Menu for a low-calorie diet. Weekly menu and low-calorie diet recipes

Health food in obesity involves the use of "classic" low calorie diet. Its purpose is to influence the metabolism to eliminate excess fat deposits.

General characteristics of a low-calorie diet

Diet: 5-6 times a day with enough volume to feel full.

Characteristics of foods and cooking methods for a low-calorie diet

Bakery products. Allowed rye and wheat bread from wholemeal flour, protein-wheat and protein-bran bread - 100-150 g per day. Prohibited products from flour of the highest and 1st grade, products from rich and puff pastry.

Soups. Up to 250-300 g per reception. From different vegetables with a small addition of potatoes or cereals: cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka, beetroot. 2-3 times a week soups on a low fat-free meat or fish broth with vegetables, meatballs. Dairy products are prohibited. Potatoes, cereals, legumes, pasta.

Meat and poultry. Up to 150 g per day. Lean beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey; limited - low-fat pork and lamb, mostly boiled, stewed; baked in large and small pieces. The meat is fried after boiling. Beef jelly. Prohibited fatty meats, goose, duck, ham, sausages, boiled and smoked sausages, canned food.

Fish. Low-fat species up to 150-200 g per day. Boiled, baked, fried. Non-fish products of the sea. Fatty species, salted, smoked, canned fish in oil, caviar.

Dairy. Milk and sour-milk drinks of low fat content. Sour cream - in dishes. Low-fat cottage cheese and 9% fat content (100-200 g per day) - natural and in the form of cheesecakes, puddings. Low-fat varieties of cheese - limited. Fatty cottage cheese, sweet curds, sweet yogurt, fermented baked milk, baked milk, fatty and salty cheeses are prohibited.

Eggs. 1-2 pieces per day. hard boiled protein omelets. Omelets with vegetables. Eggs are prohibited.

Cereals. Limited for adding to vegetable soups. Loose cereals from buckwheat, pearl barley, barley groats due to the reduction of bread. Other cereals are prohibited, especially rice, semolina and oatmeal, pasta, legumes.

Vegetables. Use in all forms, part necessarily raw. All types of cabbage are desirable, fresh cucumbers, radish, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnip. Sauerkraut - after washing. Limit dishes from potatoes, beets, green peas, carrots, rutabaga (total up to 200 g per day), as well as salted and pickled vegetables.

Snacks. Salads from raw and pickled vegetables, vinaigrettes, vegetable salads with boiled meat and fish, seafood. Aspic of fish or meat. Lean ham. Fatty and spicy snacks are prohibited.

Fruits, sweet dishes, sweets. Fruits and berries of sweet and sour varieties, raw and boiled. Jelly and mousse on methylcellulose, xylitol, sorbitol. Unsweetened compotes. Grapes, raisins, bananas, figs, dates, very sweet varieties of other fruits, sugar, confectionery, jam, honey, jelly, ice cream are prohibited.

Sauces and spices. Tomato, red, white with vegetables, mild mushroom, vinegar. Fatty and spicy sauces, mayonnaise, all spices are prohibited.

Beverages. Tea, black coffee with milk. Unsweetened juices. Grape and other sweet juices, cocoa are prohibited.

Fats. Butter(limited) and vegetable oils - in dishes. Animal and cooking oils are prohibited.

Approximate one-day menu (1635 kcal) of a low-calorie diet

First breakfast: calcined cottage cheese - 100 g, stewed carrots - 200 g, coffee with milk without sugar - 200 g.

Lunch: fresh cabbage salad without salt with sour cream - 170 g.

Dinner: vegetable soup (½ portion) - 200 g, boiled meat - 90 g, green peas without oil - 50 g, fresh apples - 100 g.

Afternoon snack: calcined cottage cheese - 100 g, rosehip broth - 180 g.

Dinner: boiled fish (perch) - 100 g, vegetable stew (½ portion) - 125 g.

For the night: kefir - 180 g.

All day: rye bread - 150g.

The low-calorie diet has three options. They differ in energy intensity (calorie content). At the first stage of normalization of body weight, a diet is prescribed that corresponds to the physiological norm in terms of calories, i.e. eliminate overeating. Often this is enough, but if this measure does not lead to weight loss, then more caloric restriction of food must be resorted to, mainly by reducing the amount of fat and carbohydrates.

Dreaming of a slim and beautiful figure, many people subject their body and body to various tortures in the form of starvation, diets, exercise. But sometimes it is so difficult to find a method that would be really effective and not harmful to health. This issue has already been resolved, because. there is a low-calorie diet. The main advantage of such a nutrition system is to achieve excellent results. It is actively used by people suffering from diabetes or obesity.

