How to lose weight for those who tend to be overweight? Genetic tendency to be overweight? What to do

Expert advice

Another attempt to lose weight failed. Diet instead of a slender waist gave nervousness and a desire to eat something tasty. Exhausting classes in the gym did not bring visible results, but they rewarded you with aching muscle pain. And just three days of eating “grief” with cakes gave you a “chastity belt” of five extra pounds. Familiar? So you are definitely inclined to be overweight and it is much more difficult for you to lose weight than for everyone else. Fitness instructor Akmal Matkarimov volunteered to help in this matter.

A bit of theory

Absolutely all people on earth are divided into three categories, depending on the type of physique. Those who are lucky enough to flaunt an athletic figure without much effort are called mesomorphs. "Eternal teenagers" with protruding collarbones and sharp knees are ectomorphs. But today we will talk about endomorphs, people who, as they say, tend to be overweight. From childhood, they are distinguished by chubby cheeks and a little big size clothing than their peers. At the same time, endomorphs are far from always lovers of dense food. The reason for their fullness is a slow metabolism. Unfortunately, this cannot be fixed. This feature, just like the color of hair or eyes, is transmitted genetically. However, it is still possible to correct the will of nature.

First of all, you need to correctly determine whether you are really an endomorph.

“The reason for the tendency to be overweight is not always belonging to this type of physique,” ​​explains Akmal Matkarimov. “Sometimes it’s a sign of disease.” thyroid gland or of cardio-vascular system. In such cases, any attempt to lose weight should be discussed with a doctor.

If you are one hundred percent sure that you are healthy, and overweight nothing more than a “legacy” from a chubby great-grandmother, then you will have to work on losing weight non-stop.

“Endomorphs need to exercise and diet all the time to keep fit,” says the fitness instructor. “They need to help their bodies distribute energy. If you stop doing this, then the excess weight will return in a very short time.

We eat right

Diet for those who are inclined to be overweight, but do not leave dreams about perfect figure needed like air. After all, the waist circumference in the present and future will depend on it. Akmal Matkarimov spoke about how to eat right for ectomorphs.

“First of all, you need to exclude sugar and sweets,” the athlete advises. - You need to give up this forever, because these products are the main enemy of the ectomorph. You need to eat food rich in proteins. It is difficult to gain weight from proteins, but there is plenty of energy in it.

By the way, there is no need to reduce the amount of food to extreme limits. The amount of food you need to calculate based on your weight, and do not torture yourself by eating the floor chicken egg for lunch when the scale proudly displays your ninety-five. In addition, following the popular trend of not having dinner is also not worth it. You need to eat three to four times a day in order to "disperse" your own metabolism.

“In the refrigerator of an ectomorph who wants to lose weight, there must be protein products,” Akmal Matkarimov says. - Eggs, but it is desirable to eat them without yolk, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, milk, meat, lean fish. But don't get carried away with just that. The body gets used to high content protein in the diet and you will not achieve anything. You have to be careful with your diet. You can vary: one week to sit on a protein diet, the second on a low-carb diet, constantly either reducing or increasing the amount of certain foods with different contents of nutrients.

According to the fitness instructor, a nut diet can be a good way to quickly lose weight, since nuts are very high in calories and you can get enough energy from them, but you won’t eat a lot of them, which means you won’t get fat. However, such a mono-diet is very extreme and is suitable only for those whose health does not cause any concern.

Faster, stronger, higher!

If you are quickly gaining weight, but dreaming of losing those extra pounds, then you will have to forget about peace. Cozy gatherings in front of the TV should be a thing of the past, along with clothes of the fifty last size.

“Endomorphs must be constantly in motion,” the athlete believes. - They need to burn calories, help their body so that it does not leave them "for a rainy day" in the form of extra centimeters where it is not needed.

An endomorph's best friends should be running, walking, cycling, and jumping rope. The higher physical activity, the more calories burned, which means the closer the cherished goal.

In training in the gym, people who are prone to fullness need to lean on basic exercises, - says Akmal Matkarimov. “These are squats, lunges, deadlifts, parallel bars, pull-ups, and all those exercises that move more than five muscle groups.

But exercises designed to work with a lot of weight will hardly help you lose weight. It will be much more effective to lift the barbell twenty times with five-kilogram “pancakes” than just five with twenty-kilogram ones. The same rule applies to other exercises. Three to four sets of fifteen to twenty repetitions is the minimum necessary to lose weight in a relatively short time.

- Ideally, endomorphs should conduct most time in training,” says Akmal. - At least three times a week it is worth exercising with “iron” in the gym, and the rest of the time you can do aerobics: run, ride a bike, jump rope.

Protein diet.

Sample menu for one day:

two egg whites
Oatmeal with cinnamon, 3 tbsp. spoons.
Half a baked apple.
Tea or coffee without additives.

