The wife does not feed her husband what to do. Why didn't the wife cook dinner for her husband? In pursuit of a good figure

At different times we behave differently, but there are general trends that we most often tend to in everyday life.
1. Wife-mistress
A wife whose position is similar to that of a leader. At home, she commands and rules. She expects everything to be the way she wants. And someone has to do it all for her.
She does not run the household, the houses are often very dirty. There is also nothing to eat - for what did restaurants come up with?
She is very lazy, devotes a lot of time to herself, doing what she likes - to the detriment of home comfort. He likes to discuss everyone, evaluate, judge.
And the main person whom she always evaluates and criticizes is her own husband. She likes to complain about him, wash his bones here and there. And with him, and behind him.
With such a wife, the husband will never succeed.

2. Wife-thief
A wife who does not support her husband thinks his ideas are nonsense. Thinks only of himself. He believes that the husband should first of all think about her.
She does not respect his work, activities, hobbies. Again, she criticizes him all the time, but the motive of criticism is already this: "I want everything to be like a neighbor's!" That is, she always compares him with someone (not in his favor), in every possible way focuses on this.
Such a wife loves to demonstrate her superiority to her husband - in public. Giving him instructions and showing how well he obeys her.
She wants him to look the way she likes. He spoke the way she liked. He spoke the way she liked. In general, he tries in every possible way to steal his personality.
She cooks what she loves. Even if the husband does not eat it. In general, he does everything for himself.
Such a wife is still extremely careless in money. She can spend every penny on her fur coat, and then demand from her husband that he earn more money, take a loan and stop dishonoring her (after all, everyone is wearing fur coats!). She always has little money, no matter how much her husband earns. And she will always spend every penny on herself. And the husband will manage. There are some tights - that's enough.

3. Killer wife
The most terrible type of women. Wives who believe in nothing put their husbands in nothing. I'm sure there aren't any of us. Because these wives cheat on their husbands right and left, they leave their husbands for other men. They do not respect, they do not see anything good in the husband.
She does not love him and does not even try to pretend that his feelings matter to her.

4. Wife-mother
Such relations will already be neutral. Not destroying a man, but not developing him either. Such a wife always takes care of her husband, and feeds him and clothes him. But from a mom's point of view.
"Did you put on a scarf? What about underpants? Did you take lunch in a box? Did you call your boss?"
Complete control, disbelief that the husband can do something himself. He is good, but unreasonable and cannot cope without the help of his mother. Everywhere protects him, buys him clothes to his taste (comfortable and warm). Such wives decide where to let him go and where not.
They take care of their husband's income, try to save money, and manage the household well. It’s just that they make decisions themselves - and they usually talk about a husband as an older child.
A man with such a wife becomes infantile and weak. But warmly dressed, fed and well-groomed.

5. Wife - younger sister
There is already a lot of warmth and admiration in these relations. In this relationship, the husband is like an older brother. He is strong, he is smart, he is the best.
But in such a relationship, a woman cannot open her heart to him - she is rather ready to listen to him for hours, hiding her emotions and feelings. She is modest. She respects her husband very much. Admire. But in these relations there is no equal exchange.
And sooner or later, a man gets tired of blind adoration. He wants to be of some help to her.

6. Wife friend
A great start to a good marriage. Friendship is always mutual respect, exchange of energies. A good friend is always valued, they try to help him. In friendship there is already a place for disinterestedness and reasonable self-sacrifice. When for the sake of a friend we can postpone our affairs. And we support him in difficult times, and rejoice together when everything works out.
A friend already wants to feed the way he likes. You try to give him the best - precisely out of respect for him.
And here there is a mutual exchange, when each of the friends opens his heart - sincerely and disinterestedly.
Friends may sometimes quarrel, but they always discuss what is wrong.

