How old is Khakamada's daughter. Irina Khakamada: short biography, photos and videos, personal life. Irina Khakamada: biography, personal life, children. Not the last of the samurai

Publicist and business coach faced with the fact that her child got sick cancer- cancer. Even more than 10 years ago, Maria Sirotinskaya was diagnosed with this disease, but the girl was able to overcome the disease and is now completely healthy. The heiress of Khakamada is preparing for the wedding with her lover Vlad Sitdikov.

Irina Khakamada recently gave candid interview YouTube channel "And to talk?". There the girl told about her life, shared personal experience, namely Irina talked about her tattoos, shared her views on family life and, of course, talked about her relationship with her daughter and about their fight against cancer.

Daughter of Khakamada: illness of Maria Sirotinskaya

Irina Khakamada, a Russian politician, told the whole country a couple of years ago that her daughter had cancer. This happened in the program “Let them talk” in early February, then the woman ventured to the whole country to declare that her youngest daughter Masha was diagnosed with an oncological disease.

Maria was born in marriage to the fourth husband of Irina Vladimir Sirotinsky in 1997. Even during pregnancy, doctors reported that Khakamada was carrying a child with Down syndrome, but despite this, Irina decides to give birth.

From his first marriage, Khakamada has a 39-year-old son, Daniel.

Irina was not at all shy about her daughter, but loved her for who she is. Together they went to various events, and then to the cinema and to theater performances.

“I realized that Masha loves the stage, she dances well, plays in the theater. Wildly sociable, well spoken, beautiful. What is there to hide her? Let the girl go crazy, she is a woman, ”said Khakamada.

But happiness did not last long, since in 2004 the girl was diagnosed with cancer. At night, the unfortunate mother was in the hospital, and during the day she went about her business - she ran for president of the Russian Federation. But when the presidential campaign came to an end, Masha went into remission and the disease receded.

Now Maria is in a relationship with Vladislav Sitdikov, who has the same congenital diagnosis. The guys met in the theater. Vlad is an athlete, and Maria loves to sing and also practices oriental dancing.

Daughter of Khakamada: interview with Irina

Recently, Irina Khakamada gave an interview to the YouTube channel “What about talking?”. The presenters asked the publicist about the relationship with his daughter, tattoos and views on family life. During the conversation, the conversation turned to when Khakamada cried in last time. It turned out that this happened in 2004. Then her daughter brought her to tears.

It was in that year that Khakamada found out about her daughter's diagnosis.

“It is clear that at first I restrained myself, because I learned in public. And then, too, I did not sob. And then it just happened, you know how it is. I brought the child to the hospital, they took tests and said: "100% of the cells are cancerous." And I also restrained myself, I internally prepared for everything and tuned in that we would fight, ”recalls Khakamada.

“The daughter was very small. And when we arrived at the ward, she was sitting on the bed, pale and long hair like an angel. And since we had often traveled together before, she said: "Mom, it's time for me to go to heaven." And that's it, then I no longer controlled myself, I started to get hysterical, ”said Irina.

As it turned out a little later, Maria did not say that she would soon die, the girl had a completely different then. Due to the fact that they traveled very often with their mother, Masha meant that she wanted to overcome cancer as soon as possible and fly somewhere to rest with her mother by plane. But at that moment, Irina could be understood.

“Imagine that you get a diagnosis, and then the child says this. All the metaphysics, all the irrational things in this world, come crashing down on you, and you just can't stand it. And then everything, I came to my senses, ”Khakamada said.

During that difficult period of her daughter's illness, Irina Khakamada was helped by her lover and the girl's father, Vladimir Sirotinsky. The man was her fourth husband, but the politician herself prefers to call him not a spouse, but a partner.

“We have entered into a pact of non-aggression, coexistence, because we are wildly interested in each other, and freedom. We have partnerships. We are too mature. We are not interested in being with one person all the time, it gets boring. That's all," Khakamada explained.

