help of the legs, but also the movement of the body in the direction of the turn in compliance with the combat stance.

Having completed the right turn training, the squad leader tells and shows in general and by divisions how to make a left turn. A left turn is also performed in two counts.

At the command “Turn to the left, by divisions, do it - ONCE”, the servicemen must turn on the left heel and on the right toe, transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, maintaining the correct position of the body, without bending the legs at the knees.

According to the account “Do - TWO”, put the right foot in the shortest way to the left so that the socks are deployed along the front to the width of the foot. After the demonstration and explanation, training is carried out in the turn to the left.

Then the commander explains that the turn around is made at the command "Kru-GOM" in the same way as the turn to the left, with the only difference that the turn is done 180 degrees (full) with a sharp turn of the hull around.

The commander shows the reception as a whole, and then by division into two accounts.

At the command “Turn around, in divisions, do - ONCE”, turn on the left heel and right toe, without bending the knees, transfer the center of gravity of the body to the heel of the left foot, at the same time move the body slightly forward.

According to the account “Do - TWO”, sharply put the right foot to the left so that the heels are together and the socks are deployed to the width of the foot.

Having achieved the correct execution of the reception at a slow pace (according to divisions), military personnel should be trained in the continuous execution of a turn in a circle, fast and sharp, without body vibrations.

When turning "Left, Right, Round" hands are pressed to the hips.

Learning to turn right, left, around continues independently, in pairs and as part of a department until it is fully mastered and correctly performed.

If a soldier performs a turn or its element incorrectly, the squad leader gives the command "STOP", points out the error and gives the command to repeat.

When teaching military personnel to turn on the spot, it must be borne in mind that when performing them, trainees often make the following mistakes: they turn the body on a preliminary command, bend their knees, wave their arms near the body, tilt their heads down, lower their chests and expose their stomachs, take their bodies back , the turn is made not on the heel, but on the entire foot, when turning around, the turn is incomplete, the leg is not attached in the shortest way and at the same time the body sways.

To improve skills in turning, the commander, by giving commands, to train personnel, performs the technique himself.

In order not to keep the trainees in line during the entire lesson, doing only turns on the spot, this lesson includes questions from the lesson worked out the day before (walking and running).

Movement in steps and running should be improved during training in the techniques and actions of trainees when turning on the spot.

Marching movement. Turns in motion

The third lesson of the topic “Stranding techniques and movement without weapons” begins with learning to move in a marching step. It is recommended to learn the drill step by elements, using preparatory exercises for this.

The preparatory exercise for the hands is performed in divisions into two counts. According to the “Do - ONCE” account, it is necessary, bending the right arm at the elbow, to make a movement with it so that the hand rises above the belt buckle to the width of the palm and to the distance of the palm from the body, at the same time pull the left arm back to failure in the shoulder joint. The fingers should be bent, and the elbow slightly raised. According to the account "Do-TWO", move the left hand forward, and the right hand back.

Having shown the preparatory exercise, the commander proceeds to learn it, for which he orders: “Movement of the arms, in divisions, in two counts, do it ONCE, do it TWO.” Trainees, being in an open formation, perform an exercise in divisions. The commander, without stopping training, corrects mistakes. To stop the incorrect execution of the reception, the entire squad is given the command “RESET”, and if one student allows a violation, he is given a command, for example, “Cadet Petrov, RESET”. When performing the exercise, special attention is paid to maintaining the correct position of the combat stance and to moving the arms back to failure.

After mastering the exercise for the hands, the commander proceeds to practice the movement with a drill step in divisions, for which he commands: “Commander step, in divisions, in four counts, do - ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR.”

Marching movement.

On the preliminary command “Do”, the trainees move the body a little forward, the weight of it is more transferred to the right leg, while maintaining stability; on the executive command “ONE”, they take a full step from the left leg, bringing the leg with the toe pulled forward to a height of 15-20 cm from the ground, and put it firmly on the entire foot, separating the right leg from the ground at the same time. At the same time, they move the right hand forward, and the left back to failure (as indicated in the first preparatory exercise) and stand on the left leg with their hands down. According to the account "TWO, THREE-FOUR" stretch the right leg without touching the ground. According to the next count “Do - ONCE”, the movement is repeated from the right foot, then again the repetition from the left foot, and so on until the trainees learn how to move correctly with a marching step.

At the moment of pulling up the leg, the commander pays attention to the position of the leg located behind. It should be straight and pulled up with the toe to the heel of the leg in front, the foot parallel to the ground.

When learning to move with a marching step in divisions, it is advisable to build a squad in an open formation. If a general mistake is made, the commander stops the squad and instructs how to correct the mistake. If an individual trainee makes a gross mistake, then he is taken away from the direction of movement of the department by a step to the left. The commander stands next to him and corrects the mistake on the go. Training on the move with a drill step in divisions can also be carried out independently at the expense of the trainees themselves, and at this time the squad leader checks each one in turn.

Learning the movement of the hands with the simultaneous designation of a step in place.

When the preparatory exercises have been learned and everyone can perform them correctly, the commander proceeds to practice the drill as a whole. Trainees walk along the perimeter of the construction site, preferably marked out at 120 steps, at a distance of 5 steps from each other. It is advisable to have 2-4 marked strips 80-100 cm wide. The strips are divided by markings into a step width of 70-75-80 cm along the entire length. Racks with a stretched cord (cable) are installed along the strip at a height of 15-20 cm.

