Objection handling techniques examples. How to deal with customer objections in active sales

In most cases, people never make a purchase on their first visit to your online store: before making a final decision on the transaction, we always carefully evaluate the product, weighing all its pros and cons.

If a we are talking about online shopping, then consumers have much more doubts than usual: this is a behavioral pattern.

Commercial transactions on the Internet always cause more doubts among users, and even after carefully familiarizing themselves with the benefits and benefits of the product, buyers continue to find reasons against closing the transaction.

But how to deal with customer objections in sales while remaining correct and
increasing business efficiency? The task of every Internet marketer is as follows: to eliminate all possible objections and doubts of a potential client, thereby inducing him to make a conversion.

In our today's article, we will talk about the six main barriers to sales of Internet consumers that arise in the process of marketing interaction and give the basic rules for working with objections, learn how to eliminate conversion obstacles and how to deal with customer objections as efficiently as possible.

Let's list objections in sales, examples of working with them and answer the question: what stands between the consumer and the purchase?

1. Too high price

Let's figure out how to deal with customer objections to overpricing. Inadequately high consumer value of the cost of goods / services has always been, is and will be the main reason for consumers to refuse to make a transaction.

Obviously, no one wants to overpay for an overpriced product, especially if a large assortment of the market allows you to find a free or cheaper analogue.

This is one of the most basic objections in sales, and there can be several answers to it.

First way- convince potential buyers that the money they spend will certainly bring great benefits. This method perfectly applied in practice by the RJ Metrics eCommerce analytics service.

RJ Metrics' cheapest monthly subscription plan is $750, with each subsequent higher plan doubling in price. Obviously, business owners will be more inclined to use free platforms like Google Analytics and Piwik than to pay a hefty $750 for an analytics service.

But the RJ Metrics user cases posted on the company's landing page almost completely eliminate the doubts of the target audience regarding the increase in prices for premium tariff plans.

The NoMoreRack website, for example, using RJ Metrics, received more profit in 2 months of 2014 than in the whole of 2013. An extra $100,000,000 for just $750 a month is a well-deserved expense, isn't it? :)

Second way to neutralize buyers' doubts about the price - to make the cost of the product more acceptable. good example using this approach is a platform to promote AppSumo.

AppSumo is offering their potential customers a $300 How To Make a $1,000 a Month Business info product.

Such a high one-time payment can alienate many aspiring Internet entrepreneurs, which is why AppSumo offers to pay for access to the training course at $30 every month.

Despite the fact that the annual cost of such a tariff plan is more expensive than a one-time payment, it is easier for novice businessmen to pay a small $30 monthly than to immediately part with a large sum of money.

AppSumo also allows you to pay $1.15 daily for access to the training course. As with the monthly plan, buyers will end up paying more for the info product, but small, frequent payments don't seem like a big deal to them.

The third effective method to dispel customer doubts that arose because of the price - to differentiate subscription plans.

Few users are willing to pay impressive amounts for access to the full functionality of a cloud service without understanding what is included. That is why most SaaS businesses create several tariff plans, the simplest of which allows the client to use the most basic features of the cloud service either at a low price or completely free.

Once you have added a new user to your client base, you can cross-sell add-ons to your current subscription plan and encourage them to switch to a more advanced, paid plan.

Buffer, a popular SMM marketing automation platform, uses this method to eliminate price friction.

Artem Shinkaruk

In business, the most important and important thing is the sale, and in sales, the most important thing is to work with the objections of your customers. For this article, I have prepared a collection of typical frequently used objections and my options for working them out.

Let's analyze the 5 most popular objections with specific instructions, specific patterns, as well as explanations for each group of objections:

  • "Expensive"
  • "I'll think"
  • "We don't need it"
  • "Busy/no time"
  • "Send KP"

After each section, you can see examples of counter-arguments for this objection.

Objection "Expensive"

It usually occurs when the client expected a smaller amount or when comparing prices with competitors. It is also used by cunning negotiators to bring down the price and get a discount. Especially in bulk purchases.

