Shock money to become an MP. How do they become deputies? The beginning of a political career

Only your determination will help you achieve success in the political field. But if, in essence, to become a deputy State Duma One desire will not help, you must act! This is where problems sometimes arise: we don’t even know where to go and where to start, what education a future deputy of the State Duma should receive, what experience he should gain, where to start and how long to go to the goal.

This will be discussed in this article: how to become a deputy of the State Duma? The path will not be easy, you can’t hide it, but as a result you will be able to achieve your goal and become a real deputy who turns people’s lives into a fairy tale (in best sense words), or at least trying to do it with all his might.

How to become an MP

The deputy in translation from Latin has the meaning "sent", "messenger". In fact, it is, the deputy is a representative person of the citizens, chosen by them, before Russian authorities. To become a deputy, you must pass the elections. Elections of a deputy may be by territorial constituencies or by party contenders.

Some wish to become deputies in order to obtain parliamentary immunity. That is why crime is so high in our country to this day. The fact is that a person who truly represents the interests and rights of his voters (ordinary people) before the authorities should become a deputy.

Let's figure out how to become a deputy? To do this, you must be a citizen Russian Federation over 21 years old, permanently residing in the country. However, you must have the right to participate in elections (i.e. be a capable person and not serve a prison sentence). To become a deputy, you must give up other paid activities (however, there are exceptions: teaching, creative activity and scientific work). Also, to become a deputy, you must refuse public service. It is important to note that one person cannot take the place of a State Duma deputy and at the same time be a member of the Federation Council.

In short, you can become a deputy in the following way:

  • acquainted with Russian legislation, and specifically with regional laws and regulations;
  • gather an initiative group of people from one district, which could nominate you as a deputy of local self-government;
  • go through the election procedure (with an election campaign, debates and vote counts), receive the results and enter the service as a deputy on a permanent basis.

How to enter the State Duma for the service

The process of becoming a deputy of the State Duma is not much different from becoming a deputy of local government, the only thing is the scope of the event and the possible result. So, you have passed the first "selection" for the age category, capacity, etc. What's next? Now you need to join one or another political party and put forward your candidacy for elections to the State Duma. The second option for nominating one's candidacy is from an electoral bloc. There is also an option to become a “self-nominated” deputy, but this is more difficult, because. you will have to collect votes on your own or pay a deposit for your candidacy.

So, it is necessary to apply for the desire to become a deputy of the State Duma. Further, it is necessary to fulfill all the requirements put forward by all candidates for deputies of the State Duma. As soon as you manage this, you will officially become a candidate for deputies. Here comes a difficult stage: agitation of voters before the elections. Of course, it is difficult to convince as many voters as possible that you should become a deputy of the State Duma, but you will have to do it. The campaign period lasts quite a long time: you can start from the moment you register yourself as a candidate for deputy, but the last day of the election campaign is the day before the election (at this time, voters make the final decision in whose favor to vote without your "pressure with promises"). Nothing else depends on you.

The process of elections and counting of votes begins. It is necessary to wait for the summing up of the results: the candidate who received the most votes from voters is elected. But we must not forget about exceptions: if there are fewer voters for a candidate for the State Duma than there are voters who voted "Against all", the elections are held again, and the results are annulled. This is how you can become a deputy of the State Duma: good luck in your endeavors!

Servant of the People continues to acquaint Sevastopol residents with work political system our state. Today you will learn how from a simple Russian they become a deputy of the State Duma


The organization of the State Duma is based on a multi-party system, and its activities are based on collective discussion.

The State Duma works during the periods of sessions: spring - from January 12 to June 20; autumn - from September 1 to December 25. Then the work of the Federal Assembly is carried out, sessions, meetings of committees and the Council of the State Duma, parliamentary hearings, etc. are held.

The State Duma of the new convocation gathers for the first meeting on the 30th day after the election, but the President of the Russian Federation may convene the deputies for the first meeting earlier than this date.

At the first meeting, the Chairman of the State Duma, the counting commission, the temporary commission on the Regulations and the organization of the work of the State Duma, and the temporary secretariat are elected. These decisions are formalized by decrees.