The essence of training is the following. Several trainees stand at the beginning of the strips (at the corners of the perimeter) and, at the command of the commander “Commander step - MARCH”, move in the middle of the strip, raising their legs to the level of the cord, trying to measure the step with the markings. Being in the center of the rectangle, the commander monitors the movement on the stopwatch. The trainee must pass the rectangle in a minute, observing all the requirements of the Military Regulations for the movement of the drill step (swinging the arm, raising the straight leg to a height of 15-20 cm, step width 70-80 cm; keep the head and body straight, look in front of you).

The commander closely monitors the marching step,points out to trainees their mistakes, explains the reasonsand ways to eliminate, ordering to perform the reception again.

Trainees who have completed the movement along the perimeter of the construction site continue to train in pairs on a free section of the construction site, eliminate the mistakes noted by the leader of the lesson.

In the meantime, the commander will give the command "Next step - MARCH." A serviceman standing at the beginning of the strip starts moving, and another one approaches that place. Thus, everyone passes the strip several times until the commander is convinced that the step width, leg height and pace of movement are maintained as prescribed. After that, the commander proceeds to the general training without markup.

When moving with a marching step, you can not swing to the right - to the left. This shortcoming is a consequence of the incorrect setting of the legs when moving. Feet should be placed along the axis of movement. If they are placed randomly, then the center of gravity of the body will deviate with each step to the right, then to the left - hence the vibrations of the body during movement.

The commander should strive to ensure that the trainees learn to put their feet strictly along the axis of movement.

There is another significant shortcoming when moving in line, and the commander must seek to eliminate it. Some trainees, when passing with a drill step, move their body up and down (as if bouncing). This means that the transfer of body weight from one leg to another does not occur from the foot, but from the toe. Timely correction of the error will help to eliminate it quickly.

In order for the drill step to be beautiful and correct, you need to combine the movements of the arms and legs, as well as hold the body in the way that the drill requires. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the hand goes to failure both forward and backward. In the first case, the arm is bent in elbow joint, the fingers are half-bent, the hands rise above the belt buckle to the width of the palm to the distance of the palm from the body; in the second case - when moving the arm down - it goes back to failure in the shoulder joint.

If the requirements listed above are not met, the drill step will turn out to be sluggish, its pace will be slow.

In conclusion, the commander can hold a competition for the best movement in a marching step with an assessment.

Turns in motion are performed according to the commands: “Direct-VO”, “Half-turn right-VO”, “Nale-VO”, “Half-turn nale-VO”, “Round - MARCH”.

Turns to the right in motion are performed according to the commands "Direct-VO", "Half-turn right-VO".

It is advisable to start learning turns in divisions. The commander in front of the formation shows in motion a turn to the right, half a turn to the right, first as a whole, then in divisions, while explaining the technique for making a turn.

For a turn to the right or a half turn to the right, the executive command is given simultaneously with the right foot on the ground.

Turn to the right according to the divisions into three counts fills in the following way. On the account "Do-ONCE" take a step with your left foot, transferring weight to itbody, turn sharply on the toe of the left foot to the right,simultaneously with the turn, take the right foot forwardin a new direction, at which point the left hand shouldto be above the belt buckle, right - allotted back to failure in the shoulder joint.

According to the “Do - TWO” count, take a step with your right foot on a full foot with the body forward, lower your hands down to your hips. According to the account "do - THREE", vigorously put the left foot to the right and take the position of the combatant.

Having finished the show, the commander proceeds to training, giving the command "To the right, by divisions: do - ONE, do it - TWO, do it - THREE. Taking out one ofstudents from the oya, the commander begins his training. Podathe given commands simultaneously execute the rest learners.

Training in turns to the left in motion.

The commander can use exercises for four counts to turn right in divisions, for which the command “Turn to the right, in divisions, in four counts, do -ONE , do - TWO, do - THREE, do - FOUR.

On the account "Do - ONCE "to take a step from the left foot; do it on the bill TWO "- from the right leg; on account "Delay-THREE" take a step from the left foot and turn to the right on the toe of the left foot with simultaneous extensionright foot forward to a height of 15-20 cm from the ground. Dwizheniya hands - to the beat of the step. According to the account "Do - FOURRE" take a step with right foot in a new direction andcontinue to move with the left foot on the account "Do -ONCE ”, etc. The exercise is repeated in the same sequencevalency, continuously in motion until the command STOP.

After the trainees have mastered the order of executiondivision exercises the commander proceeds to trealignment in a right turn in general. Its expedientcontinue until the trainees correctly and clearly perform a right turn in motion.

Turn left on the move. The commander shows the technique of performing the technique as a whole and by division with a brief explanation. For a turn to the left and half a turn to the left, the executive command is given simultaneously with the landing of the left foot on the ground.

Learning to turn left in divisions is advisable to carry out in four counts on the command "Turn left, in divisions, in four counts, do - ONE, do - TWO, do - THREE, do - FOUR". According to the account "Do - ONCE" take a step from the left foot. Hand movements: right - forward, above the belt buckle to the width of the palm, left - back to failure in the shoulder joint; with the feet on the ground, lower the hands down to the hips. According to the “Do - TWO” count, take a step from the right foot, transfer the center of gravity of the body to it, simultaneously turn on the toe of the right foot to the left with the heel turned to the right and bring the left foot forward for the next step. On the account "Do - THREE" take a step from the left foot in a new direction while swinging the right hand back. On the “Do - FOUR” count, put the right foot to the left and again start the same movements on the “do - ONCE” count with the left foot, etc.