Steamed chicken breast, 150g.
Boiled buckwheat, 3 tbsp. spoons.

Soup from 100g. meat, non-starchy vegetables and meat broth.

afternoon tea
Curd, 200g.
Vegetable salad.

Steamed fish or cutlet, 200g.
Boiled string beans.

Before bedtime
A glass of kefir.

Nut diet:

Unloading nut day:

During the day, you can eat only 100 g of absolutely any nuts. Drinks of the day - still water and green tea.

Three Day Nut Diet:

During each of the three days, you can eat 50 g of nuts; 100 g of low-fat fish, boiled, baked, steamed, but not fried; 100 g of any white meat; tomato or cucumber. Drinks: still water or green tea. Salt, spices, sugar and sauces are not allowed.

Five Day Nut Diet:

Foods and drinks allowed during the day are the same, you can add 100 ml of milk, fermented baked milk or kefir.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

What is a tendency to be overweight? An immortal argument that serves as an excuse for a lazy and gluttonous woman? Or an insurmountable barrier that prevents people from losing weight who have been sitting on low calorie diets and engage in grueling physical exercise every day? We will discuss this issue with you. But let's agree right away: diseases of the endocrine system, leading to an uncontrolled increase in body weight, we will not consider a tendency to be overweight. Such diseases are extremely rare, and you should not "try on" them for yourself.

Physiological tendency to be overweight

Yes, there is a tendency to be overweight. Surely among your acquaintances there are people whose figure resembles a tremble for a jacket, regardless of the amount of food they consume, lifestyle and age. They never limit themselves in food, but at the same time remain slender at least until old age. Such people are not inclined to fullness.

It also happens vice versa. A person eats relatively little, moves regularly, but the stomach and sides continue to grow, despite the efforts of his master. Why is this happening? Why do some people never think about their weight, while others run to pharmacies and line up for weight loss drugs? The thing is genetic features organism. You can't do anything about your heredity. All that remains for you is to go on a diet again and again, to exercise exercise and constantly control your weight.

Human body weight is influenced by many internal factors. But the main ones are hormones. Insulin, a pancreatic hormone, promotes the deposition of fat reserves. Contrinsular hormones, on the contrary, try to “spend” the energy accumulated by insulin as quickly as possible. These include:

  • catecholamines (dopamine, norepinephrine, adrenaline);
  • glucocorticoids (cortisone, hydrocortisone);
  • thyroid hormones (thyroxine, triiodothyronine);
  • somatotropin (growth hormone).

Insulin and contrainsular hormones

In the human body, insulin acts as a conductor for glucose. It promotes its penetration into cells. Part of the glucose is used for the energy needs of the body. Everything that is “not useful” our liver turns into fats and stores in reserve. The more insulin the pancreas produces, the higher the tendency to be overweight.

Contrinsular hormones contribute to faster energy consumption. They "burn" glucose. At the same time, each of these hormones pursues its own goals.

Adrenalin causes fear. It greatly increases endurance, respectively, increases energy costs. The original function of the hormone is to enable a person to run long and fast in order to escape from a predator.

Norepinephrine It's the rage hormone. He spends a large amount of energy on helping a person defeat the enemy, and thus survive. It enhances muscle strength and stimulates blood flow.

Somatotropin- this is the "team of builders" who erects the building human body. Naturally, this process requires considerable energy costs. The largest number somatotropin is produced in children, the smallest - in the elderly. The tendency to be overweight in the elderly is largely associated with a decrease in the synthesis of this hormone.

Glucocorticoids protect a person from the effects of injury. They stimulate wound healing, increase the production of blood cells, which is very important in case of massive blood loss. Therefore, glucocorticoids also contribute to the utilization a large number glucose.

Thyroid hormones accelerate metabolism, regulate the function of somatotropin and catecholamines.

Of course, we have not listed all the functions of contra-insular hormones, but only the most basic of them. The main thing is that they all stimulate metabolism and increase the body's energy consumption.

Contrinsular hormones quickly utilize glucose, and then begin to deplete the body's reserves, which insulin carefully set aside "for a rainy day." They release and break down subcutaneous fat. The more contrainsular hormones are produced in the body, the less a person is inclined to be overweight.

Psychogenic factors

The tendency to be overweight is determined not only by physiology. It is acquired in the process of education, and even transmitted genetically. If the character is developed in the process of life, then the type of temperament is inherited, from parents to children.

Cholerics and melancholics are emotionally unstable types. Any irritant causes an increase in contrainsular hormones in their blood. While stable phlegmatic and sanguine people are less prone to stress. For this reason, they are more likely to be overweight.

