Kosher meals of Aeroflot: how the choice of food on board is organized. How to order special meals at Aeroflot

Becomes an assortment of food on board. For this reason, everything more passengers prefer to fly the company " Aeroflot» - the choice of food here involves 16 types of menus on special order. Let's consider the features of this offer and find out how the conditions declared by the company correspond to the standards for serving such food.

Since the services Aeroflot» daily used by hundreds of thousands of people, the company's management takes into account the interests and preferences of each client. After all, it is important for the carrier to meet the needs of various social, age and religious groups. These rules are expressed in a special service, which is also manifested in the catering on board.

Airlines offer passengers free snacks on flights that last up to three hours. Flights that take longer than the specified interval require hot meals. Moreover, in such a situation, passengers flying in economy class have the right to declare in advance their desire to receive special food.

Note that this air carrier independently develops the menu and provides cooking. The company cooperates with the best food suppliers, and experienced chefs work in the kitchen staff. Moreover, in order to please customers more often, the airline twice a year reviews the list of products that it gives out to passengers.

Airline ration types

Today, the choice of the preferred menu is available to all clients of the group " Aeroflot» – food on board will delight travelers with a rich assortment and strict compliance with cooking standards. Moreover, a pleasant bonus for passengers here is the absence of the need to pay extra for such a service.. It is enough to notify an airline employee at least one and a half days before departure about the desire to eat according to a special regime.

The air carrier offers customers four main groups of special meals, which include dietary, children's, vegetarian meals and food that meets religious canons. " Aeroflot” involves the supply of products to tourists for or children under 12 years old. For passengers who intend to use this service, it is appropriate to clarify the age of the child when booking a ticket and submitting an application.

Order food for vegetarians provides three menu groups. Here, customers are served fruit platter, products that meet the standards of strict vegetarian or Asian cuisine of this direction.

Diet food group includes low-calorie and diabetic foods, foods low in salt, cholesterol or fat, gluten-free or low in milk proteins. And for listed species menus apply strict rules preparation and composition of the diet.

Finally, dishes that are designed for religious people, imply a choice of lenten, Muslim, halal, Hindu and kosher food. Let us dwell in more detail on the description of the last menu option - after all, Aeroflot's kosher food implies the strictest standards for the selection and preparation of products.

About Kashrut

First, let's deal with this definition and find out, kosher food on the plane - what it is, what the requirements are for this food and why it is so important to adhere to the established criteria. Orthodox Jews live in everyday life, observing the prescriptions of a special code of laws, which is called Kashrut. Moreover, such rules apply even to our everyday food intake.

The literal translation of the term "kosher" means "suitable". Accordingly, kosher food involves a set of dishes that are allowed for consumption by this group of believers. In addition, the choice of products, the method of cooking, and the lifestyle of the cook are also important here. To clarify the rules for people who are far from Judaism, we list the types of products that are used in this religion. The list of such food is as follows:

  1. Meat. Kashrut allows the use of artiodactyl and ruminant meat. Pork and animals that have been killed in the hunt are strictly prohibited. Moreover, the list of permitted products includes roe deer, gazelles, elk and even giraffes.
  2. Bird. Among the kosher types of poultry, the Jews eat domestic breeds of birds. Prohibited here predatory species and scavengers. In addition, the ban also applies to the eggs of such birds. Believers eat only eggs that do not contain blood clots.
  3. Fish. The suitable fish species for the Jews are those with fins and scales. Moreover, in this case, “fish” means all types of marine inhabitants. Accordingly, eels, sturgeon, catfish, black caviar, mollusks and crustaceans become non-kosher products here.
  4. Milk products. Judaism assumes three criteria for nutrition, including meat, dairy products and parve - food that does not belong to these two categories. Orthodox believers strictly adhere to the separate use of meat and dairy groups.

Note that special rules they also work when slaughtering livestock - in order for the food to become suitable, the animal is slaughtered, and then the meat is soaked with salt and washed. These actions help to get rid of the blood. Moreover, sharpening a knife, the method of killing animals and butchering carcasses here is a separate ritual.