7. Servant wife
According to the Vedic concept, this is the best type of wife. What this looks like is easy to understand from this parable.
Once a young man asked a sage: "Why are you so happy in family life? Everyone respects you, they go to you for advice. What is your secret?" The sage smiled and called his wife. A beautiful and very happy woman entered the room: "Yes, dear!"
"Honey, please prepare the dough for the pie" - "Good!"
She went out and twenty minutes later came to say that the dough was ready.
"Put in the best ghee we have in stock and all the nuts we left for our son's birthday cake" - "Good."
And again she came in ten minutes, and her husband gave her the following instruction: "Add our yard clay there too. And then bake." "Good," said the wife.
And half an hour later, this strange cake was already in her hands. "Of course we won't eat it!" said the husband. "Take it to the pigs outside." "Good," said the wife.
The guest was shocked. Is this possible? Not a single word against, did everything that her husband said. Even when he suggested an absurd thing.
And the man decided to repeat the experiment at home. When he entered there, he immediately heard the laughter of his wife. Together with her friends, the wife played a board game. "Wife!" the man turned to her. "I'm busy!" - exasperatedly shouted from the bedroom wife. "Wife!" Ten minutes later she appeared: "What do you want?" - "Put the dough!" - "You're crazy! The house is full of food, and I have something to do!" - "Put the dough, I said!"
Half an hour later, the wife angrily announced that the dough was ready. "Put in the best nuts and all the ghee" - "You're crazy! The day after tomorrow is my sister's wedding, and these nuts are needed for the cake!" - "Do as I say!"
The wife put only a part of the nuts into the dough, and then again went out to her husband. "Now add clay to the dough!" - "Are you out of your mind at all?! I translated so many products in vain!" - "Add clay, I say! And then bake." An hour later, the wife brought this cake and threw it on the table: "Now I'll see how you eat it!" - "And I will not eat it - take it to the pigs!" - "You know what," the wife was indignant, "then go and feed your pigs yourself!"
She slammed the door and went to her room. For a few more days, she laughed at her husband in front of everyone, telling this story.
And then the guest decided to return to the sage: "Why? Why did everything work out for you and your wife did everything as you said, and mine made a scandal and is still laughing at me?" he asked from the doorway. "It's simple. I do not swear with her and do not command. I protect her, and this makes her calm. My wife is the key to my family well-being."
"And what am I now - to look for another wife?" - "This is the easiest way that will lead you to the saddest result. You and your wife need to learn to respect each other. And for this you must be the first to do everything to make her happy." - "Yes, I do everything for her!" - "Is she happy? You got married in order to love each other, take care and rejoice together. Instead, you swear, share dominance, discuss each other behind your backs..."
Thinking, the man wandered home. On the way he saw a beautiful rose bush. It was with such roses that he once sought her hand. Every day one sprig of roses. At any time of the year ... When was the last time he gave her such flowers? I couldn't remember.
So he plucked a twig and carried it home. Everyone was already asleep at home. He did not want to disturb his wife - and simply put flowers at her headboard.
In the morning, for the first time in years, breakfast was waiting for him. And a beautiful wife with shining eyes. He hugged her and kissed her gently, as once many years ago.
He stopped doing unimportant things and tried with all his might to make his wife happy. She stopped going home "anyhow", again began to cook his favorite dishes for him ...
Several years passed, and a young man knocked on his door: “I heard that your relationship with your wife is a model for others. But everything is different with me. My wife saws me, spends all the money, does not obey ... What is the secret? I read so much books, but none helped me ... "
The owner smiled and said: "Come in, dear guest. My wife is just about to bake a cake" ...

