Insurance agent. Work as an insurance agent. How to Start an Auto Insurance Business

The profession of an insurance agent is very prestigious in large cities.

An agent is a person who acts on behalf of a certain company and concludes insurance contracts.

Now you can find a huge number of vacancies with a fairly decent salary. Is insurance agent really such a prestigious profession?

Insurance agent- a link between a large company and people who want to make their lives safer. The insurance agent is obliged to find out the wishes of the client, to tell him about possible conditions insurance, current tariffs and compensation payments.

After these actions, an insurance contract is concluded on the most favorable terms for the client.

This profession has certain requirements for candidates. Fits sociable and purposeful people. Any person who has reached the age of majority can become an insurance agent.

Responsibilities of insurance agents

  1. Search for clients. Insurance agent on one's own is looking for clients who will use its services. It is very difficult to develop a base at first and it will take a lot of effort. Depends on the number of clients salary.
  2. Conclusion of contracts. An insurance agent must be able to conclude contracts for each type of insurance. Also this specialist renegotiate contracts. Bears liability.
  3. Damage assessment. Companies often allocate a position special staff that assess property damage. However, each insurance agent is required to be able to do this on their own.
  4. Accounting and preservation of documents. The insurance agent is fully responsible for storage of insurance policies and contributions.
  5. Service advertising. Insurance agents must active advertising their services to the public. Attracting new customers is prerequisite work of an insurance agent.

The main and main task of the insurance agent is Attraction of new clients.

Registration of insurance policies and contributions is the daily work of an agent. Finding new clients is largely dependent on professionalism specialist.

In order to develop a certain customer base, you need to have the skills that every insurance agent should have. An insurance agent has duties that are quite simple to fulfill, but not everyone can do it.

Qualities that an insurance agent should have

Stress tolerance

This skill can be called a key one, since this profession often involves conflict situations . If you are impulsive and nervous person“The insurance agent will make a terrible out of you.

The task of an insurance agent is to attract as much as possible more people for any type of insurance.

It's simple - the customer is always right. Even if he yelled at you when you came to draw up an insurance policy or gave you unflattering words - he is right, and you should come back later.

It is worth understanding that you need to cherish every client and the last boor should be an interesting and good-natured person for you.


Ability to find answers to all questions and find common topics with people will come in handy everywhere. For an insurance agent required quality. An insurance agent is obliged not only to accurately tell the list of services, but to be able to interest a person.

That's why insure the refrigerator or food processor? You must explain that manufacturers have stopped monitoring the quality of the goods, and you will help correct the situation - even if something breaks, a person will be able to buy a new device without loss. Or to remind you of thieves who do not disdain even a refrigerator.


You will not be able to sit and do nothing with such a profession. Every minute you have to think - where to find new customers. And after smart thoughts visit you, go to the implementation of your ideas. Insurance agent - quite active work that won't let you sit still. Irregular work schedule involves the provision of insurance services both in the daytime and in the evening.


Insurance agents who sit at the points and draw up comprehensive insurance know that the worst thing about professional activity– make rounds in the private sector.

Every insurance agent who went around the houses of “nervous and embittered” people at least a couple of times doubted that he had chosen the right education. Not every insurance agent will be hired to work for a certain “point”, and if they are, this does not mean that there will be an influx of customers.

So why is it so scary to work in the private sector? Just imagine, you had a fight with your husband, your dinner was burnt and the child broke a vase, and then an insurance agent came: “Come on, I will insure you for all occasions.”

Usually, in this case, the agent is asked to leave and the services are refused, but there are other options - tell him everything you think about such "beggars", swear, etc.

The second and worst thing that can meet you during the “bypass” is dogs, which are very numerous in private sectors. And do not try to do anything to them - maybe they have already been insured! Any harm to these "harmless" animals, even if they try to bite you, threatens with a fine.

Good memory

An insurance agent is obliged to remember all types of insurance and offer them to his clients. In addition, it is worth remembering the characteristics of certain people. If a person does not have a car, it does not make sense to offer him a comprehensive insurance policy.

