What does a sedentary lifestyle of a teenager lead to? Sedentary lifestyle and obesity. Ways to improve well-being during a sedentary lifestyle

It's so nice to lie on the couch after a hard day's work... STOP! What did you do at work? If your working posture is quite static, then this article is for you!

What is a menacing sedentary lifestyle and how to improve the situation.

In the article I will give several exercises suitable for the office, home office or sofa. And in the comments I will be glad to find out exactly how you bring motor diversity to your everyday life.

1. Physical inactivity - what is it, the main symptoms

The main symptom is clear from the name - a sedentary lifestyle.

  • You work sitting at a table.
  • Relax in front of a computer, TV or other gadget.
  • Actively use public transport.
  • They forgot when the heart last beat not from strong emotions.
  • The longest walking route runs between the supermarket shelves.
  • You quickly get tired of children's amusements.
  • Don't walk your dog or garden.
  • The last time they danced was at a graduation or at a wedding.
  • Charging is missing or takes less than 10 minutes.
  • Morning running is too hard, and there is no time or money for a fitness club.
  • Tie your shoelaces and put on your shoes while sitting.

So, most likely, there is not enough movement in your life.

You can feel the manifestations of a sedentary lifestyle by the following symptoms:

  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Apathy.
  • Low work capacity.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Unstable emotional background.
  • Weight problems.
  • Excessive or insufficient appetite.
  • Craving for sweet food.
  • Posture disorders.
  • Pain in various parts of the body (joints, lower back, neck, pelvic pain...).

One part of the problems is caused by a deficiency of the hormones of happiness - endorphins. Muscle activity gives a signal for their development. When such activity is absent, the lifestyle is sedentary, then there is no need for hormones to be produced. We suffer from lack of energy, bad mood and anxiety. When there is no physical activity in our life, the energy systems of the body are not used properly, their activity fades away. Energy is only enough for a sluggish existence. Utilization of fat is a complex and energy-intensive process. Sugar is much easier for the body to utilize. So it turns out that we are drawn to sweets, and body weight is out of control.

Following these changes, problems with the level of lipids and sugar in the blood can appear, and cardiovascular diseases can develop.

Pain of unknown origin is generated by uneven muscle development and lack of stress on the joints. When we take a static position, such as sitting at a table, some muscles are shortened while others are stretched. Muscles remember this position. When we change the position, they continue to work in the same mode, muscle imbalance occurs, postural disorders and pain is born.

The joints are designed in such a way that they must be periodically lubricated with joint fluid. Otherwise, they do not receive nutrition, various pathologies develop.

To squeeze out a little joint fluid and lubricate the joint, you need to move, and even better, perform a few leisurely exercises. Then they can get enough liquid and nutrients. They can be compared to flowers - you know what happens to plants without watering - they die.

2. Harm

Especially for the 2012 Summer Olympics, several studies on a sedentary lifestyle were timed. The result is disappointing - low mobility kills as many people as smoking.

In addition to standard obesity, physical inactivity doubles the risk of stroke. People who prefer office work and vehicles voluntarily incur such diseases as:

  • Anxiety disorders and depression.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Fat metabolism disorders.
  • Diabetes.
  • Deep vein thrombosis.
  • Some types of cancer (breast, rectum, etc.).
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Stones in the kidneys.

At the same time, mortality from various causes increases by 30%.

The thing is that man was created for movement, and not for a static pastime.

It was necessary to run away from a predator, to catch up or get food far from home ... Later, subsistence farming saved a person from low mobility. With the advent of modern technology, a person has finally settled in an office chair, at the checkout or near the conveyor. This is much more convenient than endless running after a piece of meat or weeding vegetables.

A sedentary lifestyle takes too high a price for imaginary comfort. So maybe you should leave him?

3. Move more!

Extra portions of activity are important today more than ever! Working from home is now incredibly popular, and you can always bring groceries directly to your home.

The temptation to not leave the house is extremely strong! and deadly.

Every 2 hours a day spent without movement increases the risk of diabetes by 14%!

Even if you visit the gym 3-5 times a week, you still run the risk of getting problems.

It is necessary to be active during the day, except for the gym. Otherwise, a double load on the body is obtained. On the one hand, stagnant muscles during the day increase the risk of injury. On the other hand, intense sport, for the sake of atonement for low mobility, predisposes to injury overload.

When a person sits, some muscles are overstretched while others are contracted. They remember this position, because they hold it for a long time. And when we start to move, it is hard for the muscles to get involved in the work. Violation of their well-coordinated work leads to injury.

Limit work sessions to 30 or 45 minutes. Between sessions, walk around, do some simple exercises and stretch. These simple measures will wake you up, increase your readiness for work, improve blood circulation, and have a beneficial effect on posture.

Let movement into your life! If you do not use your body for its intended purpose, you can lose it!

4. The minimum set of exercises

Let's look at the minimum set of exercises that can be performed in between work sessions.

First, it's walking. Go somewhere. At least for a cup of tea. Walk back and forth while the kettle boils, wave your hands in different directions.

Secondly, warm up. Squat down, bend over, push up from the table. Do a few side bends.