Description of the classic low-calorie diet

The essence of a low-calorie (anti-aging) diet is to reduce the calorie content of food by limiting simple carbohydrates and fats. Due to the fact that a certain exchange of incoming substances must be observed in the body, there is an increase in the amount of protein food. The classic low-calorie diet has several important rules, under which weight is reduced, and overall well-being improves:

  1. The number of calories coming from food should not exceed 1500 kcal per day.
  2. The number of fats in the diet should not exceed 80 g per day.
  3. Per day, the norm of carbohydrates (complex) is 100 g, simple should be completely excluded.
  4. It is necessary to drink about 2 liters of plain water per day.
  5. sticking to low-calorie food, you should use unsweetened dried fruit compotes, unsweetened tea.

What can and cannot be eaten on this diet?

Nutrition with a low-calorie diet is monotonous, includes the use of boiled meat and steamed vegetables. The fat content in the daily diet should not be more than 3-4 grams. For a rigid low-calorie diet, it is mandatory to use nutrient mixtures, thanks to which it is really possible to eliminate strong feeling hunger. Following the rules of such nutrition, you need to abandon the following products:

  1. bakery products, for the preparation of which butter was used, puff pastry;
  2. soups from potatoes, cereals;
  3. pork, lamb, duck meat, goose;
  4. fatty fish;
  5. rice, semolina, oatmeal;
  6. pickles, marinades;
  7. sweet berries, fruits;
  8. sweets.

Permitted products and method of their preparation

A low calorie diet is wide range used products, but only if they are properly prepared. Allowed to eat bread, soup, meat, fish, dairy products. In a diet that consists of, it is allowed to use following products and how to prepare them:

  1. Bakery products. Wheat and rye bread is allowed for consumption, for the preparation of which they used wholemeal flour, protein-bran bread, protein-wheat.
  2. Soups. A low-carbohydrate diet involves eating this dish in an amount of no more than 250-300 g at a time. Allowed: borscht, cabbage soup, okroshka, beetroot.
  3. Poultry and meat. It is allowed to consume such products up to 150 g per day. Low-calorie nutrition involves the use of stewed or boiled meat of veal, beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey.
  4. Low-fat varieties of fish (150-200 g per day). If you follow a low-calorie diet, fish can be eaten boiled, baked, fried.
  5. Dairy products are low in fat.
  6. Eggs in the amount of 1-2 pieces per day. A low-calorie diet involves eating hard-boiled eggs in the form of protein omelettes.
  7. Cereals. You are allowed to add them to vegetable soup and cook barley, buckwheat, barley porridge.
  8. Vegetables are allowed to eat in all forms. A low-calorie diet involves the use of cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, pumpkins, turnips, tomatoes.

Sample menu for the week


  1. In the morning it is allowed to pamper yourself with only a cup of tea with 1-2 teaspoons of honey. After 2 hours, you can eat 40 g of 17% cheese.
  2. For lunch, have 1 hard-boiled egg, coleslaw, dressed lemon juice, apple.
  3. Dinner is allowed boiled beef - 120 g, salad, which is based on non-starchy vegetables.
  4. As a snack can be 1 apple, cut into pieces.


  1. You can drink a cup of tea with 1-2 teaspoons of honey for breakfast. After 2 hours, eat 75 g of meat or 100 g of cottage cheese.
  2. AT lunch time treat yourself to 1 baked potato, coleslaw dressed with lemon juice and an apple.
  3. For dinner, boil chicken and eat in the amount of 120 g, salad (non-starchy vegetables).
  4. During a snack, it is allowed to eat 1 pear, cut into pieces.


  1. In the morning drink a cup of tea with 1-2 teaspoons of honey and lemon. After 2 hours, it is allowed to use 30 g of cheese or 80 g of cottage cheese with bread, or 2 pharmacy bread.
  2. For lunch, eat 200 g of boiled cod, cabbage salad seasoned with lemon juice, an apple.
  3. In the evening, use a vinaigrette without potatoes.
  4. During a snack, eat 1 grapefruit or drink juice from it.


Unloading day, during which it is allowed to eat 1 kg of fat-free cottage cheese, drink mineral water.


Unloading day, which includes the use of 2 kg of apples, mineral water.


  1. In the morning it is allowed to drink a cup of tea with 1-2 teaspoons of honey. After a couple of hours, you need to eat 100 g of cottage cheese or 75 g of meat.
  2. At lunchtime, replenish your body with 1 baked potato, coleslaw, dressed with lemon juice and an apple.
  3. Dinner involves 120 g of boiled chicken, salad, for the preparation of which non-starchy vegetables are used.
  4. During snacks, eat 1 pear, cut into pieces.


