Totem horoscope of the North American Indians. Vedic astrology: who are you according to the Indian horoscope

Horoscope for 2019 is a professional personal horoscope for the current year by date of birth. You can choose one of three semantic text interpretations according to your interests - business, health or love - family. When forming a horoscope, not only descriptive texts are generated, but also a table of planetary aspects, where the aspects themselves are shown with colored lines. The color of the lines corresponds to the nature of the aspect: red - tense, green - harmonious. At the same time, tense aspects bring problem situations and stimulate action, while harmonious aspects bring easy situations and luck. Blue colour- describes the conjunctions of the planets, which can be both tense and harmonious (read the text of the aspects). To view a horoscope for a year for the past or future periods, you can use the paid Forecast horoscope.

Horoscope Tarot is a zodiac horoscope that combines the accuracy of modern astrology and the centuries-old wisdom of Tarot cards. For a long time it was believed that the images on the cards have a complex interpretation from an astrological point of view, but after analyzing life path many great and famous people, astrologers were able to solve the mystery of the Tarot cards and draw a parallel between their meaning and the position of the Sun in the horoscope of a person's birth. Make a free tarot horoscope and " secret knowledge"will open: you will find out under the sign of which Tarot card you were born, and what sacred meaning your life path has.

love horoscope allows you to answer how people fit each other in matters of love and intimacy. Like the compatibility horoscope, the spiritual aspects of human relationships are also considered here. The texts may show aspects of the sexual compatibility of partners or information may not be at all - such aspects are not present in all horoscopes. There are three planets that determine the sexual compatibility of partners - these are Venus, Mars, and Pluto. If a couple has connections between these planets, then the couple has what we call "Sexual Aspects", and this is a very reliable indicator that this man and woman are suitable for each other. Only one in a thousand couples has three or more of these aspects.

Horoscope by date of birth- it's free accurate horoscope With psychological portrait, an astrological description of a person's personality, in terms of the location at the time of birth of the planets of our solar system. The planets, being in different Zodiac Signs, endow you with certain character traits and thus lay the foundation of your destiny. A more complete version - An individual horoscope will also tell you what zodiac houses the planets were in at the time of your birth and what connections (aspects) they formed with each other, thereby creating a unique star pattern of your personality. This drawing, which has the astrological name " Natal chart”is the key to understanding your destiny and destiny.

The Indian horoscope has been around for thousands of years. And for all the time of its existence, it still has not lost its importance and relevance. The Indian horoscope is based on a slightly different forecasting system.
The Indian horoscope has its own name. It's called Jyotish. The Indian horoscope by date of birth has a deeper prediction system, which is significantly different from the Western one. Of great importance in it is a detailed study of the influence of planets on the character and formation of personality.
Residents of India often refer to this horoscope. It helps parents find out what fate awaits their child in terms of personal life.
The Indian horoscope by date of birth has completely different designations compared to the usual signs of the zodiac.
A simpler version of the Indian horoscope.

Shravan. 24.01- 5.02

The main animal of this period is the monkey. The moon is the patron saint. Representatives of this sign are quite smart and endowed with wisdom people. They are difficult to engage in lies or false illusions. Even in this situation, they are able to see the truth, no matter how deep it is hidden. At first glance, it may seem that these people are cold and indifferent, but this is absolutely not the case. If necessary, they can put on a mask of indifference. But also if necessary, easily ready to dump it. In fact, Shravanas have a subtle mental organization, they are prone to sentimentality and sensitivity.

Fate prepares for these people many difficulties and trials, especially when it comes to revealing the soul to others.
Reliable companions of the Monkey will be those who will be ready to understand their character, who will not rush them, who will be ready to accept their deep soul. Shravana are charming and witty personalities. They are able to love, the most important thing is that the partner is worthy.
For absolute comfort Sometimes Monkeys need to be left alone. It should be noted that there are some Shravanas who show really coldness and indifference. They don't care about close relationships with other people. They are deceitful and dishonest.
If their chosen one does not do everything possible to make them happy, they will easily exchange him for someone else.

Dhanishta 6.02 - 18.02

The main animal of this period is the Lion. Mars is the patron saint. Representatives of Dhanishta are distinguished by amazing charisma. They are wealthy people, but their solvency in the first place does not lie in money and wealth, but in the wealth and development of their inner peace. When communicating, they always show attentiveness and care. By nature, Leos are altruists. If there is a gap or emptiness in their soul, they will do everything possible to fill it and eliminate it forever. Even with all their dazzlingly good qualities, Dhanishta prefer to stay at a distance. If they experience any feelings, they will try to reveal them to potential partners. And those who win their soul and heart, they will always remain faithful.

Satabhish 19.02 - 3.02

The main animal of this period is the Horse. The patron saint is the Dragon Head. These people are distinguished by incredible secrecy. Sometimes it can be quite inappropriate. If the Satabhishas have any principles, they will persevere and follow them steadily. Sometimes they don't have enough faith in themselves, and it turns against them. Most often, they live in stressful and nervous situations, worry over trifles, and do not give rest to themselves.

On the other hand, they are able to perform super-complicated and incredible deeds, thereby violating the well-known "You can't jump above your head."
As far as their personal lives and love relationships are concerned, the Satabhishas are extremely controversial here. They love the classics, but prefer to dilute it with thrills. In a relationship with a partner, representatives born under the Head of the Dragon can behave in a way that they usually do not tend to, do incredible and strange things, pay attention to what they did not care about before, and vice versa. At first glance, it may seem that these people are strict and conservative. In fact, they just put on masks. They care about carnal pleasures, and, despite all the impulse and desire, they will never show it. In life, they do not get true pleasure, because they are afraid to fully trust their partner.

Uttar-bhadra 17.03 - 30.03

The main animal is the Cow. The heavenly patron is the planet Saturn. These people are distinguished by exceptional wisdom and the ability to be patient both with themselves and with others. Their outlook on life is somewhat different from the generally accepted one. They have chosen the path of self-denial and are calmly walking along it. Due to their excessive idealism, Uttar-bhadra often face all kinds of problems that could have been avoided if they looked at life differently. Their character combines aspiration and emotionality. They prefer spiritual wealth rather than banal and carnal values.

Revati 31.03-12.04

The main animal is the Elephant. The patron saint is the planet Mercury. Most often, such people are very kind and patient. They calmly relate even to stressful situations in which they fall. They are distinguished by courage and generosity. Among all the signs of the Indian horoscope, Revati are the most generous people. If they have warm feelings for someone, they will completely melt into them. If necessary, they will sacrifice themselves for the sake of a dear person. Sometimes this causes problems for Revati. Giving themselves to another, there is a possibility that they will lose themselves. The best partners for them will be those signs that you can trust. The Indian horoscope indicates that Revati prefer romance and tenderness.

Ashwini 13.04 – 27.04

The main animal is the Horse. The patron saint is the Dragon Tail. People of this sign are open to others and to the whole world. Their main goal in the world is to achieve recognition. If they find something new and unknown for themselves, they quickly want to know it. The main life ideal of Ashwini is freedom in all its manifestations. In the event that a partner wants to involve them in love adventures or deep relationships, he is unlikely to succeed. The main qualities that are important for Ashwini in another person are adventurism and the desire for adventure. Otherwise, Ashwini will not let you get close.

Ashwinis always strive for perfection. In order for them to be interested in living in the world and being in a relationship with another person, these qualities must be developed in him even more strongly. As for love, having fallen in love once, Ashvini will show sensuality and passion.
Most often, they are the initiators of intimacy.

Bharani 28.04 -10.05

The main animal is the Elephant. The heavenly patron is the planet Venus. By their nature, representatives of this sign are individualists. Even if they face a difficult task, they rush into battle, just to solve the problem. There is no limit to their ambitions.
They take all the difficult questions exclusively on themselves, not trusting the solution of the issue to anyone else. Due to the influence of the animal of this sign, that is, the Elephant, all representatives of Bharani are addicted to luxury and wealth. They love fashionable and strong things, have excellent taste, understand beauty and smells, delicious food. In life, they stand firmly on their feet, so they are in search of a permanent partner.
Therefore, the Bharanis are eager to find a partner with similar tastes and interests. If they are lucky, they will fight for their love.
But as soon as they get their way, they will stop burning with their former passion and will perceive their relationship as if it were necessary.

Krittika 11.05-24.05

The main animal is the Sheep. The Sun is the patron saint. These people always live on the verge of two feelings and states. They are bold and cowardly, can create and destroy, can be reserved and promiscuous. It is under such conditions that their life is formed.
In high positions, they become excellent managers and leaders. As for their personal life, everything is the other way around. Having found his partner, he surrenders to sensations completely.

Cowardice and courage, destruction and creation, irascibility and calmness, open expression of feelings and puritanism - between these poles the soul of Krittik is torn. However, they are able to control themselves and solve complex problems. Nevertheless, if an opponent declares himself, then the representative of this sign will retreat.

Rohini 25.05 -7.06

The main animal is the Snake. The moon is the patron saint. Representatives of this sign have a changeable, and sometimes touchy character. In order not to show their true feelings, these people prefer to put on a mask of indifference. By nature, they are creatively gifted individuals. They know a lot about beauty. The purpose of their life is the constant increase in their knowledge and the development of intelligence. Otherwise, they simply do not know how to live. Having found the love of their life, these people will no doubt give themselves completely to feelings and these relationships. Always arouse interest, especially in the opposite sex. They love to be the center of attention. They strive for perfection in absolutely everything, which is why sometimes they have difficulties. When the Rohinis find their partner, they will do crazy and unreasonable things, that is their nature.

Mrigasira 8.06-20.06

The main animal is the Snake. Mars is the patron saint. In search of their partner, they are extremely circumspect. They need someone they can trust, so one perfect partner is better for them than several "good" ones. It will be best for Mrigasir if he can admire his love. They need a partner who can surprise and amaze. Another important quality of a potential partner is intellectual communication and mutual understanding. Representatives of this sign want the perfect love relationship. Sometimes it is difficult for them to achieve this, since they experience some problems in building any kind of relationship with the other sex. Even if a person is important to them, they will never take the first step towards their happiness.

Ardra 21.06- 5.07

The main animal is the Dog. The patron saint is the Dragon Head. The main quality that distinguishes these people from other signs is amazing insight and a sharp mind. For this reason, sometimes people around them consider them overly authoritarian. It should be noted that such an accusation is considered extremely erroneous. Representatives of this sign are idealists, they want all their dreams to become a reality, so that their goals are achieved. However, others will experience positive feelings and emotions for them. If necessary, they can give everything for others. Their excessive desire to receive and give sometimes works against them. It is this approach to life that sometimes causes disappointment. They need a partner who can take care of them. Despite their strength and desire for power, they need tenderness and love. Experiencing tender feelings for their partner, Ardra will be caring and gentle.