Great, if there is a horizontal bar - you can add pull-ups and hangings, no - stand with your back close to the wall and raise your arms bent at the elbows.

Sit down at the table, like an excellent student in school, take a bottle of water in your hand. Now raise your hand with the bottle as if you want to answer the lesson. Do not take your elbow off the table!

Alternatively, you can use the following complexes:

The first complex for home TV viewing 🙂

The second - especially for the office.

Third, stretch. Stretch your whole body like a cat after waking up. Feel the pleasure with which the muscles respond to these actions.

Be sure to stretch the muscles that contracted while sitting:

This is the minimum your body needs. You can move more - move! Walk while talking on the phone. Skip the elevator. Walk, at least a few stops. And, of course, a few full workouts a week will help you stay healthy for years to come.


A sedentary lifestyle is the vicious circle into which a person drives himself. Voluntarily.

Physical inactivity increases the risk of developing diseases and injury. Health disorders, in turn, impose restrictions on physical activity (bed rest, immobilization in case of injuries ...).

Let's break this cycle before it's too late! Let's improve our health and teach our children to move more. They repeat everything after us - they absorb our way of life. How can a child love fitness and outdoor games when mom watches TV and dad is passionate about computer games?

By the way, the abundance of physical activity, as a pleasant bonus, gives us youth and beauty :). People who lead an active lifestyle have stronger immunity and are half as likely to suffer from colds and flu. And it's absolutely free! Let's use it!

Thanks for sharing the article on social media. All the best!

Yoga centers

Kaula Yoga School - Yoga for Pregnancy / Yoga for Women's Health.

Moscow: Semenovskaya square, 7 / Milyutinsky per. fifteen

  • Yoga for Pregnancy: Tuesday and Thursday: 17:45;
  • Yoga for women's health: call for clarification;

Recording lessons. Price:

  • 1 lessonrub;
  • 1 month of classes rub;
  • 3 months of classes rub;
  • 6 months of classes rub;
  • 12 months of lessons

Moscow: st. Alexandra Nevsky, 27


  • "Yoga for Pregnancy" -
    • Tuesday: 18::15,
    • Thursday: 18::15,
    • Sunday: 12:00.
  • "Women's practice" - check with the employees of the center.

The price of one lesson rub. Huge set of subscriptions.

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Syndrome of physical inactivity with a sedentary lifestyle

Physical inactivity is not a separate disease, but a pathological condition that provokes the occurrence in a person of a large number of pathologies that affect almost all internal organs and systems. Absolutely everyone is subject to such a disorder, regardless of age category and gender.

The main reason for physical inactivity is that in a person's life, for any reason, physical activity is absent or minimized.

The symptoms of this modern disease appear gradually, but it is not difficult to detect their presence, as they become more pronounced as the disease progresses.

Comprehensive diagnostics will be required only in those cases when the symptoms of those ailments appear, to which such a syndrome leads.

There are a large number of ways to overcome physical inactivity, but they are all aimed at achieving one goal - filling a person's life with physical activity.


Currently, only a few reasons are known, against the background of which such a pathology occurs. They should include:

  • the banal laziness of a person, which in the overwhelming majority of cases is caused by fatigue at work, problems at school or in personal relationships;
  • specific working conditions, under which there is a need for prolonged sitting at the desktop or standing on one's feet;
  • recovery after surgery or a previous serious illness - it is worth noting that even in such cases, patients are shown to perform exercise therapy exercises, and refusal to perform them may well be associated with the first predisposing factor;
  • the development of computer technology - this leads to the fact that a person prefers to spend time on social networks than to take a walk in the fresh air. Moreover, some parents encourage their children to buy new modern gadgets, thereby approving the fact that they will be constantly under control at home;
  • excess body weight - with physical inactivity, this is not only a cause, but also a symptom.


Since a sedentary lifestyle is not a disease, there are no characteristic clinical signs of such a condition. However, persons prone to this syndrome feel a number of its negative manifestations.

Thus, the symptoms of hypodynamia are presented:

  1. constant fatigue and weakness - even after a long rest, there is no restoration of vitality.
  2. a decrease in appetite - this is not about the lack of desire to eat something, but about the unwillingness to eat full and healthy food.
  3. psycho-emotional disorders - a person is constantly in an irritated state and in a bad mood for no apparent reason.
  4. sleep disorders, namely increased drowsiness - present even with a full night's rest. However, in some cases, insomnia may occur.
  5. a gradual decrease in performance - often people do not even notice that their level of activity is gradually, but constantly decreasing.
  6. menstrual disorders or erection.
  7. susceptibility to frequent fractures, which is a consequence of muscle atrophy.
  8. lack of satisfaction from sexual contact.
  9. headaches of varying degrees of intensity.
  10. an increase in body mass index.
  11. mental decline.
  12. an eating disorder is a decrease or, conversely, an excessive increase in appetite.
  13. dysfunction of the digestive system.

Similar signs of hypodynamia are inherent in the development of a similar condition in childhood.

It is noteworthy that female representatives with a lack of physical activity undergo changes in appearance. Such manifestations include:

  • pallor and dryness of the skin, in particular the face and upper limbs;
  • formation of bags under the eyes;
  • the appearance of wrinkles;
  • an increase in the circumference of the abdomen;
  • cellulite development.

