Complete control over emotions. How to learn to control your emotions

Hello, dear readers. In this article, you will learn how to learn to control your emotions. You will become aware of what you need to do in order to be less nervous, how to behave in stressful situations. Learn how not to act, how to learn to restrain yourself.


At this concept there are multiple meanings. Someone defines emotions as the expression of feelings with the help of voice or facial movements. Others view this concept as situation-based displays of feeling that are quick and short. Someone is convinced that emotions are feelings expressed specifically for the audience, for the people who are nearby. In a general sense, emotions are expressive movements that carry certain information about a person, about his state, which convey the attitude of a given individual to a particular event or action. There are three types of emotions:

  • positive, in particular, joy, a sense of admiration, a feeling of happiness, pleasure;
  • negative - hatred, anger, irritability, envy, anger;
  • neutral, in particular surprise.

Why control is needed

  1. It must be understood that from an overabundance of emotions to a state of affect is a short way. A person can do a lot of stupid things if he is not able to control himself.
  2. Failure to control oneself can lead to serious conflicts with close people, negatively affect relationships with friends and relatives.
  3. When an individual tries to keep his negativity inside himself, it accumulates over time and comes out with greater force.
  4. People who are unable to control themselves will not be kept at work for long. No boss will like it if his subordinate is not able to restrain himself.
  5. It is important to consider that the inability to control one's feelings may indicate the presence of a mental disorder. Therefore, sometimes it is worth seeking help from a specialist.


  1. Before you do or say anything, you need to take a deep breath, followed by a slow exhalation. Now try to count to ten. At first sight, this way may seem very banal, however, it is very effective and has been tested more than once. It must be understood that such exercises allow you to protect yourself from unnecessary statements that could destroy a marriage or business relationship. When a person begins to calm himself with breathing, after which he counts to ten, his psychological condition normalizes. You need to realize that it is better to make serious decisions in a calm state.
  2. Try at the moment when emotions overwhelm you, focus on pleasant things, for example, you can think about your son or daughter, about someone you love. It is important that the thoughts that arise in your head allow you to feel warmth and a positive mood. You can also think of a pleasant smell or your favorite song.
  3. If at the moment when there is a desire to throw out your emotions, there is no one around, you can say your thoughts out loud. This method will help get rid of the growing anger and. If you are not alone in the room, then you can still say out loud something like the phrase “this is too much for my peace of mind!». With a similar statement you can defuse the situation.
  4. If you feel the strongest excitement, for example, you have a performance in front of a large audience, you need to pick up a ballpoint pen. This method allows you to control the emotions of speakers, public figures. When a person holds a pen in his hand, he supposedly feels secure. This allows you to calm down, become more collected.
  5. Watch your facial expression. When you feel that some emotion is trying to absorb you, make a facial expression that will be completely different from the feeling that is arising in you.

In a moment of excitement, I resort to a method that helps me calm down and pull myself together. I put my hand on my chest in the region of the heart, I feel my heartbeat, I focus on it. Then I take a deep breath and exhale. After a short period of time I begin to calm down, the pulse slows down.

Wrong actions

A person must know, be able to control emotions - this is a lot of work. Not everyone will be able to easily remake themselves. Some people make mistakes in their efforts to keep their feelings under control. Therefore, it is important to know what actions are wrong in a situation where you don’t want to be nervous, you don’t want to worry about every trifle anymore, don’t take everything too close to your heart, and react emotionally to everything.

  1. No need to throw out your irritation and anger on people who are close to you. If you come home in a bad mood, in no case project it onto your loved ones. In such a situation, the conflict will also arise at home, which will increase your level of nervousness. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to leave bad emotions outside the home, not to carry all the problems that you have encountered outside of it into the family.
  2. You should not take antidepressants. You need to understand what it is medical preparation, which should be prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account certain indications, the dosage should also be selected by a specialist. In addition, you need to know that antidepressants are prescribed in fairly severe cases. It is also worth considering that such drugs can be addictive.
  3. The worst option is to try to drown your feelings in alcohol. You must understand that alcohol is unable to solve your problems. And its abuse will lead to health problems, both physical and mental.
  4. You should not talk about your emotions to unfamiliar people, and also share them in social networks. It is necessary to understand, after reading your sad thoughts, strangers they will not be able to support, help in the way that your friends or relatives will do.

How to deal with stubborn emotions

A person can get rid of an overabundance of violent emotions with the help of the following actions.

