Shrimp live. Shrimp habitat. Small shrimp - does not mean bad

Shrimps (lat. Caridea) belong to the infraorder crustacean order decapods. Initially, they lived in the seas and oceans, but now they can be found in salt lakes and even in fresh water. Where exactly do shrimp live, and how do they differ? It turns out that their size and taste qualities directly depend on the places of deployment. There are a lot of shrimp around the equator. diversified different types. The closer to the poles of the Earth, the fewer these species. At the same time, the size of each individual specimen decreases simultaneously with the number.

Warm water shrimp

Warm water shrimp can be easily found, caught and eaten in equatorial countries, for example, in Kenya, Brazil, Ecuador or in the homeland of the most famous pirates in the world today - in Somalia. Here, in the Pacific Ocean, at a water temperature of + 25 ... + 30 ° С, the largest (reaching a size of 30 centimeters) and delicious shrimp are found on the globe- they are also called. For residents Galapagos Islands the extraction and export of these crustaceans is one of the main sources of income. But the most valued shrimp all over the world are from the waters of Latin America, where they are bred on special farms. They correspond to the most high standards quality, because the owners and employees are proud of their impeccable reputation and never want to spoil it.

Shrimp living in cold waters

Smaller shrimps (from 2.5 to 10 centimeters in size) live in the seas and oceans, with an average water temperature of +15°C. If you want to see these crustaceans in their native element or taste dishes prepared from freshly caught shrimp, head to the shores of the Baltic, Barents or North seas. However, the most delicious of the cold-water shrimp, from the point of view of gourmets, are those that can be found and caught in Greenland and off the coast of Canada.

freshwater shrimp

Freshwater shrimp can be classified as a separate family. They are found in the Amur River basin, live in the cave reservoirs of Transcaucasia. Shrimp living in the fresh waters of the Far East are considered relict, since as a result of geological changes in the land, they were isolated from other related species.

The influence of water temperature and salinity on the life of shrimp

Regardless of where shrimp live, their size and quality of life are subject to temperature fluctuations. environment. Individuals living in equatorial waters feel best in the temperature range from +25 to +30°C. If the temperature of their habitat drops, reaching +15°C and below, shrimps can die within a short time. However, an increase in temperature to just + 35 ° C is detrimental to crustaceans. For sea ​​shrimp living far from the equator, and freshwater living in the south of the Far East (in the most northern regions a habitat), Better conditions- +15°С. If the temperature drops to +10°C, shrimp larvae may die. When the water temperature approaches 0 degrees, adults are not able to survive either. If the stay in insufficiently warm water becomes prolonged, the shrimp begin to feel unwell, grow slowly or do not change in size at all and can survive in such conditions for only 2-2.5 months.

The salinity of water is much less important for shrimp than its temperature. Since all shrimp (even freshwater ones) initially have maritime origin, they are perfectly adapted to fluctuations in the salt content of the water. For example, freshwater shrimp living in the rivers of the Far East survive without damage a not too long increase in water salinity to 16‰. Many species of shrimp during the breeding season are forced to migrate to places where fresh river water mixes with salty sea water, reaching a salt content of 22‰.

  • Order Decapoda = Decapod crustaceans
  • Suborder: Natantia Boas, 1880 = Shrimps
  • Family: Alpheidae = Click Crayfish
  • Shrimps: lifestyle

    Freshwater shrimps, where they live, are an important element of the fauna of water bodies, an essential link in the food chain. They feed on many fish and waterfowl. They have freshwater shrimp and are of significant economic importance.