Having rendered receptions in divisions into four counts, the commander proceeds to training. After the trainees have mastered the procedure for performing a turn to the left by divisions, the commander shows the execution of the same turn by divisions into four counts, but without stopping after each count, at the command “Turn left, by divisions, without stopping, do - ONE, do - TWO, do - THREE, do it - FOUR. According to the account "Do - ONCE" take a step from the left foot; on the account "Do - TWO" take a step from the right foot; on the account "Do - THREE" take another step from the left foot; on the account "Do - FOUR" take a step from the right foot, at the same time turn on the toe of the right foot to the left and bring the left foot forward. Make movements with your hands to the beat of the step. According to the account "Do - ONE, do - TWO", etc., the exercise is repeated again until the command "STOP". After mastering the procedure for performing this exercise, the commander proceeds to practice turning left as a whole.

The training of turns to the right (left) is advisable to carry out in a closed square, which has segments of 4 by 4 steps.

Turn around in motion. Starting to study this technique, it is necessary to draw the trainees' attention to the fact that the turn around in motion is carried out on the toes of both legs (without falling on the heels) and the movement after the turn begins with the left foot at the moment when the legs are on the toes.

It is advisable to start training with turning around in motion in divisions into four counts on the command “Turn around in motion, in divisions, into four counts, do - ONE, do - TWO, do - THREE, do - FOUR”.

According to the “Do - ONCE” account, the trainees take a step forward and remain in this position. According to the “do - TWO” count, they bring the right leg half a step forward and slightly to the left and, turning towards the left hand on the toes of both legs, remain in this position. On the account "Do - THREE" take a step with the left foot forward. On the account "Do - FOUR" put the right foot.

The exercise is repeated in the same sequence in a new direction. After learning the circle turn in divisions, you can move on to practicing the circle turn with three steps forward.

When performing the exercise, special attention is paid to the following typical mistakes made by trainees when performing the technique: when moving the right leg forward, they do not move it to the left and do not take half a step, but a full step, as a result of which, when turning around, the stability of the body and coordination of hand movements are disturbed.

Training in turns in a circle as a whole is carried out at the command of the commander "Circle-MARCH". The executive command "MARCH" is given simultaneously with the right foot on the ground.

After the trainees have mastered the procedure for performing a circle turn in divisions, the commander proceeds to train him as a whole.

The lesson ends with a complex training in performing turns to the right, left and in a circle as a whole, carried out along the perimeter of the construction site.

Turns and half turns to the right and left when running are performed according to the same commands as when walking, turning in one place for two counts in the beat of running. A turn around on the run is made in the direction of the left hand in one place for four counts per beat of the run.

Decommissioning and return to service. Approach to the boss and departure from him.

Failure, approach to the boss and return to duty should be worked out in the following sequence:

    Approach to the boss out of order and away from him.

    Out of order on command and return to duty.

    Out of order on call and return to duty.

At the beginning of training, it is necessary to study the approach to the boss and the departure from him by divisions. The squad leader, having built the squad in one line, shows the execution of the reception as a whole, then by divisions. For greater clarity, it is recommended to call one of the trainees out of order to designate the boss and put him in such a way that the rest can see how to properly approach the boss and move away from him. Showing the reception, the commander explains the procedure for its implementation.

After the demonstration, the commander proceeds to training in the division into three counts. The approach to the boss in divisions into three accounts is performed on the command “Approach to the boss, in divisions, into three accounts, do - ONE, do - TWO, do - THREE”. According to the “Do - ONCE” account, take a step with the left foot, simultaneously with the extension of the left leg forward, move the arms so that the right hand rises above the belt buckle to the width of the palm and the distance of the palm from the body, and the left hand leans back until failure in the shoulder joint (hand movements to the beat of the step), with the left foot on the ground, lower the hands down. According to the account “Do - TWO”, simultaneously with putting the right foot to the left, located in front, put the right hand to the headdress. According to the account “Do - THREE”, lower the right hand in the shortest way.

The rules for approaching the boss can be learned in four counts with three steps forward. On the command “Approach to the boss, in divisions, in four counts, moving forward three steps, start” on the count “ONE, TWO, THREE” take three steps forward, and
on the count of "FOUR" put the right foot to the left and at the same time put the right hand to the headgear so that the fingers are together, the palm is straight, the middle finger touches the lower edge of the headgear (near the visor), and the elbow is at the level and height of the shoulder.
On the next count of "ONE, TWO, THREE" hold your hand at the bottom edge of the headdress, and on the count of "FOUR" lower your hand. In this order, the exercise is repeated several times.

During the initial training, it is necessary to accustom the trainees about the arrival. To do this, when performing a reception on three counts on the “Do - THREE” account, the student reports: “Comrade sergeant, cadet Ivanov has arrived on your order,” and then independently lowers his right hand.

Learning the departure from the head of divisions is recommended to be carried out in four counts on the command “Departure from the head of divisions into four counts, start”. According to the “Do - ONCE” account, all trainees put their right hand to the headgear and answer: “Yes”. According to the account "Do - TWO", the trainees turn around and put their right foot. On the account "Do - THREE" with the first step (with the left foot on the ground) lower the hand. According to the account "Do - FOUR" put the right foot to the left. In this sequence, the exercise is repeated at the expense of the commander or at the expense of the trainees themselves.

In the course of learning the approach to the boss and moving away from him, the previously studied techniques are improved: turning around, to the left, to the right.

