The son of a kobzon married a Korean woman. Ekaterina Polyanskaya: The wedding with Kobzon was like a nightmare! Joseph Kobzon. Health status. Latest news

Next to Iosif Kobzon in the last days of his life was his faithful wife - Nelly, she is Ninel Mikhailovna Drizina (Kobzon). The master has been married to her since 1971. The death of the artist was a great tragedy for his colleagues, relatives and millions of fans.

Yesterday Iosif Kobzon passed away - at the age of 80 he died of cancer. He left an incredibly large family, so now many are interested in learning more about her, especially about his last missus.

How old is Ninel Kobzon, and why does she look so young

This year Nelly Kobzon turned 68 years old, which is very hard to believe. The master's wife looks much younger than her age, and why is not a secret. She herself admitted that she does "beauty injections", but they are not enough.

Ninel Kobzon openly names his age. Yes, she is already 68 years old, and, fortunately, she does not look like him. According to her, the years go by, the aging process cannot be stopped, but it can be corrected: for example, a facelift, injections, various cosmetic procedures. The woman has never done plastic surgery, because she is afraid. But she previously called happiness her most important secret of youth.

Autogenic workouts for happiness. Every morning Nelly gets up with a smile on her lips. And she rejoices in the sun, rain, snow, and simply the fact that she and her loved ones are alive and well. According to her, a happy person cannot look bad.

In addition, Ninel constantly adheres to various diets, checks some new ones. And yet, from time to time, he indulges himself with something tasty, which is difficult to call useful.

For many years, Ninel Kobzon has remained one of the most attractive women in show business. Since yesterday, she has become a widow, but before that, all the years she remained the faithful wife and girlfriend of Joseph Kobzon, she kept the family hearth.

Ninel was born in 1950, her hometown is Leningrad. When she was very young, there were years of repression, they took her father away. She lived very modestly with her mother. Ninel tried to look fashionable under any circumstances.

After graduating from school, Ninel became a student at a catering college. Soon, her mother sent her to the capital to a friend who at that time had many famous friends. So, thanks to this woman, Ninel met Joseph Kobzon. In 1971 they got married. And here two interesting facts come up: firstly, for Kobzon, Ninel became the third wife, and secondly, Ninel did not love Kobzon at that time, love came later.

For forty years of life with Joseph Kobzon, Ninel bore him two children. The marriage was difficult to save; compromises had to be constantly sought. Initially, for Ninel, married life was not a happy period, but a “service” to her husband: she cooked, watched how her husband dresses, supported him morally, cleaned and decorated the house and did much more, even was a host at his concert programs.

In 2005, Iosif Kobzon was diagnosed with cancer. Operations were made, and Ninel was constantly next to him. For her charisma and attractiveness, everyone called her Dolly, including the artist himself. Three years ago, Ninel Kobzon became the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Iosif Kobzon has an incredibly large family. So:

  1. father - David Kunovich Kobzon (b. 1908), in the pre-war years, head of the personnel department at the candy factory named after. S. M. Kirov in Lvov;
  2. mother - Ida Isaevna Shoikhet (1907 - 1991), worked from the age of 13, grew tobacco, worked at a woodworking factory, then became a people's judge, after - the head of a sector in the regional industry;
  3. stepfather - Moses Moiseevich Rappoport (1905 - 1970);
  4. two brothers - Isaac (b. 1930) and Emmanuel (b. 1934);
  5. sister - Gelena Mikhailovna Kandel (b. 1948), married Eduard Kandel, neurosurgeon, professor.

The artist had three wives:

  1. Veronika Kruglova (born 1940), performer - marriage lasted from 1965 to 1967;
  2. Lyudmila Gurchenko (1935 - 2011), famous actress, people's artist. The marriage lasted from 1967 to 1970;
  3. Ninel Drizina (b. 1950), whose marriage lasted from 1971.