As a rule, before the wedding, all girls are active, but after marriage, the birth of a child and the end of maternity leave, some turn into lazy bastards. “I have a husband, let him work and feed, but I need to take care of myself in order to always look beautiful,” they think. They don't want to go to work, and they don't do anything at home. They would only care about their figure, take care of their skin and go shopping, and the rest of the time they lie on the couch.

lazy parasite, who plans to sit on her husband’s neck all her life, can be calculated simply by the following signs:

She is constantly online on Facebook, Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki;
- always says that he is looking for a job, in fact, he only pretends to send resumes and look at vacancies;
- refuses job offers, stating that they do not meet her needs: either the salary level does not suit her, or the work schedule, or the office is too far ...
- has his hobby, which does not bring money;
- goes to courses, ostensibly to get a second or third education;

She claims that she does not want to work "for her uncle" and will soon open her own business;
- believes that the husband earns little and that he needs to look for another higher-paid job;
- constantly asks her husband for money to buy food, but spends it on herself;
- considers preparing dinner for the arrival of her husband a heavy burden;
- she is not annoyed by the constant mess in the apartment, the mountains of unwashed dishes in the sink, the mountains of dirty linen in the bathroom and the disgusting-looking toilet bowl;

She does nothing around the house and waits for the weekend when her husband will put things in order in the house, clean the toilet and bathroom, wash dirty linen;
- her children go to kindergarten or school in unironed clothes and dirty shoes, their hair on their heads is always disheveled;
- she often leaves home, leaving the child to her husband to meet her friends;
- she agrees to have sex with her husband only in her mood, mainly when he brings home a salary.

Unfortunately, such wife options not uncommon these days. They are copies of their mothers, who also spent their whole lives on the neck of their husband. Without a worthy example in life to follow, girls, even when they reach adulthood, remain unadapted to independent living as children. When they get married, the role of "parent" is taken over by their earning spouse.

Marry lazy bastards mostly guys with a calm, non-conflict character, and loving and self-confident men try to bypass them. Years later, the husbands of lazy parasites imperceptibly turn into henpecked. At first, when the wife is on maternity leave and caring for the child, the henpecked man tries not to notice that his wife constantly asks him to help her wash the dishes, the floor, clean the toilet, wash diapers and cook food. It is easier for him to do everything himself than to quarrel with his wife.


Please help. Hands down, I don’t know what to do and how to be. I have two beloved children whom I love more than life itself. There is a wife ... but everything is in order
It all started 10 years ago. I fell in love, everything started to develop quickly, after 5 months they got married. She didn’t have her own home, she lived with her mother-in-law. I will say right away that the mother of the wife in the family is the head of the family, and she decides everything, but this is not the point. A son was born. I started building my own house. Work during the day, construction in the evening and weekends. It goes without saying that my wife and I spent little time together. When together for more than two days, quarrels and misunderstandings slipped through. Mostly through her mother. I consoled myself with the thought that when we live separately, everything will change. And so for 6 years almost every day he built a house for his beloved family. I slept and saw how we were already together in a new house. The housewarming almost coincided with the birth of her daughter. And what else do you need to be happy? YOUR house, son, daughter, wife. I planted a huge garden (30 trees), built a garage. Live and be happy.
But then new problems began: my wife is kind of nervous, selfish. Probably by nature or upbringing. Previously, I did not notice or turned a blind eye to this, I thought it would pass. We have a big kitchen in our new house. I love to cook. I pamper my family with delicious treats. My wife doesn't like to cook. If he prepares something, then through force. And in general I see that everything is done with discontent. ALL! Nervous comes home from work, children yell at me constantly through any trifle. There are eternal excuses in bed - either my head is tired, etc. I see that I am turning from a self-confident and positive man into some kind of closed loser. Hands fall ... I am everything for my wife, and in response only reproaches. No reciprocity. Quarrels almost always .... I notice that I feel much calmer and more comfortable when I am at home with my children without my wife. Then we have an idyll - we are happy. As soon as the wife comes - again quarrels. When she is at home with the children, children's tears will always rest. The wife is also very nervous about the children. My son is 10 years old, he became very withdrawn.
Relationships are crumbling before our eyes. The stomach began to hurt. Lost 10 kg. It's probably all nerves. I've been in therapy for a year now.
I no longer have the strength to endure and I don’t know how to be and what to do. Life goes on, and I go from work to the house of my dreams and I know that there is absolutely no comfort there. And the further the worse ...

Serg1982, hello! How old is the daughter? What does the wife work, the work schedule is hard?

How long ago did you move into your new house? Do you live far from your mother-in-law now?