However, such manifestations quite often push women to change their lifestyle.

Due to the fact that the syndrome of physical inactivity leads to the development of a large number of complications in the form of a variety of diseases, it is natural that the above symptoms will be supplemented by the most characteristic clinical signs of a particular disease.


To visit the appropriate clinician, for example, a gastroenterologist, traumatologist, gynecologist and specialists from other fields of medicine, it is the occurrence of additional symptoms of physical inactivity that makes people.

To identify the consequences of such a disorder, a whole range of diagnostic measures is needed, namely:

  1. examination by the doctor of the patient's medical history.
  2. collection of life history.
  3. a thorough physical examination.
  4. detailed survey of the patient.
  5. laboratory studies of blood, urine and feces.
  6. a wide range of instrumental examinations.

After that, conservative or surgical elimination of the consequences of hypodynamia will be prescribed.

Treatment and prevention

The tactics of eliminating a sedentary lifestyle will fully comply with preventive measures that prevent the development of such a disorder.

Getting rid of hypodynamia is quite simple, for this you just need to follow the following recommendations:

  • instead of going to the store or pharmacy by car, it is best to go to the required place on foot;
  • start every morning with a charge - just fifteen minutes of simple exercises, for example, squats and push-ups, lunges and stretching, aerobic movements or jumping rope will help not only enrich your life with physical activity, but also significantly reduce the likelihood of developing complications;
  • under seated or standing working conditions, every two hours, take a break from work for about fifteen minutes and do light exercises, in particular circular movements of the head, gymnastics for the eyes and torso tilts;
  • changing the habit of using the elevator to climb the stairs;
  • accustom yourself to walking around the city.


Physical inactivity is harmful because it does not imply the active functioning of muscles, joints and metabolic processes. Such factors lead to the development of an impressive list of negative consequences, including:

  1. atherosclerosis and obesity.
  2. hypertension and stroke.
  3. pathology of the cardiovascular system in both acute and chronic forms. In the second case, getting rid of a particular disease is very difficult.
  4. depression and neuroses.
  5. stroke and cerebral ischemia.
  6. diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.
  7. osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.
  8. curvature of posture.
  9. endocrine-metabolic disorders.
  10. vegetative dystonia.
  11. violation of the functioning of the digestive tract.
  12. susceptibility to frequent fractures, which occurs against the background of a decrease in bone density and strength.
  13. violation of the blood supply to the internal organs and the brain.

It is these complications that lead to the fact that a person's life expectancy is reduced by several years.

Prevention and prognosis

Since physical inactivity occurs with a minimum amount or complete absence of physical activity, the main preventive recommendations will fully comply with the therapeutic measures of such a disorder. However, additional preventive measures should include:

  • complete rejection of addictions;
  • proper and balanced nutrition - this should include the enrichment of the diet with vitamin complexes and micronutrients, as well as the rejection of junk food;
  • minimizing stay in front of the computer, only if it is not related to work, or other modern gadgets - this primarily concerns parents who should limit such a period of time to two hours a day;
  • compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician regarding the implementation of exercise therapy exercises for seriously ill patients;
  • maintaining normal body weight - both obesity and malnutrition are dangerous for a person. Average body mass index values ​​depend on factors such as age category and height.

Nevertheless, in the treatment of physical inactivity and the prevention of such a condition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the concept of hyperdynamia is also dangerous for a person - while excessive physical activity has a negative effect on the body.

Physical inactivity: the essence of the problem, the relationship with diseases, the impact on health, how to deal

Hypodynamia is called the “disease of civilization”, and in recent years, doctors have really sounded the alarm, because not only adults, but also children have become prone to physical inactivity, and this condition, not being a disease, nevertheless leads to serious disorders - obesity, myocardial infarction , hypertension.

Man has been working for thousands of years on how to make his life easier by inventing all sorts of devices and devices. Today, to overcome the distance, you do not need to walk more than a dozen kilometers, and you don’t even have to make special physical efforts to get food.

We are happy to trust technology to do household chores, a robot vacuum cleaner can do the cleaning, and a washing machine does an excellent job with washing. Everyday life now does not require the expenditure of energy, you just need to press the buttons on household appliances correctly.

Automation of production has greatly facilitated the tasks of workers, and even those professions that until recently required physical effort have moved into the category of "sedentary".

Of course, life has become comfortable, and the main significant resource - time - is significantly saved when using personal transport and all kinds of gadgets. At the same time, this very time is not enough for walking, visiting the gym, morning exercises. That is, saving time causes damage to the most important thing - human health.

Going home after a hard day at work, sometimes spent just sitting, many immediately take a horizontal position on the sofa in front of the TV or sitting at the computer, and in addition to everything, there is a plate of food nearby, and it’s good if it is useful, because food habits have changed not for the better, exacerbating metabolic disorders in parallel with the lack of movement.

A decade ago, children actively walked on the street after school, visited swimming pools and sports sections. Now the leisure of many schoolchildren is a computer, which is in almost every home. Hypodynamia in children is even more dangerous than in many adults, since a growing body requires adequate work of muscles, heart, blood vessels, and mental activity, the development of intelligence, and the ability for further learning depend on this.