When the approach to the boss and the departure from him are learned in divisions, these actions are practiced in combination using the pair training method. To do this, build a squad in two lines, open at an interval of 4-5 steps, take the first line from the second by 5-10 steps and train in approaching the boss and moving away from him. In turn, one of the trainees acts as a leader, the second - as a subordinate. The commander at this time calls the military personnel to him and trains them, achieving correct and clear actions. He pays special attention to the fact that when moving away from the chief, the right hand drops from the headdress simultaneously with the setting of the left foot on the ground. The left hand with the left leg forward at the beginning of the withdrawal should remain lowered down.

To instill in military personnel solid skills in actionwhen approaching the boss and leaving him, it is recommendedtrain them and the usual pace for eight counts. Fortraining squad lines up in a column one at a timemu with a distance of 1-2 steps or in pairs one againstanother. At the command of the commander "Approach to the chiefand depart from it, in eight counts, counting aloud,step training - MARCH "trained in the first three countsthere they take three steps forward from the left foot. According to the account "FOUR" simultaneously with the addition of the right footto the left put the right hand to the headdress.On the count of "FIVE" lower your hand. According to the account “SIX”, they again put their hand on the headdress. By account SEVEN turn around. On the account of "EIGHT" put the right foot to the left. On the next account"ONE" take the first step of the movement from the left foot inin the opposite direction, with placing it on the ground, loweringyut hand and repeat the exercise.

The commander at this time monitors the actions of the trainees and eliminates the mistakes they make.

The lessons also show the actions of trainees when contacting the chief or when the chief addresses him while out of order. In these cases, as well as in the case of giving and receiving orders, the cadet becomes at attention, and when wearing a headgear, in addition, puts his hand to him and lowers it.

Out of order on command and return to duty. The commander begins training to go out of action on command and return to duty from a deployed single-rank formation, and then from two rank formations and from columns of two, three (four) each.

To fail, a command is given, for example, “Private Ivanov. To me” or “Private Ivanov. Get out of order five steps." The trainee, having heard his last name, answers: “I”, and on the command to exit (call) from the system, he answers: “Yes”. On the first command, the trainee, having taken one or two steps straight from the first line, turns towards the chief on the move, approaches or runs up to him in the shortest way with a drill step and reports on his arrival. On the second command, he steps out of action for the specified number of steps, counting from the first line, stops and turns to face the formation.

Coming out of the second rank, the soldier easily puts his left hand on the shoulder of the person in front, who takes a step forward and, without placing his right foot, step to the right side, lets the one who is out of order, then stands back in his place.

When a trainee leaves the first line, his place is taken by the soldier of the second line standing behind him.

Leaving the boss.

A.-make a hand; B. - turn around; B. - put a leg; G. - step forward; D. - lowering the hand; E. - attaching a leg.

And building in columns two (three, four) cadets goes towards the nearest flank, making a preliminary turn to the right (left). If a friend is standing nearby goy dru goy soldier, then he takes a step right (left)foot to the side and, without placing the left (right) foot,step back, skips the out-of-order and then hundredreturns to its place.

To return a serviceman to service, a command is given, for example, “Private Ivanov. Get in line." At this command, the serviceman puts his hand to the headgear, answers: “Yes”, turns in the direction of movement, with the first step (with the left foot on the ground) lowers his hand and, moving with a drill step, takes his place in the ranks.

Approach to the boss.

A. - stop;


When approaching the commander out of formation, 5-6 steps before him, the serviceman switches to a combat step, stops after 2-3 steps and, simultaneously with putting his foot on, puts his right hand to the headgear, after which he reports, for example, “Comrade sergeant. Cadet Sidorov has arrived on your orders." At the end of the report, he lowers his hand.

Having received permission to go, the trainee puts his right hand to the headgear, answers: “Yes”, turns in the direction of movement, lowers his hand with the first step (with the left foot on the ground) and, having taken three or four steps in combat, continues to move with a marching step.

The commander sequentially shows the order of failure when a soldier is in the first, in the second rank and in the column.

To train these actions, the commander builds a squad in two lines, opens it by 1-2 steps and gives commands to break down and return to duty, first from the first line, and then from the second.

Having worked out the way out of the two-rank formation, the commander proceeds to learn the procedure for leaving the column in twos and threes (fours each).

Out of order on the call of the chiefand return to duty. The commander explainsthat this technique is performed on command. "Private Popov. To me” or “Private Popov. Run to me"Hearing his last name, the student answers: "I", andthe command "Come to me" answers: "Yes." Then, dependingsti on which side is the boss, the studenttakes one or two steps straight out of his line, turns in the direction of the chief on the move, approaches him in the shortest way with a marching step and reportsannounces the arrival, for example, “Comrade

sergeant. Rya Dovoy Popov has arrived on your orders.” At the end of the report, he lowers his hand. If a soldier runs up toboss, then 5-6 steps before him, he switches to military step. At the same time, the commander, changing the position relative to the soldier, checks the ability and skills of the trainee to choose the direction of approach, additionally training in turns in motion.

When departing from the commander to return to the ranks, the serviceman turns towards the ranks and continues to move with a marching step, approaches his place and gets into the ranks.

Having finished the training, the commander can conclude the lesson with a competition between trainees for the best performance of techniques, failure and return to duty.

Performing a military salute without weapons on the spot and on the move.

Training in pairs in approaching the boss and moving away from him.

It is expedient to start anemia with the training of servicemen in the performance of military greetings on the spot and on the move without weapons.

Performing a military salute on the spot and on the move. The military salute should be performed valiantly, with the exact observance of the rules of combat stance and movement.

Military salute in place.