    By the end of the XX century. the freshwater shrimp Exopalaemon modestus was found in the Kapchagai reservoir in Kazakhstan, and in Uzbekistan, in the Chirchik and Syrdarya rivers, in the Arnasay lakes, the Chinese shrimp Macrobrachium nipponense took root. She was accidentally introduced into fish ponds along with juveniles. Far Eastern fish from China. The same shrimp accidentally ended up in artificial cooling ponds at hydroelectric power plants in the Moscow Region, then at the Ryazan State District Power Plant and began to breed perfectly there in constantly warm water. Already specially they were settled in the cooling lakes of the state district power station in Belarus and Moldova. In such reservoirs, shrimp eat lower algae, which develop en masse in warm water, and themselves serve as food for many fish. In particular, pike perch willingly eats them. At present, experiments are underway on breeding the giant oriental shrimp Rosenberg for food purposes in the Volga delta and in warm-water basins in the Crimea.

    As observations in Belarus have shown, in the cooling ponds of the State District Power Plant, the number of shrimps can grow by 8.7 times or more over the year. In Moldova, two years after their settlement, their number increased from 2,000 to 600,000.

    Freshwater shrimp are a fairly valuable food product that is essential in the tropics and subtropics. They are grown in ponds and rice paddies in two dozen countries around the world. In constantly warm water, shrimp can breed year-round and reach large numbers: up to 50 crustaceans in 1 m3 of water. In the USA, India, Australia, Israel, the number of shrimp in ponds can grow 60 times per season. Grow mainly 10-16 species of the genus Macrobrachium (Macrobrachium), some of which reach a length of 30 cm and weigh 150-250 g (for example, the already mentioned giant eastern Rosenberg shrimp, Macrobrachium rosenbergii).

    You can learn a lot of interesting things about shrimp when observing in an aquarium. These creatures get along well in captivity and over the past decade have become quite widespread among aquarists. They clean aquarium plants from fouling with lower algae, act as orderlies, complement the diversity of the population of an indoor reservoir, usually limited only to fish, decorate the underwater landscape with their original appearance. Aquariums contain Japanese marsh shrimp (Caridina japonica), South Asian bee shrimp (Caridina serrata) and bumblebee shrimp from the genus Neocaridina, Far Eastern freshwater shrimp. Small shrimps, for example, caridina bee, live in captivity for 1–1.5 years, large ones for 2–4 years.

    Shrimps need a volume of 7-10 liters per individual, they prefer a sandy bottom, clean water, feed on detritus, fish food residues, microalgae. Large shrimp can sometimes attack sick or, less commonly, fish sleeping on the bottom at night. They usually do not touch healthy active fish. Attacks on fish and cannibalism are more often observed in stressful situations for shrimp - after transplantation, with a lack of regular food, overcrowding, abrupt changes conditions of detention, in particular, significant temperature changes within 1-2 hours.

    According to some reports, shrimp of the genus Caridina need brackish water, and neocaridina bumblebees (Neocaridina) breed in fresh water. But the peculiarities of the biology of many species of shrimp have not yet been studied enough, so it is interesting to recommend that schoolchildren keep them, along with fish, in aquariums and watch them. Topics to watch may include:

    1. Color variability: lightening and darkening depending on the strength of lighting, time of day, soil color in different species. Effect of nutrition on color. So, when eating red mosquito larvae (bloodworms), the body of shrimp can turn pink, when eating dark tubule worms, it can darken, and when eating green algae, it can turn green.

    2. It is instructive to observe the movements and orientation of shrimp. Walking legs on the cephalothorax help them walk on the ground and climb vertically on plants. Here they are also held with the help of abdominal swimming legs, which in other cases help the shrimp swim both forward - horizontally, and up and down - vertically. The movements of the caudal stalks - uropods and the bending of the end of the abdomen help the shrimp not only quickly jump back a considerable distance, but also drive away other shrimps and fish. Also, with sharp flexions and extensions of the abdomen, jerks, the molting shrimp moves, the legs of which have not yet hardened.

    When looking for food, the shrimp primarily uses antennae, claws, and leg jaws, all the while feeling the substrate around it. Her eyes distinguish only relatively large, closely spaced objects and are used when reviewing the surrounding space when swimming and moving, and when observing the approach of danger. This can be seen when catching shrimp with a net.

