How to apply to a school in first grade. Documents for the first class. Rules for applying to school through the public services portal

Just yesterday, the kids played in the sandbox and went to Kindergarten. But school time has come. In this article, we'll talk about some of the questions parents may have about attending school and how to apply to a school in first grade.

At what age do children register for school

Children between the ages of six and a half and eight can start, but not later, if a medical examination does not reveal any contraindications to study. In some cases, the administration of the educational institution may allow the enrollment of children earlier or later than this age, depending on each specific situation.

Also, parents can choose at their discretion the future place of study, as well as the program, which will be taught.

The procedure for admitting children to the first grade

When enrolling children in the first grade of the school, parents are offered 2 options:

  1. Enroll the child in a school in the area where they live. In this case, enrollment occurs in priority order.
  2. You can choose another school according to your taste. In this option, parents are provided only with “free places”.

Admission to the first class at the place of registration or residence

The city educational department (GORONO) issues an order or administrative act on assigning schools, gymnasiums or lyceums to the territorial areas of the city or locality.

This order can be found on the websites of schools. From the order, parents will be able to find out which school their house “belongs” to, and even then apply to the school in the first grade.

After determining the number of the school to which the place of residence is assigned, applicants are required to submit an application along with documents between February 1 and June 30. Required list documents in this case will be the following:

  • Application for admission to the school.
  • A certificate or any other document certifying the place of residence of the future student.
  • Passport or identity document of the applicant.
  • The original birth certificate of the future first grader.

Statement in without fail is officially registered by the school administration, and already 7 days after the submission of documents, an order is issued to enroll the child in school in the first grade.

The administration of the educational institution prohibits the collection of any additional information about parents: for example, a certificate of wages from the place of work, certificate of residence, etc.

The school refused admission to the first class at the place of residence ...

According to the law, the school is obliged to accept all first-graders living in the area assigned to it. When assigning territories to schools, the approximate number of future students is taken into account.

But it may also happen that the number of applicants who applied to the school in the first grade will be greater than the number of places in this educational institution. Then, in priority order, those children whose parents submitted applications before everyone else will be enrolled, that is, the date of application is important. And if there are no free places, the school has the right to refuse admission to study. In this case, parents or representatives may contact local authorities management of education, where they will be helped to place the child in another school.

School enrollment for vacant places

If parents, say, have chosen to teach their child another school that is not fixed at their place of residence, then for this category there is a procedure for admission to available vacancies. Free places are the places left after completing the classes. In this case, the application to the school principal is accepted by the administration from July 1 until the start of classes, but no later than September 5. In some cases, schools begin accepting applications for vacant places earlier than July 1 - the corresponding announcement can be found on the school website.

The list of documents submitted by the applicant will be the same as when enrolling at the place of residence. But the document is not needed.

If parents really want their offspring to go to this particular school, you can go there for preparatory courses, and then convince the director that the child is very used to the school and teachers and will be very worried when parting.

Competitive selection and testing for vacancies

When enrolling a child in the first grade, the school does not have the right to conduct any competitive tests or tests - testing is carried out only by specialized educational institutions that have permission to do so. But in the best and most prestigious schools with kids, upon admission, they can conduct an interview at which parents can be present. The duration of the interview should not exceed 30 minutes.

The nuances of admission to the school of foreign citizens

Persons who have the citizenship of another State, or stateless persons who are this moment live in Russia and want to enroll their children in first grade, have every right to free general education. In this case, they must provide the following documents:

  1. Apply to the school in the first grade.
  2. Provide an identity document of the applicant (passport or international passport).
  3. Birth certificate (original) of a son or daughter, a certified copy can be provided.
  4. A document allowing the applicant to stay on the territory of Russia.
  5. Document that confirms family ties the applicant and the child.

We write an application to the school upon admission to the first grade

How to write an application to the school? A statement or appeal to the head of the school is an official legal document of unlimited duration, when writing which you must adhere to some generally accepted basic rules:

  1. The text of the petition should be written by hand with a ballpoint pen only. Template printed text is not allowed - in case controversial situations Parents will be able to opt out of voluntarily submitting a non-handwritten application.
  2. It is necessary to respect the margins and indents of the text, as well as to monitor the absence of grammatical errors.
  3. The text is written beautifully, legibly and makes sense.
  4. The application must include all information about the future student and his parent.
  5. And at the end of the application, a signature and a date must be present, under which the signature and seal of the director are subsequently put.