Performing a military salute on the spot. To perform a military salute on the spot out of formation without a headgear in 5-6 stepsbefore the chief turn in his direction, become "quietly"and look him in the face, turning his head after him.If the headgear is worn, in addition, put your right hand on the headgear so that the fingers aretogether, palm straight, middle finger touching the bottomthe edges of the headdress (near the visor), and the elbow was onnii and shoulder height. When you turn your headin the direction of the boss, the hand remains in the same positionzheniya. When the chief passes the one giving the military salute, goput the catch straight and at the same time lower it hand.

It is recommended to first learn the rules for giving a military greeting on the spot in divisions, and then train as a whole.

Training in giving a military salute without a headdress for divisions is carried out on two counts on the command "To salute, the chief from the front (right, left, rear), by divisions, do-ONE, do-TWO." According to the “Do - ONCE” account, when the chief moves from the front, the trainee must take the “attention” position 5-6 steps before him and look at his face, turning his head after him. If the boss moves to the right, left or behind, then 5-6 steps before him turn in his direction and also take the “attention” position and look at the boss’s face, turning his head after him. According to the account “Do - TWO”, put your head straight and take the position “at ease”.

Having opened the compartment for 3-4 steps, the commander organizes a pair training.

Training in military salutation techniques on the spot with a headdress on is carried out in divisions in the same order as without a headdress, however, more time should be allocated to this part of the lesson, since here it is also necessary to teach trainees to put their hand on the headdress correctly.

Giving a military salute to the movement.

To train military personnel to perform a military salute in motion without a headgear, the commander builds a squad in one line, shows and explains the technique for performing the technique at the beginning as a whole, then by divisions, indicating that for a military salute in motion out of formation without a headgear for 3-4 steps to the boss, you need to stop moving your hands, turn your head towards the boss and, continuing to move, look into his face. Having passed the boss, put your head straight and continue to move your hands. Then, having opened the squad for an interval of 3-4 steps, the commander proceeds to learn how to perform a military salute while moving through the divisions. The action is performed on the command "To give a military greeting in motion, the chief on the right (left), by divisions, do - ONE, do - TWO, do - THREE, etc."

According to the “Do - ONCE” account, take a step with your left foot, at the same time as placing your foot on the ground, stop moving your hands and turn your head towards the boss.

According to the account “Do-TWO, do-THREE, do-FOUR-TYRE, do-FIVE , do it - SIX ”to continue moving with hands pressed to the body and look at the boss and face.

According to the next count “Do it ONCE”, after passing the boss, simultaneously with placing the left foot on the ground, put the head straight and continue moving with the hands. Then, after taking three free steps, repeat the exercise in the same order.

Having studied the reception by divisions, the commander trains the trainees and the implementation of it as a whole. For subsequent training, he builds a squad in a column one at a time, lets the trainees pass by him and checks the actions of each of them.

The method of teaching how to perform a military salute with a headdress on is the same as with a military salute without a headdress, only when the headgear is on, it is necessary to simultaneously attach the right hand to the headdress while turning the head, and keep the left hand motionless at the hip. Having passed the chief with the next step, with the foot on the ground, put the head straight, and lower the right hand.

In the process of practicing the reception, the following mistakes are often made: along with turning the head, they turn the body towards the boss, put their hand on the headgear not simultaneously with placing the foot on the ground, the hand attached to the headgear is pulled after the head when it is turned.

The technique of performing a military salute when overtaking the chief is practiced in two counts. According to the “Do - ONCE” account, it is necessary to take a step forward with your left foot, simultaneously with placing your foot on the ground, turn your head to the left (right) and put your hand on the headgear. According to the account “Do - TWO”, simultaneously with placing the right foot on the ground with overtaking the boss, put the head straight and lower the right hand down.

The drill training techniques worked out in the previous lesson when approaching the commander and moving away from him should be used by the squad leader when training techniques for giving a military salute on the spot and on the move.

Combat techniques and movement with weapons

The methodology for training military personnel in combat techniques with weapons is the same as without weapons. At the same time, at the beginning of each lesson, the squad leader is obliged to check the presence of weapons and inspect whether they are loaded or not.

Construction stand with a machine gun. Execution of the command "Belt - release (pull up)". Turns in place

When conducting the first lesson with a machine gun, the squad leader must first of all show how the military personnel with their standard weapon, the machine gun, take the combat stance.


AK with wooden stock and folding stock.

For training in combat stance with a machine gun commander departments builds a department in an expanded one-sharefoot formation and shows how to take the formationvu rack with weapons. At the same time, the squad leader in the position of the combat stance, it turns so that the cadet can see it from the front, side and back.Showing the execution of a combatant rack with a machine gun,the squad leader emphasizes that she must notbe different from a combat stance without a weapon. Whereinthe machine is held in the “On the belt” position by the barrelup, and a machine gun with a metal folding butthouse - trunk down.

After showing and accompanying an explanation of the positions of the combat stance with a machine gun, the commander opens the compartment for one or two steps and orders each trainee to independently try out the technique, and then, having given the command "AT ATTENTION", he goes along the ranks and checks how the trainees have taken the combat stance with weapons. Bypassing the formation, the squad leader pays special attention to raising the chest and the position of the right hand, which should be at the level of the upper cut of the waist belt. For a more correct definition of the combat stance, the formation of the squad turns to the right, to the left, around.

Having learned the technique with each serviceman individually, the commander gives the command "Squad - Attention", and if the trainees were out of order - "Squad, in one line - BECOME".