  1. Drink a cup of tea with 1-2 teaspoons of honey and lemon in the morning. After a couple of hours, you are allowed to eat 30 g of cheese, 80 g of cottage cheese with bread.
  2. At lunchtime, eat 200 g of boiled cod, cabbage salad seasoned with lemon juice, an apple.
  3. Dinner includes a vinaigrette without potatoes.
  4. During snacks, eat 1 grapefruit or drink juice from it.

Diet Recipes

By sticking to a low-calorie diet, it is quite possible to diversify your diet with dishes that will help you eliminate hunger. They are prepared very simply and quickly. Consider the most popular, as well as frequently used dishes:

  1. Vinaigrette without potatoes. To prepare the dish, use 1 large beetroot, 2 carrots, 150 g sauerkraut which must be rinsed before. Finely chop boiled vegetables, add cabbage and 2 tablespoons canned peas. Mix everything thoroughly by adding a tablespoon of olive oil and lemon juice.
  2. Baked potatoes. Wash the potatoes thoroughly, cut into two parts without peeling. Smear slices olive oil and then sprinkle with fresh dill. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees until done.
  3. Vegetable salad with low calorie dressing. Use 100 g of celery stalk (grind with a blender) and lemon juice to make dressing. To make a salad, you need to take 200 g of tomato, basil, lettuce or other greens, bell pepper. Cut the vegetables, mix and season with the prepared composition.
  4. Salad "Spring" is low-calorie. You will need: 100g low-fat cottage cheese, a bunch of parsley, dill. Finely chop the greens and mix with yogurt, leave for 15 minutes. Cut 2 cucumbers, a bunch of young radishes, as well as a head Chinese cabbage. Mix everything and season with yogurt with herbs.

How to get out of the diet?

The exit from the diet should be smooth, otherwise it will cause swipe. First, you need to gradually increase the calorie content of the diet per day by 150-200 kcal, adding fats and carbohydrates. For 2 weeks, monitor your weight and, if everything is normal, then it is allowed to add 150-200 more kcal. If you start to gain weight, then again reduce the number of calories.

Is a low calorie diet bad for pregnant women?

A low-calorie diet during pregnancy can seriously damage the health of the unborn baby. But this is on condition that it does not include proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the required amount. For the proper development of the baby, the nutrition of a pregnant woman must be balanced and contain all trace elements and nutritional components.

Low calorie diet options and calorie table

The anti-aging diet has 3 options. Their difference lies in the calorie content. The first stage of weight normalization includes a diet that would correspond to the physiological norm. In most cases, this is enough, but if the measure does not contribute to weight loss, then you need to resort to more calorie restriction by reducing the amount of carbohydrates and fats. More about the composition different stages diets see the table below.

Chemical composition low calorie food options

Diet Options

Carbohydrates, g

Energy intensity, kcal

Basic diet

moderately restricted diet

The most restricted diet

Good afternoon.

Today I finally got to such a topic as a low-calorie diet. To be honest, I don't like the idea of ​​weight loss by counting calories. I already wrote about . Calories are a rather conditional value and in order to make a menu on which it is possible to lose weight, you will have to try very hard.

You are probably thinking, what's wrong with that, because each package is marked with how many calories are in the product, how many proteins and carbohydrates. All you need to do is decide how many calories to consume and, reading the packages, do not exceed your daily calorie content.

Many people do this, but few people manage to reduce their weight in this way. Because there are so many nuances in a low-calorie diet that without scrupulous calculation and weighing of products, nothing will work.

You can’t eat anything, limited only by the amount of food eaten. Perhaps such a trick will be able to keep the weight (and even then, it is unlikely), but it will not help to consistently get a result in the form of a minus on the scales. If you do not know at what number of calories your body begins to burn fat and if you do not adhere to a given calorie content day by day, then any undertakings will end in a breakdown and another “overeating”.

And all these low calorie recipes” and “low-calorie meals” are useless things that only amuse your pride, making you think that you really care about your figure by preparing them. Until you control the amount of food you eat, no "low-calorie pies and cookies" will save you.