Rules or nuances of making an application

An application form to a school or a template can be taken directly at the school or gymnasium, and you can also ask a question of interest on the spot.

There are a few rules to keep in mind when applying for a child in first grade:

  • The appeal is written in the name of the director, you should not forget to also write the name of the educational institution and its address, where it is located.
  • The text must contain all the information about the parent submitting the application - full initials, date and year of birth, residential address and phone number where you can contact the applicant.
  • Next, in the middle of the line, the word “statement” is written.
  • The text of the statement itself begins with a red line. It indicates all full information about the child - name, surname, patronymic, date of birth and age, place of residence, preschool training, medical contraindications, etc.
  • At the end must be signed and dated.

Do I need to pay money

Schools don't pay tuition. But when enrolling children for study, parents are asked to make a contribution to the needs of the class or school. Usually parents do not object to "voluntary donations". But if the collection of money is unbearable for some, they can apply to the prosecutor's office.

The school does not have the right to offer to make an entrance fee before enrollment, as this will already be considered a bribe.

If the school insists on paying for some extracurricular or additional classes, parents have the right to demand the conclusion of an agreement on the provided paid services. But you need to remember that applying to a school has nothing to do with money.

The beginning of schooling is an important and exciting period for both parents and grown-up children. A clear understanding of the procedure for enrolling in school in 2018 will help you survive this time with minimal loss of time and nerves.

Primary general education is compulsory and guaranteed by the state for every child upon reaching a certain age. If the child turns 6.5 years old on September 1, 2018, he can be enrolled in school. The upper limit for a future first-grader is the age of 8 years. The law on education also states that the child should not have medical contraindications for education.

In the event that parents / legal representatives want to send the child to school earlier or later than the specified age range, it is necessary to write an application addressed to the head of the school. This appeal will be considered by the superior executive body state power. To enter the first grade before the age of 6.5, the child will have to demonstrate (prove) his unique abilities and outperforming their peers.

Application deadlines

For various categories of future first-graders, the deadlines for applying to the school are determined. This helps to avoid hype in the educational institutions themselves and problems with software when applying online. The time frame is determined by the order of the Education Committee of the Russian Federation.

For 2017-2018 school year the following periods were given:

  • Parents of children with priority enrollment in educational institution, submit documents from December 15, 2016 to September 05, 2017. When applying after January 20, the status of the first priority is lost, and enrollment in the school will be carried out on a general basis if there are vacancies. In 2017, applications in this category will be accepted from 15 December.
  • Those registered in the area assigned to the educational institution sent applications starting on January 20th. Reception of documents from parents of preschoolers in this category was completed on June 30th. If, for some reason, an application was not sent within this period, the decision on admission to the school was carried out in the general manner.
  • From July 01 to September 05 - the time at which parents of children who are not registered in the area where the school is located submit electronic applications. Unfortunately, such a child will be able to get to the school desk only if there is free places in class.

With a high degree of probability, it is precisely such deadlines for submitting applications online that should be guided in the coming year.

Parents who have precisely decided on the school for their child can choose a simplified admission procedure - attending a preparatory class. Classes most often begin in September, less often in August. After they are completed, parents must write an application for the transfer of the child from kindergarten to first grade. For this situation, the submission of documents in electronic form is not provided.

The following categories of children have the priority right to enroll in school:

  1. Children of current police officers who were dismissed for health reasons, were injured in the line of duty or died as a result of a disease associated with the passage of service.
  2. Children of employees of the following departments: executive, fire or customs services, state drug control. The preschoolers of retired employees who have received any injury or died in the line of work also have an advantage.
  3. Children of military personnel - active, retired medical indications or . You can use this benefit both at the place of permanent registration of the military family, and when moving to a new place of service.
  4. Children who are dependents listed in the first three paragraphs of public service employees.
  5. Younger brothers or sisters of older children already enrolled in an educational institution, as well as preschoolers whose parents are workers educational institution.
  6. Children whose parents work in the Prosecutor's Office, Investigative Committee or are judges, have priority in admission to a boarding school.

To confirm the pre-emptive right to enroll in a school, you must submit a certificate from the place of work of the parents, an official ID card or a military ID card.