  1. Someone helps beating dishes. To do this, you need to buy cheap plates or cans and beat them, for example, on the street. Well if you have private house. But don't forget to clean up after yourself.
  2. Perfectly cope with emotions allows you to play darts and bowling.
  3. Dancing will add positive emotions to you, allow you to throw out the accumulated negativity.
  4. Scream. Sometimes a person needs to shout to get rid of an overabundance of emotions.
  5. Sport. Improves health, mental state, physical activity endorphins, which are hormones of happiness, are released.
  6. Long walks down the street. It will be nice to watch the autumn foliage falling from the trees, and green crowns, and snow-covered branches.
  7. A change of scenery. Sometimes only avoidance of habitual events helps.
  1. Learn not to take personally the problems that other people have. You can show your sympathy, provide support, but you should not sit together and cry. Such actions will not benefit him or you.
  2. Try to get to know yourself better. Decide what irritates you, unbalances you. Identify the reasons, try to avoid them in order not to provoke your emotional instability.
  3. Much attention should be paid to healthy sleep and proper nutrition. Lack of sleep, as well as diets, affect the occurrence of irritability, increased fatigue.
  4. Find suitable rituals for yourself that will allow you to relax. These should be consistent activities that you can do daily at the same time. For example, you can take a relaxing bath before bed or read your favorite book.
  5. Take up meditation or yoga. Oriental techniques allow you to relax, improve your psychological state, teach you how to control emotions and feelings.
  6. Work on your mood. It is necessary to understand that it depends on what emotions will be. It is desirable that you have something that would improve your mood, for example, a walk in the park.
  7. Watch your breath. The emotional state can change according to how the frequency of breathing and its rhythm changes.
  8. Surround yourself with positive emotions. Look at everything in your life with positive point vision.

Now you know how to control your emotions. An understanding should come that a person should monitor his emotions, control his behavior and mood. It must be understood that excessive manifestation of emotions can lead to a deterioration in general well-being, as well as a negative impact on interaction with other people. Remember that it is also not recommended to restrain your feelings unnecessarily, otherwise you will aggravate your condition even more. However, splashing out feelings through aggression or anger is unacceptable. Therefore, it is so important to be able to control yourself, to find ways to get rid of excessive stress.

Emotions and feelings are also energy. How to learn to control your emotions?

Everything is made up of one single energy. All labels, names, all this is invented by the mind for the convenience of life.

There is nothing but one single energy, which is only in different forms and manifestations. We can perceive it differently, feel it, but it is one. And nothing really exists but her.

Everything comes from it and returns to it. Or it goes out of itself and goes back into itself.

All things, objects, all living beings are all one energy. There were yogis on Earth who could eat nails. That is, simply put, it does not matter what is, because it is all one single energy. And they didn't see the difference between eating nails and eating bananas. It's simple different forms one energy.

It is difficult to understand and even more difficult to accept and realize.

The earth has met many such people who could do what they cannot a common person. It all seems strange, mysterious, stupid and implausible to us, but who knows how it really is.

This is beyond our minds, but does it mean that it is not so?

But it's not just about visible and tangible objects. This also applies to our feelings and emotions, thoughts. It is all one energy. Fear comes from the same energy as joy. But they just show up various forms understandable to us, our body, our body, our mind.

Can you imagine beautiful sexy woman or a man (depending on what gender you are) and after a while you will feel the reaction of your body. But there is no one around, you are alone. Why is this happening? Your thoughts have become the source of change in the body. You imagined, you thought, and you got a physical reaction in response. Everything is born in us.

Accordingly, we ourselves can control our emotions and reactions to them. But that's okay. Let's look further.

Let's continue with sexual energy. By itself, it is of little use to us. This is the desire of the opposite sex. But in it, as I have said more than once on the pages of the site, great power hidden. But how to make it so that you feel it for yourself.

One way to transform it and transform it for possible use is the method of focusing on the energy of this feeling.

How to learn to control your emotions?

You don't need to do anything special for this. The energy of emotion itself will do everything.

Our task is simply to feel the emotion or feeling as energy in the body. And she transforms herself.

This applies not only to sexual energy. This also works with feelings of fear, despair, sadness, disappointment. This applies to all feelings and emotions. From the point of view of energy, all emotions are no different from each other.

Emotion can be felt inside your body.

Just like you could feel the energy of sexual arousal, you can just try to feel the energy of fear when you are very scared. Just stop and listen carefully to yourself. You will understand that this emotion is concentrated somewhere in one place of your body, it can be felt as something that is inside you.

This is not just something abstract, you will clearly feel it. It is right here and now right in this place.