Presentable appearance

Regardless of gender, an insurance agent must inspire confidence. To do this, you will need to devote a lot of time to your appearance and be neat and well-groomed.

The history of the profession and the main difference between an agent and a broker

The profession appeared in ancient times. At first, the practice of non-commercial property insurance was relevant. Subsequently, insurance acquired a commercial focus and appeared in its modern form.

In the process of formation of this industry, many institutions providing insurance services began to appear. Now you can see insurance institutions, both public and private.

insurance agent working for one company. Clients can draw up an insurance contract only on the conditions that a certain Insurance Company.

If a person liked the insurance conditions in several companies at once, it is better to contact insurance broker.

An insurance broker, unlike an agent, can work immediately with several companies. He knows the range of all insurance services and accompanies the client during the validity of the policy.

Unlike an insurance agent, a broker offers the most profitable terms insurance in different offices. Practice shows that brokers better informed about the features of the insurance market than agents.

How to become an insurance agent

Anyone can become an insurance agent. For this it is enough to have secondary education.

Many insurance companies conduct their own training of employees. A person of any age can achieve success in this profession, the main thing is purposefulness and willingness to work.

Some vocational schools provide training to become insurance agents. You can also go to special courses.

If you do not have time to study theory, you can safely contact an employer who will provide you with quality training in practice.

An insurance agent is a profession that provides career and high wages. It all depends on the person and desire to work.

insurance agent salary

The salary of an insurance agent depends entirely on his diligence and activity. On average, an insurance agent has 10-20% from transactions.

Actively working beginners have at least 18 thousand rubles. per month. Insurance agents with long experience up to 50 thousand rubles. Some insurance agents with a very large client base have an income of 200 thousand rubles.

When starting to work as an insurance agent, you need to keep in mind that the first time will be very hard to find clients. And this will definitely affect the salary.

Customers are money and they will not go into your own hands. If you sit still, you won't even earn a ruble.

It is also worth understanding that not all people want to insure. You will have to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of nerves to get your first salary. But over time, it will be easier to find new customers, and wages will increase.

The profession of an insurance agent, like any other, has its advantages and disadvantages. This specialty will allow you to quickly improve your financial situation and move up the career ladder, but not everyone can achieve such success. If you do not know how to work with people, no other professional skills will help you find clients.

An insurance agent is a representative of an insurance company engaged in the direct sale of its products - insurance. It depends on the professionalism of the insurance agent, the persuasiveness of his presentation, in favor of which insurance company the potential client will choose.

An insurance agent is not a person who goes from house to house to collect money from people, offering an insurance policy in return.

An insurance agent is someone who helps clients make a choice by carefully studying their needs and offering the best option. This is a friend of the client, communication with which takes place, as a rule, over a cup of tea.

Only knowledge of insurance products, technologies of payments and settlement of losses is not limited to the duties of an insurance agent. Rather, this is the minimum that he must master perfectly. But the manifestation of interest in the personal life of the client, unobtrusive and tactful entry into his personal space - these are the “thin” tools that make an ordinary specialist a real professional. After all, insurance is always a hidden, one might say, intimate part of a client's life, and therefore building human contact is quite difficult - but very important. The client must trust not only the company whose insurance policy he buys, but first of all - the person who sold it.

What qualities are important for an insurance agent?

To date, the appearance of the agent has undergone significant changes compared to what it seemed twenty, ten, or even five years ago. Today, an insurance agent is, as a rule, an energetic young man, educated, well-mannered, competent, having knowledge and skills in various fields. Speaking about the qualities that an insurance agent should have, we can single out a few of the most significant.

First of all, the agent must have strategic thinking - to understand where and how to look for clients, to be able to plan and organize their activities, to anticipate possible risks(for example, it is not uncommon for a client to buy insurance in order to be guaranteed to earn money by deceiving the insurance company in the future) and take measures to reduce them.

For an agent, it is also important to have marketing knowledge - they allow you to clearly and clearly convey to the client the benefits of cooperation with the agent, and not with the company's office.

