Strong conspiracies for the waning moon - we do it right. Water is a magical remedy for weight loss. Business on the wave of the waning moon

The waning moon conspiracies have always been very popular. And it is no coincidence. At this time they have a special powerful force. People take advantage of this and perform various rituals during certain phases of the moon.

Conspiracies read on the waning moon will help get rid of ailments, overweight, eliminate problems, poverty and bad luck, clear your head of bad thoughts.

Features of the waning moon

Even in ancient times, it was noticed that the moon changes according to a certain cycle. There are different phases: growth, full moon and waning. Today, both magicians and scientists confirm their influence on the health and fate of a person.

Unlike the full moon, which causes excitement, the waning moon is a time of purification and release. During this period, it is advised to cleanse the body of harmful substances, get rid of melancholy and negative thoughts, and even clean the house. It lasts two weeks.

During the waning of the moon, invisible channels open that help a person cope with many problems. The main thing is not to miss the time while the channels are open.

Conspiracy Rules

To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to fulfill important conditions:

  • All items for the ritual must be obtained by the performer himself.
  • They should not be given to other people.
  • It is better to read the text of the conspiracy to the waning moon by heart, but it is also allowed to do this from a piece of paper.
  • You need to speak clearly, quietly and without hesitation.
  • The moon should be clearly visible. The weather at night should be clear.
  • The ritual is performed in complete solitude.

The main rule of any rite is a strong belief in one's actions. A person must imagine how his life will change in better side, to believe that the waning moon plot will work.

What rituals are performed

Certain conspiracies during the waning moon are endowed magic power. These include conspiracies:

  • For rejuvenation. Allows you to look younger and more attractive in the eyes of others.
  • From alcoholism. Differs in powerful action and effective result.
  • For weight loss. Great way lose weight and get rid of fat.
  • For love. The conspiracy will help you find happiness in your personal life, return your loved one.
  • For sadness. It is read to attract a loved one who does not reciprocate. He will feel intense sadness.
  • Out of love. It is used when it is necessary to break a love relationship.
  • For money. Read the text for good luck and success in financial matters, attracting money.
  • To remove the evil eye and damage. The sacrament will help remove the negative magical effect.
  • Good luck. Eliminate bad luck.
  • For healing. Get rid of wounds and diseases.

Conspiracy for money

During the waning moon, you need to get all the coins from your wallet, squeeze them in a fist. Looking at the month, you need to say:

“A trifle, a copper and a nickel, you go to the beggar, take my poverty with you! The beggar will drink and walk, fade in his poverty. I give a trifle from the master's purse - I bring wealth back to my house. From now on, I do not know poverty, but I live in wealth. My word is strong, it is clingy to me. Key, tongue, lock. Amen!".

The next day, distribute this trifle to the poor, and this should be done right hand. With the beginning of the next cycle of the moon, wealth will begin to arrive in the house of the performer.

In this lunar cycle, the following rules regarding money should be observed:

  • you can not lend and make serious purchases;
  • money should not be handed over, it is better to put it on the table;
  • counting and holding other people's money is not recommended.

Conspiracy for love

The waning moon will help bring back the beloved and make him sad. To do this, you need to read the lines every evening:

In order for a loved one to return, they also make them sad. It is necessary to read the plot in an open window:

“Seven violent winds, fly with strong wings, comfort the widows and the little orphans. Take away from them all the sorrow of the earth. Instill it in the obstinate body, with the heart of a zealous slave (name). Chop his heart with a steel ax, whip his soul with whips, exhaust and exhaust his body, catch up with sadness and longing for love (name). So that he does not know peace, neither day nor night, neither at home, nor on the road, not at any hour, not now, not a single moment! Let the whole body burn, let the heart hurt, let it be tormented by love for me, slave (name), ignite with passion. Amen".

A young man, being at any distance, will immediately feel longing.

Conspiracies for love on the waning moon are usually aimed at a rival for separation and cooling from her love feelings, as well as reconciliation and the return of a loved one to himself.