Motor activity is the main component of proper life and the guarantee of health, ancient healers knew the rule “movement is life!”, But in recent decades, most of us forget about it, more worried about personal comfort.

Lack of physical activity adversely affects the state of internal organs, leads to the development of severe pathology, causes emotional disorders, depression, neuroses, although many of us tend to associate these phenomena with the environmental situation, stress at work and at school, and problems in the family. Everything is interconnected, and movement plays an important role in the quality of our life.

The problem of physical inactivity has not only medical, but also social aspects, because the pathology that occurs due to lack of movement requires serious treatment costs on the part of the state and the patient himself, limits the ability to work and even causes disability. A vivid example of this is cardiovascular diseases, which are increasingly being diagnosed in young and able-bodied people.

Causes of hypodynamia and its effect on the body

Hypodynamia is the result of an improper lifestyle, and the main reasons for it are considered:

  • Use of automated labor;
  • urbanization;
  • The spread of "sedentary" professions, work mainly at a computer or with papers is more in demand;
  • Application of achievements of technical progress in everyday life;
  • Conscious refusal of physical activity.

In most cases, it is these factors that become decisive in limiting mobility, but it happens that hypodynamia occurs for independent reasons and against our will. These cases include injuries and serious illnesses that prevent physical activity. However, it is worth noting that bedridden patients also need the maximum possible work of the muscular apparatus, since immobilization is dangerous for them, like no one else, due to the increased risk of thromboembolic and other dangerous complications.

Chronic hypodynamia in children is a consequence of an improper lifestyle and organization of the daily routine. Often the blame for this lies with the parents, who not only do not set a positive example themselves, but also do not contribute to an increase in the role of sports in the child's leisure.

Intellectual professions have become more in demand, and without education it is difficult to achieve many desired goals, therefore, from the first grades, children are focused specifically on learning. Spending many hours at a desk, children get tired, and computer games or watching TV at home are the best rest, especially if parents do not interfere with this. The road home from school does not add movement, because modern mothers and fathers pick up children by car, and the total motor activity consists of movements of the hand, in which there is a pen in the school walls, a computer mouse at home.

In addition to upbringing in the family, a certain negative role is played by low qualifications and often indifferent attitude to their work on the part of physical education teachers. Schoolchildren do not aspire to physical education classes, finding all sorts of reasons for their absenteeism. Parents with excessive guardianship also make their contribution at this stage of education: they can protect the child from classes, because the percentage of not very healthy children is growing, which means that if the child is periodically sick, then he does not need to attend physical education.

Other reasons leading to hypokinesia (limitation of mobility) in children, in addition to education, may be factors independent of the daily regimen - perinatal hypoxia and birth trauma, severe infections in early childhood, brain dysfunctions and pathology of the nervous system, diseases of internal organs, when classes sports are really contraindicated.

What happens in the body with a lack of movement?

consequences of a sedentary lifestyle

Sufficient physical activity is essential for muscle development, proper functioning of the heart and vascular system. With active movements, blood delivery to organs improves, metabolism increases, mental and physical performance increases, endurance develops, immunity and stress resistance are formed.

A sedentary lifestyle does not involve the active work of muscles, joints, increased metabolic processes, therefore, even after lying down or sitting all day, a person feels very tired, and even more than those who actively moved for several hours in a row.

The impact of hypodynamia on the human body is enormous. It would seem that the lack of movement is not a disease, but just an external condition, which, moreover, does not cause discomfort and, on the contrary, it is quite pleasant to lie on the couch, but the list of conditions that hypokinesia provokes is impressive:

As you can see, the lack of motor activity in one way or another affects all organs and systems, leading to their dysfunction. Prolonged physical inactivity causes a gradual atrophy of the muscular apparatus, followed by depletion of calcium in the bones and osteoporosis. An increase in appetite against the background of hypokinesia causes obesity, which further hinders exercise.

Excess weight, endocrine-metabolic shifts, atherosclerosis cause arterial hypertension, damage to the coronary arteries with cardiac pathology. The brain also suffers: insufficient oxygen supply and damage to its vessels contribute to a decrease in intellectual capabilities, memory, attention, mental performance is impaired, a tendency to neurosis-like disorders and insomnia appears.

Lack of motor activity leads to atrophy of the muscles of the back and neck, followed by degenerative processes in the spine. Osteochondrosis in our time is diagnosed starting from the age of 30 and even earlier, and physical inactivity is to blame. In children, prolonged sitting provokes a curvature of the spine, which negatively affects the development and growth of internal organs, predisposing to various pathologies.

Manifestations of hypodynamia

Since insufficient motor activity is not a disease, there are no characteristic symptoms that speak specifically of hypokinesia. On the other hand, sedentary people experience a number of negative manifestations of this condition:

  • Feeling tired, weak;
  • Decreased mental and physical performance;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day;
  • Irritability, frequent mood swings, tendency to apathy;
  • Decrease or, conversely, an immoderate increase in appetite.

These same signs characterize hypodynamia in childhood. They can be supplemented by obesity, which affects an increasing number of modern children, regardless of gender, pathology of the digestive system (gastritis, colitis, liver dysfunction).