Punarvasu 6.07-19.07

The main animal is the Cat. The heavenly patron is the planet Jupiter. Representatives of this sign are very gentle and kind people. They never wish harm to others, they always treat with an open mind. They prefer to trust others. Getting involved in adventures adversely affects their lives. For a successful existence, Punarvas needs a clear goal, otherwise he will gradually lose the meaning of life and will feel insecure. Another important condition for a good life is the presence of people around. The best thing. If Punarvasu is part of some group, better, intelligent people. In love relationships, representatives of this sign prefer that one person show their feelings for him. Sometimes they are able to hurt those who love them without even noticing it. Punarvasu does not tolerate control, even from a loved one.

Pushya 20.07-01.08

The main animal is the ram. The heavenly patron is the planet Saturn. People of this zodiac sign achieve great success in life. They are usually wealthy, so they can help provide for their loved ones if needed. They are creative by nature. They have a well developed imagination. They are distinguished by a penetrating mind and high intelligence. Personal development is possible only in conditions of complete comfort and peace. People born under this sign usually achieve great success in life. They don't need anything. In addition to the fact that they themselves are financially secure, they can easily help other people with money. They are very creative and developed personalities. They have a well-developed imagination and a good fantasy. They are distinguished by a penetrating mind and high intelligence. One of their faults is considered to be a great sense of duty. Pushyas are convinced that they owe everyone: not only to others, but even to themselves.

For this reason, these people take on a lot of responsibility, and do not always cope with it. They can develop only when peace reigns around them, and the atmosphere is extremely friendly. As for love relationships, people of this sign prefer to remain independent. They will not be fully open even with their partner. In order for the relationship to develop more or less successfully, Pushya's partner must have such qualities as modesty and independence. At the same time, even when Pushya finds a soul mate, one should not expect manifestations of feelings, revelations and passion from them. It's all about their secrecy. However, for people of this sign, there is nothing more enjoyable in life than sex. If the situation develops in the best way, then Pushya will direct all his energy in the right direction.

Ashlesha 2.08 - 15.08

The main animal is the cat. The patron saint is the planet Mercury. In life, these people are accustomed to follow their own habits and principles. If they are interested in something, they will completely immerse themselves in work or the process of learning new things, and until the goal is achieved, Ashlesha will not return to the usual course of life. They often hurt others, especially with their tactless behavior.
These people live between two fires, being, as if on the verge of good and evil. They have an indisputable and inexplicable power over those around them. They are respected and listened to. You can forget about peace in family life, because Ashlesha are very active and unpredictable people. It should be noted that they have an excellent sense of humor. In life, they are looking for a person who will honor and adore them. If the attitude from the partner is different, Ashlesha can simply leave. On the other hand, when Ashlesha finds "his man", he will show his best qualities. Here his tenderness, kindness and devotion will be revealed. In bed, Ashlesha prefers to do what he pleases. Otherwise, this person will not be easy cold, but even aggressive. When Ashlesha does not find his partner, he remains devoted only to himself, becomes a selfish and self-willed person who goes his own way.

Magha 16.08-29.08

The main animal is the Rat. The patron saint is the Dragon Tail. They are distinguished by an inexplicable desire to control others and situations. Their main life goals are money, purchases, acquisitions and investments. Materialists by nature. People of this sign love it when the world revolves around them, when others follow their instructions. They prefer to believe in traditional things, by nature they are conservatives. In life, it is very important for Maghas that they had material stability, and they had some weight in society. But sometimes, even when Magha reaches certain heights, they may remain dissatisfied. Love occupies an important part in the life of these people. They take their choice of partner very seriously. Sometimes they have a hard time finding it. These people prefer to be leaders in pairs. Their partner must have patience and calmness. Representatives of this sign can be considered happy people. They are accustomed to getting real pleasure from life. They treat all joys with delight. In love relationships, Magha can be insatiable, which can sometimes tire their soulmate.

Purva Phalguni 30.08-12.09

The main animal is the Rat. The heavenly patron is the planet Venus. These people are distinguished by calmness and diligence. They have a sharp mind and perseverance, which perfectly help them achieve their goal. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by great diligence. They can show calmness even in the most unexpected and difficult situations. stressful situations. It is thanks to such qualities that people of this sign are able to achieve great success in life, and in certain aspects of human life. Purva-phalguni are connected with the family at all levels. The priority task in the life of Purva-phalguni is to create a family and provide home comfort and coziness. When they have children, for them there is nothing more valuable in life. When it comes to personal relationships with other people, Purva-phalguni prefer that they be reliable, strong and kind. In order for everything to remain as it should be, these people can sacrifice a lot. Purva-phalguni are very fond of sex and amorous adventures. Therefore, they are already starting to dive into this world with early age. These people communicate their sexual desires to partners without concealment, so sometimes others leave them.

Uttar Phalguni 13.09-25.09

The main animal is the Bull. The heavenly patron is the planet Sun. They know how to show external calm, even if inside they have a fountain of emotions. If others need their help, they will definitely provide it. Their soul is pure, generous and generous. People of this sign are quite responsive and hardworking. If someone needs their help, they will definitely provide it. These are people of great and generous soul. Even in the most stressful situations, the Uttar-Phalguni behave as if everything is going according to plan. Able to remain calm in any conditions. Uttar-Phalguni like to have everything stable in life. They are not very good at handling change in any relationship. For them, strong and serious relationships are important in life. Even if it takes a long time to find a reliable partner. They don't need wild passion. They prefer simple and earthly love. They often take part in scandalous situations, since they also have an endless craving for justice and balance.

Hasta 26.09-9.10

The main animal is the Buffalo. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by a changeable character. Therefore, in terms of emotions, they are very easy to hurt. The inner emptiness does not give them rest. They want to be successful fast. These people change their mood too often. For this reason, they often become victims of emotional attacks from others. They put on a mask of calm, so it can be easy to think that they are indifferent. In fact, they are quite vulnerable people who need constant support, more moral. Hasta people are very responsible. If they take on something, they will see it through to the end. Therefore, in life they usually achieve great success. They never reject people's help, especially when it's the "right" people. In life situations, they immediately show several qualities, such as swiftness, gullibility, selfishness and vulnerability. As for love relationships, the Hastas are messy and varied in their relationships. For them, sex and carnal pleasures are of great importance in life, so they love to experiment.
If treated incorrectly, they can be aggressive.

Chitra 10.10-22.10

The main animal is the Tiger. The heavenly patron is the planet Mars. Representatives of this sign love creativity. They have wonderful creative inclinations, and enough ambition to bring them to life. They are distinguished by a strong character, so when they meet difficulties, they boldly meet them. People of this sign in life show such wonderful qualities as ambition and generosity. They have a strong and independent character, so they easily achieve their goals. If there is a barrier in front of them, they will meet it with pride. If the enemy shows aggression, Chitra will respond in kind. Representatives of this sign are very fond of fun and noisy festivities. They have a sense of taste and style, so they prefer just such things. For complete pleasure in life, Chitra needs to be in a harmonious and comfortable relationship with a partner. As soon as Chitra loses interest in a person, he becomes cruel and indifferent.

Swati 23.10- 5.11

The main animal is the Buffalo. The patron saint is the Dragon Head. The most clearly developed qualities of these people are idealism and incredible ambition. They want their name to go down in history. Confidently go to their goal. At the same time, Swati do not have evil intentions, because their soul is incredibly pure. Sometimes these people show excessive ambition. But nothing can be done about this quality, because it is innate. In all their affairs and undertakings, Swati tend to be idealistic. They would really like their name to go down in history. They love power games. They prefer to build far-reaching plans. In fact, almost no one around is able to understand how good and pure their soul is. The main goal in the life of these people is to create a family and procreate. They strive to find a reliable partner. For their soul mate, Swati makes special severe demands. Sex is very positive. At the same time, they do not put their carnal pleasures in the meaning of life. It's simple nice bonus for their human existence.

Vishakha 6.11 – 18.11

The main animal is the Tiger. The heavenly patron is the planet Jupiter. Attentive and caring people who treat others with kindness. Success for them in life plays an important role. Always striving for self-improvement. People who were born during this period are able to show sensitivity to others. They know how to care and help. When they need advice, they listen with special attention to them.
Vishakha are not indifferent to material values. They strive for new discoveries and acquisitions, dream of success. However, as soon as they reach their heights, they quickly lose interest in the already achieved goal. Concerning love life, then after Vishakha finds his soul mate, they continue to search and look closely. In their youth, they show instability in relationships, but this changes with age. In a partner, temperament is important for them, strong and unpredictable.

Anuradha 19.11-1.12

The main animal is the deer. The heavenly patron is the planet Saturn. These people make excellent organizers. They are the embodiment of the energy of God, in which the people of India so believe. They immediately combine several opposite qualities, which are cheerfulness and sadness, cruelty and kindness. On the way to their goal, they go through situations of varying complexity. These people are distinguished by excellent organizational skills. They can be cheerful and depressing at the same time. It is not clear how these two sides skillfully coexist in these personalities. Throughout life, Anuradha faces numerous ups and downs. The path to perfection is not easy, but they gladly follow it. Throughout their lives, these people face a serious choice between the importance of the spiritual and the material. Sometimes they take on too much, and it becomes difficult for them to carry their burden.
As for love life and sex, they will not go for relationships with everyone. Sex is not the meaning of life for them, so they will not rush desperately in search of love adventures. For a comfortable life, Anuradha is better not to delve into the past and not think much about the future. It is strongly recommended to live in the present, gain invaluable experience and accept all the opportunities that come your way.

Jyestha 2.12 - 14.12

The main animal is the deer. The patron saint is the planet Mercury. The Indian horoscope shows that people of this sign are able to get everything they want. They have everything for this necessary qualities, including a brilliant mind, lust for power and leadership, honesty, confidence. Very attached to everything material. This security gives them confidence. When Jyesthas find their love, they completely surrender to this feeling. For these people, it is very important that the partner is not only good in terms of love, but intellectually. Only a person who is constantly developing in all respects can become a worthy life partner for Jyestha.
They sometimes doze a destructive force that needs to be kept under control.

Mula 15.12 – 27.12

The main animal is the Dog. The patron saint is the Dragon Tail. In life, they show such wonderful qualities as determination, determination and courage. Ideas are constantly born in their head, they are very creative and comprehensively developed people.
When something changes in their life, they easily adapt to new conditions. Mulas have such qualities as intellectual development and courage. They have certain abilities that help them through life. Throughout their lives, there are many changes that they try to cope with with dignity. They are able to easily adapt to new environments. It is best for them to experience everything for themselves. They can sacrifice themselves for a good cause or a dear person. In love relationships, Mulas show all the qualities necessary for a strong relationship: passion, sensuality, dedication. Sometimes they can be frivolous or irresponsible.
Mulas prefer that the partner does not demand too much from them. Unfortunately, few people agree to this, so a truly worthwhile relationship does not remain in the lives of people of this sign.

