Where does friend Alexander work? Biography. Social and political activities of Alexander Druz

Alexander Druz - one of the smartest people in Russia, master of the program “What? Where? When?". Do you want to know where the hero of this article was born and studied? What is Alexandra? We are ready to provide you with comprehensive information about his person. We wish you happy reading!

Alexander Druz: biography. Childhood

He was born on May 10, 1955 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Our hero was brought up in an educated and He has Jewish roots.

Alexander grew up as an obedient and inquisitive boy. He liked to draw and look at pictures in books. However, he also never refused to play with the guys in the yard.

School years

As a child, he read all the books that were in the house. We are talking not only about the works of the classics, but also about weighty encyclopedias. Friends Jr. has always had a good memory. He memorized large poems and excerpts from prose.

In adolescence, our hero began to show his character. He was not afraid to break the taboos. For example, his parents told him to come back at 9 pm. And he deliberately lingered for 30-40 minutes. Father and mother forbade their son to go swimming in the pond. But Alexander did not listen to them.

student life

After graduating from high school, our hero entered the local technical school. For 2 years he mastered the specialty "technician-electrician". Alexander Druz could build a successful career in this area. But he decided to get a higher education. Alexander's choice fell on the Institute of Railway Engineers. A talented and purposeful guy easily coped with the entrance exams. In 1980 he was awarded the long-awaited diploma.

For several years he worked as an engineer in the construction industry. Then Alexander Druz (see photo above) radically changed his occupation. Our hero took up the development of a television career.

"What? Where? When?"

For the first time, Alexander Druz appeared on the air of the legendary program for intellectuals in 1981. And before that, he applied for participation in the program several times. And one day his candidacy was approved.

Host "What? Where? When ”Vladimir Voroshilov immediately saw in him an intelligent person, an integral and comprehensively developed personality. The friend turned out to be a gambler. He repeatedly entered into disputes with the presenter and other experts, for which he was even expelled from the club. And only thanks to the demands of the audience, Friends were returned back.

Alexander Abramovich received the main award of the intellectual club - the "Crystal Owl" six times. In addition, he was one of the first to earn such a title as "Master of the Game."

Television career

"What? Where? When?" - not the only project in which Alexander Druz participated. The biography indicates that he "lit up" in several popular programs.

In 1990, Alexander Abramovich was invited to the Brain Ring intellectual show. Our hero could not miss such a chance. He managed to defeat all rivals and receive the Golden Brain award.

Since 1995, Druz has regularly participated in the program “Own Game” (NTV). He won in 22 games out of 35. No other connoisseur could boast of such a result. The first prize that Alexander won was a car of foreign assembly. Our hero had nothing to pay tax (35%) for him. Therefore, Druz took the reward in money. For the amount he received, he bought a Zhiguli. I must say that the car served him 7 years.

In May 2011, he tried himself as a presenter. We are talking about the program "Hour of Truth" on the channel "365 Days TV". Friends successfully coped with the tasks assigned to him.

Today a connoisseur and master “What? Where? When?" invited to shoot various programs, such as "So far, everyone is at home", "Guess the melody", "Evening Urgant" and so on. And there is nothing to be surprised. After all, we have an interesting personality with his views on life and deep knowledge in many areas.

Alexander Druz: family

Our hero wanted to marry once and for all his life. And so it happened. Friends met his future wife in the first grade. Elena was a noisy and sociable girl. And he had the exact opposite. The quiet and modest boy was afraid to confess his sympathy to the girl. Soon fate separated them. The parents transferred the girl to another school. The meeting of Elena and Alexander took place only after 7 years. A friend beautifully looked after his beloved: he gave flowers, showered him with compliments and invited him for walks around the city. In the 10th grade, their romance turned into a serious relationship.

In 1978, Alexander Druz and his fiancee Elena got married. The celebration was attended only by close friends and relatives from the side of the bride and groom. In 1979, the wife gave birth to Alexander's daughter Inna. The young father could not stop looking at the baby. He helped his wife take care of the baby. In 1982, there was another addition to the family. The second daughter was born, who was named Marina. For a long time, the couple dreamed of an heir. However, fate had its own way.

Alexander and Elena have been living together for over 37 years. Their daughters grew up and started families. Our hero and his wife are grandparents. They have three granddaughters - Ansley, Alina and Alice.

In the intellectual game "What? Where? When? ”, which is played by restrained intelligent people, there is a place for serious passions. After its completion, experts Rovshan Askerov and Alexander Druz exchanged mutual insults in front of the cameras, the tomato became the cause of the quarrel. But this conflict is far from the first in the club of connoisseurs.