Performing the "belt - release (pull up)" technique

When practicing techniques with weapons, it is often necessary to change the length of the belt. Therefore, it is recommended, after studying the combat stance with weapons, to study the “belt - release (pull up)” technique. This technique is the same for all types of small arms.

Automatic in the position "On the chest."

Automatic in the "Behind the back" position.

To quickly master this technique, it is advisable to learn it in divisions.

On the preliminary command "Belt", the machine guns are taken with the right hand. Reception for taking the machine in hand, it is advisable to perform in three counts. According to the account “Do - ONCE”, move your right hand along the belt up and, holding on to the belt, slightly raise the machine. According to the account “Do - TWO”, remove the machine gun from the shoulder and, grabbing it with the left hand by the fore-end and the handguard, hold it vertically in front of you with the magazine to the left, muzzle cut at the height of the chin.

On the account "Do - THREE" take the machine in the right hand and, turning it forward with the magazine, quickly lower the machine and the left hand.

The executive command "... - RELEASE (pull up)" is also performed in three counts. According to the “Do - ONCE” account, make half a turn to the right and at the same time put your left foot a step to the left. According to the count “Do - TWO”, lean forward, rest the weapon with the butt on the foot of the left leg, and put the barrel on the bend of the right elbow. According to the “Do - THREE” count, holding the belt buckle with your right hand, release (pull up) the belt with your left hand and independently take a combat stance.

After releasing (pulling up) the belt, it is necessary to take the weapon in the right hand and pressing it to the right thigh, straighten up, at the same time making a half turn to the left on the toes of the left and right legs. Bring the left foot to the right. Take the weapon to the “on the belt” position.

After showing the reception by division, the squad leader shows the reception as a whole. Training of trainees in performing techniques can be carried out individually, in pairs or as part of a squad at the command of the commander.

Having worked out the “belt - release (pull up)” techniques, the squad leader proceeds to learn and train combat techniques of turns on the spot. Receptions of turns on the spot with weapons are performed according to the same commands and in the same way as without weapons.

Turns on the spot and in motion with weapons.

Performing techniques for transferring the machine gun “to the chest”

from the "on the belt" position.

The lesson begins with the study of combat techniques of turning on the spot with a weapon. Turns with weapons in place are performed in the same way as without weapons. After making sure that the cadets have mastered the techniques of turns on the spot with weapons well, the squad leader begins to study a new combat technique - turns in motion with weapons.

Turns in motion.

turns in movement with weapons, they are carried out according to the same commands and the same combat techniques as without weapons.

Learning techniques should begin with showing the execution of the technique as a whole, then - by division.

Turn right in traffic is learned in divisions into two counts on the command “Turn to the right, in divisions, do - ONE, do - TWO”. On the command “Do - ONCE”, take a drill step with your left foot forward, swinging your left hand to the beat of the step, and stop in this position with your arms lowered, your right leg half a step behind. On the command “Do - TWO”, turn sharply to the right on the toe of the left leg, simultaneously with the turn, move the right leg forward and take a step in a new direction, while the weapon is in the “on the belt” position.

For the following commands “Do - ONE”, “Do - TWO”, the reception is repeated from the beginning, etc.

To practice the reception, the commander calculates the squad for the first and second, placing the military personnel against each other in eight steps at intervals of 4 steps. The training is carried out on four counts with the movement of three steps forward on the command “Turn to the right, on four counts, step - MARCH” and counts “ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR”. Under the count of “ONE, TWO, THREE”, the trainees take three combat steps forward, along the line of the square, and under the loud count of “FOUR”, turn to the right. Under the next count "ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR" the exercise is repeated. Trainees make a movement in a square (4 by 4 steps). Initially, the pace of movement is 60-80 steps per minute, and then 110-120 steps per minute. When turning, the machine remains in the same position as in the combat position.

Turn in traffic to the left learns in the samesequences, as well as to the right. The difference isonly that the split left turn training is done after moving four steps forward and turn under the next account "ONE"on the toe of the right foot. The turn is started by the command "Returnmouth in motion to the left, in four counts, step -MARSH" and then counting "one, two, three, four",and under the next loud count "ONE" the soldiers doturn and step, and under the count of "two, three, four" continuedreap the movement. Reception can be repeated at the expense of themselvestrainees. It is recommended to train ingates to the right and left in the complex, for whichlenie moves with a distance of 2-4 steps along the lines,denoting a rectangle, performing a rotation onright, then left, going two steps forward - turn right, etc.

During the training, the squad leader pays attention to the fact that the machine remains in the “On the belt” position.

Turn around in motion . Starting to learn this technique, the commanderdepartments on the eve during self-study hours studies withpersonnel the requirement of Art. 40 of the Combat Charter.The commander pays special attention to the situationin the Statute that a turn is in a circular motion as opposed toturns to the right and left are carried out on toesboth feet and the movement after the turn starts with the leftlegs while the legs are on the toes. Opurolling on heels is not allowed.

Learning to turn around in motion begins in divisions into four counts on the command “Turn in movement in a circle, in divisions, do - ONE, do - TWO, do - THREE, do - FOUR”.

The commander, showing a reception by divisions, explains that to turn around, the executive command "MARCH" is given simultaneously with the right foot on the ground, and then a turn is performed in four counts. To turn around on the “Do - ONE” count, the trainees take a step forward with their left foot and remain in this position, on the “Do - TWO” count, they take their right foot half a step forward and slightly to the left and, turning towards the left hand on the toes of both legs , remain in this position.

According to the account "Do - THREE", the cadets take a step forward with their left foot. On the account "Do - FOUR" put the right foot.