Artist's children:

  1. son - Andrey Kobzon (b. 1974). He became a successful businessman and restaurateur. He studied at the Hollywood Music Institute, is the creator of the Giusto club, worked as a drummer in Resurrection, then in the Moral Code. Now the man is engaged in real estate, the second time he is married.
  2. daughter - Natalya Rappoport-Kobzon (b. 1976). Previously, she was the press secretary of Valentin Yudashkin. Married to an Australian.

The artist has ten grandchildren, but the names of seven are known:

  1. Idel Rappoport (born 1999);
  2. Polina Kobzon (born 1999);
  3. Michelle Rappoport (born 2000);
  4. Anita Kobzon (born 2001);
  5. Ornella-Maria Rappoport (born 2004);
  6. Mikhail Kobzon (born 2008);
  7. Alain-Joseph Rappoport (born 2010).

Being the son of Joseph Kobzon is not an easy task. Andrey, as he himself admits, endures this test with difficulty.

Now there is no certainty in his life: Kobzon Jr. is divorced from his ex-wife Ekaterina Polyanskaya, while from his marriage he has two wonderful girls - Polina and Anya, 8 and 6 years old.

At the end of last year, Catherine gave birth to another daughter, Agatha, from her boyfriend, football player Dmitry Bulykin. In the family of Andrei himself, there is also a replenishment - his 23-year-old girlfriend Nastya on January 26, 2008 gave Kobzon an heir - son Misha. However, Kobzon-son is not going to marry yet, which he frankly admitted to Life.


When did you really realize who your father is?

- I was three years old, and I committed some small offense in kindergarten. As I remember now, it was in the kitchen: dad called me and calmly explained that any of my actions is associated with his last name. And Kobzon is no longer just a surname, but, using modern slang, a brand that he created. And I have no right to dishonor him, because I did nothing to make our surname famous. All these merits belong to him. Basically, he was right! And at the age of three, I began to think that my surname was not simple.

- I understood that you had a difficult relationship with your father in life?

“Dad is a complex person. His life is also very difficult: he had to survive and fight for his principles, for his Jewish surname. This was reflected in his character. It is very difficult to find an approach to it. In addition, he has a heavy schedule: he sleeps very little, gets up early, goes to the Duma, then sits down to work.

Iosif Davydovich became a father late - at the age of 37, so he was especially happy about the long-awaited first-born

You seem to respect him. So what's wrong with you then?

- I respect him very much. We have a discrepancy only in relation to life. If he has an attitude - to live life and die at work, then I have an attitude that work is needed in order to live. The first time we had a big fight when I was 17 years old: I had a transitional age, and I wanted to prove something. And the last story happened last year: he and I had different views on my business. It seemed to him that I was making some serious mistake. And I didn't want to listen to him, because I'm not afraid of anything. As a result, for some time we stopped talking.

Are you helping him now?

- The fact is that dad, as a deputy, has no right to do business. Accordingly, I am engaged in business and officially help him in some matters.

Andrey Kobzon grew up as a hooligan and rowdy, neither his parents nor Cook's nanny could cope with his unpredictable character

- Why does Joseph Davydovich need deputy activity?

– I don’t know why others need it, but dad ... He has long been living not on the scale of his life, but on the scale of the country.


Did you become independent early?

- Quite early. My father spent about 8 months a year on tour, and my mother, in order not to lose him, went with him. My sister Natasha and I stayed with our grandmother or with the nanny, whom we loved very much and called Koka. But the nanny was old, and I was energetic, so I spent all my childhood on the street. I was a bully, I fought all the time.

- Admit it, did mom really have reason to worry?

- She thought so. The father is a public figure...

A happy family in the collection: Joseph and Nelly Kobzon, daughter Natasha, son Andrey and mother-in-law Polina Moiseevna

- ... and, like any famous man, he could not resist the temptations?

“I don't think I could. In general, it seems to me that we, men, often think in the wrong place.

Let's discuss another "forbidden" topic. Everyone knows that Iosif Davydovich wears a wig...

- For dad, this is the reason for the most terrible complex! We do not discuss this topic even at home. For us, all his relatives and friends, dad's worries about hair are not at all clear. There I am 33 years old, I am bald and nothing, I like it. Although, maybe thanks to his dad's wig, he still has so many fans: they are used to seeing him that way.


