Basic forms of political behavior. Political behavior - forms, methods and aspects The main consequence of such political behavior

Non-state educational institution

higher professional education

"St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics"



in the discipline "POLITOLOGY"

On the topic "Political behavior of the individual".

St. Petersburg 2014


1. Political behavior

4. Political socialization




One of the most important characteristics of political processes is the political behavior and participation of people in political life. Individuals and groups are involved in the political process, interact with the political environment and perform a variety of roles. The interaction of individuals and their interests determines the content of the political process. Therefore, politics in the system of value orientations of the individual occupies one of the leading places.

The participation of a person in politics presupposes the presence of certain political knowledge, experience and culture. They help her, as a political entity, to effectively perform political functions. Political knowledge is necessary for every person, regardless of his profession. The quality of political decisions taken, consideration of the interests of the population and their participation in political life depend on what kind of political culture of people, what are the relationships between the individual, society and the state.

"The political behavior of the individual manifests itself in organized and spontaneous forms. Organized forms are associated with participation in parties, interest groups, movements, etc., where there is a clear system for the distribution of roles, functions, hierarchical relations. Spontaneous forms are represented by unplanned (or thoughtless, irrational ) actions - mass demonstrations, riots, uprisings, protest rallies, etc."

1. Political behavior

"Political behavior (political behavior) is a form of participation of an individual, a social community of people in the exercise of political power, the protection of their political interests. There are two main types of political behavior: political action and political inaction."

Political action can include participation in political demonstrations, elections, referendums and rallies. Political inaction is non-participation in political activities, such as refusal to participate in elections.

The active participation of the individual in the political life of society has a multifaceted significance.

Firstly, through such participation, conditions are created for the creative self-expression of the individual, which in turn constitutes a necessary prerequisite for the most effective solution of social problems. But without democracy, trust and openness, neither creativity, nor conscious activity, nor interested participation become possible.

Secondly, the general development of man, as a subject of politics, is:

an important condition for the connection of political institutions with civil society;

control over the activities of political and administrative structures by the people;

a means of counteracting bureaucratic perversions in the active apparatus of management, separating the functions of management from society.

Thirdly, through the development of democracy, society satisfies the need of its members to participate in the management of state affairs.

"Political behavior can be individual, group and mass. Individual political behavior is the actions of an individual that have socio-political significance (a practical action or a public statement that expresses an opinion about politicians and politics). Group political behavior is associated with the activities of political organizations or spontaneously formed politically active group of individuals. The most massive forms of political behavior are elections, referendums, rallies, demonstrations. In group, and even more so in mass political behavior, imitation, emotional infection, empathy, and the subordination of individual behavior to group norms are observed.

Indicators of political activity are criteria that include objective and subjective characteristics of the participation of the individual.

Objective Subjectivemembership in various organizations; actual participation in public activities, for example, in the work of elected bodies of local self-government, in mass political events, in discussions, preparation and adoption of managerial decisions, as well as in appeals to various government departments; time spent on socio-political work and participation in the elections of deputies and leaders of various levels. attitude to political activity, attitude to personal participation in it, evaluation of the results of this activity, as well as attitude to institutions of power and political parties; attitude towards politicians; evaluation of the course pursued by statesmen; attitude to concrete solutions to practical problems and events in public life.

The political behavior of an individual can be realized in various forms: participation in political movements, parties and groups. It can be carried out individually, through direct political participation, for example, when voting in elections.

By the nature of participation in politics, the following types of personality are distinguished:

ordinary subject of political life. This type includes people who are not specifically involved in politics and do not hold any positions in political organizations and associations;

a member of a political group. Here the role of a person turns out to be initially set, and he is obliged to fulfill it already by virtue of his status, belonging to a certain organization, the charter and norms of which prescribe a certain way of political behavior to him;

political leader - a person exercising power functions, capable of influencing others in order to realize someone's political interests.

2. Factors of the political behavior of the individual

The political behavior of the individual and the degree of its activity are influenced by various factors, but above all - the socio-economic conditions of human life. The desire for power can be seen by individuals as a way of self-realization, a way to win honors, rewards and privileges.

The political behavior of an individual depends on:

political regime;

Traditions in society;

specific political situation;

gender of the person;


Psychological characteristics of personality: temperament, willpower, emotions;

The material and social status of a person, his professional status;

ideological values;

Political traditions and party preferences in the family;

Feelings of civic duty and political culture of a citizen;

The ability of the state to force the involvement of citizens in politics;


Living place.