What are your wife's responsibilities in connection with your new home - looking after the garden, orchard, or something similar? Did she have more responsibilities?


Serg1982, hello!
What are your wife's responsibilities in connection with your new home - looking after the garden, orchard, or something similar? Did she have more responsibilities?

We have a garden. Here is his wife doing it. But this is more mother-in-law's garden. She commands what and how to plant.
Of course it has increased. She used to live with her mom and dad. Grandmother cooked, mother was responsible for everything. The child, when they lived with their mother-in-law, had someone to look at. And now home, family. And I can see that she doesn't do anything at all. If the garden, then the children are hungry, or when I am at home, then everything is on me.

Vadim Pershin

It seems like the roles have been reversed in the family.

Serg1982, and who do you work for? What is your work schedule? How often are you alone with your children?

Did your wife also live in a private house before, or was it an apartment? How much did the wife want to move?

You wrote that your move to a new house, separation from your mother-in-law and new chores for your wife (garden, cooking, etc.) coincided with the birth of your daughter. It is quite difficult for a woman to start getting used to living separately in a new house, with an independent household, separately from her mother, who solved all issues, and even when her second child had just been born. In such a situation, moving may not bring joy, but anxiety and additional worries for a nursing mother of two babies. So, it is possible that your wife's character has become "nervous" and "selfish" for quite objective reasons. Rather, it was not selfishness that was the cause, namely anxiety and piled up duties, independence and responsibility. What do you think?

What does your wife usually argue with you about? And why is he swearing at the kids?


The wife was afraid to move, as these are additional responsibilities. She had a good time with her mother and grandmother. But when they moved, I helped and now help my wife in everything. I don't think she's too stressed out. She just doesn't want to do anything, I see that she is very lazy.

And swears about every little thing. Unwashed dishes - washed, it turns out that they washed badly, I found fat somewhere - that's a quarrel. I got a cutting board to cut a tomato for myself and my children, because for my wife there is no idea to serve beautifully on the table - again a quarrel because I didn’t remove it right away. And the same for children. Any little thing. A child fell into a puddle by accident - a scandal, a child soiled the washbasin - a scandal. I even made my 3 year old daughter wash her briefs.

In fact, after you got married and moved to live with your mother-in-law, you didn’t see your wife very often for 6 years - you worked, she worked. After work, you went to build a house and on weekends too., And she sat with the child. The mother-in-law ran the household. You attributed all the quarrels to the influence of your mother-in-law on your wife. After you left your mother-in-law's house for your new home and began to manage the household separately, communicate a lot with your wife every day, you immediately saw that your wife did not suit you, as you write.
In your words, “my wife is kind of nervous, selfish. Probably by nature or upbringing. little things", "And in general I see that everything is doing with discontent. EVERYTHING!", "I am much calmer and more comfortable when I am at home with my children without a wife. Then we have an idyll - we are happy." And only you do everything around the house - you take care of the children, and even cook food - “I see that she can’t cope with anything at all. If the garden, then the children are hungry or when I’m at home, then everything is on me.” And for the last 4 years, according to you, it has become worse for you to live with her, and you even got sick due to nervousness.

And what does your wife think about your life together with her? What does she tell you? Does she want to live with you?


For 10 years of marriage, you can’t say any good words about your wife? Do you not love your wife? Do you want to break up with her?
And what does your wife think about your life together with her? What does she tell you? Does she want to live with you?

Feelings are ambivalent. It seems that I love my wife, I want her to change her attitude, first of all, to herself. Then it is possible for everyone to change their attitude.
My wife doesn't say anything and I don't know if she wants to live with me.