After the Sunday game on March 27, the experts of the What? Where? When?" Rovshan Askerov and Alexander Druz quarreled a lot, a video of their quarrel is circulating on the Internet. A voice-over tells the connoisseur that Master Druz said ten minutes ago that Rovshan is well done, since he is not afraid to lose his reputation in front of millions of viewers. To which the connoisseur answers quite sharply.

“Alexander Druz, fuck off! I can say harder. I am not at all concerned about the opinion of Master Alexander Abramovich Druz about my reputation. Because my opinion about his reputation is that he has no reputation at all.

The person who changed the answers, changed the answers for the sake of a point, he has no right to tell me anything at all ... And not a single person in this Club. Because in the coffin I saw them all with their opinion about my reputation! Rovshan Askerov exploded in response.

When Alexander Druz approached, the quarrel of experts continued.

"- Something that I can repeat again. Rovshan is absolutely right to put his reputation on the table in order for his team to win. Because the wrong answer was “given”,” says Alexander Druz.

And I think that's the right answer!

- It's your problem!"

The reason for the conflict was the question of the tomato, which was answered by the team of Rovshan Askerov, who played for the first time in such a composition. The players were given two salads - vegetable and fruit - and one whole tomato. Connoisseurs were asked: how did the British journalist Miles Kington explain the difference between knowledge and wisdom using the example of these products? A young girl Alena Blinova, who played in the club for the first time, answered the question.

“Knowledge is that we know that a tomato is a fruit. And wisdom is the ability not to follow the knowledge that a tomato is a fruit, but to follow experience and apply this knowledge in accordance with the situation, ”she said.

Then the presenter voiced the correct answer and stated that Alena answered incorrectly. Most of those present at the game began to argue with the host and prove that the girl answered correctly. Rovshan Askerov also proved the correctness of a player from his team. As a result, the host counted the correct answer.

The episode of the question about the tomato starts at 43:20 on the recording of the game.

Intellectual game "What? Where? When” has been on the air since 1975 and was accompanied by many conflicts. In 1994, the player Leonid Vladimirsky left the club with a scandal along with Vladislav Petrushko, considering it insulting the statement of the host Vladimir Voroshilov that the team “surrendered” its captain in the last game.

Expert Fyodor Dvinyatin quarreled with host Boris Kryuk in 2001, proving how many words with the ending “so” are in Russian.

“I understand that in the traditions of our club, the croupier is unfair, but here you even go too far,” Mikhail Barshchevsky said.

One of the club captains Alexei Blinov (father of Alena Blinova, who answered about the tomato - approx. Medialeaks) accused Alexander Druz and other masters of not helping the young team at the game in 2011.

Alexander Abramovich Friends

information about a person

Alexander Abramovich Friends was born on May 10, 1955 in Leningrad. In deep childhood, he dreamed of becoming a firefighter, later - a sailor. By education - a systems engineer. Already at the age of 6 he received a prize at an evening of entertaining questions in the Zhytomyr rest house named after. XXII Party Congress.

Gaming biography

Alexander Abramovich is known to the Russian audience, first of all, thanks to his playing in the elite club “What? Where? When? » Druz is a six-time winner of the Crystal Owl (1990, 1992, 1995, 2000, 2006 and 2012) and the owner of the Diamond Owl in 2011. In 1995, he was awarded the honorary title of Master “What? Where? When? ”, was awarded the “Great Crystal Owl” and the Order of the “Diamond Star” as the best player for all 20 years of the game’s existence.

The master's daughters - Inna and Marina - followed in the footsteps of their father. They also play "What? Where? When? "and have already received a Crystal Owl", while Inna Druz participated in the "Automobile Cup-1995" in Her game, where she won in her debut game, in the next she was defeated by Nikolai Zhukov and lost 450,000 (450) rubles won in the previous game.

No less successfully, Alexander also performed in the Brain Ring, where, as a captain, he repeatedly led the Astrobank team to the championship.

Thus, by the beginning of 2004, Druz was the only grandmaster who had not suffered a single defeat in his career.

In the Anniversary Games of the Decade, Friends performed very well, but the myth of the "invincible master" was debunked. After three victories and three “passing” second places, he, having made a mistake when calculating the final bet, dropped out in the semi-finals.