Khakamada's daughter: life now

On the this moment Maria Sirotinskaya said goodbye to cancer, as with her mother's help she was able to defeat the disease. Now she lives a full life.

Khakamada has always been of the opinion that her child is the same as everyone else, and should also go to a regular secondary school, go to various events and communicate with peers and classmates.

It was these methods that could help the girl not to feel “not like everyone else”, but to live a normal and happy childhood. Of course, classmates tried to make fun of the girl, but she managed to fight back and no one else ever offended her.

In the summer of 2017, Maria Sirotinskaya and Vladislav Sitdikov announced their intention to get married in the near future. The couple got to know each other's parents and both parental parties approved of their children's choice.

So families begin to prepare for upcoming wedding, the date of the marriage is not yet known.

One of the most popular politicians of the 90s, Irina Khakamada left politics for some time, they began to forget about her a little, and now again the interest in her life and current fate stirred up the public. This interest is connected with the difficult life situation, who fell to the lot of a famous and talented woman, as well as those, as in the highest degree Irina Mutsuovna coped with it with dignity.

Irina Khakamada frankly spoke about her emotions and experiences of those difficult years, the support of a loved one in the program “Let them talk” dated February 8, 2018, where her daughter Masha, who overcame terrible disease. For those interested in more detailed information related to the lives of these two wonderful women, we offer this article containing a summary of verified data.

In the 90s, the people had high hopes, its active political career surprising and encouraging at the same time. It seemed that this "iron lady" with a very lively mindset, excellent education and overflowing energy would certainly invest her powerful potential in the renewal of the country.

At that time, many admired and envied the fate of this bright woman, but few knew that her personal life was very difficult, the third marriage was breaking up, but there was still no happiness.

Irina Matsuovna does not give up, new relationships inspire confidence that everything will work out, and so it happened.

With successful businessman everything was as she wanted, Irina Khakamada felt herself again happy woman. Feelings overwhelmed, it is quite natural that from such Great love wanted to have a child. And it was already 42 years old and quite an adult son Daniel.

In 1997, Masha was born as a gift of fate and a reward, which is exactly how her parents accepted the birth.


Information received that long-awaited daughter will be unhealthy, at first unsettled, but the strong character of Irina Khakamada, her husband's support and faith in the best, helped to cope with emotions. Over time, the understanding came that the baby would simply be different from other children, her extra chromosome was just a mistake of nature.

Irina Matsuovna read a lot about the illness and realized that not everything is so terrible, the main thing is that she has this sweet baby and beloved reliable person who was also not afraid of difficulties.

Until a certain time, the girl was not shown to the public, society was not ready at that time to adequately respond to such information. The girl grew up and pleased her parents with her obvious successes, besides, she was pretty.

Irina's daughter was born with Down's disease

New challenge

In 2004, when life seemed to be just beginning to improve, real grief came, the girl was diagnosed with leukemia, a type of cancer that is very difficult to cure. But it was possible to detect the disease at an early stage, which significantly increased the chances of recovery.

The situation was further complicated by the fact that Irina Khakamada ran for the presidency of the Russian Federation that year. The powerful support of her husband did not allow Irina to leave work and politics, he insisted that they could manage it anyway, he found the necessary encouraging words.

Irina Matsuovna has not forgotten these important words of support until now, she recently shared them with the whole country in the program “Live”, which she came to with her adult daughter.

And indeed, although it was incredibly difficult, Irina Khakamada worked during the day, and at night she came to the hospital to her daughter, by the end of the elections Masha already had a stable remission. And Irina Khakamada won 3.84% of the votes, which corresponded to 4th place in presidential elections.

Life goes on

The terrible disease has receded, although Masha is still under observation, with the fact that her daughter is a special person, Irina Matsuovna also learned to live, this all became a real victory for the strength of the spirit over circumstances.

Irina Khakomada constantly works with her daughter, takes her to all kinds of circles, especially great pleasure, gives the girl creativity.

Dancing, drawing, reading books, conversational exercises bring not only pleasure, but also help the development of personality.