It is the sensation, the perception of one's emotion as energy, that transforms and transforms it.

Our worries and worries do not arise out of the blue, but always have their own reasons for this. And they concern us the most. We think about the causes of fear, about who or who caused it. About the consequences. Thus, we drive ourselves even more into it. As I said, all emotions are born in us. We are their sources.

You need to discard unnecessary thoughts regarding stories associated with emotion. You just need to concentrate on the feeling itself, as in our example, fear.

Transformation practice. Meditation.

How to learn to control your emotions through meditation? The transformation is best done in the form .

Let's try.

Purpose of Meditation. Feel the emotion as energy, as created from it, direct your attention to it.

We do not think about how to transform energy or sublimate it when we are talking about sexual. We simply focus our attention on emotions as energy. And that's it. The transformation happens by itself.

For meditation, let's try to use the energy of fear. Although, of course, you can try to remember those moments in your life when you were very happy about something. Choose any emotion you want.

Remember that this is just energy. She has no characteristics, neither good nor bad.

I will now try to describe the process of meditation, you will understand how it is done and you can practice it without any problems.


Sit in meditation posture. It should be convenient and comfortable.

Draw in your mind a plot that probably happened in your life when you had to experience a strong fear. Maybe some event awaits you in the future, which you are very afraid of. Immerse yourself in this situation, immerse yourself in it. Create in your mind what you are very afraid of.

Then try to plunge into this place as deep as possible. To do this, pay attention to your clothes, shoes, their color. Pay attention to whether there is anyone else with you in this story, or if you are alone. Maybe you hear something there.

Now direct your attention to the feeling of fear and dive even deeper into the plot of your fantasy. Try to concentrate on fear, let it take over you. Be aware of it.

At the moment when the fear will be felt very clearly and strongly, discard all the details and memories. Drop everything but the emotion of fear itself. Try to feel exactly where, in what place of your body it is located. Find it and put all your attention there.

If you notice that you are distracted, then just calmly return to the fear again, to the place where it is located. Feel it as energy, just as energy that has gathered in this place. Do nothing, just watch her, let her change, move, do whatever she wants. Just watch this energy.

Don't be afraid of it, don't try to drive it out, don't resist it, don't hold on to it. It is very important.

Just be an observer. Watch the energy, where it goes, how its intensity changes. All attention is on energy. Continue meditating on this energy for at least 10 minutes.

When you decide to stop, then gradually, slowly, become aware of yourself, your body, your breath, inhale, exhale. Slowly bring your attention to your breath. Take a few slow breaths in and out and open your eyes.

How to learn to control your emotions - concentration on energy.

Perceiving emotion as energy, we learn to transform it. You will be able to feel it after practice, when fear for you will become just energy inside the body, nothing more. If you conduct such meditations regularly, then over time you will learn to switch quite easily from the emotion itself to its energy.

It helps a lot, for example, in moments of anger. Sometimes it is very important not to break loose and not say too much to a person. And here, if you can switch your attention to the energy itself, then the emotion will cease to control you, because it will cease to be energy for you. It will become just energy, neither bad nor good, but just the way it is.

And the energy, after some time of your attention on it, is transformed, sublimated into your inner energy.

  1. First of all, deal with the emotion, stand aside from it, it no longer controls you.
  2. Secondly, it makes you stronger, you seem to take this energy for yourself, transforming it.

Fear is terrible as long as it is "fear", as long as it is called that. As soon as you remove this screen from it and see it as energy, it ceases to be "fear" and transforms into something completely different.

With regular practice, it will become easier to control emotions. This can be done not only during meditation, but also in everyday life, when you catch the moment of turning on emotions.


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Do you often lose your temper difficult situations? Agree, the inability to control your emotions often interferes with life. Therefore, managing them is very important. Don't know how? We will tell you!

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

What are emotions?

There are several definitions of the concept of "emotions". Some call this concept the expression with the help of voice and facial movements of emotional experiences. Others are situational manifestations of feelings (short and fast). The third are feelings that are expressed specifically for others. In other words, if we sum up all the definitions, then emotions are expressive movements that carry information about a person’s state and convey his attitude to a particular action or event.

Emotions are of several types:

  • positive ones - forgiveness, joy, admiration, pleasure, etc.;
  • negative - envy, hatred, anger, anger, irritation, etc.;
  • neutral - acquiring various shades in different situations(for example, surprise).

Why is it important to control emotions?