- My parents predicted a diplomatic career for me and sent me to study at an English school. I studied there for three days. And then Vladimir Spivakov came to our house and spoke rather harshly with his father: “What are you doing? You're ruining a child's talents! He himself became a musician, but you don’t allow him. ” And, although dad did not see any special talents in me, after that he brought me to the school at Gnesinka. Before that, he asked what I want to play. I replied that only on drums. He laughed it off: “Well, at least you don’t want to become a brass player!” - after all, in the musical world they joke about them, they say, they blow their brains out and do not differ in a special mind. I remember very well the day when my father and I first came to Gnesinka. The director of the school personally examined me, as I was late for the general enrollment. We sat down at the piano - when he played me tunes, I did not look, and then I picked up the notes - and quickly enough. Dad stood and watched - for him it was a kind of revelation.

From the marriage with Ekaterina Polyanskaya, Andrei Kobzon left two beautiful daughters Anya and Polina

- Wait, was it an installation that there simply couldn’t be a second Kobzon?

- It is difficult to be the second Kobzon in a family of musicians. This is objective. And it's stupid for me to compete with Joseph Kobzon. In addition, the genre in which I would like to sing does not imply a voice like that of my father. For example, I like the way Sting sings! But imagine: I will perform like him, and people will immediately say: “He has no voice. And it’s also called Kobzon!” Everyone will compare me with my dad, but this comparison is unpleasant for me. Or rather, in my youth, my psyche would not have endured this. Now I don't care who says what, but then I had a lot of complexes ... By the way, I had serious conflicts with my father because of the music!

- Tell me, what side did your mother take in conflicts?

She was in a neutral position. Mom loves me very much, she always stands up for me, but for her, dad's opinion is always more important. That's why she told me: "The drummer is the fifth spoke in the chariot." But I performed with Volodya Presnyakov, "Moral Code", "Resurrection" ...


- I started doing business because I fell in love with a beautiful girl who later became my wife. I was 19 years old. I was unpretentious - the same rock and roll, and she was a model. And although Katya comes from a modest family, I looked at her and understood that she deserved a luxurious life ... At that time, dad was already engaged in serious business. He himself and all his friends dragged me into business almost by the ears. But at first I didn’t want to, I said: “You don’t understand anything, you have never been on stage! The joy of receiving money can never be compared with the joy received on stage! But then I slowly started earning money... At the age of 21, I opened the Maxim restaurant, the Zili clothing store, the Giusto club and one jewelry store.

Grandfather and his granddaughters (from left to right): Anita Kobzon, Michel Rappoport, Arnella Rappoport, Idel Rappoport, Polina Kobzon

Did dad help?

- Helped negotiate. I tried not to take money. He just lobbied for my projects.

- Did your parents interfere in your family life?

- Intervened. Before the appearance of children, they tortured me with questions why children do not appear. After their birth some other problems. Mom interfered to a lesser extent, and dad very much, and I still remember it with horror. He taught us all the time, saying that we live wrong, that we need to do everything differently.

- Nevertheless, your parents maintained a relationship with Katya.

- Exceptionally diplomatic. For our children. And Katya and I, in spite of everything, maintained a very good relationship. In the end, we lived with her for 10 years and we have two wonderful daughters.

- Why did you break up?

- First of all, because I chose a non-public life for myself and did not want my wife to choose a different lifestyle. She was a model, then she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Architecture with a degree in landscape design. I really liked it, I told her: "Make landscapes, be my wife, live my life, be my soul mate." She said, "I want to be a fashion designer." I met Denis Simachev and began to help him, but I didn’t want Katya in principle. She was very offended by this and, probably, still cannot forgive me for this.

- Are you not jealous that your daughters are being raised by another man?

- You see, they are girls, so there is no jealousy. Katya has Dima Bulykin - a normal, decent person, I know that he will not do anything bad to them. They love him, he is also very kind to them.


- Tell me about Nastya ...