Depending on the political behavior, the participants in politics are divided into the following categories:

leaders who lead the political movement, with their authority and influence, contribute to its rallying and achievement of the intended goals;

activists are intermediaries between leaders and followers. They organize the participants in the movement, constantly supplying the leaders with information about the results achieved and the difficulties, they make significant adjustments to the strategy and tactics of the behavior of the masses;

followers. Their behavior is characterized by varying degrees of activity and participation in organizations, they support the goals put forward by the leaders, consider them to be in line with their interests, which they represent quite clearly, which stimulates their participation in political activities;

opinion leaders, without influencing the behavior of participants from the point of view of its organization, by their intellectual activity, primarily in journalism, create "fields emotional and intellectual tension around certain problems, make them the object of general attention; they are consulted for advice, but not for a directive for action.

political behavior mass personality

Forms of political behavior:

ORTHODOXNON-ORTHODOXaction aimed at maintaining the existing orderpolitical activity designed to change the political system election turnout, rallies, demonstrations in support of political actors, participation in politicsstrike, demonstrations, seizure of buildings, hostages, violence, politically motivated killing, war, extremism and terrorism

Political behavior is deformed in the crowd. Intolerance, impulsiveness, irritability, susceptibility to suggestion, a tendency to illusions, one-sidedness of feelings and variability are manifested in the crowd.

3. Mass political behavior

Mass political behavior is a reaction to situations and problems of public life, the policy of the state of many people, different in their social affiliation, but united by common sentiments, ideas and the desire to use political institutions to achieve certain goals.

In most political processes, people participate, united in organized groups and in temporary formations, representing a crowd on the street, participants in a rally, a demonstration, an audience of a program or viewers of a political program. Being in a similar state, they acquire certain features of the mass:

statistic - people gathered in a mass do not represent a holistic formation that is different from its constituent elements;

stochasticity, probability - here is randomness, disorder of relations, the boundaries of the mass are blurred, the composition is unstable;

situationality - its character is completely determined by the place, time, occasion of education, type of activity or communication in which it is engaged;

amorphous - lack of internal organization, structure;

anonymity - members of the mass do not open up to each other by any individual personal qualities.

When evaluating and predicting the nature of the potential behavior of the mass, it is necessary to take into account the presence of the main types:

· Public. Formed on the basis of intellectual interaction. It is made up, for example, by readers of one newspaper, listeners of a program, people who are passionate about one occupation or type of leisure. The public does not have a special organization, it consists of representatives of various social groups, the reason for its formation is random, but almost always formed on a more or less stable, rational basis, which is general information or a common interest.

· Crowd. It arises as a result of the physical interaction of people who maintain direct contact with each other when they come to a rally or wait for a train. Mass communication affects the behavior and activities of crowd members. This property of communication is deliberately used by the organizers, instigators and instigators of excesses, who own the technique of influence.

Forms of mass behavior Mass hysteria A state of general nervousness, increased excitability and fear. Examples of mass hysteria are the medieval "witch hunt", the post-war "cold war", the trials of "enemies of the people" in the era of Stalinism, mass intolerance towards representatives of another nationality. Rumors A collection of information that arises from anonymous sources and spreads through informal channels. Panic is a form of mass behavior in which people, faced with danger, show uncoordinated actions, often interfering and injuring each other. It happens in extreme conditions: fire, earthquake, flood and more. Mass hysteria in some cases results in panic, and sometimes in pogroms. Mayhem A collective act of violence carried out by an uncontrollable and emotionally agitated mob against property or a person. The pogrom is a short-term burst of violence, fueled not by convictions, but by passions. Riot A number of spontaneous forms of collective protest: rebellion, unrest, confusion, uprising. The cause of the occurrence is mass dissatisfaction with something or someone. Rebellion means disobedience to the authorities.

4. Political socialization

Political socialization is the process of assimilation of cultural values, political orientations and development of forms of political behavior acceptable to a given society.

As a result of the process of political socialization, individuals and groups are attached to the norms and traditions of a particular political system, the formation of political participation skills, information about the goals and methods of the policy being pursued. Political socialization occurs in many areas of life: in the family, peer group, school, political organization. Its tools are direct educational impact, the impact of political propaganda and its own political experience.