Step-by-step procedure for enrolling in a school online

From mid-December 2017, an electronic application form for enrolling in a school will become available. Parents of future first-graders need to perform only three actions: send electronic variant applications, bring original documents and wait for a decision on enrollment or refusal. Most important step is to fill out and send a questionnaire for enrolling in a school in 2018 on the portal of public services -

Important! The electronic service is available after authorization in the Unified Federal System for Identification and Authentication - ESIA. If the parents do not already have one account, it must be created in advance and approached with the original documents (passport and SNILS) to the nearest MFC (multifunctional center).

Since the primary factor is the territorial principle when enrolling in a school, its proximity to home, you can not strive to fill out a questionnaire in the first minutes of the long-awaited date. Also on the portal, you can create and save a draft, and send it on the right day, depending on which category the child belongs to.

Electronic registration for enrollment in school in 2018 step by step looks like this:

  • You need to go to the government services portal (log in) and select your location manually or automatically.
  • Select "Education" from the catalog of services. Then - "Enrollment in an educational institution", after which the card of the service "Enrollment in an educational institution (enrollment in a school)" will open. On this page, you must click the button - "Get the service."

  • After redirecting to the page of the municipality (for regions), the system will offer to create a "New Draft".
  • Then you should select the primary enrollment in the 1st class and click the "Next" button.

  • At this stage, the missing data of the applicant is filled in (some of them will be automatically entered after authorization on the site). It is mandatory to fill in all the fields that are marked with an asterisk - * and click the "Next" button.
  • In the form that opens, you must enter all the data about the child. If errors were made in the process of filling out the questionnaire, for example, the input format was incorrect or all the information was not entered, then this step will be highlighted in red and the questionnaire will not be sent.

  • The next step is to select an educational institution (no more than three options), after which you should proceed to the application.

  • Before clicking the "Submit Application" button, the user will be offered a preview of the application in order to finally verify all the data. If a mistake was made in any of the previous steps, you can return to the desired tab and enter the correct information.
  • When you click the "Submit Application" button, a generated application with an assigned number will appear.
  • After refreshing the page using the F5 key, the status of the application should change to "Accepted by the Office".

You can track status changes in personal account on the portal of public services.

Within three days after submitting the questionnaire online, you must bring the originals of the following documents to the educational institution for verification of information:

  1. A document proving the identity of the parent or legal representative of the child.
  2. Birth certificate of a preschooler, SNILS and a document on his registration according to certain place residence.
  3. Foreigners or stateless persons must submit documents confirming the applicant's kinship and his right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  4. For children with disabilities - a medical report and recommendations of the PMPK (Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission).
  5. Documents confirming the right of priority enrollment.
  6. For children under 6.5 years old and over 8 years old - the decision of the executive body.

Important! The decision on enrolling in a school or refusal is sent to your e-mail in PDF format. If the answer is positive, the letter will indicate the deadlines for receiving the original documents for the preparation of the administrative act by the school.

The original documents can also be taken to the MFC, from where the courier will take them to the educational institution. For foreigners, all documents must be translated into Russian and notarized.

School enrollment offline

To record a future first-grader, you can use not only the capabilities of the public services portal, but also simply come to school to fill out with the help of a specialist necessary papers. You can check the address of the educational institution assigned to the registration address in the department of education. For the convenience of parents, many accept documents from 8.00 to 19.00, but exact time It is better to check with a specific educational institution.

Important! The grounds for refusing to accept documents may be the presence of corrections, erasures in the application, failure to provide a complete list of documents, offensive expressions or threats against specialists or officials of the institution, the presence of serious damage to the submitted documents, etc.

Of course, the number of students enrolling in the first class online is growing every year. But huge queues of parents storming schools on February 1st (on the first day of accepting applications) is a familiar picture, especially in the regions. Therefore, it is much more convenient and easier to take advantage of the opportunity to fill out and send an application for enrollment without leaving your home. And after some time, after receiving confirmation, proceed to pleasant chores - collecting a future student for school.