Don't take the "Expensive" objection seriously when you're talking to an opponent for the first time, as it can be a standard automatic response to a new offer.

In any case, the task of the seller is to work out this objection, find out what is behind it and move on to the value of the product. Below are common phrases that work well and can be adapted to different areas.

  • And how much is inexpensive for you? I think the price is fair. How much do you think it should cost? What are you comparing to?
  • I perfectly understand your desire to save money. I understand what it's like not to fit into the budget, I myself have had such a situation more than once.
  • I prefer to have an unpleasant conversation about the price once than to apologize later for the quality and results of the service / product. You should not care about the cost, but whether it will help you or not. If it does not help, then the price does not matter.
  • My loyal clients know that there are also cheaper services/goods, because they are not stupid people and are probing the market. But they still order services / goods from us. Why do you think?
  • Let's take a look at what our proposal consists of ...
  • I understand correctly that it remains only to decide the question of price, and everything else suits you [reception isolation]

Objection "I think"

A very insidious objection for the reason that it puts the seller in a position of uncertainty. That is, if the answer is “yes” or “no”, the sales manager can react correctly by choosing one of the path options in the script and move on through the sales process.

In a situation with the “I’ll think about it” objection, the seller’s task is not to let the client go thinking for a long time, because you can think for years (which usually happens).

The correct tactic is to lead the client to one of the options or to take obligations from the client with a clear fixation of further contact in order to continue negotiations.

  • How much time do you need to think?
  • Since we are talking now, we can resolve all issues now. What do you think? Tell me, what will happen on Monday?
  • I myself say what I think when I want to politely refuse. What didn't suit you in my offer?
  • Tell me, what is the worst thing that can happen if you make a decision now?
  • Tell me, in principle, did our proposal interest you, or is something embarrassing to you?
  • Tell me, if the offer suits you, will you be ready to give your answer about the start of cooperation this week / in the near future?
  • Do I understand correctly that you are interested in my services and would like to work according to the program I have proposed? So it's only the price that's stopping you?

"We don't need it" objection

Occurs in 2 situations. The first is in the very first conversation and is a mechanical excuse to stop communicating and return to the status quo. Second - your offer is new to the client and he has never heard of such a thing or has not used it.

The task of the seller is to figure out what is behind these objections and start a further conversation. It is recommended to use the SPIN selling system to develop a conversation with a client.

  • Sure, but can you tell me why?
  • Are you not interested for any particular reason?
  • You know, I usually also respond to a new proposal. Just because I don't need a service/product either. But security now and in the future may be of interest to you?
  • I understand you perfectly. I don't expect you to be interested in a service you don't know anything about yet. It is for this reason that I want to talk with you for a couple of minutes, and if you understand that you do not need it, just tell me about it. Deal?

The Busy/No Time Objection

Most often used by clients to end a conversation that has not yet begun. Or in order to reject the seller. Less often - this is the real reason (you will immediately understand this by the intonation of the interlocutor).

The surest option in this situation is to take the initial arrangements for a second call. You should not ship the client if he is not ready to listen to you. Information will fly past the ears 100%.

Phrases that help in such situations are given below.

  • I understand. Can you give me 2-3 minutes if I call you back tomorrow morning? Deal. Till tomorrow.
  • How can we do better. What steps to take to make an appointment in the near future?
  • I understand you perfectly, that's why I call in advance so that I can plan the week. Orient me to your schedule for the end of the week. When do you prefer: Thursday or Friday?

Objection "Send commercial to the mail"

The king of excuses and excuses for both secretaries and decision makers. And in principle, we also usually answer sellers who want to offer us something.

And the biggest mistake would be to follow the request of the client, in the hope that the CP will be carefully considered and will call you back. Admit it, there is such hope in the soul, right? Of course have. In the past, I myself had high hopes for this, but reality put everything in its place.

It must be understood that a sales manager should sell, not send letters. A paper seller always sells worse than a real living one.