And the ability to build long-term relationships allows you to keep customers from year to year, thereby creating a loyal base.

A key quality for an insurance agent is communication skills. It is impossible to do without communication skills - all the work of an agent is built on them: he must be able to speak with each client in his language and in terms of his benefits, be able to find an approach to any person, be persistent and persuasive, listen and hear the client. In the West, there is even an archetype of an "insurance agent": a person who is known to the whole area. And who himself is friends with all the neighbors - charming, friendly, "his boyfriend." And this image was not accidental. For effective work An insurance agent, in addition to everything else, needs to have the skills of a psychologist in order to understand what points should be pressed in order to convince the client to purchase insurance.

Responsiveness is an equally important quality for an insurance agent - he must be guided by the needs of the client in order to assess the parameters of the upcoming transaction and offer the most favorable conditions (both for the client and for the company).

Of course, decisiveness, purposefulness, perseverance, vigor and self-confidence are also important for an insurance agent. And besides, the insurance agent should strive for self-development, learn the techniques of effective sales, the ability to gain experience even from an unsuccessful transaction. All these features determine the professionalism and quality of the agent's work.

Functionality of an insurance agent

The agent is a full-fledged participant in the insurance market - he concludes contracts for property insurance and individuals, analyzes the demand and regional conditions for certain insurance products (including researching new types of insurance services and prospects for their development), analyzes the composition of potential customers, regulates the relationship between the insured and the insurer, helps customers obtain comprehensive information on the terms of insurance, provides guarantees correct filling of documents and maintains contact with policyholders throughout the entire period of the contract.

The insurance agent is responsible for maintaining all insurance documentation - both new and old clients. If an insured event occurs, the agent interacts with the payout service of the insurance company and, in case of refusal, tries to “soften the corners”, regulating the possible increase in the conflict. The agent thus represents the interests of the client at all levels of business processes.

Daily routine of an insurance agent

Probably, independence and freedom in building a working day is one of the most attractive moments in the work of an insurance agent. No one can tell the agent when and where he should be. He is no longer just an employee, he is his own boss. Of course, the agent still has contractual relationship with the company, rights and obligations remain, but at the same time he himself can decide what to do and how, and whether to do it at all. In fact, he becomes individual entrepreneur.

However, a good agent always adapts to his clientele first. If it is convenient for the client to meet on the weekend in his country house, then the agent is forced to change his country (or any other) vacation to work with a potential insured. He must also be prepared for an unexpected change. personal plans client, to significant costs travel time. If the agent works with legal entities, you have to adapt to their working rhythm, which means that the working day can end quite late.

In practice, an insurance agent does not start work when he wants to, but in accordance with a plan that includes such items as: customer search, phone calls, personal meetings, self-study (it is necessary to study the basics and new trends in the insurance market in order to confidently respond to all customer questions and correctly formulate their needs). In many ways, what an agent does today determines his future tomorrow, and therefore the working day of a demanded insurance agent is scheduled almost by the minute, and free time reserved for unexpected calls or unscheduled meetings with clients.

The profession of an insurance agent is not an easy job. However, with the desire and determination, a successful agent can make brilliant career for a short period of time. Almost all insurance companies seek to create their agents comfortable conditions work - provide them with equipped workplace, high commission rates, social benefits, train and provide an opportunity to develop. And if the agent is active, likes to communicate with people and puts all his strength into work, there is no doubt that he will have career success.

You will have access to training courses. The first course that you have to study is OSAGO: compulsory course". After studying it, you will be tested and get access to work with this insurance product. Further, courses for other products will be available to you. Thus, even if you have no experience in the profession, you will gradually gain knowledge in this area and develop practical skills in working with various insurance products.

The training is divided into several blocks: professional courses, product courses, sales courses. After completing each course, you will take an online test to test your knowledge. Education on the site is multi-level and interactive, courses consist of theory, questions, various exercises and even role playing. If you interrupt the course, at any time you can continue from where you left off, and if necessary, repeat the material covered.


The duties of an insurance specialist include advising clients on auto insurance and property insurance, selecting the optimal insurance program for the client, sending an application for a policy to an insurance company.