Since 2008, when Irina Matsuovna first came out with her daughter at the premiere of the film, they always relax together, attend theaters, cinemas, and other events. The attitude of society towards people who are somewhat different from the rest, but so kind and bright, has also changed, they began to be called "Sunny people".

"Iron Lady" Irina Khakamada

However, in order to prevent Masha's painful reaction to possible outbreaks of inappropriate behavior of some "normal" people, Irina Matsuovna constantly explains to her daughter how to react to this correctly and even fight back. Masha uses these tips very well, she looks like a completely happy smiling girl.

Masha's successes

Intensive classes with Masha, Irina Matsuovna's desire to make her daughter's life as comfortable as possible, full of positive events and emotions, brought results.

Masha Sirotinskaya looks like a completely socially adapted person, knows how to behave beautifully in society, and is open to communication. In addition, a case recently presented itself, and Masha showed character, stood up for herself and punished the offender.

The girl has a rather interesting life, among other things, she often travels with her parents. At the moment, Masha is also studying at college to be a ceramist, a ceramics specialist, so the girl, who is now only 20 years old, will soon have another interesting profession.

Masha has already managed to try herself as an actress, participating in the play "Cinderella", as well as a model, walking along the catwalk at the shows of "Russian fashion week".

Personal life

Masha Sirotinskaya has absolutely no reason to complain about life, but such bright people don’t know how to do it, they don’t get offended, they don’t know how to be sad and they don’t show aggression, everything suits them. But we, looking at what kind of life this beautiful girl, we see that life did not deprive her of any joys and even provided an opportunity to experience love.

Masha met Vlad Sitdikov at the theater, according to him, he immediately realized that he could not live without this girl. They met and have been communicating well for 4 years already, they have a lot in common, it is much more interesting for them to live together and make further plans for the future. Vlad also has Down syndrome, but he was able to find his place in life and even achieved sports results. Vlad Sitdikov is the world junior bench press champion.

More recently, a young man invited Masha to marry him, neither Vlad's parents nor Masha's parents expected such a turn of events, but he made everyone very happy.

Together, children spend a lot of time, travel and even managed to star in a video. At the beginning of 2017, namely on March 21, on the International Day of a Person with Down Syndrome, a video was released with their participation, which is called “Love Syndrome”.

This film tells how people with an unusual set of chromosomes can live a full life. interesting life, study, be creative and even achieve sports results. Very important for such special people is the acquisition of social skills. According to the authoritative statement of specialists, psychologists, teachers and doctors, such children are quite teachable, but they need a special approach.

Russian politician and publicist, candidate of economic sciences, writer, TV and radio presenter, deputy of the State Duma of three convocations, co-chairman of the political party Union of Right Forces, presidential candidate Russian Federation, member of the Council under the President of Russia for Development civil society and human rights"... everything about her, and she talks about her life easily and with humor, although she has been in many troubles and sometimes received cuffs from this life.

Who is Irina Khakamada and her biography

Interesting, smart, direct, positive, strong Irina Khakamada.

« Every morning I start at seven o'clock, and I immediately drink a glass of juice: half a grapefruit, half a lemon, a whole orange. You wake up from it. Then I turn on the TV, go to the exercise bike and pedal for 20 minutes. Then I take dumbbells and do the most elementary exercises for another 10 minutes. Then I go to the shower - I turn it on hot water, then - for a few seconds cold and again hot»

The biography of Irina Khakamada is replete with ex-husbands, starting from the university and ending with the present day. She herself admits that she had not imagined life without a man before, and only as she grew up, she accepted the fact of her own self-sufficiency.

Irina was born in the family of a Japanese communist and a Russian teacher. Date of birth - April 13, 1955. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics with a degree in political economy and defended her dissertation.

Physical Data

  • Height: 165 cm
  • Weight: 58 kg
  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Eastern horoscope: Goat.

From 1981 to 1982 she worked as a junior researcher Research Institute. Then she taught and headed the department at the VTUZ plant at the Likhachev plant.