Another conspiracy to longing will help to make sure that the beloved will constantly dream of meeting. When reading, you need to stand under the moonlight and say:

"I'll get up, given name), I will cross myself and leave the hut at the gate. I will head east to an open field, but I will find a place where the hut stands, in the middle of which lies a board, under which longing. Longing bitterly cries and sobs, waits for the white light, but it can’t wait for the clear sun to rejoice and have fun! So it is for me, (proper name) he (the name of the beloved) is waiting for me, he constantly thinks, rejoices in thoughts of me. He (the name of the beloved) cannot eat, drink, or live without me either in the early morning, or at the evening dawn, or at lunchtime or noon, or with night stars, or with violent winds, neither in the sun nor in the moon. He (the name of the beloved) cannot be without me, like a fish without water, like a baby without mother's milk.

An important condition of this ritual for melancholy is that the performer himself should not seek a meeting with his beloved. Usually, a longing conspiracy is removed immediately after the meeting, so it will not bring any negative consequences.

Attracting good luck

The rituals for the waning moon are aimed at eliminating troubles and failures, which helps to attract good luck. This conspiracy is carried out at an open window, it will help to attract success in business and discard anxiety. It is necessary to stand facing the month and tell him about your thoughts that disturb the person. Then say:

“The pure silver moon is waning, taking all my troubles with it when it dissolves into the night, new Hope be born in me."

After that go to sleep. The result will not keep you waiting.

weight loss conspiracy

This plot is very popular among girls. It's lightweight and effective ritual. Take a liter bottle of sunflower oil and earth in a container. On the fifteenth lunar day, write the phrase "my fat" on the bottle. On this day, you can not eat any fatty foods. Then they say over the oil:

"Oil, take away my fat, you fix it in yourself."

For the next 14 days, you need to pour a little bit of oil into a container with earth and sentence:

“I expel fat from the body, I spill it with oil, accept the land of my suffering, deliver me forever from overeating.”

Before the new moon, pour the oil to the end and throw out the earth and the bottle.

In most weight loss conspiracies, the waning moon is chosen as a model and symbol of weight loss.

An instant conspiracy to holy water will also help to lose weight. You can read it at night or before dawn, while the waning moon is visible. You need to put a glass of water in front of you and read:

“Sister moon, dear girl, go away from the sky by controlling water, take my extra weight with you. Amen".

Then they drink a glass. There will be an instant weight loss by as many grams as it was drunk. After the ritual, it will no longer be possible to stop weight loss. The plot is read once, every day, until the phase of the moon changes. It will take as many grams as water will be drunk daily. For greater weight loss, you should limit yourself to food, go in for sports.

Conspiracy from alcoholism

This ceremony is performed immediately after the full moon. Take holy water and wedding ring drunkards. The decoration is lowered into the water and they say:

“You, holy water, heal my husband, the servant of God (name), heal drunkenness, drive away the disease, so that it goes away and never returns. As long as my husband will wear this ring, until then it will protect him from alcohol and binges. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

Speak three times. In the future, the owner of the ring must wear it.

How to get the power back

The waning moon helps clear negative energy, gives strength, heals the body. To regain the energy of youth, it is necessary to carry out a special conspiracy away from the city. Come to any deserted place and lay a cloth on the ground. Then lie down on it, not moving, peering into the night sky, and roll over on your stomach. After that, cling to the ground and do not move for several minutes. Turning over again on your back, you should whisper:

“As the earth is forever strong, young and healthy, so I, the servant of God (name), will be healthy and strong. As the earth gives strength to all living things, as all plants and animals are born from the earth, so I will gain strength, I will be cleansed of everything unnecessary. My words are strong, as is mother earth, as I said, so she will do. Amen".

You need to mentally imagine your purification, how the body is filled with energy and forces that come from the earth, how the body is rejuvenated, and thoughts are cleansed of everything bad. It is better to carry out the ceremony in late spring or early summer.


The waning moon cycle is perfect for lapel rituals. This lunar phase contributes to the end of relationships, their break. Therefore, the lapels made during this period have great power.