    3. It is of interest to observe the behavior of shrimp. Large macrobrachiums and palemons show elements of territoriality, stay more often in one corner of the aquarium, try not to let other shrimps and fish go there. But we did not observe fights among shrimp - they, putting their claws forward, quickly spread to the sides when they meet. Males compete for a female in a similar way. Males guard females during molting and mating.

    4. Experiments on feeding shrimp, their choice of food items, the effect of temperature on the growth and development of shrimp, and the frequency of molts deserve attention. Shrimps quickly begin to recognize the place where food constantly appears, and try to stay nearby all the time. This is how they form conditioned reflex place and time of feeding. This indicates a certain development and complexity nervous system shrimps: they have more plastic behavior than arachnids and a number of insects, which almost do not form conditioned reflexes.

    It is worth paying attention to the structure of the discarded shells - exuvia. During molting, damaged or previously lost limbs grow back in shrimp, and the process of their regeneration takes place. This is especially noticeable in young ones, as they molt more often.

    5. Reproduction of shrimp is a special area of ​​observation. The features of female care for eggs are interesting, their color changes as they mature. Females can regularly lay and unfertilized eggs, which then gradually lose. You can trace the influence of temperature and salinity of water on the development of eggs. Finally, very interesting difficult process development of shrimp larvae. If you manage to grow a dozen young shrimp from larvae in an aquarium, this is already big success. You can feed the larvae with particles of powdered milk, yeast, boiled milk sprayed in water. egg yolk, ground grain ...

    Shrimps are crustaceans, which are representatives of the squad of decapod crayfish. They are widely distributed throughout the world's oceans. The length of an adult shrimp does not exceed 30 centimeters with a weight of 20 grams.

    Science knows more than 2,000 individuals living, including in fresh waters. Taste qualities shrimp have led to them becoming an object industrial production. Today, the practice of cultivating shrimp is widespread in the world.

    Shrimp Features and Habitat

    Shrimp are unique animals in terms of the structure of the body. Shrimp Features are in their anatomy. Shrimps are one of the rare crustaceans that shed and change their shells.

    Her genitals and heart are located in the head area. There are also digestive and urinary organs. Like most crustaceans, shrimp breathes with gills.

    The gills of the shrimp are protected by a shell and are located next to the walking legs. In the normal state, their blood has a light blue color, with a lack of oxygen, it becomes discolored.

    shrimps inhabit in almost all major water bodies of the world. Their range is limited only to the harsh Arctic and Antarctic waters. They have adapted to life in warm and cold, salt and fresh water. The largest number of shrimp species is concentrated in the equatorial regions. The farther from the equator, the smaller their population.

    The nature and lifestyle of the shrimp

    Shrimps play an important role in the ecosystem of the seas and oceans. They clean the bottom of reservoirs from the remains of tubifex, aquatic insects and fish. Their diet consists of rotting plants and detritus, the black ooze formed from decaying fish and algae.

    They lead an active lifestyle: they surf the bottom in search of food, crawl along the leaves of plants, clearing them of snail leeches. Shrimp maneuverability in the water is provided by walking legs on the cephalothorax and abdominal swimming legs, and the movements of the caudal stalks allow you to quickly jump back and scare off your enemies.

    aquarium shrimp perform the functions of a nurse. They rid the reservoir of fouling with lower algae and feed on the remains of the dead "brothers". Sometimes they may attack sick or sleeping fish. Cannibalism among these crustaceans is rare. It usually appears only in stressful situations or in conditions of prolonged hunger.

    types of shrimp

    All famous sciences Shrimp species are divided into four groups:

    • Warm water;
    • Cold water;
    • Saltwater;
    • Freshwater.

    The habitat of warm-water shrimp is limited south seas and oceans. They are caught not only in natural environment habitats, but also cultivated in artificial conditions. More than a hundred species of warm-water shrimp are known to science. Examples of such mollusks are black tiger and white tiger shrimp.