The ability to manage your emotions is very important for any person. First, emotions often do not arise in right place and not at the right time. Secondly, our emotions can hurt the people around us. Thirdly, if we are overwhelmed with emotions, it will be much more difficult for us to concentrate on something. An excess of emotions makes it difficult to relax and unwind. The ability to manage emotions is a sign of a developed personality and a well-mannered person who is able to control his feelings even in situations where it is very difficult. The ability to manage emotions must be developed. You can do this on your own or with the help of specialists who will give you practical advice.

How to learn to manage your emotions?

More than one book is devoted to the acquisition of emotion management skills. This question is studied by such a science as psychology. We will try to briefly summarize the most basic tips on how you can gain control over yourself.

1. Watch your face.Before the emotion has gained strength, remove it by changing your facial expression to a more neutral one. If you can do this, then the intensity of passions will immediately subside. If this causes you difficulty, then you need to resort to training the skill of calm presence. This skill is one of the most effective and simple ways managing your own feelings. Its essence is as follows: create a list of situations in which your face expresses emotions (grimaces, wrinkles, twitches, etc.). Often this happens in situations where you have to do something unpleasant. Take this domestic situation (like washing dishes) under control and train a calm face. After a couple of weeks, you will start to succeed, and after six months you will develop a corresponding habit. Your face will remain calm in all situations, along with this, your character will also become balanced and calm. Greater effect can be achieved by filming yourself on video. So you can see how you learned to control yourself, and this will inspire you to further training. If you want to teach a child to gain control over himself, it will be enough to give him the command every time: “Stop, stand still for a minute with a smile!”, And in a minute you will see the result.

2. Watch your breath.Your emotional condition will immediately change if you change the rhythm and frequency of breathing. If you need to raise your energy, it is enough to do exercises accompanied by sharp and strong exhalations. If you need to calm down, start taking calm breaths in and out.

3. Learn to control your thoughts, as they tend to control our attention. If you're thinking about positive aspects life, you trigger positive emotions (negative thoughts generate negative emotions). Your task is to avoid negative thoughts. You can do this by switching to other, more positive thoughts. To do this, you need to either say positive phrases aloud, or imagine bright positive pictures (for example, beautiful flowers, rainbow, etc.).

4. Learn to control your mood.The emotions you experience depend on your mood. Therefore, your task is to constantly improve your mood. The easiest way is to choose an action that makes you feel good and do it every time. For example, you improve your mood by walking in the park, in this case, every time your mood deteriorates, go for a walk in the park.

If you approach the issue from the side of mental hygiene, then the following exercises will help you find sustainable joy:

  • start taking pictures of your displeased face. You will not like it, and you will subconsciously look for an option on how to make your face happy;
  • standing near the mirror, repeat the phrase ten times: "What a bad mood I have." As a rule, after the fifth repetition, a smile appears, and the mood becomes much better;
  • if you are overcome by negative emotions and you are in the grip of a bad mood, smile as widely as possible and keep this smile for a while. You will immediately feel the negative emotions recede;
  • laugh sharply - the mood will immediately improve;
  • distract yourself from negative thoughts by turning your attention to positive moments;
  • mentally talk to yourself, asking questions: “Why do I need this emotion? What are the benefits of this emotion? Is it possible to respond to the situation in a different way? In a dialogue with yourself, negative emotions will leave you;
  • recharge with the emotions of other people - a smile will cause a return smile;
  • use chromotherapy and aromatherapy. Surround yourself with bright color pictures that enhance your mood, your favorite smells;
  • know thyself. The more you know yourself, the better you will learn to control your emotions and your mood. Try to talk more with friends and relatives about your feelings, then over time you will learn to accurately determine which emotion is holding you in. this moment time, and you will control it;
  • use self motivation. Determine those goals that will move you forward, give you the strength to overcome negative emotions, control your emotions;
  • tune in to the positive. Take it easy on any life situation and try to see something good in each, even the most difficult of them;
  • avoid negativity. Choose your emotions yourself and do not let anyone influence them;
  • learn to let go. In the life of every person there is a sufficient number of events that leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Let go of these situations, get rid of the burden that prevents you from moving forward;
  • read books. By reading books you get a large number of impressions and positive emotions. The book helps fight bad mood and depression, helps to achieve inner harmony;
  • Pick a hobby or passion you like. Then you won't have time for negativity, that's all. free time will be dedicated to your favorite business;
  • change the environment. Take a break from events and people that cause you negative emotions and recharge with positive impressions.

Why is it important to know how to manage your emotions and feelings?