"Political socialization performs a number of important functions:

) determines the political goals and values ​​that the individual aspires to and wants to comprehend through political participation;

) forms ideas about acceptable ways of political behavior, about the appropriateness of certain actions in a particular situation;

) determines the attitude of the individual to the environment and the political system;

) develops a certain attitude to political symbols;

) forms the ability to cognize the world around;

) forms the beliefs and attitudes that are the "code" of political life".

FACTORS PUBLIC PERSONAL political economic social spiritual administrative and managerial biopsychic features social experience social status

In the process of political socialization, five stages can be distinguished, which differ from each other in the features of the formation and development of human consciousness:

Stage 1political socialization falls on the preschool years. In modern society, a child at the age of 3-4 years acquires the first information about politics. The main institution of political socialization at this stage, as a rule, is the family. In the process of family communication, the child takes the first steps in studying the political culture of society. Families have their own political traditions (positive or negative attitude towards the existing political order, adherence to one or another political force), which are passed on to the child.

Stage 2political socialization falls on the school years. Through school, the child begins to be involved in the state system of political education. Through the study of special disciplines (the history of the country), a certain system of knowledge about politics is formed.

Stage 3political socialization begins after leaving school and lasts from 25 to 30 years. At this stage, various formal and informal youth associations have a priority influence on the formation of the political consciousness and behavior of young people. Those who continue their studies after graduation are greatly influenced by the traditions of a higher educational institution. Young people, more than other age groups, are dissatisfied with the existing political system, which, as they see it, infringes on their rights and restricts freedom.

Stage 4political socialization is associated with finding a person a stable place in life. He is determined with the range of occupations, profession, permanent work, starts a family. He has less time for politics. And if the range of business and professional interests of a person is not directly related to the political sphere, and the living conditions completely satisfy him, then the political activity of the individual falls, and his role in the political system is most often reduced to the role of a voter. In adulthood, a person's political behavior becomes calmer, and political views more stable.

Stage 5political socialization falls on old age. After finishing work, a person retires, freed from the mass of current affairs. He has a lot of free time. The political views of older people in most cases are conservative. Their political activity is aimed at preserving the traditional order and counteracting all kinds of innovations.


The socio-political system has a great influence on political behavior. The most favorable conditions for political activity are created in a democratic society. Here, the individual is provided with ample opportunities for the manifestation of political will.

A significant influence on the political behavior of an individual is exerted by the degree of development of political culture in society, primarily ideology, values, political traditions and customs. They can both contribute to the development of the political activity of the individual, and restrain it.

People, in order to express their interests through political behavior, must have at least the most general ideas about the political world and the mechanisms of its functioning.

Political extremism plays a destructive role in politics. Political extremists and extremist organizations often rely on young people, counting on their inexperience and activity. A clear understanding of the danger of political extremism will not allow us to become a tool in the hands of figures and organizations that achieve their goals by illegal methods.

Political behavior should not go beyond the boundaries indicated by political, legal, and moral norms.


1. Artemov, G.P. Political sociology: textbook / G.P. Artemov. - M.: Logos, 2002. - 280 p.

2. Isaev, B.A. Political Science: Reader / B.A. Isaev, A.S. Turgaev, A.E. Fucking. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. - 464 p.

3. POLITICAL CULTURE AND PROBLEMS OF POLITICAL SOCIALIZATION [Electronic resource] // Central Scientific Library. - Access mode: #"justify">4. Political Science: Personality and Politics [Electronic resource] // Big Library. - Access mode:


Glossary of basic concepts

1. Individual(from lat. individuum - indivisible) - a person as a separate person among other people.

2. Extremism (from lat. extremus - extreme) - adherence to extreme views and measures.

3. Terrorism (lat. terror - fear, horror) - a special form of political violence, characterized by cruelty, purposefulness and apparent effectiveness.

4. Biopsychic features -character traits, features that we receive from birth.

5. Social status(lat. status - position) - the relative position of an individual or a social group in a social system, determined by a number of features characteristic of this system.

6. Political process- Implementation of policy in public space and historical time.

7. Conformitymeans the absence of one's own position, unprincipled and uncritical adherence to any model that has the greatest power of pressure (majority opinion, recognized authority, tradition and an objective view).