If you do not think about the lifestyle and do not take urgent measures to normalize it, then the described signs of physical inactivity in adults will be joined by pain and weakness in the muscles and bones, atrophic changes in the muscular system. Over time, obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease will develop - the most common consequences of physical inactivity, and then negative symptoms will be associated with a specific disease, often forgetting and ignoring the root cause.

Along with physical discomfort, people with a lack of physical activity also experience a lot of psychological problems. They are irritable, emotionally unstable, prone to apathy, and in some cases it comes to serious depression, vegetative disorders, up to panic attacks that require the intervention of a specialist. Chronic physical inactivity worsens the immune system, people become susceptible to various infections, often get colds.

The fair sex, with a decrease in physical activity, without pleasure, notices characteristic changes in appearance: pallor of the face, the appearance of wrinkles and bags under the eyes, an increase in the circumference of the abdomen, cellulite. These signs of lack of movement can be a signal for a change in lifestyle.

Forced physical inactivity in patients after major operations or injuries is a significant risk factor for thrombosis, thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism, stroke, complications such as congestive pneumonia, pressure sores. To prevent such consequences, feasible exercises in bed are recommended, if necessary, assistance is provided by an exercise therapy instructor and a massage therapist.

After some types of treatment, including operations that do not immobilize, doctors strongly recommend early activation to prevent many adverse effects, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, enhance tissue regeneration due to blood flow, but some patients ignore these tips, referring to pain or feeling fear, weakness, and sometimes - simply not wanting to get out of the hospital bed, enjoying the "legitimate" lying in the process of treatment.

How to deal with hypodynamia?

We all know that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. In the case of hypokinesia, speech about the disease will not come up if appropriate measures are taken in time. There is no drug treatment for physical inactivity, and doctors are forced to resort to drugs and other procedures in cases where certain diseases have developed against the background of a lack of movement.

To prevent physical inactivity, it is not necessary to allocate many hours of free time or purchase expensive exercise equipment. Measures to prevent physical inactivity and organize a proper lifestyle are available to everyone, are simple and do not require material costs. The main desire.

Before embarking on a plan to increase the proportion of physical activity in daily life, it is worth giving up bad habits, the most common of which is smoking. This predilection is characteristic of many persons of intellectual labor, "sedentary" professions, it is common among young people who do not welcome sports and physical culture.

In addition to smoking, it aggravates the situation and the nature of nutrition, so it is also desirable to balance the diet by saturating it with vitamins, protein in the form of vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, giving up a heavy dinner late at night, a glass of beer or other alcohol.

If it so happened that the type of activity does not allow you to actively move, then you should determine the time for physical exercises - morning exercises, an evening trip to the gym, a daytime walk in the park. To ensure the normal functioning of the heart and other internal organs, at least half an hour of physical activity is necessary, for example, walking for at least 2 km (preferably several times a day). Running is very useful for activating all muscle groups.

You can improve your health and “pump up” muscles at home. To help - dumbbells, expander, jump rope, exercise bike, home horizontal bar. Simple exercises will help strengthen the muscles of the press, back and neck, push-ups and squats are useful, which do not require sports equipment at all.

A very good activity for those who decide to fight physical inactivity will be a visit to the pool. Swimming stimulates blood flow, hardens, strengthens muscles, prevents osteochondrosis and, at the same time, is very safe, because the risk of injury when swimming is minimal. In addition, water has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calms, relieves stress.

Gradually, the passion for cycling spreads. Many get this way even to work, while developing muscles and increasing overall tone. In large cities, this means of transportation even helps to save time, which can be spent in a multi-kilometer traffic jam.

In the case when, against the background of a lack of physical activity, some diseases have developed, you need to go to the doctor for diagnosis and treatment, but it is worth remembering that taking medication does not replace rational mobility, gymnastics, and feasible exercises at home.

A special category of people are patients with obesity. This pathology appears as a result of a sedentary life, and then limits it even more. Before starting sports, a person with obesity should definitely consult a doctor, determine the permissible level of load, and perhaps the services of an exercise therapy instructor will be needed. The same recommendation applies to those who suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, heart and brain diseases.

In the event of forced physical inactivity, for example, after a fracture, surgery, stroke, massage therapists and physiotherapy specialists will come to the rescue, who will help to increase, as far as possible, the level of physical activity.

Rehabilitation after serious illnesses may require being in special centers where qualified specialists work and there are necessary simulators to restore the work of specific muscle groups. Treatment and rehabilitation are carried out under the supervision of cardiologists, neurologists, traumatologists, nutritionists. Physical activity can be supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures that increase muscle tone and normalize the functioning of internal organs.

If the patient is bedridden after a serious illness, then the primary task is to prevent thromboembolic complications. For this purpose, not only appropriate drugs are needed, but also special breathing exercises, which are taught by the staff of the hospital department.

For able-bodied and relatively healthy people, a great way to deal with physical inactivity is to visit a fitness club, gym or outdoor playground. From early childhood, children should be introduced to morning exercises, classes in sports sections, a swimming pool, outdoor walks and active games are useful.