Strong emotions can add to your life bright colors but at the same time they can destroy your health and psyche. Negative emotions dull your sensitivity to other people and contribute to the destruction of relationships with others. All your energy resources are spent on experiences, which means that you will no longer have enough of them to achieve something significant. For example, negative emotions can hinder your career if you can't control them in a negotiation process.

With regard to health, negative emotions are the cause of many diseases, both psychological and mental. physical nature. Therefore, it is very important to prevent neurological reactions by controlling negative emotions in order to avoid sad consequences. People, long time those who are under stress put their health at great risk (psychosomatics). This is especially important for students and schoolchildren during exams. Is the person capable of dealing with this on their own? Yes, definitely. By taking control of your emotions, you will become the master of your life and make it happy and harmonious.

Hello, friends.

Many people ask how to learn to control their emotions and not be nervous. And indeed, this question is relevant today for many. People are beginning to understand that if we do not learn to control feelings, emotions and constantly get nervous, we will never become truly healthy and happy.

After all, what is meditation really?

It is the awakening of true awareness, the real Self, higher consciousness. You seem to rise to the height of a bird's flight and look at your psyche, your mind from above. Looking at them from the outside, you disidentify with them and begin to control them.

Those exercises that I gave above are similar to meditation. It’s just that in real meditation you don’t specifically evoke an emotion in yourself, don’t remember it, but create conditions for the spontaneous release of the psycho-emotional sphere. What feeling will appear before your eyes, and then dissolve under the onslaught of your awareness, you do not know in meditation.

However, by meditating, you will become very good at mastering the skill of controlling your psyche.

Understanding emotions in life

With the help of the above techniques and meditation, you can learn to control feelings and emotions. In complete silence, turning your gaze inward, you will get better and better. But as soon as you once again fall into stressful situation, then again you begin to get nervous, worry, experience fear, and so on, that is, the emotional sphere absorbs you again, you identify with it, lose yourself.

What to do? Everything is simple. It is necessary to develop mindfulness in everyday life, in other words, to be aware and control emotions not only during meditation or during special exercises but always, everywhere, in any situation.

In general, if you practice meditation correctly, the awareness gained in it will gradually pass into everyday life. But for many, due to the increased work of the psyche, this happens for a very long time. That is why you need to develop awareness outside of special practice.

What do we have to do? As soon as you begin to experience any unpleasant emotion, before it swallows you, you need to remember about awareness and try to look at it from the outside, to realize it. That is, apply the skill of looking at the feeling that you have learned in meditation or in exercises, but already in real life. Of course, this will be more difficult to do, it is not so easy to remember when emotion overwhelms you.

During a seated workout, did you have ideal conditions for monitoring the psyche: silence, closed eyes, shifting the gaze inward. Everything is more difficult in life.

But the main thing is not to despair. Each time you will get better and better. Even if you could not immediately stop the emotional avalanche, but remembered the realization a little later and said to yourself: "I got angry again, or, let's say, scared", then that's good. You succumbed to emotions, but you realized that you were angry, which means that you already realized it, albeit later. It was like a realization in hindsight. "Oh, I shouted again, I could not restrain myself, where I was at that time."

Many people become so identified with their psyche that they cannot even be aware later, when the emotion is behind them. They never admit to themselves or others that they were wrong, that they were not in themselves, that it was emotion that controlled them. People like sheep see only their own point of view and cannot look at the world from a different point of view, understand another person.

So realizing in hindsight, you've already done big step and become more developed. You have already become not a sheep, but a more conscious animal. In order to become completely human, you must be aware not only after you have already broken firewood, absorbed by emotion, but during the very emotional influx.

Recognize and re-aware. Look at emotions from the outside, but do not run away from them.

Gradually, you will get better and better.

How will this work in practice?

For example, you go to an important meeting, and you start to get nervous. Emotion immediately absorbs you, you lose your head, because you lose your I, you start to create anything. At this moment, there is a narrowing of consciousness due to the fact that the emotion has taken all the energy, all the attention. You start to see narrowly, like in a tunnel. That's why we make mistakes, we see, we realize limitedly.

At that moment, while the emotion has not taken all the energy and while you are still able to think something, you just need to remember that you can be aware of the emotion, observe it, control it. Remember the exercises, remember the skill of detached observation, acquired in exercises and meditation. Remembering, start looking at the emotion from the outside, be aware of it. The faster you remember, the easier it will be for you to stop the emotion, because at the beginning of an emotional avalanche you have more free energy, your head is not completely clouded and there is still a piece of I left.