Need church candle and new needles. In a secluded place, you should dig a small hole in the ground and stick nine needles into it. It is necessary to imagine how the liberation from relationships and love affairs occurs. Then they fill the hole, stand up and say:

“Just as the needles cannot be together, as they cannot grow together into one whole, so you, the servant of God (name), together with the servant of God (name), cannot be. As the needles grow together, then these lovers will only converge. Let it be so".

At this point, light a candle and leave without turning around.

Conspiracy from illness

One of the relatives of the sick person should read the plot. Stand by the window, open it and pick up a towel white color which has never been used. The moon should be clearly visible. Its light should fall on the performer. Say three times:

“As (the name of the patient) will be wiped with this towel, so (the name of the disease) will stop with him. From (the name of the patient) the disease goes away, all the dirt goes into the towel. As 7 days pass, so (the name of the patient) will be completely clean and healthy. Strong is my will, true is my word. As I, (my name), said, so be it.

The patient needs to dry himself with a towel for a week. Others should not use it. After 7 days, the performer takes the towel and buries it in a deserted place or burns it.

In order not to expose yourself and your loved ones to danger, it is better not to mess with black magic. And the performance of the rituals of white magic can be entrusted to practicing magicians. After all, the result of the ceremony can be unpredictable, whether it is a conspiracy for melancholy or good luck.

The waning moon is able to take life's failures and illness, giving positive changes in return. To do this, you need to know what needs to be done on the waning moon.

There are many legends and legends associated with the waning moon. For example, shamans call the Moon the mother of the World and build rules based on the observance of her precepts. happy life. The energy of the waning moon helps those who are on the same wavelength with it, but if you don’t know what you can and can’t do during a decline in lunar activity, then you can attract minor and major troubles into your life.

What not to do on the waning moon

The period of the waning moon is the time of recession, the fading of all processes. Therefore, it is not recommended during this period to start any important business, plan events and make cardinal changes in your life aimed at acquisition and growth. For example, dismissal from work on the waning moon will be fine, but it is recommended to get a new one on the growing one.

It must be understood that the moon affects differently different Signs Zodiac: calm Capricorn, dreamy Pisces and unpredictable Libra perceive its influence in accordance with their individual characteristics. Therefore, the time of the waning moon is extremely unpredictable and has only one principle common to all: you should not start something new and implement ideas, investing time, effort and money in them. Most likely it will not bear fruit, or you will not like the result.

What to do on the waning moon

The waning moon period is a good time to get rid of negative impact, diseases, quarrels and problems. In order for the new lunar cycle to change your life for the better and bring harmony, you need to have time to do these seven things:

1. Carry out general cleaning. You need to start cleansing your life of everything unnecessary and obsolete with living space'Cause home is where we spend the largest number time. In order for “even the walls in the house to help,” get rid of trash and unnecessary things. Feel free to throw away things that have not been useful to you during the year. It will be useful to wash the windows and wash the curtains.

2. Sort out old letters and photographs. The photographs contain energy imprints of the aura of the depicted person, animal or place. If you keep photos in a mess or keep a lot of images of people who have died or have already disappeared from your life, then it will be very difficult to attract happiness to yourself.

3. Change your diet. On the waning moon, you can get rid of excess weight or health problems. One of better ways- go on a diet, temporarily giving up fatty, salty, smoked fried and sweet. healthy eating on the waning moon can get rid of a large number problems.

4. Break unnecessary ties. This item is suitable for you if you have been thinking about your surroundings for a long time or if one of your acquaintances makes you feel that you are being deceived. In this case, the waning moon - the best time in order to stop communicating with people who cause you unpleasant emotions.

5. Return debts. The energy of money is very closely related to the lunar cycles. To attract wealth on the growing moon, it is necessary not to take old monetary debts into the new lunar cycle.

6. Put in order indoor flowers. Flowers in our home play a very important role: at the energy level, they filter the negative of any kind, passing it through themselves and transforming the energy into positive. Repay the flowers with love and care: fertilize them, prune diseased branches, transplant plants into large pots that have become cramped in their old house.