But still, habits play the biggest role. If from childhood a person was accustomed to an eight-time diet and idleness, then it will be very difficult for him to get rid of such “useful skills” throughout his life. Even if there is no physiological tendency to be overweight, with age it will certainly begin to spread to the sides.

Fat parents are not only an occasion to think about your heredity. This is a living example that children try to follow. The child develops by imitating his parents. He doesn't care what they say. What matters is what mom and dad do. And if they eat a lot, move little and get fat, then children take this behavior for granted, and over time, the habits of their parents become their own habits.

The tendency to be overweight is not a sentence. It just means you have to eat a tougher diet, exercise harder, longer, get on the scale more often, watch your figure more carefully. Fat on the sides does not appear out of nowhere, it is taken only from the refrigerator.

Neither the tendency to be overweight, nor age, nor the use of oral contraceptives, nor pregnancy should be an excuse for you. Focus on finding opportunities, not reasons. Only then will you have the strength and motivation to acquire a slim figure.


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Many women consider the tendency to be overweight to be almost a sentence. There is also a common phrase that you can’t run away from genetics and inherit appearance and the size of his mother - quite naturally.

Meanwhile, American experts in the field of weight loss D. Beck and D. Kessler almost unanimously exclaim: "Genes are genes, and 90% of cases of fullness are malnutrition, disturbed regimen and lack of healthy physical activity."

The right strategy will help to believe in yourself and overcome excess weight - competent motivation, good organized meals and optimal physical activity.

Secrets of motivation against the tendency to be overweight

Proponents of positive thinking believe that thought is material. This applies not only to our dreams of a beautiful figure, but, unfortunately, expressions like “you can’t outwit completeness, bad heredity, addiction, stress and the environment are to blame for everything.”

There is ample evidence that thought is material. Open any book by Louise Hay or Joe Vitale. And if reading isn't one of your priorities, just think - if you walk around like a dull beech and repeat that you will definitely gain weight, as your mother did after giving birth, you will simply always be in bad mood. So, not far off and a "comforting bun" along with a chocolate bar. And those snacks will probably only increase your weight.

Try to believe that you can be whatever you want. It makes no sense to strive for an ideal unattainable with your type of figure, but not to have excess fat, a “hanging” tummy and shaking hips is within the power of every woman. Work on yourself!

Five Steps to Right Thinking for Obesity

1. Do not forbid yourself food, pleasure and rest
If you think in the style of "my mom is fat, so I just have to go on a diet," a breakdown is inevitable. Be smart - choose the most delicious from the variety of healthy dishes and enjoy them. And don't forget to tell yourself that you only want the highest quality products.

2. Stop suffering because of clothes
Stop criticizing yourself for the fact that some of the fashionable things this season do not suit you. Try to choose current trends, which emphasize the dignity of the figure, and leave the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"being thin like a model." Realistic goals work much better because they are achievable.

3. Leave your own parents alone
Their fullness is their choice. Don't put all the responsibility on them. Today you are an adult who can make your own choices, and is not at all obliged to follow your mother's or father's eating habits.

4. Treat Your Addiction As Good Luck
If you were genetically thin, you might never have learned to run and ride a bike, eat hamburgers, and end up in a cardiologist's waiting room. The tendency to be overweight is an opportunity to more closely monitor your health, learn healthy eating every day, and live more consciously. Think about it.

5. Stop dividing people into fat and thin
While you think of skinny girls as lucky and jealous of them, negativity stifles any right thoughts. Stop being jealous, and focus on others. Once you start looking at your figure, set "personal" goals for yourself, like getting leaner than you were at your prom or last summer. Do not write in the weight loss diary “I want to be slim like Zoya”, and you may not need the diary in the near future.

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predisposition to be overweight

predisposition to be overweight

Donuts are a common component of a healthy, balanced diet.

Brooke Smith, spokesperson for donut chain KrispyKreme

A predisposition to be overweight is something that allegedly causes a person to constantly gain weight despite all efforts to maintain it at the same level. This something allegedly synthesizes fat from tiny portions of low-calorie foods and immediately deposits it on the stomach and thighs. It is believed that the predisposition to fullness is supposedly the result of a slow metabolism. No one really knows why it slows down (there are only a lot of guesses, such as diets, fast food, soda, pregnancy, hormonal pills, etc. slow it down). Just like no one knows whether a slow metabolism is inherited and whether it can be infected (there are too many contradictions), but one thing is clear for sure: if you “catch” it, then resisting it is almost useless.

Proceeding from this, from my point of view, a delusion, it turns out that without exaggeration it is necessary to devote one's life to getting slim figure which is given to many as a gift. In this situation, the burning injustice is obvious even at a cursory glance: with such an attitude, the forces will end at the start.

However, how true is this belief? It so happened that we take many things on faith, without questioning them and healthy criticism. In the case when these beliefs do not prevent us from moving towards our goals, this is acceptable. But if they act destructively, then it is worth thinking about their truth. Sometimes we only seems that one is a consequence of the other, the reality is different.