How to make a low-calorie menu for every day

Well, enough to upset you, let me outline the basic rules, adhering to which, you can be guaranteed to get the result:

  • You definitely need to purchase electronic scales for products. Food must be weighed. Determining the weight "by eye", you will also get a very average result.
  • You need to decide on the foods that you will eat on a low-calorie diet. Unsystematic nutrition will definitely not help you lose weight. Only certain products in a certain amount. It is enough to choose 10-15 products from different categories.
  • The way food is prepared should not change. boiled and fried eggs, for example, have different calorie content. You can’t cook eggs differently each time, and count the same calories.
  • You need to get food containers and prepare food in the evening. Because now you will only eat what you have prepared and taken with you. No fast food and tea parties with cakes.
  • The scales on which you will be weighed must be electronic. Ordinary scales have an error of +/- 200 grams and it is quite difficult to track your progress on them. You only need to weigh yourself at one selected time. Best in the morning after using the toilet. Weight during the day can change up to one and a half kilograms, so weighing 5-6 times a day will not bring anything but disappointment.

How to count the calorie content of meals

So, with the main thing decided, let's choose the products.

Here it is most reasonable to adhere to a rational approach. That is, choose foods that, with a large portion, have a lower calorie content. Here's an offhand example for you: 100 grams of boiled buckwheat have a calorie content of 103 kcal / 100g. And chocolates - 570 kcal / 100g. If we proceed from the fact that our daily requirement equal to 800 kcal, then we can afford to eat per day or 800 grams of buckwheat, or 130 grams chocolates. What is the best product to choose so as not to starve during the day? Of course, boiled buckwheat would be a much more logical choice. Not as tasty, but correct.

Somewhere on the site I have a big one with which you can make your own extensive diet, but believe me, it’s better to limit yourself small list. Why? I will explain later when we get to the control of daily calories.

In the meantime, here are the products for you, the use of which is guaranteed to supply your body with everything you need and reduce the feeling of hunger on a diet as much as possible.

Grocery list

As you can see, a low-calorie diet is a very small selection of foods. And note, as with any other diet, the menu is completely absent from confectionery and bakery products. The reason is simple - they are very high in calories. For example, the calorie content of a loaf is 260 kcal / 100g. One piece weighs about 30 grams and carries about 80 kcal. Agree, too much for a diet.

To be honest, most of you can start losing weight without any problems simply by giving up starchy foods. And you need to start testing your body with diets only when a simple transition to proper nutrition stops working.

In addition, everything fried was removed from the diet (the reason is the same - saving calories) and there is only one cooking method - boiling. As for meat products, and for cereals (still want to try this diet?)

Daily menu for 1200 kcal

Remember, the diet should include both cereals and meat with vegetables. Therefore, here is what you can approximately get for 1200 kcal:

Breakfast 7:00

Boiled buckwheat 200 gr (206 kcal)

Snack 10:00

Cottage cheese 2% 200 gr seasoned with natural yoghurt 100 gr (252 kcal)

Lunch 13:00

Boiled rice 200 gr with boiled chicken 100 gr (342 kcal)

Afternoon snack 16:00

Apple 100 gr (46 kcal)

Dinner 18:00

Boiled beef 100 gr (254 kcal)

Cucumber and tomato salad 150 gr with 30 gr sour cream (96 kcal)

Total turned out 1196 kilocalories. Do not display numbers to exact values. Plus or minus 10 kilocalories is not a critical error.

The time of eating and their quantity do not matter and are given only as an example. About how many times a day you need to eat and at what time, I just recently wrote a separate one.

As you can see, making a menu for the day is not so difficult. Much harder to stick to it. But I’ll talk about this a little later, and now let’s talk about how to choose your own calorie intake for weight loss.

How to calculate the calories your body needs

Here we come to the most difficult part. Yes, there are a certain amount of kcal that is recommended for weight loss. For girls, this is 800 kcal per day, for men, 1000-1200 kcal. But we are all so different that these numbers do not stand up to scrutiny. Someone loses weight sitting on the couch (do not laugh, this is possible and even desirable with significant excess weight), someone does not climb out of the gym. Agree, with such a big difference in lifestyle, people with the same dimensions need to drastically different quantity calories. Therefore, the definition of daily caloric content for each person is purely individual.

Before you start losing weight, you need to find your starting point. This is the amount of food and calories at which you will start to lose weight. In order to determine this point, you need to draw up your menu for the week ahead from the above products. You don't have to cut corners right away. Eat enough to not feel hungry.

What will it look like in practice? In the evening you cook chicken, rice, buckwheat. Don't forget cottage cheese and yogurt. Measure out 200 grams and put them in food containers that you take with you to work. In the morning, after washing up and visiting the toilet, you carry out a control weighing and go to work.

During the day, you only eat what you brought with you in containers. Eat so that you do not feel hungry and do not overeat (although with such a diet you will not be threatened). In the evening, sum up: how many calories you ate. Let you get 1000 kcal per day. So for tomorrow you are preparing a diet that will contain 1000 kcal. And the day after tomorrow too. You will adhere to this figure for exactly 1 week.