The Federal Assembly and the State Duma shall meet separately. But members of the Federation Council may attend meetings of the State Duma.

Decisions at meetings of the State Duma are made by voting (open or secret) at the rate of one vote per deputy. Voting can be secret or open.

During meetings of the State Duma, transcripts are kept for official publication and minutes that can be see this link.

The activity of the State Duma ends from the moment the work of the State Duma of a new convocation begins (its first meeting).

How deputies are elected

The State Duma consists of 450 permanent deputies. The legal status of the State Duma is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law "On Elections of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly" dated June 24, 1999, as well as the Regulations of the State Duma itself.

A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 21 and has the right to participate in elections may be elected as a deputy. He is elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a term of five years. A citizen of the Russian Federation who has been declared legally incompetent by a court or is held in places of deprivation of liberty by a court verdict has no right to elect and be elected, to participate in the implementation of other electoral actions. Also, a citizen who has citizenship cannot participate in elections foreign country or a residence permit or other document confirming the right to permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the territory of a foreign state.

Elections are called by the President of the Russian Federation every five years. They are announced from 110 to 90 days before the voting date. According to the Constitution, this is the first Sunday of the month after the expiration of the term of office of deputies.

According to the federal law of May 18, 2005 No. 51-FZ "On the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation", all 450 deputies are elected in the federal constituency, which includes the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

Candidates can be nominated by self-nomination, as well as by their nomination by political parties.

Before the main elections to the State Duma, parties can hold their own party elections. In Russia, the parties themselves decide how to select the persons they nominate as candidates. In 2016, there were two main ways of nomination: holding primary elections and nomination by a party congress (party conference). In the first case, either electors or all citizens vote for candidates. At the same time, the party leadership is not obliged to nominate the winners as candidates. In 2016, only the party " United Russia».

Preparation and conduct of elections of deputies of the State Duma shall be carried out openly and publicly. Citizens of the Russian Federation, political parties and other public associations shall have the right to conduct election campaigning in the forms permitted by law and by legal methods.

Financing of activities related to the preparation and holding of elections of deputies of the State Duma is carried out at the expense of the federal budget. A political party that has nominated a federal list of candidates, a candidate nominated in a single-mandate constituency, must create election funds to finance their election campaigns.

Half of the number of deputies (225 people) are elected in single-member constituencies (one constituency - one deputy), into which the territory of our country is divided. At least one county per subject.

The largest number of districts is in Moscow (15), in the Moscow Region (11), St. Petersburg and the Krasnodar Territory (8 each). There are 4 single-mandate districts in the Crimean Federal District: 1 in Sevastopol and 3 in the Republic of Crimea.

The 225 deputies of the State Duma are elected from the federal constituency in proportion to the number of votes.

If to speak plain language- what percentage of votes nationwide the party will collect, such a percentage of 225 seats it will receive in the Russian parliament.

In elections from single-mandate constituencies, the principle of the majority system applies - the one for whom more voters voted becomes a deputy.

A party list is allowed before the distribution of deputy mandates in the event that more than 5% of the voters from the number of those who took part in the voting voted for it.

One by one federal district all parties put forward lists of candidates consisting of one federal group candidates, and several regional groups. The federal part of the list should include no more than 10 candidates, and the number of regional groups should be at least 35. Candidates on the list can be from 200 to 400 people.

In 2016, the Central Election Commission identified 14 political parties whose party lists were able to overcome the 5% barrier and do not require signatures of voters: Civic Platform, Civil Power, United Russia, Greens, Communists of Russia, Communist Party of the Russian Federation , LDPR, "PARNAS", "Party of Growth", "Patriots of Russia", "Motherland", "Russian Party of Pensioners for Justice", " Fair Russia' and 'Apple'.

The rest of the parties had to collect at least 200,000 signatures in support of the nominated list (no more than 7,000 signatures in one subject of the federation). As of March 2016, 77 political parties were registered in Russia, of which 75 were eligible to participate in elections.