Purva-asadha 28.12-10.01

The main animal is the Monkey. The heavenly patron is the planet Venus. People of this sign tend to be moody. In their deeds they are resolute and unshakable. Discipline is everything to them. They demand it from themselves and from others. When achieving any goal, they show perseverance. Possessors of numerous talents. Sometimes they show indecision, which does not allow them to achieve what they plan for themselves. They have numerous talents and abilities. Throughout life, Purva-asadha is constantly evolving. This sometimes misleads others. For a comfortable life, they need change. If they find their love, they will be devoted and faithful to their partner. They are distinguished by a rich imagination, so they make wonderful lovers. Easy to find mutual language with other people.

Uttar-asadha 11.01 - 23.01

The main animal is the mongoose. The heavenly patron is the planet Sun. These people are smart, ambitious, they do not like lies in any manifestation, they will not bribe and lie. If they like something, they will go into it headlong. Uttar-asadhas know how to discern lies. They don't accept it in any form. Therefore, sometimes others do not manage to get along with them in the world. Sometimes Uttar-asadhas don't even get along with themselves. They need to develop themselves in life. They easily absorb all the information received, like a sponge. They tend to display inexhaustible idealism. Therefore, with the acceptance of the world around it can be tight. In their lives, these people set their own rules and live only by them. Uttar-asadha need freedom in everything, only in this way it will be convenient for them to live and coexist with others. They pay special attention to material things in life. They don't particularly care about sex. However, when it comes to carnal pleasures, Uttar-asadhas show considerable imagination.

Did you know that an ordinary Hindu will not leave his house in the morning until he reads the horoscope for today? Just as he will not build relationships until he recognizes the sign of his potential partner and compatibility with him. On the one hand, it looks comical, but only before you read this article. I don’t know, because the Hindus make a horoscope not only by the sun, but by many stars, or something else makes it so accurate. But I'm sure you'll be surprised.

Mongoose, a sign of people born on January 11-23. True idealists, zealous about their honor, will never be tarnished in any dirty deeds. They are very charismatic, but it is difficult to converge with people, suspecting a catch everywhere. But if you are lucky enough to make friends with a mongoose, then you will hardly find a better friend. As for the work, it's that they set a goal for themselves, and go towards it in exceptionally correct ways.

Monkey is the sign of people born January 24 - February 5. Callous and cold when viewed from the outside, they hide their true vulnerable soul behind coldness towards strangers. At the same time, they feel like a fish in water in the company, they quickly make acquaintances, but only at the request of others, the monkeys themselves are in no hurry to make acquaintances. They quickly become the soul of a well-chosen team. Diligent and fast at work.

Lioness, a sign of people born on February 6-18. Lionesses are charismatic and have pronounced qualities of a leader, from an early age they grow up as good leaders and no less good performers. They love power, they will not refuse money, but everything is done exclusively by legal means. Lionesses often become leaders big companies and corporations, everything is easy for them, as if they have been doing this all their lives.

The horse is the sign of people born February 19 - March 3. Unshakable icebergs when viewed from the side, and soulful lovers for those closest to you. main goal they put love in life, they are ready to give up almost everything, the main thing in their opinion in our world is love. But love is not for all living things, not God's love for people, but only the union of two hearts in love. As already mentioned, they will do anything, but not only for the sake of their love.

Leo is the sign of people born March 4-16. They are very charismatic, influential, attract the attention of the opposite sex and of course selfish. It is impossible to live in our world without a drop of healthy egoism, but for lions, this drop becomes a stream over time, and then completely deep river sweeping away all other character traits. They are sure that the world was created for them to live in luxury and glory, and nothing else.

Cow, a sign of people born on March 17-30. Very responsible and kind people. Responsible leaders, good husbands and wives, experienced workers despite their age. Character traits of cows, as if carved from granite, are difficult to lead to anger, as well as to joy. They do not ignite like matches, but if you stir them up, then expect a hurricane, in a good or bad way.

Elephant, a sign of people born March 31 - April 12. A distinctive feature of this sign is good nature, basically it is the elephants who do charity work, go to help the homeless, and volunteer. They will never pass by a person who needs their help, even if they cannot help in any way, and in case of failure, they will blame themselves.

Horse, a sign of people born on April 13-27. Very sociable, just exorbitantly sociable people. It is difficult for them to sit still and do painstaking work, the most best job for them, this is a journalist who will make a very good horse. His seething energy will go into a peaceful direction, and will stop beating with a key that is not subject to him, but will become like a stream, though flowing from a high mountain, but these are no longer interesting details.

Elephant, the sign of people born April 28 - May 10. Well, an elephant, he is an elephant. Such a person sets a goal for himself, and it is better to scatter from his path while you are safe. Very responsible and enduring, both physically and mentally, workers. You can rely on elephants in any endeavors, they will support you, but only in case of a close acquaintance. In a relationship, they are very jealous.

Sheep, a sign of people born on May 11-24. They, this is fire and ice in one bottle, are cold like ice, and quick-tempered like a volcano, such people are in constant search of themselves and some kind of balance in their souls, the whirlpool of life constantly slips them more and more new problems, solving which they are gradually approaching to peace of mind.

Serpent, a sign of people born May 25 - June 7. Although the Serpent seems to be very arrogant and even cold towards other people, in fact, his soul hurts for everyone he cannot help, because in life he will have to play the role of a tough and even cruel boss and leader.

Snake, a sign of people born on June 8-20. Snakes are people who strive primarily for power, and secondly for worship. There is nothing good in the nature of snakes, they strive to show every person how much better they are. Such people, unfortunately, often make their way very high, and, so to speak, take root, so much so that it is very difficult to knock them off their little Olympus.

Indian astrological science has almost a thousand years of history of development. When compiling the "Jyotish" horoscope, the ancient Indians took into account not only the position of the Sun, but also took into account the "Lunar Station" (nakshatra). According to this teaching, the Moon can occupy 27 main positions - nakshatras. Each station of the Moon corresponds to a certain animal, which is the totem of a person born in this period of time.

Every knowledgeable Indian parent orders at the birth of a child in order to choose the right future husband or wife for their offspring, and to know with a representative of which sign the marriage will be harmonious, and ideal.

Ashwini (from April 13 to 27, the totem is a horse)

Ashwinis cannot stand being alone. This applies to both personal life and loneliness in general. But nevertheless, Ashvini chooses only such a partner as a companion who can understand and accept their thirst for independence and freedom. These people rarely pay attention to public opinion. If they like some person, they will begin to seduce him without remorse and torment of the soul. They are in whose arms many dream to be. Ashwini themselves dream of a person with a rich inner world, a perfect personality, ready to go on any adventure. Ashwini people are extremely charming, elegant and love beautiful clothes and jewelry.

Bharani (from April 28 to May 11, the totem is an elephant)

Bharani are people with great ambitions, they are used to aiming at the sun, and even if the arrow does not hit so high, it will still fly higher than if they were aiming at the target. But despite this, they remain absolute realists and do not build sandcastles. Representatives of this sign will not take prey that goes into their hands, because they are real predators, and they appreciate only what they get with difficulty. However, having achieved their goal, they are often and quickly disappointed, and go for a new trophy. Those who want to be close to them need to keep their distance at all times and be to some extent.

Krittika (from May 12 to May 25, the totem is a sheep)

Krittika is a very tender and sensual sign. Such people will not knock down their legs in the blood in pursuit of an elusive goal. Loyalty and calmness are valued in relationships. As partners, they choose for themselves those who are ready to prove their true intentions and are ready for long-term courtship, sometimes too long ... As friends, Krittika chooses for herself initiative and insightful people with whom there is always something to talk about. Representatives of this sign are very energetic. Often, these people choose for themselves. They are also very impulsive, so don't expect their mood to be stable all day long.

Rohini (from May 26 to June 8, the totem is a snake)

Rohini people are idealists. They will never be able to calmly be in an atmosphere of chaos and disorder, because they believe that cleanliness must be observed in everything: from the chandelier to the neighbor's sole. These people are desperate romantics, and if they fall in love, they don’t even try to hide their feelings. For them, their personal opinion is a priority, and only then the opinion of others, and even then, not all. They are very cultured, congenital intellectuals. Often, representatives of this sign become famous. They choose their profession. People appreciate intellectual abilities.

Mrigasira (from June 9 to 21, the totem is a snake)

Mrigasira people are very secretive and withdrawn. They are born guerrillas and special agents who are more than anything afraid of losing control. They control others as well as themselves. Such in appearance. Whether they are insanely painful or unrealistically good, you will never know if Mrigasira decides that it is necessary. It is almost impossible to hurt such a person, their heart is immune to external ill-wishers. Often, representatives of this sign are mistaken for being too arrogant and arrogant, which often prevents them from building a serious relationship. But the one who takes the liberty of unraveling Mrigasir, and imbues him with all his soul, will not regret it. You will be surprised to understand that for all the irony, he is distinguished by kindness and subtlety of nature.

Ardra (from June 22 to July 5, the totem is a dog)

Ardra are gentle and kind natures who are not capable of mind games, and not because their intellect prevents them from participating in races "who is cooler", but because they do not see the need for it. They value their partners very much, and are ready to raise them above the level of personal egoism. These people are very attentive to the problems of others, and will not interrupt you in a conversation. Ardra - always faithful to the end to their partner, and ready to follow him to the end. An ideal life partner for them will be someone who has a good heart and knows how to be attentive. Ardra people have a pronounced sexuality, but are prone to disappointment and fast.

Punarvasu (from July 6 to 19, the totem is a cat)

Punarvasu people feel comfortable only when they are in the spotlight. Even if they are in a relationship, they still need to know for sure that they are interesting to other signs. Those who decide to link their fate with them need to be prepared for the fact that they do not accept any control and each time emphasize their impregnability. The ability to curb is another distinguishing feature those who are patronized by a cat. If you manage to caress Punarvasu, win their trust, then a completely different person will appear before you - gentle, benevolent and sensitive.

Pushia (from July 20 to August 2, the totem is a ram)

Pushia people are often reserved and reserved natures. They do not like it when someone tries to get into their soul. Even if they are deeply in love, you should not expect a sonnet from them under the balcony and long conversations on the topic "If not for you." Pushias are often tyrannical, and roughly speaking, do not let their partner take a step. If you do not agree with them "on the beach", then expect that over time they can begin to control what you wear and what you eat. One of the main pleasures of life for Pushia until some time is sex, so they do not create long-term relationships for a very long time, preferring to change partners for the sake of it.