So, let's restore justice and figure out how the metabolism of fat people differs from the metabolism of thin people. And why, in general, are some more fortunate than others?

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208. What is a tendency to be overweight? The tendency to be overweight is how you justify your laziness when you don’t want to make an effort to become slimmer. What makes you think that you are prone to overweight? Most likely, look at the mother who recovered after menopause and the chubby grandmother.

The tendency to be overweight is the most popular excuse for girls to continue eating a bun and do nothing with themselves. One has only to start a diet and exercise in the morning, as a helpful inner voice whispers: “Look at your mother and grandmother. All the women in your family are big. You cannot lose weight. Do not torture yourself."

But advanced fitness trainers, like the same one, say that there is no tendency to be overweight. There are only individual characteristics of metabolism and a genetically incorporated type of figure, but it is by no means an obligation to become fat like mother and grandmother at a certain age.

The tendency to be overweight through the eyes of fitness experts

Author of the book Lose Weight? Easily! Choose a body flex ”Galina Levitskaya cites the only objective indicator that can be considered a sign of a tendency to be overweight - this is the so-called epigastric angle. To find it and find out what your addiction is, put on a swimsuit, pick up two pencils and go to the mirror.

Now pull in the stomach, attach the pencils to the lower ribs and connect them so that you get a corner. If this angle is sharp, that is, less than 45 degrees (narrower than the corner of the table), calm down, you have no predisposition. If the angle is straight or obtuse (wider than the corner of the table) - you will always be slightly larger than your slender friends and colleagues. True, this does not prevent you from having slim stomach, tightened hips, and very much contributes to building a beautiful muscle relief.

A blunt or straight epigastrium is an indicator that a person tends to build up muscle mass, and he is very much shown fitness training. Yes, just look at Jennifer Lopez. She definitely has a predisposition to be overweight, but is she fat? Of course not.

Regarding the family disposition to be overweight, the famous trainer Jillian Michaels writes that the fault is not in special genes, but in the habits of malnutrition and the lack of traditions in sports that are rooted in the family. An objective circumstance that prevents you from gaining good figure, Gillian Michael considers only genetic hypothyroidism, but even this disease can be treated by an endocrinologist.

By the way, Jillian Michaels was once fat and was able to lose weight.

What to do if there is a predisposition

First of all, understand that not everything is so scary. Girls with a "strong" physique are more successful in any kind of sports, run faster for short distances, can lift big weights weights, and are not devoid of natural coordination of movements.

Sports, dances are simply created for them by nature itself. As well as the “punishment” in the form of a body quickly swollen with fat, if they ignore this very sport.

A predisposition to be overweight usually includes an overly quick reaction of the body to. As a rule, even the slightest portion of sugar causes such people to have sharp jumps and a "brutal" appetite. At the same time, most prone to fullness are very fond of rolls and chocolates.

What to do? Main mistake one thing you can do is set unrealistic, unattainable goals. Slimming to the bone strict diets and exhausting fitness will bring you to a complete breakdown of the endocrine system and breakdown. So don't try to be skinny. Let your goal be a toned body and good health and not thinness. Think Beyoncé, for example. Here are the forms to strive for.

The second point is the determination of the so-called level of oxidation, or how quickly the body absorbs. The test is simple, and sometimes even enjoyable. And its result will help you choose the right diet.

Eat a banana or a handful of sweet dried fruits 2 hours before bed. Go to sleep. In the morning, answer the question: “How did you sleep?”. If everything went well, you didn’t have nightmares, and you didn’t wake up - carbohydrates are absorbed quickly. If, on the contrary, slowly and a surge of energy happened just when you fell asleep.

People with a fast carbohydrate metabolism should avoid all sweets except fruits. complex carbohydrates(sugar, bread, white rice) avoid. Vegetarianism is not suitable for such people. One has only to overeat a little, and carbohydrates already pass through the "glycogen chain" and are stored in the form of body fat. The ideal diets for such people are the Zone, the Mediterranean diet, the Paleo diet, or even the South Beach diet or weight loss system.

People with a slow carbohydrate metabolism can eat according to the classic food pyramid (with bread), lowering the total calorie content. And also “slow oxidants” are almost ideal vegetarians.

Establishing nutrition is the primary task of people with a tendency to be overweight. The right balanced diet will allow you to get rid of the "sweet carbohydrate addiction" - you will be full, and stop constantly looking for harmful snacks. It remains only to add sports. Here the experts are unanimous - any kind functional training, sprinting, active dancing, for example, or hip-hop, or even strip plastic ideally build the body, and allow you not to gain excess body fat. Try it, and then the excuses that family karma is corrupted will no longer be needed.

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