We have been dating her for four years now. She is 10 years younger than me. For some time she was a fashion model, then a yoga teacher, acted in films. And now Nastya is on maternity leave.

- Your son Misha ... This is an unplanned child, isn't it?

- Yes! Planning for kids is weird. Of course, Nastya was not quite ready for this. But it happened.

– Were you ready?

- I'm always ready! Me, what? I love children! Very good boy. I didn't want a girl. Firstly, there are already enough girls in our family, and secondly, I am soon 34 years old, I want an heir.

- It turns out that the only successor to the name Kobzon is a Korean!

– Aha! Kobzon is oblique! It was from this position that my parents reacted to Nastya's pregnancy somewhat unexpectedly. They were shocked, did not understand how to relate to this. Dad immediately began to ask: “Will you marry her ?!” And I'm not going yet.

The fact that the couple lived in a happy marriage for almost 40 years, of course, is the merit of Nelli Mikhailovna's wife

- But are you ready for a new family life? Have you been walking?

“I don’t know a single normal man who would walk up. Either he is already old, or he is m ... k. I continue to like other women. But I think so: it doesn’t matter in whose hands the male genitals were, the main thing is how a man treats his family. So I'm ready for a serious relationship.

Nadezhda Bushueva

The famous singer Iosif Kobzon, together with his wife Nelly, took home their grandson Mishka from the Human Reproduction Center on Sevastopolsky Prospekt. His wife gave birth to their son Andrei, Nastya, a famous model.

They met the newborn Mikhail with a live bear cub, rented from the circus: so that he could see how they were waiting for him and loved him at home. Together with a happy father and grandparents, Sergey Tsoi, the press secretary of the Moscow mayor, came to the maternity hospital for the baby. “This is our common grandson with Iosif Davydovich,” he declared his rights to the newborn to the correspondent of RG. This was, of course, a joke, but one of those in which, as they say, there is some truth. The fact is that when a year ago, the artist's son got married and his chosen one turned out to be a young Korean girl, who was also named Anastasia Sergeevna Tsoi, rumors immediately spread around the capital that she was the illegitimate daughter of the press secretary of the capital's mayor. "This is not true, she is just my namesake, - Tsoi denied in a conversation with a correspondent of "RG". And he immediately admitted: “Although I’m looking at the baby now - and I see: my nose is really mine!”

However, Kobzon and Tsoi became related not yesterday, but much earlier. They consider themselves named brothers since the struggle of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov for the return of the Black Sea Fleet to Russia. At the very height of its Moscow delegation somehow flew to Kyiv to meet with the Ukrainian side on this issue. There was also a famous artist in its composition - as experience has shown, during the most difficult conflicts, his songs sometimes help to achieve mutual understanding much faster than negotiations at the highest level. And here, after the speech of the Deputy Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Vyacheslav Kim, Iosif Kobzon entered the stage. After singing several songs, he turned to the audience with the words: "How long will we, Jews and Koreans, reconcile you - Russians and Ukrainians, Slavic brothers?"

This phrase instantly became popular. Since then, seeing Tsoi and Kobzon together, few of those present at this meeting refrained from asking: "Well, how are the Jews and Koreans doing?"

“I said that thought is material. Now we are really related,” Choi concluded, having learned about the marriage of the artist’s son to his namesake. Well, after the birth of Mishka, he did have a special reason for pride: "Only a Korean girl could give you a real heir!" - he said, congratulating Joseph Davydovich on the birth of a boy. Kobzon does not deny: "Yes, Eastern blood has won," he says. And he rejoices from the bottom of his heart that, having five granddaughters, he will now have someone to bear the name Kobzon. It’s just interesting: what nationality will Mishka have? After all, if you are guided by Jewish rules, according to which nationality is always considered according to the mother, then the artist’s grandson turns out to be a little Korean.

“Now this worries me the least,” Iosif Davydovich told the RG correspondent. “The main thing is that the guy was born healthy - 3.5 kilograms in weight and 51 centimeters tall. And his mother is simply a miracle. She reacted very responsibly to her future motherhood: from the first days of pregnancy, she ate right, did gymnastics... Therefore, she gave birth easily, without any caesarean section, although she herself was tiny, it seemed that she was not visible because of her stomach ... A typical oriental girl.