Having quit teaching, she went into business, becoming deputy chairman of the "Systems + Programs" cooperative.

Political activity

Her political activity began with the ranks of the CPSU. She was one of the organizers of the Economic Freedom Party (PES). Being on the lists of this political force, she took part in the elections in one of the Moscow districts and ended up in the Duma.

She was re-elected three times and was even named the politician of the 20th century (Amer. Time). Ran for president while pulling youngest daughter from a serious illness. led an active political and social activities up until 2008. Today he prefers creativity, writes books and creates collections fashion clothes and conducts workshops and workshops.

In 2000-2003 she was co-chair of the Union of Right Forces, but in 2004 Khakamada left this party.

In March 2008, Irina Mutsuovna Khakamada announced that she was permanently ceasing her political activity.

In 2016, she became a member of the Council of the Political Party of Growth. She took part in the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation as a candidate for deputies from the "Party of Growth", in the first part of the regional list of Moscow. The Growth Party won 1.11% of the vote and failed to enter parliament.

« Of course, people don't like it when you're not like them. They will ridicule, condemn, humiliate you for a long time, but all this comes from envy. They can't do it like you, they don't have the spirit. It's easier to call someone a psycho than to admit that you are afraid to distinguish yourself from the crowd.»

She hosted the radio program "Intellectual Aikido" on the Russian News Service, currently broadcasting "High Voltage". He is the inspirer of the creation of the KhakaMa brand clothing collection together with fashion designer Lena Makashova.

Khakamada's books

  1. "In Anticipation of Yourself: From Image to Style"
  2. "Tao of life. Master class from a convinced individualist»
  3. "Success [success] in the Big City"
  4. “Love is out of the game. The Story of a Political Suicide"
  5. "Sex in big politics"
  6. "Tutorial from self-made woman"


Deputy of the Khoroshevsky Assembly Vladimir Shmelev considered Khakamada's participation in the presidential election as money laundering of the customer, opposition to Putin. Alexander Ryabinin argued that Khakamada significantly exaggerated the number of citizens who died from repression during 70 years of the communist regime.

Irina Khakamada has two children (Daniel and Maria) and already a fourth husband (Sirotinsky Vladimir).


  • Father - Mutsuo Khakamada - a Japanese communist who emigrated to the USSR for political reasons in 1939 and took Soviet citizenship.
  • Mother - Nina Iosifovna Sinelnikova - an English teacher.
  • Brother - Shigeki Hakamada (Professor of the University of Tokyo).


  • Sergei Zlobin (first) - businessman.
  • Dmitry Nikolaevich Sukhinenko (second) - ex-president investment company RINAKO.
  • Vladimir Evgenyevich Sirotinsky (third) - financial consultant, manager.

Dmitry Sukhinenko

  • Deputy Director of the Central Branch of Technobank (Moscow) since 1995;
  • was born on August 14, 1949 in the Moscow region;
  • graduated from the Moscow Machine Tool Institute in 1971, worked as an engineer at a scientific research institute;
  • 1977-1990 - taught at the Kuntsevo Radio Mechanical College;
  • in 1990 he created a cooperative for the sale of domestic computer systems for educational institutions;
  • since 1991 - co-chairman of the Exchange Council of the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange;
  • since 1992 - Chairman of the Board of the Russian Investment Company (JSC RINAKO);
  • since 1994 - member of the Presidium of the Coordinating Council " round table business of Russia";
  • was a member of the Board of Directors of the Russian National commercial bank, JSC "Relcom" and TV company "VKT"

Children of Irina Khakamada

Children of Irina Khakamada is a question quite often raised by journalists. The woman has two children different marriages. The eldest son, Daniel, was born in 1978, when the woman was married to her first chosen one, Sergei Zlobin. Irina raised him loyally, because from childhood she promised herself not to repeat the mistakes of her parents. Khakamada did not elicit his secrets from her son, tried to give him the best, and as a result, they formed a very trusting relationship.