Voting is secret. In the ballot, you can put any sign (cross, tick) in front of the party or candidate. Then it must be sent to a special sealed urn. The holding of elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation is organized by the CEC on the basis of legislation. Voting documents are printed centrally and distributed throughout the country, thus eliminating any possibility of falsification.

Polling stations are guarded around the clock. Only members of the commission have access to the ballots. For elections to the State Duma, there is no turnout threshold - ballots will be counted with any activity of citizens.

Parties that overcome the percentage threshold receive seats in proportion to the votes received. Parties that do not overcome the percentage barrier do not receive seats in parliament, and the seats are redistributed among the winning parties.

Parties and candidates can send observers to polling stations. In the spring of 2016, a rule was introduced according to which parties and candidates must notify the Territorial Election Commissions (TECs) about which of their observers (no more than two) and at which particular polling station they will work on voting day.

The election results are announced within ten days. Precinct commissions count the ballots and draw up a protocol, which is sent to the territorial commissions. Those, in turn, make a summary sheet, having checked the reliability of the data (correct execution) and send their own protocols to the appropriate body of the subject of the Russian Federation. There is also a check of the correctness of paperwork, a set of data. The final protocols are sent to the CEC, where all the results are collected in the country and the results are summed up.

The results of the elections to the State Duma in 2016

52 million 700 thousand 922 voters took part in the elections to the State Duma of the seventh convocation on September 18, 2016. The voter turnout was 47.88%.

In total, the new convocation of the lower chamber is represented by six parties and one self-nominated candidate.

Four parties entered the State Duma of the seventh convocation according to the lists: United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party and Just Russia. According to the results of the elections, United Russia received 343 mandates, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - 42, the Liberal Democratic Party - 39, and Just Russia - 23.

In addition to these four parties, two single-mandates made it to the State Duma (chairman of the Rodina party Alexei Zhuravlev and head of the Civic Platform federal political committee Rifat Shaikhutdinov), as well as one self-nominated Vladislav Reznik.

In Sevastopol, United Russia won 53.78% of the vote (79,219 votes), the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) - 15.36% (22,632 voters), communist party The Russian Federation (KPRF) - 12.07% (17,782 votes), the Just Russia party - 5.09% (7,505 people).

In the single-mandate constituency of the city of Sevastopol - Sevastopol single-mandate constituency No. 219, the representative of United Russia, Dmitry Belik, won with 33.24% of the voters, which is almost 47 thousand people.

Become people's deputy Many people want the State Duma. Today, entrepreneurs, leaders, even pop stars and athletes are thinking about this - people who, it would seem, have nothing to do with politics. In principle, there is nothing shameful in this, especially since becoming a State Duma deputy in our country is not as difficult as some people think.

Pride, which overflows from the thought that you will serve such great country like Russia, only adds relevance and desire to become a State Duma deputy.

The procedure for becoming a deputy of the State Duma

According to the law, any citizen of Russia, at least 21 years old, permanently residing in the country and not brought to criminal responsibility, can become a State Duma deputy. Curiously, to obtain a deputy mandate is not required higher education: a certificate of completion of the 9th grade of the school is enough.

It is also advisable to familiarize yourself with the legislation of the Russian Federation; but ... also not necessary. That is, people who are instructed by citizens to create laws do not themselves have to know the law, even the Constitution. By the way, in the Constitution of the Russian Federation lies a large number of shortcomings that will soon have to be addressed.

Before becoming a deputy of the State Duma, you need to become a candidate for deputies. To do this, you need to fill out an appropriate application and collect a certain number of signatures in your support. If the required number of votes is collected, you can proceed to the next stage. The newly minted candidate joins a party, which, in theory, supports its representative by all possible means. You can also act as a self-nominated candidate, but it is much more difficult in terms of labor intensity and financial costs: you will have to organize the entire election campaign on your own. For self-nominated candidates, there are also special rules, facilitating the collection of votes and registration as a deputy.

It is also possible to pay a parliamentary deposit . At the same time, the amount paid is returned to the candidate in full if he receives at least 3 percent of the votes in the elections; otherwise, the deposit goes to the budget. This measure reasonable enough, because it protects against dubious persons who simply want to draw attention to their person; such a false candidate risks his capital.