Ashlesha (from August 3 to August 16, the totem is a cat)

Ashlesha are people who are hard to find, easy to lose and impossible to return. By nature, representatives of this sign are very freedom-loving and rebellious. Their character is not easy to understand at first sight, and even from the tenth, too. Nature endowed them. When meeting, they take on the role of a listener and a calm observer, studying the habits, gestures and facial expressions of their interlocutor. In an Ashlesha relationship, I have a hard time getting used to the idea that someone is trying to control them. They are outraged when someone points out their shortcomings, because they are sure they should be adored with all their "cockroaches". If you find an approach to the representatives of this sign, you will see how slowly but surely they become tender, sensual and endlessly devoted.

Magha (from August 17 to 30, the totem is a rat)

Magha people are accustomed to taking all its charms from life, therefore they unconditionally and frankly appreciate sex. These are quite strong and even domineering natures who love and know how to awaken sensuality in their partner. They are innate leaders and leaders who can convince anyone that they are right. The life of those who are patronized by the rat is aimed at acquisition - material wealth, position in society and personal ambitions are often put at the forefront. At the same time, Magha people are quite conservative and adhere to the traditions and customs of their clan, so they are good spouses and parents.

Purva falguni (from August 13 to September 13, the totem is a mouse)

Although at first glance it is difficult to believe, but the representatives of this sign need a strong, sincere relationship based on mutual trust. They will not look for entertainment on the side, but if their relationship has cracked, they can give slack in front of those who for a long time imposes his society on them. To save a couple, such people are ready for any sacrifice if they see interaction in their partner. These are courteous and pleasant personalities who can have an imperceptible influence on others. Purva falguni are quite emotional and often provocative. In anger, representatives of this sign are capable of deeds, which they may later regret.

Uttara falguni (from 14 to 27 September, the totem is a buffalo)

The ideal and balanced life of Uttara Falguni is a race for excellence and a struggle for justice. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by generosity, kindness, generosity and breadth of nature. In a relationship, they do not accept easy victories, so the ideal companion of a buffalo should be able to warm up to himself. If you fail to give them the necessary dose of passion, then you risk losing their lively interest.

Hasta (from September 27 to October 10, the totem is a buffalo)

Hasta people are characterized by changeable mood, anxiety, vulnerability and vulnerability. People born under the auspices of a buffalo know how to be generous and disinterested, they love to have fun. This is a fairly mundane sign that knows how to be practical. Representatives of the Hasta sign need a partner who can help them. If you want to go through life with Hasta, then prepare to be more than a friend, more than a family, and brighter than any star in the sky.

Chitra (from October 11 to October 23, the totem is a tigress)

Chitra people are artistic and flamboyant personalities, who are always spoken of with admiration. Their morality is so high that having disappointed their opinion of you at least once, they will never be able to forgive completely. This is one of the most faithful and ready to share any sorrows and joys with his chosen one, if he meets their high requirements. They will silently endure "paradise in a hut" if the partner gives 100% reciprocity. These are powerful and even despotic people who are capable of amazing coldness and indifference towards the person who has disappointed them. If you offended Chitra - do not expect mercy, the punishment will be long, slow and painful. However, they are generous to friends and will always provide all possible assistance.

Swati (from October 24 to November 6, the totem is a buffalo)

Swati people are distinguished by practicality, independence and an independent way of life. At the same time, they honor traditional values ​​and value family and parents above all else in life. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by the inconsistency of nature - idealism and coexist in them in the most unexpected way. In relationships, they are very jealous and difficult. It happens to them just in one case - if they sleep. Be prepared for the fact that scenes of distrust will often roll up to you, even if your conscience is clear as a tear.

Vishakha (from November 7 to 19, the totem is a tiger)

Vishaha people are rarely satisfied with their lives and relationships. Most often, these are pessimists, for whom the glass is always half empty. These are restless and active natures, possessing irrepressible. In pursuit of sexual satisfaction, they easily commit adultery, hurting their lover. Personalities born during the reign of the tiger are extremely attractive, strong and determined. They do not stop at difficulties and bring everything to a victorious end.

Anuradha (November 20 to December 2, deer totem)

Anuradha is in dire need of being loved. For the sake of this high feeling, representatives of this sign can even commit a crime. Anuradha people value not so much the sexual component of relationships as feelings and passion themselves. These are highly spiritual wise individuals who strive for perfection in everything. The deer endowed his children with a contradictory nature - cheerful moods can change, and humanity - cruelty and heartlessness. Anuradha is very straightforward, if something does not suit them, they will not be silent about it.

Yeshta (December 3-15, deer totem)

Yeshta people are distinguished by their special sexuality and sensuality. These are imperious and fickle natures in their addictions, which are not so easy to keep near you. People born during this period have a huge, which they do not know how and do not want to control. They are extremely smart, ambitious and sweep away everything in the way to their desired goal. Their life can be divided into periods of ups and downs, but they never give up. As the years go by, the Yesta become wiser and will not skimp on instructive stories from personal experience.

Mula (from December 16 to 28, dog totem)

Mult people are often referred to as "weird". This is because they are not able to take the desired shape and color. The generally accepted norms of behavior are boring and uninteresting to them. Representatives of this sign always think outside the box, and their hobbies and hobbies can cause shock to many. These individuals are too fond of risk and experimentation, they are disgusted by any tradition, stability and predictability. The ideal partner for the Mule Man will be the one who does not require absolute submission and does not limit his chosen one in any way. In a relationship, they are faithful and honest. If they lose, but leave without looking back.

Purva Ashadha (from December 29 to January 11, the totem is a monkey)

People born in this period of time are resourceful and and. They are playful, curious and mischievous, they love risky adventures and other people's secrets. Those who have become the chosen one of Purva Ashadha can be envied - they are extremely faithful and monogamous, and do not even think to look away. Get ready for the fact that with Purva Ashadha you will not have to know poverty. Each new day with a representative of this sign is another surprise.

Uttara Ashadha (from January 12 to 24, the totem is a mongoose)

People born during the period of the mongoose dominance are distinguished by a complex and contradictory nature. These individuals prefer to play by their own rules and are unlikely to be happy in a traditional union. Uttara Ashadha people are too extraordinary to sacrifice personal freedom in favor of the peace and happiness of another person. can only be created in the absence of control from the partner.

Shravana (from January 25 to February 6, the totem is a monkey)

Shravana people are delicate. On the one hand, these are crafty, charming and witty personalities who know how to deeply and subtly experience, but it is too difficult for them to express their feelings. Often people around identify this feature of Shravan with the spiritual one. In addition, not all representatives of this sign are serious. Shravan's partner can only be one who understands their need to be alone sometimes.

Dhanishta (from February 7 to 19, the totem is a lioness)

Dhanishta people are particularly demanding in relation to a partner. But if you live up to their high expectations, you can count on Dhanishta's loyalty to the end of your days. Representatives of this sign are strong and responsible individuals. They are surprisingly charismatic and always in the spotlight, they love valuable ones. In their army of friends there will always be someone who is able to get them out of the most difficult situation. It is worth noting that Dhanishta is very vindictive. If you crossed the road to this sign, then be sure they will find time to take revenge on you. Look young at any age.

Shatabhishak (from February 20 to March 4, the totem is a horse)

Representatives of this sign carefully create the image of a restrained and strict person, but deep down they are dreamy and passionate natures. Only one who takes the initiative and dispels the doubts of his chosen one can become a partner of this sign. Shatabhishak people are wise, calm and prone to excessive restrictions, considering passion as a manifestation, and sensuality as a weakness that needs to be fought.

Purva Bhatra (from March 5 to March 17, the totem is a lion)

Representatives of this sign see only positive qualities in a partner. Love is an important component of life for them, so Purva Bhatra spare no effort and energy to create ideal relationships in their view. Such personalities are characterized by courage, activity, pronounced individuality and special sexual energy. However, their gullibility often leads to them being cheated on. Yes, and they themselves, in their youth, are capable of. They do not know how to be sad for a long time. Also, their friends often have to remind Purva Bhatra that they have forgotten to inquire about their affairs. Yes, they do not add selfishness.

Uttara Bhatra (March 18-31, cow totem)

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by increased emotionality, tenderness and caring. These are warriors and protectors who constantly develop their personality and struggle with shortcomings. They devote their whole lives to creating an ideal union. If their efforts do not lead to the expected results, Uttara Bhatra become disappointed and become ascetic and.

Revati (from April 1 to April 12, the totem is an elephant)

Revati people can rightly be called the most sign of the Indian horoscope. Representatives of this totem are very patient, friendly and generous. Revati are quite jealous, they take relationships seriously and are able to experience really deep feelings. An ideal Revati partner should be able to understand their essence and needs, dispel any doubts and anxieties. There are moments in Revati's life when they need to be alone, while they will not warn you about a change in their mood, so be strong ... Representatives of this sign bind themselves late with family ties.

The history of the existence of astrology in India has thousands of years, and during this time it has not lost its relevance, more than once confirming its viability. The Indian horoscope is characterized by special attention not only to the Sun, but also to the Moon. This system focuses on 27 visible fixed stars and uses the concept of "Moon Station", or nakshatra. The zodiacal countdown begins in mid-April.

For each stop, not only its own star is responsible, but also the female or male of a certain animal. They do not correlate with the real gender of a person and are his totem - an intermediary, a conductor in the process of reincarnation of the Spirit.

The Hindu horoscope, using the system of 27 Lunar Stations, tells about the personality traits inherent in a particular sign, paying special attention to the love side of life and sexual relations as an integral part of it. It also helps to understand which life partner will be the best for one or another sign. Therefore, this horoscope is often called love.

Ashwini (Asvini) April 13 - 27

Animal symbol - Horse
Heavenly Ruler - Setting Lunar Node or Ketu - Tail of the Dragon.

Ashwini Nakshatra is associated with the divine, auspicious star Sheratan. Its name is translated as "horsemen". The influence of this star is such that, thanks to it, all living things feel a great need to move. Sheratan is considered to be related to happiness, miracles, the light of the dawn, wagons and chariots. She endows people with the ability to understand others well, charm, popularity, elegance, love of jewelry.

Ashvini people are open to this world; they are sociable and strive to achieve recognition and success in society. The main driving motive of all their actions is the desire for novelty. However, the actions, movement, exchange of thoughts that Ashwinis love so much often do not have a clear goal, and this makes them somewhat vulnerable.

The ideal of these people is freedom. In love, it is almost impossible to tame them. As a life partner, they are looking for a person who could understand this aspiration, and also experienced a love of adventure, adventure, and activity. If a member of the opposite sex is not like that, Ashwini will not allow him to approach her. In addition, these people need their partners to have a rich inner world. They really need more perfect companions than they are, because the representatives of this lunar station themselves are distinguished by excessive independence and inability to build relationships.