There are no sales plans for you on Workle. You are paid for the work done, i.e. you receive a commission from the insurance company, while the cost of insurance for the client does not increase.


Workle earns only real money - rubles. You can transfer them to your bank card or account. Your income is a commission that the insurance company pays you, while the cost of insurance for the client does not increase.

On average, the income from the sale of OSAGO is 450 rubles, CASCO - 7,000 rubles, property insurance - 1,500 rubles (the amounts may vary up or down depending on the object of insurance and the conditions of a particular insurance company). The amount you earn in a month depends on the amount of sales you will make. You will find out the exact amount of remuneration at the stage of selecting an insurance program.

Yes, the job is official and your remuneration is automatically deducted income tax(personal income tax - 13%). At any time, upon request, you can get a 2-NDFL certificate. In addition, information about your income is transferred to Pension Fund RF, so Workle takes care of your future pension.

You work on the site under a civil law contract: when registering, you must accept the terms and conditions. In accordance with Art. 434 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an agreement may be concluded in any form provided for transactions. Thus, between you and LLC "Workl" a contract for the provision of services is concluded Chapter 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which is fully consistent with applicable law and includes information about the obligations of the parties (including in terms of payments for the work done). Workle is a resident of the Skolkovo innovation center and the first Internet employer in Russia, we carefully monitor the timeliness of remuneration payments and guarantee that the user will always receive the money earned.

In your Internet office, you submit an application for withdrawal of funds to a card or account. Attach to the application Required documents(a scanned copy of the passport; a copy of the TIN certificate, if you have one; a copy of the PFR certificate) and indicate the account number and details. Within three business days, the money will be transferred to your account/card.

Workle does not charge a commission for transferring your money to an account. Only banks take a commission (from 6 to 15 rubles, depending on the conditions of a particular bank).

Send us an email and we'll figure it out! Do not worry, your rights are protected by law: if one of the parties violates its terms, the other has the right to go to court to protect their rights and interests. In accordance with Art. 11 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the protection of violated or disputed civil rights is carried out by the court in accordance with the jurisdiction of cases established by the procedural legislation.


Your first customers may be relatives, friends, acquaintances, friends of friends. You will complete online training and learn how to find clients. If even after training you are not confident in your abilities, try to issue a policy for yourself! those who have already completed transactions, they are happy to tell how they did it.
Important: according to the current legislation, you cannot issue OSAGO for yourself

You will complete online training and learn how to find new customers. Look: everyone who owns a car must have an OSAGO policy and renew it annually. Many insure cars under CASCO (and for credit cars this is a must!). There are more and more people who insure apartments, houses and dachas against various risks every year (especially dachas). Insurance is gaining popularity in Russia, so your first clients are all your surroundings.

Because you are an independent consultant who is interested in choosing the best insurance option for the client, and works immediately with large quantity insurance companies, and is not a representative of one of them and does not impose on the client the choice of a particular company.

Clients' personal data is encrypted using the https protocol and is inaccessible to anyone. No one can see your entire customer database.

Training and career

Training on the Workle website is multi-level, remote, with subsequent certification. After each completed course, you are tested and thus test your knowledge yourself. You can stop learning at any time and continue later.

The documents

You work on the site under a civil law contract: when registering, you must accept the terms

A great way to gain a specialty and an opportunity for additional income is to learn how to become an insurance agent at home to work on behalf of the company of your choice. Insurers usually offer free training, as a result of which it remains only to find customers and conclude contracts with them for various types insurance, receiving an agency fee for this. We will tell you how to get this position and start working directly.

Who can become an insurance agent?

The question of how to become an insurance agent at home will be of interest primarily to those who have a lot of free time, but do not have a permanent job. Insurance companies are ready to accept as agents such categories of applicants as:

  • students and recent graduates;
  • pensioners and retired military;
  • housewives and young mothers.