The identification of types of political behavior and participation helps us understand how the political behavior of an individual can be realized. Based on the analysis of existing patterns of people's political behavior, we can predict the future reactions of society to the steps that the government plans to implement.

For a more accurate and reliable forecast, we need to determine the criteria by which we will single out the typology of political behavior and participation.

To begin with, consider the refusal of citizens to take part in the political life of society. This is also a form of human participation in politics and is defined as passive political behavior. Sometimes it is also characterized by the word “apathy”, but this is not entirely accurate, since the concept of “apathy” contains an element of disappointment, which is always emotionally colored and leads to a person’s complete indifference to everything that happens around. Thus, apathy is the result of an ongoing process, and passive political behavior is characterized as the process itself. In addition, the concept of passivity is semantically neutral, while apathy is the result of experienced negative emotions.

The reasons for passive political behavior may be different: a) low level of cultural or social development; b) an authoritarian political system that is not interested in other political behavior; c) disappointment (or disagreement) in political institutions and the goals they set for themselves; d) rejection of a particular political regime; e) political boycott as a variant of an active political position.

More common is verbal political behavior, the essence of which is the discussion of politics, political situations, the actions of political leaders at the level of everyday communication (in transport, in line, in the kitchen with friends, etc.). This is an interest in politics at the level of conversation, which does not at all imply that a person expressing an opinion (even the most radical one) will agree to implement it by action.

The next level is electoral behavior, which is characterized by delegation of authority. By electing someone, a person delegates his powers to him. Thus, he influences the course of the political process. Therefore, participation or ignoring elections, voting "for" or "against" are interpreted as forms of political behavior.

Another level is active political behavior, which involves the participation of a person in the activities of political parties, organizations, support groups for candidates in elections at various levels, lobbying their own or someone else's interests.

At the same level is the so-called institutional behavior. This level primarily includes policy administrators who are not involved in public policy, but have a direct influence on the political decision-making process (for example, managers, ministers and other officials in the government).

The last level is direct action or unorthodox political behavior. All other levels thus fall under the definition of "orthodox political behavior", i.e. included in the political system, allowed by it. In this case, direct action includes all types of political behavior that go beyond what is permitted in a given political system (strikes, demonstrations, revolutions, etc.).

In addition to the typology of political behavior, its forms are also distinguished, which help to understand what and how drives a person in his actions in politics. Having understood why this or that person participates in politics, we ask ourselves how, in what forms, he does it.

Political experience testifies to a huge variety of forms of political behavior - from familiar and traditional (ubiquitous) to unusual and even shocking. Each person, as it were, chooses his own role in a gigantic "political play". What political roles (usually expressing forms of political behavior) are most often found in the political life of society? There are always several of them.

1. Passive consumer of political information. His role in politics is reduced to the simplest reaction (positive, negative, indifferent) to ongoing political events, phenomena, processes. This role does not imply noticeable political activity, special rituals and efforts. Thus, a passive consumer can receive political information arbitrarily (through a constantly working radio, random conversations in public transport, etc.). In general, it is rather difficult to imagine a modern person who would be absolutely closed to the penetration of any political information.

2. Voter. This political role is played not only on the days of elections or referendums. It involves some political activity both before the elections (by searching for an answer to the question of who or what to vote for), during and after them (by analyzing who did win after all). In playing the political role of a voter, a person, as a rule, goes to the polls and, in order to make his political choice, is interested in political information. In the countries of the so-called stable democracies, the majority of the population plays just such a political role. So, according to some reports, in the UK, up to 62% of the population limits their participation in politics by going to the polls.

3. Group activist. This role is reduced to actively defending the interests of any group. The group activist understands, realizes and formulates its interests better than other members of the group. Such people can act as "ringleaders" of strikes, various kinds of pickets, spontaneous rallies and demonstrations. They are not professionally engaged in politics, but it plays a prominent role in their lives. Group activists often stand at the origins of various kinds of social movements, but later, at the stage when systematic organizational work is needed, they usually step aside.

4. Party members. This political role fixes a highly conscious and reasonable attitude towards politics. By joining a political party, a person chooses not only a way to spend his leisure time, but also declares his political position. This choice is not so simple, since a political party is created on the basis of a certain system of values, it presents its vision of the world in general and the problems of this society in particular. Consequently, the choice of a political party requires a person to have certain knowledge and awareness of his political interests, activity, and conviction.