The exercise is repeated in the same sequence in a new direction, first at the expense of the commander, and then independently at the expense of the trainees. The training of this technique can be performed in combination with the movement of three steps forward on the command "Turn around, with the movement of three steps forward, step - MARCH" and counting "one, two, three" three steps are taken, and counting "FOUR" - turn around.

When turning around, special attention is paid to maintaining the correct position of the body, as well as to the movement of the arms to the beat of the step, i.e. when, according to the “Do - TWO” count, the right leg is first taken out half a step forward, the left hand should be sent forward with it , and right back. As soon as the right foot falls on the toe, the hands should be lowered. At the moment of the beginning of the turn on the toes of both legs, the hands, moving to the beat of the step, will be at the bottom. According to the account "Do - THREE", the right hand again begins to move forward, and the left hand - back.

The squad leader carefully monitors that when the right leg is taken forward half a step, the arms do not rise prematurely. This error makes it impossible to make a turn.

To consolidate skills in turns in motion, they should be periodically included in the introductory part of each drill lesson, as well as during the exercise of morning physical exercises, in addition, in special drill exercises and competitions for the best unit.

The technique for teaching half turns to the right and left in motion is the same as for turning right and left. The weapon stays in the same position as when it was rotated.

Starting the study of techniques with a machine gun, it is necessary to show and explain to the cadets that the machine gun is worn in three positions: “on the belt”, “on the chest” and “behind the back”.

In the “on the belt” position, the machine is taken during formations, on the march on foot, sentries at the post (in the daytime) and in other cases.

In the “on the chest” position, the machine gun is worn on the march on foot, when passing through a solemn march, when serving as sentries from the guard of honor.

In the “behind the back” position, the machine gun is worn on the march on foot, if necessary, work with both hands (for example, when extinguishing a fire), etc.

Performing techniques for transferring the machine to the “on the chest” position from the “on the belt” position.

When studying the methods of transferring the machine gun “on the chest” from the “on the belt” position, the squad is usually in a deployed single rank formation. First, the commander-in-chief demonstrates the execution of the “on the chest” technique with a machine gun with a wooden butt, and then, if necessary, with a metal folding butt.

A B C D E.

Performing tricks with the machine "On the chest" from the position "On the belt".

A B C,- AK with a wooden butt; G, D.- machine with a folding butt.

For training in divisions, the squad leader gives the command "Assault rifle on the chest, in divisions, do - ONE, do - TWO, do - THREE."

According to the “Do - ONCE” account, move your right hand along the belt slightly upwards, remove the machine gun from your shoulder and, grabbing it with your left hand by the forearm and handguard, hold it vertically in front of you with the magazine to the left, muzzle cut at chin height.

When performing the action on the first count, special attention should be paid to the fact that, when removing the machine gun from the shoulder with the right hand, the rules of the military stance are observed. These actions must first be performed at a slow pace, and then the pace should be gradually increased.

When the trainees perform the action on the first count correctly, the squad leader proceeds to training the actions on the second and third counts. According to the account “Do - TWO”, with your right hand, take the belt to the right and intercept it with the palm from below, so that the fingers are half-bent and facing you, at the same time pass the elbow of your right hand under the belt. On the count “Do-THREE”, throw the belt over your head and take the machine with your right hand by the neck of the butt, and quickly lower your left hand. When teaching actions performed on the third count, it is necessary to ensure that the military personnel, throwing the belt over their heads, raise their right hand with the belt above their heads and bring it behind their heads, and throwing the belt, quickly transfer it to the butt neck, support the machine with their left hand, and then quickly lowered it down.

A machine gun with a metal folding butt from the “on the belt” position to the “on the chest” position is taken in two steps.

According to the “Do - ONCE” account, remove the machine gun from the shoulder with the right hand, without removing the elbow of the right hand from under the belt, and, grabbing the machine gun with the left hand by the forearm and the handguard from below, hold it in front of you with the magazine down, muzzle to the left.

According to the “Do - TWO” count, throw the belt over your head on your left shoulder with your right hand, take the machine gun by the receiver near the belt with it, and quickly lower your left hand down to your thigh.

Having studied the technique, the commander proceeds to training.

Decommissioning and return to service. Stroevoy

and a marching step with weapons. Performing a Transfer Acceptance

machine "on the belt" from the position "on the chest".

Upon failure and return to service, the position of the weapon does not change. The training methodology is the same as without weapons.

The squad leader explains that this technique is performed at the command “Private such and such. To me (run to me).

Hearing his last name, the serviceman replies: "I", and on the command "Come to me" he answers: "Yes." Then, depending on which side the chief is on, the serviceman takes one or two steps from the first line right on the move, turns towards the chief, approaches (runs up) to him in the shortest way and reports on the arrival, for example, “Comrade lieutenant. Private Solovyov arrived on our orders. If a serviceman runs up to the commander, then 5-6 steps before him, he moves to the combat step.

When departing from the commander to return to duty, the serviceman turns in the direction of movement and moves with a marching step. Not reaching the formation of one or two steps, he turns on the move and takes his place in the ranks. After explaining and showing the procedure for performing the combat technique "Failure and return to service with weapons", the squad leader proceeds to train the soldiers.

After making sure that the servicemen have mastered the procedure for performing the practiced combat technique, the squad leader proceeds to train the drill and marching step with weapons and to train cadets to perform techniques for transferring the machine gun “to the belt” from the “chest” position.

Performing tricks with the machine "On the belt" from the position "On the belt".