  • We prepare a commercial letter individually for each client. Now I need to understand how relevant this is for your company, so as not to waste your time. I propose to meet and discuss everything for 20-30 minutes. And if you are interested, we will discuss options for cooperation with you / your organization. If not, no big deal. The meeting will not oblige you to anything and will take only 20-30 minutes. Do you agree / how do you like this option?
  • We will prepare a commercial offer for you and we can bring it to the meeting. There we will discuss possible options cooperation. What do you think? [suggest date and time]
  • Yes, I will definitely send you a quotation, and so that I can more accurately prepare a quotation for you, let's clarify what material do you use in your production?
  • Yes, I will send you a quotation. We have a very wide range (thousands of items). What specific material are you buying?

Scripts for working with objections are just a part of the sales technology, it is important in sales that this is the personality and character of the merchant. Work on yourself: 80% - personal qualities, 20% - sales techniques.

Personal qualities are the foundation upon which a house must be built. And whether it wakes up a skyscraper or Khrushchev depends only on the person himself.

Do you want to sell more efficiently? Do you want to skillfully deal with objections when selling your product? Below in the article are 12 of the most frequent objections and methods of dealing with them.

No matter how well you establish psychological contact with the client, no matter how much they like it, no matter how well you find out the situation and needs, there may still be many objections that you will have to work with.

Why does the client object?
He may have Bad mood. Maybe he wants to bargain. Perhaps he is not satisfied with what you offer. Perhaps he wants to prove to you that selling a product is not so easy for him. Maybe he wants to leave the last word behind you. Perhaps he is such a person who is used to asserting himself, objecting to the interlocutor. Maybe he likes to argue. Maybe he doesn't like the price.
How should you deal with objections?
Do not try to look for a "killer" argument: it often simply does not exist. It may be convincing only for you, but not for the client. Always respond to objections, even if the answer does not seem convincing to you.
You and your client have different labyrinths of objections. No need to impose your labyrinth on the labyrinth of the client. You can’t force and respond to objections mechanically, otherwise the client will feel pressure and leave. Be sure to work with objections by adding emotions, jokes, smiles, compliments, using small digressions to the side.
Dealing with Objections in Sales: Method 1 - "Yes, but..."

Client: "It's expensive for you."
You: Yes, but we have a quality product.
Customer: "I've heard negative reviews."
You: Yes, but positive feedback much more from satisfied customers.
Client: "Take a long time."
You: Yes, but we have a lot of goods and absolutely everything is in stock.
Client: "No money."
You: Yes, but we have the possibility of a loan (leasing).
You: Yes, but let's meet in the future.
You: Yes, but let's compare...
This is how the "Yes, but..." method works.

Dealing with Objections in Sales: Method 2 - "That's Why..."

Client: "I'll think about it."
You: That's why I want to meet with you, tell you everything, so that you have something to think about.
Client: "Good personal relationship with current supplier."
You: That is why I want to start working with you so that you also have a good personal relationship with us.
Customer: "I don't want to pay upfront."
You: That's why we have a lot of other advantages that will compensate for this.
Client: "There is a supplier."
You: That is why I would like to meet with you in order to tell you about our advantages.
Client: "It's expensive for you."
You: That's why I want you to take only a trial batch.
To make sure that our product is worth the money.
This is how the "That's why..." method works.

Dealing with Objections in Sales: Method 3 - "Ask a Question"

Client: Expensive.
You: What are you comparing to?
You: Why did you decide that?
You: What is dear to you?
You: How much is inexpensive for you?
Client: "No money."
You: What do you mean?
You: And when is the budget open?
You: And when can we meet with you in order to get to know each other in the future?
Client: "Competitors are cheaper."
You: How did you determine that we have the same product?
Client: "Good personal relationships with others."
You: Why does that prevent you from simply considering our offer?

These are clarifying questions. You can ask a question that will make the client think. Let's call it "loading question". This is a question that contains a hidden statement. Here is an example:

Client: "It's expensive for you."
You: If we were expensive, with us long years so many clients wouldn't work. Why do you think they buy from us?
In the previous example, we split the question into two sentences. The first is a statement, and the last is a question. The second is a question with a hidden statement inside. This question makes the client think.