Ashwinis are very sensual and passionate, and therefore their love is simply magnificent. Often they are completely surrendered to the power of desires and act as initiators in intimacy. In India, they have a reputation for being extremely sexy, tireless lovers.

The most best compatibility Ashwini with the Deer (Anuradha), the Serpent (Rohini), the Serpent (Mrigashira), the Monkey (Purva-asadha) and the Monkey (Sravana).

Bharani April 28-May 10

Animal mascot - Elephant
Heavenly Ruler - Venus

Nakshatra Bharani is associated with an earthly star called Albateyn. Its impact is manifested in limitation, restraint; Albateyn endows with abilities in the matter of skillful concealment, "enveloping" something. It is believed that this star is related to vanity, motherly love, life success, victory over diseases, ideas of struggle, suffering, affirmation in work. Albateyn points to people who belong to the working class or who are entangled in the material.

People born under this lunar station are ambitious individualists who do not shy away from even the hardest work and are ready to take it on their shoulders voluntarily. Bharani should cultivate the powerful energy of creation that seeths in their nature. Since in the Indian Zodiac the Elephant is a symbol of voluptuousness, people born under its auspices are fans of luxury. They are well versed in fashion, beauty, smells, they know a lot about seduction, bodily pleasures, good food.

These people who are firmly on the ground simply need a relationship that is distinguished by a special strength of bonds and duration, as well as an intense sexual life. Since they are owners, they want to keep the situation under their control. If Bharani is lucky enough to meet a person with similar ideals, then he will fight for his love, become interested and fond of the same as the object of his feelings. If representatives of this sign have rivals, this will only serve as an additional incentive for them.

Having achieved reciprocity at any cost, Bharani are able to stop burning with their former feelings and begin to take the love of their chosen one as something for granted.

Bharani has the best compatibility with Revati, Swati, Hasta, Krittika, Mrigasira, Rohini, Pushia, Shravana, Purva Ashadh.

Krittika May 11-24

Animal symbol - Sheep
Heavenly Ruler - Sun

The word "Krittika" in translation means "axe". This lunar station is associated with a low nature nebula called the Pleiades. The connection with the star Alcyone is especially close. Thanks to it, a person is endowed with physical, creative forces, energy that allows him to achieve greatness, and his body receives ardor, ardor. It is believed that it indicates a caste of intellectuals.

Cowardice and courage, destruction and creation, irascibility and calmness, open expression of feelings and puritanism - between these poles the soul of Krittik is torn. However, they are able to control themselves and solve complex problems. Nevertheless, if an opponent declares himself, then the representative of this sign will retreat.

Krittikas are pretty good leaders, but when it comes to personal life, they tend to be slow, cautious, hiding from others.

These are sensual and passionate people who really like to be conquered, conquered. They are simply afraid of responsibility in this delicate area. Krittikas will not show their feelings until they are convinced of the interest in them from the elect. Entering into a long alliance, it is often difficult for them to take the very last step, which they are simply afraid of. In all spheres of life, Krittika strive for leadership, but in love relationships they are more impressed by a passive, contemplative role. When it comes to sex, Krittikas are less active than you might think, because they are by nature quite passionate and sensual people.

Krittik has the best compatibility with Pushia, Bharani, Revati, Swati, Hasta, Uttara Falguni, Uttara Ashadha, Uttara Bhatra.

Rohini May 25-June 7

Animal symbol - Serpent
Celestial Ruler - Moon

Rohini nakshatra is associated with an auspicious star called Aldebaran. It is controlled by the creator of the world Brahma. Rewarding with kindness peace of mind. This "earthly" station, associated with the Moon, is an indication of a person who has dedicated himself to the service of society, and endows him with responsibility and strength. Its positive impact is felt by the spheres of production and transportation of goods, the processes of growth and development in general.

These are changeable, touchy, sensitive people who try to hide their vulnerability behind feigned indifference. Being subtle connoisseurs of beauty and creative personalities, Rohinis cannot live without intellectual communication, prosperity, and luxury. Otherwise, life will turn boring and gray for them.

In addition, these people cannot imagine their existence without a romantic idyll and frequent love dates. They are popular with members of the opposite sex, but are not averse to starting the persecution of the one they like. Rohinis are jealous, easily ignited by passion and can get confused in their own feelings, and therefore difficult situations, in particular, participation in a love triangle, in their lives are not uncommon.

These people dream of faithful companion for life; give themselves to a loved one without a trace, from the bottom of their hearts, selflessly. At the same time, they often remain dissatisfied, even though intimate life with a partner suits them perfectly. Because of this, they can change. It often happens that Rohinis associate life with partners who cannot justify the hopes placed on them. Representatives of this sign want their relationship to be perfect so much that they completely forget about discretion.

Rohinis are not one to hide their true feelings, and if they fall in love, they can commit desperate, reckless acts. And yet, for the very first step, they need an awareness of their own need for a person to whom they have warm feelings, and a certain signal from him.

Rohini has the best compatibility with Mrigasira (mrigashira), Satabhish, Ashvini, Bharani, Revati.

Mrigasira (mrigashira) June 8-20

Animal symbol - Snake
Heavenly Ruler - Mars

Nakshatra Mrigashira is associated with the soft, meek character of the star El-Nat, whose name translates as "the horn of the Bull." Peace-loving, kind, subtle, but at the same time ironic, very powerful people are born under it, who love to look like authorities in the eyes of others. They are born to become leaders, they are not afraid of any difficulties. Mrigashira are ardent fans of all kinds of adventures and avid debaters. They all the time need to expand the scope of their activities, find new incentives for their mental abilities. The mind of these people is distinguished by sophistication and even some aggressiveness. Mrigashira are extremely sensitive to criticism and are constantly on the defensive against attacks against them.

People born under this star dream of a partner who would become a companion for life. At the same time, he must be more than just their equal: Mrigashira must feel admiration for his chosen ones. In addition, if the representative of the sign is a woman, then without the intellectual understanding of the partners, the union is practically impossible.

It is quite difficult for people born at this time to build relationships with the opposite sex, as they are arrogant and keep a little aloof. Sometimes they themselves refuse the surging feelings, because they are afraid that the relationship will swallow them whole.

Mrigashira will never take the first steps in intimate life, expecting this from partners. They themselves know how to keep their sexual desires under control. Representatives of this sign reciprocate only to people who have managed to melt their ice and awaken passion in them. At the same time, their own sensuality is such that anyone can be in her bewitching power.

Mrigashira has the best compatibility with Rohini, Bharani, Revati, Ashvini, Satabhish.

Ardra (Aridra, Andra) June 21 - July 5

Animal symbol - Dog
The heavenly ruler is the Ascending Lunar Node or Rahu - the Dragon's Head.

Nakshatra Ardra, which means "tear" in translation, is associated with the earthly star Betelgeuse. She is annoying celestial body and serves as an indication of people who hurt others, for example, hunters who kill animals. At the same time, Betelgeuse can indicate not only tormentors, but also those who empathize with other people's suffering.

People born at this time have an analytical, insightful mind. In the eyes of others, they sometimes look too authoritarian, but this is an undeserved accusation. It's just that Ardra are idealists who dream of the fulfillment of all their dreams, of the realization of all plans, although sometimes it is simply impossible to achieve this. Representatives of this lunar parking lot like people; they are always surrounded by friends. Ardra know how to clearly plan their future and, when necessary, skillfully maneuver. They have a weakness for the game of power, which seems to them extremely attractive.

These are people who are devoted and tender in love, whose desires tend to grow into passion, and passion often causes problems.

Ardra tend to give a lot, sometimes even too much. Their love path is marked by illusions, mirages, sacrifices, disappointments. The people of this lunar parking lot can suddenly change a titmouse in their hand for a crane in the sky, and for no reason at all, and thereby destroy great relationship. Behind them is the ability to experience deep disappointment in their partners without any particular reason.

People whose symbol is the Dog need a gentle and caring partner who would approve of their thoughts and actions. Next to them they want to see an attentive, good man generous with support and praise. However, they are not always faithful to him. High exactingness leads to the fact that the desired and the actual rarely coincide. Feeling that a certain person is physically attractive to him, Ardra will not hide his feelings, because sexuality, in their view, is not something forbidden.

Those born under this star are extremely caring and tender. Some of them tend to treat relationships with excessive passion, investing too much mental strength in them. It would be nice if the Adra women could wait for the first step from the men.

Ardra has the best compatibility with a Dog (Mula) or another Dog.

Punarvasu July 6-19

Animal symbol - Cat
Celestial ruler - Jupiter

Punarvasu nakshatra is associated with the star of repetition and rebirth, which is called Pollux. It indicates people who often change their place of residence, or those who gradually change the qualities of their personality and are engaged in their own purification. Pollux is a moving star and is considered to be associated with all those involved in trade. The word "Punarvasu" in translation sounds like "good" or "diamond".

These are benevolent and gentle people who seem to be born to guide someone, to love tenderly, to trust someone. Punarvasu will not get involved in adventurous undertakings, and the lack of a clear goal makes them insecure. It is extremely important for them to relate to a group, to any clan, to be among people. People born under this star are affectionate, but at the same time try to keep their distance; tend to test their feelings with reason. There are people around Punarvasu who dream of being partners in their lives, but they can feel happy when they love only one person. Independent Punarvasu categorically reject attempts to establish control over them.

It is not enough for the representatives of this lunar parking lot that only one single person demonstrates his love to them. People who deeply, sincerely love Punarvasa often suffer from this. However, this is not as critical as it might seem. The fact is that with his favor to the signs of attention of admirers, Punarvasu makes it clear to his beloved that control on his part is unacceptable.

Punarvasu's reluctance to demonstrate his desires in the sphere of intimate relationships is also connected with this. They give the impression of impregnable and proud and are always waiting for someone else to make the first move. At the same time, these people are able to send subtle, subtle signals of readiness for intimacy when they deem it necessary. To catch them, the partner must have enough insight.

Punarvasu has the best compatibility with Cat (Ashlesha), Deer (Jyestha), Deer (Anuradha), Monkey (Purva Ashadha), Monkey (Shravana).

Pushya (Pushya) July 20 - August 1

Animal symbol - Ram
Heavenly Ruler - Saturn

The word "Pushya" is translated as "flower", and the lunar station designated by it is considered the best. Being connected with the beautiful star Sirius, she generously nourishes her charges and supports them.

The one who was lucky enough to be born at this time is most often a prosperous person, able to provide someone else besides himself, and not even one. As a rule, these are people with a good or full physique. Pushyas are creative individuals with a rich imagination. They are smart and can give good advice. Representatives of this sign are characterized by an extremely developed sense of duty. Believing that they owe everything - to themselves, loved ones, to the whole world, finally, Pushyas take on an unbearable burden of all kinds of assignments and worries. Their personality can develop only if the spirit is calm, and the atmosphere around them is peaceful and benevolent.