The easiest way is for those who already have experience in communicating with people. Educators, doctors, salespeople, marketers and networkers can succeed in the profession of an insurance agent. It is worth learning how to become an insurance agent of Rosgosstrakh or another similar company, respected people, with whose opinion neighbors in the microdistrict or in the village are considered. They will go to them not only for advice, but also for a policy.

The main requirements for those who decide to clarify how to become an OSAGO insurance agent are:

  • easy learning;
  • sociability;
  • stress tolerance.

You need to be able to make simple arithmetic calculations using ready-made formulas, explain the meaning of insurance rules and the content of contracts to customers, as well as fill out the necessary forms and correctly draw up documents. You only need to clarify how to become an insurance agent of Sogaz or another company in your city. This usually requires completing a specific training course.

Training of insurance agents

Since only those who understand insurance products and their conditions can become an insurance agent for auto insurance or in other areas, it is first necessary to undergo training. No company will trust a person "from the street" to represent its interests and draw up documents on behalf of the company, so you will need to take training courses directly from a certain insurer.

The duration of such a training course does not exceed several weeks - usually 1-2 months are enough before becoming an insurance agent for OSAGO or other programs. The form of conducting classes can be both individual and collective, and the format of the classes themselves also varies in different companies - training can be conducted both internally, and in absentia, and remotely.

Thinking about how to become an insurance agent Ingosstrakh? Simply search the organization's website for agent training data and sign up for courses. It is only important to pass all the necessary tests with dignity and confirm your knowledge of the range of insurance products in a particular company.

Before becoming an insurance agent of Sogaz, Rosgosstrakh or VSK, you will have to undergo appropriate training and pass a kind of exam. In some cases, there are several levels of access to different programs insurance and in order to advance and offer a larger range of policies, you need to pass exams at each stage.

Have you decided not only to clarify how to become an insurance agent of several companies, but also plan to undergo training? Then it is better to get acquainted in advance with the peculiarities of working as an insurance agent.

There is a range of main responsibilities of this specialist:

  • find out the needs of a potential client;
  • assist in the selection of the necessary insurance product;
  • calculation of options for issuing a policy;
  • informing about all the conditions of insurance protection and policy options;
  • advice on obtaining compensation and payments in the event of insured events.

In addition, you need not only to become an auto insurance agent and serve customers who want to issue a policy, but also to look for new customers, monitor existing contracts and promptly remind you of the need to renew policies. Nothing complicated, it is only important to constantly replenish your client portfolio in order to increase your remuneration.

Useful video

If you want to try yourself in this way of earning.

In the beginning, I will briefly repeat that the activity of an insurance agent consists in active direct sales of insurance products to customers, and his earnings are commissions from each sale that the insurance company pays. How to become an insurance agent - more on that later.

Stage 1 . Choosing a company and concluding an agency agreement.

First of all, you need to decide on the direction of the insurance services that you will sell. There are only two such directions:

1. Risk insurance(classic insurance programs that involve the payment of compensation upon the occurrence of an insured event);

2. Endowment insurance or (investment products that combine classic insurance and long-term savings programs).

Why do you need to decide on this before becoming an insurance agent? Because in most cases these areas of insurance are implemented by completely different companies. When focusing on risk insurance, you need to choose a company among the leading domestic insurers, market leaders in the services that you plan to sell. And when working on accumulative insurance, Western insurance companies that legally operate on the territory of your country are better suited, since such services are more developed, thought out, and even more reliable there.

When choosing which company to become an insurance agent, you need to focus on the following parameters:

1. Company reliability. Its period of time on the market, indicators of financial statements, . In any case, a business partner must be, above all, reliable, and the work of an insurance agent is no exception.

2. Insurance products. When thinking about how to become an insurance agent, you need to choose the one whose products meet the needs of your potential customers. For example, if you work in a car dealership, it should be CASCO and OSAGO auto insurance services, work with real estate - real estate insurance programs, work in medicine - life and health insurance programs, etc.

3. Market leadership. It will be easiest for you to sell insurance products of those companies that are market leaders in the desired industry and have a positive business reputation.