A, B, C-with automatic with a wooden butt; G, D, E - with a gun with folding stock.

A B C D E F.

Performing the transfer of the machine "on the belt" from the position "on the chest".

The machine from the “on the chest” position is taken “on the belt” for three counts. To perform the reception, the command "On the belt, according to divisions: do - ONE, do - TWO, do - THREE" is given.

According to the “do it - ONCE” count, with your left hand, take the machine gun by the fore-end and the handguard from below and, at the same time, giving it a little up and away from you, pull your right hand out from under the belt, grab the neck of the butt and hold the machine gun in front of you.

On the count “do - TWO”, lifting the machine up, throw the belt over your head and hold the machine in front of you vertically with the magazine to the left, muzzle at chin height.

According to the “do - THREE” count, take the upper part of the belt with your right hand and throw the machine over your right shoulder into the “on the belt” position, and quickly lower your left hand.

When performing a reception with metal butt, according to the “do - ONCE” count, with your left hand, take the machine gun from above by the barrel and gas pipe and, lifting it slightly up, pull the elbow of your right hand out from under the belt, with your right hand, with your palm from below, take the belt from the receiver.

According to the account "do - TWO", turning the machine receiver up, throw the belt over your head and hold the machine with the magazine to the right.

On the count “do - THREE”, throw the machine over the right shoulder into the “on the belt” position, and quickly lower the left hand.

During training, the commander seeks from the military personnel the correct, precise execution of the technique.

Evaluation of single drill training.

Single drill training of military personnel is checked and evaluated according to the following drill techniques:



    Construction stand.

    Turns on the spot and on the move.

    Building step.

    Performing a military salute on the spot and on the move.

    Approach to the boss and departure from him.

    Return to duty.

    Construction techniques.

The appearance of military personnel is checked at a drill review and before the start of a single drill test. Servicemen who received an “unsatisfactory” rating for their appearance are not allowed to check combat training. Appearance is rated "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory".

The knowledge of the articles of the Military Regulations by the military personnel is checked at the drill review and during the test of single combat training.

The technique for performing each combat technique is evaluated:

    "excellent" if the reception is performed clearly, without tension, confidently and beautifully, in strict accordance with the requirements of the Military Regulations;

    “good” if the reception was performed clearly, without tension, in accordance with the requirements of the Construction Charter, but at the same time at least one drawback was made;

    “satisfactory” if the reception was performed in accordance with the requirements of the Construction Regulations, but not clearly enough, with tension, and one drawback was made during its implementation;

    "Unsatisfactory" if the reception was not performed according to the Charter or two or more shortcomings were allowed during its implementation.

To train military personnel in single combat training, it is necessary to have specially equipped combat sites. In this case, it is necessary to proceed from the specific conditions of the area and opportunities.

It is desirable to have construction sites concreted, asphalted or on hard compacted soil.

On the prepared sites, markings are made on the width of the step, the height of the leg when moving with a drill step, the place for practicing turns, saluting military honor on the spot and on the move, approaching the chief and moving away from him, failure

It is important that the construction site can be practiced throughout the year, regardless of the weather, and that it provides the initial testing of all the elements and techniques of single drill training.

Experience in the organization of drill training in military units shows that the most appropriate size and equipment for drill training can be drill sites of the type shown in the figure.

Its equipment should include mirrors, posters or shields depicting the main drill techniques of single drill training, posters with articles of the Drill Charter, which the trainee is supposed to know by heart.

In addition, at the training sites there should be materials promoting the Combat Charter, drill training, as well as stands with portraits of the best combatants of the unit.

Training places on the construction site are equipped in such a way that they contribute to the high-quality training of military personnel in all the techniques of single combat training, namely: combat stance and turns on the spot, drill step, practicing turns in motion, giving a military salute and getting out of order, approaching the commander and return to duty.

Circles with a diameter of 30 cm with perpendicular lines indicate places for training in combat stance and turns on the spot. Their number should correspond to the number of trainees in the platoon. When training in a combat stance, a soldier becomes in a circle so that the heels touch one line, and the second passes in the middle of the toes of the feet deployed to the width of the foot. The same circle is used for learning to turn on the spot (right, left, around).

Places for training in the drill step are located along the perimeter of the drill site (two parallel lines separated by segments of 80 cm).

Trainees are built in a column one at a time at a distance of 4-5 steps, so that they do not interfere with each other to work out the movement with a marching step. The platoon (squad) commander is in the center of the site.

The place for practicing turns in motion is a square area measuring 3.2 by 3.2 m, divided by lines every 80 cm (step width). Trainees move along the perimeter of the square, practicing turns in motion.

To learn how to perform a military salute on the move, the marking of the construction site around the perimeter for the drill step is used. The markings should be marked with numbers for the convenience of counting steps when learning to salute military honor on the move.

The construction site also provides comprehensive training for a platoon (squad).

It is important that the commander correctly plans the time of the platoon's exercises on the construction site and controls them. On the same site, demonstrative and instructor-methodical classes are organized by platoon (squad) commanders.

Caring for drill training of trainees begins with the equipment of the construction site.

Construction songs.

In the Armed Forces of Russia at all times, a special role was assigned to the combatant song, which helped on a long march to more easily endure the hardships of heavy foot movement. When performing a drill song, one involuntarily had to go to the beat of the song, observing the movement in step, alignment and other elements of the formation. The history of the Russian military song knows many examples when an amateur song sounded in the ranks, rallying military personnel into a single team capable of fulfilling any order of the commander.

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