So everything necessary procedures done . The candidate for the State Duma is starting a full-scale election campaign. There are quite a lot of funds for its implementation, and they are designed for different solvency of the nominee. A standard and inexpensive tool - leaflets, they
are used everywhere. The information on the leaflets should tell about the biography of the candidate and what he is going to do for the country if he wins the elections. Leaflets can be pasted by yourself, although it is unlikely that a bird of such a high flight will agree to do this "dirty" work itself. You can ask friends or relatives, but the most high-quality (albeit more expensive) way is to order the distribution of leaflets from a promotional agency.

If a candidate for State Duma deputies has large funds, then he can, for example, order a billboard.

Each candidate receives standard pages in national newspapers and a certain number of minutes on television. However, if this is not enough for him, he can buy additional bands and airtime.

The election campaign begins three months before the election and ends at midnight before election day. On this day, citizens finally decide for themselves who to vote for, without any informational pressure.

Finally, the winning candidate becomes a deputy and takes up his duties.

Another important point consists in the fact that a deputy of the State Duma is obliged to renounce entrepreneurial activity and other types of paid work. The exception is teaching, scientific and creative activities. After all, the deputy is in full state support and exempt from taxes. Alas, Russian parliamentarians do not always comply with this law.

Duties of deputies of the State Duma

The newly minted deputy of the State Duma, who won the election, becomes an employee of the Russian parliament for five years. What is his activity? First of all, this is, of course, attending State Duma meetings. Parliament is the place where bills are born and discussed, which may subsequently enter into force. In addition, deputies must attend special meetings, participate in various commissions and other similar events.

Further, the deputies should hold conversations with members of the government, ask them questions, find out the motives for a particular decision. If a people's choice finds that a government employee is violating the law, he is obliged to report this to the relevant authorities.

Another important responsibility is communication with
. The activities of the parliament should be open to the people, to whom the deputies report on the decisions they make.

Member of Parliament should not shy away from political activity and simply attend meetings and meetings. And in a huge team, which is the State Duma, it is not so easy to show one's activity. The opinion of one may not coincide with the decision of the majority. The temptation to take a break from work is great, especially since it is problematic to control the work of all members of parliament: there are 450 deputies of the State Duma. It is much more convenient to observe the parliament in small states, such as Iceland: there are only 68 members in the Althing there. The activities of such a meeting are both more transparent and more coordinated.

The State Duma, strictly speaking, is only one half of the Russian parliament - the lower house. The upper house is the Federation Council. Unofficially, it is called the Senate - by analogy with the same chamber in European parliaments. Despite its status, the Senate is in no way connected with the activities of the State Duma and does not have a significant impact on the life of the country. The work of its members is to establish state of emergency, approval of presidential decrees, changing the country's borders, the impeachment procedure (removal of the president from power) and some others.

Get elected to the State Duma and serve your people honestly.

Probably, many dream of dust-free work that would bring high income. And if the position also implies the possession of power, privileges and high social position, then a lot of people will want to compete for such a place. After all, what harder work the less they pay for it. On the other hand, prestigious

the position is usually stress-free physical strength. For example, deputies do not carry bags of cement and do not dig trenches. But their position is prestigious, highly paid. And so many would like to take it. Let's talk about how they become deputies.

First, legislatures are different levels. Naturally, it is easier to become than the State Duma. This will require less time and effort. First, read the regional laws that govern the election process in How do you become deputies of a municipality? It is possible to run as a self-nominated candidate, but for this you will need to assemble an initiative group that would put your candidacy into motion. Naturally, you also need luck in elections to get the required percentage of votes. How do they become deputies of the State Duma? To do this, you must be at least twenty-one years old. Membership in any of the officially registered parties is also required. In other words, it is necessary that the political force in which you are a member put forward your candidacy. In addition, you must be capable.