I repeat, as soon as an emotion has overwhelmed you, remember awareness and begin to be aware of it, look at it, or at its manifestations, from the outside.

If you do everything right, it will subside, dissolve, and you will come to the meeting, no longer nervous, with a sober head and do everything right.

Don't despair if it doesn't work right away. Yes, you won't be able to right now. Your awareness is still underdeveloped. Train it in meditation and over time you will easily be able to control emotions everywhere and always. You will succeed.

Life without emotions? What for?

It may seem to you that having learned to control our psyche, we will turn into some kind of robots without emotions or universal soldiers, always cold-blooded and never smiling. It may be better to be constantly nervous, but to remain human. This is a very erroneous opinion. And it arises from misconceptions about human consciousness.

As I said before, emotions do not need to be completely eliminated. They help us interact with outside world with people around. They are created for this by nature. We just need to remember that they are only a tool, our part, they belong to us, but we are not them. For most people, the psycho-emotional sphere absorbs our Self so much that there is no question of any awareness. We lose ourselves in emotions, we identify with them. When they arise, we follow their lead, completely obey them, and therefore constantly make mistakes, regretting them later.

When we learn to control them and awaken our awareness, our emotions will change. Yes, they will not disappear, there is no goal to get rid of them, but they will become different. What is very important, they will no longer go off scale, you will forget about the emotional shaking.

If we present our emotions in the form of a graph, then we will get both a positive peak and a negative one. It's full of positive and negative emotions. Busting and shaking from positive emotions is also not very good, it is also a waste of energy and health. After you learn to be aware of your psyche, the emotional graph will cut off and there will no longer be big peaks. All this will lead to an even, not twitchy, calm character. You will stop losing your head in any difficult situations, gain sobriety of thoughts and clarity of thinking. After all, emotions only intoxicate a person, do not give a look at the true state of things. Having gained control over them, you seem to wake up from hibernation, sober up and finally begin to see everything around in the true light.

Those who do not know the nature of consciousness do not understand why it is necessary to put control over emotions. They think that we consist only of the lower layers of consciousness: emotions, feelings, thoughts. But in fact, having removed the upper layer of the psyche, where emotions live, deeper layers of our consciousness begin to come to the surface. This is how we get to the real Self, to awareness, to the human soul. And these upper layers have their own feelings (not emotions), which are different from animal feelings and emotions. And they are much more pleasant, more saturated, more colorful. Such feelings include love, compassion, quiet spiritual joy and other manifestations of the soul.

That is why a person who has learned to control his emotions does not become an insensitive robot. On the contrary, he acquires other feelings that are much more pleasant to experience. And the fewer peaks of emotional shake-up you have, the more you will experience precisely positive higher feelings. Negative emotions will be replaced by positive ones.

You will more often experience joy simply from existence itself, depression, apathy and other psychological problems will go away.

Therefore, learn to manage your emotions in order not only to gain bright positive feelings, to find health and happiness, but also to become a Human Being. capital letter, don't be an animal.

That's all for today.

And remember, you will succeed. Health and happiness are actually not far from you. You just have to put things in order in your head, and they will come to you.

See you soon, friends.

And now some nice music for you from me.

Emotions play an important role in human life. Failure to manage them can lead to sad events. This article will tell you what emotions are, how to properly control them.

The content of the article:

Emotions are one of the functions of the neuropsychic activity of the body, the perception and reaction to the world and the events taking place in it. People express their attitude to this through emotions. The ability to control the situation to one degree or another is inherent in everyone. What seems simple and ordinary to us, scientists have been studying for many centuries. Interestingly, for a full life, a person needs not only positive, but also negative emotions associated with anger, resentment, despair.

Why Control Your Emotions

In order to become happy and free, a person must be able to manage himself. Lack of control of their emotions is fraught with rash actions. Feelings are unpredictable and can at any moment interfere even good intentions. Their spontaneous nature makes it difficult to move towards their goals.

Everyone experiences emotions differently. If negative, a psychomotor delay occurs, which can even cause pathologies. Failure to control your emotions can also lead to:

  • Resentment of loved ones. In a fit of anger, a person is able to utter many unflattering phrases and insults to relatives. Resentment is the same aggression.
  • Loss of trust. As a rule, it takes months, and sometimes even years, to build close relationships with others. You can lose them once and for all, simply by weakening control over your own feelings.
  • Cardiovascular diseases . Strong psychological experiences can lead to serious physiological consequences. Often it is the heart that suffers the most.
  • Decreased immunity. Any stress has a destructive effect that can lower the resistance of the body's defenses.
  • Psychological disorders, depression. With long moral and emotional pressures, a person is able to fall into depression, the way out of which is possible only with long-term drug treatment.
Suppression of emotions is ignoring the problem, fear before solving it. Many believe that a person needs a psychological release, and this is partly true. Psychologists have long been convinced that if you give yourself the opportunity to cry or get angry, depression will ease. Last state appears due to the absence of any psycho-emotional experiences.