Is it possible to achieve minus 5-10 kg in the first 7 days

When the week is over, you need to make a control morning weigh-in and look at the result. If the scales showed minus 300-700 grams, then congratulations, you were able to choose the menu on which you are losing weight the first time. And please do not expect that you will lose 5 kilograms in a week at once. This happens only with those who sell various means for weight loss and does not skimp on promises. AT real life so, unfortunately, it does not happen. An excellent result is minus 0.7-1.2 kilos. And then, only in the first 2-3 weeks. Further and minus 0.5 kg per week are considered a good result.

If the weight has not changed or has slightly increased, then you need to cut down on the amount of food consumed. And here the fact that the choice of products is not wide will help you. Let's say if you ate 200 grams of rice and buckwheat a day, in addition to other products, now you will need to reduce portions of rice and buckwheat to 100 grams, respectively. And stick to that calorie intake for next week. And again look at the results of the new week.

Got the idea? You eat certain foods in a strictly defined amount and, if necessary, reduce portions. It will not be difficult for you to do this, since you will know exactly how much and what you eat. This is the whole point of a low-calorie diet - to reach the calorie content at which the body begins to burn its own fat, making up for the lack of energy.

And at the same time, it doesn’t matter at all what lifestyle you adhere to - active or sedentary, if you have found your point of reference, then weight loss will begin in any case and will go regardless of whether you run in the morning or sleep.

An important point: having found your starting point, do not think that it remains unchanged. In the process of losing weight, the body requires fewer and fewer calories, so from time to time you will have to slightly reduce the daily calorie content. At the same time, the scheme is the same: if 0.3-0.5 kg has not gone away in a week, then it is time to once again revise the diet downward.

How long to diet

It all depends on your goals. Someone needs to get rid of 3-5 kg ​​and 1 month will be enough for this (with a responsible approach and no breakdowns). And someone needs to throw off 20-30 kilos. Here you need more time - from 6 to 10 months of hard work. The good news is that in a month you will no longer be tormented by the question of what foods to eat. You will already have a set of products that suits you (I can’t say I like it, because monotonous food quickly gets bored). And it will be possible to start adding and removing something in order to diversify your menu a little. Well, do not forget about those elements, the intake of which is very desirable on a diet. Was about them.

Low calorie diet for type 2 diabetics

Well, the last question for today is whether such a diet is suitable for diabetics. My recommendations do not save you from the need to consult a doctor, I can only say that these foods do not cause an increase in blood sugar levels, so diabetes is not an obstacle to following a low-calorie diet.

It's all about the products you choose. You can easily create your own diet from the foods that are allowed to you. All you need for this, as I said earlier, is a kitchen scale and a food calorie table. Then everything will depend on your imagination.

My Conclusions on the Low Calorie Diet

I really hope that this a large number of figures and calculations convinced you that a low-calorie diet is not the best choice. I just think that you can only lose weight on a diet that is comfortable. After all, only then can you stick to it long enough to get a result. And the constant running around with weights, cooking food in the evening and regularly carrying food containers is a rather tiring task.

BUT the main problem that all the most delicious is usually the most high-calorie. Therefore, you will have to wage a constant struggle, deciding what is best to do: eat fried, but once, or boiled, but twice. It seems ridiculous now, but in fact this question can lead to a nervous breakdown.

And that's all for today, thank you for your attention.

The 1200 kcal low-calorie diet is positioned as the most balanced system, rich in vitamins. The basis of the diet is made up of foods such as meat, salads, vegetable stew, fresh fruits. Recipes that are suitable for a diet are so diverse that eating according to this system will not get bored for a very long time.

The main task of a low-calorie diet is to create a calorie deficit in the body. In this case, necessary to maintain vitality important processes energy is consumed from internal reserves.

It's better to give it to a doctor. An experienced nutritionist will draw up an accurate balance between the amount of food consumed and the energy expenditure of the body, advise good recipes, will pick up products and once a month will control the condition. In this case, a diet with a small number of calories will go smoothly and painlessly. If there is no opportunity to see a doctor, then be guided by average indicators that will allow you to slowly but surely move towards weight loss.

It is believed that the average daily energy consumption for women is 2000-2500 kcal. To maintain the result of weight, it is enough to ensure that the caloric content of food consumed per day does not exceed this indicator. But if you want to lose weight, the intake of energy from food must be limited. A low-calorie diet allows you to create the desired deficit.