With legal side process understood. So, you've made it to the nominations. What's next? You will have to participate in the election campaign. To do this, you need to prepare in advance a methodology for conducting agitation, sketch out certain blanks. But what if there is no time and imagination for this? Then the candidate hires a whole team of political technologists who work with him, create a positive image, and so on. Continuing the conversation about how they become deputies, it must be said that election campaigns in our time are a very expensive pleasure. Therefore, a lot of start-up capital is needed. How to become a member of the city council? In addition to all of the above, a number of personal qualities will be required - good communication skills, quick mind. Naturally, you must have an idea about the position you want to take. If you lost in the elections, do not despair, it is possible that this is your political career. There is still a chance to try yourself in the role. This will give you the necessary political experience and will be a good incentive to start a serious career.

You probably already guess that, in order to take this position,

there are few such qualities as initiative, charm, personal talents and skills. How do they become deputies without any connections with influential people? The answer is very simple. Most likely not. Perhaps in this case you will have some chance, for example, in the elections to the village council, if the residents know and respect you. But in a larger locality you already need to rotate in special circles and make profitable acquaintances. You can, for example, try to join any party. Again, for this you need to be not an ordinary inhabitant. You will have more chances if you are connected with big business, are a successful athlete, famous actor etc. Popularity among the population will strengthen your position.

Naturally, this is not all that is needed to become a deputy. Only the main points are listed. If you think you don't have enough connections, money or influence to start with political career, do not despair. Perhaps you will bring more benefit to the state by honestly working as a mechanic, welder or driver than as a deputy.

The deputy is a successful and very Respected man who holds a high position and has a good salary. Moreover, the face of power has a number of privileges, the sweetest of which is immunity. A representative of the authorities cannot be arrested, he cannot be searched, interrogations are also prohibited, and he cannot be held criminally or administratively liable, except in a number of special cases.

If a person aspires to become a deputy, then he thinks very seriously about his future. Being a deputy is prestigious and profitable. But don't expect an easy life like in the movies. In addition to a huge number of privileges, the chosen one of the people also has a large number of responsibilities. It's the same job as everyone else.

Who can become a deputy? According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any citizen of Russia, over 21 years old and permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, can become a deputy. Restrictions can only affect disabled citizens and people in places of deprivation of liberty. Well, I think that's understandable.

What do you need to become an MP?

If you meet all the requirements and feel the strength and desire to move along the vertical of power, then you can proceed!

To become a deputy, you first need to put forward your candidacy in the elections. To do this, you must be a member of any electoral bloc, electoral association or party.

But joining one of the parties will not be enough to get into the elections. You need the party to nominate you. How to do it? Do you want an honest answer? Pretty hard. Usually, parties already have their own backbone of leaders. It's like going to a factory and trying to become its boss. But do not rush to be upset, you have another pretty good chance!

And so, if you are not accepted into any of the parties, or if you cannot immediately achieve your nomination for elections, then the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of self-nomination. To do this, you must collect at least 2% of voters' signatures. If you go to a post in some small town, then you don’t need to collect so many signatures, but if you aim for the State Duma, then you will have to work hard.

There is another way: electoral deposit. For parties, it is about 6 mil. rubles, and for self-nominated candidates 250 thousand rubles. Moreover, if you get less than 3% of the vote in the elections, then the money will go to the budget, and if more than 3%, then the deposit will be returned to you full size. This is a kind of protection from people who are trying to attract attention to themselves.

Election company

Having achieved the title of "candidate for deputies", you should proceed to the election campaign.

But sticking leaves with your face all over the city will not be enough. The election campaign is a real art!

Becoming popular is not as easy as it seems, but you can use the experience of people who have already passed this path. The "experienced" advise to start by holding meetings with voters, at which to tell them in detail your plan of action.

By the way, this plan should be given Special attention. In short, it should contain answers to the following basic questions:

  1. What do I want to change when I come to the post of deputy?
  2. Why choose me?
  3. What knowledge and experience will help me cope with the tasks?
  4. What SPECIFICALLY I will change when I come to power.
  5. How important are these changes for ordinary citizens?
  6. What do I want to achieve by coming to power. What will a high-ranking position give me myself?

But meeting with everyone is unrealistic. Make sure you have social pages. networks and communicate through them. Moreover, it costs a couple of times to appear on TV screens and radios. By the way, the state will provide you with time on television at its own expense!