Serg1982, two people create a family and the desires of BOTH are important. According to your descriptions, it turns out that you are not interested in the opinion of your wife and you do not know him.
You describe your desires: "I dreamed of my own house and fulfilled my dream", "I dreamed of living separately from my mother-in-law and fulfilled my dream", "I dreamed of a garden and planted 30 trees - I realized my dream", "I love you very much to cook and built himself a large kitchen - he fulfilled his dream.
What about the wife? What did she dream about? What kind of family life did she want for herself? Where to live, how to build a life, how many children to give birth?
She wanted to live with her mother and did not want to move to a separate house immediately after giving birth with two babies - but she had to. She doesn't like gardening - but she has to. She does not like the kind of life that you dreamed of - "And in general I see that everything does with discontent. EVERYTHING!". "Nervous comes from work, children yell at me all the time through any trifle. In bed, eternal excuses - either my head, or I'm tired, etc." But it doesn't bother you that SHE doesn't like living like this. What she wants you are not interested. “My wife doesn’t say anything and I don’t know if she wants to live with me.” But you have been living together for 10 years and the spouses who are not indifferent to each other for such a period already know everything about each other - all desires and preferences. You only worry about what you don't like. And you want SHE to change so that YOU can live comfortably.

According to your actions and words, it turns out that your family is created for only one person - for YOU. You fulfill your dreams, you arrange your life as you see fit, and what your wife wants, what she needs for happiness, is not interesting to you. Now you also want the WIFE TO CHANGE HER ATTITUDE TO HERSELF - "I want her to change her attitude, first of all to herself." Do you disrespect her so much as a person that you think that your wife does not even have the right to decide how she treats herself?

A family is two equal people, with their own characters and preferences, who decide TOGETHER how to build a life for them and how to raise children. You complain about your mother-in-law that in her family she is the undisputed commander. But in your family you behave in the same way as your mother-in-law in yours - you don’t have a dialogue with your wife, you don’t take her opinion into account, you don’t even know it, and you consider what you hear from her to be nit-picking.

Maybe you should pay attention to the needs of your wife? First of all, find out what she wants, how does she consider it right to arrange her family life and meet her desires? If a woman feels happy married, she doesn’t come home nervous and doesn’t yell at everyone, doesn’t refuse her husband in bed, etc. Maybe you should start respecting your wife and her opinion, take into account her wishes, and not consider them like "claims and nit-picking"?

Talk to your wife, find out what worries her, why does she come home so nervous? Maybe she feels bad? Maybe she doesn't like your attitude towards her? Maybe life does not suit her? What would she like to change in your life with her so that she feels good and calm? Find out for a start all this, if you love her even a little and want to save the family.


Thank you very much! Just BIGGER!
Everyone says that you throw your wife. Why do you need her. Yes. Indeed, such thoughts come. But we are all people and I think if you want everything can be fixed.
I really want everything to work out for us. And thank you very much for pointing out my mistakes. I will correct. I hope that everything will work out for us, but still I think my wife needs to be taken to a psychologist so that she also realizes her mistakes, and she has oh so many of them ...

Serg1982, what a fine fellow you are! You react very constructively and kindly to the situation - you accept the fact that the situation needs to be corrected, and you also need to correct your attitude towards your wife, change your approach to her, and do not simply shift all the blame on your wife. Well done for not breaking the family - after all, you have children for whom it will not be easy to survive.
And you are right that both spouses should improve the situation in the family - the efforts of one alone cannot do. Talk to your wife, tell her that you are worried that she is suffering, nervous, show that you are ready to change something. And the support of a psychologist can help you and her. Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to start a constructive dialogue, it is difficult not to slip into accusations against each other. It’s easier to tell everything to a specialist, “let off steam”, deal with your doubts and fears, find out for yourself alone with a psychologist what you want, what can help. And only then move on to looking for options with your wife / husband on how to improve relationships and make family life enjoyable.

You can work with psychologists one at a time, or you can go, for example, to a family psychologist - to consult a couple. Both options will be beneficial.

I would love to help you and your wife!

1. Your wife is a woman in labor, your child is a newborn. In this difficult and amazing period of your life, they exist for each other, this amazing symbiosis is due to nature. Jealousy is a normal feeling for a young father who may feel out of place or out of the limelight. It is important to direct this feeling in a creative direction! Don't let the grandmothers take you away from the baby, and gently hint to your wife that you would like to feel involved in what is happening to the two most important people to you.