Physical inactivity is a serious problem of our time, but it must and can be fought. Fortunately, a healthy lifestyle is gradually coming into fashion, where there is no place for bad habits, more and more often you can meet “runners”, cyclists on the streets, more and more sports clubs are opening. Mankind has realized the problem and is trying to fight it, and this gives us hope that physical education will become an integral part of everyday life and will help us and our children avoid health problems.

In the age of technological progress, when new inventions make it possible to significantly simplify a person's life, freeing him from physical exertion, more and more people spend their time at the computer or relax lying in front of the TV. It is less and less common to meet children at playgrounds playing “Cossack robbers”, fewer and fewer teenagers are involved in sports sections, and more and more adults forget about the presence of sports grounds, stadiums and horizontal bars. This activity is called a sedentary lifestyle and is characterized by minimal and irregular physical activity.

Sedentary lifestyle (lack of exercise)- this is one of the most acute problems in the modern world, which negatively affects the human condition, can cause many serious diseases and even death. Changing the habit of moving a little, starting to play sports, or at least doing exercises every day in the morning or walking to work on foot is a hindrance to laziness. As a result, physical activity today is turning into a real feat, and more and more often on the street there are stooped silhouettes, gray faces, fat figures, lethargy of movements. Among young people, the number of chronic diseases is increasing every year, which used to be mostly the elderly. All this is the result of the negative impact of sedentary life on modern man. In this article, we will take a closer look at how a sedentary lifestyle affects a person, what are the consequences of such an addiction and how to get rid of it.

If you often stay in a sitting position or lying on the couch, then this can have an extremely negative impact on health, can lead to the emergence of a variety of pathologies and the development of serious diseases, the fight against which sometimes does not bring results.


Refusal of activity and sports has a bad effect on the figure and provokes an increase in body weight, because with a lack of motor activity, the metabolism in the body slows down and the number of calories burned decreases, the excess of which is deposited in the form of fat.

Therefore, the body loses its elasticity, various diseases appear:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pathology of bone tissue;
  • mental disorders due to decreased self-esteem and depression.

Any load, on the contrary, will help maintain normal weight, keep the body in good shape, and increase self-confidence.

A heart

The heart suffers the most from a sedentary lifestyle, so people who move little and do not play sports increase the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, for example, coronary disease or hypertension.

Please note: Even the refusal of the simplest morning exercises impairs the blood supply to the organs and systems of the body.

The result of a deterioration in blood supply is a decrease in the activity of enzymes that are responsible for burning fat and destroying triglycerides in the blood, which provokes the formation of plaque on the walls of blood vessels. It can cause atherosclerosis and even a heart attack. Only active sports will help restore the work of the heart and circulatory system and will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person.

Muscles and bones

With insufficient mobility of a person, lack of sports and a decrease in activity, his body becomes weak, muscle tissue atrophies, bones become brittle, therefore, for a person who has a sedentary lifestyle, the daily implementation of elementary procedures becomes more difficult.

In addition, a sedentary lifestyle and a constant sitting position of the body lead to serious back problems:

  • violation of posture;
  • osteoporosis;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • brittle bones

This is due to changes in the muscles that support the spine: they weaken and lose their elasticity.


Even regular exercise will help keep your blood sugar under control.

Please note: If a person is not active in life and eschews physical education and sports, this leads to an increase in blood sugar, an increase in insulin production and the development of diabetes.

Therefore, a sedentary lifestyle is dangerous for life in general. The high sugar content also leads to a strong effect on the digestive organs. Therefore, people who spend most of their lives sitting, suffer from bowel, colon and rectal cancer.

Acceleration of the aging process

At the ends of human chromosomes are the so-called telomeres, which shorten as the body ages. And in the complete absence of any human mobility, these chromosomal regions shorten many times faster than with an active lifestyle, resulting in the manifestation of age-related signs and the premature appearance of symptoms of aging.

Mental disorders

Probably the most unpleasant consequences of a sedentary lifestyle for the body are mental disorders. Since with a decrease in a person’s activity and the absence of physical activity in his life, body weight increases, muscle elasticity is lost, forms blur, a person begins to treat himself with disgust and becomes unsure of himself.

As a result:

  • depression develops;
  • there is a feeling of anxiety;
  • intellectual abilities decrease;
  • memory deteriorates.

And playing sports and actively improving your appearance will help increase self-esteem and believe in yourself.

Sleep disturbance

A sedentary lifestyle can affect sleep and its quality. The fact is that the body in the absence of movement practically does not feel the need for relaxation and rest. Only the rejection of a sedentary lifestyle and regular exercise can normalize sleep and completely get rid of insomnia.

Advice! Do not exercise just before going to bed, because the body will cheer up, and you simply will not be able to fall asleep.

Increase in financial costs

Lack of physical activity requires a lot of money for regular check-ups and treatment of emerging diseases, for the purchase of medicines, for rehabilitation and recovery. At the same time, illness or obesity, which has developed due to a sedentary lifestyle, can interfere with work, which ultimately leads to unemployment and financial hardship.

Male pathologies

Insufficient activity threatens not only girls, but also representatives of the strong half of humanity. So, in addition to the above problems, a sedentary lifestyle of a man provokes the development of erectile dysfunction, inflammation of the prostate gland. Which leads to loss of male power and infertility.