Personal Performance Records in Own Game

  • Old rules - 1 050
  • New rules - 120 001

Participation in TV games

  • Bluff Club (with Alexei Blinov and Asya Shavitskaya, issue dated May 27, 2006)
  • "Who want to be a millionaire? » - win 5 000 rubles (

Member Name: Alexander Abramovich Druz

Age (birthday): 10.05.1955

City: St. Petersburg

Education: St. Petersburg

Family: married, 2 daughters

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Reading this article:

Alexander Druz is one of the most charismatic and even odious personalities in the entire history of the elite club.

An outstanding erudite, a living legend, a true leader - these are just some of the epithets that this player was awarded.

But in order to truly understand this connoisseur, you should pay attention to his biography as a whole, and not just the facts related to the TV game “What? Where? When?".

Alexander was born in Leningrad, in the same place he graduated from secondary school No. 47 named after K.D. Ushinsky. Then the future star entered the Industrial and Pedagogical College of Vocational Education.

But he did not stop there and in 1975 he became a student at the Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers named after academician V. N. Obraztsov. Exactly five years later, Alexander left the walls of this university with a diploma in the specialty "Computer".

The debut of Friends in the program “What? Where? When?" took place in 1981. It should be noted that since that moment Alexander has never taken a break in participation, which is an unprecedented fact and a kind of club record.

Oddly enough, young Druz was distinguished by emotionality and even intemperance. In support of these facts is the fact that in 1982 he became the first player to be disqualified for tips.

In 1990, Alexander Druz was recognized as the best player in the series for the first time. and received the "Crystal Owl". Then he was honored with this statuette 5 more times.

Found Alexander and "Diamond Owl" - he was awarded with it as the best connoisseur of the club in 2011. A significant fact in Alexander's career as a member of an elite club is the fact that in 1995 he became the first master of this TV game!

Friends also noted in the sports version of “What? Where? When? ”, Taking first place with the Troyard team at the 1st World Championship in 2002.

As the captain of the same team, he 9 times in a row won the Cup of the Governor of St. Petersburg. At the moment, he is among the 11 players who have taken part in all the official world championships in the sports ChGK.

Special attention should be paid to Alexander's participation in another intellectual game, popular all over the world - this is the brain ring.

At first he participated in its television version, namely in the 1991-1994 seasons.

Then there was a big break, but in 2009, Friends returned to this game again.

It was then that he first appeared as an invited member of the Nikita Mobile TeTe team at the national championship of Uzbekistan.

Also in the asset of Friends is the performance for the UK team in the Nations Cup “What? Where? When?".

But that's not all. Like many players of the intellectual club Alexander I tried myself in the TV show "Own Game". Here he became the champion several times, and also set one of the main records, having managed to earn 120,001 rubles in one game.

Among other things, this mastodon “What? Where? When?" He is the author of various TV shows, and he himself is an interesting host of the Hour of Truth program.

This project airs on the 365 Days TV channel and tells the viewer about interesting facts of world history.

In parallel with this, he is the head of programs on the STO-TV channel.

There is a biography of Alexander and a page dedicated to his own business.

For example, in 2007 he opened the Stroy-Azhio company., then in 2011 - Trans-Agio.

True, just a year after the registration of the second company, Druz decides to sell them - the intellectual did not have time to develop his own business at all.

A well-known connoisseur does not make a secret from his personal life.

He has been married since 1978, his wife's name is Elena. Moreover, Druz met his future wife in the first grade!

True, the romance began only at 10, but in any case, they have known each other for a very, very long time.

The couple had two daughters - Inna and Marina. An interesting fact - both girls are also connoisseurs of “What? Where? When?" and even received a Crystal Owl.

Alexander's photo

You can find photos of Alexander Friends from various events.

Alexandra Druz can definitely be called one of the most charismatic and even odious personalities of the elite club of connoisseurs, an erudite, a living legend and a true leader. He received the "Crystal Owl" six times, once became the owner of the "Diamond Owl" as part of the intellectual TV game "What? Where? When? ”, Three times became the world champion in the sports version of the ChGK.

And Sasha was born on May 10, 1955 in an intelligent Jewish family in Leningrad. The education of the parents played a role. Sasha early became interested in reading books that filled the apartment. I read with interest both weighty encyclopedias and works of art. True, this did not prevent him from being a cocky boy, playing football, swimming in the pond and violating the prohibitions of adults.

He studied well at school, but he was not an excellent student. Alexander had an excellent memory, he could easily learn a long poem or a prose passage. Took part in intellectual competitions. He received his first award at the age of 9 at an evening of entertaining questions. After school, he studied at a technical school, and then at the Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers, graduating with honors. True, he was given one B in the political economy of socialism because of his personal conflict with the leadership of the department. After graduation, he briefly worked as an engineer.