Video: residents of Novosibirsk do not sleep at night, trying to enroll children in school

According to the law, the admission of citizens to general educational institutions is carried out in accordance with:

constitution Russian Federation;

Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education";

federal law dated July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”;

Model regulation on a general education institution, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 No. 196;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2012 No. 107 “On Approval of the Procedure for Admission of Citizens to General Educational Institutions” (came into force on May 7, 2012);

Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2012 No. IR-535/03 “On the rules for admission to educational institutions”;

Decree Federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being and the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 “On Approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Conditions and Organization of Education in General Educational Institutions””;

Regulatory acts of the administrations of the districts of the city in which the child lives;

Charter of the educational institution;

Local acts of the educational institution regulating the procedure for admission.

The procedure for admission to general educational institutions of foreign citizens, stateless persons and their registration is carried out on the basis of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-ФЗ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”. Persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation and citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have registration are admitted to educational institutions at the direction of the district administration.

Parents need to prepare the following documents to enroll their child in school:

A copy of the birth certificate with an insert confirming Russian citizenship;

Medical card in the form 0-26 / U-2000, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

dated 07/03/2000 No. 241 (certificate of the possibility of studying in a general education school);

Certificate of registration of the child and parents or persons replacing them (form No. 9 or a certificate from the internal affairs body on registration of residence, or a certificate from the Migration Service);

Certificate of preventive vaccinations;

Application (sample provided by the school).

An educational institution has the right to announce the admission of citizens

only with a license to operate educational activities according to the relevant educational programs.

An educational institution is obliged to familiarize applicants, parents (legal representatives) with the charter, license for the right to conduct educational activities, a certificate of state accreditation, inform about the procedure for admission to this educational institution, about the work of the selection committee and the procedure for filing an appeal.

The educational institution provides applicants, parents (legal representatives) with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the content educational programs and other documents regulating the organization of the educational process.

Children aged 6-7 years are admitted to the 1st grade. Education of children under six and a half years of age by the beginning of the school year should be carried out in compliance with all hygiene requirements on the organization of education for children of six years of age.

Of course, they can enroll in the 1st grade, even if they are not yet six and a half years old. But in this case, you need to consult a psychologist. It happens that a child is intellectually ready for schooling even at the age of 5, but his physical abilities will not allow him to withstand the load of a first grader, as a result of which fatigue will accumulate, stress and neurosis are possible.

Sometimes a child for some reason (for example, for health reasons) cannot go to school from the age of 7. In this case, for medical reasons, the child goes to the 1st grade after 7 years (at 8 or 9 years).

Admission of citizens to the 1st grade of educational institutions is carried out on a declarative basis.

However, since 2013, admission to schools has been based on the registration of the child. The district administration, together with the municipal districts, assigns a microdistrict to each educational institution in order to keep records of children living in the given territory and subject to education in educational institutions in order to realize the rights of children to receive education. This means that the priority right when enrolling in an educational institution is enjoyed by:

Children living in close proximity to an educational institution in accordance with paragraph 2.1.6. SanPiN;

Graduates of the preschool level of this educational institution (meaning a kindergarten at a school).

Parents have the right to choose an educational institution and are responsible for the timeliness and expediency of such a choice.

If parents have chosen a school from another municipality or region for their child, this is possible, but in this case, the time for applying for 1st grade will be somewhat delayed. Parents can apply for admission to the 1st grade from March 1 to August 31, but from March 1 to August 31, those parents who live in the immediate vicinity of the school submit an application, according to the list of addresses assigned to a particular school.

From August 1, those parents who have chosen a school from another municipality or region that does not belong to them territorially have the right to apply to a school.

When admitting citizens who are not registered in the assigned territory to vacant places, citizens who have the right to priority provision of a place in an institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have a priority right.

In accordance with the Federal Law of February 7, 2011 No. З-ФЗ “On the Police” (Article 46), this benefit is established for the following categories of citizens:

Children of a police officer;

Children of a police officer who died (deceased) as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties;

Children of a police officer who died as a result of an illness acquired while serving in the police;

Children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who was dismissed from the police service due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties and excluded the possibility of further police service;

Children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who died within one year after leaving the police service due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or due to an illness acquired during the period of service in the police, which excluded the possibility of further service in the police ;

Children who are (were) dependent on police officers, citizens of the Russian Federation, specified in the above paragraphs.

In accordance with the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the Status of Military Personnel”, this benefit is also established for the following categories of citizens:

1) children of military personnel at the place of residence of their families (Article 19);

2) children of military personnel who died (deceased) during the period of military service, who served in the military under a contract and who died (deceased) after being discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service; military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff activities.