7. Trim bad memories. If it happened in your life bad event, the memories of which still torment you, then the energy of the waning moon will help you get rid of them. To do this, you just need to cut your hair, while thinking about a negative event. The more the past torments you, the shorter you need to cut your hair.

For people who are fond of esotericism, the period of the waning moon will be of great help in rituals and conspiracies that relieve melancholy and pain. Lunar energy will accelerate the action of any magical influences aimed at deliverance and purification.

The waning moon will take away everything unnecessary, interfering and obsolete, so that the energy of happiness, prosperity and harmony will flow into the vacated place. We wish you peace and prosperity.

The waning moon is a special period that can be used to your advantage. How does the person react to this? moon phase and what is best to do during this period, you will learn from our article.

Even our ancestors noticed that the moon affects all the processes of our planet. Gardeners use the lunar calendar, because depending on the phase in which our natural satellite is located, the harvest depends. The gardener's lunar calendar helps them in this. The water in the oceans and seas of the Earth also depends on the Moon: it literally controls the tides. It also affects the condition of people. The waning moon turns out to be one of the calmest phases, and the reasons for this are known. They lie in the state of human energy during this period of the month.

How the waning moon affects human energy

Observations of astrologers show that during the waning of the moon, human energy is gradually depleted and by the New Moon it is reduced to the very low level. In nature, for example, the smallest tides are also observed. It would seem that this time should be unfavorable if a person gradually wastes his strength. But in fact, the period of the waning of the moon is complicated by that, which also carries positive aspects.

The waning moon is the best time for cleansing, not only of your body, but also of your spirit. During this period, it is best to analyze your own actions and work on yourself. Rituals for cleansing from magical influences, for example, conspiracies or corruption, are excellent. Esotericists highly recommend carrying out a general cleaning of housing during this period: this also helps to get rid of evil spirits in the house and positively affects the energy of a person. Indeed, in this case, the impact of negative energy on people is also reduced.

Human health and the waning moon

The waning phase of the moon also affects human health. First of all, as energy decreases, a person becomes more vulnerable to diseases. heavy physical exercise contraindicated, because you can very easily wear out the body. On the other hand, it is this time that is suitable for all kinds of surgical operations, since it will be lost less blood and the body will experience less stress. Moreover, after, with the onset of the growth phase of the moon, wounds heal faster.

During this period, you can simply and easily get rid of bad habits. It is also noticed that hair and nails grow more slowly if they are cut off on the waning moon. You can choose the right day for a manicure or have a good haircut thanks to lunar calendar. In general, it works next rule: The more economically you spend your energy, the better.

The emotional state of a person during the waning moon

People become calmer, which helps to avoid conflicts. Emotions are quite stable, and there are no major mood swings. Usually, during the waning phase of the moon, people are more immersed in themselves, analyzing situations that concern them, and are looking for answers to questions that are important to them. Emotionality can be significantly reduced, but this does not mean that a person becomes callous and unreceptive. He just starts to worry more inside himself.

Astrologers recommend engaging in self-knowledge during this period and, if necessary, increasing self-esteem. Often during this period there is a desire to be alone with yourself, and this desire is worth succumbing to. It is easy to restore contact within the family, so use the periods of the waning of the moon in order to establish communication with children.

Also, during the waning moon, money rituals are performed, which really help to maintain prosperity. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.07.2016 03:08

A person's energy can be in different states, but any of them affects health and ...

The defective moon is a favorable time for performing rituals and reading conspiracies aimed at getting rid of something negative, destroying the bad - everything that does not allow a person to live peacefully and happily. Conspiracies for the waning moon will help get rid of ailments, overweight, eliminate problems, poverty and bad luck, clear your head of bad thoughts.

The defective moon - first of all, the period when black magic reigns - this especially applies to the last two lunar day, preceding . These days, the night light in the sky is not visible at all. Many witches and black sorcerers take advantage of this opportunity and perform their insidious dark deeds, which often lead to the most tragic consequences.