Since Pushyas are distinguished by excessive isolation, it is difficult to achieve manifestations of feelings from them even to relatives. They need to be understood perfectly. Jealous owners of Pushya can arrange real persecution for loved ones. Most unions in which one of the partners was born under the sign of Pushya are not strong and are not able to last for a long time. In order for a relationship to have any prospects, they need to be calm, but by no means monotonous. In addition, partners should not provoke Pushya into fits of jealousy, so as not to become a victim of their anger.

The greatest pleasure for them is making love, but often they are forced to restrain their sexual energy under the pressure of circumstances. However, if there are no obstacles, Pushyas will be happy to be active. They love to chase their partner like an animal. Therefore, it would not hurt them to learn to control themselves.

Pushya has the best compatibility with Sheep (Krittika), Buffalo (Swati), Buffalo (Hasta), Bull (Uttara Falguni), Cow (Uttara Bhatra), Mongoose (Uttara Ashadha), Elephant (Revati).

Ashlesha (Alaska) August 2 - 15

Animal symbol - Cat

The word "Ashlesha" in translation means "enveloping", "weaving". The lunar station designated by him is connected with the star of demonic nature - Alphard. Its deity is Sharpa - the god of snakes, which indicates the lower strata of society.

People born at this time lead a rather ascetic lifestyle, their habits are quite strict. They can be completely and completely absorbed in the process of gaining some knowledge and behave with others completely tactlessly. Ashleshas are able to inflict pain on others, but, on the other hand, they can instill in them aspiration for the transcendent.

Those born under this star are constantly between good and evil, enlightenment and ignorance, dangers and life wisdom. Ashlesha look at the world with a penetrating look, have almost hypnotic power over people and, having mastered the art of seducing, they achieve everything they want without any problems. These are very active intellectually people with a well-developed sense of humor.

Extremely independent Ashlesha and calm family life practically incompatible. They are great lovers of seducing members of the opposite sex; next to them constantly winds a mass of fans. The most important person in life among them is most often absent. Ashlesha is characterized by a possessive attitude towards partners. At the same time, they are afraid of the prospect of complete merger, deep intimacy.

These are secretive, self-sufficient people who dream of life partners for whom they would be the "navel of the Earth." If representatives of this sign do not see such an attitude towards themselves, they will radiate alienation and coldness. At the same time, a person who enthusiastically accepted Ashleshi with all its advantages and disadvantages will see a gentle, sensual and incredibly devoted partner in front of him.

These impressionable, sensual and sometimes wayward people in sex like to do only what seems attractive to them. Otherwise, Ashlesh's soul is filled with aggression. Being loners or selfish, these people prefer to go their own way if someone decides to re-educate them.

Ashlesha has the best compatibility with Cat (Punarvasu), Deer (Jyestha), Deer (Anuradha), Monkey (Purva Ashadha), Monkey (Shravana).

Magha August 16-29

Animal symbol - Rat
Celestial Ruler - Setting Lunar Node or Ketu - Tail of the Dragon

The word "Magha" in translation means "powerful", "strong". This parking lot is associated with people occupying a high social status; it is considered the parking lot of kings. She has a corresponding star - Regulus, which means "the heart of the Lion."

People born under this star have a strong need to have power over others, to control them. They are conservative, traditional values ​​and acquisition-oriented: it is important for them to be successful - both in terms of status and in material terms. But even serious achievements do not guarantee them satisfaction with themselves.

Love plays a very important role in their lives, but it can take them a lot to find the right partner. a large number of time. Magha would like to have a person next to him who would allow him to lead, take seriously his ambitions and patiently - to the requirements.

Maghas can be called happy people because life gives them real pleasure; they are great connoisseurs of all its joys. Representatives of this sign have a great need not only for power, strength, but also for sex, to which they are located at any time of the day. Eroticism manifests itself in their body very early. It is important for their life partners to understand this feature and take for granted an indomitable sexual appetite. Magha are very courageous people. They have enough sexuality to arouse sensuality even in a partner who is not distinguished by passion. On the other hand, Magha's gluttony can be tiresome for such a person.

Magha has the best compatibility with a Rat (Purva Falguni) or another Rat.

Purva Phalguni (Purva Falguni) August 30-September 12

Animal symbol - Rat
Heavenly Ruler - Venus

The word "Purva-phalguni" in translation sounds like "guilty in the past" and denotes a parking lot, which by its nature is earthly. She is ruled by Venus and indicates attractive people whose treatment of others is sweet and pleasant. Her wards can influence the rest. For her good karma, kind attitude towards people, Venus gives them good luck. The parking lot is associated with a star called Aldhafera, which translates as "Lion's mane."

Purva-phalguni are distinguished by calmness, rational thinking, perseverance and diligence. All these qualities help them get what they are so striving for - money, life's comforts, power, position in society.

Those born at this time experience great affection for their loved ones, family, home. One of the most important life goals of Purva-phalguni is the creation of family comfort. Children are the most important people in their lives. For representatives of this sign, stable, strong, trusting relationship with mutual obligations and common goals. For the sake of their maintenance, as well as for the sake of their children, they can sacrifice a lot.

People of this sign are big fans of sex. They begin to look for love adventures on their own heads already at a young age. Purva-phalgunis who like the opposite sex are made aware of their passion in a very straightforward way, which sometimes scares away their potential partners. The bed for these people serves as a place for both violent quarrels and no less energetic reconciliations. Purva-phalguni has an interesting habit of inciting passion in loved ones by being angry with them. Therefore, such outbreaks should not frighten anyone.

Purva-phalguni has the best compatibility with the Rat (Magha) or another Rat.

Uttara Falguni September 13-25

Animal symbol - Bull
Heavenly Ruler - Sun

The translation of the word "Uttar-phalguni" sounds like "later guilty", but sometimes it is translated as "fig tree". This very fruitful station helps to become leaders and gives birth to good qualities in people. It is associated with a star whose name - Denebola - translates as "Lion's tail."

They also call her in a different way - the “star of patronage”, because she points to people who can help, contribute to the success of others, and heal. Uttar-phalguni are friendly, generous, generous people. Despite the fact that they patronize others, the representatives of this nakshatra themselves sometimes suffer from self-doubt and lack of a clear goal.

Even if the Uttar-Phalguni are stressed, those around them will not notice it, because they outwardly remain calm. They really need the orderliness of life, support, regularity, and that's it. major changes endure with great difficulty. They stand firmly on the ground and dream of a stable relationship with a reliable partner, of a strong family. Representatives of this lunar station are more satisfied with intelligent love than blind passion. They may well enter into an alliance only because it can be used to make life more convenient or simple. However, be that as it may, Uttar-Phalguni simply cannot imagine their life without the second half.

These kind and generous people are so committed to justice and perfection that they often create problem situations for themselves and others.

If Uttar-Phalguni loses interest in his partner, then meaning will disappear from his life. Therefore, the companions of the people of this camp should seriously take care of its maintenance. However, at the very beginning of a relationship, they should not be an easy prey for Uttar-Phalguni, because they choose those who need to be hunted well, they like to see a red rag looming in front of them at first. Only in this case they will be able to become seriously interested, and not only for the sake of pleasure. It is no coincidence that the animal-symbol is the prolific Ox, who is concerned about the issue of procreation.

Uttar-Phalguni has the best compatibility with Cow (Uttar-bhadra), Ram (Pushya), Sheep (Krittika), Buffalo (Swati), Deer (Jyestha), Deer (Anuradha).

Khasta (Asta) September 26-October 9

Animal symbol - Buffalo

The symbol of the Hasta nakshatra is a clenched fist, and this word is translated as “hand”. This lunar station is an indication of pure, pure souls, creativity, the gift of healing, the ability to get rid of ignorance, as well as actions related to control and power. It has a connection with a bright star from the constellation Crow. It has an effect on those who are engaged in trade, and endows people with a cheerful, pleasant disposition.

Hastas are moody and this makes them emotionally vulnerable. For a calm, reserved appearance a vulnerable, eternally restless and very much in need of moral support soul is hiding. Hasta suffer from inner emptiness, a feeling of inner vacuum. They are inherent in responsibility, a passionate desire to succeed, for the implementation of which these people will not ignore the help of the “necessary” people and will use any opportunity that comes up. Generosity, selfishness, gullibility, vulnerability - all this coexists in Hast's nature at the same time.

In the life of people born during this period, there is usually a large number of love relationships - unstable and very diverse. Emotional insecurity makes it difficult to find a partner who can cheer up and support. Relationships end when Hasta ceases to love because of the disappointment that has settled in their heart, or when partners leave them.

The one who was born under this star is extremely sensual and simply loves carnal pleasures, in particular sex. P0l0vye acts he needs as a means of maintaining life balance. Hasta can do a lot to satisfy their beloved, in love they are ready for selfless and generous deeds. But with their independence they will not part for anything; it is simply impossible to control them. Their treatment is rather harsh, and sometimes they even show aggression and cruelty in their sexual life.

Hasta has the best compatibility with Buffalo (Swati), Ram (Pushya), Sheep (Krittika), Elephant (Bharani), Elephant (Revati), Bull (Uttar-Phalguni), Cow (Uttar-bhadra).

Chitra (Sitra) 10 to 22 October

Animal symbol - Tigress
Heavenly Ruler - Mars

Nakshatra Chitra is associated with the star of low nature Spica. The name of this quiet, soft heavenly body in translation sounds like “sparkling”, “beautiful”.

Thanks to Spica, people receive a gift of artistry or a pronounced ability for a subtle, skillful arrangement of affairs.

Representatives of this lunar station are generous, ambitious, creative. Possessors of strong character, they will never reveal their weak sides before the enemy and boldly meet him face to face. At the same time, they can be quickly pissed off. Chitra are sociable, eccentric people, thrill-seekers who love holidays, excitement, luxury, fashion, appreciate everything beautiful.

They are also interested in love adventures, and from a fairly early age. These incredibly charming, charismatic, passionate personalities like to be active participants in social life, so close people, including their own children, fail to take center stage in Chitra's life. At the same time, people of this sign are real owners and protectors.

For people of this sign, it is extremely important that they have complete sexual harmony with their partner. In this area, they cannot compromise, because they simply have an indomitable sexual appetite. Chitra strive to enslave their life partner. At the same time, someone's attempts at coercion are simply unacceptable for them; they are more likely to choose the path of loneliness. If interest in a partner has been lost, the representative of this sign turns into an indifferent, insensitive and even cruel person.

Chitra has the best compatibility with the Tiger (Vishakha) or another Tigress.