Iosif Kobzon cannot come to terms with the choice of his son - after the divorce, he got himself a new girlfriend without consulting his parents.

But the heart of the great artist will soon soften: Andrei's bride is pregnant and ready to make Kobzon Jr. happy with her son. Ultrasound has already revealed the sex of the baby. And since Joseph Davydovich has only granddaughters (five girls!), He will be happy. And he will probably forget about the disagreements with his son.

At the anniversary concert of Joseph Kobzon in the Kremlin, the entire famous family was assembled. Next to the singer shone his wife Nelli Mikhailovna. His mother-in-law Polina Moiseevna, daughter Natalya and her husband Yuri Rappoport, former daughter-in-law Ekaterina Polyanskaya, and granddaughters - Idel, Michel, Arnella, Anya and Polina came to congratulate the birthday man.

In January, Andrei's girlfriend will give him an heir

Arrived at the celebration and the son of Joseph Davydovich Andrey with his bride Nastya. The guests of the hero of the day immediately whispered, and there was something! The girl was pregnant and did not hide it. When asked what he had prepared as a gift for dad, Kobzon Jr. replied: “I presented my father with news of my future grandson!”


Andrei's parents painfully, to tears, experienced his divorce, they could not come to terms with the fact that their beloved daughter-in-law Ekaterina and their only son broke up. And the new girlfriend of their son Nastya did not look to them.

Andrey and Nastya left the celebration without saying goodbye to the hero of the day

The ex-wife Ekaterina, who gave birth to two granddaughters to Joseph Davydovich, is still accepted in the family as if they were her own daughter.

And when Andrei introduced his new girlfriend to his parents, their patience snapped. The father made it clear that he did not approve of the choice of his son.

“I hid Nastya for a long time,” Kobzon Jr. admitted to “Life”. - We have a very difficult situation in our family: I am divorced, I have two children from my first marriage, I am expecting a child again, but I have not yet been married. So far, I can say one thing about my personal life: the baby will be born in January and we will call him Mikhail.

The women of Kobzon Jr. were in a position at the same time: and the current girlfriend Nastya ...

A step towards reconciliation was the appearance of Nastya at the anniversary of Joseph Davydovich. During the concert, it was noticeable that the singer's inner circle was looking at Andrei's girlfriend with interest. Nastya was embarrassed and clung to her fiancé, as if looking for protection. However, Andrei was tense and cold. He came here to make peace with his father, but left without even saying goodbye to the hero of the day!


“Parents should be glad that their son is well,” Andrey is experiencing discord with his father. - And no one should be embarrassed that my Nastya is Korean. After all, we do not have an Orthodox Jewish family: we eat pork, moreover, I am baptized!

And ex-wife Ekaterina

Recall that Andrei Kobzon and Ekaterina Polyanskaya divorced three years ago. At the same time, a split occurred between the master and Andrei, as a result of which they did not communicate for about a year and a half.

Kobzon's wife suffered the most because of these scandals. It was for her sake that Kobzon Sr. agreed to make peace with his son. Agreed, but did not forgive ...

Despite all efforts, the girl fails to win the favor of the future mother-in-law

Iosif Davydovich could not come to terms with the fact that Andrei did not get back together with his ex-wife. However, Catherine did not suffer from loneliness for a long time. Being a fashion model, she easily arranged her life. The ex-wife of Kobzon Jr. is also expecting a child, whose father will be football player Dmitry Bulykin.

Nadezhda Bushueva

Iosif Kobzon was married three times, but he has only two children. They were born to the singer by the third wife - Ninel Mikhailovna Drizina. The son and daughter gave Joseph Davydovich two grandchildren and five granddaughters.

When the firstborn was born Andrei, and Kobzon took his wife from the hospital, drove past Vysotsky in a red Peugeot. He got out of the car, congratulated the singer and asked to hold the child. After that, Kobzon joked that now his son would become either a genius or a bandit. But, as the artist himself later stated, neither one nor the other happened.