Kosher meat is cut and prepared in a special way

Finally, for the Jewish people it is also important that the butcher and the cook observe rituals and traditions. So, a person who does not observe Shabbat has no right to touch the preparation of food. We note separately that kosher products in many ways similar to halal food, which is preferred by devout Muslims. However, a kosher diet is necessarily halal, but halal regulations are not always kosher.

Suppliers and licenses

Now let's dwell on the question of where the kosher food comes from on the plane " Aeroflot”, because according to Kashrut there are special requirements for the preparation of products. This moment is explained quite simply - the airlines cooperate with the company " PINHAS”, and this company received the highest degree of kosher certification.

Kosher food for Aeroflot customers is supplied by PINHAS

Moreover, the Department of Kashrut of the Russian Federation assigns a similar status. This organization operates under the chief rabbinate of the country. Respectively, " Aeroflot» fulfills another requirement of kosher - the blessing of food by the chief rabbi. Note that not every Orthodox Jew regularly adheres to the full requirements of Kashrut.

The airline guarantees that every product offered to travelers in this group is kosher. In addition, the rabbinate assures the menu as a whole.

Note that modern passengers who prefer this type of food do not necessarily belong to the Jewish faith. Many people order a kosher diet to enjoy healthy and healthy on the go. wholesome food . Keep in mind that the peculiarities of preparing these dishes sometimes compete with dietary nutrition.

Order Features

To apply for the issuance of kosher food, the passenger enters a code that corresponds to the selected menu category. For this power group, the company has provided the coding "KSML". Moreover, when making changes to the booking, the client will have to re-apply for special meals.

It is appropriate to decide on the type of special meals at the stage of booking tickets

However, we note that when departing from the capital with airlines " Aeroflot» requests for any kind of special menu are available. The main thing is not to miss the deadline for submitting such a request. As you can see, there are no difficulties in ordering kosher products. Moreover, airlines do not ask for confirmation of the passenger's belonging to a particular religious movement- food is available to all customers.


Finally, we will discuss the features of food kits in this group. Flight attendants offer the passenger a launch box with provisions, on which information about expiration dates is fixed. In addition, each delivery contains a kosher certificate, certified by the seal of the Chief Rabbi of Russia. By these signs, believers will be convinced of the authenticity and freshness of products.

The standard kosher menu includes a three-course lunch and is backed by a special certificate

Provisioning Rules different type are the same for the airline - here each type of food is separately packaged in a vacuum film, and hot dishes are in a casserole - an airtight form of thick foil. Considering the range of products, we note the standard for " Aeroflot» a three-course kosher meal set. Moreover, the composition of the products from which the food was prepared is printed on each package.

The first item on the menu is mincemeat or salmon appetizer and vegetables - hummus. A hot dish involves stewed beef or poultry with tomato gravy. Goes to the side dish vegetable stew, boiled or baked potatoes and rice. Dessert includes fresh fruits, jams, biscuits and kosher pastries.

Customer Reviews « Aeroflot about such a diet is usually positive. People talk about high quality and excellent taste of food. Some passengers also note large portions. However, the only drawback here is insufficiently hot products that do not have time to fully heat up with standard heating.

Aeroflot Airlines offers passengers a choice of 16 varieties of special menu free of charge
Children's special meals at Aeroflot
Aeroflot's kosher food deserves special attention— passengers respond positively about this menu
Orthodox Jews consume foods that are allowed by the laws of Kashrut

We decided to find out the features of food on board the aircraft of Russian airlines from the flight attendant on Aeroflot and Transaero flights.

An airplane is a huge machine that comfortably rushes us from one point of the planet to another. Regardless of how long you board the plane, for an hour or half a day, you will always be offered food and drinks.

We decided to find out the peculiarities of food on board the aircraft of Russian airlines from Anastasia Grigorieva, who worked as a flight attendant on Aeroflot and Transaero flights.

Grigorieva Anastasia
Flight attendant on Aeroflot and Transaero flights

How does food get on the plane?

Each airport has its own catering department, which operates non-stop day and night. Most often there is only one per airport, but there are exceptions. Aeroflot has its own workshop in Sheremetyevo, for example. Meals are prepared approximately two to three hours before the departure of each aircraft according to the number of passengers who have bought tickets. If for some reason there are more passengers, meals are sent from the flight departing later. The organization of the food process is a well-oiled mechanism, a huge conveyor of products and workers. As a result, exactly as many servings will come on board the aircraft as there are passengers flying on a certain flight.