5. Party functionary. This role can be not only political, but even politicized. The person who performs it, one way or another, seeks to make a political career for himself. He devotes most of his time to the affairs of his party. He takes on certain special functions - writing program documents or organizational work, propagating the ideas of the party or recruiting new members. This political role can be performed not only on a voluntary basis, but also professionally. In a democracy, party functionaries very often run for election to representative bodies of power and, if they win, combine their role with that of a deputy. The role of a party functionary requires from a person a constant interest in politics, a high degree of awareness. It is often said about him that he is "cooked in politics." And rightly so: politics becomes a constant background for him in his life.

6. Professional. This political role involves the professional performance of functions in various political institutions and, above all, in state bodies. This may be a professional activity in the state apparatus, in elected state bodies, leading party structures. Using the terminology of M. Weber, we can talk about politicians "by profession". They, in addition to their passion for participation in politics, also have material rewards in the form of wages. There is almost no room for chance in choosing such a political role. It is based, as a rule, on an absolutely rational choice. After all, we are talking about a profession that cannot be called massively popular and easily accessible. To acquire it, you need considerable perseverance, ambition, a conscious desire, and besides, special education.

In addition to these, there are a number of other forms of political behavior. We have described here only those that are most often encountered in the political life of society. But let's not forget that there are forms associated with the use of violence, involving armed struggle. The modern English researcher A. Marsh proposed calling them political crimes. He attributed to them sabotage, partisan actions, hostage-taking, politically motivated murders, wars, kidnappings, revolutions. As you can see, A. Marsh interprets the concept of "crime" in a broad sense. For him, this is not only something that does not fit into the framework of legal codes, but also something that goes beyond the framework of normal political life, violates, and sometimes destroys it. Modern political practice, unfortunately, is still full of such examples. Let's also not forget that the danger of committing political crimes especially increases in conditions of political instability and the socio-cultural crisis of society. Against this background, people are prone to radical "surgical" methods, striving to immediately and permanently solve all urgent problems. But what is good in medicine does not always fit in politics. Moreover, such actions can turn into a big disaster. They not only do not contribute to solving problems, but also lead society into an even more dead end. That is why it is so important to know the typology and forms of political behavior and political participation of citizens in the life of society.

Social science test Political behavior for grade 11 with answers. The test includes two parts. Choice questions (10 tasks) and short answer tasks (3 tasks).

Choice questions

1. The manifestation of a negative attitude towards the political system as a whole or towards its individual elements, values, political decisions in an openly demonstrative form is

1) extremism
2) political protest
3) electoral behavior
4) group political behavior

2. Behavior that complies with the laws, the requirements of political morality, is called

1) regulatory
2) pathological
3) deviant
4) extreme

3. Open forms of political behavior include(s)

1) rally
2) demonstrations
3) referendum
4) all of the above

4. Definition: "The actions and actions of the subject of politics, characterizing its interaction with the social environment, with various socio-political and forces" refers to the concept

1) affective political behavior
2) extreme political behavior
3) political behavior
4) deviant political behavior

5. Are the following statements about political behavior correct?

A. Of decisive importance in political behavior is the presence of conscious political interests of the individual.
B. Of decisive importance in political behavior is the presence of personal values.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are correct
4) both judgments are wrong

6. Are the following statements about individual political behavior correct?

A. The political behavior of an individual person makes sense only because many other people at the same time are ready to do and do the same thing.
B. The political behavior of an individual can influence the state of affairs in society in the absence of organizational and even ideological cooperation.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are correct
4) both judgments are wrong

7. Are the following statements about the motives of people's political actions correct?

A. The motives of people's political action are determined by social factors.
B. The motives of people's political action are determined by the individual psychological make-up of the individual.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are correct
4) both judgments are wrong

8. Speaking at a spontaneous rally, the opposition leader called on his supporters to seize the vital centers of state power and control. That's an example

1) traditional forms of political behavior
2) destructive political behavior
3) constructive political behavior
4) electoral behavior

9. Citizen D. stated: “I do not know all the circumstances that led our government to the decision to conclude this international treaty, but I am worried that the observance of all its points may lead to the infringement of our national interests.” This example illustrates such a component of political behavior as

1) opinions
2) values
3) beliefs
4) relationship

10. Citizen L. does not share the political values ​​of the majority of his compatriots. He has a high degree of distrust of political leaders and institutions and believes that he cannot influence politics. Therefore, citizen L. does not participate in political life. This example illustrates the position

1) activist
2) a competent observer
3) absenteeist
4) a competent critic

Short answer questions

1. Write down the missing word in the diagram.

2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of “extremist political behavior”.