2. A young mother, especially if she has given birth recently, need your support that nothing can replace. Do not deny her this support, even if you are very tired or feel very stressed. A glass of tea in bed and a kind word - these "little things" she will remember for a lifetime; they will be the most important foundation stone of your marriage.

4. If your wife is breastfeeding, this does not mean that you do not have the opportunity to establish contact with the child. In addition to the process of feeding, there are a thousand ways to communicate with the baby and be an important person in his life. From the first days, the father may well bathe the baby or swaddle him. If such an "extreme" is not yet for you, then you can take the baby for a walk, carry him in your arms around the house and talk to him or sing to him to give the mother a little to recover. Offer your help, but do not be offended if the instinct of the woman in labor at first forces the wife to refuse (in nature, most males are unable to care for the cub, and your wife's genetic "memory" can deceive her at this stage). After a few days or weeks, hormones will begin to return to normal, and the baby’s mother will only be happy to share the care of him with her beloved husband.

5. Know what baby knows the sound of your voice, he heard it for 9 months in the womb. The baby may calm down by hearing your heartbeat, or by resting his head in the hole between your neck and shoulder. Go for it, you are his father! You will be able to calm the baby and give him a feeling of self-confidence.

6. A breastfeeding mother will sometimes feel insecure in her abilities: for example, she may think that the baby does not have enough milk. Her best support will be your faith in her and her maternal qualities. Support her in a moment of weakness, when she is hurt or hard. She will appreciate your efforts, if not now, then later.

7. "So give him a bottle of formula if you're having such a hard time!" This phrase is a very bad way to support a breastfeeding mother who is facing difficulties. If she succumbs to weakness and stops breastfeeding, despite always believing in the importance of breastfeeding for her child, she will inevitably feel the bitterness of failure. Moreover, she will remember that it was you who did not believe in her, it was you who advised her to give up. Even if she claims that her decision was correct and conscious, the subconscious dislike for the one who "clipped her wings" will still remain.

8. "Maybe try feeding him just one more day? Just until tomorrow!"- I still remember these words of my husband with a feeling of gratitude. He said them every day as I struggled to breastfeed our first child and was close to giving up. I don't know of a better way to support a breastfeeding mother who is struggling and in pain. If there are problems with feeding, you need to find information on how to solve them, or invite a consultant. The services of a consultant are usually paid, but milk formulas are also not distributed free of charge. Read information about the benefits of breastfeeding and its establishment on the Internet or in books - knowledge will give you and your wife self-confidence. It is important to understand that you are doing everything in your power to ensure that your child receives the best - mother's milk. Isn't this the most important task of parents?

9. A nursing mother, especially if she has just given birth, needs good food and plenty of drink as well as on vacation. If she does not get what she needs, she will often feel unwell and, as a result, will be irritable and nervous. Remember this the next time you feel like she's "brawling over nothing". You can bet that the dinner you cooked, a glass of hot tea and half an hour without a baby in your arms will bring peace and balance to your family.

10. Starting at 6 weeks of age, most babies can go an hour or an hour and a half without food. Stay with the baby while the wife calmly basks in the bathroom, does her hair or communicates with a friend, in general, spends her time the way she wants (after all, she cannot afford it the rest of the day). Or maybe, when you are already comfortable with the baby and find mutual understanding, she will ask you to let her go for an hour and a half to sit in a cafe with her friends or go shopping without a child? Left with a child, you can rightfully be called "father of the year"! If she decides to leave you expressed milk, and you can give it to your baby not from a bottle, this will help your wife keep breastfeeding.

Article: Nadia Aizner

If you want to improve husband's attitude to you and make him grant your wish, you will have to be cunning. The way to the fulfillment of women's desires and a passionate night, as well as to a man's heart, lies through his stomach.

Of course you can all day take care of yourself, make face masks, work out on simulators, go to a beauty salon, and in the evening dress up in transparent peignoirs to become the only and most desirable for your loved one. But he is unlikely to be delighted with all this if his stomach is empty.