From the second marriage, the woman has a daughter, Maria, who is sick with Down syndrome. Despite this, Irina treats her daughter as a complete person. She says that sometimes Masha has thoughts of a completely adult, as if she were not 20 years old, but 50. And even though the age difference between Danil and Masha is almost 19 years old, they communicate well with each other and this does not interfere with them.

Son Daniel

Son Daniel - first child famous woman. He was born when she was a researcher at a research institute with a small salary. Despite this, the woman tried to make his childhood happy and carefree.

He celebrated all the holidays in the circle of peers, she never dragged him to boring adult events. The woman took him to different sections and circles so that he would grow up as a comprehensively developed boy. Not wanting to repeat the mistakes of her parents, Irina wanted to give her son a proper education. Now Daniil is 39 years old, and he is successful and educated person(graduated from MGIMO), and all thanks to the efforts of his mother. he works financial director in a commercial company, "not very cool."

Daughter Maria. Disease - Down syndrome

From the third marriage, the woman has another child. The daughter of Irina Khakamada is Maria. Illness - Down's syndrome - the same terrible diagnosis that the doctors made to the girl. When she was very young, doctors gave Masha another terrible diagnosis - blood cancer. As a six-year-old child, she underwent severe treatment. From drugs and chemotherapy, her voice almost disappeared and her hair fell out.

However, the girl did not lose heart and stoically withstood all the tests, while reassuring her mother. Now, fortunately, her blood cancer has been cured. Irina Khakamada and her daughter Masha, whose illness would have prevented her from living a normal life, if not for the efforts of her mother. Thanks to her, the girl learned to draw well. She loves to listen to classical music, knows how to ski and roller-skate, and reads a lot. Now Masha goes to study at a special college for children with disabilities. Her future profession- gardener.

Irina's husband - Vladimir Sirotinsky

Irina's husband Vladimir Sirotinsky is absolutely not public person, is a financial consultant, manager. When they met, they did not immediately hook on each other. We talked for almost a year in a businesslike manner, and then realized that they could not live without each other. Before they began to live together, Vladimir drove an old Zhiguli and wore worn out clothes. He checked whether Irina fell in love with him or his condition.

« The man always starts walking first. With last husband I understood: there is polygamy - my mother is dear. I thought: “Well, how much can you get a divorce again?”. We have a partner marriage: he is free, and so am I. But we exist together because we enjoy it. This is no longer the status of lovers, but my little loves. We agreed, no cheating", - said Khakamada.

And I realized that a woman does not care about his wealth. They are happy together no matter what. Many paparazzi consider him a "husband with his wife" because his woman is running for president, and he modestly follows her, she speaks to the whole country about her political opinion and he does his hobby.

However, Irina rarely talks about her wife Vladimir Sirotinsky, who has supported her in everything for 20 years. But still, Vladimir loves his wife, and they have been successfully and happily married for many years.

    Irina Hakamada (Irina Hakamada), biography

    Russian politician and publicist, candidate of economic sciences, writer, TV and radio host, Deputy of the State Duma of three convocations, co-chairman of the political party Union of Right Forces, candidate for the President of the Russian Federation, member of the “Council under the President of Russia on the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights” ... everything about her, and she speaks about her life easily and with humor, although she has been to ...

The biography of Irina Khakamada is not fictional amazing story a strong-willed person, an interesting woman, a politician and a public figure.


She was born in the Russian capital. Her father was the famous Japanese revolutionary Mutsuo Hakamada. On the eve of World War II, he ended up in exile - in the Soviet Union. It was there that he met his future wife, who worked as a foreign language teacher in one of the Moscow schools.

All photos 5

Despite the fact that Irina lived with her parents, in a complete family, she does not like to remember her childhood. Perhaps because the relationship with mom and dad, unfortunately, did not go well. Moreover, Mutsuo Khakamada practically did not know the Russian language, and the daughter felt that her father behaved very reservedly with her, showing practically no interest in her children's activities. The mother was a very sickly woman, so Irina, being a child, was left to her own devices.