Dealing with Sales Objections: Method 4 - "Let's Compare"

The method fits very well with the "Expensive" objection.
Client: Expensive.
You: Let's compare.
And you start comparing point by point: How much batch do you take? With what frequency? What are the conditions for payment? What is the delay? What is the value of trade credit? What is the quality of the goods? Who is the manufacturer? What warehouse is it shipped from? Whether there are available? What parties? What assortment do you take in addition to this product? Did they have a quality problem? How fast do they return in case of marriage? What warranty conditions do they give? What service do they offer additionally? Do they have a service post? How long has this company been on the market to guarantee the fulfillment of the obligations that it takes on?

That's how many parameters there are to compare using the "Let's compare" method when the client claims that you are expensive. The fact is that when a client starts telling you what is expensive for you, he tries to make you believe that everyone has the same product, but yours is just more expensive. Your task, using the "Let's compare" method, is to show the client that no two things are the same.

Dealing with Objections in Sales: Method 5 - "Substitution"

Still sometimes it is also called "Paraphrase". The first substitution option - you change the objection to a statement that is beneficial to you. The substitution begins with the words: “Did I understand you correctly?”
Client: "It's expensive for you."
You: Change the objection to a statement that benefits you: “I understand correctly, if you are convinced that our product is of better quality, are you ready to buy it?”
Customer: "You don't have it in stock."
You: “Do I understand correctly that if we plan a warehouse for you, are you ready to buy from us?”
Client: "We don't have money."
You: “As far as I understand, if we agree on the quality of the goods and on the terms of delivery, then at the next purchase you will buy from us?”

This is how the objection substitution method works.
Remember that you will not immediately convince the client with one answer to an objection. You will simply bypass the wall of objection in his head and move one step closer through the labyrinth of objections to the cherished center - “Yes”.

Dealing with Objections in Sales: Method 6 - Divide

A good method when you need to prove that a more expensive product is more profitable than a cheaper one. A typical example is a detergent. A well-known company that sells expensive detergents in small packages is trying to prove that these detergents are more effective than other detergents sold in larger packages for less money.
How to do it? Everything is very simple. Let's divide by the number of dishes: “With an expensive detergent in a small package, 1,000 dishes can be washed, but with an inexpensive detergent in a larger package, only 300 dishes can be washed. As you can see, despite the fact that our product is more expensive and the packaging is smaller, it washes 1,000 dishes, which is 3 times more. Therefore, even if the price of another product is 30% less, and the volume of its packaging is 2 times larger, it will still not block a threefold increase in the amount of dishes that can be washed.”
When it comes to detergents, it is easy to divide by the number of plates. What if you have another product or service? You have to come up with a parameter that you can divide by. And so that the present value per unit is either less or the same as that of competitors.

Dealing with Objections in Sales: Method 7 - "Reduction to the Absurd"

You take the customer's objection and confront it with a stronger statement. For example:
Client: "It's expensive for you."
You: If we were expensive, then so many clients would not work with us for many years.

Dealing with Objections in Sales: Method 8 - Link to the Past

To make this method work, look for actions in the client's past experience that are similar to what you are suggesting. Then it will be easier for him to agree to your proposal.
You: You once chose this supplier because he offered profitable terms. Maybe it's time to review our terms?
You: Have you had such a case in your life when you bought a cheaper item, and then you still bought an expensive one, because the cheap one did not suit you? And you felt sorry for the money that you spent on a cheap thing?
Of course, there was such a case. Even if the client doesn't say so. Most people have had similar experiences, so without waiting for an answer, you can summarize: “Maybe it's the same here. Let's see together if that cheaper option suits you!” Based on the fact that this has already been in the past experience of the client, it is easier for you to convince him.