As we grow older, we learn how and when to express our feelings, how to control our emotions. If bursts of consciousness do not find a way out, then they accumulate. And to avoid this, you have to choose - to suppress or still manage emotions. The first option, unlike the second, will not help solve existing problems, but will only exacerbate them. It's like a time bomb waiting for its time.

By managing our emotions, we strive for peace and tranquility, and by suppressing them, we live in fear and risk getting a lot of chronic diseases. Most emotional states strongly affect a person's behavior in society. That is why they developed special methods how to properly manage your emotions.

Note! Uncontrolled feelings can cause significant harm to relationships with other people. For example, it is difficult to meet those who want to communicate with a person who "explodes" for any reason.

The main types of human emotions

Since feelings cannot be the same in different circumstances, it is quite logical that they are divided into certain types. Emotions are positive, negative (negative), neutral.

Exist special kind emotions - an affect in which a person is practically unable to control them. This is like an emergency program of the body: depending on the circumstances, a person can become aggressive, go on the run or become numb, kill someone, although before that he had not offended a fly.

Positive emotions are like this:

  1. Delight is a strong upsurge of positive emotions.
  2. Trust is the feeling when open ones line up trusting relationship between people.
  3. Pride is usually a positive self-assessment of one's own or others' actions.
  4. Joy - corresponds to the inner feeling of satisfaction.
  5. Love is a feeling of deep affection.
  6. Tenderness - strengthens relationships and gives rise to affection between people.
  7. Pleasure - expressed in receiving positive emotional background.
  8. Sympathy is a disposition towards a person based on common views, values ​​or interests.
Negative emotions are:
  • Grief is a person's reaction to loss, the loss of a loved one.
  • Fear - negative feelings associated with a threat to human security.
  • Anxiety - arises in a situation of expectation of an uncertain danger.
  • Anger is essentially an affect directed against an injustice experienced.
  • Despair is a state of hopelessness of a person.
  • Revenge is an act of retribution for the wrong done, evil.
  • Schadenfreude is the joy associated with someone's failure.
  • Longing - also called her mental anxiety.
Neutral emotions are manifested as follows:
  1. Curiosity is a petty interest in knowing unimportant details.
  2. Astonishment is extreme surprise at something.
  3. Indifference or apathy is a state of complete indifference to ongoing events.
All negative feelings are provoked by the external environment and our reaction to it. Therefore, it is more difficult to deal with them than with the emotions of internal tension. We may or may not be annoyed by certain factors, but the whole point is in our perception of the universe.

Emotional reactions to stress can lead to both positive and negative consequences. It would be wise to immediately understand the problem and find a way out of this situation. Feelings will arise, but their influence will not be so strong, it will be easier to respond to external factors and control them.

What emotions do you need to work on?

It's not just negative emotions that need to be controlled. Skills to control positive feelings and reactions to certain factors also need to be learned to apply. It is worth working with those emotions that can bring suffering, both to yourself and others, as well as those that make you feel ashamed for what you have done in the future.

Now it is not easy to cope with internal anxiety, stress, negative situations. A person has to live in a non-stop mode, constantly striving to survive, to be no worse than others, to earn. All this leads to moral exhaustion. And now he is forced to look for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to control emotions without wasting much time on it.

Christianity speaks of seven deadly sins, such as stinginess, envy, lust, gluttony, despondency, laziness, pride. They are the cause of many of the resulting vices. Because of pride, we build all sorts of intrigues for people, because of envy, we hate those who have achieved more than we do.

If we combine these vices into the "three whales" of the emotional world, we get the following:

  • selfishness. Part of the personality that wants recognition, praise, superiority over other people. This shows our social existence, the image that we want to leave in the minds of the people around us. Also selfishness includes: envy, greed, pride, resentment, malevolence, vanity, ambition. It is a strong source of our experiences.
  • Thirst for strong feelings. Thrills that bring physical pleasure, such as lust and gluttony. Participation in intrigues, creation conflict situations. TV addiction computer games.
  • Weaknesses. They are expressed in weakness of character, lack of will, dependence on extraneous opinions, excitement, nervousness, passivity, fear, cowardice, humility, despondency and laziness, and others.
The ability to control emotions will help to avoid most problems.