Many low-calorie diets have been developed that suggest eating no more than 1200 calories a day. There are even those where all day it is proposed to use only fresh salads. But such a diet is fraught with serious health problems. Vitamins that are included in the meager menu are not able to provide the body with the necessary substances. Recipes are monotonous, which is fraught with frequent breakdowns. Therefore, doctors do not advise resorting to such drastic measures so that, instead of benefit, they do not harm health.

In order for weight loss to proceed smoothly and without harm to the body, a low-calorie diet must be combined with the following rules:

  • A low-calorie diet menu cannot be drastically reduced by more than 20% of the usual diet. At the beginning of the journey, it is enough to reduce the consumption of products and great content sugar and fat. Will help complete exclusion sugary sodas, breads and sweets. Another trick is to choose recipes where the main cooking method is stewing or steaming;
  • The basis of the menu for 1200 kcal should be products with a high protein content. Diet allows you to reduce weight by burning fat, not muscle cells;
  • Salt is harmful to metabolic processes. Salt restriction helps to improve blood circulation, get rid of edema, and reduce. When choosing recipes for dishes, gradually reduce the amount of salt recommended in them. Eliminate semi-finished products, choose only natural high-quality products;
  • Alcoholic beverages are recommended to be completely excluded at least at first. When you get used to the new diet, you can afford a glass of wine special occasions, this will not affect the process of losing weight;
  • Be sure to stick to 5-6 meals a day. In this mode, all metabolic processes happen faster and more efficiently.
  • Additionally, take complex vitamins;
  • Love vegetable salads;
  • Follow a low calorie eating plan for at least a month to see the weight loss effect.

Benefit and harm

The positive aspects of such a power supply system include the following:

  • The results of the first week - weight loss up to five kg;
  • A balanced diet for weight loss will not harm your health;
  • By correctly distributing the amount of food (1200 kcal) for all meals, you will not feel hungry, and will minimize the risk of breakdowns;
  • A varied menu also allows you to stay a fan for a long time. this method lose weight. Salads from vegetables, fruits, vitamins should be the basis of daily nutrition;
  • The ability to adjust the menu for 1200 kcal, taking into account individual preferences and medical indications. With proper planning of the diet, it is impossible to harm health.

In addition to the positive aspects, those who are just starting to eat according to this plan may experience some difficulties. Among them:

  • The need to constantly count calories. At least the first time, when this process does not reach automatism;
  • Skin and hair control. Lack of vitamins can worsen their condition;
  • As soon as you return to the usual excess menu and start eating foods that are harmful to the figure again, the weight will begin to return. But this applies not only to this diet. This is what always happens when you overeat;
  • After a month, weight loss will slow down significantly, despite the fact that calorie intake will remain the same. In this case, do not despair and do not cut the diet.

Slow weight loss at the end of a diet is normal. The organism has given away water reserves in the first place. And now energy consumption is due to body fat. Known fact- per day can not burn more than 50 g of fat. Therefore, gradual weight loss and even weight standing in one place are not considered indicators of nutritional inefficiency. If the diet includes necessary products and vitamins, be patient and wait for the results.

Make sure that the diet remains at least 1200 kcal per day, take complex vitamins.

Menu for the week

In a month, you will learn how to independently compose your daily diet for 1200 kcal. But in the early days it is better to stick to a clear plan. Otherwise, an unbalanced diet will harm the digestive system. This will better organize new system nutrition and avoid the mistakes that beginners make. Below is the menu for the week.

Eating according to a given menu, you will feel that 1200 kcal is a sufficient amount of food. The feeling of hunger should not bother you.


  • Breakfast: 200 g of herculean porridge in water, an apple, green tea b / sugar;
  • Snack: 150g plain yogurt;
  • Lunch: 200 ml vegetables (stews or salads), 200 g steamed fish;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of vegetable juice;
  • Dinner: boiled turkey, 150 g, vegetable salads, 200 g.


  • Breakfast: egg, 2 slices of cereal bread; tea without sugar;
  • Snack: apple;
  • Lunch: 200 g bean soup, 100 g steamed beef;
  • Afternoon snack: light cottage cheese, 200 g;
  • Dinner: 200 g of cod from the oven, 200 g of tomato and cucumber salad.


  • Breakfast: 200 g, tea with honey and lemon;
  • Snack: 200 ml 1% kefir, a slice of whole grain bread;
  • Lunch: 150 g with 1 tbsp. , 200 g of boiled meat;
  • Afternoon snack: 1 orange or;
  • Dinner: 150 g of steamed cod or hake, jacket potatoes.