4. Commission size. Only after that (and not in the first place!) is it necessary to choose among the already filtered insurance companies those that offer the most favorable conditions for cooperation in terms of the size of the commission for the products sold. That is, those companies, cooperation with which will potentially give you highest level earnings.

5. Other conditions of cooperation. It is also necessary to pay attention to other essential conditions of cooperation on affiliate program. For example, the opportunity to receive training at the expense of the company, if you need it, the presence of any additional bonuses upon reaching certain sales indicators, prospects for career and professional growth, etc.

The right choice of company for cooperation - good pledge further success in your work as an insurance agent!

Stage 2. Negotiations and signing of a cooperation agreement.

After you have chosen an insurance company to become its insurance agent, you need to sign an appropriate contract with it. To do this, you should call or fill out an application on the website, during the conversation, clarify all your questions (and they must definitely arise), and if everything suits you, and your candidacy suits the insurer, sign an agency contract / agreement. If the insurance company is represented in your city, this can be done at their office, if not, the documents can be sent to you by mail or electronically.

After signing the contract, the insurance company must issue you:

1. Certification that you are an insurance agent;

2. Power of attorney giving the right to sign insurance contracts and policies that you will sell;

3. Instructions for drawing up insurance contracts and policies;

4. Access to the company's website for tariff calculations, printing of policy forms and other necessary actions;

5. Forms of insurance policies for registration, if these are forms strict accountability(for example, OSAGO).

Stage 3 . Insurance agent training.

When your cooperation with the insurance company is documented, you can already get to work. However, in order for it to be as effective as possible, it is highly advisable to undergo preliminary training, especially if you do not yet have experience in insurance and.

As a rule, the companies themselves, working with agents under partnership agreements, provide an opportunity to learn the insurance business. Moreover, there are options for both free and paid training. You simply have to give some initial recommendations in terms of finding clients, negotiating, disclosing the advantages of an insurance product and a particular company to clients for free, because their sales volume that you can provide will directly depend on this.

But here are some special courses focused on advanced training and reaching a new qualitative level of skill can already be paid.

Training in the insurance business itself can take place in the most different forms:

– Full-time courses;

Distance learning;

– Educational presentations and video lessons;

– Trainings and seminars;

– Webinars;

– Master classes from the best specialists, etc.

You will most likely have opportunities for learning at all times, not just before you start working. In my opinion, a person engaged in active sales(this fully applies to the work of an insurance agent) it is simply necessary to constantly improve your skills, develop and improve your skills. Various options for training in insurance business and sales skills will just contribute to this.

Stage 4 . Start of work, first sales.

Having received at least the initial basic knowledge, you can begin to apply them in practice. As a rule, the first sales are the most difficult. It happens that it takes several weeks or even months before the insurance agent draws up his first insurance contract.

This is quite normal: as in any business, in direct sales, skill comes with experience. If you are determined to become an insurance agent (otherwise, why did you start all this?), you should not stop before the difficulties that arise.

Plan your work, analyze mistakes, gain experience, and soon you will come to the first results. Working as an insurance agent is not an area in which huge earnings will “shower” on you right away. Skill, and therefore a good income, will come with experience. And in any case, the experience of direct sales that you get will become an assistant in other areas of your life.

How to become an insurance agent, do I need to apply for an IP?

Many people have a question: is it necessary to draw up entrepreneurial activity to become an insurance agent? The answer to it should be sought in the legislation of your country, which, as you know, often changes. Even if you yourself cannot find this answer, the employees of the insurance company working with partners will certainly help you.

To date, in Russia and Ukraine, to become an insurance agent, it is not necessary to open an individual entrepreneur (PE). However, in the future, you can open: it all depends on the expected volume of your income. Perhaps, through business activities under simplified taxation schemes, you will pay less taxes than without it - this must be calculated for each specific case based on current tax rates and conditions.

Now you know how to become an insurance agent. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this: working as an insurance agent does not require any significant costs and, at the same time, can become a source of your main or additional income.

The site will help you learn interesting and relevant ways of earning and investing, improve your financial literacy and teach you how to properly manage personal finances and family budget. See you in new posts!

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