Emotion Management Techniques

How to control your emotions? We often ask ourselves this question. Our attitude towards emotions is somewhat similar to our attitude towards old age, which, as Cicero said, everyone wants to achieve, and when they reach it, they blame it. The ability to resist stress and not give in to urges that are not consistent with the demands of the mind has always been considered the most important characteristic of human wisdom.

In order not to become a patient of the clinic of neuroses, it is necessary to be able to pull yourself together. But, unfortunately, many do not know how to learn to control their emotions. There are many methods for this.

Psychologists advise to start mastering the following methods:

  • restrain yourself. It is necessary not to respond to provocations, not to respond to every boor. Before answering the offender, you should count to five. It is necessary to learn how to block emotions on the advice of psychologists: first we think, then we speak. We breathe calmly, speech is even. You can go out, drink a glass of water to calm down, think and respond adequately.
  • self-hypnosis. This is the frequent pronunciation of certain phrases to yourself, for example, "I am calm", "I control myself." Esoteric method of self-hypnosis - for those who own energy techniques, enhancing courage and suppressing fear. Self-hypnosis can change negative emotions into positive ones.
  • Switch or use shock therapy. Not everyone can fight back against an opponent. Sometimes it's easier to switch your thoughts to the positive. For example, ask an unexpected question. There are many ways to control emotions. Use your imagination as a canvas, imagine your opponent singing a funny song or having a funny hat on their head. Mentally draw a high, strong wall around. Try to disconnect from reality for a while. In this case, the provocateur will not be able to evoke a response. The “cap” method helps especially well: if the opponent yells, insults, but there is no way to answer him, you need to imagine him under a dome or another thing that can drown out the sound of his voice.
  • Meditation. It helps to control not only your body, but also your spirit. Concentration techniques make it possible to develop a state of calm and relaxation, to understand yourself and consider your anger, to learn to let go of your negative emotions.
  • Daily physical exercise . Sometimes accumulated negativity interferes with mastering oneself. To eliminate it, you can load your body even with the most simple exercises. Morning jogs, classes in sports clubs will help to put in order not only the body, but also the soul, and all the negativity will burn out in training. If you feel anger, just go in for sports, throw it out.
  • Prayer. It is recommended to read a prayer not only before going to bed, but also in any free minute. If a believer feels that he is losing control, you need to close your eyes and read a prayer, ask God for strength, take away all the negativity and give patience, wisdom, goodwill. Main aspect built on peace and tranquility.
  • Yogic breathing pranayama. Prana is life energy, breath. Yama - control, control of feelings. The breathing technique, which is designed to learn how to manage your emotions, allows you to experience negative outbursts and gain inner peace. The power of pranayama is that it affects both general state organism, as well as emotional sphere person.
All methods of controlling emotions have the right to exist and can be used both separately and simultaneously.

In order to learn how to restrain yourself without showing a violent reaction to certain events, you need to know the basic rules of "emotional hygiene":
  1. You should try to get rid of financial problems as soon as possible. Having returned debts to friends, repaid loans, got rid of obligations, of course, the emotional state will not immediately become ideal. But since he is largely influenced by internal experiences, then, having got rid of at least financial problems, it will become much easier to control himself, calmness will appear.
  2. Make your home comfortable and cozy. No wonder they used to say: "My house is my fortress." It is here that there is a place for personal space, the opportunity to be alone or invite guests, while setting the tone for the conversation. The allocation of a separate zone for relaxation will become relevant.
  3. Strive to climb the corporate ladder. In a rush to fulfill oneself in work matters, a person has little time for emotional outbursts. And if everything works out, it goes like clockwork, then there is no negative at all.
  4. Determine the main goals in life for yourself and boldly move towards them. In general, an action is similar to a career, with the only difference being that it will suit a person who is less ambitious or who has already managed to realize himself.
  5. Expand your horizons, make new friends. New people, meetings, communication leave no room for negativity. BUT positive emotions control is not required.

Emotional control is an inseparable part of human development. The ability to restrain feelings also depends on the type of character (melancholic, choleric, etc.).

How to control your emotions - look at the video:

Negative emotions (anger, resentment) are often the cause of physical and psychological illnesses. Positive energy, in turn, can strengthen both the psychological and physical health person. People who are not able to control their emotions often fall into the so-called state of affect. And frequent stays in this state can lead to diseases such as schizophrenia.
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