  • Breakfast: 1 egg, a piece of bread, half a grapefruit, tea;
  • Snack: 100 g 0% cottage cheese;
  • Lunch: 200 g vegetable stew without potatoes, 200 g chicken breast;
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g of berries or fruits;
  • Dinner: 200 g green beans, a glass of 1% kefir.


  • Breakfast: 200 g unsweetened, a glass of orange juice;
  • Snack: nectarine or pear;
  • Lunch: 150 g of pepper salad, cucumbers, herbs, 200 g of boiled turkey;
  • Snack: 100 g dried apricots or figs;
  • Dinner: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, grapefruit or apple.

Saturday: Monday diet. Sunday: Repeat Tuesday's meals.

With this diet, you will always be full, but at the same time you will not go beyond 1200 kcal. Don't forget the benefits of salads. Eat plenty of fresh, stewed, boiled or steamed vegetables.

Diet Recipes

When you understand the essence of a low-calorie diet and begin to plan menus and come up with recipes on your own. At the beginning of the journey, try to prepare the following dishes. Remember that for what the composition of food should not contain products that are harmful slim figure. These recipes will help diversify the diet, and make losing weight more enjoyable.

The vinaigrette

Boil 2 carrots and 1 medium size. After cooling, cut the vegetables into cubes and add 150 g of sauerkraut, 1 tbsp. green peas (canned rinse with water), 1 tbsp. olive oil, a pinch of salt. Sprinkle with lemon juice before eating.

Baked potato

Wash your potatoes. Cut each potato into 2 pieces, leaving the skin on. Sprinkle the cuts with dill and brush lightly. vegetable oil. Bake until done in the oven. Sprinkle with fresh herbs again before serving.

Pumpkin stew with mushrooms

Bake the pre-peeled and diced pumpkin in the oven for 20 minutes. Stew mushrooms in a pan, add pumpkin, a pinch of salt and your favorite spices to taste. Cook for 12 minutes covered over medium heat. Drizzle with olive oil after cooking. For 1 kg of pumpkin, you need 500 g of champignons and 2 tablespoons of oil.

When a person sets a goal to lose weight, most often, he does not turn to nutritionists for help and tries to find a diet on his own that will help to cope with the problem. Some prefer rather strict methods, limiting the diet to a minimum amount of food. Of course, with such a diet, losing weight is quite easy, but at the same time, health deterioration is possible, since the body does not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals. In order to get rid of excess weight without harm to health, you should turn to such nutrition as a low-calorie diet for weight loss.

If a person who wants to lose weight turns to a nutritionist, the specialist selects individual program which takes into account many factors. It takes into account: a person’s weight, age, the state of health and the presence of chronic diseases, whether a person goes in for sports and what physical exercise present in his life. This option is the most correct and guarantees success in quite complex process weight loss. But if a person has a goal, he can cope on his own if he learns the rules of a low-calorie diet, what foods and how to use.

A low-calorie diet works as follows: you should reduce the daily calorie intake. Such nutrition cannot be called dietary, but rather correct and properly balanced. With a low-calorie diet, a person receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but due to the fact that low-calorie and low-fat foods are consumed, the body begins to consume energy not from food, but from body fat, which leads to weight loss.

When on a low-calorie diet, you should calculate the calories consumed, for this you can use the table below. After a person knows the approximate indicators, the diet should be designed in such a way that the daily diet is reduced by 20-30% kcal. But you can’t completely limit yourself or change your usual menu, such a decrease in calories consumed is due to a decrease in fats and simple carbohydrates.

What you should pay attention to:

  • you should adhere to 5 meals a day, while portions should be small;
  • you need to consume at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
  • with a low-calorie diet, protein should be present in the diet every day;
  • you need to give up simple carbohydrates, such as pastries, sugar, White bread, they quickly turn into fat cells;
  • the daily diet should consist of proteins - 30%, fats - 20%, carbohydrates - 50%;
  • should only be used complex carbohydrates until 12 noon;
  • eliminate very salty foods, and minimize salt intake;
  • it is forbidden to drink alcohol.

What are the pros and cons of the diet

The benefits of a low-calorie diet include:

  • No fasting is required, the menu contains varied and tasty products;
  • Subject to the rules for short term guaranteed effective reduction weight;
  • Thanks to protein and carbohydrate foods, the body will not experience stress, and weight loss will not be a painful process for a person;
  • The exclusion of high-calorie food does not affect the mental and emotional state person.