    Pictured is a white tiger shrimp

    Cold water shrimp are the most common known subspecies. Their habitat is wide: they are found in the Baltic, Barents, North Seas, off the coast of Greenland and Canada.

    At shrimp description such individuals it is worth mentioning that their length is 10-12 cm, and their weight is 5.5-12 grams. Cold-water shrimp are not amenable to artificial reproduction and develop only in their natural habitat.

    They feed exclusively on environmentally friendly plankton, which has a positive effect on their quality. Most famous representatives of this subspecies - northern red shrimp, northern chilim and red comb shrimp.

    Pictured is a chilim shrimp

    Shrimp, common in salty waters seas and oceans are called salt water. Yes, in Atlantic Ocean red dwell king prawns, northern white, southern pink, northern pink, serrated and other individuals.

    Pictured are prawns

    Chilean shrimp can be found on South American coasts. The waters of the Black, Baltic and mediterranean seas rich in grassy and sandy shrimp.

    Pictured is a grassy shrimp

    Freshwater shrimp mainly live in the countries of Southeast and South Asia, Australia, Russia and the post-Soviet countries. The length of such individuals is 10-15 centimeters with a weight of 11 to 18 grams. Most known species- Troglocar shrimp, Palaemon superbus, Macrobachium rosenbergii.

    Shrimp food

    basis shrimp nutrition make up the dying aquatic plants and organic remains. In their natural habitat, they are scavengers. Shrimp will not refuse the pleasure of eating the remains of the dead or even young fish.

    Among plants, they prefer to eat those that have fleshy and succulent leaves, for example, ceratopteris. In the process of searching for food, shrimp use the organs of touch and smell. Turning its antennas in different directions, it looks around the area and tries to find prey.

    In search of vegetation certain types shrimp, living closer to the equator, dig up the soil of the reservoir. They run around its perimeter until they run into food, and then, approaching it at a distance of a centimeter, they sharply attack it. Blind individuals living at the bottom of the Black Sea feed on silt, grinding it with mandibles - well-developed jaws.

    For shrimp grown in an aquarium, specially designed compound feeds enriched with nutrients and iodine are produced. It is not recommended to feed them with perishable vegetables.

    As food, you can use slightly boiled carrots, cucumber, zucchini, dandelion leaves, clover, cherries, chestnuts, walnut. A real feast for shrimp is the remains of an aquarium or brethren.

    Reproduction and lifespan of shrimp

    During puberty, the female shrimp begins the process of forming eggs, resembling a green-yellow mass. When the female is ready to mate, she releases pheromones into the water - substances that have a specific smell.

    Having smelled this smell, the males are activated in search of a partner and fertilize her. This process takes less than a minute. Then the shrimp has caviar. The norm for an adult female is laying 20-30 eggs. Embryonic development larvae lasts from 10 to 30 days depending on the ambient temperature.

    In the process of embryogenesis, the larvae go through 9-12 stages. At this time, changes occur in their structure: at the beginning, the jaws are formed, a little later - the cephalothorax. Most of the hatched larvae die due to adverse conditions or the “work” of predators. As a rule, 5-10% of the brood reach maturity. At shrimp farming in the aquarium it is possible to save up to 30% of the offspring.

    The larvae lead sedentary image life and are not able to get food, eating food that has fallen. Last stage development in these mollusks is called decapodite. During this period, the larva leads a lifestyle no different from an adult shrimp. Average, life cycle shrimp lasts from 1.5 to 6 years.

    For anglers who prefer to go to the sea for their favorite hobby, it has long been no secret that in addition to huge trophy fish, crustaceans are also valuable prey. Shrimp fishing is an exciting and interesting process, and for the most enterprising anglers it is also a profitable business. It's hard to imagine without a delicious sea delicacy festive table or the menu of a self-respecting restaurant. Even in the treatment of some oncological diseases, shrimp are used, which contain a mass useful substances and vitamins. How to catch such a miracle of nature, and where does the valuable sea delicacy live?