In general, it would be best to hire a group of specialists who will promote you. Professionals will teach you how to speak correctly and how the audience likes it.


Even if luck does not smile at you the first time, you will gain invaluable experience, and the next time you will be able to approach this issue more carefully. But remember, in order to sit in the honorary chair of the chosen one of the people, you need to be worthy of this chair. If you just want more money, then perhaps you should choose another, less public, profession. Well, if you are eager to change the surrounding society in better side keep going and reach your goal!

There are deputies in every municipality. They form the local city council.

Just like the deputies of the State Duma, they have powers. What do ordinary residents need to know about the rights and obligations of a deputy of a local council?

There are a little less than five hundred deputies in the State Duma, and what an innumerable number of them there are representative bodies of local self-government throughout the country! The smallest cities have their own city council, which includes local deputies. It is they, and not the servants of the people who sit in the capital's Duma, who are closer to ordinary residents.

You should start your visits with a deputy of the local council if you think that without the help of the authorities you can no longer figure it out. Here it would be nice to find out not only how to contact a public servant, but also what opportunities and rights he has to help the population.

Who is a member of the municipality

So, a deputy of a municipal formation is a person elected by the people inhabiting this formation, who will represent the interests of the local residents who elected him.

By law, local self-government is not an institution state power. It is believed that here the population itself manages its life, decides what to do to make life better, what laws to introduce, etc. It acts theoretically through its representatives elected by the population.

The powers of deputies of municipalities, of course, are less than those of the same representative of the State Duma. However, such small man” in the hierarchy of power decides a lot. For example, local deputies decide what the budget will be in their municipality. It is calculated based on the number of inhabitants of the Moscow region. They also report to the population on how the municipal money was spent. In addition, the deputy of local representative bodies of power accepts, approves and changes the local Charter - the main document of the municipality. The charter is based on the principle of taking into account local traditions, cultural characteristics where it is entered.

Deputies are responsible for issues of guardianship and guardianship. They manage municipal property, supervise issues sports life district and leisure of the population. It is this combination that can attract unscrupulous people, simply put, bribe takers, to offer a bribe to a people's choice for providing premises for some sports section or leisure centre.

In general, local deputies should monitor the development of the municipality and be responsible for the execution of their instructions. That is, a deputy can influence the fact that a children's sports ground is organized in the courtyard of a house. But he must also make sure that the work is really carried out, that the site is of high quality, and does not cripple children, and that the work is completed on time.

Right to legislate

Deputies local authorities self-government has the right to make laws. It is hardly possible to think that the laws proposed in some tiny town will be adopted in the State Duma. Local self-government should not strive for this. His legislative initiative is very local. Local deputies should be concerned about what laws to adopt in order to change the life of this particular district for the better - taking into account its features, problems, traditions, etc.

The City Council decides to hold a local referendum. By the way, the people can initiate it if they are dissatisfied with the current government. Local deputies should generally listen to the population they represent - even in cases where citizens come up with unexpected initiatives.

They can also hold public hearings on, for example, urban planning initiatives, law enforcement, and the establishment of local holidays.

That is, people's deputies should seek to coordinate issues of local importance with representatives of state power in the region. To do this, they have the right of a deputy's request, with which they can apply to almost any state authority. For example, local deputies can check the activities of the head of administration, that is, a representative of the executive branch. They can go to court to resolve municipal disputes. A local deputy has the right to express his position in the media and thereby draw attention to the problems of the population.

Solving social and economic issues

On the shoulders of municipal deputies lies the duty to control the activities of officials of municipalities and organizations that must act to resolve issues of local importance. The same people's representatives decide how to combine their efforts with neighboring areas in order to jointly solve similar problems.

Local deputies solve questions of a social and economic sense. For example, in Peterhof, representatives of the local council are even obliged to collect statistics that would show the state of the social and economic spheres in the municipal circle. This data is then submitted to government agencies.

How local deputies work

The holder of the mandate of the State Duma is completely devoted to the service of the people - at least, this is how it is commonly believed. Therefore, he cannot engage in so-called "entrepreneurial and other paid activities." The exceptions here are creative, scientific and teaching activities. What about the local deputies - do they have the same? It turns out not really.