Dealing with Objections in Sales: Method 9 - Link to the Future

Highly good method to get the client talking. If the client is not yet buying anything from you, you can say: “What would you choose if you decided to buy? What would you buy?
If you have good psychological contact with the client, then he will begin to tell. And if he doesn’t start, then you can push him a little more to talk about the future: “Perhaps you would take this, because that’s it. Because you need this."
If the client has begun to talk about the future, this gives you the opportunity to understand what he wants and build the right argument, find the right leads in order to continue the sale.

Dealing with Objections in Sales: Method 10 - "Reference to Norms"

The reference to the norms begins with the words: "For a company of your level, it is perfectly normal ...". Thus, I argue that there is a certain norm of behavior.
Customer: "We have a supplier."
You: It's perfectly normal for a company at your level to have multiple suppliers.
Customer: "We buy cheaper."
You: It's only natural for a company of your stature to buy more expensive but higher quality items.
This is how the "Reference to norms" method works.

Dealing with Objections in Sales: Method 11 - "Set the Bar Too High"

The high bar is a story about a more difficult case. Very often, a manager, telling a client about how he works with a larger company, receives an objection from the client in response: “Well, this is a large company, but we are small. We can not". Therefore, do not tell the client about a larger company, rather tell about a more complex case and a smaller client. Example:
Client: "You are far away."
You: We drove even further. Outside the region.
Client: "We have a very specific business."
You: You know, I agree with you. But we even worked with companies where the business is so specific that no one but us could supply them with goods.
And give examples: a mining plant, space project etc. Where the specificity was extremely important, and where it was even more serious than that of your client.

Dealing with Objections in Sales: Method 12 - "What Would Convince You Despite..."

This method is a lifesaver. Even if everything is out of your head, resort to it
Client: "It's expensive for you."
You: And what could convince you of the need to buy, despite the fact that we have a little more expensive?
Client: "No money."
You: What would convince you to conclude a contract when the money appears?
Etc. If, on the other hand, everything has gone out of your head and you don’t know how to respond to the client’s objection, or the client has confused you by constantly mentioning the same objection, ask: “What could convince you despite this objection?” It may turn out that this objection is false and there is a completely different objection behind it, with which you need to work.

What is most often understood by the term "objection handling" and why is it so important, especially in the field of sales? Working with objections is the ability of a certain representative to identify all the possible positions of the client regarding the proposals put forward to him, as well as overcoming possible disagreement.

Such skills are central to the process of dealing with disagreements. Methods of working with objections always include the skills of translating negative assessments and statements into a likely positive channel, and developing feelings into a specific active approach.

It is also worth noting that handling objections has two implications for any kind of sales. The first meaning of overcoming objections is that the potential consumer is interested in the product offered to him. Another meaning considers the questions and objections that arise as an indicator of poor preparation of the sales agent, making mistakes at the stage of product preparation and presentation, which could be caused by various kinds of miscalculations.

Overcoming customer objections

How likely and generally problematic is it to overcome customer objections? The complexity of this task directly depends on the individual qualities of a potential client, but also on the skills of the seller, his communication skills.

There are several basic steps for dealing with an objection:

  1. Learn to listen. You should always start by listening patiently to the prospect. This step is as simple and effective as possible, since attentiveness to the client's monologue provides an understanding of his interests and predispositions, and will also cause sympathy and more trust on his part.
  2. Accept objection. This step may seem counter-intuitive at first, but in order to overcome the client's objections, they must be accepted. This is really important, because the situation that the client describes from his point of view is really theoretically possible. You need to give the client the opportunity to understand that you agree with the severity of the problem they have asked. Begin with the phrase: "It really is important question' or 'It's really worth dealing with this kind of thing.'
  3. Understand correctly the reason why the client refuses the proposed product or service. Is his objection a real disagreement, or is it just an excuse with which he is trying to get rid of the obsessive agent. If you are not able to independently identify the answer to this question, ask follow-up questions. Most often this situation is solved in two ways. The first of these is to ask the consumer if there are other reasons why he refuses to buy. The second approach is sincerity. Tell the customer that other consumers objected in a similar way, but abandoned the product for a different reason.
  4. Refine and be specific. Do this with leading questions. If you allow your client to talk, and ask the right follow-up questions, you will be able to better navigate their objections, understand their essence, as well as the real needs of your client. This stage has several values. Besides the fact that you will have a complete understanding of your client, you can also benefit from the very literacy of the implementation of this stage. The client can appreciate your professionalism, which will win him over to you to a greater extent and allow him to overcome his objections.
  5. Bring counterarguments. If you have correctly implemented all the previous stages and have learned to navigate the needs and objections of your client, then you are ready to start putting forward counterarguments. They must be positive, and the facts that you provide must be verified and reliable.