    Shrimps are invertebrate animals that belong to decapod crustaceans. Their length can vary from just a few centimeters to almost half a meter with a body weight of up to a kilogram. In almost all species, females are much larger than males. It is not difficult to distinguish them, because in addition to size, females have a wide tail and slightly swollen sides, while males are flatter.

    The shrimp family is large - in nature you can find up to two thousand varieties. Usually they are divided into groups, taking into account main characteristic- habitat:

    • warm water;
    • cold water;
    • freshwater;
    • marine.

    Photo 1. King prawns.

    Warm water prawns are better known as king prawns. This variety of crustaceans has always been one of the most expensive, because in addition to size (up to 30 cm), they are distinguished by high taste. Often they are bred on special farms, which allows the owners to receive a good income.

    Cold-water members of the family prefer average temperature water and differ from their royal counterparts in size, because they rarely grow up to 10 cm. Freshwater - special kind shrimp. Thanks to geological changes sushi, they turned out to be isolated from relatives and are considered relic.

    Regardless of where warm or cold water shrimp live, fluctuations in temperature can lead to mass death crustacean organisms. If the habitat is unfavorable, the shrimp larvae also die, sometimes only 1-3% survive. Cold temperature regime It is also reflected in the development of the delicacy inhabitants of the sea - they stop growing, become lethargic, and lose activity.

    Equally important is the salinity of the water. Some shrimp living in the sea go to look for more comfortable places for breeding. Usually, these are bodies of water sea ​​water mixed with fresh water.

    Regardless of where you live, the diet is almost the same:

    • bloodworms;
    • pipe makers;
    • coretra (blood-sucking mosquitoes);
    • daphnia;
    • plants with fleshy leaves;
    • the remains of dead fish, snails;
    • polychaetes.

    Interesting! special attention deserves reproduction. At sexually mature female(this happens in the third year of life) a greenish mucus forms under the tail - this is the eggs. Sometimes they can make up a third of the total body weight. Males feel the pheromones emitted by the female and enter into fierce fights, fighting for their chosen one. The outcome of the duel does not decide anything - sometimes several males climb onto the female to fertilize the eggs.

    Shrimps are the main habitats

    Oceans and seas are the main element of shrimp, but they can often be found in salt lakes and even freshwater big rivers. For professional anglers, it is no secret that where these crustaceans live determines their size and even taste. The most valuable are those that are found near the equator itself.

    The countries richest in shrimp are located near the equator itself:

    • Brazil;
    • Ecuador;
    • Somalia;
    • Kenya.

    Photo 2. Catching shrimp from a boat.

    Water temperature Pacific Ocean(about 28 degrees) has a positive effect on growth and development, so for residents warm countries farming and catching crustaceans is the main source of income.

    Shrimps are also found in the Black Sea, although their number is not as large as in the equatorial strip. There are no royal representatives here, but medium-sized crustaceans are well appreciated by gourmets. The Azov shrimp attracts hundreds of Russian fishermen with its excellent taste, so massive catches are gradually reducing the number of crustaceans in these waters. With a little luck, fishing ends quite satisfactorily, especially if you choose the right gear.

    The cold waters of the North or Baltic Sea- the birthplace of cold-water shrimp. They easily tolerate temperatures of about 15 degrees, while managing to multiply and grow rapidly. Representatives of the delicacy family, caught off the coast of Greenland and the Canadian coast, are considered the most delicious.

    The Amur River basin and the cave reservoirs of Transcaucasia are the birthplace of freshwater representatives of the family. The shrimp is also found in fresh waters on Far East, easily withstanding harsh temperature conditions.

    How to catch a shrimp - the main tricks for successful fishing

    How to catch a shrimp? You should go fishing in the evening or even at night - it is during these hours that crustaceans are most active. Some anglers pre-set net traps for shrimp, which allows you to go in the morning for a delicious "harvest". Habitat - from 50 cm to one and a half meters, availability is required a large number aquatic plants, because this is where crustaceans like to hide.