Legal nihilism, legal norm, riots, hostage-taking, intolerance.

Find and indicate a term that refers to another concept.

3. Find the forms of regulation of political behavior in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) dissemination of truthful political information
2) the refusal of the party leader to interact with other political and parties that are close in ideological orientation
3) the desire for organization on the part of political subjects
4) stimulation of spontaneous destructive manifestations in political life
5) political education
6) ignoring public opinion

Answers to the test in social studies Political behavior for grade 11
Choice questions
Short answer questions
1. Deviant
2. Legal regulation
3. 135

The development of the internal political system, diplomatic relations between states increases the role of each person, his behavior in solving political issues. We learn what science understands by political behavior, and what properties it endows a political personality.


Political behavior is a system of conscious and unconscious actions of a person who is the subject of politics.

It can be:

  • the actions of individuals and mass demonstrations;
  • spontaneous and organized actions.

Science distinguishes various ways of political behavior. This may be interaction with other people, government agencies, political parties. In addition, relations with all the listed political participants can be built in different ways: on the basis of mutual understanding and support, or rivalry, struggle.

What kind of behavior one or another participant chooses depends on his political interests and personal values. The motives of different groups of the population at the time of their inclusion in political life can be completely different.

The Civil War in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century can serve as a historical example of the confrontation of different political interests, when the population of the country was divided into groups according to how they saw the future of the country. Some people were in favor of building a socialist state, someone was a supporter of the monarchy. All of them were ready to defend their interests by force of arms.

Forms of political behavior

There are many different forms of political behavior. In order to visualize all their diversity, we present a classification that reflects different aspects of political behavior.

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We will pay special attention to two forms of political behavior:

  • spontaneous political behavior;

It is one of the most dangerous, as it often leads to negative consequences. Its signs are: uncontrollability, various forms of aggression, a large role of an accidental leader.

  • electoral political behavior;

This is a legitimate (recognized by the state and society) form of political behavior, the meaning of which is to participate in elections, referendums, express one's opinion on the issue of appointing candidates to public office. This choice is always based on the consciousness of a person, his views. But in some countries there is a problem of non-participation of citizens in elections. The reasons for this may be the low level of political culture of people, the lack of faith in the honesty of the election procedure, etc.

Society and the state cannot disregard the political behavior of people, since the stability and development of the political system largely depends on this, on which the security of people depends. In particular, the norms of state regulation prohibit such types of influence on politics as terror, armed clashes.

Another manifestation of state regulation of political behavior is the desire for organization (association into official groups - parties so that people can legally express their opinions), the spread of democratic ideas, political education, and special attention to the qualities of political leaders.

What have we learned?

Political behavior is a set of human actions in the field of politics. Participants in political life are all citizens of democratic states, parties and state bodies. All of them in one way or another affect the political development of the country. Behavior can be individual or mass, organized or spontaneous. The state seeks to regulate the political behavior of people in order to prevent the manifestation of aggressive, extremist actions, to ensure stable development.

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Political behavior it is a set of reactions of social subjects (social communities, groups, individuals, etc.) to the activities of the political system.

The degree of involvement of citizens in politics depends on the political regime in the state, traditions, the spiritual climate in society, the specific situation and, first of all, on gender and age. Political behavior is also determined by the psychological characteristics of the individual - temperament, will, emotions. Among the factors influencing political behavior, one should also single out the material and social situation of a person, professional status, and ideological values. In addition, political traditions in the family, party preferences, a developed sense of civic duty, and the perceived importance of any political event have a significant impact.

Political behavior covers all manifestations of human activity in the field of politics.

In political behavior, it is customary to single out:

forms rational political action;

forms unconscious political behavior.