In addition to the basic steps, also remember the main mistake of agents - entering into an argument with a potential client. Argument is the main enemy of a successful sales manager, because it will force the client to take a completely opposite and tough position.

Objection handling techniques

There are completely different techniques for dealing with objections. All of them contain the basic algorithm of working with the client, which will allow him to be inclined in the necessary direction and evaluate the offered product completely objectively. The application of some basic steps of this algorithm is inherent in one way or another to any methods of working with objections. The first step is to give the individual who is the potential client a chance to speak. Quite often it happens that in order to overcome an objection, it is enough just to listen to them, since a person, having spoken out, will literally “let off steam” and will be quite positive towards the agent.

Psychological adaptation to objection also plays a role. This allows a person to think the way he wants to. Thus, he feels comfortable, and you let him know that his point of view is fully accepted and has the right to exist.

Questions of a clarifying direction play the role of a “beacon” with which you will mark for yourself all the main positions for the interlocutor, criteria and desires, in order to take them into account at the time of expressing your counterarguments.

An example of handling objections

What exactly is good dispute management? This is in no way an attempt to “squeeze” your products to any person. First of all, it is the ability to competently take into account all the wishes and criteria of the client and offer him such a type of product or service that would fully satisfy his needs. An example of working with objections in a bank and in banking services in general, the most common one.

A phrase often uttered by customers is: "I'll think about it...". This objection is significant enough that there are several classical ways bypass it. You can agree with the client by endearing him to you in advance, agreeing with him and expressing understanding. You can also ask a clarifying question: “over what?”. If the client does not know what to answer, continue to ask clarifying questions about the service or product in order to identify the cause of the client's doubts.

Also a widely used phrase is the phrase: "It's expensive." This objection can also carry a double meaning. Clarify what exactly the client means by it. Has he seen similar products cheaper, but in a different place? Also, the technique is an offer to purchase a product with a certain discount, but it is not always possible and universal.

The interaction of people with each other is mainly their communication. And communication, in turn, is a very difficult process, which is characterized by its own laws and rules, and, depending on each individual situation, they may change. However, there are some things that can be called universal and suitable for any communication. Such things include, for example, the ability not to succumb to provocations and some others. But today we will talk about working with objections.

Objections are found everywhere in our lives: in conversations with relatives, in discussions with friends, when communicating with colleagues at work. The central place for objections is given in the field of sales, because. it is in something that the ability of a person to a person is directly traced, but skillfully present his product or service, show his / her benefits and advantages and complete the transaction. And customer objections are a real stumbling block for many sellers around the world. Thousands of books, pamphlets, and articles have been written on the subject of objection handling; trainings, training seminars and master classes are held.

We do not claim to be a full-fledged study of the magic of sales and provide exhaustive information on the topic presented, but we want to introduce you to several rules and steps for dealing with objections that you can apply and follow in your daily life. This information will undoubtedly be useful both to people whose activities are related to sales, and to people of completely different professions, and you can use it both at work and in Everyday life, and at home.

Work with objections

Speaking about objections in general, it should be said that experienced people - masters of communication with objections do not work, but do their best to find workarounds to avoid them. But there is one trick here: you need to get around not objections, but people's doubts. And speaking in completely different words, then doubts should not be bypassed, but dispelled. Doubts are inherent in all people, but many consider them as something extremely undesirable and even negative, which is fundamentally wrong. In fact, doubts are not a form of defense, but an opportunity to build a constructive dialogue.