    Photo 3. Good catch.

    Fishing is carried out different ways, but the net or bottom trawl for shrimp is most commonly used. The mesh of such gear should be fine, otherwise it will be difficult to catch small representatives of the crustacean family with a net, they will simply slip away through large cells. It is convenient to catch shrimp if the tackle has a long handle and a large circle diameter, this will allow the angler to make less effort and simplify the process.

    Shrimps prefer to live in places with large quantity algae. The use of a trawl in such places and a little knowledge about the secrets good fishing will please with a considerable catch. You only need to pull the trawl against the current, if it changes, turn around and move on. In the daytime, the number of gourmet specimens may not please, but if you arm yourself with a powerful flashlight and go fishing at night, then the result will certainly exceed all expectations.

    The use of a net is simpler - armed with simple gear, you need to bypass the pitfalls, leading around them with a home-made or purchased device. Here, too, you can use a lantern, attracting the curious inhabitants of the sea with bright light.

    Important! Black Sea fishermen came up with interesting way fishing. In the morning they are armed with several nets, each of which contains a piece of meat (necessarily with a "smell"). It is enough to use the boat, and rocky shores lower the net into the water in order to extract it in half an hour with an overflowing delicacy product.

    We should not forget about the restrictions on the catch of delicacy crustaceans. During spawning, which continues from the first summer day to the last, it is better not to tempt fate and give up an exciting activity. Before you go fishing, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the restrictions, because in some reservoirs it is forbidden to catch more than 2-5 kg ​​of shrimp.

    Regardless of professionalism, catching shrimp is a pleasant and unforgettable experience, because what could be better than Fresh air, gentle Sun rays and warm water? Even if the catch did not please, let's just enjoy the process itself, because this is precisely the beauty of fishing.

    Shrimps are crustaceans, which are representatives of the squad of decapod crayfish. They are widely distributed throughout the world's oceans. The length of an adult shrimp does not exceed 30 centimeters with a weight of 20 grams.

    Science knows more than 2,000 individuals living, including in fresh waters. The taste qualities of shrimp led to the fact that they became an object of industrial production. Today, the practice of cultivating shrimp is widespread in the world.

    Shrimp Features and Habitat

    Shrimp are unique animals in terms of the structure of the body. Shrimp Features are in their anatomy. Shrimps are one of the rare crustaceans that shed and change their shells.

    Her genitals and heart are located in the head area. There are also digestive and urinary organs. Like most crustaceans, shrimp breathes with gills.

    The gills of the shrimp are protected by a shell and are located next to the walking legs. In the normal state, their blood has a light blue color, with a lack of oxygen, it becomes discolored.

    shrimps inhabit in almost all major water bodies of the world. Their range is limited only to the harsh Arctic and Antarctic waters. They have adapted to life in warm and cold, salt and fresh water. The largest number of shrimp species is concentrated in the equatorial regions. The farther from the equator, the smaller their population.

    The nature and lifestyle of the shrimp

    Shrimps play an important role in the ecosystem of the seas and oceans. They clean the bottom of reservoirs from the remains of tubifex, aquatic insects and fish. Their diet consists of rotting plants and detritus, the black ooze formed from decaying fish and algae.

    They lead an active lifestyle: they surf the bottom in search of food, crawl along the leaves of plants, clearing them of snail leeches. Shrimp maneuverability in the water is provided by walking legs on the cephalothorax and abdominal swimming legs, and the movements of the caudal stalks allow you to quickly jump back and scare off your enemies.

    Aquarium shrimp perform the functions of a nurse. They rid the reservoir of fouling with lower algae and feed on the remains of the dead "brothers". Sometimes they may attack sick or sleeping fish. Cannibalism among these crustaceans is rare. Usually it manifests itself only in stressful situations or in conditions of prolonged hunger.

    types of shrimp

    All known science species of shrimp are divided into four groups:

    • Warm water;
    • Cold water;
    • Saltwater;
    • Freshwater.