The delimiting criterion in this case is the principle: behavior that is not controlled by consciousness is not a true mental action, and its character is determined by other mental properties of the subject and the characteristics of a particular socio-political situation. Due to the complexity and diversity of the analyzed phenomenon, it is possible to systematize political behavior only according to various criteria. So, political behavior can be characterized taking into account the following grounds:

· by subjects of behavior - individual, social group, class, nation, political movement, mass, crowd, etc.;

· according to inclinations and mental states - behavior is impulsive, instinctive, emotional, sensual and in mood;

· according to the situational context of behavior - situations are stable, crisis, revolutionary, military;

· on organizational forms and norms of behavior - organizational, institutional, informal;

· by the nature of deviant behavior - arbitrary, accidental, unexpected, inevitable, spontaneous;

· duration of behavior a single act, phenomenon or developing process;

· according to the severity of the manifestation of behavior - struggle, protest, anger, hatred, rebellion.

Political participation involves various goals, which in the most general form can be formulated as follows:

impact on the government

raising the level of well-being of citizens;

Development of your region

solving environmental problems;

Forms of political participation- stable patterns of behavior, the totality of which constitutes a political culture - is usually divided into two groups:

1) shape active participation(reaction to impulses emanating from the political system, its institutions or their representatives; electoral behavior; participation in the activities of political parties and public organizations; performance of political functions within the framework of institutions that are part of the political system or directed against it; participation in direct political actions - meetings, referendums, etc. active in informal political movements against the existing system)

2) passive, or immobile forms of participation (non-participation in political activities due to the underdevelopment of culture; political indifference as a result of the overorganization of the political system; political apathy as a form of rejection of the political system; political boycott as an expression of hostility to the political system and its institutions)

Electoral behavior– manifestation of political orientations and preferences of citizens during elections.

Unconscious political behavior- a manifestation of political activity, in which the behavioral acts of subjects are unconscious or not fully motivated.

Unconscious activity manifests itself mainly in the form of affective, pathological and routine behavior.

affective behavior It manifests itself in the form of an exceptionally violent reaction of the subject to a strong external stimulus, in which his conscious control over his actions is completely or partially replaced.

Pathological behavior results from a violation of the individual's ability to maintain psychological constancy, balance.

Routine political behavior is automatic, stereotyped and often symbolic actions that have a political meaning.

Thus, it can be summarized that the conditions for political participation that do not undermine the stability of the political system are: a high degree of institutionalization, which makes it possible to introduce political activity within the framework of norms, procedures and laws; low degree of social frustration of the masses; intensive vertical and horizontal mobility; activation of economic development.

Protest forms of behavior. political terrorism.

political protest- this is a manifestation of a negative attitude towards the political system as a whole, its individual elements, norms, values, decisions made, in an openly oriented form.

Protest forms of behavior include rallies, demonstrations, processions, strikes, pickets, mass and group violent actions.

"Explosions" of protest behaviors are more likely to occur during the transition from an economic boom to a deep depression, when people begin to compare their new situation with the previous one.

Terrorism is one of the violent types of political participation and behavior. Under terrorism refers to the oppositional activities of extremist organizations or individuals whose purpose is the systematic or single use of violence (or its threat) to intimidate the government and the population. A characteristic feature of terrorism is the conduct of violent actions that can cause shock in society, get a wide response, influence the course of political events or decision-making.

There are different types of political terrorism.

By ideological orientation distinguish between right-wing (neo-fascist, right-wing authoritarian) and left-wing (revolutionary, anarchist) terrorism.

By goals distinguish: cultural-creative (exciting public consciousness with the help of legal actions), rational (is a means of political participation) and ideological (affects the entire political system and its norms) terrorism.

By historical orientation terrorism is divided into: anarcho-ideological, seeking to disrupt the traditional political system, historical continuity; national-separatist, seeking to restore the former greatness and unity of the nation.

Separate into a separate species religious terrorism- war against the "infidels" (Islamic-fundamentalist groups).

Methods of terrorism: assassinations of politicians, kidnapping, threats, blackmail, explosions in public places, seizure of buildings and organizations, hostages, provoking armed clashes, etc.

The basis of terrorist organizations are persons from 20 to 30 years old. A significant place here is occupied by students (especially in the humanities).

Terrorists are characterized by: fundamentally inflated claims, lack of adaptation to reality, blaming others for their own failures, emotional underdevelopment, increased aggressiveness, desire for stress, fanaticism.

Whatever goals are used to justify terrorism, it is one of the heaviest political crimes. Therefore, the problem of combating terrorism is recognized by the international community as one of the priorities.

Topic 13. Political ideologies.

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