Let's make two fundamental points:

First: The purpose of working with objections is to identify the attitude of the other person to what we are saying, and if there are disagreements, to overcome them.

Second: The most important thing when dealing with objections is to transform the negative into a positive and reduce any emotional states to business communication.

Rules for dealing with objections

The following rules are usually distinguished:

  • It is necessary to listen to the objection and pay attention to the interlocutor
  • You need to control your condition - stay calm, be patient and communicate positively
  • For clarification true reasons objections (doubts) it is required to ask the interlocutor special clarifying questions
  • If the interlocutor begins to object, in no case should you answer him with a mutual objection
  • Any objection must be localized, i. formulate it as accurately as possible, as well as limit your answer in time and space
  • It is very important to answer on the merits, while arguing your position.
  • Before moving on to the next argument, it is important that the interlocutor react positively to the previous argument and agree with it.
  • If you let the objecting interlocutor finish speaking and listen to his questions, and after that make a short pause, in most cases he will begin to give answers to his questions.

But when dealing with objections, it is important not only to follow the above rules, but also to act strategically, one by one, overcoming all stages of this process.

Stages of dealing with objections

First stage: We listen to the objection, using active listening tactics, which implies the absence of any disputes and accompanying the speech of the interlocutor with head nods, etc. While listening, we determine the strategy of our own behavior and select a way to work with objections.

Second phase: We check if there are other objections besides the first objection. Here you can ask, for example:

“Tell me, please, is there anything else that makes you doubt the decision?”

Third stage: We check whether there are other reasons that contribute to objections. A leading question would be a question like:

Fourth stage: We find out whether the objection expressed is true or just a simple excuse. Examples of questions that can be asked at this stage are:

“In general, if we deal with this issue, will you finally agree?”

“If the management of our organization will meet you halfway on issues that concern you, will you be ready to sign a partnership agreement with us as soon as it is required?”

“If I understand you correctly, your final choice about working with our organization depends solely on…?”

“What do you mean by…?”

Fifth stage: We produce emotional to the interlocutor and respond to his objection. It is convenient to use the following phrases here:

“I understand you perfectly. Yes, indeed, at first glance it may seem that way, but ... "

“I completely understand your doubts. If I were you, I would react in exactly the same way, but you must admit that ... "

“You hit right on the spot when you said this, because it is very important. But what about…?”

“Naturally, it costs a lot of money. But do you agree that a quality product or service should always be appreciated?”

“I agree with you: at first glance, the cost of this service may seem quite high, but at the same time…”

“Many of our clients, who are now regulars, initially said about the same thing as you. But later they were able to make sure that our service fully justifies its cost, because. (listing all advantages). Surely now you look at this question a little differently ?!

Sixth stage: We make sure that we successfully parried the objection of the interlocutor and close the deal / sum up the conversation. We use these phrases:

“Well, have I dispelled your doubts?”

"Did I manage to answer your questions?"

“Now, if all the i's are dotted, I suggest…”

Today there are many techniques for dealing with objections. These include the Cold Calling technique, the Yes, but technique, the Just Because technique, the clarifying question technique, the comparison technique, the objection substitution technique, the If If technique, the past experience technique, the false objection technique, the partial consent and psychological attachment, the Boomerang technique and many others (you can get acquainted with some of them on the page of our resource). The very same work with objections can be carried out both in direct communication, and by telephone, and through Email or special services for communication (“ICQ”, “Skype”, etc.), and even in social networks.

But no matter what technique you use, and how exactly your communication with the interlocutor will take place, the most important thing is to use the basic rules and follow the stages of working with objections that we talked about.

Of particular importance in dealing with objections is the development of our own communication skills, because the results of all our negotiations, transactions, meetings and any other communication, including even communication with the closest and dearest people to us, will depend on how competently we can communicate.

We wish you success in mastering this skill and only positive communication with other people!

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