If a servant of the people exercises his powers on an ongoing basis, then all these requirements apply to him. But the fact is that only 10% of deputies of local representative bodies can work on a permanent basis, and in districts where it is required by law (and it is guided by population size) to have only 10 deputies, only 1 will work on a permanent basis. Most often , of course, this is the chairman of the city duma.

A deputy of a municipal district working on a permanent basis receives class ranks: municipal councilor of the 1st or 2nd class. They are assigned as follows: if municipal deputy worked for 5 or more years on a permanent basis, while already having the rank of second-class municipal councilor, he is awarded the rank of 1st class.

Privileges and guarantees for municipal deputies

These are all powers, you will notice. What about privileges? Don't deputies of local representative bodies have them? Why, then, is everyone striving to get the coveted crusts? Privileges are free pass on the public transport. Also, a deputy has the right to be accepted in the first place when applying to local governments on issues of his activities.

In addition to privileges, guarantees are provided to the deputy of the local order. They are necessary for the representative of elected bodies to be able to calmly exercise their powers. A local deputy may personally attend discussions in all local self-government bodies and take part in them, may make comments and suggestions on the issues under discussion.

Commitment to the people

But there are also obligations - for example, deputies are required to meet with the population for several hours every two weeks. Not everyone complies with this requirement prescribed by law. It is far from easy to get to many busy deputies - even by appointment.

The hallmarks of a deputy of a local council are a certificate and a badge (not in all municipalities). The certificate is issued for the period of election (for locals, this period is set to a length of 4 years), it contains the name of the people's choice and confirms his authority.

How to become a deputy? How much does a deputy earn?



3. The beginning of the path of becoming

4. Elections


6. Useful video

We have already talked on the pages of the Business Earnings magazine about such professions as a janitor and an economist and how much they receive. In this article, we will tell how to become a deputy and what is his salary.

Political careers are not for everyone. But for those who want to try themselves in this particular area, namely to become a deputy, they need to take into account and know some aspects of this difficult work. So, a natural question arises: how to become a deputy? To begin with, it must be clarified that deputies are those people who can be elected by voters to a specific representative body of a state or local authorities. This is done by secret ballot. It is worth noting that one can become a deputy at one of three levels. It is easier to get into the City Duma than, for example, into the State Duma. In the latter, only “star” and well-known candidates are “taken”.

Benefits of being an MP

Becoming a deputy, a person opens up some opportunities.

Here is the list of privileges:

1. Deputies of Russia become inviolable. What does it mean? This means that deputies cannot be punished by administrative or criminal codes. Also, they cannot be arrested, searched, interrogated. But all this can be allowed legislature state power.

2. Deputies of Russia are exempted from military service during his service to the people.

3. Salary has a quite high bar and is more than 100 thousand rubles.

Requirements for a candidate

So, how to become an MP? You need to follow a few simple requirements. First of all, a person applying for such a position must be at least 21 years of age. Secondly, the candidate must have Russian citizenship. Well, thirdly, the candidate needs to permanently live in Russia. Here are the main three requirements, let's say, for the applicant. As for education, it is, in principle, unimportant. The main thing is that a person graduates from school, for example, secondary specialized education. The rest is aspiration and sincere desire.

The beginning of the path of becoming

To become a candidate for deputies of the city or the State Duma, you must first join a political party. Further, it is important to prove oneself in such a way that there is an opportunity to be nominated for candidates on confidently standing feet. The party and its leadership must support its active member.

If the leadership of the party does not support, then you can go the other way. To become a candidate for deputies, you must try to attract voters to your side. It is important to collect a certain percentage of votes in order to obtain the status of a candidate.

For especially impetuous people with unsuccessful attempts, there is a third option for becoming - this is the deposit of the amount of the deposit. There is one nuance here, if the vote fails the candidate (less than 3% of the vote), then his money is transferred to the Russian budget, in case of a successful outcome, the money is returned. That's how to become a deputy of the City Duma or the State Duma - not quite that easy.