Swati October 23 - November 5

Animal symbol - Buffalo
Celestial Ruler - Ascending Lunar Node or Rahu - Dragon Head

Nakshatra Swati is associated with the divine star Arcturus. The word "Swati" in translation means "sword", "priest". This lunar parking is called "independent", and this is an indication of the independence of human actions and thinking.

In the character of people born at this time, amazing idealism and overdeveloped ambition are combined. They have an inherent desire to imprint their name in history, to become the best, the most famous; they want to get rich. Swati is very fond of power games, maneuvering, grandiose plans with a long-term perspective. However, only a few know or guess that the soul of these people is especially pure. In addition, the representatives of this sign themselves prefer that no one but them know that they do not like to hover in the clouds and are very practical.

The most important thing for people born during this period is to create their own family. They sincerely and ardently strive for this goal, but Swati's love is far from ephemeral. They make serious demands on their partners, and often they themselves suffer because of their pickiness and criticism. They see a long alliance only with a reliable, solid partner. They tend to put him on a pedestal and are deeply disappointed when they have to overthrow their beloved from there.

Swatis are very sensual natures who love sex. However, carnal pleasures are not an end in itself for them, although they are a powerful impulse. These people prefer to hide their sexuality, revealing it only in the process of direct intimacy, and they themselves do not attach much importance. To satisfy their desires, they usually wait for an opportunity, without showing any initiative.

Swati has the best compatibility with the Buffalo (Hasta), Ram (Pushya), Sheep (Krittika), Elephant (Bharani), Elephant (Revati), Bull (Uttar-Phalguni), Cow (Uttar-bhadra).

Visakha November 6 - 18

Animal symbol - Tiger
Celestial ruler - Jupiter

Nakshatra Vishakha is associated with a star called Gemma. Thanks to the influence of this celestial body, people become more outwardly attractive, strong, determined, disciplined, strive to bring all their affairs to a victorious end - it is not for nothing that the name of the star is translated as “the star of purposefulness”. She is depicted as a tree spreading its branches wide. It serves as the personification of a person who is in labor and cares, who is waiting for the fruits of his work to ripen; a person whose influence on others increases.

Visakhas are distinguished by their attentive, sensitive attitude towards people, sociability, love for the company of friends, favor to their advice. Being ambitious, they are attached to everything material, open to everything new, striving for success. However, having reached it, having achieved the goal, Vishakha very quickly lose interest in their occupation. People born at this time are big fans of all sorts of mysteries of nature.

Representatives of this nakshatra are characterized by duality of behavior in love. Even having a serious relationship, they are not going to categorically refuse possible new intrigues. Periodic infidelity, inconstancy and eternal dissatisfaction are the touches to the portrait of Vishakha. Dissatisfaction with themselves leads them to frequent change of partners.

However, with age, the people of this lunar parking lot change towards stability. They are trying to find a partner with whom they would not have the desire to seek adventure. Some Vishakhas manage to pull themselves together and curb their appetite. In some cases, these people can go to celibacy.

Against the background of complete well-being and satisfaction, representatives of this sign can suddenly cheat on their life partner, feeling annoyed. They are always full of sexual energy, which at any moment can overflow and turn from a spark into a flame; always experiencing this kind of hunger. Therefore, Vishakha needs a temperamental partner who can satisfy his heightened needs.

Vishakha has the best compatibility with the Tigress (Chitra) or another Tiger.

Anuradha November 19 - December 1

Animal symbol - Deer
Heavenly Ruler - Saturn

Nakshatra Anuradha is associated with the divine, soft in nature star Akrab, which means "claw of the Scorpion." And the name of the lunar parking itself is translated as "calling people to activity."

The one who was born at this time has organizational skills. Akrab is also called the star of success, and its name is also translated as “follower of Radha”, and this is an indication of the spiritual inclinations of a person. Radha is a female manifestation of divine energy, which induces all living things on earth to serve Him.

The character of Anuradha surprisingly combines cheerfulness and a tendency to depression, kindness and cruelty. His life is a series of ups and downs on the way to perfection, which the representatives of the lunar parking lot are looking for the entire period of their earthly existence. They have to constantly make a choice between the material and the spiritual. Anuradha is able to deal with all sorts of difficulties, but the load, voluntarily shouldered, often turns out to be unbearable for them.

In love relationships, Anuradhas show themselves to be real idealists, looking for the absolute. If these people happen to fall in love, then everything else fades into the background. But the path of searching for the ideal partner is accompanied by a constant change of lovers, and there are many difficulties in relationships, because Anuradha always thinks that the love of their life is still ahead of them. Thoughts about her, expectation of a bright and all-consuming feeling, they live, for the sake of it they make any sacrifices.

Just for the sake of satisfying sexual desires, Anuradha will not start a relationship with anyone, because in the intimate side of life they see only a component of a huge love feeling. Those born under this lunar mansion experience the pleasure of sexual contact only if they feel loved.

Anuradha has the best compatibility with Deer (Jyestha), Cat (Ashlesha), Cat (Punarvasu), Horse (Ashwini), Bull (Uttar-Phalguni), Cow (Uttar-bhadra), Horse (Satabhisha).

Jyestha (Jyestha, Yesta) December 2 - 14

Animal symbol - Deer
Celestial ruler - Mercury

Nakshatra Jyestha is associated with a strong, sharp star Antares, whose name in translation sounds like “leader, head” or “the eldest”. Thanks to its influence, people acquire abilities that help them reach a leadership position.

People born during this period, as a rule, get everything they want. This is facilitated by a brilliant mind, ambition, the desire to have something that others do not have, a thirst for power, the ability to bring everything to a victorious end. Jyesthas have a strong attachment to material values, although in the depths of their souls there is an aspiration for spirituality. In order to develop it, the people of this lunar station must fight against their own materialism.

If Jyestha fall in love, then their feelings overwhelm, manifest themselves openly and vividly. These jealous and selfish people seem extremely attractive complicated relationship. Long-term relationships are built by them with great difficulty, because Jyestha's path from passionate love to complete indifference can be very short.

In order to achieve the reciprocity of a person they like, they will destroy all obstacles in their path, sometimes turning into completely ruthless persons. It is important for them that the partner attracts them not only in the physical sense, but also in terms of the intellectual. Only people who are able to constantly expand their life horizons can become Jyestha's companions.

In the nature of those born during this period, there is a pronounced sensuality, sexuality, which sometimes takes on the character of a real frenzy. Therefore, the Jyestha must be careful with the power dormant in them, because it can be destructive. The sexual appetites of the representatives of this sign are so great that they are unlikely to be faithful to one partner.

Jyestha has the best compatibility with Deer (Anuradha), Sheep (Krittika), Rat (Magha), Cat (Ashlesha), Cat (Punarvasu), Horse (Ashvini), Horse (Satabhisha), Bull (Uttar-Phalguni), Cow ( Uttar-bhadra).

Mula (Moola) December 15 - 27

Animal symbol - Dog
Celestial Ruler - Ketu - Dragon Tail

The Mula nakshatra is associated with the star Isidis, whose name translates as "the sting of the scorpion." This celestial body is considered sharp and indicates butchers, as well as other elements of society that are distinguished by rigidity. The name of the lunar parking lot is translated as "root" and serves as an indication of people who are looking for the root causes of life, as well as living in rather unfavorable conditions.

These are capable, smart, courageous people. They constantly generate ideas, love adventures, know how to lead, are faithful to everything spiritual, but at the same time they are surrounded by an atmosphere of suspicion. There are many unexpected changes in the life of the Mule, but these people are able to quickly adapt to new conditions. They want to understand everything, to feel everything; lead a rather simple, if not to say ascetic, way of life, even if they are quite wealthy. In their nature, a tendency to sacrifice is clearly visible, and nevertheless, the Mula will not adapt to a partner, but will demand concessions from him.

As for love relationships, here those born under this lunar station show sensuality, sexuality, passion, activity. They are idealists, at the same time they are afraid of adventures and really want them. Sexuality is sometimes a hindrance for them; maybe the Mule is just afraid of her. AT intimate relationships people born under this star are often anxious and suspicious.

Mule is distinguished by variability, unreliability. Although they are indecisive, they are very fond of experiments. They especially like to act, balancing on the verge of violating generally accepted norms. Long-term relationships are acceptable to them only if the partner does not demand absolute compliance with the rules and regulations. Since such an approach is rarely approved by anyone, there are practically no stable, serious relationships in the Mule's life.

Mule has the best compatibility with Dog (Aridra), Monkey (Purva-asadha), Tigress (Chitra).

Purva-asadha (Purvashadha, Purva Askhadha) December 28 - January 10

Animal symbol - Monkeys
Heavenly Ruler - Venus

Nakshatra Purva-asadha is associated with an earthly star, which is part of the constellation Sagittarius. She is under the influence of Venus and serves as an indication of popularity. In translation, her name sounds like "invincible", "rebellious"; another option is "the ancestor who won the victory." It is customary to use the image of a fan as its symbol. The star indicates rich and independent people, as well as a situation where people, not taking into account other people's opinions and interests, act in their own way.

People born under this parking lot are characterized by capriciousness, determination, elusiveness and discipline at the same time. Purva-asadhas tend to persist in their desires, but at the same time they can often decisively and significantly change not only the point of view on something, but also the direction of their own - rather complex - personality. They boast versatile talents, have great creative potential and are constantly evolving. This process often misleads the immediate environment.

Representatives of this nakshatra feel the need for versatile sensations, changes. Their partners should be aware of this. love union. At the same time, Purva-asadha are monogamous, loyal, serious, and adhere to traditional views on the sphere of personal life. If they swear allegiance to a loved one, then they do it completely sincerely, without prejudice. If the partner feels the seriousness of the intentions and aspirations of Purva-asadha, then their union will last until the death of one of the partners. However, the need for change can provoke problems in relationships.

Representatives of this sign are tireless, inspired lovers with a rich imagination. It is not difficult for them to find a common language with representatives of the opposite sex. Purva-asadha is never averse to spending time in bed comforts.

The best compatibility for Purva-Asadha with Monkey (Sravana), Elephant (Bharani), Elephant (Revati), Cat (Ashlesha), Cat (Punarvasu), Horse (Ashwini), Horse (Satabhisha), Dog (Mula).

Uttar-asadha (Uttarashadha, Uttara Ashadha) January 11 - 23

Animal symbol - Mongoose
Heavenly Ruler - Sun

Nakshatra Uttar-asadha is associated with the earthly star Alramin. This solar, auspicious celestial body, whose name in translation sounds like “universal”, “victorious later”, bestows leadership qualities, the ability to establish relationships between people, the joy of spiritual development humanity. Alramin also endows with the instincts of a hunter and a certain inclination to excesses in sexual life.

People who appeared during this period are smart, ambitious, categorically do not accept any kind of lies, bribery. They are very enthusiastic natures; the matter absorbs Uttar-asadha entirely. If they acquire knowledge, they penetrate into the sphere of interest to them very deeply.