Due to the lack of vacancies in the institution;

If there are medical contraindications.

In this case, the district administration provides parents (legal representatives) with information about the availability of places in educational institutions in the given territory (in this microdistrict, district) and ensures that children are enrolled in an educational institution.

Applications for enrollment in the 1st grade are accepted from March 1 to May 15 of the current year. The number of classes and their occupancy are established by the state educational institution in agreement with the founder within the limits allocated to the institution budget funds. To receive documents, the head of the educational institution creates a selection committee. The chairman of the selection committee is the head of the educational institution. The rules of work of the selection committee are approved by a separate order (order) of the head of the educational institution and brought to the attention of the population. Prior to the acceptance of documents, the selection committee informs:

On the list of educational programs for which the acceptance of documents is announced, and the terms for their development in accordance with the license;

About the list of addresses assigned to this educational institution;

About the planned number of places by classes and educational programs.

To enroll a child in an educational institution, parents (legal representatives) submit an application in the form. The application for admission must be accompanied by Required documents. When accepting an application, the administration of the educational institution is obliged to familiarize itself with the identity document of the applicant in order to establish the fact family relations and powers of a legal representative.

Applications for the admission of a child to an educational institution must be registered in the journal for receiving applications for the 1st grade.

After registering the application and the package of documents, the applicant is issued a tear-off control coupon, which indicates:

Incoming number of the application for admission to the educational institution;

The list of submitted documents and a mark of their receipt, certified by the signature of the secretary or the person responsible for receiving documents and the seal of the educational institution;

Information about the educational institution (name according to the charter, number and date of issue of the license, its validity period, number and date of the certificate of accreditation of the educational institution);

Where and when you can get information about the rules of admission to an educational institution;

Terms of notification of enrollment in the 1st class, Contact phone numbers to receive information;

Telephone territorial authority Office of Education to obtain information about the availability of vacancies in other educational institutions and to file an appeal.

Enrollment for training is carried out in strict accordance with the registration log and the order of submission of applications indicated in it within the planned places. The registration number of the application in the registration book must match the number of the control coupon issued to parents. If the number of applications submitted exceeds the number of planned places, the educational institution is obliged, together with the founder, to resolve the issue of increasing the number of classes planned for opening in the educational institution and enrolling children in this educational institution or taking measures to enroll children in another educational institution by June 1, located on the territory of the subordinate area, taking into account the actual residence of the child and the opinion of the parents (legal representatives).

If the number of applications submitted is less than the number of planned places, the educational institution is obliged, together with the founder, before June 1 to decide whether to continue accepting applications to this educational institution until August 25 of the current year or to reduce the number of classes planned for opening in the educational institution and take measures to admission of children to another educational institution located on the territory of the subordinate district, taking into account the actual residence of the child and the opinion of the parents (legal representatives).

If the deadline for submitting an application is missed or the application is refused due to lack of places, the applicant can apply to other educational institutions where there are vacancies, to the education authority at the place of actual residence. The founder is obliged to take measures to place the child for training, as a rule, in the nearest educational institution to the place of his actual residence.

After the end of the acceptance of applications, enrollment in an educational institution is formalized by order of the head of the educational institution as classes are completed, but no later than September 2 of the current year, and brought to the attention of parents (legal representatives).

Currently, it is forbidden to admit children to the 1st grade on a competitive basis (clause 3, article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”): “Admission of assigned persons to general educational institutions of all types is carried out without entrance examinations (selection procedures).”

In some schools, most often in gymnasiums and lyceums, future first-graders may be interviewed to understand what special individual abilities the child has. “Only state and non-state institutions that implement general education programs for children and adolescents who have shown outstanding abilities, ability to engage in a certain kind arts or sports, in order to best meet the needs of students, the rules for the admission of citizens to an institution provide for mechanisms for identifying these abilities in children "(" Procedure for the admission of citizens to general educational institutions, p. 7).

In schools with non-competitive enrollment in the 1st grade, interviews are conducted with future students. The results of the interview do not affect the process of enrolling a child in the 1st grade. The interview helps teachers and school psychologists to take into account the individual characteristics of the child in the learning process.

Every parent sooner or later faces the need to enroll a child in grade 1. First you need to decide whether the baby is ready to study or not, because going to school is important point in everyone's life. By Russian legislation enrollment in the school of the child is made if he is 6.5 years old on September 1, but not more than 8 years old. To register a child in school and choose an educational institution, give preference to a nearby institution, remember that your child will have to get home on their own.