Relations with peers also did not work out. She possessed non-standard appearance, and she was not even invited to their school companies. Irina felt unnecessary, and huge teenage complexes developed in her. However, when she was fourteen, she decided to defy fate by radically changing her life. And the struggle with their fears began, and thus a completely new personality began to form.

It seemed that there were no real prospects for the future, but after graduating from school, Irina Mutsuovna decided to enter the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University and take up economics. After graduating from high school and receiving a diploma, she was able to defend her dissertation at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. For several years she worked as a senior lecturer and even as a deputy head of one of the departments. It is not known how fate would have turned out, but the years of perestroika became for her another new round in her career. It was then that Irina Khakamada decided to try herself in the entrepreneurial field. Her company made and sold waffles. And in the early 90s, another qualitative change took place in my career and life. She was the initiator of one of the political parties- Party of Economic Freedom. It was after this that her career quickly began to move uphill. So, in 1993, she first became a people's choice to the State Duma, and four years later she already headed one of the committees that was associated with supporting small business. Her merits as a politician were highly appreciated. For example, the well-known American publication Time called her a politician of the 21st century. In addition, according to the results of numerous polls, she was recognized as the woman of the year. Nevertheless, in 2008, Irina Khakamada decided to finally stop her political activities. After that, she began to engage in completely different projects. So, with her companion, she created her own clothing brand called HakaMa. Then she published her book in the genre of a romance novel. In addition, she was a radio and TV presenter, and still conducts her master classes. She tries to explain to the audience how to become successful, and shares her colossal experience. Based on the materials of her master classes, Irina published another book, The Tao of Life, and most recently, Anticipating Yourself: From Image to Style.

It should be noted that the total circulation of these publications has already exceeded one million copies. And being a talented economist, she gives her lectures to students of the Financial Academy and MGIMO. By the way, about 400 thousand people have already attended such lectures.

Personal life

Her personal life, like her career, is rich, varied and eventful. When she was only 18, she signed in the registry office with Sergei Zlobin, who was engaged in entrepreneurship. She was driven to such an early marriage by her desire for independence. She said: “I dreamed of living in my own house, without the eternal guardianship of my parents.” This marriage lasted six years. During this time, the couple had their firstborn son Daniel.

The second marriage was even shorter. The chosen one was Dmitry Sukhinenko, who was the ex-president of one of the investment companies. And only in the third marriage, Irina Khakamada was able to feel truly happy. Husband Vladimir Sirotinsky gave her powerful support in all initiatives and undertakings. Only with him did she find true love and complete understanding.

In 1997, when she was 42, she had a daughter, Masha. But the joy of the birth of a long-awaited child was overshadowed by a terrible diagnosis. At the beginning, Masha was diagnosed with Down syndrome, and six years later - blood cancer. But be that as it may, the girl was cured of leukemia. And in a short time.

Irina Khakamada says that the children never prevented her from continuing to work. And she herself remains the same, with a steel character and with her active life position. Otherwise, she would never have been able to survive all the trials that fate presented her.

From our article today, the reader will be able to learn Interesting Facts famous life politician in Russia. Her name is Irina Khakamada, and she is quite popular in her circles. It is noteworthy that in addition to political activities, she is engaged in public affairs - she hosts some programs on radio and television. Also, she has several of her own books, which were published in different periods.

In 2004, she put forward her candidacy in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation. She acted, by the way, outside the party - that is. was self-proclaimed. Let's take a closer look at the life path of Irina Khakamada.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Khakamada

Often, people are interested in external data famous people who often appear on television. Of course, this is not a determining factor in the preference of a particular person, but this information should not be missed either. Our case is no exception, although it is not so popular with fans - many are interested in height, weight, age. How old is Irina Khakamada - we often hear from those who are fond of political career one actor or another. Everything is extremely simple, Irina's height is about 166 centimeters, and her weight is no more than 59 kilograms.