If the flight is short (less than three hours flight in one direction), then they immediately load the food on the way back, which is heavily frozen so that it does not deteriorate.

Deliver food to the aircraft on special machines about half an hour before boarding passengers. It is extremely rare for failures to occur and food can be loaded during landing. Sometimes the dispatch can take place even five minutes before takeoff, but until all the food is on board, the aircraft doors will not be closed. So often flight delays are due to the fact that someone bought a ticket at the last moment, and food is delivered to him.

Is there anything being prepared on board the plane?

In the on-board kitchen, all food is simply reheated. Ready portioned food is delivered immediately in trolleys and on grills that are inserted into special ovens. Depending on the type of aircraft and the location of the kitchen counters, the number of stoves on board can be from four to sixteen.

Tea bags and coffee are loaded on each flight (depending on the company - instant or in special bags that are inserted into coffee machines). There are water heaters on board that are used to brew drinks.

Is the menu different on each flight?

One menu is set by the airline for a period of three to four months, after which it changes, but not significantly. For example, three months on the menu to choose from chicken and rice or fish and chips on the direct flight, beef and pasta or fish and rice on the reverse, and in next months the way of cooking, side dishes, type of meat and fish are changing.

AT different countries, like cities, the menu differs by the types of products that are most available in a given country. For example, in cities with access to the sea, there will be tastier fish, in Spain, jamon will be added to cold food.

What is the difference between business and economy class food?

In the business class, there are more portions and a more varied menu, the service stages themselves are more time-consuming and as close as possible to a restaurant one. Passengers are offered a three-course paper menu with a choice. Aeroflot also offers soups on long flights (from six hours). All dishes are served separately and the table is covered with a tablecloth-type napkin.

Food for business and economy classes is prepared in the same kitchen at the airport, but, for example, in Aeroflot, the entire business class menu is prepared according to the standards of the Moscow Pushkin restaurant.

They start feeding passengers of both classes at the same time, do it different people. The business employs a senior flight attendant and a flight attendant specially trained in business class.

Interestingly, those who paid for the business class initially, and not for the upgrade on board (upgrade in service class), are much more loyal and adequate passengers. They refuse food more often and do not hysteria when something is not enough.

What is a "special meal" on a ticket?

A special type of food is not much different from the usual (and even in the "business"). It is not better or tastier, it is just more suitable for special categories of passengers. It is ordered when booking tickets, but no later than a day before departure, since the catering department must know that a passenger with such and such a meal will definitely fly on such and such a flight.

Most often, flight attendants have a special sheet with the full name and seat number of such a passenger. If there is no such sheet, then the senior will announce on the speakerphone so that such passengers turn to the flight attendants. It is also worth warning about this if the passenger has moved. They check by full name and seat number, and the full name is given by the passenger, not the flight attendant.

There is almost always buckwheat, fruits and vegetables on board for those who have not ordered a special meal, but, for example, are a vegetarian. Buckwheat - already in ready-made fruits and vegetables are fresh.

Which passengers will be fed first?

Feeding starts from the nose, but there is a certain procedure in each company for each type of aircraft and for the flight time, how to feed passengers. On small ships, most often, they go only from the bow. On larger ones - from the nose, middle and tail. And they always try to leave a few servings to choose from for those who are especially dissatisfied.

How many servings of drinks and food can I ask for?

Drinks can be requested in unlimited quantities, but it is worth remembering that they are loaded on two flights at once. This means that the crew that will take the return flight may be left without drinks at all. In addition, some type of drink may run out in flight (most often a return flight). Drinks, as a rule, are as follows: orange, apple, tomato juices, carbonated and non-carbonated water, cola, sprite, tea, coffee. You can ask for at least all the drinks that are in the cart, but it’s worth remembering that we are not alone, and the plane is not an “all inclusive” restaurant. Alcohol is now banned on Russian airlines, but in general one serving per person is allowed, except for the alcohol that is on sale.

With regard to food, one serving of food is calculated per passenger for each service ration. In exceptional cases, if one of the passengers refused to eat, his portion can be given to the sufferer.