Being pronounced idealists, Uttar-asadha cannot accept reality as it is. It is rather difficult for them to get along harmoniously with others, and often with themselves. It is no coincidence that only the Man-Mongoose in this Zodiac does not have a pair. Uttar-asadhas experience conflicting desires, which are sometimes difficult for them to figure out on their own. They are accustomed to independently set the rules of the game and live by them. To realize their own originality, these people need freedom. If a partner appears in the life of a person born in this period, he will have to accept independence, a desire to be alone from time to time, high spiritual demands, extremely complex needs for love. A traditional family union is unlikely to make these Mongoose people happy.

Often the thoughts of Uttar-asadha are focused on matters abstracted from sex. Nevertheless, in the field of intimate life, these people are big dreamers who can bring intrigue to relationships with a partner.

Uttar-asadha has the best compatibility with the Ram (Pushya), Sheep (Krittika), Cow (Uttar-bhadra), Monkey (Purva-asadha), Monkey (Shravana) or another Mongoose. The people of this parking lot will have a bad relationship with those whose animal talisman is the Snake.

Shravana (Shravan) January 24 - February 5

Animal symbol - Monkey
Celestial Ruler - Moon

Nakshatra Shravana is associated with the mobile, divine in nature star Giedi, whose name in translation sounds like “listening”, “ear”. This celestial body, in turn, is associated with Vishnu and represents the star of learning, a symbol of obtaining knowledge that contributes to the emergence of human consciousness beyond the material world. Giedi governs people when they worship and serve someone.

Smart, sometimes to the point of genius, caustic Shravana is able not to succumb to illusions, to discern the truth behind them, to help people in Hard time, to defend their rights, often for this, joining the ranks of various associations and associations. They give the impression of cold, indifferent persons, but this is just a skillful disguise, hiding a sensitive, sentimental soul.

Representatives of this sign face great difficulties when they need to express their feelings. As a companion, the Monkey is only suitable for a person who is able to understand how strong and deep her emotional experiences are, to appreciate her tact. Shravana are witty, charming; they are capable of loving feelings, but from time to time they need to spend some time alone with themselves and “play silent”. The need for solitude should not be equated by the chosen one with the inability to love.

Not all representatives of this lunar station are serious about close relationships. These incredibly charming and sly, mischievous Monkeys are perceived as entertainment and sex. If they understand that a partner does not make them a happier person, they will quickly find a replacement for him. Too passionate, dramatic relationships are not for them.

Shravan has the best compatibility with Monkey (Purva-asadha), Elephants (Bharani and Revati), Cow (Uttar-bhadra), Horse (Ashvini), Cats (Punnarvasu and Ashlesha).

Dhanishta (Dhanishtha, Dhonishtha) February 6 - 18

Animal symbol - Lioness
Heavenly Ruler - Mars

Nakshatra Dhanishta is associated with a star that has low nature, which is called Sualokhin. The ancient Greeks gave her another name - Soter. This celestial body is ruled by Mars. The mobile nature of the star provides people who are far from home with good luck. In translation, its name sounds like "symphony", and this is an indication of participation in a certain association of people in the name of a common goal. Symbolically, Sualokhin is depicted as a drum.

People belonging to this lunar station are distinguished by charisma, wealth in terms of and development of the spirit, and material support, eloquence, the same power of word and deed, attentive attitude to the interlocutors. Dhanishta are real altruists. They seem to be trying to fill the void that exists in their souls with good deeds. Only by helping others do they justify their stay on earth.

These are dazzling, attractive people who, nevertheless, strive to maintain a distance. Yet the Dhanishtas are open in expressing their feelings and intentions towards those they like. They are very demanding of their partners (although they do not claim to possess them), but they themselves invariably fulfill their obligations. Representatives of this sign will remain faithful to those partners who manage to win their hearts and justify their hopes. The feelings of the people of this camp are distinguished by integrity. Those close to Dhanishta are ready to endure a lot from them.

In intimate relationships, they have an excellent appetite, and Lioness people treat him absolutely calmly. They do not hide their desire, but they know how to control it.

Dhanishta has the best compatibility with Leo (Purva-bhadra) or another Lioness.

Satabhisha (Satabisha, Satabhiskhak) February 19 - March 3

Animal symbol - Horse
Heavenly Ruler - Rahu - Dragon Head

The Satabhisha nakshatra is associated with a star called Sadalmelik. The name of the lunar station itself in translation sounds like “one hundred healers”, “great doctor”, and she herself points to doctors and healers. Since Sadalmelik is a cloaking, covering star, she is an indication of calm, quiet people or those who, in trying to express themselves, are faced with restrictions.

People born under this lunar station are distinguished by secrecy (and sometimes clearly excessive), steadfast adherence to principles, lack of sufficient faith in their own capabilities. They are worried, endlessly nervous, trying to find answers to their questions. Satabhishas create obstacles for themselves, and therefore achievements often become the cause of their disappointment. At the same time, sometimes they can jump over their heads and do the almost impossible.

The needs and principles of Satabhish in love relationships are controversial. They need the classics, but with a touch of originality, constancy, which would excite and excite them at the same time. Representatives of this lunar parking lot are ready to behave differently than usual, to perform functions that are not characteristic of them, so that their loved ones are satisfied with them.

Outwardly, people born on these days give the impression of strict, restrained, rather conservative. However, this view of them is misleading. In the soul of Satabhish, they often experience a burning desire, dream of stormy sex, but they will never show initiative in this matter. Not admitting their desires even to themselves, they risk bringing trouble on their heads. In addition, these people cannot get full satisfaction, because they are often unable to imbue their partner with unconditional trust.

Satabhish has the best compatibility with Horse (Ashwini), Deer (Jyestha), Deer (Anuradha), Serpents (Rohini and Mrigashira), Monkey (Purva-asadha), Monkey (Shravana).

Purva-bhadra (Purvabhadrapada, Purva Bhadrapadas) March 4 - 16

Animal symbol - Lion
Celestial ruler - Jupiter

Nakshatra Purva-bhadra is associated with the earthly nature, the negative star Algenib. Its name sounds translated as "burning couple", "happy ancestors". Algenib is an indication of impulsive, passionate people with a fickle mind. The star is ruled by Jupiter and is the celestial body of people who repent of their mistakes and sins, as well as brahmins, a caste of intellectuals.

People born at this time are distinguished by benevolence, nobility, readiness to help those in need until they lose their strength. They are fierce enemies of oppression and prejudice; for the sake of the common cause, Purva-bhadra will spare no time, no effort, no money. At the same time, they treat their own financial resources much more frivolously and are far from being brilliant managers.

If the representatives of this lunar station happen to fall in love, then these bold, dynamic, bright, generous, very sexy people are ready to give their feelings a large amount of emotions, energy, strength. However, this applies not only to love relationships, but also family, friendly ones. Purva-bhadra give the impression of being dependent, but they actually act and think quite independently.

They are not afraid of disappointment; tend to see in a relationship with a partner and in life in general only positive sides. The fact that Purva-bhadra does not take off their rose-colored glasses can provoke their loved ones to lie and betray.

People whose symbol is Leo are always confident in their own success with the opposite sex, and therefore their behavior is often defiant. They are actually very attractive and strong sexually, but in order to meet the requirements loved one can put in a lot of effort.

Purva-bhadra has the best compatibility with a Lioness (Dhanishta) or another Leo.

Uttar Bhadra 17 to 30 March

Animal symbol - Cow
Heavenly Ruler - Saturn

Nakshatra Uttar-bhadra is associated with the earthly star Alferatz. Its name in translation sounds like a “burning couple”, as well as “happy descendants”. Alferatz has a beneficial effect - it endows a person with the ability to develop the spirit from lower levels to higher, keep your anger under control. She is the heavenly body of warriors, protectors.

People born during this period are distinguished by great wisdom, sympathetic attitude towards their neighbors, and tolerance. These are fatalists who look at life with a slightly detached look. Self-denial, idealism often cause problems, mainly in adolescence. People whose talisman animal is the Cow are the breadwinners for everyone.

In the nature of the sensitive and dreamy Uttar-bhadra, emotionality and activity are organically combined. They not only dream of ideal relationships, but also build them themselves. If this does not work out very well, Uttar-bhadra rush into love adventures or break off relations. Left alone, they learn from the past and learn how to live without love and sex. Uttar-bhadras can be considerate and gentle people, but most of them are still ascetic or arrogant.

For representatives of this lunar station, spiritual values ​​​​are more significant than passions. In the name of a rich spiritual life, they can go to self-restraint in love relationships. Uttar-bhadra are sensual people, they dream of tenderness, love, but they are quite capable of doing without sex as such. Their ideal in this area is the golden mean.

Uttar-bhadra has the best compatibility with the Bull (Uttar-Phalguni), the Buffalo (Swati), the Buffalo (Hasta), the Deer (Jyestha), the Deer (Anuradha), the Ram (Pushya).

Revati March 31 - April 12

Mascot Animal - Elephant
Celestial ruler - Mercury

Nakshatra Revati is associated with the soft star El Risha. The name of this lunar station in translation sounds like “rich”, “richest”, besides, El-Risha endows those born under it with material prosperity. She points to people who, just as a shepherd takes care of his flock, take care of food and protection of those close to him entrusted to him.

People born during this period are distinguished by patience, calmness, goodwill, attentiveness, courage, generosity. Revati are considered the most sacrificial and generous people in the entire Zodiac. Against the background of many others, they stand out for their crystal purity of soul and inner beauty. These people are ready to dissolve in their loved ones, fade into the background, sacrifice themselves. There is a certain danger in this, so the Revatis should not lose themselves in this service.

Ideal love relationships for those born under this star will be those based on trust and embellished with romance. Revati should try not to succumb to the charms of partners who are characterized by excessive selfishness and lack of sensitivity. To win the hearts of these people, you need to feel their desires and needs well, try to understand the peculiarities of the inner world. If there is no mutual obligation and depth of feelings, Revati will not agree to maintain a relationship solely for the sake of sex. Self-doubt often gives rise to distrust and jealousy in the representatives of this sign. Doubts seem to paralyze their will and mind, forcing Revati to stop in complete confusion. Therefore, people of this camp should learn to trust and believe in their own strength.

Revati need a full-fledged intimate relationship. However, people whose thoughts are especially pure find it difficult to have and maintain conversations about sex and other aspects of life. human body. Topics like this are very annoying.

Revati has the best compatibility with Elephant (Bharani), Buffalo (Svati), Buffalo (Hasta), Sheep (Krittika), Ram (Pushya), Serpents (Rohini and Mrigashira), Monkey (Purva-asadha) and Monkey (Shravana).

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