The impact of a sedentary lifestyle on a child's body

For both adults and children, lack of physical activity and sports is dangerous to health.

It can provoke:

  • metabolic disorders in the body of a teenager, which leads to weight gain;
  • slowing down the development of the child's body as a whole;
  • retardation of the motor skills of the limbs and impaired coordination of movement;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • reduction of muscle mass and deposition of fat;
  • fragility of bones;
  • disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • pathologies in the work of the central nervous system;
  • decreased immunity;
  • vision problems.

Therefore, if you notice symptoms of apathy and drowsiness in a child, weight gain and fatigue, which leads to a sedentary lifestyle, you see that he began to get sick often, change his lifestyle, teach him to play sports, set an example. And then you can save your child from even greater health problems and save his life!

A sedentary, sedentary lifestyle is what characterizes the modern life of most people. Unfortunately, a person leading a sedentary lifestyle puts himself at risk of getting sick.

Worst of all, the negative effects do not appear immediately, which in turn gives the illusion of no harm. But there is harm, and in this article we will look at the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, what health problems it leads to.

"Criticizing - offer!" - we think, therefore, the Healthy Lifestyle has prepared for you, dear readers, specific recommendations on how to stay healthy in a sedentary lifestyle.

Sedentary lifestyle: causes and harm

The reasons for a sedentary lifestyle are obvious. The technosphere is why we move less and less.

See what's the problem. If earlier a person was constantly on the move, now we are working more and more with information: computers, documents, telephone conversations ... Accordingly, we are more and more often sitting on the priest, and moving less and less.

Why is there work, now even many entertainments - and those take place in virtual reality, on the other side of the screen. Computer games, films and TV shows - all this replaces the motor activity we need with sitting in front of the screen. And, my friends, the situation does not even think to improve. On the contrary, technology is actively developing in this direction, so things will only get worse from there.

In addition to the technosphere, Another reason for a sedentary lifestyle is ourselves. We ourselves make a choice in favor of sticking in front of the screen, no one is forcing us to do this. That's how things are, guys. The Healthy Lifestyle recommends not blaming external circumstances, but acting. But this is so, by the way.

Okay, we figured out the reasons, but what are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle? Maybe it's not so scary?

Alas, the answer is rather negative. and suffers from a sedentary lifestyle, this is a fact. It is not right when, instead of moving, we constantly sit still, like plants. Sooner or later, this leads to problems.⛔️

Of course, our bodies have some margin of safety - but this margin is limited. And when we cross this invisible line, then the consequences appear.

Worst of all, a sedentary lifestyle ruins our health in a complex way. That is, the level of health decreases in general, which, in turn, leads to diseases. But to what kind of diseases - it is for each individual. Here are the diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle:

1⃣ Overweight, obesity
2⃣ Diseases of the back and joints
4⃣ Diseases of the cardiovascular system
5⃣ Constipation, hemorrhoids, prostatitis

Yes, these are the unpleasant consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. And this is only a small part of what can happen to us. After all, as mentioned above, for each person everything is individual.

There is even a disease, the essence of which lies in a sedentary lifestyle. Her name is hypodynamia. This is a violation of the functions of the body, caused by a lack of physical activity. The diseases listed above are just the same consequence of hypodynamia.

So, friends, a sedentary lifestyle is wrong. Of course, it will not be possible to completely abandon it - scientific and technological progress changes the life of each of us. And, as we can see, not always for the better. However, not everything is so scary. You can stay healthy even with a sedentary lifestyle. To do this, you should apply simple recommendations from the SILS.

How to maintain the health of people leading a sedentary lifestyle?

1⃣ Captain Evidence gives us the first advice - move more! Seriously - try to get up, walk, stretch as often as possible. It is very important.

Did you know that a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects health even with regular exercise? Researchers from Toronto analyzed the results of 41 studies and came to a disappointing conclusion: a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and premature death, despite exercising once a day.

Friends, 30 minutes a day is not enough to wave your arms and legs and consider your mission accomplished.

It is advisable to get up every hour and warm up, periodically transfer your body to a standing position. Get moving and stay healthy.

2⃣ Eat right. If we spend a lot of time in a sitting position, then we can try to catch up on health with proper nutrition. What is proper nutrition? Eat more and drink. We are not even talking about eating fast food - otherwise, in combination with a sedentary lifestyle, we will get a time bomb directed against our health.

Speaking about proper nutrition, it is impossible not to mention how to chew. Yes, yes, you also need to chew correctly. The better we are, the more useful we extract from it, and the less we pollute and strain our body.

3⃣ This is also a great bonus to health.

4⃣ Give up bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol and other drugs with a sedentary lifestyle does much more harm. The human body and so can not fully get rid of all the toxins that enter it from the environment. And if we additionally poison ourselves and in addition to this we constantly sit, then the body goes into "sleep mode" and performs cleaning functions much less efficiently. In other words, if the human body in motion can still to some extent get rid of the consequences of bad habits, then with a sedentary lifestyle, all the harm accumulates inside. Which in turn leads to health problems.

The main exercise is to be aware. That is, always be aware that a sedentary lifestyle is bad and, accordingly, take steps to neutralize the harm and consequences.