By the way, the dishes in the economy are not disposable. Upon arrival, the crew hands it over to the on-board catering, for each shortage they deduct from wages who was in charge of food on the flight.

If I overslept lunch, will they feed me?

If the passenger overslept lunch, he himself must inform the flight attendant that he woke up and wants to eat. Since there can be many of them, and flight attendants cannot keep track of all of them. At the same time, the passenger must be aware that in this case there may no longer be a choice of food, since the portions to choose from are loaded 50 to 50. That is, if a hundred people fly, then half of the portions will be with meat, half with fish.

What does the crew of the aircraft eat?

The crew of the aircraft eats the same as the business class. The exception is the commander of the ship, food is prepared separately for him. Pilots generally need to eat different foods, because if one of them becomes unwell due to the food taken, then the second should be able to replace him. Pilots eat at any time when the plane is in autopilot mode, but strictly in turn. Flight attendants break for a snack, most often, after serving passengers, also in turn, but, in fact, when they have to. Sometimes it is possible to eat only on landing, and sometimes not at all.

Some pilots and flight attendants carry food with them - the plane quickly becomes boring, some eat only vegetables or fruits.

What is the best thing to eat on a plane?

My advice is to avoid food whenever possible on short flights and eat as little as possible on long flights, and drink only liquids. plain water. It must be borne in mind that the flight is still stress for the body. Due to pressure, the metabolism deteriorates, which can make food difficult to digest and cause discomfort. That is why the portions of food on planes are so small, and not at all because the company decided to save on passengers.

During short and long flights, the company takes care of the food of its passengers.

Our company is one of the world leaders in the quality of in-flight catering. This is our advantage over competitors, which we are constantly developing.

V. Saveliev
CEO of Aeroflot

Meals on Aeroflot flights usually include light snacks, a main course and dessert. The company periodically updates the range of its dishes, and they are prepared only from natural and fresh products.

Meals on board Aeroflot aircraft are divided into three categories:

  • economy class meals
  • business class catering
  • special meals

Menus for all classes are designed by LSG SFY CHEFS Chef Thierry Monat.

Economy menu

The choice of dishes depends on the direction and duration of the flight. So, for example, on flights from Moscow, which last from 6 hours, passengers are offered a snack of herring fillet, lemon cake, chicken fillet with mashed potatoes or lamb with buckwheat (main dish of your choice). On long flights, two passenger services are provided.

If a passenger is heading to, for example, New York, he will be served an omelet with tomatoes, pancakes, Hungarian goulash or chicken with vegetables. Under each menu, its calorie content and energy value are indicated.

The economy class menu on short flights provides for the presence of buns, jam, butter on a tray. Sometimes fruits, yogurt, muesli are served.

Let's give some examples. All photos are taken by passengers.

Flights lasting more than 6 hours (two photos each): ,

Many people on our planet follow diets. Some do it for medical reasons and others for religious reasons. There are also vegetarians. Special meals are also provided for infants and young children. But now you are getting ready for the journey and have chosen for the trip “What will they feed on board?” - those who adhere to a special diet are anxiously wondering. And not many people know that Aeroflot, along with the usual, provides kosher, halal, Christian Lenten, Muslim and Hindu meals. Considered requests and vegetarians. For the latter, there are sets with fruits and vegetables. If you are traveling with kids, you can be calm: the stewards will bring baby or infant food for them. Those who are on a diet medical indications may order lactose-free, fat-free, unsalted, unsweetened, or other specialty foods. But in this article we will focus on only one point: what is kosher? Aeroflot respects all religious beliefs and provides believing Jews with a menu of dishes made in full compliance with the rules of kosher.

Difficulties associated with following a religious diet

For vegetarians, everything is simple: do not eat meat and fish (in some cases, milk and eggs). All other products are acceptable for consumption. Approximately the same can be said about religious diets - Christian during fasting, Hindu, Muslim. It is only necessary to remove the forbidden religious norms products and you're done! With the Jews, the issue is not so easily resolved. According to the norms of kashrut, it is impossible to simply exclude meat from the food package in cream sauce or certain types meat and fish. Religious requirements dictate that the animals from which the dishes are prepared must be killed in a special way. Some foods, such as liver, must also undergo special processing in order to be approved for consumption. Therefore, some Jews have a suspicion: is the beef dish, which will be brought as kosher, such? Were all the rules followed in its preparation? But kosher meals on Aeroflot flights are always accompanied by a bilingual certificate. This document confirms the compliance of dishes with the requirements of a religious diet.