This year, Irina Khakamada will celebrate her 63rd birthday. Photos in her youth and now will confirm that over such a period of time she has changed, but due to age, and nothing more. We can say with confidence that she feels good and continues to participate in public life countries.

Biography of Irina Khakamada

The biography of Irina Khakamada begins in the capital of the USSR, in 1955. The family was international - Mutsuo Khakamada's father is from Japan, and in Soviet Union moved before the Second World War. Mother was a teacher foreign languages. Also, the father had a son, Shigeki Hakamada's brother, who was brought up in their family for some time. It is worth noting that her parents gave her everything - enough interesting nationality and a loud surname, which, in the future, will be recognizable on all TV broadcasts.

If Irina remembers her childhood years, it is extremely rare. She notes these years as unhappy - relations with her parents were useless, they almost did not pay attention to her daughter. In addition, for a long time it was not possible to start warm relationships with other children and adolescents. As she herself says, the main repulsive factor for "friends" was appearance. Therefore, Irina felt "out of her element", which gave rise to a large number of complexes. But already, as a fourteen-year-old teenager, she decided to radically change everything.

Having received a secondary education, she enters a university, where she studies economics. Studying there was given relatively easily, and after graduating from university, she defends scientific work. For this activity, Irina in 1983 received the title of "Associate Professor".

But success was still far away. At first, it was not possible to build a career because of the presence of a child in her arms. Also, no one wanted to give a job to a girl with non-standard roots. Therefore, at first she had to guard the warehouses and work at the factory - at the same time, she had at her disposal a completed revered university.

Irina managed to start her profile career only in the 80s. At first, she worked as a junior researcher at the Research Institute of the State Planning Commission, and then transferred to the VTUZ. There, at first, she worked as a senior lecturer, and, increasing her experience, she received the position of head of the department.

In the early nineties, Irina was engaged in entrepreneurial activity, and heads the System + Program branch. Already in those days, the future politician was the leader Analytical Center and represented the interests of the stock exchange. In parallel with this activity, she held charity events for the disabled.

The real beginning of political activity begins in 1992, when Khakamada creates the Party of Economic Freedom. A year later, she is accepted into State Duma, where she speaks "from herself" - without a party. In 1996, she deals with taxation, distribution budget funds, in committee with other deputies. drew attention to her famous magazine The Times, where she received the title of worthy politician of the 21st century.

In subsequent years, she various activities– writes several books, publishes his own designer clothes, speaks at various hearings and so on. Although she officially stopped her parliamentary activities 10 years ago, this does not prevent her from continuing to participate in programs where she expresses her opinion on various events.

Personal life of Irina Khakamada

Many interested people claim that the personal life of Irina Khakamada is full of various facts that even she herself does not always want to share. The first wedding of a political lady took place at the age of eighteen. Then, Sergei Zlobin became her chosen one, and for some time she took his last name.

Some time after the divorce, there was another short-lived marriage. This time, Dmitry Sukhinenko became a spouse. At the moment, Irina is married to Vladimir Sirotinsky. By the way, there are rumors that the first marriage of the "iron lady" was, in fact, not the first. And there was another young man. However, this information cannot be confirmed or denied, and Irina herself does not give any comments on this matter.

Family of Irina Khakamada

As we said at the beginning of the article, the family of Irina Khakamada devoted little time to her daughter, so she was brought up, for the most part, on her own. Not surprisingly, at the age of fourteen, she made such conclusions for herself that helped Irina build a good career.

The girl's father was a Japanese communist and before the start of the Second World War he moved to the USSR - he was not satisfied with the policy of Japan. Mom Irina had rich roots, in the face of Russians, Armenians and Lezgins. Long time, she worked at a school where she taught children English language. By the way, Khakamada's father has a son - Shigeki, who is now a professor at a university in Tokyo.

Children of Irina Khakamada

For some time, such a topic as the children of Irina Khakamada was quite discussed in the media. Everything is connected with the daughter’s illness, we will talk about this in more detail below.