Son Andrei, granddaughters Polina and Anita, grandson Mikhail

GTsKZ " Russia» in DS « Luzhniki» . Singer's birthday. Andrey Kobzon with his family. Source: KP archive. Author of the photo: Strijnova Lyudimila Fedorovna

Born in 1974, Andrei did not differ in exemplary behavior in childhood. Iosif Davydovich talked about how he once found in the house as many as five diaries of his son, filled with deuces and remarks. The singer flared up and severely scolded the boy, forbidding him to put his last name on such diaries.

However, the hooligan antics did not stop. The parents were not up to the guy - the father was on tour all the time, and the mother was busy with her youngest daughter Natasha who was born in 1976. Later, when Natasha grew up, Ninel Mikhailovna began to travel everywhere with her husband, accompanying him on tour. The nanny, of course, tried to instill in the boy the skills of proper communication and etiquette, but success was weak. Andrei was jealous of his mother for Natasha, and his father for the stage, and often did everything out of spite. Grandma and the nanny couldn't do anything about it.

Only in high school did the young man manage to pull himself together and finish school normally. Iosif Kobzon wanted a diplomatic future for his son and sent him to London, but Andrei studied there for only three days.

Guy noticed Vladimir Spivakov, which quickly convinced Joseph Davydovich and Ninel Mikhailovna: Andrei has a talent, he must be taught music! Then the concept was changed: Andrei was sent to Hollywood, where he graduated from the Music Institute.

At first, everything went well for him with music: Andrey played drums for a while in the Voskresenye group, then together with the musicians Andrey Sapunov and Andrey Romanov he moved to the Moral Code team.

And with the onset of the 90s, when new opportunities appeared, the younger Kobzon enthusiastically went into business. His first brainchild was the Giusto club - for adherents of the musical direction house. A few years later, Giusto became a closed club for the elite.

At the same time, Andrei opened a jewelry store and a restaurant. I must say that his first wife inspired him to such active work, with whom the guy fell in love at the age of 19. He understood: to start a family, you need to earn money.

Ekaterina became his wife, and in 1999 a daughter was born in the family Pauline, and in 2001 - the second girl, Anita. Iosif Davydovich was very kind to the addition to his son's family, he always tried to pamper his granddaughters with gifts.

However, 10 years after the wedding, the couple separated. Catherine, who worked as a model, adored secular parties, and Andrei always tried to stay away from them, did not like publicity. The divorce went amicably. The granddaughters of Kobzon soon had a stepfather, who conscientiously engaged in raising girls. However, the girls still continued to love their dad and were looking forward to the next meeting with him.

The second chosen one of Andrey was a Korean Anastasia Tsoi- a girl with very exotic external data and an outstanding inner world. Anastasia practiced yoga, worked as a model and actress. Andrei, who has always taken his romantic relationships very seriously, decided to introduce Nastya to his parents as soon as it became known about her pregnancy.

Press Center of the Komsomolskaya Pravda Publishing House. In the photo: singer Iosif Kobzon's daughter-in-law Anastasia Tsoi during the presentation of the book by journalists Lyubov Moiseyeva and Alexander Gamov "Iosif Kobzon: How wonderful everything that happened to us ...". Source: KP archive. Author of the photo: Zhdanov Anatoly

Iosif Davydovich and Ninel Mikhailovna accepted the new daughter-in-law well, despite some shock in which the news plunged them: Kobzon's grandson will be half Korean! Nastya immediately conquered them with a light cheerful character, kindness and intelligence. The couple had a son in 2008 Michael However, his parents never legalized their relationship. In 2011, they broke up, deciding that they had become strangers to each other.

Currently, Andrei Iosifovich is seriously involved in real estate, more precisely, in the real estate business, and in addition, not so long ago, the son of a famous singer opened two restaurants. All the time free from work, he tries to devote to his three children.

Daughter Natalia, granddaughters Idel, Michel, Ornella-Maria, grandson Alain Joseph

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