How to get to school: rules for admitting first-graders

The first step is to find out which school the child will go to by registration. This can be found on the regional or district portal of state education, all educational institutions and nearby houses that are assigned to them are registered there. The portal will answer the query: how to find out the school by registration? If you are satisfied with the institution to which you are attached, collect documentation. Enrollment in the first class begins in mid-December and ends at the end of the summer before classes are completed.

Let's look at how to enroll a child in first grade. First, an application is submitted for the admission of a child, this is the first step to the documentation. You can personally come to the institution and write it or submit it through the public services portal. If you submitted your application online, you should be notified that it has been accepted. After this procedure, you will be announced a package of documents required for admission to the institution.

What documents are needed to enter the school

Before a future student is taken to school, a number of documents will need to be collected. Documentation requirements may vary from decade to decade. Consider what documents are needed for the school:

  • application (written by parents, the form is issued on the spot);
  • birth certificate of a preschooler (photocopy and original);
  • citizenship document (sometimes required, but not required);
  • Medical Card;
  • vaccination certificate;
  • medical insurance policy (copy and original);
  • passport of one of the parents (copy and original);
  • certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence;
  • photo of a child 3 * 4 (in a personal file).

It is worth noting that children who are attached to an educational institution by registration are recorded first.

How to enroll your child in a local school

For some, the question of how to enroll a child in a school at the place of residence remains open. On the territory of Russia, there is a law that states that attending an elementary educational institution is possible regardless of the place of registration, registration, or race.

In some cases, school enrollment benefits, when available, will play a role. Admission to the first class is also possible if. This will significantly increase the chances of enrolling in school, although if there are places, children are taken without regard to registration.

You can also provide a certificate stating that there are no vacant places in the educational institution at your place of residence. It will not be superfluous if you apply to several nearby schools, then the chance to enter and get a place increases. Do not forget that when applying for admission to grade 1, the school, represented by the director, may refuse admission due to overcrowding of the institution.

If you need temporary registration, remember that .

Another option that works, both when entering a school with a residence permit, and without it, is visiting preparatory courses in current year that usually start in winter. There is an opportunity for a preschooler to meet a potential teacher and the teacher, in turn, to look at the future first grader. You can attend such classes, it is not forbidden, and you will be able to determine whether this registration school is right for you or you should choose another Educational establishment. Also, it would not be superfluous to ask the opinion of parents whose children are already studying at this school. You can personally get acquainted with a potential teacher and study his method of work.

Currently, parents can choose the teacher they want to go to. You will need to enter the name of the teacher on the application form for admission.

There are times when an institution refuses to accept a student. Parents can appeal the decision to the Ministry of Education. An appeal will be triggered by:

  • seat availability;
  • a demand for a bribe;
  • if the baby was forced to be tested, but the results were not satisfactory.

This situation does not apply to private educational institutions, they have their own laws and regulations.

So, we found out that children can attend school:

  • by permanent residence;
  • at the place of residence;
  • by preference.

It means that the educational institution can accept the child, you only need to provide the necessary documents for enrollment. The exception is overcrowding. If, nevertheless, a refusal is received, it is necessary to demand it in writing in duplicate, indicating the reason. Based on this, it will be possible to proceed further.

Dear parents!
Enrollment in the 1st grade of the 2019/2020 academic year will be available from 01.02.2019 from 8:00 a.m.
To apply, you need to select the type of application "Entry into the 1st grade of the next academic year"

  1. Log in to the portal

    To receive the service, you need to: Login or Register

  2. Fill out the application form with the following information:

    Fill out an electronic application. Enter information about the child, parent, confirm the accuracy of the information and consent to the processing of personal data.

    Click the Done button.

  3. Visit the school with the original documents within 7 days after notification of enrollment.

    Bring the original documents that you indicated in the application.

    Acquainted with complete list documents can

    Which school can I enroll my child in?

    Until July 1, you can enroll in a school to which your child is geographically attached. Each school has assigned residential addresses to it. Parents of children registered at these addresses can apply. After submitting the application, there is a check for compliance with the desired school for enrollment and the registration address. If the registration address differs from the territory assigned to the school, you will receive a reasonable refusal

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