If we are used to sticking to the monitor and forgetting about everything around at this time, then one trick will help us here. There are those that block the computer at certain intervals. Install one of them and you have to take breaks from computer work. Spend this time usefully, for example, by doing short exercises to warm up and thus replenish the lack of physical activity in the body.


Friends, we have examined the causes and harms of a sedentary lifestyle, and also learned how to neutralize this harm. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle get problems and diseases. But, no matter how cruel it may sound, people themselves are the cause of their troubles.

Of course, the development of the technosphere affects our lives, but we can still control HOW we live.

No one can take care of us better than ourselves. We alone are responsible for our health. Please never forget this.

I hope, dear reader, this article will not become one of the many read and forgotten, but will really encourage you to change something in your life. And if you also write a comment or share a link in social networks, then this will be the best reward for us!

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If you want to prolong your beauty and be healthy - go in for sports, eat right and always be positive!

So, now we will tell you why a sedentary lifestyle is dangerous.

What is a sedentary lifestyle and why is it dangerous for the figure and health

A sedentary lifestyle (physical inactivity) is the absence of regular physical activity. Most often, the cause of reduced activity is ordinary laziness plus a lot of excuses that do not really exist.

Everyone can find at least 30-60 minutes for daily workouts if someone says: “I don’t have time”, or “I have a sedentary job, etc.” This is 100% self-deception.

Many people do not understand how dangerous MOT is, for most, the lack of sports is just a trifle, but it seems only until the moment when a person encounters problems related to health and appearance, then it already becomes scary, therefore In order not to face the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, start exercising right now.

So, to begin with, we will find out how lack of physical activity affects health:

1. Insufficient oxygen supply, which in turn is the cause of such insidious ailments as: stroke, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, etc.;

2. Decrease in the level of lymph and blood flow in the body. This leads to an increase in bad cholesterol;

3. Slowdown, which is one of the causes of obesity and poisoning of the body with various toxic substances;

4. An increase in blood sugar levels, in connection with which, diabetes may appear;

5. The aging process of organs is accelerated many times over;

6. Muscles become weak, stoop appears and many other problems with the spine;

7. It has been proven that a sedentary lifestyle can cause the development of malignant tumor formations;

Most often, laziness prevents us from going in for sports or taking a walk. Physical activity today is turning into a real feat. The world around is so mechanized that it is not necessary for a person to make efforts to achieve a result.

Meanwhile, doctors warn that a sedentary lifestyle can cause many serious diseases.

Of course, this way of life is very comfortable, but at the same time, it is extremely dangerous for life. Scientists have found that a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects human health and increases the risk of developing deadly diseases.

What is the danger?

With a sedentary lifestyle, blood flow slows down, which negatively affects the quality and speed of delivery of oxygen and nutrients. Chronic oxygen deficiency leads to inadequate functioning of organs, which is why people are overcome by various ailments: atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, coronary disease, and others.

According to experts, when we sit, the load on the body increases greatly. In addition, few of us try to maintain the correct posture. Prolonged sitting in an incorrect posture can lead to scoliosis.

Also, when a person spends a long time in a sitting position, blood stagnation occurs in the organs of the pelvic area, which increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids and constipation. Add to this an irregular and unhealthy diet - as a result, people are constantly accompanied by unpleasant symptoms that significantly reduce the quality of life.

Do not forget about the problem of excess weight. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the provocateurs of the accumulation of excess energy in our body and.

How to solve the problem?

Avoiding the negative impact that a sedentary lifestyle has on our body is very simple. The main thing is to overcome laziness and start moving more.

The simplest and at the same time effective way is. Daily walks will not only ensure proper blood circulation, but also solve the problem of extra pounds, draw a healthy blush on the cheeks and give a good mood, because during physical exertion the hormone of happiness and joy is produced. Instead of swallowing handfuls of various medications, take some time out of your busy schedule for walking. Depending on how you feel, a person should walk from 3 to 11 km a day. Alternatively, you can go swimming or skiing, but massage, contrary to mass delusion, will not help solve the problem. A visit to the gym and a health group under the guidance of an experienced instructor is also welcome, if there are no special contraindications for this. In general, a walk is an effective and, importantly, free medicine.

Of course, the best option would be regular, at least three times a week, visiting a fitness club with all the programs it offers, or doing some kind of sport. If employment and finances do not allow, then it is possible three times a week for one hour.

In addition to sports, we offer variety in your daily activities. You can, for example, refuse the elevator, get off public transport one or two stops before your own, after dinner, before going to bed, take a short walk.

In public transport, give way to those who really need it, while you yourself prefer to ride standing up. This will stretch the muscles and train the vestibular apparatus. In your spare time, get off the couch and go for a walk or bike ride.

In the event that this does not confuse colleagues sitting in the office, then sets of exercises can be performed during the day right at work. Standard approach, every 40-45 minutes. Perform a set of exercises for 5-7 minutes, this is the so-called. Such exercises will help delay the onset of fatigue, increase productivity and improve mood.

A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of many serious diseases. But each of us is able to protect ourselves from ailments. The main thing is to stop being lazy.

Go in for sports, stick to proper nutrition and!

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