When it was possible to become a contender, a person must submit to the territorial election commission application and a certain package of documents. It includes:

The identity document of a citizen is a passport.

Help from the place of work.

Documents about education.

The submitted documents will be checked, after which it will be necessary to pay a state fee. And after that it will be possible to agitate yourself, your person, and collect the votes of the people. The electoral commission will monitor the votes very closely, forgeries will be punished by "dropping out of the race" for becoming an MP.


When half the work is done, all the same, the work remains far from small. Question: how to become a deputy? - is still relevant. It is important to win the elections themselves. This is where election campaigning plays a big role. It is necessary to come up with your speech in advance: let it be neither too short nor too long. To make it easier to write it, you need to answer a few simple questions for yourself.

For example: Why am I better than other candidates? What can I give the people? In addition, it would be a good idea to advertise on the street in the form of large campaign signs. It would also be useful to organize the distribution of leaflets with your goals and plans for this city, region or country as a whole.

Some are free and some require investment. For example, the latter is a website with its own program, goals, achievements, and so on.

During the election campaign, one must remember about the law. Illegal actions can lead to disastrous consequences, and the dream of becoming a deputy can collapse overnight. But there is an opportunity to get another vacancy - an assistant to the parliamentarian of the State Duma. In this case: how to become an assistant to a deputy? This person is selected from among "his associates". A mandatory requirement for an assistant is Russian citizenship.

In addition, you need to be well versed in office work.

How much is the salary of parliamentarians

How much do parliamentarians get? The earnings of people in this profession are difficult to present with specific figures. But you can say about the average earnings. It is about a little more than 100 thousand rubles. Of course, depending on the position and region, city, size wages will vary. How much do assistants get paid? Their earnings will be modest. In some cases, parliamentarians hardly need help and manage on their own. Thus, it is possible to become a parliamentarian if you try to achieve this. It doesn't matter how long it takes, the main thing is to achieve the result.

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Who is a deputy? The Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation” defines a deputy as “a person elected by the voters of the respective electoral district to a representative body of state power or to a representative body of local self-government on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage under secret voting."

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, “citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to elect and be elected to bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government.”

How to get coveted status?

First you need to become a candidate for deputy, i.e.

become “a person nominated as a candidate for a position filled through direct elections or for membership in a body (chamber of a body) of state power or local self-government, or registered as a candidate by the relevant election commission.”

Legislation establishes a number of requirements for candidates for deputies.

First, you must be a citizen of Russia.

Secondly, it is necessary to reach the appropriate age - 21 years.

Thirdly, permanently reside in the territory of Russia.

A citizen who has been declared legally incompetent by a court or who is in places of deprivation of liberty by a court verdict cannot be a deputy. In addition, other restrictions may be established by law.

If you meet all the above requirements, then you can safely put forward your candidacy for elections. Electoral blocs, electoral associations, political parties can nominate candidates for deputies. No one wants to nominate you as a candidate? It does not matter, for such cases the law provides for self-nomination of candidates. True, we should not forget that in the case of self-nomination, after submitting an application to the election commission, you will have to collect a certain number of votes in your support or pay an electoral deposit.

Finally, you were registered as a candidate for deputies. Then it's time to prepare for the next step - the election campaign, during which it will be necessary to convince voters that they simply cannot find a better deputy. Election campaigning should be carried out only in the forms permitted by law and by legal methods. Campaigning is carried out from the day of registration as a candidate for deputy and ends at 00:00 local time one day before the election.

After the elections, the votes are counted. As a rule, the candidate who receives the largest number of votes of the voters who took part in the voting is considered elected, provided that more votes were cast for him than against all.

1. the federal law RF “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation”

2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Elections of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”

3. Laws of subjects of the federation on the election of deputies.

Who are these people who make laws for our benefit and welfare? And how to become one of the members of the Duma? What steps do you need to go through for this and can an ordinary person do this?

The elections of deputies of the State Duma of the seventh convocation have just passed. They did not bring any fundamental changes, except that United Russia can now officially make decisions on its own, without consulting the opposition, because the party in power has an absolute majority of votes (more than 50%).

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