However, the magic of light forces did not stand aside. For many centuries, its representatives have learned to use the negative lunar energy of this phase for the benefit of humanity. On the days of the waning moon, the following rituals are actively practiced in white magic:

  • all kinds magical influence aimed at getting rid of bodily and mental illnesses. Moreover, it can be both a simple conspiracy and a complex ritual;
  • read with the goal of getting rid of excess fat. They are especially relevant after repeated, but unsuccessful attempts to fight an overweight person;
  • rituals and conspiracies used to eliminate lack of money, bad luck, other financial and life problems;
  • sacraments aimed at removing negative magical influence (damage, evil eye), cold and lapel rituals.

Magic is an extraordinary and unpredictable phenomenon. You need to be careful with it, so it is better to entrust the performance of rituals to a practitioner. And if white magic is considered relatively safe, then black magic is the area where it is better for inexperienced and ignorant people who do not have magical knowledge not to meddle at all so as not to expose themselves and their loved ones to risk and danger.

Conspiracies for independent reading

What to do if there is no opportunity to turn to a competent magician, but in life you have overcome problems that a person cannot cope with? In this case, magic has a number of white conspiracies suitable for independent use. They won't lead to negative consequences, if the following conditions are met when applying by the contractor:

  • strict adherence to all the requirements specified in the instructions;
  • faith in a positive result;
  • keeping their actions secret from strangers.

To get rid of problems and failures

At night, when the flawed moon is clearly visible in the sky, go outside. Turn your face to the night luminary, spread your arms wide, as if opening your arms to the moon. Mentally start complaining to her about all your problems that bother you in this moment, then change to a whisper. When you list all your troubles, say the text:

"Like silver full moon decreases, so she takes away all my troubles, sorrows and hardships. And when the moon dissolves into the dark night, a bright ray of hope will arise in my heart!”

After reading the plot, go home and go to bed. Waking up in the morning, you will feel a charge of vivacity and activity. Life relief will come with the next new moon.

For money

Take out all the change from your wallet, squeeze it in the fist of your right hand. Looking at the waning night star, say:

“A trifle, a copper and a nickel, you go to the beggar, take away my poverty with you! The beggar will drink and walk, fade in his poverty. I give a trifle from the master's purse - I bring wealth back to my house. From now on, I do not know poverty, but I live in wealth. My word is strong, it is clingy to me. Key, tongue, lock. Amen!"

The spoken trifle the next day must be distributed to the poor at the church. This must be done with the right hand. Wealth will begin to arrive in your home with the birth of the next lunar cycle.

For attractiveness and weight loss

This conspiracy can be used by girls and women who want to become slimmer and more beautiful. On the first day of the waning night luminary, in the morning, getting out of bed, the performer must wash cold water while saying the incantation:

“The moon has beautiful horns, and I have slender legs. To the moon - crimson stars, and to me - a ruddy face. The moon disappears, and my fullness decreases. I become more beautiful and slimmer, I am not nicer. Amen!"

This conspiracy must be pronounced for the entire remaining period flawed moon before the new moon.

In this video you can see a few more rituals:

For healing from sickness

For a conspiracy, you need to buy a new white towel. One of the relatives of a sick person should read the words, it is best if it is a woman. At night, you need to stand with a towel in your hands at an open window from which the moon is clearly visible - so that moonlight falls on the performer. Then it is read three times:

"How (name of patient) this towel will be wiped, so(name of sickness) he will stop. From(name of patient) the disease goes away, all the dirt passes into the towel. As 7 days pass, so(name of patient) completely clean and healthy. Strong is my will, true is my word. Like me,(own name) , said, so be it.

A charmed towel should be given to the patient so that he wipes himself with it for 7 days in a row. This towel should not be used by other people. After a week, the towel must be picked up and buried in a deserted and remote place (preferably in a wasteland). If this is not possible, the towel must be burned.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

The name of the moon is waning or old.

The waning moon (old moon) and its influence

Waning Moon - washes, exhales, dries, calls for activity and energy expenditure. The body is tuned for energy consumption, for release and cleansing.