His life changed dramatically after a truly fateful invitation to participate in the TV program “What? Where? When?" in 1981. It didn't happen right away. Prior to this, Alexander applied several times to participate in this project. And he got on “What? Where? When?" thanks to his amazing knowledge in various fields, having successfully passed tests and trials. The host of the intellectual show, Vladimir Voroshilov, managed to discern in him an intelligent, comprehensively developed, integral personality.

The friend showed himself as a gambler. He argued with the host, other experts. He was even expelled for abrupt behavior and tips from the club, but was returned back at the request of the audience. The first time this happened in 1983, when Alexander, along with two participants, left the program for a year. However, he was nevertheless returned to the club based on the results of the audience vote. Three times after that, he "flew out" of the project and returned to it. Since the end of 1992, Friends has been a regular participant in the intellectual show “What? Where? When?".

It must be said that this project is not the only one in which Alexander Abramovich took part.

In 1990 he was invited to the intellectual show "Brain Ring". The chance was not missed. Druz defeated all rivals and received the Golden Brain award.

Since 1995, he has been a regular participant in the program “Own Game”, where he won in 22 games out of 35. He did not take the first prize in a foreign-assembled passenger car, because he had nothing to pay the tax with. The award was given to him in money, for which he purchased domestic Zhiguli. In the entire history of the program, it was Druz who received two maximum wins in one game.

In 2009 and 2015, for the second time, together with bard Alexander Rosenbaum, he participated in the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

In 2011, he tried his hand and quite successfully as the host of the informative historical program "The Hour of Truth" on the "365 Days TV" channel.

Alexander Druz, thanks to his outstanding intellect, deep knowledge in various fields, charisma, is a frequent guest in other TV shows: Guess the Melody, While Everyone is Home, Evening Urgant, etc.

Since 1991, he has been preparing school students for club games “What? Where? When?”, holds school, interregional and even international tournaments, for which he has a medal “In memory of the tercentenary of St. Petersburg”. Currently, at the Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239, where, by the way, his daughters studied, Alexander Abramovich works with youth teams of experts, holds school games of the ChGK in a slightly modified format.

But still, they know Alexander Druz precisely as one of the most successful players in the What? Where? When? ”, On account of which (at the end of June 2017) 55 winning games. They also set a record for the number of participations in games - 88. Alexander Abramovich was the first in the club to receive the title of Master. Since 2009, the eminent player has been playing in the Nikita Mobile TeTe team from time to time, playing in the sports analogue of mind games. He, acting as a debutant at the Brain Ring Championship in Uzbekistan, immediately won. Then he continued his participation in the team in Israel, Great Britain, and Ukraine.

The intellectual show brought him not only fame and fame, but also certain incomes. Although Friends himself admitted that the game does not feed, therefore he connected his life with television not only through this intellectual show.

In 2002, an expert in one of the interviews called TV a permanent job. At that time, he directed the programs of the Golden Calf television company in St. Petersburg, which supplied content for the projects "Fatherland and Fate" of the TC "Culture" and "Agency" REN-TV.

In 2007, Druz became the founder of the Stroy-Azhio construction company, which was engaged in the wholesale trade in building materials, in 2007, another company called Trans-Azhio, which specialized in freight transportation. But a year later, he sold his entire business, not having time to develop it and due to the economic crisis. So, by and large, it was the intellect, colossal knowledge in various fields that became the factors that ensured financial income in the life of Alexander Druz.

A connoisseur-intellectual is happy in his personal life. From a young age, he thought about getting married once and for all. And so it happened. After all, Alexander met his future wife in the first grade. Then fate pulled them apart. Teenagers met after 7 years. At first, they were just friends, walked together, visited museums. And in the tenth grade, the friendship between Alexander and Elena turned into love and romance, which led to the wedding in 1978. A year later, Inna was born to the spouses, and in 1982 - Marina. The father actively participated in the upbringing of his daughters. From the age of three months, he read cognitive literature to them, instilling a thirst for knowledge and developing intellect. The daughters did not disappoint their father. Over the years, they took part in the intellectual show “What? Where? When?". Both were awarded "Crystal Owls".

The couple of Friends have been together for almost forty years. Their daughters gave them three granddaughters. And now Alexander combines the work of the head of the gaming programs department at the St. Petersburg TV channel STO with the training of Alice, Alina and Ansley.

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