The disadvantages of a low-calorie diet include:

  • If you do not properly compose the diet and the nutrition will not be complete, this can affect health, primarily on the stomach, digestive system, kidneys and liver;
  • You should observe the allowable terms of the diet, it is designed for a week, a longer period can lead to metabolic disorders;
  • If a person is accustomed to fatty and high-calorie foods, a change in diet can cause a feeling of fatigue;
  • If the low-calorie diet is not properly exited, the effectiveness and results will be short-lived.

Possible food options and menus

There is different variants diets that differ in duration and number of calories consumed.

  • The most difficult option is a rigid low-calorie diet, which has a duration of 4 days. With this option, a person consumes from 600 to 800 calories per day, the menu consists of meat and vegetables. A fairly effective option for a low-calorie diet, but at the same time unhealthy, the body is stressed.
  • A less complex version of a low-calorie diet is a medium one, lasting from 5 to 7 days. The diet includes fish, fruits and vegetables, the allowable calorie intake is up to 1200. It is not recommended to exceed the duration of such a meal.
  • The lightest and correct option- This is a sparing low-calorie diet, the duration of such a meal is allowed up to 2 weeks. The diet with such a diet is quite diverse, and the calorie intake should not exceed 1600 kcal.

Below is a menu for a week of a low-calorie diet, but this diet is an example. You can also create your own menu based on individual preferences.

Day of the week Breakfast Lunch / afternoon tea Dinner
Monday Coffee, boiled egg Meatballs, tea, tomato/kefir Baked (low-fat) fish), beets (boiled), compote
Tuesday Dried fruit compote, bread Seafood (seasoned with lemon juice), vegetable salad/orange juice Fish cutlets (steamed), vegetable stew, tea
Wednesday Hard cheese, boiled egg, tea, greens Borscht (do not eat meat), compote/apple Veal liver (boiled), sauce, kefir, 1 potato
Thursday Nuts and apple Otar veal, beetroot salad, onion/grapefruit juice Curd and tea
Friday Hercules (porridge) with honey, tea Steamed cutlets, cabbage (salad) / orange juice Baked fish, tomato juice
Saturday Omelet (from protein), green tea Sour cream sauce, shrimps, bread/compote Fish (steamed), vegetables (steamed), water
Sunday Oatmeal, coffee, orange Vegetable soup, baked chicken meat / apple juice Turkey (stewed), vegetable salad

How to get out of the diet

The day after the end of a low-calorie diet, you can not greatly increase the intake of high-calorie foods, as the body will absorb everything well and the lost kilograms will quickly return. You should gradually add calories, for example, in the next 2 weeks you can add 300 kcal, then another 200. But it is important not to return to junk food, which does not bring the body anything but excess weight. The surest option is to stick to proper nutrition and balanced, which will help not to gain excess weight and be in excellent health.

How to build a diet

The table below will list the products and their calorie content, so you can make your own menu.

Products calories
cooked beef 267kcal
cooked pork 560kcal
cooked chicken 160kcal
cooked fish From 70 to 160 kcal
Wheat bread 203kcal
Rye bread 190kcal
muffin 300kcal
Milk, kefir (3%) 59kcal
Cream (20%) 206kcal
Sour cream (30%) 294kcal
Curd 9% / fat curd 156kcal/226kcal
Low-fat cottage cheese / cheese 86kcal/315kcal
Processed cheese / hard cheese 270kcal/350kcal
Brynza 260kcal
Vegetable oil 898kcal
Butter 748kcal
Mayonnaise 627kcal
Ice cream 226kcal
Potato 83kcal
Vegetables From 10kcal to 40kcal
Compote, juice From 50kcal to 100kcal
Fish in oil / fish in tomato (canned) From 220kcal to 280kcal / from 130kcal to 180kcal
Raw smoked / semi-smoked sausage 500kcal / from 70kcal to 450kcal
Sausages, boiled sausage 260kcal
Egg 157kcal in 2 pcs.
Jam From 240kcal to 280kcal
Halva 510kcal
Cake From 350kcal to 750kcal
Zephyr, marmalade From 290kcal to 310kcal


When dieting, you can use the following low-calorie recipes for weight loss:

  • Can cook fish soup, with the addition of various vegetables. For cooking, it is better to use pollock, about 300 gr. Add broccoli, cauliflower and potatoes, after cooking add dill and parsley;
  • Such a dish as cabbage rolls can be made less high-calorie, but no less tasty. To do this, you need to replace the meat with mushrooms, pre-boil them and mix with tomato paste.
  • To diversify the diet, you can cook beef liver under sauce. To begin with, the liver must be stewed, then folded into an oven dish and baked until tender. For the sauce, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of kefir, 1 teaspoon of mustard and dill, salt a little. Pour the prepared liver with this sauce.
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