Waning Moon (old moon) - health

With the old Moon, the body easily and willingly expends energy, while remaining alert and strong. At this time, we endure pain more easily, cope with infection faster and recover more easily from illnesses and operations. Therefore, all surgical interventions (except for urgent ones), all medical procedures associated with a load on the body and requiring the expenditure of strength and energy, should be carried out only during the waning moon. The same applies to visiting the dentist - whether you are going to fill your teeth, remove them or put dentures. On the old Moon, the most effective and timely are all procedures for cleansing, washing and relieving inflammation of organs and parts of the body, depending on.

Weight loss for the waning moon

With the waning moon, you can afford to eat too much without the risk of getting better. But on the other hand, both diets and fasting days more effective with a waning moon. By limiting yourself to food during the waning moon, you can lose twice as much weight and do it in more short term, .

Waning Moon (Old Moon) - beauty, hair cutting

It is better not to go to the hairdresser on the waning moon. At this time, we are especially strong and actively expend energy, and we must use this strength in our lives, realize ourselves. Having visited the hairdresser on this day, we risk giving him our strength or leaving it on the ends of the cut hair. After that, both your activity and your energy will dry up, your hair will start to hurt and grow poorly. An exception to this and .

With the old Moon, it is easier for the skin to get rid of something superfluous that interferes with it - for example, acne, blackheads, freckles, age spots and other "troubles". All kinds of cleanings are shown - internal and external.

waning moon calendar for 2018 contains information about the dates and times of the beginning and end of the days of the descending Moon.

The waning moon (old moon) in the signs of the zodiac

Waning Moon in Aries

These days, teenage complexes can wake up in you, everything is seen in black and white. In other people, cheerfulness seems to be spitefulness, activity - aggression, kindness - weakness, friendliness - hypocrisy. With the waning Moon in Aries, it is better to find a logical activity for yourself, relax while playing checkers, chess, and solving crossword puzzles.

Waning Moon in Taurus

The feeling of harmony fills us with joy, a feeling of fullness of life. However the world, alas, is not so harmonious, so enjoy life with an eye on its business side.

Waning Moon in Gemini

Unexpectedly for ourselves, we receive accusations of illogicality and non-obligation. Remember fuss and activity are different concepts. If you deliberately create chaos, then it should be clear to you and you should be able to navigate freely in it.

Waning Moon in Cancer

It's time to dig into the past. The Old Moon in Cancer connects the past with the present. Get out your old diaries, notepads and notebooks. There you can find information that was not interesting before, but now suddenly came in handy.

Waning Moon in Leo

The most favorable time for public speaking. A skillful orator easily inspires the public with his views. In the waning moon in Leo, there is a great opportunity to convince people that they are right.

Waning Moon in Virgo

These are the days of cleanliness and order. You can clean everything from home floors to financial documents.

Waning Moon in Libra

These days are most favorable for a constructive discussion of various opinions. At this time, people subconsciously avoid quarrels and try to communicate with each other as politely and correctly as possible. Here concessions are made not because of the stubbornness of the parties, but because of the desire to find the most convenient and acceptable forms of cooperation.

Waning Moon in Scorpio

This period can be called the time of rebirth to life. The old unnecessary disappears, old ties are torn, or vice versa, lost relationships are restored. Be extremely attentive to everything that suddenly arises from the past.

Waning Moon in Sagittarius

Hierarchy takes on a special meaning. These days, the bull should in no case allow himself what is allowed only to Jupiter.

Waning Moon in Capricorn

By these days, people accumulate strong internal emotions, ready to spill out. To avoid this, it would be good to listen to soulful music, go to a concert. If you drop the load of emotions in time, you will meet the old Moon in Capricorn calm and peaceful. You will subtly feel the world around you and will not react painfully to its imperfections. This state of mind is one of the brightest and most pleasant.

Waning Moon in Aquarius

These days I don't feel like revealing my inner world for outside intrusion. Focus on business, without communicating with people at a close psychological distance.

Waning Moon in Pisces

Beautiful time! The sense of rhythm is aggravated, you feel with pleasure the beating of the vital pulse, seething vitality at every point in your body. Try not to get euphoric. During this period, focus on the most important matters, main goal. A surge of energy is able to crush many obstacles on the way to it.

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