    The habitat of warm-water shrimp is limited to the southern seas and oceans. They are caught not only in their natural habitat, but also cultivated in artificial conditions. More than a hundred species of warm-water shrimp are known to science. Examples of such mollusks are black tiger and white tiger shrimp.

    Pictured is a white tiger shrimp

    Cold water shrimp are the most common known subspecies. Their habitat is wide: they are found in the Baltic, Barents, North Seas, off the coast of Greenland and Canada.

    At shrimp description such individuals it is worth mentioning that their length is 10-12 cm, and their weight is 5.5-12 grams. Cold-water shrimp are not amenable to artificial reproduction and develop only in their natural habitat.

    They feed exclusively on environmentally friendly plankton, which has a positive effect on their quality. The most famous representatives of this subspecies are the northern red shrimp, northern chillim and red comb shrimp.

    Pictured is a chilim shrimp

    Shrimp, common in the salty waters of the seas and oceans, are called brackish. So, in the Atlantic Ocean live red king prawns, northern white, southern pink, northern pink, serrated and other individuals.

    Pictured are prawns

    Chilean shrimp can be found on South American coasts. The waters of the Black, Baltic and Mediterranean seas are rich in grassy and sandy shrimps.

    Pictured is a grassy shrimp

    Freshwater shrimp mainly live in the countries of Southeast and South Asia, Australia, Russia and the post-Soviet countries. The length of such individuals is 10-15 centimeters with a weight of 11 to 18 grams. The most famous species are the troglocar shrimp, Palaemon superbus, Macrobachium rosenbergii.

    Shrimp food

    basis shrimp nutrition are dying aquatic plants and organic remains. In their natural habitat, they are scavengers. Shrimp will not refuse the pleasure of eating the remains of the dead or even young fish.

    Among plants, they prefer to eat those that have fleshy and succulent leaves, for example, ceratopteris. In the process of searching for food, shrimp use the organs of touch and smell. Turning its antennas in different directions, it looks around the area and tries to find prey.

    In search of vegetation, certain species of shrimp, living closer to the equator, dig up the soil of the reservoir. They run around its perimeter until they run into food, and then, approaching it at a distance of a centimeter, they sharply attack it. Blind individuals living at the bottom of the Black Sea feed on silt, grinding it with mandibles - well-developed jaws.

    For shrimp grown in an aquarium, specially designed compound feeds enriched with nutrients and iodine are produced. It is not recommended to feed them with perishable vegetables.

    As food, you can use slightly boiled carrots, cucumber, zucchini, dandelion leaves, clover, cherries, chestnuts, walnuts. A real feast for shrimp is the remains of an aquarium or brethren.

    Reproduction and lifespan of shrimp

    During puberty, the female shrimp begins the process of forming eggs, resembling a green-yellow mass. When the female is ready to mate, she releases pheromones into the water - substances that have a specific smell.

    Having smelled this smell, the males are activated in search of a partner and fertilize her. This process takes less than a minute. Then the shrimp has caviar. The norm for an adult female is laying 20-30 eggs. Embryonic development of larvae lasts from 10 to 30 days, depending on the ambient temperature.

    In the process of embryogenesis, the larvae go through 9-12 stages. At this time, changes occur in their structure: at the beginning, the jaws are formed, a little later - the cephalothorax. Most hatched larvae die due to unfavorable conditions or “work” of predators. As a rule, 5-10% of the brood reach maturity. At shrimp farming in the aquarium it is possible to save up to 30% of the offspring.

    The larvae lead a sedentary lifestyle and are not able to get food by feeding on the food that they get. The last stage of development in these mollusks is called decapodite. During this period, the larva leads a lifestyle no different from an adult shrimp. On average, the life cycle of a shrimp lasts from 1.5 to 6 years.

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