Now, Irina's family has two children - Daniel and Masha, who were born from different marriages. The political woman herself says that having children is not an obstacle to participating in the political and public life of the country. Thanks to the strong and strong-willed character, she managed to overcome all the difficulties that fate threw up, in particular those that were associated with children.

The son of Irina Khakamada - Daniel

The son of Irin Khakamada - Daniel was born in 1978. At that time, the girl was in her first marriage. After he has grown up, there is little information about him on the Internet - even the type of activity is not always possible to determine accurately.

For some time, headlines have appeared that the political maiden has become a grandmother, but this has not yet been officially confirmed. More precisely, such a picture is quite possible, given the age young man, but it is not possible to find out the names of the granddaughters. Daniel himself noted that he wanted to name his daughter in honor of his mother, but it is not known whether he made this dream come true.

The daughter of Irina Khakamada is Maria. Illness - Down Syndrome

Relatively recently, such requests on the Internet as “Daughter of Irina Khakamada - Maria. The disease is Down Syndrome. Not surprising, because the media leaked information that the girl belongs to a special category. Terrible diagnosis was put by doctors almost immediately after birth. But this did not break Irina, but rather, on the contrary, she received even more strength to conduct charitable activities.

Already in 2003, Irina Khakamada and her daughter Masha were again in the spotlight. The disease, this time, showed itself from the other side, and the girl was diagnosed with blood cancer. Thanks to timely diagnosis and the efforts of the doctor, she managed to defeat a terrible disease, and everything is in order with her.

Former husband of Irina Khakamada - Sergey Zlobin

The ex-husband of Irina Khakamada, Sergei Zlobin, met the heroine after graduation from school. And already when the future political diva turned 18 years old, they got married. Such early marriage, Irina explains quite simply - she wanted to get “independence” as soon as possible and leave her parental nest. In this marriage, the first-born, Daniel, was born.

Already at that time, Sergey had his own business. However, as is often the case, early marriages are rarely successful, and after 6 years married life the couple broke up.

Former husband of Irina Khakamada - Dmitry Sukhinenko

Second ex-husband Irina Khakamada - Dmitry Sukhinenko, at the moment, is a co-founder of the RINAKO company, which deals with investment issues. He has quite a wide influence among the rest of the businessmen in this business.

But here, too, failure - after a few years living together, the couple breaks up. As Irina will later tell, the basis of the relationship was monetary support. It is noteworthy that some time ago (before the wedding), Dmitry and his business partner were kidnapped. Of course, with the help of the work of the special services, the situation was quickly resolved, without unnecessary casualties.

Husband of Irina Khakamada - Vladimir Sirotinsky

As you understand, men could not keep a strong-willed woman near them. However, there was an acquaintance with a man whom we now know as the husband of Irina Khakamada - Vladimir Sirotinsky.

They met in business circles, and after a couple of years, they decided to get married. It is noteworthy that Vladimir was not a public person and had a small but stable income. For some time there were rumors that they were together because of a certain benefit for each other, but all this was stopped in the bud.

Irina Khakamada awesome lecture of a smart woman

AT recent times, the woman stepped back from political life. Therefore, such requests are very relevant for fans - “Irina Khakamada, awesome lecture smart woman". It is noteworthy that there are many of them, and everyone can study and even take part in this act.

Of course, such lectures, to a greater extent, will be of interest to the female gender - here the nuances of conducting own business, behavior with men and so on. Keep in mind that there she expresses only her opinion, and it is worth understanding this before following this or that advice.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Khakamada

Like any public person, a politician tries to maintain social life using the Internet. This is very convenient - and there is a connection with the fans, and you can advertise your own lectures.

Therefore, Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Khakamada does not go unnoticed. AT social network, you can find many photographs that show real life persons, and the free encyclopedia contains a sufficient amount of information about life path Irina. We recommend to trust only official sources, and avoid various rumors that are rarely confirmed.

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