Cook many modern wives They don't like it, and they don't know how. Therefore, almost every day in many families there is shelling over empty pots. As for the growth of a man’s desire to have sex on an empty stomach, progress is clearly not observed, but after the scandals experienced because of the wife’s unwillingness to cook, wealthy men begin to eat in restaurants and even meet women there who are ready to fulfill all their desires, including delicious food .

Even if you work until 6 pm, feeding your husband tasty and on schedule is very important. We decided to help women who do not have enough time after having time to cook dinner for the arrival of their husband and have collected some useful tips that will allow them to cope with their duties and keep peace in the family:

1. Plan. Delays at work are not terrible if you know in advance what you will cook for dinner. Think about what products are in the house, and what you need to buy. It's best not to plan to cook meals for dinner that take several hours to cook. If you decide, call your family and give them clear instructions so that the dish is half ready when you arrive.

2. Freeze. Stick cutlets and dumplings on the weekend, freeze them in the freezer and boil and fry them for a week. It will be much easier if you have frozen minced meat in portions in your freezer. From it you can quickly cook pasta in a naval way or meatballs. By the way, we do not recommend buying purchased minced meat, not the best parts of the carcass are scrolled into it.

3. Boil soups for several days. Buy a large pot and cook soups for several days at a time. Borsch and cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for 4 days, and on Saturday you can already cook something more original for lunch and dinner.

4. Do not serve porridge without a side dish. Of course, the easiest way to cook porridge for dinner. It is prepared quickly, and eating heavy meals in the evening, in your opinion, is bad for the figure. But protein food is very important for a man’s body, so every day a sufficient amount of meat and fish should be present in the diet of men. The absence or shortage of animal protein negatively affects the performance of men and their libido. Do you need this?

Proper male nutrition should be tasty and satisfying, and it is impossible to feed a man with semolina or corn porridge. To keep your loved one healthy and strong for years to come, always serve porridge with a side dish and vegetable salad. For example, buy a chicken breast and fry chicken pieces over low heat, sprinkled with carrots and onions on top, and greens when serving. Fish can also be quickly cooked and served with rice, millet or buckwheat porridge.

5. Use blanks. Let it seem old-fashioned to many now to prepare preparations in the fall, because the cost of your own salad or jam can now be almost the same as the price of a store bought one. And yet, what is made with your own hands is always better and tastier. Stock up on homemade vegetable salads, open them if you can’t cook a quick lunch or dinner. Caviar from zucchini, eggplant, vegetable snacks, sauces and lecho are loved by all men, and with them, simple mashed potatoes will be a great dinner.

6. Boil the broths for tomorrow night. A popular way that helps many working women have time to cook dinner for their husband and children the next day is to cook broths the night before. Ready broth in the morning can be divided into two or three parts, cook noodle soup for lunch from one, and put the rest in the refrigerator to use it on other days. You can also cook meat for pilaf in the evening, and cook it in the morning, adding only rice and spices to the broth.

7. Avoid semi-finished products. Doshirak noodles, canned food, purchased cutlets and dumplings, sausages, sausages and sausages are not the best way out. Many men do not like such products, they seem too tasteless and harmful to them, but their wives cook them regularly, although they themselves do not eat them, referring to the fact that they are on a diet. Therefore, their husbands often suffer from heartburn, gastritis, bloating and overweight, and with age they begin to have problems with the work of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. That is why not only women, but also men should eat right, and wives should help them in this, serving them only healthy dishes and not allowing them to eat food that is unhealthy.

old English proverb says:"The powder on the face helps a woman to lure a man into her nets, and the powdered sugar on the cakes she makes helps to keep him." Remember this truth. After all, when a woman cooks food with love, then this love materializes and a man definitely feels it. And if delicious food is constantly served in the house for lunch and dinner, then the man will be drawn to this house and the woman who prepares these delicious dishes will always be irresistible to him.

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