How much does a special meal cost?

Not many people know about such a service, even those who often fly and use the Aeroflot company for travel. Kosher food, as well as any other food (for age, medical reasons or beliefs) is provided free of charge. Of course, in those cases when the flight is long and passengers are generally fed during it. But there are exceptions. For example, if you are flying business class, then even if the flight lasts a little over an hour, you will still be brought food. And, of course, you have the right to choose a special menu.

What do I need to do to get special meals on board?

You must notify Aeroflot in advance that you have certain food requirements. Kosher meals will be brought to you free of charge if you notify your culinary requests 36 hours before departure. The company's website has all the phones where you need to call and order one or another special menu. Many travelers will wonder what will happen if the ticket is bought not at the box office, but on the website of an intermediary and even at a travel agency. It does not matter. There would be a ticket. Another thing is if the flight is operated not by Aeroflot directly, but by its code-sharing partners (Rossiya and Aurora airlines). But if you start from the Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport, you will always be provided with kosher meals upon prior request. But when departing from other cities of Russia, this issue needs to be clarified with the operators of the company's call center.

Should I order a special menu?

Some people are interested in the question: will they be limited in the quality or quantity of food, compared to other passengers? We answer: the rest will envy you. Many avid travelers, knowing all the intricacies of the service for "non-standard" passengers, order a special religious menu, even if they do not observe ritual fasts. Especially popular with those who often fly with Aeroflot. Kosher food for such people is simple nice bonus. As these travelers assure, it is the most delicious of all 16 special menus. And there is really a lot of this kosher food. You are handed a large red box (in addition to snacks, you will find a kosher certificate in it) and a separate container with hot food. Drinks you order from the flight attendants on a par with other passengers.

Kosher food, Aeroflot: what is included

What do the two boxes consist of, which, having specified your last name, the flight attendants hand over to the “extraordinary” passenger? If it's a morning flight, then you'll find a huge onion in the hot container. For lunch, you will be served salmon with a side dish of cereals. It can also be poultry or beef stew with tomato sauce. They are accompanied by special side dishes - boiled rice, fried potatoes or vegetable stew. Hot food is brought in a cassette made of thick foil. Each dish is hermetically packed under a vacuum film. For dessert, they offer fruits, kosher pastries, confiture. Jars of snacks and juice are beautifully stacked in a large burgundy box. On each package you can read complete list involved products. The box of snacks is so big that it barely fits on a folding table. That is why many non-Jews, knowing the tricks of the service on board, choose kosher food. Aeroflot is generally famous for the quality of food served to passengers, but special meals are something special. Perhaps the company's policy is to take care of such passengers, the desire that they do not feel left out compared to others.

Where does such food come from on board?

Beef or poultry meat must pass through the hands of a shochet in order to be consumed by orthodox Jews. But how do you know if these products are bought in a regular supermarket? The last doubts are dispelled by the certificate, which, along with the dishes, provides the passenger, because Aeroflot itself guarantees the quality. Kosher meals are prepared by order of the airline company PINHAS, which has a license from the Rabbinate of the Russian Federation. Therefore, you need to order a special menu 36 hours before departure, so that your dishes have time to cook and load on board. You can be sure that this food will be the freshest.

Kosher food, Aeroflot: reviews

Many seasoned tourists already figured out the tricks of service on board. Even being unbelievers and completely healthy people, they order halal, lean, non-vegetarian hindu, diabetic or kosher meals. Aeroflot, when accepting an order, does not ask for a certificate of your religious affiliation or doctor's prescriptions. You can order such food when buying a ticket, even if you purchase it through a travel agency. But even then you have the right to call the call center and provide yourself with a special menu. The main thing is that it should not be later than 36 hours before departure. Reviews report that, unfortunately, there are destinations where kosher food is not provided (flights from Irkutsk, Minsk, Havana and Vilnius).

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